Why the computer does not see the iPhone via USB: solution to the problem. The computer does not see the iPhone: causes and solution to the problem The computer does not see a copy of the iPhone 7

Hi all!

After I wrote several lessons about the iPhone, I began to get asked the following question more and more often: Sergey, why doesn’t the computer see the iPhone?. It’s one thing when you were asked about it once, but another thing when this question comes up regularly! I decided to look into this issue and, as it turned out, the reasons for this may be very different and, naturally, the approach to solving this problem may also be different.

I have collected 10 tips that I want to tell you about here. Let's get down to business right away!

Reinstall drivers on USB

One proven way to solve this problem is to reinstall USB drivers for iPhone. We need through device Manager remove them and then reinstall them.

First of all, use a USB cable to connect your iPhone to your computer. Next, go to Properties of the Computer section and open device Manager.

In the window that opens, find the USB Controllers section or it may also be a section Portable devices. Open it and look for Apple Mobile Device USB. You need to right-click on it and select Delete.

In the confirmation window, check the box " Remove driver programs for this device" and click OK.

The old, bad, unnecessary driver will be removed!

Now unplug the iPhone's USB cable from the computer and plug it in again. The driver will be installed again, as indicated by the following window:

Also on the iPhone we should be asked for permission to give the computer access to photos and videos. Naturally, click Allow.

In most cases, when the computer does not see the iPhone, this method will solve the problem. But if this doesn't help you, then let's try other tips!

Update chipset drivers (USB)

Every computer has a motherboard and chipsets installed on it. So, these chipsets are responsible for connecting various devices to the computer. For normal operation of chipsets, drivers are also needed. In some cases, drivers begin to work unstably. Most often this can happen if from some.

It happens that the computer not only does not see the iPhone, it cannot detect any other phones or flash drives at all. This is exactly what happened to me on old Windows. Updating the drivers for the chipset helped.

What to do in this situation?

First option. First, open the website http://devid.info/ru and click on the green Download button to download the DevID agend program for quick installation and update of drivers.

When installing, uncheck the boxes to avoid installing unnecessary ones.

After starting the program, you can click Start Search and the program will scan the equipment and offer to update old drivers.

It would be good if there is a fresh version of the driver for the chipset. In this case, it will be updated. But if not, then try the following steps.

1.2 Download and install the chipset

The second option is to download the drivers yourself and install them. Depending on your motherboard, it could be an Intel chipset or an AMD chipset. Let's look at the installation using chipsets from Intel as an example.

On the official Intel website, at this link: https://downloadcenter.intel.com you can download the program for chipsets. Press the blue button Chipset.

1.3 Auto-selection of Intel drivers

Third option. You can also have Intel select the drivers needed for our system. To do this, they have a special utility on their website that will scan our equipment and install the necessary programs.

Click "Trust this computer"

Please note that when we connect our phone to the computer, a request appears on the screen where we must allow access to settings and data. Just click Trust.

Connect to another USB connector

Try changing the USB connector. Especially if you insert the cable from the iPhone to the connectors on the front panel of the system unit. Try connecting the cable to one of those connectors on the back of the system unit. These connectors are directly soldered into the motherboard, and they work as cool as possible!

Reinstall iTunes

I hope you know that in order to fully manage your iPhone on a computer, we need iTunes programs for Windows. If it doesn't work well for you, you need to reinstall it. Or you can just update.

Download the latest version and install over the old one. The program will be updated.

Restart Apple Mobile Device Service

Before performing this step, be sure to disconnect your iPhone from your computer and close iTunes. Now we need to restart Apple services. Because you never know, they suddenly become stupid.

Open the search bar by pressing the hot keys WIN+Q and enter Services in the search bar.

We launch the found program and find the Apple Mobile Device Service. Open it by double clicking the mouse.

We stop the service.

Now you need to make sure that the startup type is Automatic and then restart this service.

Open the computer section and find the iPhone

After updating iTunes and restarting the Apple service, the computer should definitely now see the iPhone. Open the Computer section and find your phone here.

In my case it is at the very top, but yours may be at the bottom. Be careful, what if the computer sees the iPhone, but you’re just not paying attention to it here!

Connect iPhone to another computer

If you connect your iPhone to another computer, you will immediately be able to understand where to dig next. If another computer sees the iPhone, then the problem is most likely on the side of your computer, which does not see the phone. If other computers or laptops don’t see the iPhone, then there’s definitely something wrong with the USB cable or with the phone itself! To be on the safe side, I would connect the phone to two different computers with different systems.


If none of the methods described above solved the problem and the laptop or computer still does not see the iPhone, then something has broken in the device itself. I think that the power connector into which the cable is inserted has simply failed.

Try, test and I hope everything works out for you.

Most modern iOS devices can work remotely from a personal computer. However, sometimes circumstances develop in such a way that connecting an iPhone to a computer becomes simply necessary.

Many users, when connecting a device to a computer, very often encounter a problem when the PC does not see the communicator connected via a USB port. Often the problem is hidden in the absence or incompatibility of drivers; the USB cable may also be damaged or simply connected incorrectly. To troubleshoot problems, you must first identify their cause.

There are a large number of such reasons, from the simplest ones, which you can eliminate yourself at home, to the most complex ones, in the presence of which you cannot do without the help of a specialist.

The most common causes of the problem are the following:

Cable fault

This factor is the most common when the communicator is not connected to a computer. Very often, the connecting cable may have various internal damages, which are sometimes not noticeable at first glance. To fix the problem, first of all you need to carefully inspect the connecting cord for possible deformations.

If for some reason this is not possible, you must try connecting the devices with a different cable. If it turns out that the cause is hidden in a cable malfunction, then you can try to eliminate it in the following ways:

  • buy a new cord;
  • if the damage is external, then you can try to eliminate the deformation with your own hands;
  • Contact your nearest computer service center.

USB port problem

With this problem, the connection may be completely absent or unstable. In this case, most likely, there was a mechanical failure or clogging of the ports of the computer or the iPhone itself.

Very often it is not possible to connect devices if the problem is with the USB driver or an outdated operating system. In both the first and second cases, there will be no synchronization of the personal computer, so it will not be able to detect the mobile phone.

In addition, various antiviruses and other programs that ensure the security of your computer and tablet can interfere with the interaction of two devices.

An error appears when launching the Apple Mobile Device program

In this case, you can try to eliminate desynchronization by restarting your iPhone or computer. But if you still can’t launch the program, then most likely the problem is with the Apple Mobile Device service itself. Incorrect operation of this service can be resolved by reinstalling it. But it is worth considering that in this case you will have to reinstall all iTunes software components.

iTunes doesn't recognize iPhone

This problem is quite common among users. Sometimes iTunes displays errors, and there are times when it does not want to work on the computer at all. The reasons for such problems can be very different: from a damaged cable to a faulty USB connector. In addition, the reasons may be hidden in the following:

  • Apple service failure;
  • outdated drivers;
  • antivirus ban;
  • influence of malicious software.

All these reasons have a direct impact on the synchronized work between a personal computer and an iPhone. Therefore, if one of the reasons occurs, the PC will not be able to recognize the communicator.

iPhone not working properly

If the mobile device malfunctions, the computer will not be able to see the connected device. In this case, the communicator may not respond to touches on the display and clicks, and may simply turn off. To eliminate this error, you need to force restart your mobile phone.

This is done by pressing and then holding the “Home” button (for 6 iPhones), the bottom volume button (for 7 and 8 iPhones) until the brand logo appears on the screen (apple). It usually takes no more than ten seconds to turn on the phone.

If this method does not help, then you need to connect the charger to the gadget for a period of at least one hour. According to the technical specifications, a properly working device should start charging after a couple of minutes.

If this does not help, then it is recommended to check the serviceability of the slot, adapter and cable. These elements must be unclogged, without any visible deformations. If the entire charging system is working properly, but the computer still does not recognize the mobile phone, then you need to contact a service center.

Many users who connect a gadget to a computer encounter a problem when the connected device generates an error. The main cause of this error is the “Lockdown” folder, which is located in the iPhone software files. Eliminating this error is not difficult, even for an ordinary user. To do this, users of the Windows operating system need:

  • go to explorer;
  • find the “Application Data” section;
  • open the “Apple” folder;
  • find the “Lockdown” folder and move it to the trash;
  • restart iTunes.

After completing all of the above steps, iTunes should resume working, which will help the personal computer recognize the connected gadget.

Correct connection of the gadget

Each Apple gadget comes with a docking cable that provides a wired connection between your computer and iPhone. This connection is made using a USB port built into a laptop or computer.

Connecting a mobile device resembles the principle of connecting a regular flash drive, the purpose of which is to exchange various files (photos, videos, etc.).

In addition, you need to install the iTunes application on your computer; it is best to use the latest version, which can be downloaded through a specialized website. The only drawback of this connection is that the gadget can only be connected to one desktop computer or laptop.

To connect you need:

  1. Connect the USB cable to the device and computer.
  2. Install the iTunes program if this program has not been installed.
  3. Launch iTunes.
  4. Set up synchronization.

Correctly connecting devices and installing the necessary programs will allow you to connect your mobile phone to a laptop or computer without any problems.

It happens that correctly installed iTunes does not recognize the communicator. This means that the gadget cannot connect to this program; in this case, you can use the following recommendations from experts:

  1. Make sure that the connecting cord, USB and telephone jack are intact.
  2. On the display of the connected accessory in the pop-up window, click on the “OK” button, thus allowing a new connection.
  3. Install missing drivers.
  4. Reinstall or upgrade the operating system of your computer or phone.
  5. Restart iTunes or set it to update automatically.
  6. Restart your Apple Mobile Device.
  7. Restart your PC or communicator.

If none of the tips lead to a positive result, you must contact the service center.

Reinstalling Apple Mobile Device

Many users, after installing Apple Mobile Device, cannot launch it. This problem can be solved by re-downloading the program, which involves doing the following:

  • turn off the gadget and the iTunes program;
  • write “services.msc” in the command line (only for the Windows operating system);
  • in the window that opens, find the desired service and open its properties;
  • fix the startup type (set it to automatic instead of manual);
  • after a few seconds you need to click on the “start” button;
  • Then restart the computer and reconnect the iPhone via cable. Don't forget to turn on iTunes.

If the problem cannot be resolved, you need to try reinstalling the program again.

However, it is worth considering that reinstalling this component involves synchronous removal and subsequent reinstallation of the entire iTunes application complex. After the removal is completed, you need to download and install a new file, following the instructions.

The PC does not see the gadget as a removable disk

The reasons that a personal computer or laptop does not recognize the accessory as a flash drive may be the following problems:

  1. Cable damage.
  2. iTunes is not working properly.
  3. Problems with the phone itself.

In this case, correcting the situation is not so difficult. The main thing is to correctly determine the cause of the error. If this concerns the cable, then it just needs to be replaced. If the connector is broken, it is recommended to use another one. As for software errors, you can try reinstalling or restarting the programs.

If you still can’t fix the problem yourself, then you need to diagnose the gadget at a service center.

To synchronize iPhone data with another computer or iOS device, you need iTunes. Sometimes errors may appear during the process, and the device does not appear in the list of available ones. Next, we will explain in detail why the iPhone does not connect to the computer via USB and what to do to fix the problem.

Possible problems

If, after connecting the iPhone to the computer (Windows, macOS), the smartphone does not appear in iTunes or the list of devices, then there may be several reasons for this. Let's look at the main problems and ways to solve them:

  • You have an old version of iTunes installed on your computer. Try downloading updates through the settings or completely reinstall the program (the distribution is available on the official website).
  • The version of the operating system installed on the computer does not meet the program requirements. If you are using OS X, check for updates and download them if necessary. Remember that iTunes is only available for Windows and macOS.
  • Lack of drivers. If charging is in progress, the smartphone is detected by the device, but cannot synchronize with the program. Make sure that all necessary drivers (Apple Mobile Device and others) are installed on your PC or Mac. They download automatically the first time you connect your iPhone to your computer. If necessary, download them from the official Apple website.
  • Faulty connector, cable. If the computer no longer sees the smartphone, then the reason may be a clogged or faulty USB connector on the PC or iPhone. Try using a different cable (only the original one).
  • The presence of viruses on your computer or smartphone. Conduct a full system scan and eliminate possible threats. After that, try reconnecting your iPhone to your PC.

Sometimes the connection is invisible to the computer due to installed antivirus software or other security monitoring programs blocking the connection. Try temporarily disabling them and only then try synchronizing data again.

Connecting iPhone to computer via USB

If you want to view files stored on your iPhone from your computer, create a backup copy, or perform other actions, then connect it to your computer via USB. Procedure:

  1. Take the original iPhone cable and use it to connect the device and PC.
  2. Wait for the drivers to install automatically. If necessary, download them from the official website or using third-party software.
  3. Launch iTunes. If you do not have the program, then download the distribution kit (available for Windows and macOS).
  4. Wait until the iPhone icon appears in iTunes and the device appears in the list of available ones. After this, a green check mark will appear in the tray.
  5. Go to the Review tab to get detailed information about your smartphone.

After this, you will be able to create backups, reset the device to factory settings, and perform other actions. After connecting your iPhone via USB, you can synchronize data via Wi-Fi.

For normal data synchronization between your computer and smartphone, download and install updates for iOS on time. You can check availability through the settings.

Reinstalling drivers

If you are confident in the integrity of the cable and connector, but the computer does not detect the connected device, then most likely the synchronization problem is due to a driver malfunction. Disconnect all iOS devices from your PC and follow these steps to reinstall them:

  1. On a Windows computer. Open Device Manager and find Portable Devices in the list. A list of available drivers will appear. Right-click on “Apple Mobile Device Driver” and select “Update”. If this does not help, then completely remove the driver.
  2. On a MacBook. Connect your iPhone and unlock your device. On your computer, go to the Apple menu. Here, find the “System Information” section. On the left side of the window that opens, find the “USB” item. You will then see available third-party software on the right. Remove it.

iPhone drivers will be reinstalled on your computer automatically using iTunes. If this does not help, then this can be done through third-party software. For example, copytrans drivers installer.

The computer does not see the iPhone via USB, but is charging

If, when you connect your iPhone to your computer, the smartphone charges, but does not appear in iTunes or the list of available devices, then try the following:

  1. Disconnect the device and reinstall the drivers. To do this, completely remove all Apple programs (including iTunes) from your computer. This can be done through the Add or Remove Programs utility. After that, download them from the official website.
  2. Delete temporary Apple Mobile Device files from the Roaming and AppData folders.
  3. Try connecting your iPhone via a different USB connector, using a different cable (only the original one).

Sometimes the problem may be a clogged or faulty connector. Try gently cleaning it with a brush or blowing it with air.

iPhone won't charge from USB computer

If the computer does not recognize the device and the iPhone does not charge, then most likely the problem is a faulty USB cable. Try using a different cord or connecting your smartphone to another Windows PC or MacBook. Other recommendations:

  1. Make sure your computer is running and not in sleep or hibernation mode.
  2. Try connecting the device to another computer, laptop, or use a USB 3.0 connector.
  3. If an error message appears with the text “Device not supported,” then the problem may be a faulty smartphone cable. Then it will not be possible to eliminate it programmatically.

If the device is not recognized by the computer even when using other USB cables, try contacting a service center. Most likely, your iPhone needs to replace a cable or other faulty component.

The problem “iTunes does not see iPhone” is as old as the very first iPhone and sometimes even advanced users cannot solve it. However, often everything is resolved very simply - just follow a few basic steps.

You can find dozens of different methods on the Internet, half of which are either not relevant for the latest version of iTunes or are too confusing. In fact, everything is solved simply.

First of all, you need to make sure that each element is working:

    USB port. iTunes does not see iPhone due to a failed USB port; connect your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch to another USB port, preferably located on the back wall of the system unit

    USB cable. Use a different wire

    Computer. A malfunction of the Apple Mobile Device results in iTunes not recognizing the iPhone. Changing your computer, if possible in your situation, may restore functionality

    BY. Uninstall and reinstall iTunes by downloading the latest version of the distribution from the official website.

If primitive measures do not help solve the problem, it’s time to get to the root of the situation. Please note: Instructions vary for Windows XP, Windows 7 and Mac.

What to do if iTunes does not see iPhone in Windows XP

    Go to Control Panel -> Administration -> Services

    Click on Apple Mobile Device and press Stop the service

    Start service

What to do if iTunes does not see iPhone in Windows 7 and Windows 8

    Disconnect your iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch from your computer and close iTunes

    Go to Control Panel -> Administration -> Services

    Select an item Apple Mobile Device and press Stop the service

    After making sure that the service has stopped, in the same window, click Start service

    Wait for it to fully launch and connect your iPhone or other Apple device to your computer

    If everything went well, specify in the service properties Apple Mobile Device startup type “ Auto

What to do if iTunes does not see iPhone in Mac OS X

  1. Disconnect your iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch from your computer and close iTunes
  2. Remove by moving to Cart:
    2. 1. iTunes icon from the launcher (Dock)
    2. 2. iTunes folder(Libraries -> iTunes)
    2. 3. File AppleMobileDevice.kext, finding it at the address System -> Libraries -> Extension
    2. 4. File AppleMobileDeviceSupport.pkg, finding it at the address Libraries -> Receipts
  3. Restart your computer
  4. Clear Cart and restart your computer again
  5. Download the latest version of the iTunes distribution for Mac from the official website and feel free to connect your device

As you can see, there is nothing difficult about restoring iTunes functionality. Of course, there are rare exceptions, for example, if the problem lies in the hardware of the devices. In such cases, ask questions at

Dear readers and buyers of Chinese phones, this article is written for that category of consumers who are confused by complex technical terms and need clear step-by-step instructions with photographs for connecting a Chinese smartphone to a computer or laptop. I note that the type of device to which the smartphone is connected does not affect the circuit. For you advanced users and specialists in the field of mobile technologies, everything written will be very simple and primitive. And you won’t even have a question of this kind. Therefore, comments to the article of a humorous nature will be deleted.

So, how to connect a copy of an IPhone or any other Chinese phone to a computer or laptop (we are talking about mobile phones running Android OS)

The phone comes with a USB cable. This is the cable that you use when charging your smartphone. This is exactly what is needed to connect two devices. We take the cable and connect the iPhone and also connect the cable to the USB connector of the computer. The sequence doesn't matter. After this, a pop-up window like this will appear on your computer display in the lower left corner. The gist of it is this: the system detected a new device and says that it is ready to work or what needs to be done so that she can work with the new device. Usually, by default, the system automatically finds and connects two devices. Now, dear reader, the main thing begins. Please be careful!!! You need to activate the top pop-up menu. This is done simply: holding the mobile phone in one hand with the display facing you, run your finger from the top of the smartphone to the middle. We just casually swipe with our finger. As a result, the following picture will appear on the display of the iPhone copy (this is the top bar of the smartphone or the pop-up menu).

You need to click on the “Graphical system interface” option (in the photo it is the 3rd option with the red icon characteristic of the IPhone). We press our finger on this option, it informs that the USB connection is established. In general, there may be many notifications from the phone software on the display. For example: whether SIM is active or not, how to enter letters on the keyboard, etc... You just look for the desired option and activate it. On the smartphone screen we will see part of the cable that you connected to the computer and the inscription “Enable USB storage”.

In the next photo, the software (software) notifies that some functions and applications will not be available until the USB drive is disconnected. There is no need to be alarmed; this will not affect the performance of your smartphone in any way. The system simply notifies you of the consequences of further actions. Click "OK". A familiar notification will appear on the display of your Chinese phone asking you to “Disconnect USB storage.” This means that you have done everything correctly and you can start downloading files.

Now we go (click) through the “Computer” icon. The system notifies us that a new device with removable storage has appeared, which is called IPhone.

Then everything is standard. Click on the new device on your computer and go to system files, where you can save the necessary information and create folders. For clarity, we saved one of the screenshots and moved it to a Chinese copy of the iPhone. (a screenshot is an instant shot of the monitor screen, a photo of the contents of the monitor at a specific moment).