Why does the Samsung tablet turn off by itself? Spontaneous shutdown of the tablet reasons

If at one point the tablet starts to turn off by itself, then it’s time to start looking for a problem that allows the gadget to take on a life of its own. Let's look at the main reasons for the tablet to turn off spontaneously, as well as methods for dealing with this unpleasant phenomenon.

Reasons for the tablet to turn off spontaneously

In fact, there may be two reasons why the tablet turns off by itself:

  • mechanical damage and short circuits in the contact circuit;
  • problems at the software level.

In the first case, the contact density of the battery may be impaired, their oxidation and many other types, even microcracks on the system board. These problems can only be solved by cleaning the contacts or replacing the system board.

To clean the contacts, you need to disassemble the tablet, remove the battery (if possible) and use a screwdriver, cotton wool and alcohol to clean the oxidized areas. When working with alcohol, be extremely careful, as some elements of the gadget may be damaged under its influence. If there is no way to disconnect the battery, then you need to clean the contacts under the memory card or SIM card.

If the cause of spontaneous shutdown is microscopic cracks, then you will have to take the tablet to a service center, where they will most likely offer to replace the motherboard, and this is quite an expensive proposition.

In a situation where the tablet starts to turn off due to some application, you need to completely reset the device through the service menu. It will most likely not be possible to perform a reset through the settings, since the tablet will most likely turn off directly during the procedure. Logging into the service menu on devices from different manufacturers will differ, so you need to carefully study the detailed user manual.

If a full reset did not help solve the problem, then you can try to reflash the tablet. It is very important to use the original firmware image, or better yet, seek help from the service center; otherwise, there is every chance of turning your fashionable gadget into a “brick.”

If a Lenovo, Samsung, Asus, Prestige, Digma, etc. tablet freezes, and even at the most inopportune time, there is of course little joy. Then a reboot usually solves the problem.

But the problem is - it doesn’t turn off. What to do? There is a solution, or rather several of them.

The process of turning off the tablet may vary depending on the make and model of the device, but in most cases it looks the same (if it is on Android).

To shut down properly, you need to hold the Power button for a few seconds until the menu appears.

Then select "OK" when asked if you want to turn off the device. After a few seconds, the tablet will turn off.

This is the right way. Thanks to it, no data will be lost or damaged. If the shutdown occurs improperly, then, although rarely, the data contained in the device’s memory may be lost.

How to turn off your tablet if it's frozen

Sometimes there are situations in which the tablet is frozen and does not respond to anything. In this case, normal shutdown is not possible.

If this situation occurs, press and hold the Power button for a long time (usually 10 seconds).

This is an emergency measure and should only be used as a last resort. If such situations need to be repeated too often, the device must be “treated.”

Although, there is another option: do not turn the tablet off and on, but force a reboot. On many devices the manufacturer has provided this.

How to restart your tablet if it's frozen

In most models, this process involves pressing a special button responsible for restarting the device.

See if you have a very small diameter hole on your case, located on the back panel (sometimes on the side).

Its diameter is for a pin or needle. If there is, then to reboot press and hold this button for several seconds (about 3-5 seconds) with a sharp object.

If the tablet freezes once, it is not a big deal, but if the process is repeated, it is not only annoying, but there is a possibility that it will not start soon.

Therefore, you need to establish the cause, and there are many of them, but it all comes down to two: hardware and software.

The latter, as a rule, are eliminated on their own, but with hardware problems you cannot do without service (diagnostic equipment is required).

Situations happen not only when the tablet freezes and does not turn off, but also vice versa. Rehabilitation of the device is only possible if the correct diagnosis is made, but there are also basic solutions.

Why is the tablet frozen and not responding to anything?

The tablet may freeze due to a software conflict. Why? Because the firmware may be updated, and installed applications may be incompatible with it.

Of course, you can't do without a forced reboot. If the options described above do not help, you will have to tackle the device more firmly.

Only then all the data will be destroyed (some of it can be saved if you remove the memory card).

Only the same option will not work for all devices. The most common option is to simultaneously press and hold the “Power” and “Volume Up” buttons when the tablet is turned on.

Sometimes you need to use the third “HOME” button. Then a menu will appear where, using the volume button, select “Settings” and then “Format System”.

When you click on “Reset Android”, a reboot will begin, as a result of which the tablet will be reset to factory settings.

NOTE: it has been noted that viruses can cause freezing, like in a computer - a full reset will eliminate this.

Conclusion of the article - “what to do if the tablet freezes and does not turn off”

The process of turning off the tablet is simple and it is safe to say that even a child can do it.

But that doesn't mean it's not important. This is one of the key processes and proper execution affects the correct functioning and reliability of the device.

Remember that your device, like everything else, can be in three different states:

can work in normal mode - activated, for example, watch a movie over the Internet, sleep mode, when it goes into sleep mode after a few seconds of inactivity and is turned off (in fact, if the battery is not completely removed, it does not turn off).

All this, of course, can be changed in the settings: when it sleeps, it consumes less battery power.

During the day, it is usually in sleep mode so that you can access it literally a second after the power button is pressed.

ATTENTION: in an Android tablet, just like in a computer, you can enable safe mode.

Using it, it will be much easier for you to find the cause of freezes, or more accurately determine whether it is software or hardware. Good luck.


To correctly copy information from your tablet to your computer and back, use a file manager, for example, Total Commander.

If the manufacturer of your tablet provided special software (for example, Kies for Samsung on Android), you can use it to connect and work with files.

To correctly disconnect the tablet from the computer, click “disconnect USB” on your mobile device or through the “safe removal” section on your computer or laptop.

How to connect a tablet to a computer via Wi-Fi

This method is not the most ideal option, since it is quite difficult to figure out such a connection. To connect your tablet to your computer via Wi-Fi, download and install the OnAir utility on your mobile device, and a file manager, for example, Total Commander, on your laptop or computer. In the OnAir program, select the FTP connection mode, enter any data in the tab that opens, and paste the exact same numbers into the program on your computer. The connection should be established.

Video on the topic

Tip 7: How to disable the virtual keyboard on a Windows 8 tablet

Sometimes you need to disable the virtual keyboard on your Windows 8 tablet. Let's say you open OneNote and want to start drawing, and the keyboard creeps up and takes up half the screen. Or you open a Word document to read, and at this time the unnecessary keyboard pops up again. Or you use the tablet primarily for drawing, then again you don’t need a keyboard. You can constantly click the "Hide" button. Or you can take radical measures and turn it off completely.

You will need

  • Tablet running Windows 8 operating system.


Go to the computer control panel.

In the "Administration" section, launch "Services".

In the list of operating system services that opens, look for “Touch keyboard and handwriting panel service.”

Double-click on the service name. In the properties window that opens, stop the service (the “Stop” button) and set the startup type to “Disabled”. Now the service is completely disabled and the keyboard will no longer bother you.

The downside is that if you disable the touch keyboard service, you won't be able to enter text without an external keyboard. But there is still one trick. Windows 8 (and previous versions too) has an on-screen keyboard in the Accessibility section. It can be found at "C:\Windows\System32\osk.exe" through Explorer or launched from the control panel: "Control Panel -> Accessibility -> Enable on-screen keyboard". This keyboard is called only when you call it yourself, but it will not allow you to be completely without the ability to enter text.

If you need to re-enable the virtual keyboard on a Windows 8 tablet, then in the service properties window, simply start the service (the “Run” button) and set the startup type to “Automatic” or “Manual”.

Almost every mobile device has a special mode that starts after a certain amount of time has passed. This mode is called lock screen.

Screen lock

Absolutely every mobile device, after a certain time during which this device has not been used in any way, goes into screen lock mode. It is worth noting that in the latest versions of mobile devices, various widgets have begun to appear that can be displayed on the locked screen and used. Naturally, if the user needs to get quick access to the device and its functions, then such a screen will only get in the way. So it might be better to just turn it off.

The screen lock can be: with a graphic password, by entering a PIN code, or simply by dragging the slider. It is worth noting that graphic locking and a PIN code are the best option, since no one except you will be able to access the device, and the confidentiality of information will not be affected, which means it is more advisable to use these screen locking options.

You constantly spontaneously Samsung tablet turns off? Have no idea why this happens, but are very upset about it? We understand your feelings perfectly, so we will try to explain what to do in such unpleasant situations. Do not try to eliminate problems and defects on your own - it is unlikely that anything good will come of it. Better trust the highly qualified, experienced specialists of our Gsmmoscow service center. Professional technicians know how to fix a breakdown on the most favorable terms for the client, that is:

Promptly (we won’t waste a single minute, we carry out all procedures in the shortest possible time);

Effective (we will certainly achieve a positive result, which we will secure by providing a one-year guarantee);

Safe (for replacement we select only suitable original components);

Inexpensive (minimum cost for parts, as well as for employee services).

Description of the malfunction and solutions:

Do you want to know why your Samsung tablet turns off when you make a call? Then look at the list of the main reasons that provoke such problems:

    The battery has lost its former capacity, has worn out over a long period of operation, and switches off when there is increased energy consumption (during a call, conversation) - it is necessary to replace the battery with a new original analogue;

    Samsung tablet turns off, because there has recently been a strong shock, a gadget has fallen, other mechanical damage, or the device has gotten wet or liquid has been spilled on it (preliminary free diagnostics are required to predict further rescue actions).

How to troubleshoot: Samsung tablet turns off

When your Samsung tablet constantly turns off while charging, you cannot ignore such signals about a breakdown. Take the equipment to the Zhsmoskov service center, which is located at the address indicated in the “Contacts” section. If you don’t have time to visit workshops, then call a courier to your home - he will deliver the Samsung to its destination.

When the broken tablet arrives at our place, professional repairers will immediately get to work:

    They will diagnose the device in order to detect hidden faults. You will not have to pay for the proposed initial examination - it is a completely free procedure. Samsung testing lasts from twenty to thirty minutes;

    Then the owner of the tablet is informed about the faults found, the repair time and payment are planned (see prices in the price list);

    When the damage is eliminated and the functioning of the gadget is resumed, final testing is carried out, after which a one-year warranty is provided;

    For prices, consult our operators by phone or read the price list yourself.

Do you need to fix a problem urgently?

If you need urgent Samsung repair, please notify the service center staff. Speakers, screens, and other spare parts are replaced at an accelerated pace (up to 20-30 minutes). You don’t have to pay extra for efficiency, which makes Samsung owners very happy.

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As with any hardware problems, today there are several categories of reasons that cause problems in the tablet: viruses, hardware, software.

It can be difficult to identify, so to speak, “by eye,” which category the problem belongs to; in this case, one can only assume that the tablet turns off on its own due to certain problems.

Only our specialists can make a specific conclusion about why this happens, and they will be able to remove these problems. Next, let's look at the most common reasons that may be responsible for your portable device turning off.

Disconnection due to problems with the tablet

The most common reason in this category why a tablet turns off is poor battery performance in the device itself. If there are manufacturing defects or poor assembly quality when turned on, the battery may not fit tightly to the tablet and in this situation the circuit opens and the tablet itself turns off due to the lack of incoming energy.

Problems with the battery can arise when the tablet computer itself falls. This type generally does not tolerate any falls, even from a seemingly small height, since the “insides” of tablets are quite fragile and you can never say with certainty which part caused problems with the tablet.

Regarding the hardware, a common problem is overheating of the tablet itself, but models from companies such as Asus, Explay, Lenovo, Samsung, as a rule, are not susceptible to this problem. Overheating can be caused by both external and internal factors. In such cases, it is recommended to simply put the gadget aside for a while.

The tablet turns off spontaneously due to viruses

When using your tablet to access the Internet, it is recommended to frequently check it for viruses. In many cases, even with an antivirus installed, the owner of the tablet can “catch” a virus, which will subsequently lead to periodic or even frequent shutdown of the portable device.

Device shutdown due to software glitch

Another category of reasons why a tablet turns off is software errors. In this situation, many may remember that they should not install software on their tablet from unverified or dubious sources, as well as programs that may later conflict with each other during installation. But in some cases, tablet owners may not install anything on their tablet, and still they will not be spared the problem of its unauthorized shutdown. Here the problems may lie precisely in the original firmware installed on the gadget even before it was sold.

Some tablet computers “suffer” from incorrect determination of the position of the device itself in space. Even if the owner simply picks it up in a special way or throws it onto a soft surface (sofa) from a height of ten centimeters, it can turn off.

This problem can be resolved by cleaning the old firmware and installing a new operating system. This also applies to cases when tablet computers turn off when 3G is turned on. This may occur due to an incorrect process in the internal module, or due to software errors in the gadget.

In such cases, with software errors, the best solution is to reset the settings to factory settings. If there is no positive effect, it is recommended to completely replace the firmware.

If you have problems with your tablet and you can’t handle them yourself, then we suggest using our service center!

You can get a discount on any of our services! To do this, when contacting our service center, use the code word “РЦ7”. Please note that the discount is valid only when contacting the workshop of our service center and does not apply to work performed on call from the client.

In recent years, Samsung devices have spread quite widely across the electronic devices market. Even the very dubious reputation of some gadgets and the scandalous incidents that happen to them do not repel buyers.

However, the problems that arise with Samsung tablets, including the Samsung Galaxy Tab 3, are equally common to all such devices. One of the frequently encountered operating difficulties is that the device simply stops turning on for some unknown reason.

Why Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 does not turn on: possible reasons

What should you do if the Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 stops responding to desperate and persistent presses of the POWER button? First, it’s worth understanding the possible causes of the breakdown.

How to fix the problem: solutions

  1. Try charging your tablet. It’s best to try connecting it in different ways: to a computer or laptop, to a network, to a portable charger, etc. After all, some devices can only be charged when directly connected to the network.
  2. If you think that the problem is in the charging or charging part of the tablet, contact a specialist and ask them to replace it with a working one. It is better not to try to do this yourself, because replacing tracks and connectors is a very painstaking and complex job that requires skill and almost jewelry craftsmanship.
  3. If moisture got into the tablet the day before a technical problem, it is best to take it to a service center for a preliminary examination. After this, the specialist will try to clean the “insides” of your Samsung Galaxy Tab 3, if possible.
  4. If your Power button is broken, the solution is very simple - you need to solder the button back. If you are confident in your own abilities, grab a soldering iron and go ahead. However, remember that working with equipment requires great care, so if you are not confident in your own abilities, it is better to contact a service center.
  5. If your Galaxy Tab has been subjected to any mechanical impact, be it a shock, strong pressure or anything else, feel free to take it to a specialist. Usually they have special equipment with which you can easily determine what and where in the tablet is broken.
  6. After interruptions in the operation of the operating system and after the device has completely refused to work, it is advised to go to the manufacturer’s website. There you will find new firmware for your gadget. Download it to your tablet and reinstall the operating system. Keep in mind that this operation requires some experience with software installation, and its implementation automatically voids the tablet's warranty.

    You can also try to perform a factory reset (hard reset)

  7. When the video adapter fails, you can no longer solve the problem yourself. We advise you to change your Samsung Galaxy Tab if the warranty is still valid, or take it to a service center.
  8. Diagnostics at a service center will help you determine whether your tablet’s power chip is normal. If a malfunction is still detected, you will be offered to replace the microcircuit. If you plan to continue using this Galaxy Tab in the future, go for it. You may have to wait for an original spare part to be ordered. However, if you do not replace the power circuit in the near future, you may lose your tablet altogether, since its malfunction has an extremely negative impact on the operation of other parts of the device.

    Try to use your tablet carefully from the beginning to avoid problems.

So, here is a list of possible reasons why the Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 tablet may not turn on, as well as options for solving them. Some can be solved on your own, while others will require the intervention of a specialist. If you are confident in your abilities, and your hands seem to be growing from that place, quickly take the tablet and revive it. Otherwise, we advise you to contact the service center. There they will carry out diagnostics, tell you where something is wrong, help with the breakdown (if possible, of course) and give some advice for the future. Better yet, always treat your gadgets with love and care. Then maybe there will be nothing to fix.

As with any other hardware problem, there are several main categories of reasons that can cause problems: hardware, software, and viruses.

It can be quite difficult to determine “by eye” which category your problems fall into; you can only assume that the tablet is turning off due to certain problems.

Only specialists can make an accurate conclusion and they will be able to fix these problems. Below we will look at the most common reasons that can cause your device to shut down.

Disabling the tablet due to problems with the tablet itself

In this category, the most common reason why a tablet turns off is poor performance of the device's battery. The fact is that if the assembly is not of sufficient quality or there are manufacturing defects, the battery may not fit tightly, as a result of which the circuit opens and the device turns off due to lack of energy.

Battery problems can also arise from dropping the tablet. This type of device generally does not withstand falls even from a small height, since their “filling” is quite fragile, it is never possible to say with certainty which part caused the malfunction.

Another common hardware problem is overheating. This is especially true for iPad owners, since Apple tablets turn off even when heated by sunlight and turn off automatically.

There can be many reasons for overheating, ranging from external factors (sunlight, heating devices, etc.) to internal ones, for example, excessive load on the processor. In such cases, it is recommended to simply wait until the device cools down. It is also recommended to regularly clean your tablet from dust.

Tablet shutdown due to software glitch

Another broad category of reasons why a tablet turns off are various software errors. At the same time, many will remember that they should not install software from unverified sources, as well as programs that may conflict with each other.

However, in some situations, users may not install anything at all on their tablet computer and still face the problem of its unauthorized shutdown. Here the problem may lie precisely in the original software that was installed on it before it was sold.

As with any other hardware problem, there are several main categories of reasons that can cause problems: hardware, software, and viruses.

It can be quite difficult to determine “by eye” which category your problems fall into; you can only assume that the tablet is turning off due to certain problems.

Only specialists can make an accurate conclusion and they will be able to fix these problems. Below we will look at the most common reasons that can cause your device to shut down.

Disabling the tablet due to problems with the tablet itself

In this category, the most common reason why a tablet turns off is poor performance of the device's battery. The fact is that if the assembly is not of sufficient quality or there are manufacturing defects, the battery may not fit tightly, as a result of which the circuit opens and the device turns off due to lack of energy.

Battery problems can also arise from dropping the tablet. This type of device generally does not withstand falls even from a small height, since their “filling” is quite fragile, it is never possible to say with certainty which part caused the malfunction.

Another common hardware problem is overheating. This is especially true for iPad owners, since Apple tablets turn off even when heated by sunlight and turn off automatically.

There can be many reasons for overheating, ranging from external factors (sunlight, heating devices, etc.) to internal ones, for example, excessive load on the processor. In such cases, it is recommended to simply wait until the device cools down. It is also recommended to regularly clean your tablet from dust.

Tablet shutdown due to software glitch

Another broad category of reasons why a tablet turns off are various software errors. At the same time, many will remember that they should not install software from unverified sources, as well as programs that may conflict with each other.

However, in some situations, users may not install anything at all on their tablet computer and still face the problem of its unauthorized shutdown. Here the problem may lie precisely in the original software that was installed on it before sale.

Thus, some Galaxy Tab tablets “suffer” from incorrect determination of the device’s position in space. Therefore, even if you just specially pick it up or throw it onto a soft surface from a height of 10 centimeters, it will turn off.

This problem is resolved by completely clearing the old firmware and installing a new operating system. The same applies to cases when the tablet turns off when 3G is turned on; this can happen either due to improper operation of the module or due to software errors.

Thus, the best solution for any software errors is to reset the settings to factory settings, and, if there is no positive effect, to completely change the tablet’s firmware.

The tablet turns off due to viruses

When using a tablet computer to access the Internet, it is recommended to regularly check it for viruses. In some cases, even with antivirus software installed, you can “pick up” viruses, which will lead to periodic shutdown of the device.

Therefore, it is necessary to periodically carry out additional checks using various anti-virus programs, for example Dr. Web.

If Samsung Galaxy Tab turns off 3, 2 10.1, 8.0, 10.1, 8.9, 7.7, 7.0, our service center specialists will be able to solve this problem. As soon as you bring the tablet to our TeleMama service center, the first thing we will do is diagnose it. This service is completely free, and allows you to accurately determine the breakdown in the shortest possible time. If you need to replace a part, we will install the original one. We buy spare parts only from manufacturers, so our prices for original components are the lowest. We are confident that no one can repair your equipment cheaper. After we fix the device, we will issue a long-term warranty.

One of the following problems may occur:

  1. The battery has failed. This can happen, in principle, even with a brand new Samsung tablet. In this case, the battery will need to be completely replaced.
  2. Other malfunctions may occur if liquid gets into the device. It will be necessary to do diagnostics before repairing the tablet computer.

We can eliminate any malfunctions as soon as possible.

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Tablet computer users often encounter various problems, including when Samsung devices turn off. Any equipment breaks down. Tablets are very convenient and compact devices, but that’s why they often fail. If Samsung Galaxy Tab turns off, and the reason is unknown to you, bring the device to our telemama service. If the tablet is intact, then the problem is hidden inside the device. First of all, we carry out diagnostics to determine the breakdown.

The battery often fails. This can happen with a completely new tablet. The battery may break due to a damaged power controller or too high voltage. Over time, any battery ages and loses capacity. Accordingly, the Samsung Galaxy Tab tablet will quickly discharge and turn off. Thus, you will not be able to work for a long time until high-quality repairs are carried out. Please contact our service center for this.

If you accidentally flooded your Samsung tablet computer, then various internal components may suffer, as a result of which the tablet does not hold a charge and constantly turns off. In order to understand everything and determine what the problem is, we will definitely diagnose the device. Moisture can damage any part, so it is important to turn off the tablet computer and show it to a specialist as soon as possible. Once the cause of the malfunction becomes known, our service center will offer high-quality repairs. We have experienced craftsmen, true professionals in their field, who do this. We use only original spare parts in our work. We also have professional equipment, with its help we can make even the most complex repairs in the shortest possible time.

If your Samsung Galaxy Tab 3, 2 10.1, 8.0, 10.1, 8.9, 7.7, 7.0 tablet turns off, you should not repair such complex equipment yourself. With unqualified intervention, the number of malfunctions will increase, as will the cost of repairs. It won't take us too much time to replace the battery. Also, do not forget that we install only original spare parts. This means that your tablet computer will soon be working perfectly again. After we restore the tablet's operation, we will issue a long-term warranty, after which you can continue to use it.

The products of the South Korean company are known for their quality and reliability. Smartphones produced by this brand are among the leaders in sales on the Russian market. Even the most reliable equipment is not immune from breakdowns. What to do if your Samsung Galaxy turns itself off? Let's look at a list of possible prerequisites for such a malfunction and describe ways to eliminate them.

The issue of Samsung Galaxy smartphones turning off spontaneously is quite common. Internet forums are full of posts, discussions and advice from amateurs. We will try to look at this issue from a professional point of view, give some advice and reveal possible ways to troubleshoot the problem.

Problems with programs

Spontaneous shutdown of your Samsung Galaxy smartphone may be caused by software problems. When installing versions of programs that are incompatible with each other and the OS on the device, a conflict may occur, which leads to shutdown. In this case, try resetting the settings to factory settings. You can do this by following the instructions below:

  • Go to Settings menu
  • Select "Backup and Reset"
  • Click on the “Reset” item, after checking the “Cleaning” option
  • Wait for the reset to complete

If the problem persists, then the cause may lie in the hardware.

Hardware failure

Samsung Galaxy turns off on its own due to hardware failure. Breakdowns can be different, as well as their causes. The following reasons can be identified:

  • Damage to parts resulting from the device falling onto a hard surface
  • Liquid or steam entering the housing
  • Problems with the power controller or battery

These are just the most common reasons. In fact, there are many more of them. But only a professional can determine what exactly caused the spontaneous shutdown after conducting diagnostics using modern equipment.