Why won't the nvidia card driver download? Error: "NVIDIA software could not be installed"

Despite the fact that the process of active computerization began more than two decades ago, it is still very far from completely eradicating the difficulties that arise during the interaction between the user and the computer. So, now one of the pressing problems is the process of installing control programs for this or that computer equipment.

Two bridges to the world of video

Once upon a time, video adapters for computers were produced by various companies: Trident, S3, NVIDIA, Ati, Cirrus Logic, Matrox, etc. Much has changed since then, and this moment The most common products are from only two companies - AMD and NVIDIA. The famous Intel never presented a discrete solution, limiting itself to a line in CPU. It is believed that the popularity of Nvidia products is higher than that of AMD, so it is understandable that users more often encounter difficulties when using video cards from this particular manufacturer.

This is the main reason. It is worth noting that due to all of the above, it is impossible to say that Nvidia is not installed, while the Intel driver works stably. It is also necessary to take into account the degree of distribution of solutions from a particular manufacturer. In this article we will answer the question “why Nvidia driver geforce won't install? and point out ways to solve it.

Correct control program

In order for applications to display all colors correctly and be able to use 3D acceleration, you must install the video card driver. This special program, installed once and ensuring interaction of the operating system with the hardware units of the video adapter.

One of the reasons why the Nvidia video card driver does not install is that users download the control program from unverified sources. These can be various forums, overclocking resources, websites in specific areas. For “advanced” computer scientists, such drivers are an opportunity to increase the performance of the video subsystem or get some additional features, blocked in official releases.

However ordinary users Those who decide to get all these fabulous bonuses are often faced with the fact that the Nvidia driver is not installed. When you try to install, you may receive messages about some kind of discrepancy, an error in memory addresses, a driver already present in the system, etc. All this can be avoided if you download the program from the manufacturer’s official website. So, the first rule says: the driver must be obtained from the Internet resource of the company that manufactures the video chip; support disk included with the computer/laptop; website of the assembly company (Asus, MSI...).

Reading the label

Some users, having visited an Internet page, get lost in its seemingly simple menu and download the wrong thing. It is not surprising that an attempt to use other control programs leads to the fact that a topic is often created on the forums “why is the Nvidia driver not installed?” Every owner of a personal computer or laptop must know the full name of the video adapter installed in his system unit or the type of chip used. These data are provided on the website of the assembly company.

Let's look at two examples. Eat Asus video card GTX780TI-P-3GD5. By going to the website of the same name and selecting the “Computers and Components” section, you can find the specified model. Its characteristics indicate that this map based on nVidia 780Ti video processor.

Or, the laptop sticker says “nVidia GeForce 8400 GS”. In this case, the name of the chip used is directly reported. In other words, the second rule is: know the exact name of the video chip!

Right choice

Avoid the question “why won’t the Nvidia driver install?” It is possible if you select a program that matches the chip. Previously, the principle was followed in which latest versions could be installed to support outdated models video cards, but now this is the exception rather than the rule.

Thus, on the Nvidia website you need to go through the menu tree “Drivers” - “Download drivers”. Here the user will be asked to fill out a simple table, indicating the type, series, family and operating system. After clicking the “Search” button, a link to the most suitable program that needs to be downloaded and installed will be displayed.

The manufacturer also offers the opportunity to try a test version control program, which, theoretically, should have a number of advantages. The selection is similar, except that you need to follow the “Beta Versions” link. Note that trying to install it may cause an error like “Nvidia video card driver is not installed” - depending on your luck.

So, rule three: it is recommended to download and install a control program marked as WHQL (compliance tested). An indispensable condition is an accurate indication, if not of the video chip family, then at least of its series (for the 780Ti it is 700, and for the laptop 8400GS it is the 8M series).

I have contact

Sometimes even experienced computer scientists are faced with the fact that the Nvidia driver cannot be installed in any way. The reason may be not only software, but also hardware. As you know, it is inserted with a comb of sliding contacts into a special connector motherboard. Fixation occurs using screws or special fasteners. In some cases, in order for the card to move out of the connector a little, it is enough just to accidentally touch the rigid video adapter-monitor cord. Performance is not completely lost, but problems arise. software problems in the form of the inability to use 3D functions, limited color gamut, and periodic artifacts on the screen. This does not install the Nvidia driver, so it is not possible to solve the problem this way.

California company problem

Users who follow the news and read thematic forums know that Nvidia has become famous for the fact that one of its lines of video chips has a factory defect, which manifests itself in the gradual degradation of BGA soldering and, as a result, complete or partial failure of the entire video card . Since there is nothing much to lose in this case, many people practice baking such a video adapter in the oven (there is a technique), which in many cases allows you to restore functionality for a period of from several days to six months. The problem with soldering manifests itself, in particular, in the fact that the Nvidia driver takes a long time to install or displays an error message, although previously everything could work stably. Thus, the fourth rule states: problems with installing the control program can be caused by hardware failures both in the video card itself and in the logic of other components. All of them must be eliminated.

You can try to install the driver in forced mode, even if the installer displays an error message. To do this, you need to launch the desired distribution package with the program and select the unpacking folder. After the message about the impossibility of installation (assuming that it is displayed), you should follow the path “Computer” - “Properties” - “Device Manager” and select “Video adapters” from the list. By clicking on its name (as a rule, the choice here is small - one element), you need to select “Driver Update” and when searching for this computer indicate the folder where the distribution was extracted. If everything is done correctly, a list of supported video cards will be displayed - all you have to do is indicate “Any” and agree to the installation, ignoring the warning. This method is not a panacea, but in some cases it allows you to overcome installation errors.

How to install a driver on a video card? This question is often asked by users personal computers, because drivers are not always installed automatically, especially for video drivers. Installation can also be done using the center windows updates, but this does not always work out, due to the frequent release of video cards. Therefore, the best option would be to download the driver from the Internet.

Of course, if after purchasing a computer you still have a disk with all the drivers, you can insert it and install everything you need. But this may not always work out, for example, due to the installation of a 64-bit operating system, although the driver disk contains only 32-bit drivers. Or if you bought a new video card. So, I recommend downloading and installing the video driver from the official website of the developer, for the reason latest updates and stable operation of these drivers. This article will discuss exactly this method.

First, we need to determine which driver needs to be installed; a unique identifier (ID) that all computer devices have will help us with this. You can find out exactly what id the equipment has through the device manager. To do this, go to property my computer as shown in the picture below.

In the window that opens, click on the tab device Manager, located on the left side of the window.

In the list of available devices, find video adapters, click right click mouse according to what is available, where we select property.

Go to the tab intelligence, where in the drop-down list of properties, select the item equipment ID. Several identifiers have appeared, copy the name of the first one to the clipboard.

Open any available browser and paste this identifier into the search bar. A list of sites will appear where it will immediately be determined what kind of video card we have. In my case it's nvidia geforce gt 440. From this I conclude that you need to go to the website of this manufacturer.

Go to the official website nvidia.ru. On home page click on the item drivers ->download drivers.

In the window nvidia driver downloads, select the type, series, family, OS, language and click search.

The site determined which driver package was suitable for us and displayed it. Click download now.

Accept the license agreement by clicking the button accept and download. The file will begin downloading to your computer.

Launch the downloaded file. An unpacking window will open, click ok.

The graphics driver installer is running, accept and continue.

We are waiting for the end of the running process.

To complete the installation, click the button reboot now.

And after the system starts, go to the task manager, where we see successfully installed driver video cards.

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Hello friends! In today's article we will figure out why, in some cases, after reinstalling the operating systemDrivers are not installed on the video card. This question is very interesting and is often asked in the comments on our website, “they say we reinstalled the operating system, but we can’t install the driver for the video card (it’s probably broken).” Most often this applies to laptops with switchable Intel graphics+ATI. We generally cannot install drivers on AMD Radeon HD 6xxxM series and Radeon HD 7xxxM series video cards, but if you have an NVIDIA video card, then everything said below also applies to you.To better understand the essence of the problem, we will publish one letter from our reader.

  • Hello remontcompa! The question is this. Lenovo G770 laptop, reinstalled the Windows 7 operating system, the installation was successful, then I entered the Device Manager and realized that I would have to tinker with the drivers. I downloaded all the drivers from the official website http://www.lenovo.com/ru/ru/ , the drivers were installed successfully except for the driver for the video card. As you can see in the screenshot, I have two video cards on my laptop,

This is the so-called Intel + ATI switchable graphics, that is, an integrated video card from Intel (Intel HD Graphics) and a discrete AMD Radeon HD 6700M.

In other words, my laptop supports the function of switching video cards. Energy-saving graphics work with applications that do not require a lot of power. Intel processor, and high-performance graphics work with games and other energy-intensive programs AMD processor Radeon HD 6700M.
I install the driver according to your article, download the utility automatic installation AMD Driver Autodetect drivers, but at the very beginning of the driver installation this error appears.
Can't load program AMD Catalyst Mobility due to its incompatibility with the hardware or software on your computer.
Version graphics adapter your computer is not supported. Contact your laptop manufacturer to update your graphics driver.

According to your article, I downloaded the driver for the video card manually, but when installing it, I also get this error.

Why are drivers not installed on the video card and what to do in this situation, is the Windows 7 operating system licensed?

Drivers are not installed on the video card

Just yesterday, one of my friends brought me almost the same laptop to work and immediately asked: “Listen, uncle, Why are drivers not installed on the video card?, because all the components had drivers, but the AMD Radeon video card did not, I reinstalled Windows several times, I didn’t download the drivers from anywhere, in short, help me out.”
Let's help out my friend, and at the same time learn how to deal with this common mistake. Such a mistake" The AMD Catalyst Mobility program cannot be loaded due to incompatibility with the hardware or software on your computer" you can get when installing a driver on an AMD Radeon video card, and it doesn’t matter if you have a laptop or a simple one desktop computer. The whole point here is this. Drivers need to be installed in the right order, by the way, this is written on all websites of laptop manufacturers, take at least the same Lenovo.
"It is recommended to install the chipset driver first, then other internal device drivers such as Ethernet adapter, audio device, video adapter, and finally external device drivers."

That's the whole secret. Some readers may ask - What are these “Chipsets?” These, friends, are nothing more than drivers for the motherboard chipset, and these are basic driver, if you do not install it first, drivers for other components of the laptop may simply not be installed (as in our case) or they will be installed, but these devices will not always work well and reliably, for example, the sound will periodically disappear or it will be quiet, and devices connected to USB ports will not always be detected, and so on.

More than once I have heard the wrong opinion, even from experienced users, that “the motherboard drivers are in Windows itself,” so they are there, but how ancient are these drivers?

  • Note: the latest driver for the motherboard chipset is available, in our case Intel. You may also find our articles on this topic useful.

In our case, first of all we will install driver for motherboard chipset, second thing is to install the driver for Built-in Intel HD Graphics, and only then install Driver for AMD Radeon HD 6700M video card.

We have a Lenovo G770 laptop, so we go to the website http://www.lenovo.com/ru/ru/. Select Support and Drivers.

Drivers and software,

Enter G770 and press Enter on the keyboard,

The driver page opens. First of all, left-click on the item Chipset

and open it. Intel Chipset driver for Windows 7 (32-bit, 64-bit) - Lenovo G770 is the driver for the chipset of our motherboard. Click for files.

Download now. Download the driver and start the installation.

After the installation is complete, open the Display and Video Graphics item, select Intel Onboard Graphics Driver for Windows 7 (64-bit) - Lenovo G770 Notebook (these are the drivers for the built-in video card from Intel (Intel HD Graphics) for our operating system Windows 7 (64 -bit) Click for files.

Download now. Install the driver for the integrated graphics.

And only now, friends, we got to the driver for our AMD Radeon HD 6700M video card. Here we can go two ways. First, download the driver here, select AMD Video Driver for Windows 7 (32-bit, 64-bit) - Lenovo G770, click for files.

AMD Video Driver Download Now.

Download and install the driver for our AMD Radeon HD 6700M video card. No errors. The driver is installed.

Secondly, you can go to the website of our ATI video card:

And download the automatic driver installer AMD Driver Autodetect. Technology automatic search drivers from AMD determines your video card and operating system, and if a new driver is available, you need to press just one AMD Driver Autodetect button and the driver download and installation process will immediately begin.

But often with its help it is not possible to establish the most new driver to your video card and we will receive the error “Unable to load AMD Catalyst Mobility program” Why? Friends, I tried to figure this out many times, but then I noticed that on the same laptops this AMD Driver Autodetect either starts or doesn’t, most likely the error lies in it itself.

But you can always install the driver on the video card by downloading it manually; this is described in detail in our article “How to install the ATI video card driver” (link at the beginning of the article). Let's do this again together. Let's go to the AMD video card download center:

http://support.amd.com/ru-ru/download. If we need a driver for a video card AMD laptop Radeon HD 6700M, select Notebook Graphics, if you have a simple computer, select Desktop Graphics, then series, product model and operating system, then press the DISPLAY RESULTS button (view the result).

The first is a verification tool - AMD Mobility Radeon™ Driver Verification Tool, which will give the result of compatibility of the driver we download and our operating system. If you are sure that you have chosen the right driver, then click just below Download and download your driver, then install.

Well, friends, we have addressed the question of why drivers are not installed on the video card of a modern laptop with switchable video.
If you get your hands on Lenovo laptop, then you can install all the other drivers on it in exactly the same way: sound, webcam, card reader, TouchPad, network driver, WI-FI and so on.

When installing drivers, sometimes incidents occur that interfere with work Windows system. And naturally, to solve this or that problem, you need to know some technical subtleties. And as an example, we will now deal with the problem of why Nvidia drivers are not installed. To be more precise, let's talk about possible problems related to driver installation.

Of course, this issue is relevant, since the above company is one of the largest manufacturers of video cards. And now I will tell you the most popular types of problems and problems, which, as a rule, are the root of the problem when installing the Nvidia driver.

Note: there is an article on the blog: “”, it is possible that you will find the answer to your question in it.

Install the required driver

First, make sure you download a driver that supports your Windows operating system. To download the driver you need to go to the manufacturer’s official website, which is located.

Next, you need to indicate the model of your video card, as well as what system you will install the driver on. If you specify the wrong model or another operating system, there will be difficulties installing the Nvidia driver. After selection, click the “Search” button.

After this, information for downloading the driver will appear. To be sure that you are downloading required driver, go to the "Supported Products" tab and find your video card in the list.

Be sure to turn everything off antivirus programs, V background work they should not be there, this again may interfere with the installation process. It is worth paying attention to what account you are about to install the driver. If you are logged in as a guest or under ordinary user, then log in with administrator privileges, otherwise installation will not be possible.

Removing a valid driver

If you could not install the driver, then try uninstalling it, go to “Start” - “Control Panel” and select “uninstall a program”. If you are installing for the first time, you do not need to remove the driver.

We look in the list provided for all the names in which the word Nvidia appears in any way. We delete this whole thing and reboot.

Attention! If you bought a video card and connected it to your computer, you need to wait while Windows tries to install the driver. After his attempts, you can now proceed with the installation.

Open the downloaded file. Right-click on it and select “Run as administrator.” Click OK.

Then follow the installation wizard and agree to the license. This concludes the list of essential actions. If you cannot install the driver and naturally do not understand why the Nvidia drivers are not installed, then the situation is a little more complicated, as it might seem at the beginning. But there are some ways to solve this problem.

Solving the problem in one go

First of all, download a program called Driver Swepper via the Internet. It is extremely clear, as they say - there is nothing superfluous in it. And the meaning of its work is that it clears all remaining tails from previous deleted drivers.

When installing the program, uncheck the box so as not to install Hamster Free Zip Archiver.

To make the program in Russian, click Language on the left, then select “Russian” on the right side of the program. To apply the changes, click on the “Apply” button.

Now it will be more clear to you. To remove drivers, click "Analysis and Cleanup". Find the Nvidia driver on the right side of the window, then click “Analyze”.

Take a look at what files this program is going to delete. If everything is fine, then click “Cleaning”. Next, you will be asked to restart your computer, which is what you do.

If you have not yet downloaded the driver for your video card, then this is the time to do it. Try installing the driver. Installation still not going well? It's okay, because there are still charges! ;).

I wanted to write at the very beginning, but after thinking a little, I decided that if I offer you to disassemble system unit and check the video card to see if it sits tightly in its connector, you would most likely shake your head and not do it. After much torment that we went through above, I think now you understand that if these recommendations did not help, then you should take my advice. Disassemble the system unit, remove the video card, you can vacuum the video card connector a little, and then insert it back.

Attention! The vacuum cleaner does not need to touch the computer and internal devices.

Well, I left the hardest part for last. Now you need to go to “Device Manager” and look at the equipment ID. To do this, right-click on your computer and select “Manage.”

Click "Device Manager" on the left. Then a list of all devices on the computer will appear on the right.

In “Video Adapters”, find your video card, right-click on it and select “Properties”.

In the window that opens, go to the “Details” tab and select “Equipment ID”. Information will appear below. Do not close this window, this data will be useful to us now.

To see where the driver is unpacked, run the driver installation file. Now go to this folder.

Save this file, and then you can try installing the driver. To do this, run the setup.exe file.

There is a video on the Internet, although English language, but it’s detailed and visual, I think you won’t have any questions.

And that's all I have for today. When I started writing the article, I thought it would work out twice and told me, but in fact, some of the nuances lie deeper than we think. I sincerely hope that you had a chance to read the conclusion with either successfully installed or installing new Nvidia drivers! I would be grateful if you write in the comments what methods helped you. It will be very useful for other readers.

Not long ago I became the owner of a very good gaming laptop Russian assembly - .

Despite the fact that the laptop's hard drive contained complete sets of drivers for three operating systems, in fact all the drivers turned out to be very old. And, if updating the driver for the chipset was not difficult (you download a single package from the Intel website), then with the driver for the video you had to suffer quite a lot.

Let me remind you that the laptop has an Nvidia GeForce 8600M GS video card. In combination with Core processor 2 Duo T8300, operating at a frequency of 2.4 GHz, is a pretty good gaming combination. But the video driver was initially installed with version 156.76 dated 10/24/2007. As you can imagine, it is quite old. For example, when installing the game Bioshock, the installer complained about the old video card drivers and immediately suggested that we go download new ones.

So, where else can you get drivers if not on the manufacturer’s website, you say. That's what I thought too. I went to the Nvidia website, selected the OS, the family of video cards (GeForce 8M series (notebook)) and downloaded a 110 megabyte package. I start the installation and receive a message that goes something like this: “The NVIDIA installer did not find any drivers compatible with the installed hardware. The installer stops working.”

I'm at a loss. I check again whether I downloaded it, open it configuration files drivers (maybe my video card is not supported?) - but I understand that everything should be fine. However, the driver installation fails.

The first thing I decided to do was contact the company’s technical support. On the laptop manufacturer’s website it is very beautifully written about providing assistance to everyone, given toll free number telephone for calls, Email hotline. I wrote a letter in which I asked for new compatible drivers for the video card. And here DEPO’s technical support showed its worst side. By asking serial number laptop (it’s not clear why), the support worker fell silent. After waiting more than a day (suddenly they are collecting a new driver there especially for me), I sent repeated request, and was taken aback by the answer - the driver is up-to-date and does not need updating! Unfortunately, they didn’t explain to me how a driver from two years ago can be relevant. This is probably the only negative aspect of communicating with the products of the Russian company DEPO - the complete lack of clear user support. Unfortunately, there is no complaints section on the site!

I start looking for a solution to this problem on the Internet - on websites and forums. And I quickly realize that I’m not the only one. In most cases (although it is impossible to judge how many such cases there are in reality - only those who have a problem write on forums) the driver does not really recognize the video card installed in the laptop. What this is connected with is not entirely clear. Most likely, the laptop manufacturers themselves are doing the chemicals.

And then a solution to the problem was finally found. Many thanks to obla4ko4240019, a member of the Ru-Board forum for the tips.

Attention! Everything written below applies only to video cards manufactured by nVidia. All examples are made for OS Windows Vista, but these actions will not differ much from Windows XP or Windows 7.
So, let's start in order:

1) We need fresh drivers for GeForce series desktop video cards. Desktop ones, since special drivers for mobile (laptop) solutions have their own differences, and this guide does not apply to them (and, as we have seen, they do not want to be installed).

You can get drivers from friends, acquaintances, or at work. If it's not available anywhere, you can download it. To do this, go to the nVidia website in the “Download drivers” section and fill out the form for a manual search. Please note that in the “Product series” field you must indicate the series without M, i.e. if, for example, GeForce 8600M is installed, then in the column we select not “GeForce 8M series (notebook)”, but simply “GeForce 8 series”. Select the OS, click the “Search” button and get a link to download the driver.

2) Now we need to determine the ID of our video card. Open system properties (right-click on the “My Computer” icon, then “Properties”), then device manager. We select “Video adapters”, in it we see our video card. Call the device properties, the “Details” tab, then “Hardware ID”. The lines will be displayed at the bottom, I have 4 of them, someone may have 3 or even one. We are interested in the string located between the second and third & signs of type: DEV_0425. This is the line we need. Write it down somewhere!

3) The downloaded driver file is actually an archive. Therefore, using any archiver (WinRAR or 7-Zip will do), unpack the file into any folder. We go into it after unpacking and look for the nv_disp.inf file. Now we face the most important step - to deceive the installer so that the installer decides that our video card is supported by the driver. We open this file with notepad, and approximately in the middle of the file we find lines like:
%NVIDIA_DEV.0191.01% = Section004, PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_0191
%NVIDIA_DEV.0193.01% = Section004, PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_0193
and so on.
Doesn't the very end of the line remind you of anything? That's right, our ID! We are looking for a line whose ending differs from ours by the last digit.
In my case this is the line:
%NVIDIA_DEV.0424.01% = Section010, PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_0424
And now we change the last digit so that we get the ID of our video card:
%NVIDIA_DEV.0424.01% = Section010, PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_0425
Next we go to the very end of the same file, where there are lines like:
NVIDIA_DEV.0040.01 = " NVIDIA GeForce 6800 Ultra"
NVIDIA_DEV.0041.01 = "NVIDIA GeForce 6800"
We look for a line among them in which DEV.XXXX matches the original ID before the change above:
NVIDIA_DEV.0424.01 = "NVIDIA GeForce 8400 GS"
And we change the name of our video card:
NVIDIA_DEV.0424.01 = "NVIDIA GeForce 8600M GS"
If you want to show off to your friends how cool your laptop is, you can even write this:
NVIDIA_DEV.0424.01 = "NVIDIA GeForce GTX 295 SLI"
After all, this line actually determines under what name your video card will be listed in the system. Just don't expect performance to increase based on the name of the graphics card!
Save the file.

4) Before installing a new driver, you must remove the old one. Go to Control Panel - Programs and Features (Add or Remove Programs in Windows XP) and uninstall previous driver. Reboot, go to the folder with the driver and start the installation. During installation, the operating system may complain about the driver’s lack of certification - we agree to install that one too. After the process is completed, reboot.

I immediately go to the device manager - the driver version has indeed changed. This means the installation was successful!

After the update, I run the Vista performance test again - and here a pleasant surprise awaits me. operating system after recalculating the rating, it raises my graphics values ​​for Aero to 4.7 (from 4.6), and graphics for games to 5.2 (from 5.1), thereby increasing the system rating from 4.6 to 4.7.

With these simple steps you can update the driver on a discrete Nvidia video card in a laptop if the driver is not installed from the website and the laptop manufacturer does not provide a fresh driver.