Why can’t I log into VK from my phone? Can't log in to VKontakte

Many users have at least once asked the question “Why can’t I log into VK?” Indeed, this problem occurs quite often. And there may be several reasons at once. In this article we will look at the main ones, and also analyze the most effective ways solutions.

Problems on the VK website

From time to time, even such a giant as VKontakte experiences problems with server performance. At such moments, a user trying to log into a social network receives an error message on the screen. In addition, when you click the login button, the page may spontaneously refresh, or the button may not work at all, taking the form of a regular picture. If the Internet connection is working properly, and all other causes of problems are excluded, the user can only wait for the technical service of the social network to get the site working.


Quite often, the reason for restricting access to a social network is malware or simply viruses that have managed to penetrate the device’s memory. In this case, if you specify a valid login and password, authorization does not occur, the page freezes or is updated for no reason.

In order to solve the problem, it is recommended to use a reliable antivirus program, which should be launched in smart, full or deep scan mode. After the antivirus detects all threats, it will offer a solution for each of them: treatment or total removal.

There are many reasons why we cannot log into our VKontakte account from our home or work computer. The system asks you to enter a phone number, activation code, information that the page is blocked, and so on. Of course, the person understands that I can’t make contact. A natural question arises: why, how to solve this problem, what to do?

Quite often we don’t get to our page and the situation “I can’t get in touch” arises, because we receive a message that the profile has been hacked, and a stream of spam is coming from the page. At the same time, we are asked to enter some personal information.

The search for a real solution to a problem usually begins after the input telephone number or sending SMS does not bring results, only leading to money being withdrawn from the phone account. There is also a situation when the VKontakte website cannot open, producing various “digital” errors, for example, 404 or 403. The reasons why all these problems occur are usually the same. In rare cases, the cause of the malfunction is something else, but this will be discussed further.

If a page requires you to enter a phone number or code, you should never do this. The appearance of a page with information about suspected hacking indicates that there is a virus or other malicious software on the computer. Viruses can radically change network settings, so when you try to log into your accounts, you are redirected to a page belonging to scammers. Its design is completely identical to the VKontakte page, and the sent message automatically subscribes to a package of paid services.

Due to these actions, you may lose your login and password to enter the page. And then sending spam, and not just the problem “I can’t log into VK,” definitely cannot be avoided.

A little more about viruses

A slightly different situation also happens. We may not see any messages, but the page cannot open, giving an error, the same problem - I can’t get into contact, and that’s it. The reason may be the same virus changing the network route. The lifespan of such a site is quite short - less than that of viruses. That is why there is a high probability of “catching” malware that accompanies a resource that no longer exists.

This is how malware and viruses work. They record changes to system network settings. This is usually a computer file called hosts. As a result, the user enters the address of the social network vk.com into the command line, but ends up in a completely different place than he wanted, that is, on a fake site. The purpose of creating such sites, as we have already said, is to swindle money in favor of scammers or take over contact information.

How to solve the hacking problem, what to do

As one can understand from everything said above, in fact, no hacking occurs in the technical use of this concept. All changes in the hosts file caused by viruses are absolutely not dangerous. But other malfunctions may also occur. There are several ways to solve the “I can’t get in touch” problem, which we will look at below.

Resetting your computer's network settings using AVZ

First, you should consider the simplest and most convenient way to solve the “I can’t get in touch” problem. In addition, it is also the fastest among existing ones. On the Internet you need to download the AVZ utility, which does all the work itself, so the user does not need to study in detail what exactly needs to be fixed in hosts and other files and sections. It is important to remember that you need to download the utility only from the official website. Then you need to install it, after unpacking it into the desired folder.

It must be launched only as Administrator. The main menu will open, where you need to first select the “File” section, and then “System Restore”. In the newly opened window, you need to check the boxes next to a number of items. Each computer has its own settings and versions operating system, but the checkboxes should definitely be opposite:

  • “Resetting SPL/LSP and TCP/P settings”;
  • “Recovering the Explorer launch key”;
  • “Replace the DNS of all connections with Google Public DNS”;
  • "Cleaning the hosts file."

After all the checkboxes have been checked in in the right places and removed from all other items, you must click on the “Perform marked operations” button. Next comes the computer reboot, after which you should try to access the VKontakte website again. It is worth noting that while the utility is performing its functions, the connection to the Internet will most likely be lost, but after the operating system reboots, everything will be restored. Some latest versions of the utility automatically adjust to system parameters, so in most cases the checkboxes will already be checked where necessary.

How to fix the hosts file yourself

Usually the first method helps. But if for some reason this did not happen, and it is again impossible to log into your VKontakte page, then you can manually correct the hosts parameters. This method is also suitable for those who do not want to download anything.

The first thing to do is to find the Notepad program in the Start menu, which is located in the Accessories folder. In Windows 8, it is better to use the search. Notepad must be run as Administrator. In the program menu you need to select “File”, then “Open”. A new dialog box will open where you can select the file format. You need to change “Text documents.txt” to “All files”. Opening hosts file, located in the Windows/System32/Drivers/etc folder. If at the bottom open file If there are lines that mention “VKontakte”, they must be deleted. Then you need to save the corrected hosts, and then restart the computer.

Due to the fact that this method of solving the problem is quite simple and accessible to everyone, some viruses are designed in such a way that they place entries much lower than empty lines. So, if you couldn’t find what you needed right away, you can try scrolling down the Notepad window.

Troubleshooting using Windows Static Routes

If the problem is not in the hosts file at all, then we continue to look for the answer to the question of why I can’t get in touch. Most often, the cause of problems with logging into VKontakte is the registration of static routes in the operating system. To solve the problem, first you need to launch the command line as Administrator. From the Start menu, select command line. Like Notepad, it is located in the Accessories folder. Right-click on it and select the line “Run as Administrator”. After opening, you need to enter the command route–f, and then run it with the Enter key. Usually at this point the Internet connection is interrupted. There is no need to worry, as in the case of work AVZ utilities. After restarting the computer, everything will be restored.

How to configure automatic network configuration script and proxy server

This option for the problem to occur is considered by experts to be the least likely among the reasons why it appears, but still it cannot be excluded. IN in this case a virus or malicious software writes addresses of third-party proxy servers or various automatic network configuration scripts into the computer system.

To make sure that this is the problem, go to the “Control Panel” of the operating room Windows systems. To do this, you can use the “Start” menu or the “My Computer” folder (for Windows 10 – “This PC”). Next you need to do this - select “Internet Options”. The icon may not appear, but in this case we return the “Control Panel” to the classic view. In “Internet Options” there is a section “Internet Options”, where we click on the “Connections” tab, in which we click on “Network Settings”. Then you need to look at what is in this tab. The default setting is “Automatic parameter detection”. Apart from this, nothing else should be installed. If something looks different, you need to do a factory reset. After this, you will need to restart your PC again.

Dr.Web Curelt and trial antiviruses

If none of the listed methods brought the desired result and did not solve the problem “I can’t log into contact,” there is one more, last one. You can use the Dr.Web Curelt utility. It may not identify the problem, but it's worth a try since the utility is provided completely free of charge. It can be downloaded from the official website.

For some reason the utility didn’t help either? We download high-quality antivirus program. But only high quality. Almost all of them are paid, but most of the manufacturers provide users with the so-called Trial Version - trial version. Typically, its validity period is about thirty days. But this month is quite enough to examine your computer up and down, identify the reasons why you cannot access VKontakte and remove everything unnecessary and causing significant harm to the device.

The day has come when you, as usual, decided to log into your favorite social network, but then it just doesn’t work out.

And you don't understand why this happens. Well, let's solve this problem together.

First, answer the question, what happens when you try to log into vk.com?

Fast forward to the answer you need:

The VKontakte website (vk.com) does not load?

There are several explanations for this:

VKontakte login and password don't work?

The answer to the question and the solution is very simple!

First, make sure that you enter your username and password correctly:

  • Make sure you enter the password in the correct language, for example, you enter a password using Russian letters, but it is on your English keyboard layout;
  • Make sure the caps lock light is not on on the keyboard, otherwise the password will be entered incorrectly;

Are your login and password still incorrect? Then an attacker most likely stole your password and changed it. But you can restore access to your page back, if the page is registered to your phone number, which you have at hand.

Restoring access to the VKontakte page

Click on the link “Forgot your password?”, enter your phone number to which the page is registered (or e-mail, or login), click “next”. You will be asked to enter the characters from the image (captcha), and then confirm whether this page is yours

After this, a code will be sent to your phone number which you need to enter in the form provided and click “change password”.

Well, after that we just come up with a new password.

After this, you will be able to log in to VKontakte again, with the same login, but with a new password that you came up with.
To avoid errors, you will also receive another SMS on your phone, in which you will be reminded of the information you entered so that you do not forget or lose it.

Are they asking you to send an SMS when you go to a VKontakte page?

Everything seems to be as usual, but they ask you to send SMS for money.

You think that Pavel Durov, the creator of the VKontakte network, is to blame, and that the day has come when you will have to pay for it, or there are some technical problems and in order for everything to work you need to send an SMS. But this is absolutely not true!

Very often people think that their VKontakte page is blocked, or there are simply problems with the vk.com site itself and it does not work, but this is absolutely not true! To check this, just go to your VKontakte page from your friend’s computer and you will make sure that everything is fine with it.

This means that your page is not blocked. What happens then, why doesn’t he go to the vk.com website? The answer is simple - a virus or Trojan program has entered your computer, which blocks access to the site and requires you to send a paid SMS in return.

Such messages can look very believable and as if on behalf of the VKontakte administration, but this is not so.

Remember once and for all, the above-mentioned social network never requires money from you to access your page.

One of the ways to infect your computer or gain access to your page is to send you a link in a letter on behalf of your VKontakte friend, whose page has already been hacked, or whose computer is already charged. You click on it, do some actions, and the next day you cannot get in touch.

Think before you click on such links. More often than not, messages with such links may make you suspicious. For example, you have never communicated with this person (and you don’t remember when he became your friend), and then suddenly a message comes from him: “Hello. How are you? Follow this link, there is something interesting written about you))).” Under no circumstances should you fall for such tricks from scammers.

A file similar to vkontakte.exe could have arrived on your computer, which automatically opens a window reminiscent of the VKontakte site, but this is a fake page, that is, not real, very similar to it, where various errors appear when you want to view your page.

Do not send the SMS that you are asked to send.

This will not give you access, but after one SMS they will require a second, then a third, and so on. At the same time, you constantly have from your account mobile phone Tidy sums will be written off. And you can also infect your mobile phone.

How to solve a problem?

  1. Firstly, install an antivirus. If you have it installed, then update it. Perhaps it antivirus databases are long outdated, and for this reason did not protect your computer from hacker attacks.
  2. Secondly, search for the vkontakte.exe program on your computer. If found, remove it immediately.
  3. Third, edit the host file on your computer, which may have been modified by a virus. We will dwell on this point in more detail, since in most cases this is the reason.

How to find and edit the host file?

Go to C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc. This means go to drive C, then to Windows folder, then to System32, drivers and finally to the etc. folder.

To avoid getting to the etc folder for a long time, as written above, you can simply address bar Explorer, enter C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc and you will be taken to the desired folder.

There is a hosts file there. Open it with standard program"Notebook".
Remove everything from there except this line: localhost

and save the file.

Can't save the hosts file?

If you cannot save the hosts file - you are denied access, then click right click mouse on the hosts file, select “Properties”, then “Security”, then click “Edit” and select users,
(click on the image to enlarge and view it)

check all the boxes and click “Apply”.

After this, you can edit and save the hosts file. But when you edit this file and save it, then return the permissions to us. This is important for safety.

How to prevent such problems in the future?

1) Use antiviruses with constantly up-to-date (fresh) virus and Trojan programs databases;

2) Before entering your username and password from the VKontakte page, make sure that the address vk.com is accurate in your browser.

Due to your carelessness, you can give your password to an attacker by simply entering it on a page very similar to a contact, with a difference in address of just one character, for example 1vk.com;

3) Come up with complex password for VK page and email. Don't just use letters or numbers, but alternate them, and also use large and small letters, also alternating them.

If you are currently using a simple password, immediately go to the page settings and change it to a more complex one.

This will protect you from password guessing programs. Don’t wait until you are hacked and I will send spam on your behalf;

4) Do not download suspicious programs or add-ons for contacts, which, according to the creators, increase friends, likes and votes;

5) Don't open suspicious emails, which come to you by e-mail and do not follow suspicious links in VKontakte messages, even if it is from a person who is your friend (but with whom you have not communicated before).

Remember that scammers do not sleep, and are always finding new ways to make money from you. Be careful and good luck.

VK was blocked in Ukraine: how to bypass the blocking

In May 2017, the president of the country signed a decree blocking Yandex, Vkontakte and other Russian social networks and large resources in the country.

Now all you have to do is use a VPN, or simply any browser extensions that use a proxy.

To access blocked sites from your computer, you will need to install one of the following extensions:

  1. friGate - recommended.
  2. Google traffic savings(in addition to saving traffic, it allows access to blocked sites);

To bypass blocking from your phone, download and install any of the following applications on it:

  1. Opera VPN(stopped working);
  2. Opera Mobile (stopped working);
  3. Tunnelbear
  4. Zenmate
  5. Alternatives to Opera VPN (paid and free)

Why doesn't VK work? There are two branches of development: the contact page is not accessible at all or the login and password do not match. From these components further causes and solutions are determined.

Why doesn't the site load?

1. No internet

Try visiting other sites! Maybe they are also not available.

2. Not included in VK.com

Please use a different browser. If he doesn't let you in Google Chrome, then try logging in using Opera browser or use Mozila Firefox. Logging in from a different browser? We clear the cache, reinstall the browser that did not allow VK. If it doesn’t work from other browsers, then go to step 3.

3. “The director does not approve”

4. Technical work

There are problems on the server, some work is being done and therefore it does not load for a long time. You need to take a break and then “try your luck” again. Nothing works? A day has passed and VKontakte is not working? Read the text below!

5. The site was mixed up

We went to a fake VK page or confused it with another social network.

6. Blocked by IP

The provider decided to block access to the site, especially when connecting to someone else’s Wi-Fi. In this case, use a program to change IP. You can also change the DNS server, for example, set the values ​​to

7. Extensions

When installing suspicious programs, various browsers and extensions are installed. Will often pop up advertising banners in the browser, but there may be bans on visiting specific sites. What to do? Open the “extensions” tab in your browser and remove all unnecessary ones.

8. Registry corruption

9. Login and password do not work

Change the layout, turn off Caps Lock(keyboard button) and if it asks you to send a code, check for viruses.

What to do if access to the site is blocked by a virus?

You can't send SMS for money!

Large amounts will be debited from your balance, even if you are asked to pay five rubles.

Be sure to install a good antivirus program!

It is advisable to download an add-on to protect against spyware, for example, AVZ. Perhaps the anti-virus databases have not been updated for a long time, for this reason the anti-virus could not prevent your page from being hacked.

Look for various social programs and shortcuts on your computer.

Vkontakte.exe, etc. Be sure to delete it!

In some cases, you will have to “fix” the Host file on your computer; it could have been corrupted by a virus.

Open “My Computer” - select drive C - find the folder System 32 - drivers - etc - see the file hosts. It needs to be opened using the usual Notepad program. Remove everything unnecessary and leave only one line: localhost

No point? Try to restore access using the phone number you entered when registering in VK.

Page restoration

You need to click on the “forgot your password?” link. Enter the phone number that you specified during registration (a login or email address), click “next”. You need to go through the captcha, enter the letters and numbers from the picture into a special window. It remains to confirm that the VK page is indeed your “property”.

A message with a code should be sent to the specified number, which you must enter in a special field and click “change password.”

After the manipulations, you need to come up with a more complex password. It will also be better if you write it down in your notebook so that you don’t have to restore the page again.

Now you can get in touch. Use the same login, but a fresh password that you recently came up with. To prevent an incident from happening, a second message will be sent to your phone. You will be reminded of the information you entered so you don’t forget it.

To prevent anything bad from happening, it is necessary to carry out preventive work: update the antivirus, look for malicious components on the PC, delete suspicious files. Only a full range of work can prevent an unpleasant situation with your page.

As usual, I click on the VKontakte tab, enter my login and password, but the loading does not go well and I cannot log in to the page. Why can’t I log into VK? Such thoughts visited your bright head before you ended up on this page.

Problems with logging into VK are not new today: quite a lot is known about the reasons for such an incident:

  • users of the social network living in Ukraine cannot go to the site or freely use the VKontakte application - operators and providers are officially prohibited from providing a connection to the site. Bypass blocking with using VPN(the IP address from which the request originates changes to the address of a state where there are no restrictions and you freely use VK);
  • incorrectly entering your login and password does not allow you to enter the page;
  • do not remember your login or password;
  • did not pass the security check (when you enter captcha to prove that you are not a robot or did not send a confirmation code);
  • Internet is disabled;
  • a malicious file or software that gets onto your computer or phone prevents you from gaining access to your account by requesting the sending of some paid SMS. Congratulations, you have become a victim of cybercriminals. It’s good that the functionality of the page is being restored;
  • picked up viruses or installed malware that interferes with the normal functioning of the social network;
  • check the host file - this often causes problems with VKontakte;
  • for a while technical work or the company's servers are rebooted, access to the site is blocked.

Now that we have figured out “who is to blame,” let’s move on to the “what to do” part.

What to do if I can’t log into VK

I did everything correctly, so why can’t I log into VK? In the next section, we will look at options for action in 6 common situations.

Checking the host file

When you try to log in, a page suspiciously similar to the main page of the VKontakte website loads, and when you enter data, they ask you to send an SMS to the attached number? Got a message about VK blocking? Most likely, the host file on the computer has been changed and needs to be checked.


Under malware This means not only those who are trying to steal your personal information or trick you into paying for an SMS to log in. Sometimes antivirus software also falls into this category, denying access to the site, plugins and extensions.

  • To test this hypothesis, turn off for a couple of minutes protective screens, and launch VKontakte.
  • Successful login - problem detected.
  • The solution is the following: expand the list of exclusion sites so that the antivirus does not apply to VK protocols.


Do you have anti-virus software? Isn't it time to update it? Does it provide adequate protection? These are the questions you should ask yourself if you have problems with the VKontakte social network. Update your antivirus to latest version, run your computer through it and evaluate the result. Were there any infected files? Quarantine or delete.

It is best to use a licensed one software: higher quality – fewer problems.

Internet does not work

It is worth paying attention to the date and time of the network (the browser will indicate this at startup): if the date and time are incorrect, the Internet will not work.

If the VKontakte website does not work, try logging in from a different browser. If the page launched and authorization was successful, the problem is in the browser used. Update to the latest version or reinstall.

Clearing cache

Get rid of cache and temporary files (cookies): they can affect the operation of the site. This is done in the browser settings. The path is different for each viewer, but the meaning is the same: in Settings there is the necessary button. The following are options for Google Chrome, Opera, Edge, Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox.


Are you sure you entered it correctly? Check if Caps Lock is enabled, if you are entering the password and login in the correct language, and if all characters are entered. Sometimes inattention creates a lot of unnecessary problems. As a rule, if the login (email, phone number) and password are entered incorrectly, the site writes “Authorization error.”


Forgot your password? Temporarily blocked page? They deleted it on purpose, and now you’ve changed your mind? You will have to restore access to the page on the VKontakte social network.

  • Go to home page, where, in addition to the lines for entering your login and password, there will be a line “Forgot your password”, which will automatically take you to the recovery tab.

  • The user is prompted to enter an address Email or mobile number to which the page is linked. You may have to enter your last name, confirm that you need to restore the specified page and enter a couple of captchas.
  • An SMS with a code will be sent to your phone number to confirm the action - enter it in the empty field.
  • Since VKontakte will not allow you to use the old compromised password, set a new one and repeat.
  • Try logging into the page with a new password.

I can’t log into VK even though the password and login are correct

Can't log into VK even though your password and login are correct? See if you can log in from another device. If you log in, it means you made a mistake when entering data. If you tried to log in from your phone or computer, but the page is frozen, deleted, or periodically appears online, your account is being used by scammers.

Try to restore access as described in the previous paragraph or contact VKontakte technical support.

I can’t log into VK from my computer

For some reason you can’t log into VK from your computer? Don't worry, it can be fixed. Don’t rush to panic, perhaps it’s just a matter of simply rebooting the servers or installing updates - give VK time to figure it out.

Why can’t I log into VK from a computer, but I can log in from my phone?

Look at the reasons listed above, we didn’t just pull them out of thin air. The actions described in one of the points will solve the problem. As a last resort, just roll back the system to a date when everything worked perfectly.

I can’t log into VK from my phone

What should I do if I can’t log into VK from my phone? Consider ways to solve problem situations related to authorization from a PC. If none of the suggested options help, try updating or reinstalling the VKontakte application.

I can’t log into VK because of the “I’m not a robot” security check

Have you been sitting there for about 15 minutes entering captchas that have no end in sight? Have you chosen all the cars, road signs, shop windows and other nonsense offered by the site? Tired of it, right?

  1. Restart your computer, or at least your browser. Try to log in. No captcha? Great, contact glitch.
  2. The page could be sending spam or you may be visiting from different places too often, so the site wants to be sure that the owner is not a robot, so be patient and continue to study the variety of pictures offered.

Why can’t I log into VK: it says the password is wrong

The answer lies in the question: you enter wrong password. Reset your old password using the “Forgot your password?” button. and come up with a new one, or better yet, write it down so as not to store it in memory.

The “Login” button on VKontakte does not work

Go to the main page, enter your username and password, but on the VKontakte website the “Login” button does not work.

  • Browser bug. Sign in through another one.
  • Check the host file, this may be the issue. Clear everything except the treasured line and save.
  • They give you a fake VKontakte website, but since it’s not the original, you won’t be able to log in. Check your antivirus software and reinstall your browser.
  • Antivirus against your frequent sitting in in social networks. Add to the exclusion list and continue communicating with your friends and comrades.
  • Problems with the Internet connection or router settings. Did you remember to refill? Providers also have problems, and if the problem is with the router, reflash it.
  • More work on the VK side. Just wait here.

Try it, the proposed methods have been tested in practice.