Complete removal of Avast from the computer. How to completely remove Avast

Users to Protect personal computers use various types of antiviruses. One such security program is Avast. The advantage of this application is that it can be installed for free. Sometimes antiviruses give out critical errors. In this case, you need to get rid of them.

Many beginners do not know how to remove Avast antivirus so that no traces of it remain on the hard drive. In fact, there are several ways in which the application will be completely removed from the machine.

Preparing for removal

Faced with antivirus errors, users begin to think about how to remove Avast. It will not be difficult for a professional to cope with the task, but for beginners there are some difficulties.

Self-defense is enabled in the antivirus settings. To be able to completely remove the application, you must first disable it. To do this, perform the following steps in sequence:

  1. Open application. It is enough to click on the antivirus icon located in the tray (near the clock, on the desktop).
  2. In the main menu, find the "Settings" gear icon.
  3. When a new window opens, you need to go to "Troubleshooting".
  4. Among the entries in the list that opens, you need to find the item "Enable self-defense module", and then uncheck it.

It should be noted that after disabling protection, the application will notify the user of a potential threat. Do not worry, as this is a necessary measure. Otherwise, you will not be able to get rid of the antivirus.

Removing an antivirus

Before you remove Avast antivirus, you need to understand what methods exist to remove the application. At the moment, 3 methods are known, thanks to which there will be no trace of anti-virus software:

  1. Windows uninstall tools;
  2. Avast application uninstall utility;
  3. Third-party programs designed to uninstall applications.

Removal by means of the OS

The easiest way to remove any programs for the user is to use the built-in uninstaller. Thanks to the OS tools, it is not difficult to remove Avast from your computer.

First of all, you need to go to the control panel. First, open the Start menu. In the menu that opens, you need to find the "Control Panel".

When a new form appears, the user should find "Programs and Features". This is necessary in order to proceed with the direct removal of the application.

Now it remains only to find it in the loaded list, and then choosing to delete it. To do this, you will need to click on the "Delete" button.

After a moment, the program's uninstaller will appear. To proceed with the elimination of anti-virus software, the user must click on the "Yes" button. If this is not done, the process will be automatically canceled after a minute.

When avast software is uninstalled, the computer will restart.

Registry cleaning

The operating system will boot, and the user will see that the antivirus is no longer there. In fact, everything is not quite right. To remove the program from the computer completely, you need to clean the registry.

Again you need to open the "Start" menu, and then in the "Find" field, write: Regedit. A similar command will start the registry operating system.

In the window that opens, users will see several sections that contain subsections and keys. You should be careful, deleting important for windows key will cause the system to crash.

To find all Avast keys, you need to open the Edit menu and then select Find.

In the search form, you will need to enter the word "avast". After clicking on the "find next" button, the registry will display a list of all found keys containing the search word.

You will need to press successively right click"mouse" on all the results, while choosing "Delete". In a few minutes, there will be no trace of the antivirus.

Utility from Avast

Many users are afraid to enter the registry, and since without it, remove avast free antivirus impossible, you have to use another method. The easiest way is to use the utility developed by Avast.

First you need to download the Avastclear utility from the official website of the developer. Since it’s impossible to uninstall Avast just like that, you need to boot into safe mode. To select the appropriate mode, when loading the OS, the user must press the service key "F8". When the list of modes appears, it is recommended to select "Safe Mode".

After loading the operating system, you will need to run the previously downloaded utility. To uninstall Avast, the user should select the directory where the antivirus is installed. If the security software was installed in the default folder, you do not need to select anything.

To get rid of traces of the "defender", you need to click on the "Delete" button. After a few minutes, the program will be removed and the computer will restart.

Third Party Utilities

Complete removal Avast free can be performed using specialized programs. The most popular applications include:

  • ccleaner;
  • UninstallTools;
  • Revo Uninstaller.

If you wish, you can find other utilities that completely remove programs installed on your computer. It does not matter which utility will be chosen as the uninstaller, since the principle of operation is identical for them. First, the software is removed, and then the registry is cleaned.

It should be noted that after uninstallation, the antivirus being removed will be eliminated, and the system will be rebooted. If this is not done, traces of Avast will remain on the computer.


Beginners find that they can't handle removing an antivirus program. Actually it is not. It is enough to follow the instructions and the application will be completely uninstalled from the computer.

The user only needs to decide on the method of uninstalling the program. Do not forget that after uninstalling you need to restart the operating system.

How to uninstall Avast

Hello dear readers of my blog! Today I will tell you several ways on how to remove Avast from your computer.

Many users who want to switch to another antivirus constantly ask this question. Usually removing Avast is done standard means"Start" - "Control Panel" - "Add or Remove" (in Windows XP), if you are using Windows 7, then at the end of "Programs and Features". Then we find AVAST in the list and click "Delete".

Logically, after the removal process, no more problems should arise. However, when installing a new antivirus, a message appears that it cannot be installed, since AVAST is present in the system. Here is such a non-standard situation.

In fact, the problem is that Avast deletes all its files, but the registry, where its parameters are registered, remains untouched (a small part).

How to uninstall Avast, method #1

Before starting the uninstallation process, check if the self-protection of the antivirus is disabled. To do this, right-click on the Avast icon, and in the menu that appears, select "Program Settings" - "Troubleshooting" or "Troubleshooting".

Now on the right you can see a list of various options that can be deactivated. Select "Disable Avast protection module!" or "Enable Avast Security Module!" (depending on Avast version). Now you can start removing the antivirus. If these actions did not bring results, then we read the article further.

How to uninstall Avast, method number 2

Go to the "Start" menu - "Run". In the window that opens, enter "regedit" (registry) and click "OK".

Please be vigilant! Do not remove or change registry settings that you do not know the meaning of!

This is what the registry editor window looks like.

In the window that opens, select "Edit" - "Find", or press the keyboard shortcuts "CTRL" + "F", a window with settings for the search will appear.

In it, enter the word "AVAST" and make sure to check the box next to "section names", click "Find next".

When the AVAST section or parameter is found, press the "DELETE" button on the keyboard and continue the search.

If the system does not allow you to delete this data, then you need to go into safe mode and repeat the manipulations.

If no more parameters are found, then restart the computer. Now you can install a new antivirus.

In the event that the method described above did not help you, there are several more methods on how you can remove Avast from your computer.

How to uninstall Avast, method number 3

For it, you will need a utility called Aswclear, download the program from .

1. We start the computer in "Safe Mode".

2. Now run the aswclear.exe program.

3. In the window that opens, there will be a “Select product to uninstall” field, select your antivirus in it.

4. Press the "Uninstall" button - delete and wait about a minute.

5. When the program says "Program was successfully removed", close the program.

6. A message will appear prompting you to restart the operating system, we agree, click "OK".

Congratulations! Avast has been successfully removed from your computer! Now you can install the new antivirus.

If none of the methods worked, then try using the Revo Uninstaller program. How to use it we read in the article "".

See you soon!

To uninstall AVAST (Free, Pro, internet security), as well as for other anti-virus programs, using the standard Windows procedure is not enough. The thing is that the software that ensures PC security is more firmly "fixed" in the file system and registry. It also actively uses software self-preservation mechanisms.

Many users who do not know this feature often encounter characteristic difficulties when trying to uninstall Avast:

  • incorrectly perform uninstallation (part of the kernel remains in the OC, cluttering up system partition);
  • cannot be deleted at all (attempts to send to the trash are regarded by the antivirus as malicious third-party interference).

Fortunately, there are ways to bypass such problems. The instructions below will tell you in detail how to uninstall Avast, based on the specific situation and the level of your user skills.

Preparing for the removal procedure

Regardless of which uninstallation method will be used, the first step is to disable the antivirus self-defense module. Quite often, it is he who hinders the efforts of the user.

  1. Click in the tray (lower right corner of the desktop) the Avast icon.
  2. Select "Settings" from the main menu (gear icon).
  3. In the submenu that appears, click "Troubleshooting".
  4. In the list of settings, uncheck the box next to "Enable self-defense module ...".

After disabling the option, the antivirus will warn of a potential threat to the security of the PC. But do not worry - in this situation, this is the right step.

Click "YES" and confirm your intentions.

METHOD # 1: uninstalling the antivirus with the Avastclear utility

It should be noted that this method is the most acceptable and, most importantly, reliable. It does not require special knowledge and skills from the owner of the computer regarding the use of the OS. Avastclear was created by the developers of Avast antivirus and can be trusted 100%. Well, who, apart from the creators of the product, knows its features and properties so well!

1. Go to the official website of AVAST (

2. Hover over the "Support" section and click "Downloads".

3. On the page that opens, select the item "Removal tool ...".

4. Find the instructions at the bottom. Click on the link "avastclear.exe", located in its first paragraph.

5. Wait for the download to complete on the PC and run the utility (as administrator).

6. Confirm restarting OC in safe mode - the "Yes" button.

7. After restarting the system, in the drop-down menu of the utility, select the name of the product that is installed (for example, avast! Free) and activate the "Uninstall" command.

8. Avastclear will display the progress of the procedure on its panel, after which it will ask for confirmation to restart. Click Yes.

If all the steps were performed correctly, then Avast antivirus will not leave “not a trace or stains”!

METHOD # 2: uninstalling the antivirus using regular Windows tools

This option requires more skill and effort from the user. But nevertheless, it helps out a lot when there are no special programs for deleting files and folders at hand. And also, when it is not possible to download the Avastclear utility and use it accordingly.

Warning! If you have never worked with the registry and file system OC, it is better to seek help from a PC repair and tuning specialist. Otherwise, instead of one problem, two or three may appear. And then the machine will completely lose its working capacity.

1. Turn off the module self-defense avast. Go to the start menu and open the control panel.

2. Select the "Uninstall a program" option.

3. Find the antivirus in the list of programs that appears, select it PC mouse, and then click in top menu"Delete" option.

4. Click "Start" again, type "regedit" in the line. Click the shortcut that appears in the "Programs" list with the same name. This is a registry editor: it will help to remove from the computer all entries and keys related to Avast remaining after uninstallation.

5. In the editor's "Edit" submenu, click "Find...".

6. Write in the "Find:" column the word "avast" (required in Latin!) And click the "Find Next" button.

7. Analyze the search result and delete the entries containing the name of the antivirus in their name (for example, section 00avast).

8. Continue searching (option "Edit" >> "Find next"). All remaining keys must be completely removed.

Attention! If an anti-virus program installer is stored on the PC hard drive, it will also be displayed in the registry (the directory where it is located will be indicated). Leave this entry in the editor as is. And to delete a file, it's better to use the standard Windows function from the context menu.

9. Open the OC explorer, type "avast" in the search bar, press the "ENTER" key.

10. Select the antivirus files found by the system on the mouse LC, open the menu and click "Delete".

Restart your PC and enjoy the absence of Avast!

METHOD # 3: uninstalling the antivirus with the Revo Uninstaller Pro utility

Universal solution: suitable for both experienced and novice users. The only condition is the presence of the utility on the PC hard drive.

1. Run Revo Uninstaller, find Avast in the list of programs.
2. Hover over the antivirus icon, click the PC mouse and select the "Uninstall" command.
3. The "native" uninstaller of the program is activated. Use it by clicking "Continue".
4. At the end of the uninstallation, select the "Restart later" command.
5. Go to the Revo Uninstaller window, set the scan type to "Advanced" and click the "Scan" button.

6. Mark all the folders and files found by the utility (“Select All”), click “Delete”, and then “Finish”. Perform similar actions with the identified registry entries.

After the uninstall procedure, empty the Recycle Bin and restart Windows!

The second and third methods can be used when uninstalling other antivirus products. The principle and tasks are similar - complete cleaning OC.

Good luck in mastering the PC, dear reader!

In this article, I want to touch on the problem of removing Avast antivirus, because they often contact me on this issue. You won’t take much money for removing Avast, you will only lose more time. The whole problem is that it is difficult to remove it (or rather, it is not difficult to remove Avsat, but then you have to clean the registry for a long time). Avast leaves a lot of garbage behind in the computer and in the registry. Registry entries are especially unpleasant. The problem is that if you once had Avast antivirus installed (this is especially true for those who had a trial version of the program) and the license ended on it, then you won’t install it a second time, or rather you will install it, but it won’t work anymore, because that when reinstalling, the registry already has a record of the end of the license.

In general, I would not recommend using this antivirus. Believe me, it is better not to spare money and install a normal antivirus program, for example, Eset Nod 32 or the well-known Kaspersky. Moreover, the price of a license for a year, for example Eset Smart Security is only 1690 rubles, and for 3 computers. That is, if you chip in with three friends, comrades or relatives, then it will come out in total (I’ll save it on a calculator right now) for 563 rubles, and this is for a year (well, plus interest for transferring money via the Internet will turn out to be about 600, and an extension for another year is somewhere around 400 rubles). You paid once and, as they say, sleep peacefully all year and you won’t have to think about how to delete all sorts of Avasts. From my own experience, I would advise everyone to install Eset Smart Security (and not just Eset Antivirus, but Eset Smart Security, since this version is more suitable for active Internet users), Kaspersky is of course also good, but I don’t advise installing it on old computers or computers with low performance.

In this article, we will look at 3 ways to remove Avast antivirus.

METHOD 1. How to completely uninstall Avast (standard delete using the built-in Windows tools, followed by cleaning the registry)

So, we will use the standard Windows tools. The method is very confused for an inexperienced user, and it is worth using it if you have already uninstalled Avast and traces of it still remain.

Open the start menu and go to the control panel

In the control panel, find and select "Uninstall programs"

In the program uninstall panel we find our Avast antivirus and to remove it, double-click on it with the left mouse button

The Avast installation window will open. Select the "Uninstall" tab and click the "Next" button. The deletion process will begin. Follow the instructions of the program. At the end, you will need to restart your computer

AT command line"Run" enter the command regedit R12; which translates as registry editor, and click the "Ok" button

This is actually the R12 registry; the heart of the computer (or rather the operating system). We put the cursor at the very top on the line "Computer"

The program will find the first value with the remains of the Anti-Virus. Delete it by clicking on the "Delete" button

And so on until you remove all values ​​with the word Avast. The procedure can take a long time for an inexperienced user. In the end, when the registry is cleared, it does not hurt to restart the computer.

Now Avast is completely removed.

METHOD 2. Removing Avast using the antivirus manufacturer's utility.

I will describe it briefly, since it is unlikely that you will need it, since this utility. also does not completely remove Avast, and after that you will also have to clean the registry.

So go to the official website of the manufacturer at

On the right side of the site, find the "Support" section

At the bottom of the site in the section "Orders and Offers" we find a link to the program

In the lower left corner of the browser we find the downloaded file and run it with one click

The automatic removal process will begin. The computer will reboot into safe mode and run the program, you will only need to confirm the Avast removal process. Then computer five will reboot itself and, in principle, everything is ready.

METHOD 3: Uninstall Avast Completely using special uninstaller programs.

If you are still a novice user, then I advise you to read about this method to the end.

Eating special programs uninstallers, which, after removal, in addition, also clean up the remaining traces of programs from the registry and hard drive, thereby preventing contamination of the computer with unnecessary files left after deletion. They are suitable not only for removing Avast. but also for all programs. So I advise you to choose the most optimal one for yourself and use it constantly. For example, I use Revo Uninstaller, which I advise you. I will not praise it, see for yourself and draw conclusions for yourself.

So run the installed Revo Uninstaller

And we find the Avast program in the list! Select it and click on the "Delete" button at the top.

First will go standard process avast antivirus removal

We follow the instructions of the program, but at the end we mark the item “Reload later” with a dot (that is, you do not need to restart the computer). Click the "Done" button

Now in Revo Uninstaller you need to scan for the remaining junk files. Mark the item "Advanced" with a dot and click the "Scan" button

Search process junk files and values ​​may take some time, so you can go make yourself some tea or coffee in the meantime. After scanning, the program will display the registry values ​​​​remaining from Avast. We mark all the checkboxes, click the "Delete" button. After the process is completed, click the "Next" button

We restart the computer. Hooray! All is ready.

No related posts

You can uninstall Avast antivirus with standard Microsoft tools Windows or using a special utility.

Choose a deletion method:


2. Select the menu item " Control Panel»:

3. In the window " Control Panel" Choose a section " Programs and Features" (or section " Programs", and then - " Programs and Features»):

4. In the window " Programs and Features

Avast select tab " Removal" and press " Further»:

8. Click " Yes" (or " Yes

To restart a computer" and press " Ready»:

Program Files

1. In the lower left corner of the screen, click on the " Start»;

2. Select the menu item " Control Panel»:

3. In the window " Control Panel" Choose a section "":

4. In the window " The installing and deleting of programms» select the program to be removed;

5. Click on the " Delete” (or the button “ Change»);

Avast select tab " Removal" and press " Further»:

7. Click " Yes" (or " Yes”) if prompted to delete:

To restart a computer" and press " Ready»:

When you remove a third-party antivirus using standard Microsoft Windows tools, some folders and files may remain in the system, so you need to check the folder " Program Files' after restarting the computer. If the folder contains folders and files of a third-party antivirus, then they must also be deleted and the computer restarted again.


Avast ESET NOD32.

Safe mode" or " safe mode»:

5. Then click " Uninstall

To remove a third-party antivirus yourself using standard Microsoft Windows tools, follow these steps:

Specify the operating system. For operating room users Windows systems Vista/7. For users of the Windows XP operating system.

1. In the lower left corner of the screen, click on the " Start»;

2. Select the menu item " Control Panel»:

3. In the window " Control Panel" Choose a section " Programs and Features" (or section " Programs", and then - " Programs and Features»):

4. In the window " Programs and Features» select the program to be removed;

5. Double-click the left mouse button on the program name;

6. Confirm that you really want to uninstall the program;

7. In the opened window of the antivirus removal program Avast select tab " Removal" and press " Further»:

8. Click " Yes" (or " Yes”) if prompted to delete:

9. Wait for the deletion to finish, check the item " To restart a computer" and press " Ready»:

When you remove a third-party antivirus using standard Microsoft Windows tools, some folders and files may remain in the system, so you need to check the folder " Program Files' after restarting the computer. If the folder contains folders and files of a third-party antivirus, then they must also be deleted and the computer restarted again.

1. In the lower left corner of the screen, click on the " Start»;

2. Select the menu item " Control Panel»:

3. In the window " Control Panel" Choose a section " The installing and deleting of programms»:

4. In the window " The installing and deleting of programms» select the program to be removed;

5. Click on the " Delete” (or the button “ Change»);

6. In the opened window of the antivirus removal program Avast select tab " Removal" and press " Further»:

7. Click " Yes" (or " Yes”) if prompted to delete:

8. Wait for the deletion to finish, check the item " To restart a computer" and press " Ready»:

When you remove a third-party antivirus using standard Microsoft Windows tools, some folders and files may remain in the system, so you need to check the folder " Program Files' after restarting the computer. If the folder contains folders and files of a third-party antivirus, then they must also be deleted and the computer restarted again.

To remove a third-party antivirus yourself using standard Microsoft Windows tools, follow these steps:

Specify the operating system. For users of Windows Vista/7 operating system. For users of the Windows XP operating system.

1. In the lower left corner of the screen, click on the " Start»;

2. Select the menu item " Control Panel»:

3. In the window " Control Panel" Choose a section " Programs and Features" (or section " Programs", and then - " Programs and Features»):

4. In the window " Programs and Features» select the program to be removed;

5. Double-click the left mouse button on the program name;

6. Confirm that you really want to uninstall the program;

7. In the opened window of the antivirus removal program Avast select tab " Removal" and press " Further»:

8. Click " Yes" (or " Yes”) if prompted to delete:

9. Wait for the deletion to finish, check the item " To restart a computer" and press " Ready»:

When you remove a third-party antivirus using standard Microsoft Windows tools, some folders and files may remain in the system, so you need to check the folder " Program Files' after restarting the computer. If the folder contains folders and files of a third-party antivirus, then they must also be deleted and the computer restarted again.

1. In the lower left corner of the screen, click on the " Start»;

2. Select the menu item " Control Panel»:

3. In the window " Control Panel" Choose a section " The installing and deleting of programms»:

4. In the window " The installing and deleting of programms» select the program to be removed;

5. Click on the " Delete” (or the button “ Change»);

6. In the opened window of the antivirus removal program Avast select tab " Removal" and press " Further»:

7. Click " Yes" (or " Yes”) if prompted to delete:

8. Wait for the deletion to finish, check the item " To restart a computer" and press " Ready»:

When you remove a third-party antivirus using standard Microsoft Windows tools, some folders and files may remain in the system, so you need to check the folder " Program Files' after restarting the computer. If the folder contains folders and files of a third-party antivirus, then they must also be deleted and the computer restarted again.

You need to try uninstalling your antivirus first Avast using standard Microsoft Windows tools.

In some cases, after removing the antivirus Avast and restarting the computer system registry the operating system may have entries that make it impossible to install the antivirus ESET NOD32.

To resolve this situation, follow the instructions:

1. Save the special utility (file aswclear.exe) on the desktop of your computer:

2. Reboot the computer in "safe mode" - when the computer boots up, press the F8 key and in the boot selection window that appears, select " Safe mode" or " safe mode»:

3. After downloading in "safe mode", find and run the downloaded file aswclear.exe;

4. In the window that opens, select the product to remove if it was not selected automatically:

5. Then click " Uninstall» and confirm that you want to delete this program:

6. If the removal was successful, you will see the line " Program was successfully removed". Then close the window and restart your computer:

ESET Company assumes no responsibility for the result of this utility, as this software provided by the developer of the third-party antivirus.
We strongly recommend that you seek help from experts when using a special utility to remove a third-party antivirus.

You need to try uninstalling your antivirus first Avast using standard Microsoft Windows tools.

In some cases, after removing the antivirus Avast and restarting the computer, entries may remain in the system registry of the operating system, due to which it is impossible to install the antivirus ESET NOD32.

To resolve this situation, follow the instructions:

1. Save the special utility (file aswclear.exe) on the desktop of your computer:

2. Reboot the computer in "safe mode" - when the computer boots up, press the F8 key and in the boot selection window that appears, select " Safe mode" or " safe mode»:

3. After downloading in "safe mode", find and run the downloaded file aswclear.exe;

4. In the window that opens, select the product to remove if it was not selected automatically:

5. Then click " Uninstall» and confirm that you want to uninstall this program:

6. If the removal was successful, you will see the line " Program was successfully removed". Then close the window and restart your computer:

ESET does not take responsibility for the result of this utility, as this software product is provided by a third-party antivirus developer.
We strongly recommend that you seek help from experts when using a special utility to remove a third-party antivirus.

If you need help removing a third-party antivirus, you can contact our free technical support.