Completely disabling Windows 10 Defender. Disabling through free programs

For searching and deleting malware Windows Defender is responsible for the mrt.exe file. Mrt is short for Microsoft Removal Tool.

How to completely remove Windows Defender 10 from your computer

To completely remove Windows Defender 10, just delete this Mrt file. Find file Mrt possible at the address Local disk C:\Windows\System32. However, you need to stop Windows 10 Defender first.

How to remove Windows 10 Defender permanently through options

To do this, open in Settings - Update & Security - Windows Defender - Open Windows Defender Security Center.

In Windows Defender Security Center, go to the first option

The Windows Defender Security Center will open in which you will need to click on the name of the first item Protection against viruses and threats.

In Settings you need to open Open Antivirus and other threat protection settings

Then you will need to find and click on the item Antivirus and other threat protection settings.

To remove Windows 10 Defender permanently, you need to disable it

In the window that opens, switch the sliders to the Off position at the item real time protection and at the point Cloud protection. After that, find the file Mrt and file MRT-KB890830 and delete them. If you rename these files, for example by adding a number to the front of the name, then Windows Defender will stop working, but if necessary, it can be restored by removing the number from the file names.

Windows Defender Antivirus is a free anti-malware solution that Microsoft ships with every Windows installation 10. This security suite is designed to provide a basic level of device protection against various types of malware, including viruses, ransomware, rootkits, spyware, and others.

Although the antivirus starts automatically, it may be disabled if you install a third-party antivirus product. However, Windows 10 does not offer the ability to complete shutdown built-in system protection. main reason this is because Microsoft doesn't want Windows devices 10 were used without any protection.

However, sometimes users want to avoid using Windows Defender completely, for example, when using computer terminals without a network connection and configured to block the connection of peripheral devices.

In that Windows manual 10 we will give step by step instructions to disable Windows Defender on your computer using Group Policy Editor, the system registry, and Windows Defender Security Center.


All actions specified in the article can only be performed in account with Administrator rights.

Instructions for Windows 10 Pro and Enterprise

Instructions for Windows 10 Home, Pro and Enterprise

How to disable Anti-Tampering Protection (for Windows 10, version 1903, 1909 and higher)

Once you complete these steps and restart your PC, Windows Defender will no longer scan or detect malware.

At any time, you can re-enable Windows Defender Antivirus by following the previous steps and specifying the value “Not configured”.

The Group Policy Editor is not available in Windows 10 Home, but you can do the same thing using the Registry Editor.


Changing the registry incorrectly can cause serious problems. It is recommended to create backup copy Windows registry before performing these steps. From the Registry Editor menu, select File > Export to save a backup.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\ Windows Defender
  • Click right click mouse over the Windows Defender folder, select New > DWORD (32-bit) Value.
  • Name the parameter DisableAntiSpyware and press Enter.
  • Double click on the created key and set the value from 1 , then click OK.

  • Right-click on the “Windows Defender” folder, select New > Partition.
  • Name the section Real-Time Protection and press Enter.

  • Right-click the “Real-Time Protection” folder, select New > DWORD Value (32-bit) and create the following parameters:
    • Name the parameter DisableBehaviorMonitoring 1 , then click OK.
    • Name the parameter DisableOnAccessProtection and set the value 1 , then click OK.
    • Name the parameter DisableScanOnRealtimeEnable and press Enter. Double click on the created key and set the value 1 , then click OK.
    • Name the parameter DisableIOAVProtection and press Enter. Double click on the created key and set the value 1 , then click OK.
    • Restart your computer


After disabling the built-in Defender antivirus Windows icon component Windows Security (for Windows 10, versions 1909, 1903, and 1809) or Windows Defender Security Center will still appear in the taskbar notification area. If you want to get rid of this icon, then:

  • Run the utility by clicking on the OOSU10.exe file (administrator rights required)
  • Go to section Windows Defender and Microsoft SpyNet and turn the switch Disable Windows Defender into an active state. Other options can be disabled if desired.


After installation Windows updates, the system settings can be changed again. We recommend that after installing the updates, run the O&O ShutUp10 program again; the changed parameters will be highlighted and you can change them back automatically.

How to disable Windows Defender Security Center

Please note that after disabling the built-in antivirus Windows Defender the component icon Windows Security(for Windows 10, versions 1909, 1903, and 1809) or Windows Defender Security Center will still appear in the taskbar notification area. If you want to get rid of this icon, then follow these steps:

  • Open Task Manager and go to the Startup tab.
  • Find the line Windows Security notification icon(for Windows 10, versions 1909, 1903 and 1809) or Windows Defender notification icon
  • Right-click on this item and select the option Disable.

If you need to temporarily disable Windows Defender, you can use the following instructions:

  • Open Windows Security(for Windows 10, versions 1909, 1903 and 1809) or Windows Defender Security Center - just click on the icon in the system tray.
  • Select the “Virus and Threat Protection” section.
  • Select the “Virus and other threat protection settings” link.
  • Set the switch real time protection to position Off.
  • Restart your computer

After completing these steps, Windows Defender will be disabled. However, this is a temporary solution. The antivirus will be reactivated after the device is rebooted.


Although in some cases it may indeed be necessary to disable the built-in Windows antivirus 10, Users are not recommended to use the device without any protection.

If you are trying to disable Windows Defender because you prefer another antivirus solution, you should be aware that the built-in antivirus will be automatically disabled during the installation of the alternative solution.

The release of Windows 8 introduced a built-in antivirus defender into the operating system, which migrated to version 10 of Windows.

It works by default until you decide to install any other antivirus software like Kasperskiy or NOD 32.

They will automatically disable the functionality of the built-in software that runs with Windows.

Many people are interested in the question of how to disable Windows 10 Defender manually.

You can do this in three ways:

  • for a short-term period;
  • through the registry (forever).
  • via editor local politics(forever).

Why is this necessary? The fact is that some games, programs and applications that you plan to install on your computer may not be perceived very friendly by the system.

The defender sees one of installation files potentially dangerous and blocks it.

As a result, the installation breaks down and you have to look for a way out of the situation. Enabling the software is not that difficult, but more on that later.

Disable defender

Local Group Policy

To get started, press the Win+R combination and enter the command gpedit.msc.

We are looking for the treasured one here Windows folder Defender (in the release, i.e. final version of the OS it can be renamed Defender).

Double-click on the highlighted item shown in the screenshot.

For this parameter, you need to switch the radio button (checkbox) to the “Enabled” position if you still intend to disable the defender.

After this, you can exit the settings and make sure that your actions are correct by viewing this notification.

Edits in the system registry

How to disable Windows 10 Defender through the registry? To do this, you need to go to the registry editor itself. Press the Win+R key combination and enter the regedit command.

There will be a folder with an active defender here, which you need to get rid of by making it inactive.

We create a DWORD parameter called DisableAntiSpyware, but only if the component was not previously present in the section.

Advice! If you want to disable the defender, set the value to “0”. To reactivate the software, use “1”.

Now if antivirus program and will bother you, then only with rare notifications that it is inoperative and is not able to protect the system from malware.

Reactivating Windows Defender

So, you intend to turn on your protector or you don’t know what to do when you see such an inscription.

It occurs in two cases:

  • Defender does not work because a third-party antivirus is installed on the PC. In such cases, no action should be taken - the Windows firmware was disabled automatically after installing the security software.
  • You yourself managed to deactivate the program, or there was some kind of failure in the system that needs to be fixed.

In Windows 10, you simply need to click on the message that appears in the notification area. Next, the system will bring everything into proper condition.

If you “played” with the settings of local group policy or the registry, you will have to restore everything yourself, since the system will not be able to launch Windows Defender on its own.

You need to go into the system settings again and activate the previously dormant service.

Advice! You shouldn't remove the built-in Windows Defender just because you feel like it. Firstly, this is an antivirus, albeit imperfect. It prevents various malware, which is found in abundance on the Internet, from penetrating the system. You should deactivate it only when it is really necessary and you control the entire process.

To be sure of your own security, we recommend that you first purchase or download a third-party antivirus software. software, designed specifically to provide maximum device protection in real time.

Which antivirus you choose is up to you, but leaving your machine without proper protection is strictly not recommended.

How to disable Windows 10 Defender

Easy ways to disable Windows 10 Defender completely.

The standard Windows Defender antivirus does not require separate steps to disable it when installing a third-party antivirus into the operating system. It doesn't turn off automatically in 100% of cases, but in most of them. Just as Defender automatically turns off, it also turns on when you remove it from Windows third party antivirus. But there are times when the system must be deliberately left without an antivirus - both a third-party one and a regular one. For example, temporarily for depositing certain settings into the system or installed software. There are also cases when PC protection must be abandoned completely. If your computer is not connected to the Internet, there is no point in wasting its resources running an antivirus. How to disable Windows Defender temporarily and completely? We will look into this below.

1. Disabling Defender on Windows 7 and 8.1

In Windows 7 and 8.1, get rid of the standard antivirus protection easier than in current version system 10. All actions are performed in the Defender application window.

In Windows 7, in the Defender window, you need to click “Programs”, then select “Options”.

To disable Defender for a while, in the settings section, open the vertical tab “Real-time protection” and uncheck the real-time protection option. Click “Save” at the bottom of the window.

To disable Windows Defender completely, in the “Administrator” tab, uncheck the box next to “Use this program.” Click “Save”.

Approximately the same steps must be carried out in Windows 8.1. In the horizontal Defender “Settings” tab, disable real-time protection and save changes made.

And to disable the standard antivirus completely, in the vertical “Administrator” tab, uncheck the “Enable application” box. Save the changes.

After you disable Defender completely, a notification about this will appear on the screen.

You can turn Defender back on using the appropriate links in the support center (in the system tray).

An alternative option is to enable Defender in Control Panel. In the “System and Security” section, in the “Support Center” subsection, you need to click the two “Enable now” buttons, as indicated in the screenshot.

2. Disable real-time protection in Windows 10

In the current version of Windows 10, real-time protection is removed only temporarily. After 15 minutes, this protection turns on automatically. In the Defender window, click “Options”.

Let's get to the "Settings" section of the application, where Defender settings are made. These include a real-time protection activity switch.

3. Completely disabling Defender in Windows 10

Complete disabling of Windows Defender in version 10 of the system is carried out in the Local Group Policy Editor. In the “Run” command field or in-system search, enter:

Next, in the window on the left, expand the tree structure of “Computer Configuration”: first “Administrative Templates”, then “Windows Components”, then “Endpoint Protection”. Go to the right side of the window and double-click to open the “Turn off Endpoint Protection” option.

In the parameter window that opens, set the position to “Enabled”. And apply the changes made.

After which, as is the case with Windows 7 and 8.1 systems, we will see a message on the screen stating that Defender is disabled. The way to enable it is the opposite - for the “Turn off Endpoint Protection” parameter you need to set the “Disabled” position and apply the settings.

4. Win Updates Disabler utility

The Win Updates Disabler tweaker utility is one of the many tools on the software market for resolving the issue with . In addition to its main task, the utility also offers some related functionality, in particular, disabling Windows Defender completely in a couple of clicks. Win Updates Disabler itself makes the necessary changes in the Group Policy Editor. The utility is simple, free, and supports a Russian-language interface. With its help, you can disable Defender in Windows 7, 8.1 and 10. To do this, on the first tab, you need to uncheck the options that you are not interested in, and check only the option to disable Defender. Next, click the “Apply Now” button.

After which you need to restart your computer.

To enable the standard antivirus, in the utility window you need to uncheck unnecessary options again and, by going to the second “Enable” tab, activate the option to enable Defender. As with disconnection, then click “Apply now” and agree to reboot.

Have a great day!

Latest versions operating systems in the form of “eight” and “ten”, in addition to the huge number of innovations presented, they also distinguished themselves by the fact that they have a built-in active system protection service - the so-called Windows Defender (not to be confused with a firewall). By and large, it is not particularly needed, especially when the user uses other tools like antiviruses. However, not everyone knows how to permanently disable 10, for example, so that it does not cause problems in operation. There are several basic methods that will now be discussed.

How in the completely simplest way?

Not all people who use a tenth in their daily work Windows version, know about such a service. In the absence of antivirus software, its messages may appear, say, during the installation of certain programs, blocking the execution of the process. However, if you understand how to disable Windows 10 Defender permanently, you can use the simplest solution.

It consists, as you might have guessed, in the installation of any anti-virus package. Naturally, this disabling will only work until the antivirus is removed from the computer. That is, if the user is going to use such protection constantly and not uninstall such a package, we can talk about disabling the defender, although in this case, this concept very conditional. Nevertheless, it will work as an option.

Even when logging into the “Control Panel” via standard menu“Start” or using the control command in the “Run” menu bar (Win + R), when you try to access the “Windows Defender” section, the system will simply display a message stating that this service is disabled and is not monitoring the computer.

Login via the options menu

In principle, you can disable this service when entering the corresponding section through the update and security menu, called up from the settings settings (again, if there is no antivirus).

Here you need to turn the sliders off in the real-time protection and automatic sample sending line. True, the question of how to turn off Windows 10 Defender permanently is not resolved in this way. The service will automatically activate after approximately 15 minutes. But if antivirus software is installed, the fields to disable it will be inactive. This method is suitable, for example, when installing some program, nothing more.

Disabling Defender via Group Policy Editor

But now let’s move on to solving the problem of how to permanently disable Windows 10 Defender. To do this, one of the most effective ways can be used, accessed by the gpedit.msc command, entered into the “Run” menu.

Here you need to go down the parameter tree in the computer configuration and find the desired section. Depending on the version of the “ten” itself, this can be either Windows Defender for the initial version, or Endpoint Protection for the final version. How to permanently disable Windows 10 Defender in this case? Yes, just set the service status to Turn Off in the right window. After this, you don’t even need to reboot the system. The service will be deactivated once and for all.

How to disable defender permanently: registry

Another method is to use Although, by and large, it duplicates group policies(or vice versa), is still as effective as possible. Please note that if the disabling has already been done in the Group Policy Editor, you will not be able to make any changes in the registry.

However, let's see how to permanently disable Windows 10 Defender precisely through system registry. Here, in the HKLM branch in the Software section, go to the policies section, and then in the Microsoft directory find the Windows Defender we need. Now in its settings you should create a DWORD parameter, name it DisableAntiSpyware (if it does not exist) and assign it the value “1”. If the specified parameter is available, we simply change the value from 0 to 1, that’s all.

Additional programs

If you don't want to do such things, you can use special programs like Win Updates Disabler. Such utilities have special tabs where the names of components that can be deactivated are indicated.

We find the corresponding service in the list of disableable elements, simply put a checkmark next to it and apply the changes made. And, naturally, this program was given only as the most simple example, but today on the Internet you can find not even dozens, but hundreds of such utilities. However, they are all initially in their own functionality very similar. The only difference is in the interface and the names of modules or tabs. But the main services of the system are called the same everywhere. So there shouldn’t be any particular difficulties using them.


In principle, as is already clear, the issue of complete shutdown is resolved quite simply. True, it is best to deactivate this service either through group policies or through the system registry. Naturally, if the user does not intend to remove the antivirus. This will be the simplest way. On the other hand, if you use special utilities, do not forget that they will constantly monitor the system in terms of its disabled components in background, often using unreasonably high consumption random access memory and placing additional stress on CPU. However, with sufficiently large amounts of RAM, this will not be noticeable.

Yes, and one more thing: if the antivirus software is removed from the computer for some reason, and the defender was previously disabled manually using the two above methods, it is better to activate it again, since without this the system will be at risk. And so - at least some, but still protection.

However, it is up to everyone to decide for themselves which method of disabling or enabling protection to use, what means to ensure security to use. But the fact that it is impossible to leave the system without protection, even the most primitive one, is not even discussed. Therefore, before deciding to disable it, think a hundred times.