Why there are no bots in KS and how to enable them - instructions. Why there are no bots in CS and how to enable them - instructions How to create bots CS 1.6 Russian

This article will be of interest to everyone who has only recently installed the cult game Counter-Strike on their computer. If you don’t want to play online with real people, but want to practice with a computer, then you will probably be interested in how to add bots to the CS. After all, you can configure not only the number of bots, but also their level of intelligence. How? Read below.

Instructions: how to add bots to CS

First, start the game, then in the console (~ button) begin entering the following commands:

  • bot_add - creates a bot that is not tied to a specific team;
  • bot_add_t – a bot is created that will be included in the terrorist team;
  • bot_add_ct – a bot is created, which, accordingly, will be a member of the counter-terrorism team.

After each command, do not forget to press “Enter”. Entering each of the commands will add one bot.

You can, of course, add bots to CS 1.6 without resorting to console commands. However, this method does not work with all versions of the game. Try, after starting the game, pressing the “H” key on your keyboard. At this moment, a menu should appear with a function called “Add bots”. Select this line and follow further instructions.

Now let's talk about some problems with bots. These problems are very common. For example, you want to fight independently with a whole team of twenty bots. If you place them as described above, then opponents can automatically join your team. To exclude such a development of events, write the following in the console:

  • mp_limitteams 20 – this line expands the team to twenty participants (if you need not 20, but 25 bots, then write mp_limitteams 25 and so on;
  • mp_autoteambalance 0 – this command disables balance. You do not allow the program to automatically add new bots to the team with fewer players.

Here the problem is solved. Now let's talk about what to do if you are tired of constantly opening the console and entering the above commands there. The following will help you:

  • bot_quota 19 - this command will automatically add the required number of bots to the CS game. The number you enter at the end (in this case it is 19) will determine exactly how many bots will be added.

If it seems to you that the bots in the game clearly do not shine with intelligence, then open the console and enter the following command:

  • bot_difficulty 1

The number at the very end of this command is an indicator of artificial intelligence. 0 - the weakest bots, 1 - bots that can compete with a novice player, 2 - fairly strong bots, 3 - bots, like killer machines, which not everyone can kill.

We really hope that our instructions for adding bots to the CS helped you.

In this article we will look at how to register bots in the game, for each method.

1. The first method is for zBot bots:

Press English N. menu appears:
a) Quick add is cleaner (quickly adds bots)
b) Set zbot - select the game experience level
1) easy - light
2) Normal - norm
3) Hard - heavy
4) Expert - kill quickly
c) Add a specific zbot allows you to add one from the group, either a terrorist or a counter.
add 7*8 add team 7 vs 8.

2. Second for Zbot misc:

The end of the round is divided by endround, when bots kill you, you press end round and the game starts again, divided by kick all (you destroy everyone and set a new quota of bots and divided by

3. Third Zbotquota

Here you choose the number of bots, min from 12 to 20 bots, but always first the level of the game, and then the quota of bots, otherwise they will be as slow for you as at the easy level/
e) Settings
Divided into weapon mode (selection of weapons), all bots will play with the weapon that you choose for them.
and is divided into zbot join team (I don’t know that)))
This is all in the Counterstrike 1.6 menu. No steam.

4. And also bots can be registered in the console. To do this, you need to press the letter E (above Tab) and enter the codes mentioned above by other respondents. Console commands for zBot CS 1.6 bots.

bot_add - Add a bot (the bot joins the team specified in the bot_join_team parameter).
bot_quota - Add the required number of bots.
bot_join_team - Sets which team bots will join.
ct - To the Terrorists.
t - To Counter-Terrorists.
any - To both.
bot_add_t - Add a bot for the Terrorist team.
bot_add_ct - Add a bot for the Counter-Terrorist team.
bot_kill - name - Kill a bot by name.
all - Kill all bots.
bot_kick - name - Remove a bot by name.
all - Remove all bots.
bot_difficulty - Bot skill. Only affect newly added bots, so this command must be entered before adding bots to the server. Bots that were added before entering this command will have the old skill level.
0 - Easy level.
1 - Normal level.
2 - Hard level.
3 - Expert level.
bot_prefix - The prefix specified in this command will be added to the name of each newly created bot.
bot_join_after_player - 1 - Bots join only when at least one person is on the server.
0 - Bots join even if there are no people on the server.
bot_defer_to_human - 1 - Bots are trying to complete a mission on the map.
0 - Bots allow a person to complete a mission on the map.
bot_walk - 1 - Bots can only walk.
bot_stop - 1 - Bots do not move.
bot_allow_pistols - 1 - Bots are allowed to use/buy pistols.
0 - Prohibited.
bot_allow_shotguns - 1 - Bots are allowed to use/buy shotguns.
0 - Prohibited.
bot_allow_sub_machine_guns - 1 - Bots are allowed to use\buy submachine guns.
0 - Prohibited.
bot_allow_rifles - 1 - Bots are allowed to use/buy rifles, except sniper ones.
0 - Prohibited.
bot_allow_machine_guns - 1 - Bots are allowed to use\buy M249.
0 - Prohibited.
bot_allow_grenades - 1 - Bots are allowed to use\buy grenades.
0 - Prohibited.
bot_allow_snipers - 1 - Bots are allowed to use/buy sniper rifles.
0 - Prohibited.

0 - Prohibited.
bot_allow_snipers - 1 - Bots are allowed to use/buy a shield.
0 - Prohibited.
bot_allow_rogues - Allows naughty bots. The naughty bot only runs and shoots, and will respond “Negative” to all radio commands.
1 - Bots are allowed to be naughty.
0 - Prohibited.
Change navigation -
The following commands are intended for manual editing of bot paths (NAV data). It is recommended to bind these commands to some keys for ease of use.

WARNING: There is no undo operation, so save often.
bot_nav_mark - Marks the selected NAV area for subsequent operations.
bot_nav_delete - Deletes the selected NAV area.
bot_nav_split - Splits the selected NAV area into 2 areas along the WHITE line.
bot_nav_merge - Merges the currently selected NAV area with the previously marked one. Merging will only occur if the sizes of both NAV areas coincide along the merging line.
bot_nav_connect - Creates a unidirectional connection from the currently tagged NAV area to the currently selected NAV area. This tells the bots that they can run FROM the highlighted area TO the selected one. In most cases, it is necessary to connect areas in both directions. Exception: areas where the bot must jump down somewhere (he can’t get back).
bot_nav_disconnect - Removes all connections from the currently tagged area to the currently selected area.
bot_nav_end_area - These two commands create new areas: bot_nav_begin_area marks one corner of the area, and bot_nav_end_area marks the opposite corner and actually creates the area. To cancel the operation, write the bot_nav_begin_area command again.
bot_nav_splice - Creates a new NAV area between the currently tagged area and the currently selected area and connects the new area with a two-way link. This command is especially useful in sloping areas.
bot_nav_crouch - Marks the area as "crouch", i.e. causes bots to crawl (squat) in this area.
bot_nav_jump - Marks the area as “jump”, i.e. causes bots to jump in this area.

bot_nav_analyze - Analyzes NAV data and determines accessible (reachable) areas on the map. The operation may take several minutes depending on the size and complexity of the card structure.
CLARIFICATION: This command requires that there be at least 1 bot on the map. It is recommended to do the following: save, add a bot and enter the bot_analyze command.
bot_nav_save - Saves the navigation as a *.NAV file in the “cstrike/maps” directory under the map name.

bot_nav_load - Loads NAV data from a file, clearing the current data.
Editing navigation -
bot_nav_edit - 1 - Allows you to edit navigation manually.
0 - Does not allow manual editing of navigation.
bot_nav_zdraw - Sets the height of navigation elements above the ground in edit mode. If the map's terrain changes quite a lot (ascents, descents), then it will be useful to increase this parameter to 10 or 15. Default: 4.
bot_quicksave - If the value is 1, the map analysis operation will be skipped. But remember that without analysis, bots will not be able to look correctly.
Debugging -
bot_show_nav - If set to 1, navigation will be shown near the bot.
bot_show_danger - If set to 1, "danger" will be shown for each NAV area as a vertical bar. The blue bar shows the danger for Counter-Terrorists, and the red bar for Terrorists.
bot_traceview - Used for internal bot navigation debugging.
bot_debug - Used for internal debugging of bot behavior.
Miscellaneous -
bot_goto_mark - Forces 1 bot to go to the center of the currently marked area. This is useful when testing the “passability” of certain places.
bot_about - Shows bot version number and author information.

Date: 09/18/2016

Often players are interested in how to put bots into the game and in general what they are for and how to play with them. Let's look at everything in order. Let's start with why bots are needed in general and why gamers want to create bots in their games. It’s quite difficult to single out any particular advantages when playing with bots. You can often see when a player simply does not know how to play on online servers. Just launches the client, creates a new game and plays that way. More experienced players need bots, for example, to practice aiming, in other words, aiming speed and hit accuracy.

Often players are interested in how to put bots into the game and in general what they are for and how to play with them. Let's look at everything in order. Let's start with why bots are needed in general and why gamers want to create bots in their games. It’s quite difficult to single out any particular advantages when playing with bots. You can often see when a player who has downloaded a build simply does not know how to play on online servers, he launches the client, creates a new game and plays that way.

More experienced players need bots, for example, to practice aiming, in other words, aiming speed and hit accuracy. In fact, playing with bots is quite boring and monotonous, due to the fact that the bots are too “stupid”. You can, of course, set the level to more difficult or expert, but then these bots will be little different from cheaters. You will not have time to show yourself to them before you get a “headshot” :)

Bots will not appreciate your intelligence and strategy, but they will “assess” how well you wield any type of weapon. For maximum success, play alone against the enemy. This is the best way to hone your shooting to perfection. If you have your own clan or team, then bots can be used as a warm-up before the start of the championship. But for these purposes it is still better to resort to CSDM servers.

Installing bots in your CS 1.6 client

Creating bots is a fairly simple task. The question arises, what bots should I download and install in Contra? The most common and efficient are Zbot. This will be the best choice. Zbot are official bots from VALVE, which were created for the game “Counter-Strike: Condition Zero”, but are also great for cs version 1.6. More to the point... Let's now put Zbot in our Counter Strike. Following the step-by-step instructions everything should turn out great. Important! Just in case, make a backup copy of the “cstrike” or “cstrike_russian” folder, depending on the version of your Contra.

  • 1. The very first thing you need to do is download Zbot from our website. In our version CS 1.6, bots are already installed by default!
  • 2. Next, unpack it into the folder where the game Counter Strike is installed.
  • 3. This completes the installation. Launch the CS client, create a new game and add bots.

Console commands for adding bots

To evenly distribute bots among teams, type the “bot_add” command in the console. Each time the bots will take turns entering the Terrorist's and Counter-Terrorist's teams. To add bots for a certain side, for CT"s and T"s, enter the following in the console:

  • “bot_add_ct” – add to Contras
  • “bot_add_t” – add to Terra

Note! To play alone against all bots, you need to disable balancing of players in teams and set the value “mp_autoteambalance 0”, thus prohibiting bots from joining your team. And also set “mp_limitteams 0“, making it possible for the bot team to have a numerical advantage. If for some reason it seems to you that the bots are too weak and play like “noobs,” then it’s time to set the difficulty level higher. But please note that the difficulty level can only be set before creating the game using certain commands.

Available bot difficulty levels

  • “bot_difficulty 0” – the easiest level
  • “bot_difficulty 1” – normal level
  • “bot_difficulty 2” – hard level
  • “bot_difficulty 3” – expert level

Other settings and control commands

  • “bot_kill” – if you need to kill all bots
  • “bot_kick” – removes all added bots

A useful feature in Zbot 1.5 is the ability to disable weapons for bots or install only certain types of weapons. If your goal is to improve shooting performance, then the best option would be to create bots with only knives.

  • “bot_knives_only” – bots only play with knives
  • “bot_pistols_only” – only pistols are available to bots
  • “bot_snipers_only” – use only sniper rifles
  • “bot_all_weapons” – all types of weapons are available to bots

This review can be considered complete. Of course, all these console commands are too inconvenient to type them every time before the game, and remembering them all is problematic. Therefore, the best option is to download the cs assembly, which already includes bots and has a convenient command menu directly in the game itself, which is displayed when you press the “H” key.

In conclusion, I would like to add that playing with bots does not bring skill, due to the fact that they are not able to think like real people. Therefore, if you want to play Counter-Strike 1.6 well, then play only on online servers or over a local network with friends and other real players. Good luck in the game and easy frags!

In this article we will talk about what bots are for in CS 1.6 and how to install them.

So, why do we need bots and why do so many people want to create them? Children often use bots. Not less often, they are used as targets for aim training. Less often in cs 1.6 bots are used to train and practice certain tactics, etc. Bots are quite difficult to play tactfully due to the fact that they are weak-minded. Yes, you can set the maximum difficulty level, but their level of intelligence will never reach human level. They will simply shoot better, just like cheaters.

In a game with bots, it doesn't matter how smart and tactical you are, what matters is how well you shoot. Play alone against everyone, then the success of your aim training will be noticeable. Your reaction should theoretically improve, and your shooting quality should improve accordingly.

Installing bots in your cs 1.6
What bots should you install in cs 1.6? I haven't played with bots for quite some time, but based on personal experience, Zbot is the most reliable option. These are official bots from VALVE, and making these bots in cs 1.6 is quite simple. They were originally created for CS:CZ. At the maximum difficulty level you can get pretty good at them.

So, how can you add Zbot to your CS? By following the points described below, everything should work out for you.

Attention! Before you start installing bots, it is recommended to make a backup copy of the cstrike directory (just in case).

Download the zbot archive
Unpack it into the folder where your CS is located.
Ready. Let's go to CS and use it.
Commands for adding bots directly in the game
To evenly add the Counter-Terrorist (hereinafter CT) and Terrorist Force (hereinafter TF) bots, type the bot_add command in the console.

To add bots for a specific side, for CT or TF, type the following commands:

bot_add_ct (to add CT);
bot_add_t (respectively TF).
Note! If you want to play alone against, for example, 10 bots, then do not forget to remove the balancer mp_autoteambalance 0 and mp_limitteams 0.

The difficulty level is adjusted before adding bots to CS 1.6, that is, you created a game, set the difficulty level, and only then create bots in CS 1.6.

Bot difficulty levels:

bot_difficulty 0 — easy level;
bot_difficulty 1 - normal;
bot_difficulty 2 - heavy;
bot_difficulty 3 - expert.
Bot management:

bot_kill - kill all bots;
bot_kick—kick all bots.
Zbot 1.5 also has a useful function for controlling weapons, that is, you can register bots in CS 1.6 so that they wander around with a certain type of weapon:

bot_knives_only - only knives;
bot_pistols_only - exclusively pistols;
bot_snipers_only - sniper rifles;
bot_all_weapons - all types of weapons.

In conclusion, I will say one thing, do not play with bots, because the true mastery of the game comes then,when you play with your own kind. And playing with bots is the same as a boxer being a punching bag and entering the professional ring without a single sparring session against a real opponent.

Many of us started our journey as counter-strike gamers with bots, and some still play with them for training or because of a poor Internet connection and high ping.

Although cs builds have become popular now, not everyone includes bots in them, maybe they think that now this is not as relevant as a few years ago. For example, my younger sister really likes to play offline, and not with real players, because more advanced players already play there. And in an offline game you can train your hands, try to kill terrorists only in the head, etc.

Everyone has their own goals, as well as interests, but the main point is that playing with a computer is still relevant and if you don’t have bots in the game now, then this article is for you. If you don’t want to install bots yourself, you can download a ready-made assembly and play without any problems. But, if you still decide to install it yourself, then let’s get started.

Where can I download bots for CS?

Version zBot 1.5 Build 32

With us you can download files directly from our server, without advertising, and you can be sure that you will download what you are looking for and that crap browsers and other software will not be installed with the file, as on other sites.

Why zBot?

Everything is very simple, these are official bots from VALVE (cs developer) and they are considered the best due to the many settings and artificial intelligence of the players, which you can always either raise or lower, depending on the level of your game:

  1. Easy level.
  2. Normal level.
  3. Hard level.
  4. Expert level
At easy levels, the bot can shoot while holding the mouse until it releases the clip; they will not look around or look around during the battle.

At the level " Expert", the bot can use shields, shift (quietly), blind you with flash drives and, most importantly, hear you through walls. Essentially, this is a very experienced player who will tear apart any noob. And by the way, regarding experts, for those who have CS 1.6, do not forget that there is no SteamID substitution on your servers.

Also in build 32, all conversations between players are translated into Russian, as well as the menu.

How to install bots in CS 1.6 using zBot

1. Download and unzip Zbot to the folder with the Counter-Strike game:

2. Launch the exe file

3. We wait for installation for 1-2 minutes and go into the game.

It’s better to see everything on the video and just repeat my steps:

How to add bots through the menu or game start?

The simplest methods are the menu when you start the map and the menu through the "H" button, let's start with the first.

1 way. Before entering the map, you can check the box "Enable bots in this game"

And also indicate their number and complexity.

Method 2.

Go to the map, press the English key "H" and add the required number of players, specify teams and other settings.

Console commands for management

bot_join_team- Which team to join the bots to: ct- contera, t- terrorists, any- random images in two teams

bot_add- Add one bot, depending on the team above (bot_join_team)

bot_quota- Value from 1 and more. How many people to add at once?

bot_add_t- Add a player for Terov

bot_add_ct- Add for counters

bot_kill- Kill a player: name-kill by name (bot_kill Jone), all- kill them all

bot_kick- Kick the bot from the game: name-by name (bot_kick Jone), all- kick everyone

bot_difficulty- Difficulty level of bots, the higher the higher, the more difficult it will be for you to play, little crustacean):

0 - Easy for crayfish and noobs,
1 - Normal,
2 - Heavy,
3 - Expert

bot_prefix- Bot command prefix, for example bot_prefix BOT

bot_join_after_player - 1 - bots come in when there is at least 1 person on the server, 0 - they come in right away

bot_walk - 1 - allow bots to only walk on the map

bot_stop - 1 - stop all bots (freeze)

bot_allow_pistols - 1 - Allow the use or purchase of pistols, 0 - Ban

bot_allow_shotguns- Shotguns 1 - Yes / 0 - No

bot_allow_sub_machine_guns - Submachine guns

bot_allow_rifles- Rifles

bot_allow_machine_guns - M249

bot_allow_grenades- Grenades

bot_allow_shield- Shield

bot_allow_snipers- Snipers

bot_allow_rogues- Bots do not listen to radio commands, 1 - Allow, 0 - Deny

You can see more commands for the console:

One against all bots

How to play against all bots without them being transferred to your team? After all, everyone at least once tried to bet 10-15 players against themselves, but alas, auto-balance and the limit in teams prohibited this, or at the beginning of the round the teams balanced.

You can correct this misunderstanding using two console commands (~) :

1. You can add up to 18 people to one team or any other value

mp_limitteams 18

2. We prohibit automatic team balancing

mp_autoteambalance 0

3. Add the required number of bots to the desired team!

Delete zBot if something went wrong

If something went wrong and you need to destroy zBot, go to the folder \cstrike\zBot\ and run the file Uninstall.bat

Usually it deletes everything the first time, unless there is read-only protection for files, in which case we read errors in the window, for example I had this:

\cstrike\liblist.original Access denied

In order to fix it, uncheck the “Read Only” checkbox on this file:

Personally, I installed the assembly of these bots more than 10 times on different computers, everything always worked like clockwork. If something goes wrong for you, try downloading the file again, uninstall zbot and install it again, as a last resort, write in the comments.

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