Why does memory disappear on my phone? Android: where did the system memory go? There is a place, but the error does not disappear

If your phone's memory is full, you need to free up some space. Removing cached data that fills spaces will help ensure that Android does not slow down. You can clean Android of junk manually or using special cleaning applications.

Manual cleaning

If the phone has not been cleaned for a long time, then the user is faced with a number of tasks:

  1. How to free up system memory.
  2. How to release RAM.
  3. How to clear an SD card.

If it ends free place, then the first question that needs to be resolved is how to clear the cache on Android. Removing the cache allows you to quickly and freely free up system memory. If you don't understand where the free space is going, clearing the cache will give you the answer - the memory on your phone is running out due to the large volume of temporary files. To get rid of them, you need to clean your Android.

  1. Open settings, “Applications” section.
  2. Go to settings for apps that create a lot of temporary files − Play Market, games, browser, instant messengers, social network clients. Don’t forget about built-in applications like “Galleries”. Even if you delete photos and videos from your phone, information about them will remain in the cache.
  3. Click Clear Cache.

Manually clearing internal memory Android devices is not limited to deleting the application cache. To completely clear the memory of your Android phone, you need to examine the contents of the system folders. This can be done manually via file managers. Let's see how you can free up memory on Android by deleting temporary files through File Manager.

You can also clean the folders of individual applications - VKontakte, Viber, WhatsApp. You can’t clean RAM on Android this way, but you will understand how to clean it internal memory phone. In addition, knowing how to clean your phone, you can get rid of viruses that periodically enter the system.

After deleting the cache and unnecessary files, it will become clear where the memory of your Android phone or tablet went. The memory was lost because a complete set of temporary data had accumulated in the system. The storage device cannot delete them on its own, which causes slowdowns and other problems. By knowing how to clear memory and freeing up system memory, the user can extend the device's operating time.

Using cleaning apps

We figured out how to clear the internal memory of Android yourself. Now let's see how to completely clean your phone using special applications. You can find it in Play Market a large number of programs in Russian and English. Please note the following applications:

  • Clean Master.
  • Cleaning Master.
  • History eraser.
  • Smart Booster.
  • 1Tap Cleaner, etc.

They work on the same principle: you launch the program, select which files you want to delete, and wait for the optimization procedure to complete.

If you know how to manually clear memory on Android, then this will not be enough for complete removal unnecessary files. Using 2 methods, manual cleaning and optimization through applications, will help you figure out how to remove all unnecessary data that takes up space.

Cleaning RAM

We figured out how to quickly clear system memory on Android, but the question remains, how to clear RAM? RAM on Android is also filled with data, the release of which allows you to answer the question of how to increase the speed of your phone.

Most cleaning programs can optimize RAM on Android and increase performance. If you don’t understand where the performance went, then after running the cleaning application, the RAM on Android can again be used to its fullest extent.

Every day we use tablets for study, work, communication and other purposes, and therefore there is an extreme interest in the working condition of the device. There can be many reasons for frustration for the owner of a compact computer, and every problematic task must necessarily find an answer. What to do if the tablet does not see the internal memory? There is a certain sequence of actions in this regard. But first, it’s worth learning about the common obligations under which the situation in question arises.

How to proceed?

Some users complain about crashes that occur when deleting files from the internal memory of the tablet computer. The tablet may fail for other reasons, giving a similar fault.

Important: all the actions described below will lead to the deletion of information contained in the built-in memory of the tablet computer!

The problem can most often be resolved in the following way:

  1. First, turn off Tablet PC
  2. Next, hold down the volume down button on the device body, turn on the tablet (you need to press two buttons at the same time)
  3. Wait a few seconds, after which the “Recovery” menu will appear
  4. Scroll down to “Wipe media partition” using the volume down button mentioned above on the tablet body
  5. To select this item you will need to press the power button. Make one short press
  6. Scroll down to “I agree” and then select it using the device’s power key
  7. Now you need to select the first menu item called “Reboot device”
  8. Next, the tablet computer will reboot into normal mode, after which the main memory of the device will be restored with a 90% probability

If for any reason you cannot troubleshoot the device yourself, it is recommended that you contact a competent friend or service center, where you will be provided with high-quality repairs and elimination of malfunctions of this nature. Independent steps taken by an incompetent user can lead to additional problems! If following the instructions outlined above does not bring the expected result and the memory is again invisible to the tablet, you will need to contact a service center.

No matter how much memory is in your tablet or Android smartphone, you will still definitely face the problem of shortage free space on device storage devices. Modern three-dimensional games, megapixel photos, high-quality music and films manage to bite off gigabytes so quickly that very soon after purchasing Android, it begins to bombard you with warnings about lack of space and errors when installing programs. Therefore, it is necessary to take urgent measures for general cleaning. In this article you will find a detailed action plan that will help you get your gigabytes back.

1. Memory Usage Estimation

Before taking the first steps, you should conduct a reconnaissance of the area and assess the degree of fullness of the disk. Once you know how much space is occupied by various data, it will be easier for you to decide whether certain actions are necessary. One of best utilities for this purpose is DiskUsage, which allows you to see the full picture of your data placement in a simple and visual form. One glance at the resulting diagram will be enough to identify the most malicious space eaters on the map. By the way, you can start cleaning already at this stage, since you can delete some files you don’t need directly from the application.

Another utility of this kind is “ Disks, Storage and SD cards" This interactive application helps you visualize your device's memory and storage. It will help you free up space on your memory card, quickly find and delete large and already unnecessary files in internal storage.

2. Transferring programs to an external memory card

Almost all Android devices allow you to use an additional SD card, which significantly exceeds the amount of internal memory. Therefore, you should definitely try to transfer the programs you have installed to external card. This can be done either using the tools built into the system or using special utilities, which is much more convenient. For example, AppMgr III(formerly App 2 SD) can not only move applications to internal or external storage to free up additional space, but can also hide built-in system programs, and also has the ability to batch remove unnecessary programs.

3. Removing pre-installed programs

Many manufacturers are trying to stuff their devices with maximum number applications without caring whether you need them or not. Moreover, remove them in the usual way, as a rule, is impossible, so you have to put up with this garbage, which wastes space and device resources.

However, if you have a device, then the situation is quite fixable. Using the program Root App Delete you can completely uproot unnecessary programs, and just turn them off. This will come in handy when you are not very sure about the safety of deleting a system application. Just freeze it for a while, and then, if everything works as it should, you can permanently remove it.

4. Cleaning up trash

In the process of his work operating system and individual applications create a lot of temporary and auxiliary files, which, accumulating over time, begin to take up quite significant amounts. Therefore, it is recommended to periodically clear the application cache, remnants remote programs, empty folders and other garbage. The program copes with this task perfectly. Clean Master, about which we wrote in. Just note that recently the authors of this application have managed to stuff it with a whole set of additional functions, so do not forget to disable all auxiliary modules in the settings so that the program does not bother you too much with its tutelage.

5. Save data to an external card

There are many programs that receive data from the network and store their data on the device. This could be podcasts, online music players, readers and so on. As a rule, they all allow you to choose a directory to store your files. If you see that the gadget’s internal memory is filled with downloaded music, videos and documents, then take the time to delve into the settings of the relevant programs and specify the appropriate directories on the external card.

6. Use cloud services

Let's not forget that the Internet is a two-way street, thanks to which you can not only download data to your device, but also upload it to the network. Thanks to existence cloud services and the increasing spread of broadband connections, there is no longer a need to store data for all occasions on a mobile or tablet; it is enough to have only what you need at this moment.

For example, the service allows you to save an extensive music collection (20,000 tracks) on a remote server, and load into your smartphone only what you want to listen to when you are not connected to the network. You can no less effectively deal with deposits of photographs and filmed videos. It is enough to install Dropbox or, for example, a social network client

Android users often encounter the fact that after some time after starting use, the “system” memory disappears somewhere. This applies to both users of budget versions of smartphones and mid-range smartphones; rarely concerns only flagship users, although it would not hurt them to read this note. Moreover, the majority still have budget devices on hand.

When you buy an Android smartphone for the first time, it is not clear whether the memory specified in the specification will be enough for real tasks. My first android smartphone was Samsung Galaxy Gio GT-S5660, with 178 megabytes of “built-in memory”. Thoughts when purchasing: “So, the main applications are already installed. I’m buying another memory card for multimedia, files and other programs. And those who cannot install themselves on the map are 178 meters away.”
And after a while, understanding and disappointment comes. But let's talk about everything in order. Let's try to understand the basic concepts in file system and how to “treat” the problem at a minimal level. I’m greatly simplifying the material, so don’t look for “inaccuracies” from a Computer Science point of view.

operating room android system based on Linux. If we look at it from the root, we will see something like the following picture:

About the same as in any Linux. I will not describe all the folders - if you need it, read the relevant literature. Now we are interested in “built-in memory” and “system memory”. Where is it and what?

The android operating system itself is installed in the system memory. These are all the files and folders you see in the screenshot, except for a couple. Manufacturers never write about this memory anywhere (at least, I haven’t seen it, if you have seen it, show me). You will not see “XXX MB System Memory” in any press release or specifications. Everyone is here system files, which are of little interest regular user. Using special utilities, you can still view it. In Galaxy Gio system memory is 206 megabytes, but we are in in this case I'm interested in one folder /system/app.

It is in this folder that all “pre-installed” applications are located. Here are also those programs without which the smartphone cannot function normally, for example, a “dialer”, all sorts of “synchronizers” and those that were installed by the vendor (phone manufacturer) by default: Youtube, some office or “operator” software.

But where is that “built-in memory” or “user memory” located? Speaking in simple language, it is in the directory /data. It would be more correct to say: “a section of internal non-volatile memory accessible to the user is mounted in the file system as a directory /data“, but I will simplify everything.
What's in this directory? A novice user thinks that he has been provided with All The internal memory space (in my case 178 MB) is at your disposal.

No matter how it is! This directory is already full of directories with files after the first start. Again, I will not dwell on all catalogs, but will only talk about the main “eaters” of space.
First directory – dalvik-cache. The android part is Dalvik Virtual Machine– Google’s own implementation of virtual java-the machine on which all applications run. Dalvik cache is an intermediate buffer with fast access. Simply put, Android puts pre-compiled program code here in order to speed up their launch. Moreover, this does not depend on the type of program: be it system, be it in the user’s memory, or be on a memory card; dalvik-cache in one place - in /data. For example, on Galaxy Gio this folder after the first start takes up about 100-110 megabytes. Well, 178 megabytes of memory suddenly turns into 60-70 for the user. Sadness. You can't do without this cache at all. There are a number of instructions online that allow you to transfer it to an external memory card. Of course, this slightly affects performance, and there are glitches. I will not describe this technique. (If you have your own description of this method, knock on the door and we’ll exchange links)

Let's look further. Folder /data/app. All user programs that cannot be transferred to a memory card for some reason are installed into it. There are usually two reasons. The first is a widget: such programs cannot be transferred to the card due to OS restrictions. Secondly, the developer did not think about users of budget smartphones.

Now the main surprise, which is why I started writing this post. When a system program, such as Youtube, is updated, it apk also fits in /data/app. And we get the following: in /system/app lies there, not going anywhere, old version programs, and in /data/app– new. Of course, “parts” of the program are also in dalvik-cache, and in other caches and places, but this is as usual, but we don’t need such “doubling” at all. It turns out that even if you haven’t installed any programs yourself, after a while the user’s memory (/data/app) will be used for updating system programs(if you update, of course). Android will not move this apk itself to /system/app never.

What to do?
First, you need to get , otherwise the system will not allow you to write anything to /system/app.
How to get root for your specific device I suggest you search the Internet yourself or look through this topic on 4PDA.

Root rights are not scary. Often, users of competing systems present this as some kind of terrible crime that allows them to do unknown things. For example, “pirate” – as with JailBreak on iOS. For “piracy” on Android, all this is not needed :) A smartphone with root rights enabled only allows some programs, the list of which is controlled, to always or temporarily obtain the right to write to system directories. That's all. How sudo on linux or in run as administrator" on windows. Scary? No. Now on some firmware the root is turned on simply by a switch in the settings.

The second point we need is the SystemCleanup program

Donat program. That is, every time you start it asks to buy for about 3 dollars Inteks Donation Key, which is suitable for several of the author’s programs, but this does not take away functionality. In general, the program allows you to do a lot of things: “index” applications (perhaps I’ll talk about this later) on the device itself, clear the cache, delete system applications, do backups and much more.
Let's consider only restoration of universal justice transfer of updated system programs to their place.

Launch the program and switch to the tab Apps.

Here we see a list installed applications with additional information. We are looking for programs under which it says in red system+data. These are our “penalties”. When you click on a line it will be shown Additional Information about the space occupied by this application in different “memory locations”. Do a long tap and select “ Update system app” (the screenshot is old, now the inscription is like this) and agree with the action in the additional dialog box. Usually, after all movements, the device needs to be rebooted, which the program will prompt you to do.

In this simple way you can free up several tens of megabytes of valuable user memory occupied by clones.

In general, I repeat, the program can do quite a lot of useful things. For example, you can remove pre-installed system apps that you don't need. Moreover, under most applications there is a hint: is it safe to delete it. You can move an application from main memory to a card with complete preservation performance (only if it is not a widget). And you can make some applications “system”. For example, you freed up several megabytes in the system memory, occupied by unnecessary operator software, and at the same time installed a third-party dialer. It is not advisable to transfer it to a memory card due to speed or fault tolerance, and it takes up space in the “built-in memory”. Long tap and select Move app to /system/app, and your program has moved to the folder /system/app, that is, it has become systemic (from the android point of view).

That's all for today. Once again: the program has many useful functions, study them yourself or maybe I will describe them someday. Eat more radical methods of “expanding” user memory related to remounting the Dalvik cache or the folder in general /data to a memory card, but they are associated with certain risks and other inconveniences.