Why doesn’t VK open from any browser? Why doesn't the VKontakte page load?

The VKontakte social network, like any other similar resource, is an imperfect project, as a result of which users sometimes experience various kinds of difficulties. In this article, we will look at solving problems due to which some VK messages do not open.

Today, most of the problems of the VKontakte website, whether they are difficulties on the side of the VK servers or local ones, you can resolve by contacting technical support. At the same time, in order to achieve a positive result, you should be especially careful when writing a description of the problem, providing additional material.

Technical support is a last resort, as often the waiting time for a response from specialists can reach several days.

Further, if for some reason you do not want to contact specialists, we will tell you about the most pressing problems and possible solutions. It is also important to note that not all of the proposed recommendations may be suitable in your case, since the problem with opening messages itself is quite difficult in terms of finding solutions.

Reason 1: Site malfunctions

In the vast majority of cases, the problem with opening messages does not come from local user problems, but from difficulties on the server side. In this case, the only possible solution it will be easy for you to wait a certain amount of time and try to open the desired dialogue again.

It is best to check general malfunctions of the VK website when you can relatively accurately observe other problems associated with some other functionality. This comes from the fact that messages are one of the most important parts of the resource and cannot stop working separately from other elements of the site.

In addition to the above, we recommend that you read the article on the topic of malfunctions of the VKontakte website, in which we examined in some detail a special service that allows you to monitor VK malfunctions in real time. There, with the help of discussions, you can find out what problems most users have encountered and, if there is nothing related to the messages, move on to further recommendations from this article.

Reason 2: Browser problems

One of the most complex, but already local problems is that when the web browser is used for a long time or after files are damaged, the browser can provoke various errors in the interface of the VK website and not only. In this case, initially you can act in the most humane way possible by logging into your account again.

If the dialogs still do not open or are displayed incorrectly, then you should do exactly the same thing as described, replacing the Internet browser you are using with any other one. In this case, you can make sure that the problem is caused by a malfunction of the web browser, and not the VKontakte servers.

Further, provided that the problem is local, you can stop using the browser or reinstall it, following the special instructions on our website. In general, this choice depends entirely on your personal preferences in terms of ease of use of the Internet browser.

Read more: How to reinstall Google Chrome, Opera, Mozilla Firefox, Yandex Browser

Read more: How to clear history in Google Chrome, Opera, Mazila Firefox, Yandex.Browser

In addition, it would be a good idea to get rid of previously saved cache files, which in most cases helps resolve literally all problems with the browser.

Read more: How to delete cache in Google Chrome, Opera, Mozilla Firefox, Yandex Browser

Reason 3: Virus infection

Many users of personal computers, out of ignorance, often blame everything possible problems namely infection by viruses. And although this is possible in an extremely small number of cases, you should not miss the presence of malicious programs on your system.

Before moving on, be sure to read the section of this article regarding browser problems. This is due to the fact that there are viruses that can block any functionality of VK, usually harming the Internet browser.

First of all, you should rule out the most common problem in which infection is exposed system file hosts.

Please note that the essence of blocking using a file hosts We touched on it in the corresponding article on our website.

Usually, hosts completely blocks access to the VK website, and not just to the section with dialogues.

Provided that the problem lies in other more complex viruses, you will need to turn to antivirus programs. On the Internet there are many free antiviruses, which are great for detecting and removing viruses.

In addition to the above mentioned point, you can use special web services that are also aimed at detecting and subsequently removing malicious programs.

To save yourself from problems with viruses in the future, we recommend choosing and installing one of the most current antiviruses. In addition, this will allow you to get by only installed program without affecting the above provisions.

Reason 4: No access from the VKontakte mobile application

If you are a user of the official mobile application VK and encounter problems in which messages do not open, you will also need to visit a special service to diagnose VK server failures. After this, provided that the problem is individual in nature, you will need to follow several instructions.

The article is intended for users of any device, but as an example we will consider the Android platform.

First, you need to re-authorize the application.

  1. Open the main menu in the VKontakte mobile application using the navigation bar.
  2. Using the icon and the image of a gear, go to the section "Settings".
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the expanded section and use the button "Go out".
  4. Confirm your actions by selecting the button in the dialog box "Yes".
  5. After logging out, some of your account data will be deleted from your device. In particular, this concerns the possibility of automatic authorization in some other applications for Adnroid.

  6. Once on home page VKontakte mobile application, authorize using the login and password from your account.
  7. Now double-check the functionality of the partition "Messages".

If problems with opening dialogs persist, you can also clean the application of various debris. Please remember that after following the recommendations, literally all data will be deleted from the add-on history.

If for some reason the recommendations did not bring a positive result, you need to reinstall the add-on in question. However, before proceeding with deletion, you should follow the previous instructions regarding deleting application data.

After the VK add-on is uninstalled, you need to install it again.

Before installing the application again, we recommend restarting your device.

  1. Open home page store Google Play.
  2. Click on the line "Search on Google Play" and enter the application name "In contact with".
  3. Having found and opened the main page of the desired add-on, click on the button "Install".
  4. Confirm that the application has access rights to your device using the button "Accept".
  5. Wait for the download and installation of the add-on to complete.
  6. After VKontakte has been downloaded, use the button "Open" to launch the application.

We hope that after reading this article you were able to resolve problems with VKontakte dialogs not opening. All the best!

You have long been registered in the popular social network"VKontakte" or just recently registered? In fact, this does not matter, because absolutely any user can encounter a problem on VKontakte. Moreover, solving this problem can be quite difficult, since the reason why it is impossible to get to your page can be not only a forgotten password.

Who is guilty?

The main reasons why VKontakte does not open are the actions of attackers. The Windows operating system has a special software. Fraudsters create various viruses and so-called ones that, attacking your computer, change the component of the mentioned file by writing other command lines.

As a result, an unsuspecting user tries, as usual, to access his page and sees the VKontakte splash screen asking him to repeat the login and password. The fact is that the site you get to when you change the program file is not real. It's just very similar to the original, but if you look closely you can see the difference.

However, few social network users, faced with such a problem, will immediately think about a “criminal” substitution. The most unpleasant thing is that all the actions of the attackers lead to the fact that you are asked to send a supposedly free SMS to a short number in order to make sure that you are still a person and not some kind of bot. And then the following happens: you send an SMS, money for sending is taken from you, but you cannot enter the site. Plus, on top of everything, the scammers also get the login and password for your page. Situation...

Naturally, the user is perplexed why the VKontakte page does not open even after sending an SMS. Don't wait, it won't open anyway. You have fallen for scammers. Now let's take a closer look at what needs to be done to avoid such unpleasant situations.

How to fix errors

The very first thing you need to remember is that the social network is absolutely free, the site administration does not require any money during registration, and even more so will not require paid confirmation in order to recover the password. But if you are faced with a situation where VKontakte does not open, what to do, we will tell you.

You should find host. It is usually located in the program files folder. To find it, you can try following the following path: WINDOWShosts (for Windows 95/98/ME), WINNTsystem32driversetchosts (for Windows NT/2000), WINDOWSsystem32driversetchosts (Windows XP/2003/Vista).

The next step will be to delete absolutely all lines that contain the following words: vkontakte.ru/, and the beginning of the entry can be anything, from your IP number to ordinary numbers. After you have cleaned the file, be sure to save the changes you made to it and restart your computer.

Using an antivirus

You can go the other way when VKontakte does not open. If you don't have an antivirus program installed on your computer, be sure to fix this error. You can also download an antivirus program using the Internet (for example, Dr.Web). You can download it in both free and paid versions. To quickly cure your computer from malicious utilities, it is better to use the free method and download the healing program as quickly as possible.

Have you downloaded it? Great! Run a virus scan. The program will detect malicious virus software and quarantine it. After the antivirus has finished running, the computer also needs to be restarted. Now you can try to access the VKontakte website again.

What to do if cleaning the host and antivirus did not help?

It also happens that no cleaning program file, nor the use of an antivirus does not eliminate the problem in question. In this case, you will have to try the following options.

It is possible that your computer has picked up the svcnost.exe virus. To get rid of it, you will again have to look for the file in the "Documents and" folders. Try using the search to detect malware. Be sure to check the box for

But if the computer does not detect it, try to find it manually. Viruses are sometimes distinguished by very good secrecy, along with keyboard keyloggers (spyware).

The most important thing is to remember that you need to look in the Windows folder. When you find it, delete it immediately, only then be sure to check whether you managed to get rid of it completely. There should be no "Autorun" command left on the command line for this file.

After the final removal, reboot the computer again and try to log into your favorite social network. What, VKontakte still won’t open? Go ahead.

Another virus?

If you haven’t found the virus you are looking for or, conversely, have found it and restarted your computer, but VKontakte still doesn’t open, don’t panic. This means you need to look for another virus called “vkontakte.exe” or “vk.exe”. We will identify it through the "Task Manager".

First, open the “Dispatcher” menu and look at all the tasks performed in this moment processes. We are looking for those that have the name we need. Found it? This means that there is a virus on your computer that does not allow you to access the social network.

What to do if your PC is infected with vkontakte.exe or vk.exe?

Destroy! First you have to find files with this extension. Open “Start”, then “Search”, enter the extensions you are looking for in the search bar, not forgetting to note that you should search for everything and folders.

When the files are found, again, delete them and restart the computer again. And again we try to go to our page.

When the question of why VKontakte does not open has been resolved, be sure to change the password for your page, or even better, for mailbox. And in the future, to avoid problems like: “I want to go to the VKontakte website, my page does not open!” - be sure to use anti-virus programs.

All malware and Trojans, as a rule, attack a computer that has no antivirus software. Therefore, update your installed anti-virus programs on time and do not visit suspicious sites, about which the same anti-virus will definitely warn you. Always check unknown files and programs for viruses before installing them on your computer.

Today, the vast majority of our compatriots have their own page on social networks, for example, VKontakte. This resource is very popular because its functions are aimed at maximizing the needs of Internet users. So, VK allows you to communicate with users who are also registered here, watch movies, listen to music, even! In short, this is not only a way to spend leisure time, but also an opportunity to work without leaving home.

Of course, visiting this social network is closely tied to the presence of the Internet. How annoying it is when VKontakte does not open! And no matter how much you look for reasons, you still can’t find them, you just can’t get to your favorite site. What should I do in this case and why won’t VKontakte open? First things first. Well, if it’s easy for you, then solving this problem is much easier.

Why doesn't VKontakte open?

In most cases, the reason for such a misunderstanding lies on the surface. The point is viruses, it is because of them that you cannot get to your favorite site. By the way, if you not only cannot log in, but also see advertising banners, requests to send SMS to a certain number, etc. suggestions, you can rest assured that there is a Trojan on your computer. By the way, social networks, as well as websites of antivirus manufacturers, most often fall under its scope.

“Catching” such a virus is, in fact, not at all difficult. Most often, it gets into the system due to the naivety or inexperience of the user himself, who, say, decided to use an unverified site to download something. Another option is when the user follows a link left on his wall by one of the other users of this social network, etc.

How to get rid of a virus

It will be difficult to get rid of such a virus, despite the abundance of antivirus programs and treatment utilities. I suggest you the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Open drive C, go to the Windows folder, then to system32 – drivers – etc – hosts.
  2. Launch the hosts file, and when you need to select a program to open, click Notepad.
  3. Leave line localhost untouched; feel free to delete everything else that begins with the hash sign.
  4. Next, I advise you to restart your computer and clean the system by running an antivirus scan. It also doesn’t hurt to check it with healing utilities, for example, Dr.Web.
  5. If necessary, restart your computer and try opening VK again. I think that all of the above helped, and now you can easily get into your favorite social network.

From now on, be vigilant, do not visit dubious sites and do not follow links that other users leave for you. After all, it is easier to prevent a problem than to deal with its consequences.

Have you been trying to load your VKontakte page for hours, but nothing works? Are advertising banners and messages flashing on the screen asking you to send SMS? Even recovering your password online via email doesn’t help? If at least one of the points applies to you, you have come to the right place! Let's figure it out why is the contact not working?.

The algorithm of actions is simple:

  1. We find out the reason;

  2. We are trying to try all possible ways to solve the problem;

  3. We draw a conclusion about what should and should not be done if a similar situation arises again.

Why the contact does not work (reasons)

One of the most common causes of problems with access to the VKontakte social network is a virus attack. Her main goal is theft Money and passwords, which can also be sold, making you noticeably richer.

So, if you find a file called vkontakte.exe or simply vkontakte on your computer, you should know that this is malicious code. Its main task is to modify the C:WINDOWSsystem32driversetchosts file, which allows you to replace real social network pages with their exact copies. You open your browser, go to the VKontakte main page, enter your username and password, and easily give away all your personal data and codes to computer scammers.

Is there no mini-copy? Are they asking you to send an SMS to a four-digit number? Don't rush to grab mobile phone! This is another trick of scammers.

Not even this? Is your web page simply not loading? Don't be surprised, it could also be a virus.

And one more reason is the banal reconstruction of the site, carried out by managers and specialists of the social network. In this case, all you can do is simply wait for it to complete.

VKontakte does not work. What to do?! Ways to solve the problem

So, first you need to answer the question of WHAT was done BEFORE problems with the network arose. This may well help resolve the problem.

The easiest way to fight Internet scammers is to install an antivirus program. In the very first minutes of operation, it will detect and delete all malicious files contained on the computer.

For enthusiastic users, the instructions are slightly different.

In order to ensure a safe login to the VKontakte social network and maximally neutralize the personal computer from malware, necessary:

  1. Open the file C:WINDOWSsystem32driversetchosts using notepad.

  2. Go to “My Computer”, click on the “Local Disk C” icon, select the “WINDOWS” folder, then “system32”, then “drivers” and, finally, the “etc” folder, which contains exactly malicious file hosts which you need to click on right click mouse and open with notepad.

  3. Another way to “get” to the hosts file is through the computer explorer.

  4. Carefully read the records contained in the file. Have you found lines containing addresses of social networks vkontakte.ru, mail.ru or other sites? Remove immediately!

  5. Under no circumstances should you delete the uncommented line localhost; all other lines starting with the # sign should be cleared.

  6. Enter vkontakte.exe in the search bar of Explorer and immediately delete the resulting file.

  7. Clear local disks and the desktop from all dubious and incomprehensible additions. They could also cause a computer infection.

  8. Set the correct date and time depending on your location.

  9. Reinstall your computer, after which you will again be able to exchange information on social networks and messages by email.

  10. Just in case you need to reinstall antivirus program. This could be Kaspersky, Avast or Avira, or NOD 32 and others.

  11. Another helpful advice– install the COMODO firewall on your computer, if it is not included in the basic package of your existing antivirus program.

  12. A complete software update, as well as applications and web browsers, will not be superfluous. This will significantly reduce the risk of a repeat scam attack.

The browser is working, and the VKontakte social network is active again? Congratulations, you did everything right.

Don't want a repeat? In this case, you should consider a number of tips and rules:

  • First, protect yourself and your loved ones from visiting suspicious sites. Avoid pages with lots of flickering images and advertising banners. As a rule, it is from such sites that the threat “flies” to computers.

  • Secondly, do not rush to click on the links provided in messages Email. One click is enough for your PC to become infected.

  • Third, do not accept unknown files from strangers ICQ users, Skype or other similar services.

  • Reduce your visits to “adult sites” to a minimum. This is where users most often come across, captivated by seductive banners or alluring advertising. No matter how stupid it may sound, love your other halves.

  • Try to update the databases and signatures of antivirus programs as often as possible. This will significantly increase the level of protection of your personal computer from the predatory actions of fraudsters.

  • On your laptop or home computer IE web browser installed? Get rid of it quickly! Download Google Chrome, opera or Internet Explorer in case of emergency.

  • Don't download third party applications and additions from unknown sites. For free? So what? Remember, free cheese is only in a mousetrap!

  • Completely replace your antivirus program and install a firewall. This will provide your computer with even greater protection.

As you know, the Windows operating system is one of the earliest and most widespread among the entire population of our planet. Only one conclusion can be drawn from this - hackers and computer scammers have been working with it for a very long time! Their main task is to find all possible ways to hack it and invade the privacy of users. Every day, talented programmers write more than a hundred programs that allow them to steal the personal data of Internet users and earn a huge fortune from it.

Almost none of the modern websites or antivirus programs can provide 100% control and protection against the intrusion of malware into the lives of civilian users. All this suggests that most active Internet users will simply have to abandon the Windows system and switch to a less popular one - Unix, for example. However, the “power” of scammers is gaining momentum every day, and it is a guarantee that the operating Unix system It’s almost impossible to say whether it will last much longer than Bill Gates’ development. Inexperienced users should start by installing Mandriva Linux, Kubuntu Linux or SUSE Linux on their computer. They are less susceptible to viruses, stable and in no way inferior to Windows in design. If you are an experienced user, are not afraid of difficulties and are ready to tinker a little with the console, Arch Linux, an accessible and at the same time improved operating system, is ideal for you.

If you have tried all of the above methods, and access to VKontakte is still closed, we advise you reinstall the operating system. This is also very easy to do.

How to reinstall the operating systemWindows:

Before starting the installation, please note that when updating the version operating system All programs and drivers will need to be reinstalled again. So, the first thing you need to do is copy necessary files on external media. Then download drivers from the Internet or use the DriverMax program, which copies all programs available on the computer.

So, let's get started with the actual installation!

  1. We go into the BIOS and select DVD-ROM as the first boot device. To get into the BIOS, you need to press the F2 key at the start screen and select the “Boot” submenu. Set priority to CD/DVD and save by pressing the F10 key.

  2. During boot, a message will appear on the screen: “Press any key to boot from CD”, which can be answered by pressing any key.

  3. Then we will mark hard disks and select the one in which you want to install the operating system. As a rule, disks are divided into 2 partitions: the first is for storing the system itself and programs, the second is for storing personal files (movies, music, etc.).

  4. Use the D key to delete all previously created partitions, and use the C key to create a new one with a size of 100,000 MB.

  5. We reselect the unallocated area and create a new partition equal in volume to the remaining space.

  6. Select drive “C” and click “Format partition using NTFS”.

  7. After some time, copying files will end and the system will require you to enter a key, as well as specify the time, date and location. Each user can enter this data independently.

  8. Once the operating system installation is complete, enter the account name.

  9. The system is almost ready for use. All that remains is to install everything necessary programs and drivers.

Completed all actions according to the instructions presented. step by step instructions? Is your operating system updated and ready to go? Don't rush to open your web browser and start browsing world wide web! First of all, download an antivirus program. Note! This must be done exclusively on the official websites of the software, otherwise you risk “earning” a new virus and repeating the entire procedure again, which probably took you a lot of time. installed? Check for software and signature updates! Is your security program up to date? Congratulations! You can safely click on the web browser icon and type the address of your favorite social network - vk.com - into the search bar. Everything is working? How not?! Really, none of the tips presented helped you restore stable functioning of VKontakte? Wait, are you on a social network from your personal or work computer? The answer to this question is no less important.

The thing is that many businessmen or private entrepreneurs have long established a ban on the use of social networks VKontakte, Facebook, Twitter and others in their offices. Perhaps the purpose of the innovation is obvious - saving employees time and increasing their ability to work, which is, of course, important for every boss. If the reason for the lack of access to social networks is due to this, only senior management can help you and only if it is susceptible to the influence of employees. Unfortunately, there are no other ways to counter this. Apparently, you will have to come to terms with splendid loneliness and an abundance of work activity during working hours. However, there is still a way out - a mobile phone! And indeed, if the opportunity to correspond with friends and exchange with them useful information through a personal computer, no, you can use almost any portable device that has Internet access. Of course, this is not a computer for you: it is significantly inferior in quality and size, and the Internet is inferior in speed, but this is the only option to always be in touch.

So, let's summarize a little.

Can't log into the VKontakte social network? The solution to your problem has long been found! All you need is to carefully study all the information presented on our website and try it on your personal computer. You can be sure that at least one of the described troubleshooting methods will help you 100%! Find out, study, act - this is the secret of success! The functioning of your computer, and in particular social networks, now depends only on you;)

If you still have questions about why “Contact” does not work, then you can ask your question in the comments to this article, or contact our specialists for help, who will help you understand any computer problems that they can arise for you.

There are many reasons why we cannot log into our VKontakte account from our home or work computer. The system asks you to enter a phone number, activation code, information that the page is blocked, and so on. Of course, the person understands that I can’t make contact. A natural question arises: why, how to solve this problem, what to do?

Quite often we don’t get to our page and the situation “I can’t get in touch” arises, because we receive a message that the profile has been hacked, and a stream of spam is coming from the page. At the same time, we are asked to enter some personal information.

The search for a real solution to a problem usually begins after the input telephone number or sending SMS does not bring results, only leading to money being withdrawn from the phone account. There is also a situation when the VKontakte website cannot open, producing various “digital” errors, for example, 404 or 403. The reasons why all these problems occur are usually the same. In rare cases, the cause of the malfunction is something else, but this will be discussed further.

If a page requires you to enter a phone number or code, you should never do this. The appearance of a page with information about suspected hacking indicates that the computer has a virus or other malicious software. Viruses can radically change network settings, so when you try to log into your accounts, you are redirected to a page belonging to scammers. Its design is completely identical to the VKontakte page, and the sent message automatically subscribes to a package of paid services.

Due to these actions, you may lose your login and password to enter the page. And then sending spam, and not just the problem “I can’t log into VK,” definitely cannot be avoided.

A little more about viruses

A slightly different situation also happens. We may not see any messages, but the page cannot open, giving an error, the same problem - I can’t get into contact, and that’s it. The reason may be the same virus changing the network route. The lifespan of such a site is quite short - less than that of viruses. That is why there is a high probability of “catching” malware that accompanies a resource that no longer exists.

This is how malware and viruses work. They record changes to system network settings. This is usually a computer file called hosts. As a result, the user enters the address of the social network vk.com into the command line, but ends up in a completely different place than he wanted, that is, on a fake site. The purpose of creating such sites, as we have already said, is to swindle money in favor of scammers or take over contact information.

How to solve the hacking problem, what to do

As one can understand from everything said above, in fact, no hacking occurs in the technical use of this concept. All changes in hosts file caused by viruses are absolutely not scary. But other malfunctions may also occur. There are several ways to solve the “I can’t get in touch” problem, which we will look at below.

Resetting your computer's network settings using AVZ

First, you should consider the simplest and most convenient way to solve the “I can’t get in touch” problem. In addition, it is also the fastest among existing ones. On the Internet you need to download the AVZ utility, which does all the work itself, so the user does not need to study in detail what exactly needs to be fixed in hosts and other files and sections. It is important to remember that you need to download the utility only from the official website. Then you need to install it, after unpacking it into the desired folder.

It must be launched only as Administrator. The main menu will open, where you need to first select the “File” section, and then “System Restore”. In the newly opened window, you need to check the boxes next to a number of items. Each computer has its own settings and operating system versions, but the checkboxes should definitely be opposite:

  • “Resetting SPL/LSP and TCP/P settings”;
  • “Recovering the Explorer launch key”;
  • “Replace the DNS of all connections with Google Public DNS”;
  • "Cleaning the hosts file."

After all the checkboxes have been checked in in the right places and removed from all other items, you must click on the “Perform marked operations” button. Next comes the computer reboot, after which you should try to access the VKontakte website again. It is worth noting that while the utility is performing its functions, the connection to the Internet will most likely be lost, but after the operating system reboots, everything will be restored. Some latest versions utilities automatically adjust to system parameters, so in most cases the checkboxes will already be checked where necessary.

How to fix the hosts file yourself

Usually the first method helps. But if for some reason this did not happen, and it is again impossible to log into your VKontakte page, then you can manually correct the hosts parameters. This method is also suitable for those who do not want to download anything.

The first thing to do is to find the Notepad program in the Start menu, which is located in the Accessories folder. In Windows 8, it is better to use the search. Notepad must be run as Administrator. In the program menu you need to select “File”, then “Open”. A new dialog box will open where you can select the file format. You need to change “Text documents.txt” to “All files”. Open the hosts file located in the Windows/System32/Drivers/etc folder. If at the bottom open file If there are lines that mention “VKontakte”, they must be deleted. Then you need to save the corrected hosts, and then restart the computer.

Due to the fact that this method of solving the problem is quite simple and accessible to everyone, some viruses are designed in such a way that they place entries much lower than empty lines. So, if you couldn’t find what you needed right away, you can try scrolling down the Notepad window.

Troubleshooting using Windows Static Routes

If the problem is not in the hosts file at all, then we continue to look for the answer to the question of why I can’t get in touch. Most often, the cause of problems with logging into VKontakte is the registration of static routes in the operating system. To solve the problem, first you need to launch the command line as Administrator. From the Start menu, select command line. Like Notepad, it is located in the Accessories folder. Right-click on it and select the line “Run as Administrator”. After opening, you need to enter the command route–f, and then run it with the Enter key. Usually at this point the Internet connection is interrupted. There is no need to worry, as in the case of work AVZ utilities. After restarting the computer, everything will be restored.

How to configure automatic network configuration script and proxy server

This option for the problem to occur is considered by experts to be the least likely among the reasons why it appears, but still it cannot be excluded. IN in this case a virus or malicious software writes addresses of third-party proxy servers or various automatic network configuration scripts into the computer system.

To make sure that this is the problem, go to the “Control Panel” of the operating room Windows systems. To do this, you can use the “Start” menu or the “My Computer” folder (for Windows 10 – “This PC”). Next you need to do this - select “Internet Options”. The icon may not appear, but in this case we return the “Control Panel” to the classic view. In “Internet Options” there is a section “Internet Options”, where we click on the “Connections” tab, in which we click on “Network Settings”. Then you need to look at what is in this tab. The default setting is “Automatic parameter detection”. Apart from this, nothing else should be installed. If something looks different, you need to do a factory reset. After this, you will need to restart your PC again.

Dr.Web Curelt and trial antiviruses

If none of the listed methods brought the desired result and did not solve the problem “I can’t log into contact,” there is one more, last one. You can use the Dr.Web Curelt utility. It may not identify the problem, but it's worth a try since the utility is provided completely free of charge. It can be downloaded from the official website.

For some reason the utility didn’t help either? Download a high-quality antivirus program. But only high quality. Almost all of them are paid, but most of the manufacturers provide users with the so-called Trial Version - trial version. Typically, its validity period is about thirty days. But this month is quite enough to examine your computer up and down, identify the reasons why you cannot access VKontakte and remove everything unnecessary and causing significant harm to the device.