We connect the SSD using Acronis. Acronis does not see the hard drive: instructions for solving the problem Acronis does not see ssd m2

Acronis software is designed to perform all sorts of useful manipulations with disks, creating copies, system images, bootable and recovery flash drives. The thing is absolutely wonderful and irreplaceable in the computer industry. But the program has a rather delicate mental organization and there are often unpleasant cases when Acronis does not see HDD.

Yesterday you did backup disk. And today the program shows that you do not have any drives installed on your computer. What kind of glitches are these? There is a possibility that something was corrupted in the program itself.

Try to completely remove the program, with all settings and temporary files. Good cleaning can be done using the uninstaller from the developer IoBit. This program not only removes installed applications, but also creates restore points, just in case. And, most importantly, IoBit Uninstaller performs a deep scan of the system to search for all remnants of the recently removed software.

Therefore, after such removal, you will perform a “clean” installation of the software from scratch. This is necessary so that in the process standard installation could have been done correct setting all parameters that could have been accidentally reset. Because of these failures in the installations, Acronis did not work correctly.

Install the latest version

If the program does not find hard drives only sometimes, you may not have the most stable version of the program installed. Always try to find and download the most last file charter - developers are constantly working to eliminate errors and bugs. That's why new versions always work better. Although, there are also annoying misunderstandings with updates. In this case, it is useful to keep the installer of one of the previous reliably working versions of the program in a safe place.

If you know what BIOS is, you can try going into the settings and try to change the method SATA connections. If the BIOS itself sees the hard drives, but Acronis does not, first try setting the AHCI mode. If this does not help, switch to IDE mode. Depending on the operating system version, there may be different options.

If you are using a laptop, connect Charger so that the computer is in charging mode - Acronis consumes a lot of energy. If after switching to IDE mode everything became normal, use the program to carry out all the necessary manipulations, most importantly, then do not forget to return the settings back to AHCI mode.

After installing new software versions, Acronis does not see the hard drive again? Then it is possible that there is either a viral infection or a problem with physical connection disks. Try to replace the connection cable, check that the power supply is working correctly.

In rare cases, the hard drive itself unexpectedly fails. Again, most likely due to viral infection. In this case, you need to run the testing option in the BIOS to find out whether the drives are in working condition.

Check your computer for virus infection

First, conduct a deep scan of your system with your antivirus. This takes quite a long time. It is quite possible that some malware interfere normal operation software installed on the computer.

Download Dr. Web CureIt. Save it to a flash drive. After this, start your computer in safe mode, carry out treatment using the Dr.Web CureIt utility, if the problem really was due to viruses, after the cleaning procedure Acronis should start working normally.

The programs in this series are themselves difficult to understand, configure and manage. And carrying out any operations with storage devices always carries some risk. The slightest installation errors can easily completely destroy not only the Windows operating system, which can be reinstalled, but also cause irreparable damage to an expensive system unit.

Therefore, if you are a novice user and have no experience with the technical part personal computer, it is better not to experiment, but to seek help from specialists. For those beginners who want to learn everything through their own trial and error, we can recommend buying an inexpensive used computer and experimenting on it. Then there will be no great loss if the apparatus is destroyed during the experiments.

In fact, there are no absolutely exact answers why Acronis does not see the hard drive and how to solve this problem. In each case, you have to check options, make assumptions, and approach from different angles.

Often the software stops seeing the hard drive when trying to start the computer from a previously created recovery disk. If you previously created a backup copy of the system and then formatted hard disks computer, then Acronis may give an error in the search.

In this case, you need to go to BIOS settings and see if everything is installed correctly there. The general rules for finding a solution to a problem are:

  • Install the most latest version Acronis.
  • Scan the operating system and disks for viruses.
  • Ensure optimal power supply to your computer.
  • Check the SATA connection mode.

Acronis software is designed to carry out all sorts of useful manipulations with disks, creating copies, system images, bootable and recovery flash drives. The thing is absolutely wonderful and irreplaceable in the computer industry. But the program has a rather delicate mental organization and there are often unpleasant cases when Acronis does not see the hard drive.
Yesterday you made a backup disk. And today the program shows that you do not have any drives installed on your computer. What kind of glitches are these? There is a possibility that something was corrupted in the program itself.
Try to completely remove the program, with all settings and temporary files. A good cleaning can be done using the uninstaller from the developer IoBit. This program not only removes installed applications, but also creates restore points, just in case. And, most importantly, IoBit Uninstaller performs a deep scan of the system to search for all remnants of the recently removed software.
Therefore, after such removal, you will perform a “clean” installation of the software from scratch. This is necessary so that during the standard installation process it is possible to correctly configure all parameters that could be accidentally reset. Because of these failures in the installations, Acronis did not work correctly.
Install the latest version
If the program does not find hard drives only sometimes, you may not have the most stable version of the program installed. Always try to find and download the latest installer file - the developers are constantly working to eliminate errors and bugs. That's why new versions always work better. Although, there are also annoying misunderstandings with updates. In this case, it is useful to keep the installer of one of the previous reliably working versions of the program in a safe place.
If you know what BIOS is, you can try going into settings and try changing the SATA connection method. If the BIOS itself sees the hard drives, but Acronis does not, first try setting the AHCI mode. If this does not help, switch to IDE mode. Depending on the operating system version, there may be different options.
If you are using a laptop, connect the charger so that the computer is in charging mode - Acronis consumes a lot of power. If after switching to IDE mode everything became normal, use the program to carry out all the necessary manipulations, most importantly, then do not forget to return the settings back to AHCI mode.
After installing new software versions, Acronis does not see the hard drive again? Then it is possible that there is either a virus infection or problems with the physical connection of the disks. Try to replace the connection cable, check that the power supply is working correctly.
In rare cases, the hard drive itself unexpectedly fails. Again, most likely due to viral infection. In this case, you need to run the testing option in the BIOS to find out whether the drives are in working condition.
Check your computer for virus infection
First, conduct a deep scan of your system with your antivirus. This takes quite a long time. It is quite possible that some malware is interfering with the normal operation of the software installed on the computer.
Download Dr. Web CureIt. Save it to a flash drive. After this, start the computer in safe mode, perform disinfection using the Dr.Web CureIt utility, if the problem really was due to viruses, after the cleaning procedure Acronis should start working normally.
The programs in this series are themselves difficult to understand, configure and manage. And carrying out any operations with storage devices always carries some risk. The slightest installation errors can easily completely destroy not only the Windows operating system, which can be reinstalled, but also cause irreparable damage to an expensive system unit.
Therefore, if you are a novice user and do not have experience working with the technical part of a personal computer, it is better not to experiment, but to seek help from specialists. For those beginners who want to learn everything through their own trial and error, we can recommend buying an inexpensive used computer and experimenting on it. Then there will be no great loss if the apparatus is destroyed during the experiments.
In fact, there are no absolutely exact answers why Acronis does not see the hard drive and how to solve this problem. In each case, you have to check options, make assumptions, and approach from different angles.
Often the software stops seeing the hard drive when trying to start the computer from a previously created recovery disk. If you previously created a system backup and then formatted your computer’s hard drives, Acronis may give an error in the search.
In this case, you again need to go into the BIOS settings and see if everything is installed correctly there. The general rules for finding a solution to a problem are:
Install the latest version of Acronis.
Scan the operating system and disks for viruses.
Ensure optimal power supply to your computer.
Check the SATA connection mode.

I installed my first SSD almost a year ago and immediately transferred the system to it. However, the time had come to expand the memory, and I didn’t want to part with the speed of the programs. I came to the conclusion that it was necessary to install a second disk, and, of course, the choice fell on an ssd. I looked at several options and settled on OCZ Trion 150.

Inserted, connected the disk to motherboard. There's nothing new here, but once the system has started, it won't show you the disk. There is no need to worry about this, this is how it should be. The system sees it, but cannot initialize it (I wrote earlier). For this case there is very good program, which is called Acronis Disk Director . It can be downloaded from the official website. The problem is that with trial version It won’t be possible to split the disk into the volumes we need, so we’ll have to install the paid version.

If you have already connected the drive to the motherboard and power, installed and activated Acronis Disk Director, then you can start working ().

First of all, let's launch Acronis Disk Director, select our disk. The new field displays information that it has not been initialized. Next, right-click on the block that symbolizes Disc 2. In the menu that opens, select "initialize".

After this, a window pops up, set the parameters in it, and then click "OK". The program itself will perform the necessary operations and initialize the disk.

Now we need to divide disk space and create a volume so we can start using the disk. Right-click again on the block that symbolizes Disc 2, and choose the only option "Create Volume".

Then in the window that opens, select "Base" and click next. We will be transferred to another window in which we must mark "Not occupied" In chapter Disc 2. And click on the button again "Further". In the new section we are asked to produce necessary settings, for example, you can select the appropriate drive letter. Once everything is configured, feel free to click "Complete". However, that's not all.

Now it is advisable to format the disk. To do this, in the same program, select a function from the list "Format". To finish, all we have to do is press the button "Apply pending operations". After this, a window will pop up in which you need to click on the button "Continue". Now you can start using the new disk to its full potential.

The article is relevant during all versions of the OS, but if in XP it was possible to copy the entire windows folder and transferred to a new medium and through simple manipulations everything started to work, then transferring Windows 10 to ssd disk not so simple - since the license is tied to the hardware. The question may arise why you need to switch to a solid-state disk, the answer is simple:

  • Read and write speed is very high;
  • work occurs in silent mode (silent);
  • low heating level, as heat generation is minimal.

Since there are many options, let’s look at how to install Window’s 10 on an SSD drive by transferring it using different means.

HDD → SSD-disk: Windows tools

Naturally we can't get around standard means window's and contact third parties directly software products, so transferring window’s 10 to an SSD disk is possible using Reserve copy and recovery. Let's get started.

  • Right-click “Start” → “Control Panel”
  • “Backup_and_restore” → here select “Create_system_image”

Select a solid-state disk to burn the image and before you start booting the OS from a fresh image, you must physically disconnect the hard disk so that there are no conflicts after starting Windows. If in the future it is planned use of hard disk - be sure to format it and delete all partitions, including hidden ones.

Transition to ssd'shnik with GPT standard

What to do when a beginner needs to painlessly transfer Windows 10 from a hdd to a gpt standard ssd - you need to install the program and carry out your plans with a few clicks. So, Macrium Reflect is a free trial license for home use for 30 days, the big advantage is that errors are excluded, but there is a nuance - the program is not Russified.

I would like to make a reservation right away, if window’s 10 does not display the installed new ssd disk, it needs to be initialized, we do it as follows:

  • +[R] → enter “diskmgmt.msc” without quotes → ok.

  • Right-click on the unallocated disk → “Initialize”

The screw is already displayed and we need to start transferring the Windows 10 system from hdd to ssd. Launch Macrium Reflect and then everything is intuitively simple, when you first start the program it will offer to create a recovery tool - emergency media (disk or flash drive), here you can do as you wish, we will skip this step:

  • check the box “Don’t ask me again” - don’t ask again → “No”

  • go to the “Create_a_backup” tab - to create a backup copy → select the disk with the OS → click “Clone_this_disk” - this is how we start cloning hard drive

  • Next, you need to mark all the partitions that need to be transferred, do not forget about the bootloader, recovery image, system partition etc.
  • A little lower, click on “Select_a_disk_to_clone_to..” → select the ssd

  • For the purity of the experiment, they specified a disk with a volume smaller than required and made sure to create an additional partition at the beginning of the disk - using the example of standard factory settings.

  • The program automatically shortened the last partition and displayed the message “The_last_partition_has_been_shrunk_to_fit” - literally translated “The last partition was shortened to fit”
  • We click “Next” without consent to create a schedule for the operation, we have no need for this, after which the window will contain information about what actions will be performed.

  • “Finish” → ok.

Once completed, depending on your needs, you can either remove the screw or leave it to store data - pre-formatted, such as movies, music, photos - since this is the type of file that is not recommended to be kept on solid-state drives. Restart the system and set the default to boot from the new disk - the process of migrating to ssd Windows 10 OS is completed.

SSD squared!

This is a funny title for a reason, we will transfer the Windows 10 system from ssd to ssd using the almost universal Acronis program True Image WD Edition.

The installation happens quite quickly and without any particular difficulties, we launch the software and get started, but first go to management windows disks 10 and check whether the system sees the disk ssd - if it doesn’t, check that the connection and initialization are correct.

  • “Tools” → “Clone_disk”

  • “Clone_mode” → “Select manually” → “Next”

  • Select “Source_disk” - our OS screw → “Next”

  • We assign “Target_disk” - our second ssd-disk → “Next”

After this step, we will find ourselves in the “Exclude_files” window, here we will select the files that we do not need. In addition, in the next step, if necessary, you can change the disk structure, then check all positions - if everything is correct, click “Proceed”, after which a reboot will be required and instead of the usual one, a program window with the cloning process will open. After completion, your PC will be turned off, then turn it on and in the bios select the default boot from the ssd disk, here is another simple method that I described - how you can transfer window’s 10 to an ssd on a laptop

Windows clone from hard drive to ssd (mbr)

Transferring the Windows 10 operating system to a solid-state drive can be done using a considerable number of programs; it is not possible to review all of them in one article - so now we will pay attention to another fairly common and simple one - Aomei Partition Assistant Standard Edition. The software has a free license, is Russified, but, like everything, it has a nuance, it is suitable for versions of Windows starting from version seven, it supports BIOS, Legacy boot and UEFI, but only on an mbr disk.

After installation, launch the program and follow step by step:

  • “Transfer_OS_SSD_or_HDD” → in the “Next” dialog box

  • Select the disk to which we will clone Windows and check the box “I_want_to_delete_all...” → “Next”

The next window will warn you that after transferring the system, you will be able to boot from the new screw. If this does not happen, simply enter the BIOS when booting and change the boot priority.

  • Click “Finish” → then “Apply” in the upper left part of the main window → “Go”

  • We are waiting for the process to complete.

Here's how else you can transfer the Windows 10 operating system from hdd to ssd.

Possible mistakes!

Let's look at the types of errors that can occur.

Error one - ssd-disk is not detected in windows 10 - there can be 2 reasons, with the exception of physical damage:

  1. The disk is not initialized, in this case we use the instructions described above for working with “Disk Management”.
  2. A new solid state drive must be installed in place of old tough, but we connect the last one as an additional one - either instead of a disk drive (if a laptop), or with an additional cable (if a system unit)

Second mistake - after windows installations 10 on ssd system the old hdd does not see - to eliminate the reason, initially open “Disk Management” and see if it is visible.

  1. If yes, there may be a conflict of letters - this can be resolved through the console by assigning a new label and formatting.
  2. The reason may be a conflict if you did not disconnect the hdd before the cloning process.
  3. There may be insufficient power or the cable is damaged.

Error three - the computer does not see the ssd disk with Windows 10 - when you turn on the black screen without the ability to start, the reason may be that you did not assign it as the first priority in the boot device.

After cloning Windows, the following articles will be useful.

Installing an SSD one of the most effective methods that can breathe “second life” into a computer even with not the latest configuration. The operating system accesses files faster and becomes much more responsive to user actions. At the same time, it is absolutely not necessary to install and configure the OS from scratch and software. In this article we will talk about how to transfer Windows 10 to an SSD without losing data.

Microsoft does not provide special tools for cloning in the system. However, built-in Windows features 10 allow you to perform this operation.

Media preparation

According to official recommendations technical support company we will need an additional, third, hard drive. Unlike those connected via USB, SSDs intended for internal placement are not pre-formatted. As a result, they are detected by the computer, but are not displayed in the OS. To clone Windows, you first need to make all drives visible.

  1. We mount the drive in the PC and turn it on. Opening file manager, we see that the OS has recognized only the system partition.

  1. Using the Win + X key combination, call up the “Power User menu”. Let's move on to the designated point.

  1. The Disk Management Manager opens with an initialization window. At this point, the user must select a partition table. For x32 bit systems, only MBR is needed. x64 bit users Windows versions GPT is better.

  1. Having decided on the partition table, let's format it. Both drives must have a file NTFS system. By clicking on the unmarked area we call context menu. Select the item marked in the screenshot.

  1. The Create Simple Volume Wizard is activated. We will perform further actions following his prompts.

  1. We do not change the volume size, but create one using the entire available volume.

  1. The letter is assigned automatically. Since the placement of disks in the system is temporary, only for the period of cloning, we will leave it unchanged.

  1. At this stage we set a text label. For convenience, let’s give the intermediate HDD the name “Backup”.

  1. At the last step, the wizard displays the parameters specified for the drive in the form of a list. We complete the work by clicking on the “Finish” button.

We perform a similar operation with the new SSD, giving it the name “NewSSD”. By opening Explorer, we make sure that all of them are visible from under the OS.

At this point, the preparation of media for cloning can be considered complete.

Intermediate copying

The next step in allowing you to move Windows to a new “location” is to create an intermediate copy.

  1. The tool we need is located in the classic control panel. Let's launch it by entering "control" in system menu"Run." To do this, press Win + R.

  1. Open the element indicated in the screenshot.

  1. In the quick navigation area, select “Create a system image.”

  1. The wizard that launches prompts you to determine the storage location. Using the drop-down menu, we specify the intermediate hard drive, which we named “Backup”.

  1. At this stage, the system shows us what data will be included in the finished image. We agree and move on to the next step.

  1. We complete the wizard by clicking the “Archive” button.

  1. An image of the system HDD is being created.

  1. The operation is not accompanied by time stamps. Its duration depends on the amount of data being stored. Once complete, we will be prompted to create a rescue disk.

If you have Windows 10 installation media, you can skip this step. Otherwise, you will need a flash drive with a capacity of at least 8 GB.

Transfer to SSD

At the last stage, the old HDD can be removed from the computer, leaving the drive with backup copy and a new SSD prepared for transfer.

  1. The download is performed from the installation media with the Windows distribution. After checking the language settings, move on.

  1. At this stage, instead of installation, select recovery mode.

  1. In the action selection window, go to the marked item.

  1. In area additional parameters The required section is framed. Having selected it, we launch the recovery wizard. Since we are performing a full migration, the next step is to validate the solutions offered by this mode.

  1. Having received the last warning, we activate the recovery procedure.

At the final stage, the computer will automatically reboot and operating system will start from the solid state drive. Reactivation is performed without user intervention after checking the hardware configuration.

Disk cloning programs

As we saw in the example given, it is possible to clone Windows 10 using system tools, but the procedure is lengthy and labor-intensive. Sometimes it is faster and easier to reinstall the OS from scratch than to look for a disk suitable for intermediate backup.

Against this backdrop, applications specifically designed to facilitate migration look great. For a regular user no need to clone disks on an industrial scale. In most cases, this is a one-time operation. For this reason, we will only consider software that has free versions or allowing you to perform the necessary operations during the trial period.

Macrium Reflect

The program is published by Macrium Software in several editions. Free Edition allows you to transfer the OS directly, without intermediate media.

  1. Installation is performed using the Download agent. The user can first select the required components using the “Options” button. By clicking “Download” we begin the download. The circled “Run installer” box has a check mark by default. If you do not remove it, the program will begin to install automatically after the components are downloaded.

  1. We check the correctness of the architecture: it must correspond to the bit capacity of the installed OS. Select a “clean” installation from the drop-down list. Such a distribution will not include tools for creating boot disk and disaster recovery.

  1. The main window of the installed Macrium Reflect displays the disk structure available on the PC. The boxed option opens cloning options.

  1. At the top is the original datum disk. At the bottom of the window, select the target SSD. The section marked “3” contains advanced copy settings.

  1. You don't have to change anything here. The default smart copy option is suitable for any user. A check will be performed during the transfer process file system and the TRIM function is automatically enabled.

  1. After checking all the options, click the highlighted button to copy the existing structure to the new drive.

  1. By clicking “Next” we launch Migration master, which will give us detailed technical information about each partition of the disk being created.

  1. At the final stage, remove the crossed out check mark. She is responsible for creating a recurring schedule, while ours is a one-time operation.

  1. Before the transfer begins, Macrium Reflect will warn you that the data on the drive specified in the window will be completely destroyed. We agree and wait for the process to complete.

As a result of the actions performed, we receive a valid license copy of Windows on a new medium.

You can remove the old disk and start working on the SSD without reinstalling the system.

Acronis True Image

Another program worthy of attention is Acronis True Image. It differs from other products of this company in the ability to perform cloning operations during the trial period. For example, Acronis Disk Director allows you to do this only after purchase full version. True Image is limited by the need to use intermediate media.

The declared on-the-fly cloning option becomes available in the full version of the program.

  1. You can use any suitable sized USB drive as an intermediate one. We connect this to the PC and specify it as a storage location.

  1. We start the procedure for creating a backup copy.

  1. Go to the “Recovery” tab. Select in the window target disk and press the button marked “3”.

  1. To perform cloning, open additional options.

  1. Check the source a backup copy of the current disk. Select the destination disk from the drop-down menu new SSD. We start the transfer process.

The operation is performed in background, its progress is displayed in the system tray. When the transfer of Windows 10 to SSD is completed, the program automatically makes adjustments to the bootloader.

Manufacturers' software

Samsung, one of the leaders in production solid state drives, created his own software to make system migration easier for users. The proprietary utility is free, but only works with manufacturer’s disks. The list of supported SSDs can be found on the official page, where Samsung Data Migration is available for free download.

Transfer issues

There are no system restrictions for working with SSDs. Microsoft provided full support for SSDs with the release of Win 7. However, the transition may be difficult for laptop users. Manufacturers are reluctant to allow changes to the factory configuration.

As a result, some top MSI and ASUS models do not allow HDD replacement. The user will not be able to install a cloned SSD into it, since the laptop refuses to work with it. The only way out is to contact the manufacturer’s technical support to find out in advance the possibility of an upgrade and supported drive models.


Features that the user receives when using free programs cloning is enough for a one-time system transfer. In terms of functionality, they are somewhat inferior to professional tools such as Paragon Migrate OS to SSD, but they get the job done.

Video instruction

For those who want to learn more about how to use programs for migrating to an SSD, below is an overview video.