Google mail enter the mailbox. Mail gmail com: registration, login, how to send a letter

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Let's take a step-by-step look at what it is in this article.

Google is the world's largest search engine. It has its own email service, Gmail, where you can create an email address for free and with it access several other services, including YouTube.

Gmail mail registration in Russian

To start registering, you need to go to gmail website. Now click on "Create an account" login to your profile.

A simple form will appear that you need to fill out.

In the first and last name fields, it is best to indicate real data. This may be useful for using other services, and also, if necessary, to regain access to the mailbox if you lose your password. You can hide your data, so don't worry, no one will know more about you than you allow.

Username (nickname) is your login. It will appear in the name of your mailbox. You need to come up with a login yourself. It can consist of Latin letters, symbols and numbers.

The password should be chosen so that it is as complex as possible. In addition to the fact that with its help you will access your mail, it will also protect your mailbox from hacking. In combination, you can use Latin letters (it is advisable to combine small and large letters) and numbers.

! You can write the password down in a safe place so you don't forget it.
! Otherwise, you will not be able to access your email.

You don't have to specify your phone number, country, or alternate email address - they are not needed for registration.

If after you click " Further", Some of the fields are highlighted in red, which means you missed something or entered it incorrectly. Correct the error and press again "Further".

After all fields are filled in, you will be prompted to read "Terms of Use" .

There are no items saying that you are being sold into slavery, so feel free to click "I accept" - without this you will not be able to register. Now you will be shown a window where the address of your mailbox will be written. Write it down somewhere so you don't forget.

To go to your mail, you need to click on the button "Go to Gmail service" .

How to come up with a username for gmail mail

Creating a username can be a bit tricky. The fact is that each such login in the Google system must be unique, that is, two identical addresses cannot exist.

If the login you entered is already taken, the system will notify you (red text will appear below the field) and offer several unique options that you could use.

They are created based on the entered first name, last name and login. If you don't want to choose from what the system has suggested, come up with another nickname.

An additional parameter for the username is its length. It should not be shorter than 6 characters and longer than 30.

You can't change the name after creating the box, so think carefully before choosing the final option. If you only need email to register on some resources, then the name is not important.

Your Google Mail username

As mentioned above, the username will appear in the name of your mailbox, and this will be your email address. After creating an email, “” will be added to it. Your address will look like this:

It turns out that the name of the box is made up of the user name and the name postal service, connected to each other "dog" . The address is written together, a dot is placed only before "com" .

You can give this address to friends, acquaintances or clients to contact you.

How to find out your Google mail address

Once you log into your profile, you'll see a welcome window that tells you why Google Mail is the best, etc.

You can safely close this window; it will not be shown to you again.

To find out your email address, you need to click on the icon with the letter of your name in the upper right part of the window. A small hint will appear where the address will be written.

How to log into your Google mail

To access your email, you need to do a few simple steps. Typically, browsers remember our data so that we don't have to keep entering it.

Therefore, to enter you will simply need go to google website and in the right corner click on the icon with squares.

From the drop-down menu, select the Mail icon and that’s it. The box will open and you can use it.

If the browser did not save your data or you are accessing your mail from another computer, you will need to enter your username and password. And first you enter your login, then your password

Features of gmail mail

The most obvious capabilities of mail are receiving and sending letters. This can be either work correspondence or friendly correspondence. You can attach to letters different files, such as photographs or documents.

In addition to mail, registration gives you the opportunity to use other products. Here's what's available to you after you create a Google account:

  • Disk . You can store files up to 15 GB for free. Here you can upload data from a PC or mobile device, and then open or download it from another computer or device. In addition, you can make sure that other users can view your files too.
  • Documentation . The service is an online editor. Here you can create documents, tables, presentations, etc. They are saved on your disk. They can be downloaded, sent and edited at any time.
  • YouTube . This is the world's most famous video hosting site. You can watch videos without registering, but through your Google mail address, you can log in to the site, subscribe to different channels, leave comments and upload your videos.
  • Google play . This is a platform for mobile devices from which you can install applications, download music, movies, etc.
  • Google+ . Social network, like Facebook and other projects.

Together with your email address, you simultaneously gain access to several services. This big advantage Google mail.

Sincerely, Alexander.

To work with Gmail, you need to create a Google account.

How to create a google account?

Google account – allows you to use all Google services without additional registration.
To log in to any of them, you must enter your account username and password. - mail login to email - login and password.
If you have already created a Google account on your tablet, phone, or used gmail, google+ or youtube services, then you already have a Google account. Using the username and password you already have, you can sign in to any new Google service.

Otherwise, create a new account.

gmail - anyone can register a free mailbox on the Google server - gmail mail.

To register for mail server gmail go to page -

Or page - login – google accounts. by clicking on the link - Create an account
(if you already have a google account, you can sign in here.)

To create your own unique address Email on Gmail - Google's free email service

[email protected]([email protected]),

You need to come up with and enter into the fields of the registration form in google services - first name, last name, username, password, date of birth. For example:
aleks petrov
[email protected] *
(Keep in mind that the username you choose may already be taken, so you may have to come up with a different one.)

The password can use letters (in different cases), numbers and other symbols. The minimum password length is eight characters. Do not use passwords from other sites or words such as "password", "password", or combinations of consecutive characters such as "qwerty", "qazwsx", "abcd1234". when entering simple passwords a message will be displayed -
this password is very common. protect your account from hacking - come up with more complex password.

To avoid asking questions on the help forum: I can’t log into gmail, I forgot my gmail login and password...

Be sure to save your gmail login and password in a notebook.

Enter data in all fields of the registration form and click on the button - Next

It is not necessary to provide a backup email address.

If you did not enter a phone number in the account registration form, then next page will be required to do this.

Google account verification via SMS

click on the icon - ( google apps) and then mail -

gmail mail login from another computer.

Gmail supports two-factor authentication.

When logging into your account from a new device, you will have to enter not only your name and password, but also a verification code.

This is a six digit combination (after g-), which is sent to the phone via SMS or using voice message- g-297979

If you log into gmail from another computer, then

confirm that it is you

You signed in to your account differently than usual. confirm
what is it you do by completing the task below.

Enter your phone number to receive
confirmation code via SMS or
via voice call

Enter confirmation code
SMS with confirmation code sent to +79374709535

Here, taking care of your account recovery, try to get additional phone numbers and email addresses out.
“If you forget your password or become a victim of hacking, you will not be able to regain access to your account without a phone number and an additional email address.”
You don't have to add an additional phone number or a backup email address.

Click on the button - Finish

Click on the - (google apps) icon and select - gmail mail.

In folder - Inbox, your Gmail, you will see a message -
You are signed in to your account from a Windows device using the Firefox app.

Security Alerts:
Google will notify you if your account information changes.

your account is logged in with windows devices through firefox application

to your account [email protected]* logged in via firefox
on a windows device.

aleks petrov
[email protected] *

Friday, January 13, 2017, 8:53 (Yekaterinburg, standard time)
Yekaterinburg, Russia* firefox

You didn't do this?
view a list of recently used devices.

This email was sent because Google takes security seriously and wants you to be aware of your account activity. It was not possible to determine whether you have previously signed in to your account through this browser or device. You may have logged in for the first time on a new computer, phone, or browser. in addition, you could view mail while in incognito mode, or simply delete cookies. if you haven't done anything like this, there's a high chance that your account has been hacked.

Additional information can be found in the google accounts help center.

Checking your mailbox on

Attention! If you have a personal gmail address (ends with, the location of the dots in it does not matter.

If you use dots in your username, you may receive messages sent to an address that is similar to yours, but differs in the number or placement of dots.

all messages sent to these addresses will go to one user:

Click on the - (google apps) icon and select - Gmail.

From folder - Inbox by clicking on - Write

Write and send the letter to your Gmail address.

In folder Inbox, click on the line - first test message.

And read the letter you sent to yourself.
Your Gmail email address is working.

Gmail login - problems?

If you forgot your password, can't remember your gmail login username or email address, remember your username and password, but can't login to your google account.

The only way to restore access to your google account is the form on the page - find your google account. try checking for desktop computer, which you use most often and the one you used when registering your account, find your google account

To confirm that the Google account belongs to you, you will need to answer questions.

Recovery form google account- find an account

Enter your gmail email address
([email protected]),
which you use to sign in to your google account.

google - create a data archive. how to download your data?

You can export and download data from google products (such as gmail, calendar or google photos) for local storage or use in other services.

Go to the page - My account and click on the link - Content Management.

On the page - google - my account, In chapter - Downloading and transferring data
click on the link - create an archive.

Select data
Select google services and change settings for each of them. The archive with service data will be available only to you.

Select to save account details
file format - zip
Select a method for receiving the archive
method of obtaining - follow the link

and click on the button - Create archive

Attention. To create an archive, depending on the amount of information in your account, it takes from 5 - 10 minutes to several hours (and sometimes days).

Over time, the volume of information on the 14 services of your Google account will reach tens of gigabytes (15 GB can be stored on Google Drive alone).
When the archive is created, you will be sent an email with a link to download it.
As a rule, a link to download the archive is sent on the day of the request.

There is no need to wait until the archive is created.

In the folder - Inbox, Gmail, open the message -
Data export - data archive is ready.

Your account is your data.
archive google data, requested on January 19, 2017, is ready.
The archive contains data from the following services:
groups, tasks, bookmarks, search history, maps (your reviews and places), fit, google photos, hangouts, hangouts live, keep, gmail, contacts, drive and google play books.
The archive can be downloaded until January 26, 2017.

In the received letter, click - Download archive.

Enter the password for your gmail mailbox. again.

On the page - data export: archives, read the warnings and click - download.

If you decide to upload your photos, documents or other files to any online service, be sure to check if you can then download them back to your computer. Perhaps one day you will stop using the service, but your files will remain there. Do not download your archives on public computers or upload them where other users can see them.
After downloading the data, you can change your account settings or delete it at
Note. Content from Google Play Music is not included in the archive. you can download it using the download manager.

Save the archive in a safe place on your computer,
where there is enough free space.

If strangers have access to your computer, export the data to Google Drive or other storage that only you can use.

By registering and logging into Google mail, you can synchronize all search engine services: Youtube, Play Market , Google+ etc.

Google mail itself is one of the best among electronic Internet services. All of the following were built into its functionality as basic and additional tools: technical capabilities companies. By registering and creating your own mailbox with Google, you can combine mail correspondence with the service Documentation, upload files to Disk, with highlighted 10 GB disk space and much more.

Google email is one of the most secure email accounts. All correspondence undergoes continuous checks for the presence of virus programs and identification of participants who produce spam mailings. The most advanced technologies for encrypting transmitted information are also used here.

It should also be noted the high technological support for account protection and recovery. When faced with the problem of losing your password, you can easily restore access to your personal mail through the mechanisms created for this automatic recovery, taking into account all available additional means of communication for the user.

To log into your Google mailbox, you can use the link:

After entering your email login and password, you should check “ Remain in the system", if you want to perform subsequent automatic login to Google mail.

After this, the account will be displayed in the right corner on the Google search engine page.

When entering your login and password, you should pay attention to the enabled language keyboard layout and “ Caps Lock» (capital or capital letters). You can also try entering the password in Notepad, for example, so that it is clearly visible and just copy and paste its line.

Registration in Google mail (Google)

To register Google mail in Russian and create your own email box, you need to follow the link:

Recovering your Google mail password

Having all the most advanced technologies to protect personal data and user accounts, this postal service provides all the options for recovering your Google mail password automatically:

  • To do this you need to follow the link " Forgot your password" on the login page;

  • A page will open with a choice of the current problem, where you need to select “ I do not remember the password", enter your email address and click “ Continue";

  • here you need to enter the password that you managed to remember and click “ Continue". The system recognizes the similarity of the entered password with the actual one, and the course of further actions will depend on this.

If during registration you entered an additional mail address or number mobile phone, then the problem of recovering your Google mail password will be immediately resolved by sending the activation code. IN in this case, the system recognizes that the access occurred from a mobile device and offers to send a confirmation to it.
If not used mobile device and no telephone numbers or additional email were entered, then a step-by-step recovery will be offered by entering personal data.

Having regained access to your Google mail, it’s better to play it safe and save strong password from the entrance to a non-system drive (except for drive C), since in the event of an emergency system reinstallation, the file may be deleted.

The safest thing to do is to enter additional means of communication: mobile number, additional email address. This will greatly simplify the recovery procedure. Opportunities for additional account protection through phone alerts will be offered. If suddenly there are suspicious login attempts from an IP address that has not been used before, you will receive a warning about this. Also, the account may be subject to temporary blocking if the system suspects attempts to hack the mail.

Notifications of received letters without logging into Google mail (Google)

There are special add-ons that can be installed in the Google Chrome browser to receive notifications about sent correspondence without logging into Google mail.

Such add-ons include, for example, Checker Plus for Gmail. After installing it in the browser, the mail icon and signals of events that have occurred in Google mail will be displayed in the right corner of the panel.

Features of this application:

  • detailed information about received correspondence, messages or chat calls;
  • notification without turning on the browser. There is simultaneous support for several mailboxes;
  • connecting additional notifications, as well as controlling your Google mailbox using your voice. Also, his tinctures contain many additional options, customizable to personal needs.

Google is developing widely on an impressive scale, mostly abroad. Most of the services there are already very popular and simply necessary. Many interesting developments were purchased by this Internet giant, for example, video hosting YouTube and operating system Android. All available sections and services of this search engine require synchronization. Therefore, logging in and registering with Google mail are very popular not only abroad, but also in the CIS countries. is an example of an email service. Therefore, I created my personal, main mailbox on, although by that time I had about five e-mail addresses from other mail services.

I love the ease of use, reliability, and capacity of my inbox. By registering a mailbox on Gmail, you get the opportunity, with the same login and password, to access other Google services: the most popular video hosting YouTube, calendar, Google Docs and many other useful services.

Registering with

To register for Gmail in Russian, go to the official website

The Google Account login window will appear.

In order to log in, you need to enter the mobile phone number or email address specified during registration. But since you are not registered yet, click the More options link

From the options provided, select Create an account.

A page will open with a form that you must fill out.

We fill out the form.

  1. What is your name. Here I advise you to indicate your real First and Last Name. Because other Google services, including those on your smartphone, will be associated with this account. I think this will be your main inbox for a long time! If you need a temporary mailbox, then you can follow my tutorial in a few minutes.
  2. Create a username. This will be the name of your mailbox and login to your account. You will have to work hard to find a clear and memorable name. After all, names like olga, nina, ivan have been taken for a long time. Substitute names, and the system will tell you whether this name is occupied or free. To create a name, you can use letters of the Latin alphabet, numbers and dots.
  3. Create a password. The password must have at least eight characters. For security reasons, it is not recommended to use passwords from other sites.
  4. Confirm the password. To make sure you entered the password correctly, enter the password again. If the system displays that the passwords do not match, check whether the keyboard layout is set correctly. There must be Latin letters, not Russian.
  5. Date of Birth. Select from the drop-down list.
  6. Floor. Selected from the list.
  7. Mobile phone number - necessary for more reliable account protection. If in mailbox important documents are stored, you can allow login to your account only after receiving an SMS with a password on your mobile phone. Also, if you forget your password, you can request an SMS with a code to change your password.
  8. A spare email address is necessary for more reliable account protection. For example, if suspicious activities are noticed in your account, the gmail administration will be able to send an alert to this address.
  9. Make Google mine home page. If you check the box, then when you open the browser, it will always appear search system Google. But many users make their favorite site their home page. Then, you don’t need to check the box here, otherwise your page will be replaced with a Google page.
  10. A country. Select the country in which you currently live from the list.

After filling out the form, click Next.

The Privacy Policy and Terms of Use page opens. Read (scroll down the page) and click the “I Accept” button.

The "Verify your account" window will open. Enter your mobile phone number and click the "Continue" button.

A window will appear to enter the Confirmation Code, which will be sent to you via SMS. If the code does not arrive within 15 minutes, try again. I managed to complete the registration the third time. After entering the code, click the Continue button.

You will be congratulated on your successful registration and asked to log into your Gmail account. Click the "Go to Gmail service" button and start getting acquainted with your new mailbox.

You will see buttons that you can click to select a theme ( appearance) your his mail account, change (add) the main photo of your profile, import addresses and mail from another mail account. By the way, your new mailbox will already contain a letter from Google describing the capabilities of your Google account. And by clicking the “How to use Gmail” button, you will learn all the features of working with this email service.

Video: how to register with Gmail - create a profile on Google

The video clearly shows:

  • How to register with Gmail and gain access to all Google services;
  • how to create folders,
  • how to sort emails into folders,
  • how to prepare a signature for letters,
  • how to add files to letters,
  • how to switch to other Google services?

Login to

If you have already registered, then to log into Gmail, click the link

In the window that opens (Fig. 1), enter the Email or mobile phone number associated with your account and click Next. By the way, you can enter not the entire email address, but only the login - without

A password entry field will appear. Enter your password, click "Next" and your mailbox will open in front of you.

Sign in to other Google services

By registering with your email, you can use this username and password to log into any Google service.

While in your Gmail account on the right top corner, click the square (shown by the red arrow). A window with many buttons will open (see Figure 5). By clicking the desired button, you will be taken to the most popular Google services: Calendar, YouTube, Search, Maps.
And by clicking the link More, you will see buttons to other Google services, for example, Docs.