Why won't my printer software install? How to install a local and network printer without an installation disk

Good day, friends.

In general, the situation is as follows. The other day he brought me this miracle along with his nubuck laptop, which is already 7 years old!!! XP has been working (since 2008) and says: “Diman, do whatever you want, but supply me with firewood for XP. 7 won't be particularly productive. The RAM is 3 GB, so help me out, it didn’t work out for me, some network framework is asking for it.” He dropped everything and left.

If you suffer for a long time, something will happen

Well, I think it’s a bullshit question, let’s do it now. . Net Framework 4 got it and installed it. All OK. It came time to install and then it began...

When he asked to go to the potty and asked to connect the cable, I completed this step and waited... waited... waited until I got an error like this.

Well, I think, okay, I’ll wait a little longer, maybe it will still start... but no, having reached 100% detection of the device, it spat out the following, no less wonderful error. And what’s most interesting is that the driver for the scanner was installed...

What else do you need @

Emotions were overwhelming...And as Ivan Vasilyevich also said from the movie “Ivan Vasilyevich is changing his profession”: “What else do you need @?” Yes, nothing is needed. Well, marry the bastard, the tsar will let her go”... But the printer wouldn’t let me go...

Well, I think, okay, since you didn’t install it according to the instructions, maybe I’ll just point out the driver manually and you’ll get it working for me...

And after some manipulations at the last step, when you need to click “Done”, I click and...

Well, I think either the skis don’t work or it’s just me...

He spat on it and left it until the next day. I started looking for answers on the net and besides that the drivers are supposedly crooked and all that, and in general the HP team is not the best best drivers sculpts, well, I won’t argue with that... Anything can happen. But how can I deliver it? It felt like the printer was telling you: “Break, . Completely break it” 😆 😆 😆 Yes, yes, that’s how it was 😆

I’ve already turned off the antivirus, I think maybe it’s...no...Everything is the same. Maybe it’s really firewood, I went to the offsite and downloaded the latest ones... the same thing... 👿 👿 👿

There were simply no words... Let me think I'll run through the antivirus and look for a virus, maybe it's something, it happens that a virus has made a hole... I found about 200 viruses, cleaned them, installed the drivers again and everything went to waste...

I think, okay, I call a friend and say: “Listen, maybe I’ll take down Windows and install it clean.” “What if it doesn’t work?” I say: “Okay, now I’ll try to install it on 7”...aaand...installed.


In the end, in general, I got to another guy, he also has a pig, I say, let me try to install it for you, they installed the same way, everything is fine... I think I feel like I screwed up somewhere.

I go back to the laptop, install NetFramework 3.5 SP1 and what do you think, everything was installed up to the latest driver, nothing was missed.

So, because of the version of this very framework, a lot depends on whether the drivers will be installed or not, whether you will rack your brains or not :)

Are you connecting your printer to your Windows XP computer but nothing happens? The system does not recognize your printer, identifying it as unknown device? Or, despite the fact that the printer is installed and correctly detected, it is impossible to print on it? Let's try to figure out why printing equipment refuses to work normally.

Why doesn't my Windows XP computer see the printer?

The computer may not see or may not recognize the printer correctly for the following reasons:

  • the printer is turned off or faulty;
  • the cable connecting the printer to the computer is faulty;
  • on older computers to which printers are connected via COM or LPT ports, these same ports either do not work or are disabled in the BIOS.
  • when connecting modern USB printers, the reason may also be a non-working USB port;
  • printer drivers are not installed;
  • The Print Spooler service is not running;
  • software the printer is not supported by Windows XP or conflicts with other software;
  • If problems arise when connecting network printers, there are errors in the network settings.

Eliminating hardware reasons

It is not always possible to cope with hardware problems on your own, but you need to check what is within your power first. To make sure the printer is working properly, connect it to another computer - if the printer is faulty, the problem will occur there too.

Also check the cable you use to connect the printer to your PC. If you have the opportunity to replace it and test the work with another, be sure to do so. And of course, try connecting the cable to other USB ports on your computer.

If your system does not see printers connected to COM ports, you need to make sure that the ports are not disabled in the BIOS. To do this, go to the “Advanced” tab – “IO Device Configuration” or “Integrated peripherals” and make sure that the COM Port parameter (other names for the option are Onboard Serial Port, Serial Port Address, Serial Port) is set to “Enabled”.

To check whether the LTP port is enabled, also go to the same tab in the BIOS and look at the value of the Onboard Parallel Port option (Parallel Port Address, Parallel Port). It should not be “Disabled” either. If the port is enabled, you can see some values ​​in the settings of these options, for example, Auto, 378H/IRQ7 or other similar ones.

It happens that COM and LTP ports are enabled in the BIOS, but the computer still does not see the printers. This often indicates a fault with the contacts in the connectors or the controller chip that controls these ports (Super I/O chip). Sometimes this happens when the legs located around the perimeter of this chip move away from the contacts on the motherboard.

Troubleshooting software problems

Installing drivers

The most common reason that Windows XP does not see printers is the lack of necessary drivers. To check this, open Device Manager. Click right click mouse over “My Computer” on the desktop, open “Properties”, go to the “Hardware” tab and click the “Device Manager” button.

If you see question marks or exclamation marks, such as here -

the reason is obvious: Windows XP simply doesn't know what the device is, so it can't use it.

Printers are always supplied with a disk with drivers, and to solve this problem, just insert the disk into the drive and point the New Hardware Wizard to the path to it.

The driver will install automatically. After restarting your computer, you can check how your printer prints.

If there is no such disk, but you have access to the Internet, you can find required driver by device code. To do this, do the following:

  • Find your printer in Device Manager and open its properties.
  • Go to the “Details” tab.
  • Select “Equipment IDs” from the list.
  • Copy the top line from the code list.

  • Paste it into the line Google search, Yandex or others search engines. Most likely, several web resources will be found from where you can download suitable driver. It is safer and more reliable to download drivers from the websites of hardware manufacturers.

Checking if the Print Spooler service is running

Service Print Spooler or Print Spooler is responsible for the interaction of printer drivers with the operating system, input/output components (ports) and network protocols. If it is disabled, don't be surprised if your printer doesn't print or Windows XP doesn't see it.

By default, the Print Spooler service is assigned a startup type of “automatic”. But sometimes users themselves turn it off as unnecessary, when there is no printing equipment.

  • To check, open “Start” - “Run” or press the “R” and “Windows” keys.
  • Enter the command in the “Open” line services.msc and click OK. The service management program will launch.

  • Find “Print Spooler” in the list of services and open its properties (from context menu).
  • Give it a startup type of “Auto” and also start it if it is stopped.

  • If the “Print Spooler” does not start, check if the “Remote Procedure Call (RPC)” service is running and if the file C:WindowsSystem32Spoolsv.exe is on your hard drive.

Why won't the printer install?

However, in some cases, despite the presence of drivers and correct setting services, the system still does not see and does not install the printer. This happens for the following reasons:

  • Windows XP has not been updated for a long time and therefore does not support new printers;
  • Printers were previously installed on this computer and their utility utilities remained in the system, which conflict with the new drivers.
  • Security software does not trust drivers, especially those that are not signed by Microsoft, and therefore blocks their installation.

To deal with the first problem, just update Windows XP. To do this, open “Security Center” through the Control Panel and in the right half of the window select “Check for latest updates Windows Update”.

Download all available updates from the Microsoft website. It is especially important to install Service Pack 3 for Windows XP if you do not have it.

If the update did not help, and you know for sure that other printers were previously used on the computer, remove all components belonging to them through “Add or Remove Programs”.

The next step is to check whether the installation of unsigned drivers is blocked on your system. Since installing drivers without digital signature Microsoft is quite dangerous (due to the possibility of viruses entering the system), Windows XP may prohibit this.

Open system properties by right-clicking on “My Computer”. Go to the “Hardware” tab and click the “Driver Signing” button. If in the list of Windows XP actions you have the option “Block - prevent installation of an unsigned driver” selected, select “Warn - prompt you to choose an action every time.”

If you use third-party software such as antiviruses and firewalls to protect your computer, temporarily disable them during driver installation.

How to connect a network printer

In cases where the network printer of a home group of computers does not print or is not recognized, the highest frequency of reasons is incorrect network settings.

First of all, make sure that in your network environment there is a computer to which the printer is physically connected. Both your and that PC must be part of the same workgroup, which is configured through System Properties - the “Computer Name” tab.

Open the window " network” and click on the network tasks menu item “Show computers working group”.

If the required PC is not in this window, make sure that it is working and connected to home network. Check it and your network settings. The local IP addresses of these two computers must be within the range of addresses for private networks, for example, - and not repeated.

If you see a computer with a printer in the workgroup window, but the printer still does not print documents to your PC, check the setting public access. On the PC to which the printer is connected, open the “Printers and Faxes” window through the “Start” menu. In this window you should see all your network printing equipment.

Click on the menu “ Sharing to the printer” and turn on “Sharing” in the properties. After that, check if the network printer prints documents from your PC.

Still no results? Check to see if the ports that the print service uses are blocked (TCP ports 139 and 445). If you are using Windows firewall XP, open it through Control Panel. On the Exceptions tab, check the box next to File and Printer Sharing. Save the settings and check if the printer prints after these changes.

Why doesn't the printer print?

What to do if the printer still does not print? Perhaps your documents simply haven’t gotten around to it yet. This happens when there is a long print queue. this printer, as well as in case of problems with opening a file.

To resolve this issue, you must clear the print queue.

  • After opening the “Printers and Faxes” window, right-click on the printer icon.
  • Select “Open” from the context menu. You will see how many documents your printer prints per given time. Or rather, how many are waiting for their turn.
  • Click on “Printer” from top menu and select “Clear print queue” from the list.

  • After everything, send the documents to print again. If this was the whole problem, you can see how the printer prints them.

Other reasons that your equipment does not print are low ink or toner levels, as well as various problems in the device itself. Any modern printing equipment informs the user about a lack of ink by turning on special indicators on the body.

As for the breakdown, this option is likely when you have tried all available means of solving the problem, but the printer still does not print or the computer with Windows XP still does not see it. There is nothing left to do but contact the service center.

Is it possible to imagine full-fledged work on a computer without connecting to a printer? Perhaps, being a gamer, the answer to this question can be given in the affirmative. Whatever you say, the lack of the ability to print documents does not affect the quality of games. However, for those who like to work in Word, Excel and others text programs, having a working printing device at hand is not just important, but vital. Fortunately, such pleasure is inexpensive today. However, it is not enough just to buy a suitable model; you also need to know how to install it correctly on a PC with Windows 7.

Overview of connection methods

Depending on the placement of the printer and the user’s actual access to it, there are 2 options for installing this device on a computer with Windows 7, namely:

  1. connect it directly to the PC (local method);
  2. install via network (network method).

Is it worth explaining when and what method should be used to connect? Yes? Well then, let’s explain, it’s not a complicated matter. In principle, from the name of such methods it becomes clear that local method involves using the device for printing on only one computer, while the network one allows users of several PCs to print documents on one device.

Have you figured this out? Great! Then all that remains is to figure out how to proceed with the local and network installation method on Windows 7.

Option #1: Local connection

How to install a printer using local method on Windows 7? Very simple! Just connect it via USB to your computer. Note that if Windows settings are set correctly and have not changed since the installation of the operating system, the connected equipment will be recognized and installed on the PC automatically.

However, this trick is not always successful. What if, for example, an HP LaserJet 1010 printer is not installed on your computer? In this case, we proceed like this.

Step No. 1: Connect to PC.

First, connect the printer using a USB cable to the computer and turn it on to the network. Next, open the “Start” menu and select the “Devices and Printers” tab:

In the window that appears, find and click on the “Printer Installation” tab:

Then we decide on the connection option. Want to install it local method? Have you changed your mind? Then click on “Add a local printer”:

Next, select the printer port. In principle, it is better to leave everything as is, without changes, since the LPT1 port fully meets the installation requirements. This completes the connection. All that remains is to make adjustments to its operation. To do this, click on the “Next” button and move on to the next step.

Step No. 2: We make settings for the printer.

What needs to be done first? First, install the driver. You can do this in three ways:

  1. using the installation disk;
  2. using the Hardware Installation Wizard;
  3. via Windows Update:

Let's say that at the time of installing the HP LaserJet 1010 we did not have a disk with a driver for it, it is not installed, or we are using a computer without a drive. What do we do in this case? It would seem that everything is simple: you can install it from Windows Update. But it was not there.

There is no official driver for the HP LaserJet 1010 in Windows 7. In this case, there are 2 options:

  1. install it by downloading from the Internet;
  2. Select the driver for HP LaserJet 3055 PCL5 in the installation wizard.

We will choose the last option, because despite the difference in name, it is completely suitable for the HP LaserJet 1010:

Now all that remains is to decide on the parameters for accessing the printer from other PCs. In this case, we either restrict it (“No sharing…” item) or allow printing on it (“Allow sharing…”):

This completes the device setup. It remains to check its operation.

Step #3: Check the seal.

So, if all the connection and configuration steps were completed correctly, after selecting the parameters for accessing the printer, a window will appear with a message about its successful installation. Whether this is actually true still needs to be checked. How to do it? Click the “Print Test Page” button:

Everything is working? Does it print without problems? Then you can safely praise yourself! We tried our best!

Option #2: Network connection

Have you figured out the local connection? Then installing a network printer in Windows 7 will be absolutely no problem.

Step No. 1: Connect and configure a network printer.

What are we doing? Through “Start” go to “Devices and Printers”, click “Add a printer” and select “Add network…” in the window that appears:

As a result, Windows 7 will automatically search for all printers connected to the network. What do we need? First, find out the name network device seal to which we have to connect. Learned? Then select the appropriate option and click “Next”:

As a result, the computer will connect to the device and automatically install drivers for it. What to do if it doesn't install? Pay attention to system messages. Sometimes this process requires manual settings. In particular, in the installation window network printer An “Install Driver” button may appear. By clicking on it, the problem will resolve itself and the corresponding message will appear on the screen indicating the successful installation of the network printer:

Step #2: Checking the work

How to check the operation of a network printer? Print any document. It seems like everyone should be able to cope with this, right? But what should you do if the document was sent for printing and did not print? This, we note, happens quite often. How to solve a problem? To get started, check these settings:

  1. determine whether the equipment is connected to the host computer;
  2. determine if there are any restrictions for such a network printer;
  3. check if it is connected to the network;

A printer driver is the connection between the computer and the printer that sends commands to tell the printer how to print. There are reasons why a driver(s) stop working. For example, damaged or incompatible, incorrect settings lack of updates. Fixing drivers errors often involves updating, installing, or reinstalling.

General instructions on how to install a new printer driver

  1. Go to the printer manufacturer's website and do a search for print drivers for the printers.
  2. Find the appropriate drivers for your model.
  3. Download and install drivers. You may have to restart your computer after installing the new driver.
  4. Reinstalling the driver software that came with your printer is quite simple. Insert the disc into the drive and follow the onscreen instructions.
  5. You can update your drivers using Windows Update. After him Windows installations Update will automatically download and install recommended updates for your printer.

Here's how to set it up:

  1. Click Start in the lower left corner of the screen. A pop-up menu will appear.
  2. Type "Update" in the search bar and a list of results will appear. Depending on your Windows versions you may need to select "All Programs" from the first pop-up menu.
  3. Click Windows Update and in the left pane click Check for Updates. Depending on your version of Windows, you may need to select "Choose the updates you want to install," then click OK.
  4. Then click "Install updates" on the " Windows Update" Likewise, you may need to select "View available updates" and then "Install" for the drivers you want to install.
  5. Provide a password or confirmation if prompted. This will show that you are authorized to make this type of change. When the process is completed, a message box will appear indicating that the driver has been installed correctly.

To install and update HP Laserjet Pro Mfp M125rnw drivers, download using the most latest drivers. You need to know your printer model version. Once you have the information, you can check the official HP website for your model. Once you find them, simply download and install them.

For example, the HP Laserjet Pro Mfp M125rnw driver can be downloaded from https://support.hp.com/us-en/drivers. Click the link and search for drivers according to your device model type, then simply download the drivers.

List of compatible operating systems for HP printers

Operating systems: Windows 10 32-bit, 10 64-bit, Windows 8.1 32-bit, 8.1 64-bit, Windows 8 32-bit, 8 64-bit, Windows 7 32-bit, 64-bit, Windows Vista 32-bit, 64-bit, 32-bit Windows XP, 64-bit Windows XP.

Mac OS X (v10.11.x), (v10.10.x), (v10.9.x), (v10.8.x), (v10.7.x), (v10.6.x) .

If you are having problems with the error message: “The printer driver is not installed on this computer, some printer properties will not be available unless you install the printer driver,” then this problem may be caused by incompatible printer drivers. Uninstall existing printer drivers on the server.

Try the following steps:

  1. Login to the section with account administrator.
  2. Click "Start" and "Control Panel"
  3. Open Printers, then click File, Server Properties, go to Drivers: remove all drivers present (reinstalling them will install them again)
  4. If the problem still exists, also remove the registry entry for printers. You can move on to the next one and delete all entries.
  5. .
  6. .

Sometimes, you just need to log out of the print server and log in again to get it working. You can also update the print driver from the HP website as done above.

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Remote assistance process

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