Complete disassembly of the iPhone. Complete disassembly of iPhone Disassembly of iPhone 5

Our friends from service center MacPlus is constantly preparing materials for us on how to correctly carry out certain actions to repair your favorite Apple equipment. This time the craftsmen managed to disassemble last generation iPhone - iPhone 5. Step-by-step instructions are already here.

To support your high level for repairing Apple equipment, we buy new products almost immediately after entering the market and disassemble them. 5 was no exception.

What is needed for analysis:

  • Pentalobe screwdriver, just like for iPhone 4s (can't help but rejoice)
  • Suction cup for lifting the screen
  • Small Phillips screwdriver
  • Spatula
  • Accuracy and nerves of steel (after all, the device costs a lot)

So, the subject is ready for analysis, let's get started.

First of all, unscrew the external Pentalobe screws with a screwdriver. Nothing new.

We take the suction cup and lift the screen. Here we include attentiveness and accuracy. Most likely, when you first disassemble it, you will need to pry off the display with something thin, but you can scratch the aluminum.

Unscrew the screws for protecting/fastening the cables.

Disconnect all cables and antenna connectors and remove the display. When working with cables, it is better to use a plastic spatula.

We unscrew another cable protection - this time in the middle of the motherboard.

During any analysis, the first step is to disconnect the battery. You won’t be able to do this right away on the fifth iPhone, so let’s turn it off now.

We remove the battery. It is glued to the body, so you need to pry it off with a spatula.

We've reached the motherboard. First, unscrew the two screws securing the camera.

We disconnect the cable for the speaker, microphone, headphone output and Lightning connector (the so-called “Tsar-Cable”).

Disconnect the antenna cable.

We disconnect the cables connecting motherboard And back panel(at the top of the panel).

Almost everything is ready to remove the motherboard. We disconnect the cables that are in the way and unscrew the 5 screws.

Carefully remove the motherboard.

Ta-dam! The motherboard is disconnected from the back panel.

On the motherboard, unscrew the two screws from the camera protection and disconnect the camera.

This is what the motherboard looks like without other parts. Slightly reminiscent of 4s.

Unscrew the three screws holding the vibration and disconnect it. The vibration, again, is very similar to the one that was in the 3gs, 4 and 4s.

Unscrew two screws next to the headphone jack and one on the right side of the bottom cable.

Unscrew the remaining 4 screws of the lower cable and remove it.

Analysis completed!

I would like to say what's inside new iPhone is a kind of synthesis of 3g/3gs and 4/4s. It's much easier to disassemble than the previous model, so it probably won't be very expensive to repair the iPhone 5. You can always purchase spare parts and repair your iPhone 5 at the Service Center!

One... Three... F... Three... F again... S!... Four... Four again!... And another S!... Five!... S!... Five?!... C!

Luckily, Apple is in the tech industry, not the education industry. We can only imagine what a mess there would be in the ABC books if they studied in Cupertino.

Weird names aside, we were eager to get our teeth into the latest phone fruit. So passionately that they sent one of us into the lands where they walk on their heads to get one.

This guide is a translation of the article:

We also have special articles on replacing frequently breaking iPhone components:, and.


This article is not a guide to action! All responsibility for collecting and disassembling your device lies with you.
Many manufacturers do not bear warranty obligations if the device has been disassembled by the user. If you do not want to lose the warranty for your device, check the terms of the warranty in the documentation or with the device manufacturer.

Tools used


The release of the new iPhone is a trip to the future - the iFixit review team has moved 17 hours forward in time to get their hands on the iPhone 5S early.

We want to say a big thank you to our good friends from MacFixit Australia for allowing the use of their Melbourne office for this review. They sell accessories for Macs, iPhones and iFixit tools.

To cover all our backs, we learned from our best linguists that 5S upside down is still 5S.

Speaking of tools. For this breakdown we will be using our brand new Pro Tech Screwdriver Set.

As we prepare ourselves to dive into the wondrous innards of the iPhone 5S, let's walk through technical specifications:

  • Apple processor A7 with 64-bit architecture;
  • Co-processor for motion analysis M7;
  • 16, 32 or 64 GB Flash memory;
  • 4-inch retina display with a density of 326 ppi;
  • 8 MP iSight camera and 1.2 MP FaceTime camera;
  • Fingerprint scanner built into the home button.

  • Available in three colors: space grey, silver and zooooloto(or, as we call it, not-at-all-the-color-of-space, a medal for second place, and... Bling!).

Apple follows its tradition of shielding the user from the insides of the device by using pentalobe screws. Luckily we were ready for this. We've released our foolproof iPhone 5 release kit, and to our surprise, it works!

Unfortunately, we did not purchase the necessary paint, so the set contains only silver and black screws for a Philips Phillips screwdriver.

Now we are pressing our designers to develop screws for a Phillips screwdriver made of 585 gold. They'll cost $50 each and will turn the first time you try to unscrew them, so they'll be perfect for the iPhone. We will keep you informed.

Our released iPhone 5S reminded us of another polka dot iPhone, a review of which will be published in the near future...

We finish spinning in place. It's time to open the baby! Just like we called on a suction cup to help separate the display module assembly from the body.

Unlike last year, we gently run a spatula around the perimeter, just in case...

The spatula helped. A cable was found at the bottom of the phone connecting the Touch ID sensor, which is located in the home button, and the Lightening connector.

This adds a small element of danger to the parsing process. If you lift the screen too high by the suction cup, there is a chance of damaging the cable.

We survived the first trap and carefully disconnected the Touch ID cable connector using a spudger.

Alas, at first glance the internal iPhone device 5S differs little from the internal structure. The main difference is the absence.

Using our favorite set of screwdrivers, we removed some of the metal shields that protect the connectors and began an epic battle with the battery.

The seemingly minor lack of a tab on the battery revealed a much larger problem - the adhesive.

Possibly a letter es in the name means “stuck together” or “get over it”... like, “this battery stuck together with the case tightly" or "I hope you don't want to replace the battery and accept it with the fact that you have an old one.”

While we were dreaming of an iPhone battery that could be replaced without tools, we heated up the existing battery and pryed it open with a spatula.

Holy scotch! It seems that Apple, compared to the iPhone 5S, did not use double-sided tape at all! There are two hefty white “runways” that support the battery over almost its entire area.

Addition: Some guys report that this tape has good tearability. As soon as we receive more iPhones for repair, we will test this theory and let you know!

It is stated that the iPhone 5S can last up to 10 hours of talk time on a 3G network, but there are rumors that iOS 7 will not stand a chance.

The modern ARMv8 instruction set was specifically designed for 64-bit architecture. It got rid of junk support, which increased efficiency, improved performance without impacting time battery life devices.

We'll have to wait until we examine the insides of the chip to find out who made it.

Let's look at the selfie camera.

Several screws secure the 1.2 MP FaceTime camera into place. Increasing the pixel size of the iSight camera may attract a lot of attention, but the DIY paparazzi is what makes iPhones what they are.

The bottom part of the 5S looks almost the same as that of the 5, although the speaker assembly is easier to remove.

With the speaker removed, the module containing the headphone jack, microphone and Lightning connector is easily removed.

On previous generations of iPhone, many components had to be replaced at once, because... the design was not as modular.

We found another new thing: double flash.

The old and amber LEDs are located next to the camera and help combat the pale tones of nightlife photos.

Just like in the display assembly, it is removed first, making it easier to replace.

The battery is also easy to access, although it is not "user serviceable".

The fingerprint sensor cable can easily be torn if you are careless when removing the display.

The iPhone 5s still uses Pentalobe head screws, which will require purchasing a special screwdriver.

The protective glass, screen and sensor are a single component, which increases the cost of repairs.

Ease of iPhone 5s repair: 6 out of 10 points(10 points means maximum simplicity).

Assembly is carried out in reverse order. Thank you for your attention:)

Smartphone repair Apple iPhone 5 can be simple and inexpensive if you follow the exact steps this guide demonstrates. Step-by-step instructions for disassembling an iPhone 5 will help you quickly and safely repair your iPhone at home. (replace the modular display, as well as other damaged parts (spare parts) of the iPhone 5)

Detailed step-by-step instruction iPhone 5 disassembly:

  1. Display assembly (LCD & Touch Screen Digitizer) Remove the two pentalobe screws located on either side of the lightening power connector, which is located on the bottom of the iPhone 5.
  2. Attach the suction cup to the module (display + touchscreen iPhone) near the button HOME. Pull up on the suction cup while holding the outer frame of the iPhone 5 to slightly separate the module from the case. Next to the button Home, in the left corner of the iPhone 5, there will be an area that will have enough room to slide a plastic tool through to disassemble the cases.

    Once you've pryed the module open, carefully move the plastic prying tool around to release the latches until the display is completely free of the body, and pull gently on the suction cup.

    Carefully bend the module at a 90° angle to expose the metal cover that protects the display cable. Unscrew the three small screws Phillips(marked in orange) that secure the metal cover. Remove the protective cover from iPhone cases 5.

    Using a plastic tool for opening cases, disconnect the front camera cable with the sensor iPhone proximity 5.

    Carefully disconnect the display module cable connector from the motherboard.

    The last loop of the digital converter. Once it is disconnected, remove the modular display.

    iPhone 5 speaker Phillips (marked in orange) that secure the speaker holder to the display module. Remove the metal holder. After removing the holder, lift the speaker upwards and separate it from the iPhone 5 module.

    Front camera and proximity sensor - Using the flat end of a spudger, separate the front camera cable and the proximity sensor from the module, starting from the earpiece contacts.

    HOME button - Unscrew the two small screws Phillips(marked in orange) holding the button HOME(Home). Remove the button HOME.

    The button itself HOME fixed with a small amount of glue. Use a spatula to separate the button HOME from the iPhone 5 module.

    Remove the six small Phillips screws (marked in orange) that secure the display shield to the module.

    iPhone battery Phillips(marked in orange) securing the protective plate of the battery connector. Once the screws are removed, remove the protective metal cover.

    Use a spudger to pry up and disconnect the battery connector from the motherboard.

    Using the plastic tab and spudger, remove the iPhone battery.

    Unscrew the two small screws Phillips(marked in orange) that secure the motherboard bracket. After the screws have been removed, lift up the bracket.

    iPhone 5 motherboard - Over the next few steps, the spudger will be used to disconnect several connections. This will allow you to remove the iPhone's motherboard. Disconnect the LED flash from the smartphone's motherboard.

    The next cable is the volume control buttons. Lift and pull it out of the connector.

    The connecting cable located nearby must be disconnected. Lift and pull it out of the connector to disconnect the cable.

    There is another cable that also needs to be disconnected.

    The last connector is the connector Lightning. It is located on the bottom of the motherboard.

    One of two antenna connections on the front panel of the unit. Lift and disconnect the wire from the socket. The next step is to disconnect the headphone jack from the case and prepare to remove it in subsequent steps.

    SIM card- Before removing the motherboard, use a SIM card removal tool or a regular paper clip to remove the SIM card tray.

    Unscrew the two small screws Phillips(marked in orange) inside the top of the iPhone 5.

    Then unscrew the two small screws Phillips and three STANDOFF screw To remove three STANDOFF iPhone 5 motherboard screws - You will need a small flathead screwdriver.

    Remove the second antenna connector located on the bottom of the motherboard. You can now carefully lift the motherboard out of the iPhone 5 case.

    Rear-Facing Camera - Remove the two small Phillips screws (marked in orange) to disconnect the rear camera from the motherboard.

    Using a spudger, carefully pry up the connector and disconnect the rear camera from the motherboard.

    Connector Lightning(Lightning Connector) - Unscrew the seven small screws Phillips(marked in orange) that secure the connector Lightning and iPhone microphone.

    Use the flat end of a spudger to remove the adhesive that is attached to the connector cable. Lightning and the microphone inside the case on the iPhone 5. Remove these two parts from the iPhone 5 case.

    Microphone (Loudspeaker) - Use a spudger to separate the connector Lightning and a microphone. They are connected with a small amount of glue.

    Top cable of volume buttons and Power buttons in iPhone 5(Volume & Power Button Flex Cable Assembly) - Unscrew the three small screws Phillips(marked in orange) that secure the Vibro in the corner of the iPhone 5 case. Disconnect the Vibro from the iPhone 5 case.

    Unscrew the three small screws Phillips(marked in orange) which hold the volume and switch buttons silent mode on the iPhone 5 case.

    Using a spatula to loosen bluetooth cable And Wi-Fi antennas iPhone 5 from the case.

    Unscrew the last small screw Phillips(marked in orange), which holds the cable for the POWER button and volume buttons.

    Use the flat end of a spudger to peel the volume button, silent button, and power button cable away from the iPhone 5 case.

iPhone 5 spare parts

  1. iPhone 5 Rear Case/Housing
  2. Display module iPhone5 (Display + touchscreen) (iPhone 5 Display Assembly (LCD & Touch Screen))
  3. iPhone 5 Battery
  4. iPhone 5 Motherboard
  5. iPhone 5 SIM Card Tray
  6. iPhone 5 Home Button and Gasket
  7. iPhone 5 Home Button Flex Cable
  8. iPhone 5 Earpiece Speaker
  9. iPhone 5 Rear-Facing Camera
  10. Front camera cable with iPhone5 proximity sensor (iPhone 5 Front-Facing Camera & Sensor Flex Cable)
  11. Wi-Fi antenna iPhone5 (iPhone 5 WiFi Antenna Cable)
  12. Vibro iPhone5 (iPhone 5 Vibrator)
  13. Lightning connector and iPhone5 headphone jack (iPhone 5 Dock Connector & Headphone Jack Assembly)
  14. Speaker speakerphone iPhone5 (iPhone 5 Loudspeaker)

If modern schools were so modernized and fashionable that arithmetic was taught not from standard textbooks, but from Apple’s inventions, for example, from the iPhone, schoolchildren would know for sure that after one comes a three, then the letter G, then again a three and G, then again letter designation, but already S. Next would be lined up in a row: four, another four, then four S, five, five with the suffix S and five with the afterword S... Phew.. rather complicated system, right? It’s good that the corporation from Cupertino does not yet lay claim to the education sector and is content with achievements in the IT field.

Why are we talking about this in an article on the topic “how to disassemble an iPhone 5S”? So that you understand that there are much more difficult things than dismantling an iPhone yourself according to our instructions. With the help of this guide, you can easily and quickly disassemble the iPhone 5S into screws and cables.

To begin with, our prices for services are iPhone service 5S

iPhone 5s repair Price, rub.
Replacing the display 2900
Replacing the touchscreen (screen sensor) 2900
Replacing the back cover 2490
Firmware and software repair 890
Replacing the battery (battery) please clarify
Repair after moisture ingress from 800
Replacing the microphone please clarify
Replacing the charging connector (bottom cable) please clarify
JailBreak iOS 7.x.x (jailbreak) 900
Other services call
Unlocking iPhone 5s please clarify
Phone diagnostics For free
Activation of iPhones requiring ZIP code, social security number (SSN), etc. please clarify
Trimming nano-SIM 150

To work you will need the following tools:

  • A set of screwdrivers for repairing mobile devices. Make sure that the diameter of the tools included in the kit matches the screws screwed into the smartphone;
  • Small sucker;
  • Small plastic mounting spatula;
  • iOpener. For those who are not yet in the know, let us explain: this is a truly masculine accessory from Apple, originally intended for safely opening beer. Did your eyebrows shoot up in surprise? We understand, but we urge you to wait a little. You will soon understand why we need this branded opener.

Let's start dismantling the iPhone 5S.

We suggest once again going over the technical characteristics of the smartphone. What do we have here? Apple A7 processor with 64-bit architecture, innovative M7 motion coprocessor, 16, 32 or 64 GB of internal memory depending on the configuration, 4-inch retina display with 326 pixels per inch, 8 megapixel main camera and front camera for video calling via FaceTime 1.2 megapixel, fingerprint scanner in the HOME key. And all this power and performance, dressed in dark gray, silver and gold, you want to take apart? Get started! But we are not responsible for your actions.

Apple, as before, is trying to prevent possible disassembly of the iPhone 5S by all means. It must be said that if you came unprepared without the set of screwdrivers that we talked about at the beginning, you would be faced with an insurmountable obstacle in the form of firmly screwed screws. However, thanks to us, you know how to overcome them. Without fear, unscrew all the screws holding the case in place.

Have you unscrewed all the screws holding the panel in place? So let's get to the fun part! If you have previously had to disassemble an iPhone, then you are familiar with the mechanism for removing the display using a suction cup. However, in the case of the 5S, we would advise you to help yourself a little with a plastic spatula to avoid falls and broken screens.

If you are careful and patient enough, your efforts will pay off in a big way: iPhone display The 5S will begin to separate like clockwork. However, if you slightly lift the retina component, you will see that a wire extends from its lower part connecting the fingerprint scanner and the Lightining port. This feature assembly makes our task a little more difficult, since if we pull the suction cup too sharply, we risk inadvertently damaging the cable. Obviously, this cannot be done, otherwise the wire will need to be replaced.

But we are not dummies, so we do everything carefully and carefully, avoiding the dangers and pitfalls of disassembling the iPhone 5S on our own. Using the same plastic spatula, we separate the cable from the touch scanner.

We can finally take a full look at the inner workings of the iPhone 5S. At first glance, it is clear that compared to the iPhone 5, no fundamental changes have occurred. The most striking difference between the iPhone 5S and its predecessor is the disappearance of the battery removal tab.

Using the plastic spatula we already love, we open the metal latches and begin to butt with the battery. Why butt heads? Because due to the abundant adhesive layer and the absence of a battery removal label, it seems that the manufacturer wanted to definitely stop disassembling the iPhone 5S at this stage. Surely the insidious plan was this: even if we get to the battery, we will forever get stuck in the glue on which it is planted, and give up without even seeing the thinnest hair of Munchausen (read: an ejection tag) to pull it out.

But the wrong ones were attacked! We found a way out of the situation and removed the battery using the same iOpener, like real men.

If you suddenly have excess glue, then during initial disassembly you can simply remove the adhesive grooves, creating new ones during reassembly.

Once you have removed the battery, you can begin removing iPhone screen 5S. You just have to disconnect the cables of the front camera, image processor and LCD panel with a spatula, and voila - the retina display is removed without any problems! Please note that there has been no progress, regression, or even any significant changes in the 5S display compared to the five. The screen has not become larger or smaller, and still has the same quality characteristics. No surprises.

Now we quickly remove the fingerprint scanner from the HOME key. What an exciting moment... Externally, the touch user fingerprint recognizer is nothing special. But the technology contained within is amazing. Let us bring you up to date: about a year ago, a company from Cupertino acquired a patented technology from Authen Tec, according to which the scanner “photographs” your finger, but does not send its image to Apple. In addition, thanks to the sapphire glass shell, it is preserved for a long time and is practically impossible to disassemble by researchers like you and me.

Let's move on to the main camera. As you can see, the marking reads: “DNL333 41WGRF 4W61W”. How, is the camera really the same as in Sony? Jim Morrison says no. Allegedly, only the letter designation is the same, but the filling is completely different.

In general, you can notice that the internal iPhone design 5S is simple and concise. There are far fewer vulnerable cables and connecting cables that can be damaged by one careless movement.

We got to the wi-fi module. Labeled as Murata 339S0205, the module is absolutely the same on smartphones with different amounts of memory. Sometimes, however, there are differences in several symbols, which probably means different manufacturing plants.

We study with trepidation the IC characteristics of the iPhone 5S:

  • Qualcomm PM8018 RF power management IC
  • TriQuint TQM6M6224
  • Apple 338S1216
  • Skyworks 77355
  • Avago A790720
  • Avago A7900
  • Apple 338S120L
  • SK Hynix H2JTDG8UD3MBR 128 Gb (16 GB) NAND Flash
  • Broadcom BCM5976 touchscreen controller
  • Texas Instruments 343S0645 touchscreen interface

Now they are all at a glance.

We continue to study the specifications of the iPhone 5S. On the inside of the logic board we read: Apple A7 APL0698 SoC, Qualcomm MDM9615M LTE Modem, Qualcomm WTR1605LLTE/HSPA+/CDMA2K/TDSCDMA/EDGE/GPS transceiver. These long, complicated names just mean the processor is labeled and the presence of the long-awaited motion processor.

It's time to deal with another feature of the 5S model, the A7. Along with the fingerprint scanner, the A7 processor is one of the main iPhone differences 5S from iPhone 5C. Apple says that the performance of the A7 processor is twice that of the A6, so users for whom device power is a priority will choose not the 5 or 5C, but the iPhone 5S.

This increase in performance is associated, firstly, with the 64-bit architecture, and secondly, with the replacement of obsolete ARMv7 components with the ARMv8 set. ARMv8 was designed specifically for 64-bit architecture. What is especially valuable is that it increases the performance of the gadget without affecting battery life. Since the technology has only recently appeared in mass products, we cannot yet tell in more detail what its internal structure is.

Now it's time to turn front-camera, which we use for taking selfies or communicating through video applications. After everything we've done so far, removing it is a very simple task since there's nothing holding it in place other than a couple of screws. Let's take our screwdriver and get to work!

The lower part of the iPhone 5S case has a lot in common with the iPhone 5. However, when dismantling the device, you will definitely notice that the speaker is much easier to remove. Along with it, the headset jack, microphone, and lighting port are removed. Also easy and painless.

We are forced to resort to such “assembled” extraction of a group of components at once, since they are interconnected and do not represent separate modules.

Another hardware update iPhone 5S - double flash. Inside the camera there are white and yellow LEDs, designed to balance colors when shooting at night and protect users from taking Casper-style shots.

So, it's time to sum up some results of the analysis of the iPhone 5S. Firstly, we were convinced that, as in other branded devices, the screen is removed almost first of all, which means it can be replaced quite easily.