Connect MTS Internet and TV. MTS home Internet and television hotline

Today, mobile operators are actively occupying the niche of providing telecommunications services. Home Internet and television from MTS no longer surprise anyone, besides the quality of service and low prices attract a sufficient number of subscribers. In addition, various connection technologies allow you to use a whole range of options and extensions. And now more about what offers MTS presents to its potential subscribers, as well as about prices for home Internet for a computer or laptop and tariffs for related services.


Let's start with the fact that residents of the capital are served by the Moscow subsidiary MGTS, which deals with the same telecommunications services and installation of the necessary equipment for TV and telephony. Tariffing is incredibly simple. Subscribers are presented with a direct relationship between price and connection speed. Mono tariffs look like this:

  • 30 Mbit/s - from 300 rubles, depending on the availability of connected telephony and the need to add a router to the kit, the cost can increase to 400 rubles per month;
  • 60 - from 450;
  • 100 - from 600 rubles;
  • 200 - from 900;
  • 350 - 1100;
  • 500 - 1600.

For subscribers living in Moscow, the offers “ Home-light» with daily tariffs.

The service is provided to users with established telephony.

Because of technology throughput does not exceed 50 Mbit/s. This maximum value, and a day of use will cost 30 rubles, 25 at a speed of 30 and 20 at 10 Mbit/s.

As for the combined offers, which include dozens of TV channels, they are not presented very extensively. The most popular remains home Internet and the package “ Optimal» with GPON technology. This is a high connection speed of up to 150 Mbit/s and 80 channels for 549 rubles per month, and this price will include an antivirus, a router and a modern set-top box.

And now a little about other regions. Let's consider Saratov and the connectivity options there. There are only 4 mono-tariffs in the city:

  • « Profitable 70“- its value is in increasing the basic speed of 70 megabits at night to 100, the subscription fee is 350 rubles;
  • « Economy» — 25 megabits per second for 400 per month;
  • « Comfort» — 50 megabits for 450;
  • « Prestige» - up to 100 for 550 per month.

The range of tariffs can be connected together with digital television, 129 channels, 23 of them in HD quality.

The subscription fee will increase in the first two tariffs to 550 rubles, and in the last two to 600 and 700. But “Beneficial”, in addition to speeding up, will allow you to use a modern HD set-top box without additional payment. That is, it is worth noting that the Saratov line is diverse and has quite acceptable prices.

The company also offers to form comprehensive offers including home phone, tariffs for such packages may vary in price due to terrain and other technical conditions. Details must be clarified at sales offices or by calling the hotline 8 800 250 0 050.


It will not be possible to carry out the installation work on your own, so you will have to contact the company’s specialists. This can be done both at the sales office and on the website by leaving a request with contact information. Managers will certainly call you back and clarify the necessary details, including a convenient time for the installer to visit. The telephone number for independent communication with the company can be found on the website; in Moscow it is 8 495 636-0-636.

Additional options

For comfortable use of basic services, MTS has prepared a number of additional ones. For example, " Promised payment”, which allows you to postpone the payment deadline if it is not possible to pay the payment. " Voluntary blocking» will save money when the Internet is not needed or the subscriber is planning to leave. You can watch your favorite TV channels on your computer. Plastic bag " Promo PC"with 15 channels is free, but " Basic PC» will cost 99 rubles and will allow you to watch 56 channels.

And, of course, " Antivirus» will protect against malware and inappropriate content.

The price depends on the subscription time, the number of protected devices and the software developer.

Manage tariffs and additional options You can directly on the website in your “Personal Account”.

Subscribers' opinions

Reviews quite contradictory, from extremely positive to angry and full of indignation. The main reasons for dissatisfaction are the poor quality of services and maintenance. Only a few can boast of stable operation of equipment.

“You can’t trust MTS with your leisure time, not to mention work. I often need to send projects, set up the admin panel of a corporate website, but... in most cases I can’t do this right away, only constant calls to technical support save me.”
Elizaveta, 27 years old, Saratov

“Outside the city, there are not many options for connecting to high-speed Internet access. The quality of service is quite tolerable and the price is reasonable.”
Kirill, 32 years old, Moscow

“I want to change provider, I’m tired. The set, including television and telephone, leaves much to be desired, and so does the price. Expensive and pointless. Nothing really works, and I’m tired of arguing with the installers.”
Marina, 28 years old, Tyumen

The development of digital technologies makes it possible to use cellular communications not only to receive and make calls, but also to view mobile internet television, and widespread use of the Internet. MTS has several tariff plans that provide access to digital television, as well as the MTS TV service, which allows you to turn a cell phone or tablet into a full-fledged TV with various channels. Moreover, you can watch Internet television not only through a cellular network, but through WI-FI, which in turn can significantly reduce the cost of mobile television.

Description of service

The cable TV service from MTS can work on various devices oh, including on smartphones, tablet computers, mobile phones, laptops and computers. The subscriber gets access to hundreds of different digital TV channels, which are broadcast in excellent image quality. Moreover, such MTS mobile cable television is tied to cell phone, and payment for access to television programs is carried out by debiting from the personal account of the cellular subscriber.

The actual subscriber gets access to such digital television only if there is an Internet connection. One of the features of providing this service by the provider cellular communication MTS is the absence of tariffication of television traffic. This sets MTS apart from other cellular mobile operators that charge for such traffic. You can watch TV on several devices simultaneously. In total, MTS allows you to register five different devices for one subscription. However, simultaneous viewing is available only on two devices. MTS offers its customers various subscription fees, which include channels with entertainment programs, TV series, films and sports.

The updated interface of MTS Internet television makes it significantly easier to watch TV channels, and at the same time, users of relatively old mobile gadgets and TVs with computers have the opportunity to use the old interface, which is optimized for work on devices that do not have high performance.

The cost of mobile television from MTS

Today mobile viewing digital internet MTS television is offered on a paid basis. Subscription fee for access to watching TV channels is currently 15 rubles per day. This price includes all available TV channels, series and films contained in the MTS catalog.

Please note that within the “MTS Tablet” option, MTS mobile cable television is completely free and you do not need to pay an additional subscription fee for it.

We connect mobile television from MTS

Connecting mobile television does not present any difficulty. You need to dial the following command on your phone **999#. After this, within a few minutes a corresponding message will be sent to your phone, where there will be a link to the MTS TV application. Download and install this application, launch it, enter your phone number in the window that opens and wait for another SMS with authorization to arrive. Immediately after this, the mobile television service will be connected. It is possible to connect to this service through the application itself. To do this, you need to open the profile section, select TV channels and then connect.

Turn off mobile television

In order to unsubscribe from this service you need to send to number 999
a short text message, which contains text 01 . You can also use the corresponding command *111*9999#. If necessary, you can use your personal account, which will allow you to disable the service.

Cable TV from MTS

In the recent past, MTS offered exclusively cellular services. However, today there is an expansion of the services offered, so this company offers, among other things, cable television services. One of the features of cable television is its interactivity. That is, subscribers are offered numerous additional services, including pausing the program or choosing different languages ​​for broadcasting.

Cable TV from MTS it was called “Home TV”. A special feature of home TV is the broadcasting of all TV channels via the Internet. Moreover, many of these channels are broadcast in HD quality, so you can enjoy a detailed, high-quality picture. Subscribers are offered several tariff plans, so each of them will be able to choose best option for myself. They also offer a rather interesting opportunity for personal selection of channels, when the client can create his own package, which will contain only those channels that are interesting and necessary for him.

A variety of feature films can be broadcast upon request. You will be able to get your own cinema, and the cost of such services will be at an affordable level. If we talk about the proposed tariff plans for cable TV, we can highlight basic package"Nothing extra". It contains 129 channels, of which 13 are in HD quality. The cost of such a cable television package is 145 rubles per month. Also remember that you need to pay a subscription fee for the decoder you use, which is 99 rubles per month. The “Nothing Extra” tariff plan contains 65 extremely interesting selected channels, of which 27 are broadcast in HD quality standard. The cost of this package is 300 rubles. The decoder is offered free of charge.

To connect such cable television from MTS, you need to write a corresponding request on the operator’s website and a specialist will contact you shortly mobile operator MTS, the craftsmen will connect high-speed Internet and install the appropriate cable television. In accordance with MTS service standards, consideration of each application takes no more than 3 days. Therefore, you can get the digital television you need as quickly as possible.


Stream - home Internet and television from MTS. Personal Area is extremely popular among Russians due to its convenient service management.

The stream has long ceased to exist under this brand and is now called " Home Internet and MTS Television". It should be noted that subscribers can still use the old website address to enter the service.

How to register an MTS personal account for Internet and television

If you have not yet registered in the system, then you need to do the following:

1. Go to the official website and in the right top corner select "Personal Account".

2. In the pop-up submenu, select “Home Internet and TV”. Next, follow the “Register” link.

3. At this step, you must fill out the form and provide the following information:

  • Legal status;
  • Passport details;
  • Verification code.

And click on the "Register" button. After that to your address Email You will receive a login and password to log into the system.

MTS personal account home Internet and TV - main features

The service allows you to manage options online:

  • connect or disconnect services;
  • change the tariff;
  • replenish your balance and pay for services.

The interface has a convenient and understandable structure that even an inexperienced user can understand.

Home Internet MTS personal account - additional services

The service offers its subscribers the following options:

  • free email;
  • antivirus;
  • hosting and much more.

You can connect services either in your personal account or write an application in MTS communication stores.

MTS is not just a telecom operator, but a provider of access services high speed internet and digital television. Today these services are available to many residents of Moscow and the Moscow region. The MTS company connects the Internet and television via modern communication channels that guarantee high quality connections. In this article we will discuss the main tariffs and find out what the operator offers its subscribers.

Access technologies

To access television and the Internet from MTS, two technologies are used:

  • ADSL is an old technology that allows you to organize fairly high-speed access to the Internet and services digital television(up to 24 Mbit/s). It is very outdated, so it is not popular with subscribers. Internet and television from MTS over such a channel may work unstably (given the low quality telephone lines and their great length);
  • GPON from MTS – modern technology, providing for the extension of an optical communication channel to each apartment. Maximum speed access via fiber is 1 Gb/sec. This communication channel allows you to count on a stable Internet connection and high-quality television with many additional services.

MTS offers Internet and television together with MGTS (united companies), so GPON will allow you to have at your disposal not only the Internet, but also telephony.

It is noteworthy that such telephony allows you to move to another house where there is GPON from MTS, along with your telephone number– in classical analog telephony this is impossible. From April 1, 2015, applications for connecting to MTS via ADSL are not accepted.

To access home Internet and television from MTS, you must submit an application for connection. The most convenient way to do this is through the official website of the operator. note that Today MTS accepts applications exclusively for GPON. Only this technology is available to new subscribers. As for ADSL, it works exclusively for old subscribers.

In addition to the MTS website, applications are accepted by the following telephone numbers:

  • 8-495-636-0-636 – to connect MTS TV and Internet in Moscow;
  • 8-800-250-0-050 – for connection home internet and television from MTS in the Moscow region.

Please note that it is still possible to connect “Home TV” from MTS - this right can be exercised by persons who are already MTS subscribers or who have submitted an application to connect to “Home Internet” before April 1, 2015. Connecting to television services is free, and tariff plans also provide for the provision of the necessary equipment.

Internet tariff plans

MTS tariffs for Internet and television please with their reasonableness, prices and content. To access world wide web There are three main tariff plans:

  • 60 Mbit/sec – access cost will be 360 ​​rubles/month;
  • 200 Mbit/sec – access cost will be 490 rubles/month;
  • 500 Mbit/sec – access cost will be 1600 rubles/month.

Also in the arsenal of the MTS operator there are tariffs with daily pricing, with the provision of a Wi-Fi modem. They are united under the name “Home-Lite” and are available to subscribers using telephony. Customers can choose from tariffs with a speed of 6 Mbit/sec for 10 rubles/day and 20 Mbit/sec for 20 rubles/day. There is also a general subscription fee of 20 rubles/month.

Funds are written off on daily TPs when the incoming traffic threshold for the current day exceeds 5 MB, and the total daily traffic is not limited.

TV tariff plans

When considering tariffs for home Internet and television from MTS, it should be noted that they are offered in close conjunction. Still, both services operate through the same channel. Consumers have two main tariffs to choose from:

  • “Basic” - includes 131 television channels, 13 of which are broadcast in HD quality. Subscriber the fee is 145 rubles/month. To be fair, we will include here the provision of a TV decoder, which will cost an additional 99 rubles per month;
  • “Nothing extra” is a television package that includes 39 channels in usual quality and 26 channels in HD quality. It features carefully thought-out content. There is no need to pay for a TV decoder, its cost is already included in tariff plan.

What is the main advantage of digital television from MTS? And the fact is that We can connect additional channel packages to each tariff– sports, educational, movie channels, adult channels and much more. Accordingly, you need to pay for each addition separately.

Another advantage is the provision of the Multiroom service. It allows you to watch different channels on two or three TVs with a meager addition to the subscription fee. For 2 TVs the additional payment is 39.75 rubles/month, for 3 TVs – 79.5 rubles/month.

General additional services for Internet and television from MTS:

  • The promised payment on MTS is the ability to use television and the Internet with a negative balance;
  • Voluntary blocking – suspension of write-offs for those who are going on vacation and do not need television services and network access;
  • Computer help - a huge amount paid services PC repair and maintenance;
  • Home TV on PC - includes a free “Promo PC” tariff for 15 channels and a “Basic PC” tariff plan for 56 channels for 99 rubles/month (watching television on a PC);
  • Antivirus – any antivirus software with monthly subscription fee;
  • White Internet – comprehensive protection against unwanted information with limited access time.

For convenient management of services, use the “Personal Account” from MTS home Internet and television, located on the operator’s official website.