Why Wi-Fi doesn't work - problems and troubleshooting. How to turn on a wireless network on a laptop Wi-Fi turns on spontaneously on your phone

Problems with connecting to a wireless network from a laptop often arise even for experienced users, and beginners do not even know how to approach the settings. Therefore, we decided to consider this issue in more detail. In the article we will figure it outhow to turn on Wi-Fi on a laptop, and we will provide a connection algorithm for different types operating system. We will also find out what main problems users face and how to solve them.

How to turn on Wi-Fi on a laptop

First of all, let's figure out how to activate the Wi-Fi module on the device. Use without this wireless communication and you won’t be able to configure the connection. Typically, activation depends on the laptop model and varies slightly in each specific case. The process involves certain function keys.

  • For an ASUS laptop this is FN+F.
  • If your gadget is named Acer or Packard bell, then you need to press FN+F3.
  • Gadget from HP includes dedicated WiFi module touch button, indicated by the antenna icon or FN+F12. A number of models from this manufacturer have a simple button with an antenna to activate a wireless connection.
  • Lenovo - FN+F5, if there is no dedicated button.
  • Samsung - FN+F9 or FN+F12, depending on the model.

We have listed the most common equipment manufacturers. If your laptop was produced by another company, then the required combination can be clarified in the instructions for the gadget or on the company’s website. Usually this is the FN function key, which is found on all modern laptops and an additional one from the F1-F12 series.

If the power button is dedicated, then you can look for it in a separate block or even at the ends of the case. Usually it is indicated by the corresponding icon associated with the distribution of the signal.

Wi-Fi settings depending on OS

Now let's talk about those inclusion methods that are intra-system. Simply, how to enable a connection to a wireless network in the operating system. We will analyze the two most common ones; by analogy, you can make settings on other versions of Windows.

Windows 10

How to turn on Wi-Fi on a laptop, if everything is in order with the settings, the answer to this question is no less important than enabling the module. So, we bring to your attention step-by-step algorithm for the tenth version of the operating system.

That's all. As a result, the laptop will connect and you will be provided with Internet access.

Windows 7

We also consider setting up for this version provided that the system is equipped with the necessary drivers and has a network adapter. That is, technically all the nuances have been met and the WiFi module is enabled.

In the case of this version of the OS, everything is much simpler. You can simply click on the Internet connection icon in the lower right corner and select the desired network from the list of available wireless connections. Enter the password and wait for the connection to activate. That's all.

What to do if you can't connect

Situations often arise in which, when performing the above algorithms, the connection to the network is not achieved. In this case, two options are available:

  • WiFi adapter is disabled;
  • the necessary drivers are missing.

Don't be afraid. In both cases, the issue is not as terrible as it seems and everything is completely solvable.

Seventh version of the operating system

For the seventh version of Windows, the verification algorithm will be as follows.

The absence of an entry or the presence of a yellow sign next to the inscription means there are problems with the drivers for the adapter. In this situation, you will have to reinstall them from the disk provided with the laptop or the manufacturer’s official website. In any case, the process is simple, just download necessary programs and reboot the computer, the system itself will distribute the software to the required location and activate it.

If there is a yellow icon, then click on it and in the menu that opens, click the “Engage” command. Then click on the adapter right click mouse and in the “Properties” section, select “Power Management” and in the option to turn off the adapter in power saving mode, uncheck the box, if any.

Enable the adapter in “Network Connections”, find the wireless connection here and click “Enable” next to it. At this point, all the problems in Windows 7 that the user can solve on their own have been fixed, and if the problem remains, it means that the problem is a technical issue and it is better to contact a professional.

Tenth version of Windows

If you have “Ten”, then, solving the issuehow to connect Wi-Fi on a laptop, problems with the adapter and drivers should also be ruled out.

If the icon for connecting to Wi-Fi is not found on the taskbar, then the adapter is disabled. To be able to connect to the Internet, the first one must be turned on.

If there is no “Wireless Network” icon at all, then go to the first section of our article and read how to enable WiFi using hardware.

To check the drivers, you need to right-click on an empty space on the taskbar and context menu select the “Options” section. Then in the main section, select “Devices” and go to “Device Manager”. Expand the block " Network adapters» and look for an entry with the word Wireless. If the icon is supplemented exclamation mark, this means the driver is not working correctly and needs to be reinstalled. If after downloading new drivers the problem is not solved, then you should also contact a professional.

To connect the Internet on a laptop via wireless network You need not only a WiFi module, but also a working access point. To do this, you will need to buy a router at home, and to access the Internet while sitting somewhere in a cafe, it will be enough to turn on Wi-Fi on your laptop and enter the password for the desired network: installing an access point is the task of the owners of the establishment.

A WiFi module is installed in almost all modern laptops, and it’s easy to check whether your device has such a function. To do this you will need:

  • Open “Control Panel”;
  • Launch “Device Manager” (you can use the search bar);
  • Expand the “Network adapters” block.

An existing device with the word “Wireless” in the name means that your laptop supports wireless Internet.

Turning on Wi-Fi on a laptop using the keyboard

Most often, Wi-Fi can be turned on using hot keys, usually two, pressed simultaneously. U different manufacturers On laptops, their combination may change, but the main Fn key, as a rule, is always there. The second key required to turn it on has a special WiFi icon and is located on the keyboard in the function row F1-F12.

You can learn more about how to enable Wi-Fi on a laptop of a specific brand from the following table.

In devices of the previous generation, Wi-Fi is turned on using a special slider on the laptop body, but the network icon remains the same.

How to turn on Wi-Fi on Windows 10

On laptops with “Ten”, “Wi-Fi” can be enabled either in the system parameters or using the notification area, and the second method is more convenient and faster:

1. From the taskbar, open system notifications.

2. Open the Network tab.

3. Turn on WiFi by clicking on the corresponding thumbnail.

To enable Wi-Fi on Windows 10 using the options menu, you must:

1. Open “Settings” and select the “Network and Internet” block.

2. Click on WiFi menu and turn on the wireless network status slider.

After these steps, the laptop will begin searching for all available wireless networks. If it is already in memory, the connection will occur automatically; if the access point for your device is new and protected (you will see a lock icon), you need to select it and enter a password to connect to the Internet.

Connecting WiFi on Windows 7 and 8

For laptops older Windows versions The software algorithm for turning on Wi-Fi is different.

1. Go to “Control Panel” – “Network and Internet”, or right-click on the computer icon in the notification panel next to the clock.

2. Select “Network and Sharing Center” shared access».

3. Click on the “Change adapter settings” menu.

4. Using the right mouse button, turn on the wireless network.

When the Wi-Fi module starts working, you need to select an access point (the list will open by clicking on WiFi icon in the notification area) and, entering the password if necessary, connect to it.

If the Internet via Wi-Fi does not turn on

If Internet access on your laptop still does not appear after all of the above, connect the network cable to the computer directly, open Device Manager through the Control Panel, select the Network Adapters tab, find your Wifi module in the list and try updating the drivers. After that, disconnect the Internet cable and restart the laptop.

If you still cannot turn on the Internet after this, there may be either problems on the provider’s side, or incorrect router settings, or the Wi-Fi module is faulty. The cost of repairs at a service center ranges from 1000 to 2000 rubles, but you can get by with an external WiFi module - on Aliexpress such devices cost about 150 rubles.

One of the most common problems owners have mobile computers– this is when the laptop does not connect to wifi and the wireless Internet has stopped working. Usually, the wireless network does not work after updating the software of a laptop or router, and often a fresh operating system that was recently installed on a PC does not see the Wi-Fi network.

The main thing in such a situation is to determine the reason why the laptop stopped functioning normally. And there are many reasons that sometimes even a highly qualified specialist does not immediately manage to correct the problem. Below is step-by-step instruction troubleshoot this problem.

Stage 1 – determining the cause

If there is no Wi-Fi network, then the reason does not always lie in the computer, but the most likely problem is with the Wi-Fi translator device. In connection with this statistical fact, at the first stage it is recommended to clarify whether the router itself has stopped working.

To do this, you just need to turn on Wi-Fi on another device. If you can successfully catch the necessary networks and the gadget works normally on the Internet, then the reason is in the laptop. If the device does not see the required Wi-Fi, then the reason is in the router. Below are specific recommendations on what to do in each of these situations.

Stage 2 - turn on the Wi-Fi adapter in the computer

When identifying the cause in the PC, it is advisable to start solving the problem by analyzing the current position of the laptop’s wireless network adapter, and if it is turned off, then you just need to turn it on and try to connect to the Wi-Fi network again.

Laptops are equipped with special lights that indicate the status of the wireless network and various methods to turn on WiFi. In the vast majority of cases, LEDs indicating WiFi status, are mounted on laptops on the front or side of the PC panel, but it happens that they are installed on the peripheral part of the display or inside the key turn on WiFi(in any case, manufacturers try to place the adapter indicator on the visible part of the laptop).

The adapter is turned on in the following ways:

Method 1 involves simultaneously pressing “Fn” and the button with the Wi-Fi icon. In method 2 there is only one key, and in method 3 you need to turn it on by moving the switch slider.

If Wi-Fi does not work after completing the second step of the instructions, then you must continue to follow the instructions below and proceed to the next step.

Stage 3 – enable WiFi using OS tools

In addition to methods for activating the adapter using physical keys and switches, there are ways to enable WiFi through the OS on the computer.

For this purpose, the following algorithm of actions is required:

If for some reason the laptop cannot access the Internet, you need to start working with the instructions of the next step.

Stage 4 – debugging the wireless module software

Need to analyze performance Wi-Fi drivers module.

To do this, follow these steps:

Note: If the user’s device is not listed in the “Network Adapters” window, you will need to install drivers. Software usually comes on CD with your computer. They can also be downloaded from the official resource of the equipment manufacturer.

Stage 5 - if the reason is in the router

At the very initial stage of the instructions, it was analyzed why Wi-Fi in the PC stopped working and the most likely course of action to troubleshoot the network. But, since today there are a huge number of brands of routers and no less number of firmware for routers, therefore at this stage we will have to limit ourselves to only generalized wishes for debugging the device.

So, when, in addition to the laptop, another gadget also does not see the network, then the cause of the problem is probably in the router. Below is a list of actions that the user should take in such a situation:

  1. Reducing the distance between the laptop and the router may help. We recommend experimenting with the placement of your devices and turning on your wireless network. Often a positive result can appear after eliminating interference, such as large furniture and household appliances, microwaves, interior floors. When there is no signal even with line of sight, then proceed to the next step;
  2. Determine whether the Wi-Fi light on the router is lit;
  3. Enter the router settings, where you analyze the following points:

A) is the Wi-Fi module turned on;

B) is the SSID enabled;

C) whether the MAC of the laptop is included in the list of ignored ones.

This is the entire list of problems when Wi-Fi does not work and there is no way to turn it on on the computer. Each individual case has its own nuances, for example, the Internet may have stopped working and the laptop does not see the required router via trivial reason device cable break, etc., but this is a topic for a separate publication.

I will describe all the methods known to me turn on Wi-Fi networks on a laptop (after all, everything that can be turned off can be turned on?!) I’ll start with simpler and more common methods, then I’ll move on to more in complex ways, which the units will need.

So if you see on taskbar icon Wi-Fi is turned off (or you don’t see the icon at all), then this article is for you.

Turn on Wi-Fi using the slider/button on the laptop body.

On many laptop models, to turn on Wi-Fi, you need to use the slider or a separate button to turn on Wi-Fi. Often this switch is located on the front end of the laptop.

The switch looks different, but has one function - turning the wireless network on and off.

To turn on Wi-Fi, simply move the slider to the On position.

How to turn on Wi-Fi using a keyboard shortcut.

If your laptop does not have sliders or separate buttons for turning on Wi-Fi, take a closer look at the keyboard, you may find wifi icon on one of function keys(F1-F12).

It can be located on different buttons, it all depends on the manufacturer and model of the laptop.

In order to turn on Wi-Fi, you need to press this key or use a keyboard shortcut +<клавиша Wi-Fi>.

Let's look at the key combinations that are most often used in laptops from different manufacturers:

  1. Acer. Press the keys: +.
  2. Asus. Combination +.
  3. HP. Click here +.
  4. Lenovo. Required buttons: +.
  5. Samsung. Or +, or +.
  6. Dell key combination +or +

How to enable Wi-Fi in Windows settings.

If the above procedures did not help and you are still wondering How to enable Wi-Fi on a laptop? you need to check if wireless is turned on network connection V Windows settings. To do this, you need to go to the Network and Sharing Center. One way is to right-click on network icon in the lower right corner of the screen and select "Network and Sharing Center".

Another way to use hotkeys + enter the command ncpa.cpl and press Enter.

It doesn’t matter which method you used, the result will be the same - a window will appear on the monitor Network connections. Next, you need to find a wireless connection, right-click on it and select “Enable” (if the Enable option is not available, it means Wi-Fi network included).

Enable Wi-Fi through Windows Device Manager.

If it's still yours Wi-Fi adapter is not enabled, you need to check whether it is enabled in the task manager. To do this, click the Start button, right-click Computer, and select Manage. From the left menu, select Device Manager.

Or press the keyboard shortcut + enter the command in the search bar mmc devmgmt.msc and press Enter.

If the adapter icon is marked with a down arrow, it means it is turned off; to turn it on, right-click on it and select “Enable”.

Update drivers for Wi-Fi.

Another reason for Wi-Fi not working may be - not suitable driver or lack thereof. In order to install required driver, go to the laptop manufacturer’s website, find your model (on some sites this will be difficult to do, you can write the laptop model in the comments, I will try to help you) and download the driver for network card Wi-Fi for your operating system. After this, it will be enough to install the drivers; after rebooting the laptop, Wi-Fi should work.

No matter how you turned on the wireless network, you should eventually see a Wi-Fi icon in the taskbar. When you click on it you will see the available for Wi-Fi connections networks.

The Android operating system is popular and in demand. It is used in the production of smartphones, tablets, smart watch and other electronic gadgets. Android capabilities provide access to many useful functions, but no one is immune from errors, so even this system can fail. Our article will look at the situation when the Wi-Fi button on Android does not turn on. What is the reason for this problem and what can be done with the device at home - all helpful information on the topic is given below.

In order not to panic ahead of time and not to “torture” a faulty device, first of all it is worth checking the quality wireless connection. It is no secret that this particular parameter is often inferior to the characteristics declared by the provider.

What problems could be causing:

  1. Lack of Internet connection due to breakdowns of equipment or the network as a whole.
  2. The problem is the Wi-Fi distribution from your router.
  3. “Inconsistencies” of a smartphone or tablet with wireless communication.
  4. Password change or incorrectly entered characters.
  5. IT – conflict when too many devices are connected to the router.

In such situations the best option You will contact your Internet connection operator. Often, communication breakdowns can occur after strong winds or precipitation, when wires may break. Also, communication problems may occur in certain areas, especially remote areas. If you're experiencing network hardware and connection problems more frequently than usual, you may want to consider switching to a different provider.

If the Wi-Fi power button is not active

Having ruled out possible connection problems, it is worth checking the mode wireless internet on the phone. Usually modern devices search for suitable devices independently, and also boast a password-remembering function. If Wi-Fi does not turn on on Android, the problem can be resolved as follows.

Testing and troubleshooting steps:

  • Check that the entered date and time values ​​are correct. If necessary, correct this parameter.
  • Sometimes rebooting the device helps. This procedure is often used for minor software glitches.
  • Check sensor operation. In some cases, the reason may be that the buttons do not work.
  • Reset network settings and enter data again. The password may have changed or Account since the last time you turned on the smartphone.

An obvious problem with Wi-Fi not working may be problems in the device itself, for example, after a fall or other “trauma” or damage. In this case, it is more advisable to contact specialists by handing over the phone to service center or workshop.

Why did the problem occur?

The reasons for connection problems vary. For extreme cases, when none of the above steps help, it is better to send the device in for repair. Sometimes flashing the phone or resetting the settings to factory settings helps.

Possible causes and solutions:

  1. Network connection unavailable. Check the connection on another device, if necessary, contact your operator.
  2. Check the network settings on your phone and enter new data if necessary.
  3. Reboot the device for correct operation. You can also use the " safe mode».
  4. Malware can also cause connection failures. If the connection stops working after installation new program, it is advisable to delete this application. To do this, the smartphone is put into “safe mode”, after which the software is removed and the device is rebooted.
  5. Airplane mode accidentally turned on. In this case, connecting to Wi-Fi is impossible, so you should definitely check this parameter.

Incorrect connection to Wi-Fi may occur after unsuccessful flashing of the device. Usually we are talking about the “clumsy” work of home craftsmen or the first try independent change installations. In such cases, you should be aware that possible risks include complete failure of the device, so most often the savings are unjustified. It is better to contact a trusted service center, where a technician will configure the system for an additional cost.

What to do in such cases

Solving the problem yourself is allowed only with the required level of knowledge. If you don’t understand the structure of your smartphone (tablet) at all, inept actions can only worsen the situation. The above algorithms are not a serious interference in the electronic “stuffing” of a smartphone, but if it is impossible to solve the problem at home, the best option would be to contact a specialist.

Relatively old devices can be reflashed (again, if you have sufficient experience in such manipulations), but new ones are better to be returned to a service center so as not to lose the warranty.

Wi-Fi does not turn on on the phone

Problems with the Internet connection always arise at the wrong time. If all the suggested actions do not help establish the connection, you can use a special utility. An example would be free application WI – FI Fixer. After installing the application on your phone, you do not need to change settings or perform any additional actions, the program will do everything on its own. There are similar applications that help get Wi-Fi working, but before using them you need to exclude others possible reasons problems.

Wi-Fi does not turn on on the tablet

If you cannot connect to the network via Tablet PC, laptop or other electronic device, it is also worth checking the fullness of memory and running applications. To do this, it is advisable to carry out two-level cleaning. At the first stage, all running processes are closed. This frees up approximately 800 MB of memory. The second stage will be closing applications running in background. If necessary, you can conduct an audit and remove unnecessary and long-not used utilities. After these manipulations, be sure to reboot the device, after which Wi-Fi should work properly.

Problems with Wi-Fi connections happen quite often, and there are many reasons for such problems. After checking the reliability of the wireless connection, as well as eliminating the possibility of your phone (tablet) breaking, you can carry out diagnostics yourself. To do this, the instructions in our article will help you, as well as detailed information O possible problems The Wi-Fi button on the smartphone does not work.