Preparing systems for installing sql server. Installing SQL Server and setting up network access

Installing Microsoft SQL Server Express 2008 R2

To install Microsoft SQL Server Express 2008 R2, you must complete the following steps:

1. Download the Microsoft SQL Server Express 2008 R2 distribution kit from the manufacturer’s website. The registration procedure on the site is optional.

A version without controls is available at (85MB):

2. Launch the downloaded distribution.

3. In the initial window, select “New installation or add features to an existing installation”.

3. In the installation type selection window, select “New installation or add common components” and click the “Next” button.

3. In the window with the license terms, you must check the box “I accept the terms of the license agreement” and click the “Next” button.

4. In the component selection window, you must select all items and click the “Next” button.

5. In the instance setup window, in the “Named instance” field, enter a unique instance name, for example, “KELITESQL” and click the “Next” button.

6. In the server configuration window, click the “Next” button.

7. In the Database Engine component settings window, you need to configure the user who will work with the Kontur.Extern Light program:

  • If the connection to the database will be made only from the current computer, or from different ones, and domain authorization is in effect on your network, then you need to select “Windows Authentication Mode” and add users who will work with the program database;
  • If the connection to the database is made from different computers and your network does not use domain authorization, then you need to select “Mixed mode” and set the server administrator password (sa). If necessary, you can later create credentials for other users.

8. In the next window, you must click the “Next” button. Wait for the installation to complete.

9. After installation is complete, in the window that appears, click the “Close” button. Installation completed. Now you can use the installed server from the current computer as the current user.

Configuring Microsoft SQL Server Express 2008 R2 to access the database from other computers

To access the database from another computer, you must perform the following operations:

1. From the Start menu > All Programs > Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 > Configuration Tools, launch SQL Server Configuration Manager.

2. In the SQL Server Configuration Manager window, under SQL Server Network Configuration > Protocols for<имя установленного вами экземпляра>» Right-click on “TCP/IP” and select “Enable”.

3. After this, you need to restart the server. To do this, in the “SQL Server Configuration Manager” window, in the “SQL Server Services” section, right-click on “SQL Server(<имя установленного вами экземпляра>)" and select "Restart".

4. In the same window, you need to right-click on “SQL Server Browser” and select “Run”.

The setup is complete.

We recommend using Microsoft SQL Server Express as a database server for simultaneous operation of several users. This database management system (DBMS), in our opinion, is optimal, as it is free and quite productive. The system will cope perfectly with a small number of users, up to 5.

At the moment, you can use two versions of this DBMS:

  • Microsoft SQL Server 2016 Express - only runs on 64-bit operating systems. If this is the operating system you use, then we recommend this version.
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Express - runs on both 32-bit and 64-bit operating systems. We recommend using this version only if you are using a 32-bit operating system.

Installing and configuring Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Express

This version of the DBMS is available at the link Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Express. After clicking on the "Download" button, you will be offered various options for the installation package. We recommend choosing:

  • ExpressAndTools 64BIT\SQLEXPRWT_x64_RUS.exe - if you are using a 64-bit operating system
  • ExpressAndTools 32BIT\SQLEXPRWT_x86_RUS.exe - if you are using a 32-bit operating system

After downloading and running the installation file, you will see the main installer window. In which you should choose New installation of a standalone instance of SQL Server or adding components to an existing installation .

Component Selection

We suggest choosing the following set of components

Instance name

At this step, we suggest selecting the “Named Instance” option and leaving the default instance name “SQLExpress”

Browser launch settings

"SQL Server Browser" is a component required to connect to a database from another computer. To do this, you need to set the “Startup Type” for this component to “Auto” mode.

Server configuration

To simplify setup, we suggest at this stage selecting the “Mixed Mode” mode, as well as specifying a password for the sa user. You should remember the password, as it will be needed when setting up the program later. This user is the most important in this DBMS. You will be able to use this login and password when connecting to the database. If you have experience installing and configuring Microsoft SQL Server, we recommend creating a separate user, but for ease of setup, the sa user is also suitable.

After installation is complete. You can proceed to setting up the "Kayala: Trading Place" program.

Setting up access to Microsoft SQL Server over the network

In order to be able to connect to the installed server via the network from other computers, you need to do the following.

Enabling TCP/IP protocol

Launch SQL Server 2014 Configuration Manager. In the "SQLEXPRESS Protocols" section, you must enable the TCP/IP protocol

Once enabled, the configuration program will prompt you to restart the service.

Setting up a firewall

To ensure that Windows Firewall does not block connections to the database server from outside, you should add two rules. To do this, you need to run Windows Firewall in "Advanced settings" mode.

The first is “For program” and specify the Microsoft SQL Server Express executable file as the program. Most likely it will be located along the path: %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL12.SQLEXPRESS\MSSQL\Binn\sqlservr.exe. We recommend calling the created rule "SQL Server".

The second rule should be created for the port. In the protocols section, select “UDP” and enter 1434 in the port value. We recommend calling the created rule “SQL Browser”.

The network setup is complete, now you can proceed to setting up the program.

Setting up the program

To connect to the server you need to add a new database in the program. This process is described in detail in the section Adding a database. The following is an example of configuration for Microsoft SQL Server Express installed in the mode described above. Instead of "MyServer" you should specify the name of the computer on which you installed Microsoft SQL Server Express or its IP address. In the password section, you should specify the password that you specified at the "Server Configuration" stage. We also recommend checking the “Separate database for log” checkbox; in this case, the program will create a separate database for the event log, so as not to load the main database with secondary data.

Window option when selecting MS SQL database type

Today we will look at the installation Express version 2008 SQL server, as well as the development and administration environment Management Studio Express. These products are free and are perfect for novice programmers and administrators.

Many novice programmers and administrators want to practice programming and administering databases, but do not know how, because full-fledged DBMSs are paid, so Microsoft specially produces Express versions of their products, such as SQL Server Express, Management Studio Express, Visual Studio Express They are all free, as they are lightweight versions. But they are great for learning and practice, and if you master these products, you can easily switch to full-fledged versions. This software, of course, has different versions; today we will consider installing the 2008 version of SQL Server Express and, accordingly, Management Studio Express 2008.

What is MS SQL Server 2008 Express and Management Studio Express

And first, let's talk about what kind of software this is.

Note! I will install these products on the operating system Windows Server 2008 r2, since I have a test server at hand with this particular version of the OS installed, accordingly the versions will be downloaded for the 64-bit processor architecture, my files are named as follows: SQLEXPR_x64_RUS And SQLManagementStudio_x64_RUS, but don’t worry, the installation process is absolutely identical. Accordingly, you download distributions for your OS, for example, for a 32-bit architecture the files will be called: SQLEXPR_x86_RUS And SQLManagementStudio_x86_RUS. This is if, for example, you want to install it on your home computer. These products can be installed on such operating systems as: Windows XP Service Pack 2, Windows XP Service Pack 3, Windows Vista, Windows 7 and of course on all server operating systems from Microsoft starting with version 2003. But you can find more details about the requirements and information on the official download page, I advise you to read it.

Installing SQL Server 2008 Express

After you have downloaded these installation packages, we proceed to the installation and, of course, we will start with the SQL server.

To do this, run the executable file, in my case SQLEXPR_x64_RUS. First, the files will be unpacked and then the “ SQL Server Installation Center"where, by the way, there is a lot of useful information, you can browse, but to install we need to go to the item " Installation" and select " »

The installer will then check your system for possible problems and provide results that you can view by clicking the " Show details", and then click "OK".

After this, the installer will ask you to install “ ", we press " Install».

By the way, a window will appear throughout the installation.

Don’t be alarmed, this is normal, because installing a SQL server is not an easy task for a computer.

For example, I have two warnings, the first is related to the fact that this server is a domain controller for me, and as you probably know, ideally a domain controller should perform the functions of only a domain controller and no more, but since I have this test server, I just don’t pay attention to this warning, but I advise you not to install anything else on the controller. The second warning is related to the fact that my server is not connected to the Internet, i.e. does not have Internet access, for details you can click on the link "Attention!", where there will be a detailed description of the error or warning.

Where we will be asked to enter the product key, but since we have the Express version, we don’t need to enter anything, so we immediately click “ Further».

And on this window we will be asked to read the license terms and accordingly agree to them, we read, agree and click “ Further" I advise everyone to read the license terms of all products from Microsoft, as you can read something interesting, since I know very well that no one ever reads these terms, but in vain.

After you click next, a window for selecting components will open, on the left in the window there will be a description of these components, we only need “ DataBase Engine Services", but what's the big deal, let's install everything at once, so check all the boxes and click " Further", yes, by the way, here you can choose an alternative path for installing all components, but this is by the way, in case someone needs it, but I leave everything by default.

Then we will be asked to change the name of the instance, I leave it as it is, and you, if of course you need, can rename it, click “ Further».

Then the installation program will analyze the free space on the disk on which all SQL server components will be installed, everything is fine for me, so I immediately click “ Further».

Then we continue to configure the SQL server, and at this stage we need to set authentication settings, or rather the authentication mode, and set the SQL server administrator credentials. I chose " Windows Authentication Mode"i.e. in this case, only those users who are registered on this computer or, if the server is part of a domain, all domain users will be able to connect to the SQL server, while there is no need to create users on the SQL server itself. And to assign an administrator, I clicked “ Add current user"i.e. my credentials under which I install the server ( You can assign multiple administrators). Click " Further».

On the next window you can select the settings for sending error reports, I don’t want to send reports, so I don’t check the corresponding boxes, I click “ Further».

Then the program will inform us about the rules that will be followed or not followed during the installation process, I press " Further».

And finally, everything is ready for installation, and the program will display a summary of all installation parameters. You check everything and click “ Install».

And now the installation has begun, it will take about 5 minutes and at the end it will display a window in which it will be indicated whether the installation of the SQL server components was successful, everything is fine for me “ Further».

That's all, the installation is complete, on the next window just click close.

You can also close the window SQL Server Installation Center" The server, by the way, started immediately, there is no need to force it to start, but for the future, it can be started, stopped or restarted using the “” snap-in, which you can find in:

Start->All Programs->Microsoft SQL Server 2008->Configuration Tools->SQL Server Configuration Manager

Installing Management Studio Express

Now let's start installation Management Studio, for this we launch the installation package. And strangely enough, we will open again “ SQL Server Installation Center" We also click " Installation" and select " New installation of stand-alone SQL Server or adding components to an existing instance", in general, everything is the same. There will be a window for checking the installation rules, click “OK” on it. Then, just like when installing SQL server, the program will install “ Installer Support Files" We do everything exactly as when installing the SQL server, we get to the component selection window, and select “ Controls", in principle, you can’t go wrong, since you simply cannot select other components, click " Further».

Then again all the same windows, checking free disk space, sending reports, checking installation rules and the actual installation itself, in conclusion that the installation of the component was successful, a window will appear.

Start->All Programs->Microsoft SQL Server 2008->SQL Server Management Studio

After launch, you will need to configure a connection to the SQL server in the “ Compound", where in the field " Server name"specify the computer name, then the name of our SQL server ( we asked it during the installation process, sqlexpress ), in the end I got dc1\sqlexpress, select the installed Authentication and click “ Connect».

And if you did everything correctly, Management Studio and in particular the object browser will open, where you can actually create databases, we talked about this in the material How to create a database in MSSql 2008 and write queries, well, in general, learn program in Transact-SQL.

With this, our article has come to its logical conclusion. Good luck in mastering SQL server!

In this article, we will install SQL Server 2012 Express on Windows Server 2008 R2 and configure network access to this database instance.

Main stages:

  1. Installing SQL Server 2012 Express
  2. Installing .NET Framework 3.5
  3. Enabling TCP/IP
  4. Launching SQL Server Browser
  5. Allow incoming connections in Windows Firewall
  6. Setting an instance property in MS SQL Server Management Studio

1. Install SQL Server 2012 Express

1. Run the installer with administrator rights, at the Installation stage, select New SQL Server stand-alone installation or add features to an existing installation:

2. Then you will need to read the license and accept its terms.
3. Next, the program will offer to download updates (Product Updates), if any are detected at the moment. At this step, I rejected them (unchecked the box).
4. Then you need to select the components (Feature Selection). Let's leave those marked by default:

5. The next step, Installation Rules, indicates that you need to install .Net Framework 3.5:

Let's leave this window open and proceed to install the missing element.

Installing .NET Framework 3.5 on Windows Server 2008

6. To continue installing SQL Server, click on the Re-run button of the Installation Rules step. At the Instance Configuration step that appears, specify its name (you can leave it as default):

7. In the Server Configuration, leave everything as default:

8. At the next configuration step, select Mixed Authentication Mode (after installation, this choice cannot be changed) and specify the password for the sa account. The password must contain letters and numbers:

Let's move on to the next step.
9. At the Reporting Services Configuration step, I selected Install Only:

10. At the Error Reporting step, simply click “Next”:

After the system notifies you that the installation is complete, you can proceed with further configuration.

2. Configuring access to a SQL instance for Windows Server 2008 R2

2.1. Enable TCP/IP and SQL Server Browser in SQL Server Configuration Manager

SQL Server Configuration Manager is located in the Start -> All Programs -> MS SQL Server 2012 -> Configuration Tools menu.

2.2. Allowing incoming connections in Windows Firewall

Windows Firewall with Advanced Security is located in the menu
Start -> Administrative Tools.

On the client computer, in SQL Server Management Studio, it is not necessary to manually enter the address of the desired database instance (the Server Name field). In order for the instance we created to be available for selection, we need to create another rule in the firewall with similar parameters as the previous one, but for UDP port number 1434:

Now you can connect from the client to this database.


1. Install and configure SQL Server 2008 Express on computers running Windows 7 and 8/8.1 to connect to the Electronic Dormitory program.

2. Configuring SQL Server for network communication.

3. Reinstall (uninstall) SQL Server 2008 Express on computers running Windows 7 and 8/8.1.

4.Connecting the “Electronic Hostel” program to SQL Server 2008 Express.

1. Install and configure SQL Server 2008 Express on computers running Windows 7 and 8/8.1 for connectionto the program "Electronic hostel"

1.1. Download SQL Server 2008 Express from the official Microsoft website (free and open access).

1.2. Run the installation file.

1.3. Wait until the program unpacks the necessary data:

Fig.1. Unpacking data.

1.4. In the window "SQL Server Installation Center" on the left select the item "Installation" and press "New installation of stand-alone SQL Server or adding components to an existing instance"(see Fig. 2).

A window should open "Installing SQL Server 2008", then it checks for any problems that might interfere with the installation. If the test passes, click the button "OK".

If your operating system did not pass the test for any reason, click “Show details” and correct the error.

Fig.2. New installation.

To you not required enter the product key, since this is a free edition of SQL Server. Click the button "Further", read the license terms, click the button "Further". Click the button "Install". The installer will copy the files it requires to the disk. Wait until the operation is completed.

1.6. A window will open where it checks for the presence of the required components. If the verification is successful, click "Further".

If you find that components need to be installed, install them and run the test again.

Fig.3. Components Tab.

1.8. Select the database server name and installation directory. It is recommended to select the server name as: "SQLEXPRESS". Click "Further".

Fig.4. Server name.

1.9. The installer will check for free disk space. If the procedure is successful, click "Further". Otherwise, you will be required to free up the disk space required for the server.

1.10 Configure service accounts as shown in the figure. In this example, the service will be launched under the operating system account: SYSTEM (NT AUTHORITY). Click "Further".

Fig.5. Accounts.

1.11 Next point "Configuring the Database Engine". It is recommended to select mixed authentication mode.

Don't forget to assign a password to the administrator and remember it.

After installation SQL Server You can connect to it using your login "sa" And password, which you entered at this stage of installation. You can also use this login and password to connect from the application to the database. Connection settings will be described below. In addition, you can add the current operating system user or any other user to administrators using the buttons at the bottom of the window. Click "Further".

Fig.6. Prepare an administrator account.

Note: If you wish, then on the tab that appears you can agree to transfer reports on the operation of SQL Server to its developer, Microsoft. You can agree to the offer by checking the appropriate boxes, or reject it. Click "Further".

1.13 Click "Install". The SQL Server installation process should begin. Wait for the installation to complete and click "Further", press "Close".

2. Configuring SQL Server for Network Communication

In order to do SQL Server available for network communication, you need to open the port and activate the protocol TCP/IP For SQL Server Service.

To activate the protocol TCP/IP:

2.1. Run "SQL Server Configuration Manager"(“SQL Server Configuration Manager”). To do this, open the program shortcut by going to: Start → All Programs → Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 (2005/2008) → Configuration Tools → SQL Server Configuration Manager → (SQL Server Configuration Manager);

2.2. After starting SQL Server Configuration Manager, you need to expand the node "SQL Server Network Configuration"(“SQL Server Network Configuration”), select the item "Protocols for » (instead of the name of your SQL Server instance, this is set during installation);

2.3. Then in the right part of the Configuration Manager window you need to select the protocol TCP/IP and open it by double-clicking on it with the left mouse button or selecting "Properties" context menu for this element;

2.4. On the tab "Protocol"(“Protocols”) should select the radio button "Enabled" to position "Yes"("Yes"):

2.5. On the tab "IP Addresses"(“IP addresses”) in the area containing
An IP address corresponding to the IP address of the computer on which the SQL Server instance was installed must be set:

  • switch "Active"(“Active”) to position "Yes"("Yes"):

  • switch "Enabled"(“On”) to position "Yes"("Yes"):

  • in area "IPAll" in field "TCP Port"(“TCP port”) should be written down 1433 :

    in field "TCP Dynamic Ports"(“Dynamic TCP Ports”), delete the content (if any) and leave it empty;

2.6. Then you need to press the button OK. A window will appear notifying you that all changes are saved, but will take effect after restarting the SQL Server service.

Fig.7. Window notifying you that changes have been saved.

2.7. Play items 2.3 And 2.4 for others "Protocols".

For restart the service You must select the “SQL Server Services” item in the “SQL Server Configuration Manager”. The right pane displays a list of available SQL Server-related services.

2.8. Select the running service named "SQL Server (SQLEXPRESS)", where instead of SQLEXPRESS Name your his SQL Server instance;

3. Reinstalling (uninstalling) SQL Server 2008 Express on computers running Windows 7 and 8/8.1

In the case when an instance of SQL Server is already installed on the computer and for the program to work correctly it needs to be reinstalled (uninstalled), the following sequence of actions is proposed:

3.1. To completely remove the server: remove all SQL Server components through the Programs and Features window following all the instructions in the Installer ( Control Panel → Programs → Programs and Features).

Fig.8. Programs and components (sample list).

To delete a specific instance: uninstall “Microsoft SQL Server 2008” and, while following the “Installer” instructions, select a specific instance name to uninstall. The remaining components of SQL Server do not need to be removed.

3.2. Next, on the local disk where SQL Server is installed (by default - in the “Program Files” and/or “Program Files (x86)” folder), you must manually delete the directory remaining after the point 3.1. – “Microsoft SQL Server\100”. When deleting, click "Skip" for those files that cannot be deleted.

Note:“Microsoft SQL Server\100” folder – means the server version, in this case 100 is SQL Server 2008.

3.3. Restart your computer.

3.4. Repeat point 3.2.

Attention! There is a problem when the steps taken are not enough for a new installation (reinstallation) of SQL Server from the same distribution (same version). During the installation of SQL Server, the process is simply interrupted without any messages. This problem lies in the data stored in the registry left over from the previous server. In this case, we recommend following the steps described below.

* Information on the points below is taken from the site:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

"BootstrapDir"="C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft SQL Server\\100\\Setup Bootstrap\\"


3.6. Then you need to change the extension to ".reg", double-click on the file and select “Yes” in the line that appears to fill the registry.

3.7. Then copy the following files and folders from the unpacked SQL Server distribution in the indicated directions:

Files/Folders in the unpacked distribution


X64/X86 (depending on which architecture you want to install)

C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Setup Bootstrap\Release

C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Setup Bootstrap\Release\Resources\1033\

(if there are no “Resources” and “1033” folders, create them manually)

4. Connection of the “Electronic Dormitory” program to SQL Server 2008 Express

4.1. When you first start the program, after registration, a window will appear on the screen for connecting the program to SQL Server, where you need to enter as login "sa", and the password is the one that was entered in the paragraph 1.11 this manual.

In the server line, you need to select the installed instance of SQL Server with the appropriate name and specify the name for the new database.

Server connection.

4.3. Click with the left mouse button on the field "To come in", after which the main program window “” should open.

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