Why does the blue screen turn on on iPhone? What to do with the Blue Screen of Death on iPhone? Iphone 5s lights up blue screen and reboots

Some iPhone 5S owners have complained online that a blue screen suddenly appears on their device, and then the smartphone reboots without warning. In addition, the so-called “blue screen of death” or BSOD (Blue Screen Of Death) appears for some, even if no one is touching the phone at that moment. Most likely, the cause of the “blue screen of death” on the iPhone 5s is the new hardware (64-bit processor architecture) rather than some defective parts.

After studying this problem, I decided to collect everything possible methods its treatments, ranging from the simplest to the less pleasant.

1. If the iPhone 5S showed you a blue screen and began to constantly reboot with a blue screen, then you need to turn it off and reboot manually.
Treatment: simultaneously press and hold the On button for about 10 seconds. And Home button(which has a fingerprint sensor). This reboot can be repeated several times until the iPhone boots up. For example, I pressed these buttons right during the blue screen and everything was ok.

2. For many, the screen of death appears only when working with certain applications, both standard (Keynote, Pages and Numbers) and those purchased from the AppStore (various games and programs).
This suggests that, unfortunately, these applications are not fully optimized to work with the new processor.
Treatment: It is enough to wait for the update of both iOS itself and the individual applications with which the problem occurs, and for the developers to hurry up, report the problem in the comments to the application in the AppStore.

3. Sometimes, the iPhone may reboot after several unsuccessful fingerprint entry methods.
Treatment: Try disabling fingerprint unlocking and leaving only entering the password, or disable the locking function altogether. Restart your smartphone. If this method helps, then it’s worth installing latest firmware(it's always better to install the latest update via the cloud or iTunes help), most likely Apple will release the necessary fix in one of the updates, if they haven’t already.

4. Some users find it helpful to disable the Find My iPhone function, which itself sometimes appears background performs manipulations to determine the location, which causes a blue screen.
Treatment: Go to Settings - iCloud - Find My iPhone and turn off this feature. Restart your iPhone.

I hope one of these methods will help you, but what helped me was that I simply stopped running several applications, when launched, the iPhone 5S kept rebooting.

Blue screen on iPhone 5S is not new. Many owners encounter this problem on their Apple gadgets. It is noteworthy that the previous generation of phones (iPhone 4, 4S) worked properly, and this happened to them extremely rarely. But 5, 5s, 6 and 6 Plus have become problematic gadgets. They are the ones who are in the risk zone.


The symptoms of this breakdown can be completely different, but the result is always the same - a non-working display. Most often, on the iPhone 5S, the apple lights up, then the blue screen, after which the device does not respond to presses. In this state, it cannot be used in any way: neither reset the settings nor reflash it.


There is no specific reason why something like this happens. This malfunction may be associated with improper operation of the phone, its fall, failure of any part, incorrect replacement of a spare part in a service center, etc. Often on the iPhone 5S, a blue screen appears as a result of an attempt at self-repair. Users unknowingly open the cover, and under it there is a thin cable. If you break it or break contact, this may well lead to a similar result - a blue screen on the iPhone 5S and a reboot.

Users state that the screen may or may not work. This suggests that the contacts can be connected to each other (the screen is working) and disconnected (the screen is not working), for example, in any position of the device or at a certain temperature. Often, if you put the device in the freezer, the restored iPhone 5S can be taken out after 5-10 minutes. Under the influence of temperature, the contacts can connect in some way, but this does not last for a long period of time.

What to do?

Like any other equipment, iPhones also break down, and if this happens, you need to contact service center. Although this is trivial, it is often impossible to do without service centers. But you can also try to fix the gadget manually. So, let's say you see a blue screen on your iPhone 5S. What to do and how to solve this problem? The very first and obvious action is to try to reset the login to your account. It rarely helps, but you have to try. This is done by connecting the gadget to the computer and using iTunes.

Will reflashing help?

Most likely, a miracle will not happen, and the problem will not be eliminated. Therefore, flashing the device is shown below. A small percentage of iPhones came to life precisely after flashing. But you need to understand that the firmware decides software problems, and the blue screen is most likely related to the hardware. Therefore, it is possible that after flashing the blue screen on the iPhone 5S it will make itself felt again even if the firmware helps.

The next method is to check whether the top cable is secured correctly. Often this is where the cause of the problem lies. This cable is located in the front area front camera and proximity sensor. Of course, for this you will have to spin up the device, but there is nothing difficult about it. All you need is a special small star screwdriver.

Usually the problem is in the cable: it could come off as a result of the phone falling. Also, when replacing the display, the service center may have mixed up and swapped the mounting bolts (they are different sizes). As a result, the contacts of the cable do not fit tightly to the motherboard phone, which may cause a blue screen.

After removing the cover, these bolts can be easily swapped, then the cable will be pressed tightly with the contacts to the board, and the problem will be solved. But this is already a hardware repair, and if you have no experience at all in disassembling phones, or you do not understand what a cable is and what it is needed for, then it is better not to try to repair a smartphone yourself.

Hard case

The problem may not be in the cable at all. As a result of overheating, dropping the phone, or careless use of a soldering iron, the microscopic channels on the motherboard could be damaged. It is impossible to diagnose this yourself without knowledge and special equipment, so only a specialist should do this. He will be able to identify problematic channels and restore their conductivity. But even he can’t always figure it out and repair the device.

If you are unlucky and the problem is not in the cable, then you will not be able to do anything on your own. Take the phone to be repaired and after repair, try to sell it. Often after such repairs they try to “fuse” the phone. After all, a restored iPhone 5S after the “screen of death” almost always breaks again. Not immediately, of course, but over time.

How to avoid such a breakdown?

The advice will be banal, but effective. It is a mistake to believe that Apple technology is perfect. Yes, the production process is technologically advanced, and the company really makes reliable equipment, but even it can break. Dropping your phone on a concrete slab, asphalt or stones is all detrimental to anyone modern smartphone. What can we say about water getting inside or the device falling into a puddle?

So you should handle the phone very carefully, given its high cost and lack of protection from water and dust. This iPhone 7 and 7 Plus can be dropped into water (and then to a shallow depth), because it is not dangerous for them thanks to IP67 (or IP68) protection. By the way, the iPhone 7 and 7 Plus do not have this problem with the screen, which is worth paying attention to.

Finally: even if you encounter a blue screen on your iPhone 5S, you shouldn’t be upset. There are no phones that never break. And the problem of the blue display itself is not critical: it is almost always possible to bring the phone back to life, with the exception of very sad cases when the blue display is not the only and, perhaps, not the most serious problem.

The above methods help in some cases, but not always. But the service center will probably be able to solve the problem, albeit for money. But if the phone is under warranty, then you don’t have to worry at all.

This article is devoted to the problem on the iPhone 5S or 6, when after an unqualified repair (usually replacing the display or battery), the device stops booting.


  • - at turning on iPhone an apple appears and everything stops there, the device just hangs on the apple, nothing happens
  • - when you turn on the iPhone, an apple appears, after a while the device reboots and so on endlessly
  • - when you turn on the iPhone, an apple appears, then the screen turns blue, the device reboots, and so on in a circle

If your iPhone behaves this way, and it started after replacing the screen or battery (the most common) or other spare part, then, with a high degree of probability, the malfunction is caused by improper assembly. The fact is that the cover that presses the display cables is screwed onto 4 screws (iPhone 5S) or 5 screws (iPhone 6) (see Photo 1), and these screws have different lengths (the short ones are circled).

If you screw a long screw into the place where there should be a short one, it will cut into the printed circuit board and damage the traces (see Photo 2). Depending on the force applied, the depth of the screw into the board and the degree of damage may vary.

The solution is very delicate work, where the broken tracks are restored using a very thin conductor (see Photo 3). I apologize for the quality of the photo. But the general meaning is clear.

Please note that it is not always possible to restore a printed circuit board after such damage. Printed circuit boards are multi-layered. If you twisted it “from the heart” and the screw cut very deeply, then restoration may be impossible.

It so happened that the leading iPhone model Apple's 5s brought with it not only a powerful, cutting-edge processor, a fingerprint scanner and an improved camera, but also some glitches.

Dozens of topics on the official Apple resource and other Internet resources about the iPhone5S are devoted to unexpected reboots. Many owners of this top model noted that the problem appears the very first time after purchasing a smartphone.

The symptoms of this failure are as follows:

  1. first the appearance of a blue screen;
  2. rebooting the smartphone without prior warning. Often a blue screen of death (BSOD) appears on a non-working phone.
  3. Apparently, the blue screen of death on the iPhone 5s is not very critical and dangerous, and this is most likely due to the new hardware (64-bit processor architecture), and not to a hardware failure.

    It is worth noting that “blue screens of death” also happened on previous generations of iPhone, but then their causes were purely hardware problems of iOS devices. iPhone owners 5s suffering from the blue screen of death, for now we can only wait for a solution to fix the problem from Apple and mobile developers.

    Possible reasons

    There are several reasons why the Blue Screen of Death appears.

    Let's take a closer look at them:

    Errors that cause BSOD are mostly software in nature. In general, according to unconfirmed information, software The iPhone 5S crashes twice as often as the operating system of earlier models. Although there is no need to worry too much, since we are talking about a few cases out of a thousand.

    Video: Blue screen on iPhone


    The appearance of the blue screen of death and its subsequent reboot are not the most pleasant symptoms in the operation of this top-end smartphone. There is no need to contact a service center for help, since it is not at all difficult to get rid of such problems yourself.

    Let's describe the most effective steps to fix the BSOD problem:

  • reboot the phone. To implement this, press the Power and Home buttons for 10 seconds. The smartphone will turn off. This reboot can be repeated until mobile devices will not load;
  • turning off the smartphone for 5-10 minutes and then turning it on;

  • Turn off apps like Keynote, Numbers, and Pages from syncing with iCloud. It has been noticed that the iPhone crashes when switching from one program to another, which indicates certain problems with multitasking;
  • when new version iOS install the update, or update it yourself software, the operation of which led to the occurrence of BSOD. This treatment is relevant in a situation where applications are not fully optimized with the new processor;
  • The problem caused by unsuccessful fingerprint input is solved by disabling the corresponding input and restarting the iPhone. In a situation where normal operation resumes, you need to install the latest firmware version (cloud or from iTunes), since there is a high probability that Apple will release the required fix in one of the updates;

  • It often helps to disable the iPhone search function, which periodically performs certain actions in the background to determine the location, which is the reason occurrence of BSOD. To disable this function, you need to go to “Settings - iCloud - Find iPhone” and move the slider, after which you should reboot the device.
  • One of the described methods will almost certainly solve the problem of the blue screen of death appearing on your iPhone 5s and will allow you to continue to enjoy the unsurpassed advantages of this gadget.

    Thus, the “blue screen of death” BSOD on the iPhone 5s, as on other Apple devices, is only a temporary problem that will soon be eliminated by updating the operating system as a whole, its set standard programs, as well as numerous third-party applications.

The article describes the reasons why an iPhone may not turn on.


Modern iPhones 4/5/5S are very popular due to their high reliability and convenience. But sometimes it happens that the iPhone does not turn on, for example, after a shock, after changing the display, or as a result of some other cases.

No modern gadget is completely reliable and versatile, and there is no guarantee that you won't drop your phone or your tablet won't end up at the bottom of the bathtub. In our today's review we will talk about the reasons why it may not turn on iPhone 4/5/5S.

For what reasons does the iPhone not turn on?

Here are a few reasons why the iPhone may not turn on or constantly reboot:

  • System problems
  • The iPhone overheated or fell into water
  • The charger is broken
  • It is necessary to reinstall the OS in the gadget
  • iPhone of pirated origin

Let's consider each of these cases.

iPhone won't turn on due to system failures

The most common reason why your iPhone may not turn on is system problems. IN in this case there is no reason to worry and take the gadget to the master. You can solve the problem yourself:

  • First, inspect your gadget. If you see that the apple is on fire and the blue screen has gone out, then you should simultaneously press the button at the bottom of the screen and the lock/shutdown button. Do not release these buttons for about fifteen seconds. If the problem is any system problems, the gadget will start turning on again and working stably.

iPhone 4, 5, 5S does not turn on - the apple lights up, then the blue screen of death and reboot what to do IPhone 5S - blue screen and turns off, can it be fixed?

  • If you see that neither the apple nor the blue screen is lit, then simply restart the gadget by pressing the power off button. If this and the previous options do not help you, then try charging your device and repeat the steps described.

iPhone won't turn on due to overheating/getting wet

No matter how reliable iPhones are, if you drop them in water or leave them in the sun for a long time, then you will eventually have to change the battery.

iPhone 4, 5, 5S does not turn on - the apple lights up, then the blue screen of death and reboot what to do IPhone 5S - blue screen and turns off, can it be fixed?

If you notice that the blue screen on the gadget's display goes out and does not light up again after you wet the iPhone, then do the following:

  • Open the iPhone cover, remove the battery and dry all the parts thoroughly. Moreover, do not put them to bask in the sun and do not dry them with a hairdryer. All parts of the iPhone should dry naturally after falling into water.
  • After that, reinsert the battery, close the lid and try to turn on the iPhone. If it doesn’t turn on this time, it will mean that you will have to take it to the workshop. You may just need to replace the battery, so check first to see if the gadget will work with a different battery.
  • If your iPhone has overheated in the sun, as the temperature indicator can indicate, and you do not notice that the apple is not burning, then first of all, let your gadget cool down. Do not connect it to a charger or computer, take it to a cool place. If in this case the gadget does not turn on, then you may have to take it to the technician.

iPhone 4, 5, 5S does not turn on - the apple lights up, then the blue screen of death and reboot what to do IPhone 5S - blue screen and turns off, can it be fixed?

iPhone won't turn on due to problem with charger

Let's say you treat your iPhone with care, you have never dropped it or immersed it in water, you do not have any suspicion of physical damage to it. But it turned off one day and refuses to charge. The blue screen went out along with the apple on the back of the gadget. What can be done in this situation?

iPhone 4, 5, 5S does not turn on - the apple lights up, then the blue screen of death and reboot what to do IPhone 5S - blue screen and turns off, can it be fixed?

Here are a number of measures you should take:

  • Check your charger to ensure it is working properly. It is possible that the gadget does not work due to lack of power, which should come from charger. Insert the charger into another gadget, or insert another charger into your gadget.
  • Inspect the connector where you connect the charger. If the connector is damaged, then you will have to seek the help of a specialist.
  • This may seem funny, but there have been times when a person's electricity was cut off at home, and he thought that his charger was not working. Check whether there is electricity at home and whether the outlet to which you connect the charger is working.

iPhone won't turn on due to operating system

Reinstall operating system on a gadget is very dangerous. If you do something wrong, your gadget will never turn on. If you do not know how to do this, then it is better not to undertake it, contact knowledgeable specialists.

iPhone 4, 5, 5S does not turn on - the apple lights up, then the blue screen of death and reboot what to do IPhone 5S - blue screen and turns off, can it be fixed?

Some users even change their iPhone to a new one rather than reinstall the operating system on the phone. Keep this in mind and first make sure that all the other options listed in this review are not the reason for your gadget not turning on.

If your iPhone's blue screen doesn't go away, then reinstalling may not be necessary.

iPhone won't turn on because it's pirated

Pirated iPhones are not uncommon in our world. You can purchase a fake phone if you turn to dubious sellers. Always buy gadgets from reputed official stores.

iPhone 4, 5, 5S does not turn on - the apple lights up, then the blue screen of death and reboot what to do IPhone 5S - blue screen and turns off, can it be fixed?

If you realize what you are holding in your arms pirated version phone, then do the following:

  • Return the phone back to the seller and demand your money. To avoid making this issue worse, you will get your money back, as no one wants to get into trouble with the law.
  • If the seller still refuses to return your money, take the iPhone to the workshop and let them give you a paper indicating that your iPhone is indeed fake. Then proceed as you go.
  • If you purchased an iPhone, for example, in an online store, and the seller did not assure you that his product is branded, then you will not be able to return the phone.

Video: iPhone won't turn on, won't charge