Mail sponsors - make money by reading advertising letters on the Internet. Earn money by reading letters Reading advertising letters

How to make money on the Internet: A practical guide Dorokhova Marta Aleksandrovna

10.1. Surfing and paid letters

Surfing- this is a type of earnings where you get paid for viewing sites.

Paid letters- this is earnings similar to surfing, only in in this case to your Mailbox I receive a letter containing a link to a website. You follow this link and get money. In general, the money that is paid for such tasks does not reach the very name “money”, since, as a rule, one surfing site or one letter costs some thousand dollars. But if you register on many similar resources at once, view all surfing sites and all paid letters, then maybe you’ll collect a dollar a day.

And if, in spite of everything, you don’t mind wasting your time on such trifles, then below is presented a list of sites where you can make money by surfing.

1. This foreign sponsor pays one cent per site viewed. It is one of the most profitable services of this kind.

2. This service will pay for visiting websites and reading letters. On this service has its own affiliate program. There are three levels of referrals. For first level referrals you will receive 15% of their income, for second and third level referrals - 10% of their income. There is also a referral exchange where you can buy or sell a referral. The minimum amount for payment is 0.5 dollars. Payment is made through systems such as WebMoney, e-Gold, Yandex. Money.

3. is a Ukrainian service that also pays for visiting websites and reading mail. As in the previous service, there is its own affiliate program. There is a three-level referral system. Having first-level referrals, you will receive 10% of their income, second-level referrals will bring you 5% of income, and third-level referrals will bring you 3% of income. In addition, you can purchase a referral for yourself or sell it on the referral exchange. The minimum amount for payment is 0.5 dollars. Payment is made through the WebMoney system.

4. is a service that is popular among people who want to make money this way. Now there are already more than 20,000 registered participants. The price of one letter is 0.25 cents. About ten such letters may arrive in your mailbox per day. The minimum withdrawal amount is small - only 10 cents, and it adds up very quickly. Moreover, after withdrawal, the money comes almost immediately.

5. On this server, in addition to regular surfing, there are autosurfing options, when the system does almost everything for you.

6. A sponsor who pays for reading mail, surfing, etc. One letter is valued at 0.3–1 cent. The minimum withdrawal amount is $1. There is a four-level referral system. For first level referrals you receive 10% of their income, for second level referrals - 5% of income, third level - 4%, fourth level - 2%.

7. This sponsor has a high payment for letters - from 0.25 to 2 cents. You will receive from five to ten emails per day.

8. A service where you will receive money for reading letters and surfing. The price for viewing one site is from 0.02 cents. The minimum amount for withdrawal is only 10 cents. There are six levels of referrals.

9. This mail sponsor sends a lot of paid letters, and the minimum amount for withdrawal is only $0.15. For reading one letter you will receive from 0.002 to 0.004 dollars.

10. WM MAIL INFO– a sponsor who pays for reading letters. The minimum payout is 50 cents.

11. RUS PAID MAILS. With this service, you will earn money by reading letters (from 0.2 to 1 cent per letter) and by clicking (0.1 to 1 cent per click). There is no minimum payout, you can withdraw any amount of money you earn.

12.– a service where you will receive 5 kopecks for each day you visit.

13. ipGold. This sponsor pays 50 rubles for 1000 sites you view. The minimum payout is 10 rubles, for this you will need to look at 200 sites.

14. BXOD. Here you can get $4.75 for 1000 sites. The minimum withdrawal amount is 9 cents, payment is made through the WebMoney system.

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XXV. Write letters by hand Impersonal communication is becoming more common. Fax, email, mail that is automatically sent to hundreds of addresses, answering machine entries, pagers, ATMs, talking car doors, automatic receptionist, pick-up

To make an effective email campaign, you must perform the basic steps correctly: choose a reliable email service, adapt the content to be read from mobile screens, write catchy texts, collect a sufficient number of addresses of potential and existing clients and segment the audience. But sometimes this is not enough: your competitors send similar newsletters, so you cannot surprise your subscribers with something new and interesting. In this article, you will find 20 tips that will help you come up with what to write in your mailings to clients and understand how to make sales letters bright and commercially successful.

Make your subscribers feel special. Invite them to sign up for an exclusive newsletter for best clients. You can designate regular customers, consumers with a certain check amount, or owners of a certain product as the best.

Offer exclusive club membership to subscribers in personalized emails. At the same time, make sure that they do not look like the so-called “Nigerian letters”. Ask the client to confirm participation in the club.

Include lucrative offers, discount coupons, pre-order offers for a new product, etc. in your mailing list for members of the exclusive club. Through word of mouth, this will make club membership desirable to all your clients. They will strive to fulfill the conditions necessary to receive an invitation.

Your subscribers receive dozens of emails a day. They are unlikely to pay attention to every offer to download something for free, take advantage of a 3% discount on the purchase of a turbojet lawn mower with the function of medium-distance air travel, and also ignore questions about the desire to earn millions without effort and initial investment. Advertising noise does its job - people develop deafness to marketing messages.

It’s another matter if you can show your concern for the client in a letter. How to do it? Here are some ideas:

  • Report that special offer stops working after a day. Perhaps the customer forgot that he wanted to buy a lawn mower at a discount.

  • Explain why it is important to use your product.

  • Offer your subscribers valuable information. For example, imagine how many men will thank you if you offer them gift ideas for their loved ones on March 8th.

Pay attention to the title of the letter. It should let subscribers know that you wrote something valuable.

The secret to the effectiveness of this tip is personalization. You should reach out to the client personally and ask them to explain their choices, provide feedback, or help you conduct research.

Shop e-books“Litres” asks you to leave a review for each book purchased. Moreover, the authors of the first reviews of new works receive bonus money to their account.

The ReadRate service offers you to take a thematic test.

And Optimizely marketer Jesse Becker suggests asking her anything.

These include reviews, research results, cases, awards, ratings. Please note the following letter:

“Litres” announces a book that ranks first in the ratings of the best works of 2014 by well-known publications and the Amazon online store. The Russian-speaking audience did not have time to read this book. There are no reviews on the book sites Litres and ReadRate, there is only one super positive review on LiveLib, and no one knows anything on Facebook.

Social proof works: the audience falls for the Amazon rating and the word “super bestseller,” although there are still very few real reviews of the book from Russian-speaking users. Surely the book sells well.

It was said above that personalizing emails helps to receive feedback. Personalization doesn't stop there; it improves the overall effectiveness of your email campaign. Email is designed for correspondence between people. Remember this when creating commercial letters. Use the following recommendations:

  • Write on behalf of a real person, not a brand.
  • Make sure your messages are relevant to the individual.
  • Address the user personally.

Another example of personalization is the ability to receive personalized recommendations from the LiveLib service.

Effective emails ensure high click-through rates on links in emails and conversion of subscribers into consumers. Take a look at the Death to the Stock Photo project's letter designs. The conversion button here is located above the message itself.

What happens if the client is not interested in the offer? The authors of the following newsletter provide the user with an alternative.

For what? This increases audience engagement. Above is an example of a Death to the Stock Photo email that asks the subscriber to first download a package of free photos and then begin reading the email. There are other successful examples of mailing lists with downloadable content.

Readers will certainly pay attention to the financial forecast, beautifully presented in the form of a white paper.

Do your customers want discounts? Let them download.

Do this with calls to action. They significantly increase CTR and email conversion.

You can use more aggressive CTAs.

Use the urgency factor, the words “free” and “no registration.”

On the one hand, your subscribers should understand the meaning of the message after reading the topic. On the other hand, you should intrigue them and force them to commit necessary actions out of curiosity. Look how Za Rulem magazine encourages a subscriber to open a letter.

Howard Zoss is intriguing fellow marketers with the unprecedented rise in popularity of online video.

Tip #10: Use the same subject line for all emails

This recommendation is suitable for you if two conditions are met. First, your audience must trust you unconditionally. This is possible if you have been working in the market for a long time and have an impeccable reputation. Secondly, the content of letters should be similar friend on a friend. For example, you could send your clients an email every week with the subject line “5 best products of the week" or "The most popular materials for the past week."

This tactic has a simple meaning: subscribers get used to receiving emails from you with a certain subject, they easily recognize them and find them in their inbox.

Referral links work because their use leaves all parties benefiting: the referral, the referrer and the business. The first receives favorable terms of service, the second works hard for bonuses, and the third stimulates sales.

Tip #13: Offer your audience a lot of useful information

Regularly surprise your audience with large emails useful information. Do this once every two weeks or once a month. This way you will train users to wait for your messages and pay attention to them. Remember, you don't have to make every letter huge. For example, you can send standard messages to users twice a week, and once a month create a large digest of publications on the site or an analytical report.

Large letters are difficult to illustrate with illustrations, so check out the following links for examples:

Tip #14: Remind Users of What You Do and Who You Are

If you work for Google or Sberbank, skip this point. And if you have a small or medium-sized enterprise, be sure to follow the recommendation. Remind users how you can help them.

The Liters book store includes a reminder in every letter:

The Advego exchange made a detailed advertising cheat sheet in one of its letters:

Tip #15: Leverage Your Partners' Brand Awareness

Imagine that you have just opened an online store where you can buy electronic gadgets. Naturally, the audience does not know the name of your project. But she knows the brands that produce gadgets: Samsung, Apple, LG, and so on. Use this in your newsletter. Here is an example implementation of this tactic:

Here's an example of a more subtle use of brand recognition:

No, you don't need to be a god or a billionaire to do this. To make your subscribers happy, it is usually enough to give them some modest gift. The main thing is that users do not perceive it as a marketing ploy.

These are the kinds of gifts people don’t need:

But this is better:

And Privatbank successfully used an important event - the World Cup.

“Litres” timed the sale of books at a discount to coincide with the premiere of the film adaptation of one of the works.

Say “thank you” at every opportunity. Thank users for making purchases, for reading emails, for leaving reviews, etc. This has a positive impact on your subscribers and builds loyalty.

For example, Svyaznoy even thanks you for adding items to your cart:

And the FotoMag store is not limited to words of gratitude:

Users do not like to read promotional emails. You can solve this problem by making commercial messages look like neutral ads. For example, let us know that it is on sale new product, prices have been reduced and delivery terms have been updated.

A bookstore you know regularly sends neutral letters about new books going on sale:

A household chemicals store reports that products that a customer was once interested in are back on sale.

What is make money by reading letters on the Internet? You register on the website of the mail sponsor, after which a huge number of promotional letters are sent to your email (e-mail), each of which has a link that you need to go to - thereby you confirm that you have read the letter. For each click you are awarded a small commission (from $0.005 per click).

Why will you be paid and who needs it?

Today, the world around us is so oversaturated with advertising that advertisers are willing to pay consumers to view their advertisements - clear evidence of this is make money by reading letters.

The general scheme looks something like this: an advertiser turns to a mail sponsor (for example, for a service that involves sending advertising letters via e-mail to a large number of Internet users - naturally, the service is not free. The mail sponsor, in turn, is looking for those very users who will read advertising letters for money. But that is not all! There is such a thing as a referral. A referral is a participant in the affiliate program who registered on the recommendation of another participant by following his referral link. The person who attracts a referral to the system is called a “referrer”. The referrer is paid interest for each referral he brings. The amount of payments to the referrer depends on the number of letters read by referrals, so it is beneficial for the referrer to attract as many referrals as possible, because his income depends on it. You are probably already beginning to understand who is the loser in this scheme - of course, the referral, who (with hope for a bright future) will earn money by reading advertising letters.

How much can you earn by reading letters?

For each click they pay from $0.005 (they promise more, of course, but that’s just what they promise), i.e. You need to read up to 200 emails to earn $1! Practice shows that most people who “make money” by reading advertising letters receive no more than 20 rubles a day.

If you have not yet changed your mind about making money by reading letters, then below are Most Popular mail sponsors , where you can try to earn money:

In this article we will look at one of the simplest and available ways earnings for beginners. How to read and make real money on the Internet - this is what will be discussed below. This method It’s so easy to use that anyone can immediately start making money after reading this article.

The earnings themselves are made on special sites where you can read news, advertising letters and get real money for it. We will look in more detail at where you need to register and what actions you need to take to earn money in this article. You can read and earn both news and advertising letters.

This method does not require any investment at all; all you need to start earning money is an email for registration, as well as an electronic wallet for withdrawing your earned money.

We will talk about the website project. This is an Internet site that gives everyone the opportunity to earn money by reading news. There are 3 types of earnings for both authors and ordinary users.

Let's take a closer look by simply reading and watching other people's news.

The first thing to start with is to go to home page portal and select one of the categories offered on it for reading news. You can select one article from the “popular” section or one of the latest publications. Immediately pay attention to the percentage that the author shares.

The best news for earning money are those and those authors who are willing to give you 90% of their earnings.

After you have selected such news, immediately below the title you will see a block of several advertising links, it is highlighted in blue. All you need to do is click on these advertising links. By clicking on the link, an advertising page will open in new page your browser bookmarks.

After you click on one link, you will see how your balance has been replenished. For each such transition you will receive from 5-15 kopecks, these amounts cannot be called large. However, in this way you can earn several tens of rubles per day from simple clicks. You can earn money by watching news on the site every day. You can bookmark pages with large royalties and visit them every day and click on advertising links.

If you want to earn more, then you should use the affiliate program. It provides 10% of your referrals' earnings. To get referrals, you need to copy your personal referral link in your personal account and invite other people to earn money on this site. You can do this by placing your referral link on other sites, blogs or in social networks. You can place your referral link on your personal VKontakte or Odnoklassniki page. All your friends who click on it and register on this site will be included in your referrals. You will receive 10% of the money they earn on the site.

Reading paid letters

There are a very large number of people on the Internet who want to advertise their website, product or service. Very often they use the most accessible and cheapest method of advertising on axle boxes. Anyone can register on these sites as an employee and log in every day and read the advertising letters sent to them.

Actually, the earnings themselves will consist of reading advertising letters every day. These letters will appear in a special section on the site, which is called “reading letters.” By going there, you can see how many letters are in this moment time available to earn money.

In order to receive money for reading a letter, you need to go to the list of paid letters and click on the name of any letter, after which the “go to reading” button will appear in front of you.

Click on it and the text of the letter will open in front of you. At the bottom of the letter you will see a verification question. To earn money you need to answer it correctly. To find out the answer, read the text of the letter itself. Then select one of the proposed options. If you did everything correctly and your answer is correct, then you will automatically be taken to the advertiser’s website, which you will need to view within a certain period of time.

You don't need to specifically count down any time. There will be a timer on the page showing how long you must stay on this page to receive a reward. After the timer counts down a certain period of time, you will be asked to solve a small verification task - like a captcha. As a rule, you need to add two numbers and choose one of the given answers. Immediately after you enter the correct answer, you will receive a notification that the cash reward has been credited to your account. Back in Personal Area, you can refresh the page and see that the money was actually awarded for reading this letter. This way you can read all available letters and earn money.

There are quite a large number of bookstore sites where you can read and make money on the Internet. Below you will see a list of recommended sites that have been tested, have been operating for a long time and regularly withdraw money to the wallets of their users. To start earning money by reading letters, you need to register on these sites. Then go to each of them in a special section and start reading directly.

How much can you earn by reading letters?

If we talk about how much you can earn by reading letters, then we are talking about small amounts, up to several rubles a day (for reading 1 letter you will receive from 4-7 kopecks). Up to 30 letters are available per day on one box. Working on 3 sites, you can read about 100 letters a day, this will amount to about 5-7 rubles, the amount is not large.

To increase the amount of earnings on each box, a referral program is provided, with which you can attract other people to read letters on the project and receive 30 percent or more of their earnings. Thus, the more referrals you have, the higher your income will be.

Websites for making money from reading

  • is an entertainment Internet portal where you have the opportunity to earn money both by publishing and by reading news. Any user after registering on this site can start earning money. There is no minimum amount for withdrawal, you can earn 30-50 kopecks and immediately order their withdrawal to your online wallet. Having received the first money, you personal experience make sure the site really pays. There is a profitable affiliate program of 10% of referral income and 20% of advertiser orders.
  • - the most popular and visited bookstore on the Internet. In addition to reading, you can earn money by surfing, tests and paid tasks. By gaining a rating on the site, you increase your referral income, which can be up to 50% of the earnings of your referrals.
  • — the most popular mailer on the RuNet. The site has already paid out several million dollars to users. You can earn money by reading, browsing websites and paid tasks. All calculations are made in US dollars. Withdrawals are made via WebMoney. There is no minimum amount for withdrawal from the project. There is a profitable referral system; you have the opportunity to earn money from referrals up to level 5.
  • - another popular and sought-after axle box. Earning money on this site also does not require investments or special skills. A large number of both paid tasks and surfing and paid letters.
  • - a popular service for making money on simple actions. More than 50 links for surfing and letters for reading are available on the site per day. There is also a profitable affiliate program.

In this article, we examined in detail the two main ways to make money by reading on the Internet. Now you know how you can read news and make money on the Internet, as well as how and where to read advertising letters. Making money from reading is available to absolutely everyone. All you need to earn your first money is to register on special sites and read news or paid letters. To increase your earnings, use the referral program; almost every service has it. By attracting referrals to make money on the Internet, you will begin to receive passive income in the amount of 10% or more of the money they earn.

Is it possible to learn how to write letters offering your goods or services so that the recipients become your clients? Can! Today we will tell you how to write an effective sales letter.

In the buyer's shoes

One day, an old woman decided to buy a heater for her home. The seller, seeing the buyer, immediately “took her into circulation”, led her through the even rows of models, meticulously talked about all the characteristics, nuances, pros and cons, and told about the warranty. When the managerial flow of words dried up, the woman said: “Thank you, but I’m interested in just one question: can this thing warm one single old lady?”

One of the most common mistakes inexperienced sellers make is to provide the buyer with redundant information that only they themselves consider important. Your addressee is a potential buyer. You need to predict what exactly interests your client most, and not bombard him with pages and pages of unnecessary text about the product.

Become one of your clients for a little while, then it will be much easier for you to understand their desires, problems and hopes. Ask yourself questions that might arise from someone planning to buy a product from you or use your services. Ideally, it would be nice to know characteristics such as age, social level, education, hobbies and political views. But you can do without it. Sometimes it is enough to drive through the area where your customers live on different days and at different times of the day. And if you are going to contact entrepreneurs, go to conferences or read articles about them or their business.

On the other side of the counter

“We don’t know what will be popular tomorrow. But whatever it is, it can be sold by playing on human vanity.”

To completely feel like a buyer, you can even buy your own product and try it or use your own service. Make a list of the characteristics and competitive advantages of your company's products, write each item on a separate card and attach the cards to the board in order of importance. If there are hidden advantages in your offer - advantages that are not obvious to you, but are very important to the client - you will have to reveal them as fully as possible, and maybe even build an entire advertising campaign on them.

Video “Sales letter: How to write sales letters for your newsletter”:

Don't end up in the trash bin

Keep in mind that no one is waiting for your letters. In the United States, mail sorting is most often done by women - housewives or personal assistants. They use every opportunity to immediately get rid of all unnecessary letters, without really reading them. Do everything to ensure that your letter gets into the hands of the direct addressee.

The envelope must be opened. For this to happen, it must intrigue the recipient. Do the following:

  1. Apply real postage stamps;
  2. Use special stamps*, for example “Reply by such and such date”;
  3. Come up with non-standard packaging (tube or large colored envelope);
  4. It is better, if possible, to indicate not the position ( to CEO, sales manager), and the addressee's name.

The recipient must read the letter immediately. Emails put aside for later, as a rule, sooner or later are also sent to the trash unread. Follow the AIDA formula (attention, interest, desire, action). The title will arouse interest and curiosity. This single line, or less often two or three, determines whether your advertising letter will be read further. Great headlines usually feature people who have achieved success, warn of danger, or reveal other people's secrets.

Get the letter answered. Even those who honestly read the letter may postpone the answer “until tomorrow.” Get yourself a set of reminder cards with a list possible reasons(e.g. fear, doubt, uncertainty). Information about limited and extremely advantageous offer, specifying the date when it ceases to be valid, discounts or offering prizes to the first responders. Simplify the response procedure as much as possible: include an envelope with a return address, offer to call toll-free hotline or specify email address.

* You can add a stamp image when printing recipients on the envelope.

Prices and advantages disadvantages

They know that price is rarely the deciding factor when making a purchase, but can seriously affect the speed of decision-making. Much depends on how you present the price and what you do to ensure that the client pays as little attention to it as possible. This is achieved in different ways.

“The worst mistake a marketer can make is being boring.”

You are not obligated to compare your price with the price of a similar product. For example, when selling audio courses, compare the cost of your CDs not with similar offerings from competitors, but with the cost of attending several seminars. On them, the client will pay much more for the same information.

Say big, memorable numbers. When promoting the manual, mention that it contains 1001 practical advice. When selling apples, calculate how many vitamins and minerals are contained in one apple, and tell them how many other products you would have to buy to get the same portion of nutrients.

Describe in detail your costs for producing a quality product. Tell us how much you had to spend on testing or choosing a supplier.

The final price may not be indicated. Instead write:

"With your credit card will withdraw only $11.95 three times within a month.”

Admitting shortcomings is The best way instill trust in the buyer, and at the same time remind yourself of what needs improvement. Honestly list the shortcomings, adding that your product is constantly improving in various ways. Sometimes you can find attractiveness even in the weak sides of your business, as the owner of an Italian restaurant did. In their advertising, he compared the dishes with unpronounceable names and expensive wines that competitors serve in silver buckets of ice with their spaghetti sauce and two types of simple house wine.

Probably the most large group The people who will not respond to a sales letter are those who received the letter, looked at it, read it, considered responding, but then put it off until later. And “then” too often turns into “never.”

Give yourself free rein

Decisive editingmeans that we should eliminate every word or phrase from the text that does not enhance the feeling. Don't let the thought of the hard work of writing disturb you. You don't need to be a genius writer or a Harvard graduate to write business letters.

  • Think like a salesperson. A sales letter is a written presentation of your product;
  • Don't limit yourself in volume: tell us everything. There will still be time for editing;
  • Write without worrying about coherence, grammatical errors or punctuation, or the end result. With scissors and glue - or a computer - you don't care;
  • Use the language we speak. Colloquial expressions, slang, short phrases of one or two words are not prohibited by anyone;
  • Make a selection of samples you like. Organize it the way you want and look for interesting techniques and inspiration.

You are not tasked with creating the best sales letter in the world. Don't get sick of perfectionism. Ready? Re-read the letter. Now you have to rewrite and, most likely, shorten the text. Condensing your email to a few sentences in hopes that someone will read it. large quantity people, there is no point. Those who don't need your products or services will throw it away anyway. And the rest will not be deterred by a long advertising letter. On the contrary, the researchers concluded that long letters are read more carefully than short ones.

“In a text of up to 50 words, the reader misses a huge part of the information. If the text contains from 50 to 500 words, it is read much more carefully.”

Grinding and cutting

Now you need to go from the first rough draft to a relatively smooth text. Make stylistic edits. The advertising letter should be readable and “user friendly”. Paragraphs are short. The first of them is to convince the recipient to read the letter to the end, the rest are to persuade him to become your client. If you manage to develop your own individual style, then in the future your work will go easier and faster.

Anticipate questions and objections that the client may have and answer them honestly. You need to overcome skepticism, eliminate all possible claims and dispel doubts. Formulate questions so that the answers to them are affirmative. The reader must get used to agreeing with you and become involved in the process. Repeat the essence of your proposal several times. At the beginning of the letter, say directly what it is, then give some examples, tell an anecdote, or quote reviews or recommendations. In the postscript you can return to the main topic once again. Like reading a detective story, many recipients love to jump straight to the end.
There have been cases when Feedback the preliminary text was such that I simply threw away the letter and started work from the very beginning.

My own editor and artist

You have already written more than one draft, constantly processing and improving the text. For additional independent testing, distribute the sales letter to your family members and see their reactions. Read the text out loud to yourself, and then ask your child to do the same. Write down any words he has difficulty pronouncing or doesn't understand. Perhaps it is better to abandon them. NotYou should overestimate the intellectual abilities of your clients, focus on the lowest level.

“A postscript can ruin your efforts or, on the contrary, make your sales letter incredibly effective.”

People usually make purchases under the influence of emotions, and logic serves them to prove the correctness of their choice. Your letter should be emotional. Don’t be afraid to overdo it with expression: a text that confuses you with its enthusiasm may seem dry and restrained to the reader. Arouse joy and romantic feelings in the client, even if not related to your products.

If you are going to seriously use graphics - photographs, illustrations, diagrams, coupons, answer sheets - you should discuss this issue with the designers. But you can put several graphic elements into a computer letter, highlight headings and subheadings, insert bulleted and numbered lists, change the font and highlight the most important places with color or frames yourself.

“It’s much better to sell goods to customers who already know you, who like you, who trust you, than to look for new ones. The hardest thing is to sell a product to a customer for the first time.”

If there's still time

“One of the biggest mistakes marketers make is sending emails once and calling it a day.”

Reread your sales letter again. You are either completely delighted with your own creation, or, conversely, you cannot see it. Still, push yourself one more time.

Send a test email to yourself. When you receive it, you can look at it through the eyes of your own customer and understand what is wrong with it or why it differs so little from regular “junk” mail.

Set aside the letter for two or three days. This will help you look at the text, envelope, and enclosed materials with fresh eyes. So you will see some other shortcomings.

Show your letter to the professionals. If you don’t know anyone who writes advertising texts, ask your colleagues or friends for their opinions.

Sales letter: Printing and mailing

It's time to send the letter to press. If you need not a dozen copies, but a large circulation, you won’t be able to get by with your own printer - you’ll have to contact a printing studio or printing house. Remember that the printing house itself must pay for printing errors.

“It is the sequence of actions, and not the creation of the text itself, that will help you earn a fortune.”

Calculate when the recipient will receive the letter, read it, and when he will be able to respond. You can already guess whether it will be an email response, a website visit, or a phone call. Based on the reaction of clients, you will understand what was written poorly or unsuccessfully, and what could have been omitted.