Why doesn't it connect to the Wi-Fi router? Why won't my laptop connect to Wi-Fi? Internet does not work via Wi-Fi via router

For smartphones, the function of making and receiving calls has faded into the background. Nowadays it is very important for a phone to constantly be able to provide its owner with access to the Internet via wireless network. And many users, especially young people, most often use the phone not to make calls, but as a device that can receive an Internet signal and through which you can access the network.

Ten years ago, a person surfed the Internet from his phone only to find the necessary text information in a search engine. Now you can surf the Internet from your phone in the same way as from a computer: watch movies, surf social networks, read books and use many useful applications that make life much easier, but require a network connection.

When the user's phone does not connect to Wi-Fi, but connect Mobile Internet If there is no possibility or such a network works slowly, then a virtual collapse occurs: a person cannot do what he is used to and his life deteriorates significantly.

Anyone can encounter such a problem, so it is worth understanding what to do in this case and how to best correct the problem that has arisen. We will analyze the main problems and methods for solving them, and also try to answer as fully as possible frequently asked question, why the phone does not connect to Wi-Fi.

Doesn't accept Wi-Fi on Android

Your phone may refuse to connect to the wireless Internet not only in a public place (shopping mall, cafe or hotel), but also in your home. If you can’t, you can’t catch the World Wide Web in a public place, then most likely the problem is on the part of the public network. They may require you to log in before you can connect, or they may simply be so overwhelmed that not a single tab will load on your device. Ask the administrator of the establishment about ways to connect to their network if you want to use the Internet in a cafe, hotel or other similar place.

But if your phone cannot connect to the wireless network even at home, you should seriously think that there is some kind of problem. The smartphone may refuse to connect after changing the password, replacing the router, installing certain programs or changing settings. But the phone may stop connecting to Wi-Fi just like that, even if there have been no changes to the router or smartphone.

What to do first?

First of all, you must understand what exactly prevents the phone from catching the network in your case. There can be two main situations here:

  1. The phone does not connect to the network at all. In this case, the device writes “Saved” and constantly tries to obtain an IP address, displays an authentication error, may also write that you have an authentication error, says that the password is incorrect, and displays a message that there is an error connecting to Wi-Fi networks. There can be many inscriptions, depending on the specific case.
  2. The phone is connected to the network and shows that there is Internet, but nothing loads or works. Near the wireless network icon you may see the message “Internet not available.” Also near the standard Wi-Fi icon there may be an exclamation mark. But also the user may not see any special icons or inscriptions, but not a single page in the browser or application will load.

Regardless of which of the two situations applies to you, and whether you are trying to connect to the network at home or in a public place, you should do the following:

If you cannot get Wi-Fi in a public place (shop, cafe, metro, hotel or other similar place), then you should not waste time trying to connect and “digging” in the settings. Ask the administrator about problems or try to connect later, this may be a temporary glitch.

The phone does not connect to the Internet and displays an error

In this section we will look at cases when the phone gives an authorization or password error when trying to connect. In this case, connecting to the Internet is quite simple if you follow all the instructions.

The main errors that your phone may display when trying to connect to the network:

Simple solutions

These methods can help you in a situation where the phone previously caught the network, but suddenly stopped interacting with it normally. You should try using them after you try to reboot your phone and router and connect to the Internet again.

Remove Wi-Fi on your phone. In order to do this, you need to go to the Wi-Fi settings and select the network you are trying to connect to. Then click on the network icon and hold (or just click once - depends on the phone). After you have a menu, you need to select the option “Delete network” or “Forget network”, the inscription will also vary depending on the phone model. After this, you need to reconnect the Internet and start searching for networks. After this, you should select the network you need, click on connect and enter the password very carefully.

Reset network settings. If you have an Android device, then, with a high degree of probability, the section where you can do this will be called simply “Reset”. There you should look for the item “Reset network settings”. The name on your phone may be different, just search a little in the settings and you will definitely find this option. After that, simply reconnect to Wi-Fi, but keep in mind that you will have to enter the password again, you must know it.

Common mistakes

If you receive one of these three common errors (such as an authentication error), you should be sure that the router code is entered correctly. You can simply forget or click on delete network and enter the password again.

You can read more about why authentication errors occur on smartphones in our article. There you will find more information on how to deal with this situation.

If you are sure that the connection code is correct, then try entering this password for another phone or laptop, if everything works there, then read the article further. If not, then someone changed the Wi-Fi password or there is a problem with the network itself, then you should call your provider.

The device can also notify the user about an authentication error when the smartphone is “not happy” with some of the Internet parameters that are on the router. This can be the network operating mode (b/g/n/ac), as well as the security type, channel and its width. In addition, the error often appears if the phone does not correctly perceive the region settings on the router.

In this case the best solution will try to change some settings on the router (of course, if the router is available to you and you cannot connect to the Internet at home). Try changing one setting, try connecting, and if it still doesn’t turn on, then return the setting to the previous settings and change another. And so on until it works. The method is long, but you can “feel” it. What settings are best to change and how to do it correctly will be written below in the router settings.

To make it easier, call the person who set up your router. Most often this is an employee of your provider, they can tell you what exactly the problem is.

Taking a long time to obtain an IP address

Also, often users do not connect to Wi-Fi on their phone when they enter the code from the Internet and the device then hangs for a very long time at the moment when it writes “Obtaining an IP address...”. This happens most often because:

  • On the phone, the IP settings that are set by default are turned off and instead they are set to static addresses or something else.
  • The router or other device for distributing the Internet is disabled, or there is a problem with the DHCP server. But this happens extremely rarely, since usually the DHCP server is always enabled, this is done in the default settings. And it is almost never turned off - only when fundamental changes are made to the settings of the router that is in your home and distributes the network.
  • Ban on the router. It may be that in the router settings someone simply blocked your phone’s access to the international network. Parents often do this so that their child does not waste time on social media, but studied. This could also be done by the owner of the network you once connected your phone to if they no longer want you to have access to it.

Solutions to these difficulties in a particular case may be as follows:

Setting up the router

You can try to solve the problem of your phone not connecting to the Internet using these methods if you can configure the router. In order to try to correct the situation, it will be tedious to go to the Internet interface of the router. There you need to find a section with parameters Wi-Fi internet, it may be called Wireless. The following columns should be changed in these parameters:

The smartphone is connected to the Internet, but not a single page loads

The situation when the smartphone seems to see that there is Internet and even shows that it is connected to it, but not a single page in the browser or application powered by the Internet loads, is more common than the problem when the smartphone cannot connect to the wireless network at all. network.

Often the reason that this happens is in the settings of the phone itself. Sometimes there are difficulties with DNS addresses. There are also cases when the phone does not connect to the Internet if you have downloaded and installed a new application on the phone (for example, the Freedom program). There are also cases when one specific thing does not work YouTube app or Google Play, as well as other services from Google. Most often, the problem is not yours; the site could simply have crashed.

If the phone is connected to the Internet or network, but it does not work normally, then a warning message may light up. For example, in smartphones from Samsung, next to the wireless network icon there is the designation “Internet may not be available.”

When you are faced with such a situation, you need to figure out the following things:

  • See if the Internet is available on other phones and other things (computer, tablet, laptop) when you connect to this particular network. If everything connects and works, then you need to focus on finding the problem in the phone. If there is also no access on other devices, then there is a problem with the provider or in the router settings. The first thing you should do is call the service that provides you with international network access, and then try to change the router settings.
  • In addition, if possible, you should try connecting your phone to other Internet networks. If it connects without problems, the problem is in the router; if the phone cannot work normally with the Internet from other networks, then you need to delve into its settings.
  • What to change in the phone settings so that you can again connect to a wireless network without problems will be discussed below.

Time and date

Very often there is a situation when the phone refuses to pick up wireless Internet due to the fact that the date and time settings on it are incorrect. It's very easy to fix this problem. To do this, you just need to go to the settings and adjust the date and time to the correct ones. If that doesn't work, try setting these parameters to automatic.\

DNS problem

Sometimes such a glitch happens to phones that the Internet on the phone refuses to work until the user manually enters DNS addresses from Google in the Wi-Fi network properties. In order to do this, you need to go into the settings of the Wi-Fi network to which the phone is connected, open additional settings and there register DNS parameters and

After you have specified these settings, the Internet on your phone should start working. But if it doesn’t connect right away, then turn the router on and off, and also restart the phone.

Proxy server

In the Internet settings on your smartphone, you can find the proxy server settings. If this server is connected, then most likely you will not be able to connect to the wireless network. In order for everything to work again, you need to go to the settings of the network that you cannot connect to and check the proxy server. If it is turned on, you should disable it, turn the device on and off and try to connect to the Internet again.

Doesn't connect due to apps

Sometimes it happens that the phone stops connecting to the Internet after the user installs some application on his phone or downloads a problem. This situation happens with the Freedom program. The developers may have already fixed this issue by the time you read this article. But if you installed this application and after that the phone stopped connecting to your home or public wireless network, it means that the problem with it is still relevant.

In order to solve everything, you need to open the settings of this program, select “Stop” and after stopping the program, erase it from your phone. After this, you can additionally run an antivirus scan and delete or disinfect files that raise doubts in the antivirus program.

There can be many such programs. If your Internet connection suddenly stops, remember what you downloaded recently, stop or delete this application and try to connect again. Most likely the problem will go away.


If you have tried all the above methods and nothing works, resetting your network settings may help you with your Internet connection. Each phone does this a little differently, to be sure that you are doing everything correctly, Google your model and find a corresponding video, article, or at least a blog post.

Resetting network settings is a relatively “neat” procedure, since it will not affect your programs, applications on your smartphone, information stored there, or other files. So you don't need to transfer information somewhere or create backups. After you reset the network settings, you will only need to re-enter the passwords for the Internet networks to which the phone was previously connected - at home, at school or at work.

Even if resetting the network settings did not lead to the desired result, you may have to reset all the settings that are on the phone. This is an extreme measure and it is advisable to take it only when you have tried all of the above and have not been able to fix it. But it’s better to contact service before resetting the settings - maybe they will find the reason in the hardware and you won’t have to reset anything.


In this article, we tried to understand as much as possible why the phone does not connect to Wi-Fi and offered troubleshooting options for the most common cases. You should remember that first of all, when there are problems connecting to the international network, you need to check whether there is such a problem on other devices that are capable of connecting to the Internet (phone, tablet, laptop) and call your provider to clarify all the details. And after checking all the details, reset the settings, change something in the settings, and so on.

If you still have questions on the topic, you can leave them in the comments under the publication, and if you know other reasons why the phone may not connect to the Internet, also write them so that other users can learn more.

Laptops have an advantage over personal computers represented by a built-in Wi-Fi adapter, with which users can connect to wireless Wi-Fi networks. However, PC owners can easily purchase an external Wi-Fi adapter and also enjoy the benefits of wireless technology.

However, some PC users report that sometimes their external Wi-Fi adapters, for some reason, cannot connect to the network provided by their router. The root of the problem can be many things: a faulty driver, problems with the router, settings operating system And so on.

In this article we will tell you what can be done if your Wi-Fi adapter cannot connect to the distributed network.

Checking the distributed Wi-Fi network

Let's first think about this: have you thought that perhaps the problem with connecting to the network is not in the Wi-Fi adapter, but in the router, which simply does not distribute the wireless network? Checking this is quite simple: take another device that is capable of connecting to a Wi-Fi network and try connecting to your router using it.

If there are no other devices, you need to go to the settings of your router and make sure that it is activated for wireless network distribution. There are times when the settings in such devices, for some reason, go wrong on their own. All you need to do is log into the interface and activate the Wi-Fi sharing option.

Turn off Airplane mode

As we all know, Windows 10 has a rather convenient Airplane mode, which can be used to disable all wireless modules located on your system. Of course, after activation this mode Your external Wi-Fi adapter is also deactivated.

Airplane mode is extremely useful on mobile devices and laptops, but on desktop computers it is absolutely unnecessary. However, you could accidentally turn it on, for example, by digging through the settings or using a special combination. There are also opinions that the “Airplane” mode can be enabled by third-party software.

Deactivating Airplane mode is incredibly simple: click on the Notification Center icon and click on the button for the mode of the same name. That's all that is required of you. If you don’t find this option in the Notification Center, you can go to System Settings and disable it there.

Restarting the Wi-Fi router

Having realized that the wireless network distribution is activated and your Wi-Fi adapter is not blocked by the computer’s system settings, try restarting your router. There is a possibility that it has started to malfunction, as a result of which you cannot connect to the network using third-party devices with Wi-Fi adapter. Restarting is extremely simple: unplug the router from the power supply for about ten to fifteen seconds, and then plug it back into the network. It is worth saying that routers can often fail, which leads to a number of unpleasant problems: Reduce network connection speed, block certain connections or block all Internet access.

Using the troubleshooter

Enough in a simple way The solution to network connection problems is to use the network troubleshooter. You don’t have to go anywhere to get it, download it or search the Internet, since this tool is a system utility, which is incredibly easy to access. To do this you will need to do the following:

  • go to Settings;
  • go to the “Update and Security” section;
  • go to the “Troubleshooting” tab;
  • click on “Internet Connections”;
  • click on the “Run the troubleshooter” button;
  • follow the instructions on the screen.

It is worth saying that this systemic remedy, unfortunately, almost never solves any problems that have arisen in any element of the system. However, sometimes the stars do align in the sky - and a miracle happens. Try this troubleshooter and then check if you can connect your Wi-Fi adapter to your wireless network.

Updating Wi-Fi adapter drivers

You may not be able to use your Wi-Fi adapter normally simply because its drivers are outdated. By updating the drivers, you can get rid of any problems with your device. You can run the drivers through Device Manager:

  • press Windows+X;
  • select "Device Manager";
  • find and open the “Network adapters” section;
  • click right click mouse on the Wi-Fi adapter and select “Update driver...”;
  • select automatic search drivers on the Internet;

After updating the drivers for the Wi-Fi adapter, try connecting to your router's wireless network again. In most cases, users who experience a similar problem resolve it by updating the driver for the device.

Roll back to a previous driver version

However, even a new version drivers may cause problems when using Wi-Fi adapter, however, it all depends on the device manufacturer. Maybe, latest version Wi-Fi drivers the adapter is extremely unstable or is not compatible with your computer. In this case, you can try to rollback installed driver before previous version.

You can do this in the same way using Device Manager:

  • get to your Wi-Fi adapter in the list of network devices;
  • Double-click the left mouse button on the Wi-Fi adapter;
  • go to the “Driver” tab;
  • click on the “Roll Back” button;

Having rolled back to the previous version of the driver for the Wi-Fi adapter, try using it and connecting to the router’s Wi-Fi network. If the problem really was the driver, then you will immediately understand it.

Temporarily disable the firewall

If none of the above helps you resolve the problem, then your wireless network may be interfering with your Windows Firewall, which, for some reason, blocks network connection. One way or another, you can check this simply: you just need to temporarily disable the system’s firewall.

You can do this as follows:

  • press Windows+S;
  • enter and select the request “Windows Defender Security Center”;
  • go to the “Firewall and Network Security” tab;
  • deactivate the firewall for the domain network, frequent network and public network;

Try using a Wi-Fi adapter and connect to the wireless network provided by your router. We hope that everything finally worked out for you, and that your adapter is still working properly.

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Recently I helped one of my blog readers solve a problem with a wireless network. The gist of it was that his phone did not connect to the WiFi router. Moreover, it was not just some cheap Chinese Lenovo, but an expensive (albeit also Chinese) fashion iPhone 6S. We spent a lot of time, tried many different options and, in the end, found a solution to the problem. Looking ahead, I will say that the “root of evil” was the incorrect configuration of the home router.
After all this, I decided to bring all our actions into one universal instructions- what to do if your tablet or phone does not connect to Wi-Fi, does not see the network, or sees it but cannot connect to it. Go.

1. The phone does not see the WiFi network

The most common reason is a mismatch between the region settings for the router and the tablet or phone. The fact is that almost all home routers and access points that are sold in Russia have the “Russia” region set by default, which uses 13 radio frequency channels. But phones, especially those brought from abroad, have a different region by default, which may have 10 or 11 channels. This is exactly the problem that most often occurs with iPhone smartphones and iPad tablets that came to us from the USA. The funny thing is that you can connect to the router, enjoy the delights of a wireless network for some time, and one day discover that the phone does not see the router’s WiFi network. The solution is very simple. First, reboot your router. With a high degree of probability, after a restart it will occupy another radio channel and everything will work fine again. To avoid falling into the trap again, you can go to the router settings by entering address bar browser its IP (or). After this, you need to go to the main WiFi settings:

In the “Region” field, try replacing “Russia” with the value “USA”:

You can do without changing the region. In the “Channel” list, replace “Auto” with the value 1 or 6:

As a rule, after this, iPhones no longer lose the wireless network and everything works like clockwork.

2. Can’t connect to Wi-Fi

In this case, usually all devices see the wireless network without problems, but when they try to connect to it, they are simply rejected. There are several options here:
- Endless connection
This usually happens when the communication standards used on the devices do not match. For example, the router is forced to use 802.11n, but the smartphone uses 802.11b or 802.11g. Or vice versa. Therefore, it is best to set the router to a mixed type - 802.11bgn.

- Infinite authorization
This very trouble can happen if the password on the router is changed, but the old one remains in the smartphone’s memory, which is why it cannot connect to the WiFi network. Try to find it in the list of available ones, click on it and select the “Delete this network” option in the menu that appears.

After that, select again from the list and try to connect.
It doesn’t help - then go to the security settings of the router and try setting the “WPA2-PSK” standard with “AES” encryption.

If this does not help, completely disable security and observe how the connection proceeds.

- The message “Obtaining an IP address” appears
This usually happens when the DHCP server is disabled in the router settings. We go to the web configurator, find the LAN or DHCP section and make sure that the DHCP server item is set to “Enable”.

Sometimes you may get stuck in obtaining an IP address due to the fact that a static IP address is registered in the Wi-Fi settings on the phone or tablet itself. To check this, open the “Settings” -> “WiFi” section and click on the connected network. In the menu that appears, select “Change”. A window like this will open in which you need to check the “Advanced” box. Next, make sure that the “IP address” field contains the value “DHCP”.

3. There is a connection, but no Internet

Start by checking whether other phones, tablets or laptops work through this Wi-Fi. Are they working? Then we go into our device, namely “Settings”>>>”Wi-Fi”>>>”Change network”:

We check whether work through a proxy server is enabled.
This option is also possible, although very, very rare, when an incorrect or non-working DNS server is assigned when connecting. It’s easy to check - in your phone, click on the desired network, select “Change” in the menu, check the “Advanced” box, “Manual” IP address and enter the full IP address from the router’s subnet, mask and gateway. But in the DNS servers field we enter the following values:

On an Android phone or tablet it looks like this:

These are public DNS from Google and Yandex. They are 100% working, which will completely eliminate this option.

If none of the above methods didn't help, then try this. Take your device and check it on another wireless network - from a friend, acquaintance or comrade. If there the phone or tablet does not connect to WiFi router too, then the problem is clearly in your device and it needs to be taken in for repair.

Users tablet computers and Android phones often encounter this problem: the device does not connect to Wi-Fi, although you have entered the correct password. A message appears: “WPA WPA2 security saved.” What to do in such cases?

First, make sure that the access point you are on this moment you connect, it really distributes the Internet. To do this, try connecting to it using other devices (laptop, tablet, etc.). If there is Internet on these devices, it means that the access point is working and the reason for the lack of Internet is different.

There may be several reasons (for example, an incorrectly entered password or a weak Internet signal), but we will look at the most common ones.

Problem with Wi-Fi due to router settings.

Changing the Wi-Fi channel of the router:

  • go to the advanced settings of the router,
  • change the channel to another, confirming your action by pressing the “Apply” or “OK” button,
  • exit the router settings and try connecting the device to the Internet.

Often such a simple operation solves a problem with a Wi-Fi connection. If connection does not occur, try the following.

Change the wireless mode in the router settings.

By default, most routers set the settings to 802.11 b/g/n mixed mode. Select another mode: 802.11n, 802.11b, 802.11g. After each mode change, click the "Apply" button and check for Wi-Fi connection.

If this does not help and the Android device still does not pick up Wi-Fi and the Internet does not work, you will have to “work” with the settings of your smartphone (tablet).

The problem is in the Wi-Fi connection settings on the device (tablet, smartphone).

Algorithm for setting up Wi-Fi and Internet connections on Android:

  1. go to “Settings” of your smartphone (tablet),
  2. turn on Wi-Fi,
  3. select the network you are trying to connect to without success,
  4. press and hold the icon of this network with your finger: a message will appear on the screen prompting you to delete or change the network,
  5. select the "Change network" option,
  6. after a window appears with the words “Show password” or “Show additional options» check the box asking to show “additional options”,
  7. Check the “Proxy server settings” and “IP settings” indicators that appear. The “NO” option must be selected in the proxy settings. Sometimes, for various reasons, the “MANUAL” option is set in this field, which interferes with your successful Internet connection. If you change the proxy settings to “NO”, in most cases Wi-Fi starts working.

Incorrectly set date on Android device.

  1. go to General settings and select the “Date and time” option in the “System” item,
  2. uncheck the system suggestion “Auto-adjust date and time” and “Auto-adjust time zone”,
  3. Set the correct date on your device to match the current time.

If these methods do not help, the lack of connection may be due to technical reasons. Weak smartphone, tablet, old version Android OS or a very weak Internet signal - all this can affect the stability of Wi-Fi and the Internet.

The connection process is accompanied by the following comments from the operating system:

  • Connection;
  • Authentication;
  • Saved, WPA protection

When unsuccessful authentication of the user-provided password occurs authentication error.

First of all it's worth re-enter your password manually and try to establish a connection with the access point. After making changes to the router settings, you must delete network from the memory of an Android device, which can “remember” the previous identifier. This is done quite simply:

  • open on your smartphone Wi-Fi settings and find the desired network;
  • then press on it with your finger and select the item that appears “ Forget»;

Even when choosing " Change» Authentication problems are not always solved, so a better solution would be reset all settings.

The problem of connecting old devices is solved regime change. It comes in three types:

  • b– up to 11 Mbit/s;
  • g– up to 54 Mbit/s;
  • n– up to 600 Mbit/s.

Old devices does not work in 11bgn mode it is mixed, since they do not support the last one - n. The issue is being resolved installation 11bg mixed, after which reconnection is made without errors.

Infinitely obtaining an IP address

This problem may be due to the fact that the router disabled DHCP server parameter. Moreover, such a situation sometimes turns out to be simply consequence imperfect operating system.

The location of the parameter in the router interface may differ depending on the manufacturer. TP-Link, for example, takes it out a separate item main navigation menu.

The fastest way worth trying is reboot router. Then it will reset all its parameters to default values ​​and the DHCP server should turn on automatically.

If the connection is still unavailable, most likely the problem lies directly in the device on Android. To solve it you need:

After the above changes, the connection should work properly.

Problems with the router

Sometimes a smartphone can simply do not see the desired network. This is often due to settings channel - a certain subfrequency, which is a kind of road, a route between the device and the router.

The router can support up to 13 such “roads”, and some mobile devices only 10. Thus, if, for example, channel 11 is set in the router settings, the smartphone will simply does not see this “road”, and therefore ignores this access point.

Change this parameter is not difficult. For example, in devices manufactured by TP-Link this is done as follows:

When surrounded a large number of access points, it is better to set the mode to " Auto" Then the router will independently select a free one from the available channels. If there are not many networks around, it is worth choosing a specific channel, which will allow speed up the process traffic exchange. To solve the problem with connecting an Android device, you need to select a channel within 10.

Sometimes a problem arises such as the inability of Android to connect to a WI-FI wireless access point. How to solve this problem? Find out in this article!

And so you came to visit or are in a cafe, or perhaps you bought a new router and configured it to distribute the Internet via WI-FI, but your Android smartphone or tablet does not want to connect to the network or does not even see it! Don't worry, there is a way out!

Possible problems and solutions

1. If Android sees the network, but cannot connect to it, make sure that you enter correct password!

2. If Android sees the network, but cannot connect to it - perhaps Android does not support protection type installed in the router, change the type of protection (read router settings below)

3. If Android does not see the network, make sure that WI-FI network is functioning, reboot the router (on/off)

4. If Android does not see the network, perhaps Android do not support WI-FI standard

5. If Android sees the network, but cannot connect to it, restart Android and the router

6. If Android sees the network, but cannot connect to it, install it on your device from the Google Play store special application- Wi-Fi Fixer. After installation, restart Android and if the Wi-Fi Fixer application does not start, launch it yourself, then try connecting to the access point (you do not need to enter any settings into the application)

7. If Android sees the network, but cannot connect to it, although the password is entered correctly - perhaps Android does not support the WI-FI standard on which the router operates (read below for setting up the router)

8. If you have custom firmware installed on your Android tablet or smartphone, then this may be the problem, reinstall it to the official one

9. Reverse advice to the previous one, if installed official firmware, then you should change it to a custom one (for example, CyanogenMod), since it’s possible that the WI-FI driver has already been updated there

12. Perhaps you have a Dlink router?

Setting up the router

First of all, you need to get into the router settings.

Go to router settings

For this it is better to use a computer, as well as Firefox browser or Internet Explorer. Let's open one of them. Next, you need to find out the entry address, which can be found by knowing the network gateway.

This address must be entered into the address bar and go. Next, you will be asked to enter your username and password, which, as often happens, is located on the bottom of the router case.

Setting up WI-FI

1. First of all, if Android does not connect, you should switch the WI-FI channel to auto

2. Change the WI-FI transmission mode standard to Mix or G only

3. It is also worth checking the number of allowed device connections to the wireless network

4. Try changing the network security method, change the encryption type from open to WPA

5. Another point worth paying attention to is the enabled DHCP server, which allows you to give internal IP addresses on the network. If you disable the DHCP server, you may experience problems connecting to WI-FI and not only with Android devices!

6. Make sure that the MAC filter is not installed in the settings!

MAC address is personal (individual) serial number network device.

Depending on the router, there may be white lists of MAC addresses or black lists.

Blacklisted- devices that are prohibited from entering the network, but other devices can.

White list- only those devices that are in this list and no other devices can connect.

To find out the personal MAC address of Android you need to go to

Settings -> About smartphone (Tablet) -> General information

Try disabling the MAC address filter to resolve the connection problem.

If, after all these settings, Android does not connect to WI-FI, then it is worth updating the firmware either on your smartphone or tablet, as well as on the router; in rare cases, there is simply incompatibility, then nothing can be done!

There is an opinion that very soon Wi-Fi may replace the most affordable mobile communications. The only problem with the development of these events in this direction was the impossibility of roaming on a global scale. After all, Wi-Fi still has some limitations in its range. Today and in this state it is very widespread. For example, Wi-Fi networks are effectively used in corporate and local networks. Wi-Fi first appeared in 2000 and became widely used only in 2005. The first Wi-Fi-enabled phones appeared from developers such as Zyxel, Samsung, UT Starcomm and Hitachi. Afterwards, other manufacturers began supplying their own similar devices. Today this communication standard is one of the cheapest, and many communication providers provide these services for free. However, you can't always take advantage of Wi-Fi, so what if? phone doesn't connect to wifi?

If your phone doesn't connect to Wi-Fi

The communication device can see the network, but the phone does not connect to wifi. How to fix this situation? Typically, a mobile phone may not connect to your home Wi-Fi router. Although in public places the problem of gaining access does not exist. The phone can easily see and connect to Wi-Fi. Sometimes the device not only sees, but can connect, but no data transfer occurs. Here the problem lies not in the phone, but in the router—more precisely, in the settings. The problem can be solved on your own, just like usually most Wi-Fi routers are built according to a universal scheme and the principles for solving problems through settings are almost the same. First you need to go to the device settings. This is done through any Internet browser. Directly in the address bar you will need to type the IP router - these are the designations: and The corresponding IP of the router can be found out in this way: press Start - Run (Win + R), the command line appears, where the CMD command is typed, and in the “MS-DOS” window you need to type “Ipconfig / all” - press Enter. By looking for the “Primary Gateway” designation, you can find out the device’s IP. It is then typed into the address bar of the browser. We find the DHCP section and check the Enabled section; in the two sections Default Gateway and Primary DNS you need to write IP.

The phone is not connected to Wi-Fi - solve the problem yourself

If the above instructions are completed correctly, then the phone should both see and connect to the Wi-Fi function. This method helps to protect data exchange, i.e. set a password for the connection to which only trusted users can connect. Solving such minor problems on your own helps novice users to progress more successfully. This will also help save us some hassle.

Sometimes it happens that when you connect to an available Wi-Fi, the message “saved, wpa2 protection” appears. Moreover, the connection works, but the upload does not occur. This means access is blocked.

In order to understand why the phone does not connect to wifi, it says wpa2 protection is saved, you need to start over, namely from the essence of the problem.

Often the problem is the router settings themselves. If you delve into the settings, you can find the “wireless network mode” item, which should be set to Auto. Otherwise, you will not get rid of the problem.

Sometimes it happens that the phone is connected to the network, but does not load anything. After you reboot the phone and try to connect again, it gives the same error. In this case, you need to resort to rebooting the router.

After we have found out the reasons why the phone does not connect to wifi, we should begin to correct these errors and shortcomings.

To solve this problem you need to refer to the correct settings. Namely:

Set the correct geographical data on the router.

Check that the entered network password is correct.

Configure the wireless network mode in the same settings.

Check the data encryption type.

Try changing the network channel.

Change the bus of this channel itself.

But let's talk about everything in order. First, let's go into the router settings. To do this, enter in the address bar of any browser. Afterwards proceed to wifi settings and set the correct data for the place you are in. Save the changes.

Try to rewrite the password itself when connecting. If you have forgotten the correct password, you can find it in the same settings as described above.

The network operating mode includes the letters b/g/n, which are located in the settings of the router itself. Try changing modes. But after each shift you need to reboot the router. The fact is that sometimes the device from which you want to connect to the network does not support the router’s network mode.

Change the password encryption type and the password itself. But it is important to remember that after these manipulations, devices that were connected earlier will no longer be on the network with this router. It will be necessary to rewrite the login data on them.

The channel width is also set in the router settings. You can experiment with this data and try a new connection.

Now you know why the phone does not connect to wifi, it says wpa2 protection is saved, and also how to fix it. After completing these steps, the problem should be fixed and the device will connect to the network.

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