Update Assistant. Update Assistant Windows 10 Update Assistant

Windows 10 Upgrade Assistant is the very tool thanks to which you can forever forget about problems when updating the system and we will allow you to download the installer.

Some time after the “ten” was officially published, the opportunity arose to hold. This event was somewhat reminiscent of the release of the first service pack (SP1) for previous operating systems. It was there that users were able to get acquainted with such a new component of Windows 10 as the update assistant. By the way, you can download it separately. Both from our portal and from the official developer resource.

We never tire of repeating that you must continually improve the system. This means that you must install all the patches and updates that Microsoft releases. Of course, you can skip minor and cosmetic changes, but if we are talking about a planned or critical update, then skipping it can be critically dangerous.

What is Windows 10 Upgrade Assistant for?

First, it’s worth taking a little look at the process of getting the first major system update. For this:
  • Go to the corresponding page of the official website, where you can download all the necessary files;
  • Look for the update icon and click on it;
  • Please wait while this utility is downloaded;
  • Save the file in a location convenient for you;
  • After launching, all you have to do is click on the appropriate button and wait for this utility to perform all the necessary actions.
Initially, the program will simply check the PC for compatibility of all components, as well as for compliance with the minimum system requirements. Most often, no questions arise here, but it happens that:
  • The user does not have a license key;
  • There is not enough space on the system disk to download or unpack update files;
    Some other points.
If you have managed to download and install Windows 10 Update Assistant, and it has carried out initial testing of the system, then you can start the process of downloading the necessary files. At the same time, the user himself will be able to continue working at the computer and open all the necessary applications.

When all the update processes are completed, you will be able to freely use the updated version of the system. If after some time you decide to return to the previous version of the OS, you can use the same tool for this.

If you no longer need this system component, you can remove it yourself. Along with it, the Upgrade folder should disappear, which sometimes takes up too much space. This is convenient if you have a small hard drive and would like to use the space more efficiently. At the same time, we recommend that you also use the standard capabilities of your system.

The standard functions also do a good job; they allow you to at least keep track of how things are going and whether there are actually any new items. You can use third-party resources and third-party utilities as tools, and the native function as a way to check if everything is going well.
To summarize, we recommend downloading the assistant for those who do not want to do anything at all. If you want to at least somehow maintain control over your PC, then we recommend using the built-in features. Alternatively, you can use them in addition to what you downloaded and installed on your Windows 10 computer.
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Keeping up with Windows 10 updates is very important, as they bring new features to the system and fix bugs found. That's why Microsoft provides several ways to install the latest versions of Windows. One of them is the Assistant program.

What is Windows 10 Upgrade Assistant for?

"Helper" is a small program that does not require installation. It automatically scans the system, detects the presence of available updates and offers them to the user, if, of course, they were found. Once the latest versions have been found, they will begin downloading and installing. The utility carries out the entire process itself: the user only needs to launch it and confirm the computer restart, which is necessary to complete the installation of updates.

The application does almost the same thing as the Update Center built into all versions of Windows. However, it has a different design and can work in the case when the Update Center is for some reason unable to find or install new versions.

Download the application

The application is free, so you should only download it from the official Microsoft website. Please note that this page presents two programs: the Update Assistant tool for updating installed Windows 10 and the program for migrating from a previous version of the OS to the “top ten”, located below. We are interested in the first option.

Go to the Microsoft website and download Update Assistant

Installing updates

To install updates, do the following:

  1. After launching the application, confirm that you want to update.
    Click the “Update Now” button
  2. Wait until the utility verifies that your computer is suitable for installing the latest version of Windows. You will receive a refusal only if the PC components do not meet the minimum requirements.
    We are waiting for the end of the computer analysis
  3. The download of updates will begin. The procedure can last more than an hour: its duration depends on the speed of the Internet. After all the files have been downloaded, you will be prompted to restart your computer or delay its reboot for a certain time.
    Reboot the computer or set the time
  4. When the restart is complete, the updates will be successfully installed, and you will receive a corresponding notification from the program. This completes its task, delete it or put it aside until next time.
    The program notified you that updates have been installed

Video: Using Windows 10 Upgrade Assistant

Removing the Windows 10 Upgrade folder

After using the program, a Windows 10 Upgrade folder will appear on drive C or another system partition. It will store the files needed for the update and the application itself.

The Windows 10 Upgrade folder can be removed by uninstalling the program

If you are sure that you will no longer need it, but want to free up disk space, then you can delete this folder by following these steps:

  1. Expand Control Panel. Open the “Control Panel”
  2. Go to the “Uninstall a program” block.

Recently, upgrading to the latest versions of Windows 10 began to be done not using the usual “Update Center”, but through a special utility called “Windows 10 Upgrade Assistant”. English version of the application name “Update assistant”. If you are using the latest version of Ten, then the Assistant is most likely already installed. By default, after installation it is located on the system drive (usually drive C) in the folder Windows10Upgrade. The application is launched by double clicking on the file Windows10UpgraderApp.exe.

How to install Windows 10 Upgrade Assistant

If you haven't found the Assistant on your computer, you can easily download and install it. To do this, go to https://www.microsoft.com/ru-ru/software-download/windows10 and click the “Update now” button. An installation file will be downloaded, which will allow you to install the utility. As we can see, everything is quite simple.

Update using the Assistant

Once launched, the application will detect the current version of Windows 10 and offer to install the latest version.

The update is initiated by the “Update Now” button, although the computer configuration will first be analyzed to determine whether it meets the requirements of the operating system. The Assistant will also check whether there is enough disk space. If any problem is detected, a warning message will appear and the procedure itself will be interrupted. The most common problem is that there is not enough free disk space for the update. An example of the message that appears in this case is shown in the screenshot below.

After eliminating all inconsistencies, you can click “Try again”, another option is to cancel the update and then start it again. If Update Assistant gives the go-ahead this time, the download and installation of the necessary files will begin. At this time, you can work with any applications as if the update had not been made.

How to remove Windows 10 Update Assistant

Some users do not see the need to update their “top ten”, so they tend to remove Update Assistant. This is not difficult to do, and such an operation does not pose any threat to the operability of the system. The Assistant is removed in the same way as any other application. Open “Control Panel”, and then go to the “Programs and Features” section. In the list, find “Windows 10 Upgrade Assistant” and select it.

Many Windows 10 users complain about forced system updates. And even when the system goes beyond the support limits (Windows 10 versions 1507, 1511 and soon 1607) with which new updates stop being released, the system will be updated to the latest version. The update occurs through the Update Assistant, which is restored even after its removal. In this article, we will describe all possible methods − How to disable Windows 10 Update Assistant.

First, let's decide on the actions that will help us:

  • Disabling via Task Scheduler
  • Uninstalling Update Assistant and cleaning up folders
  • Executing the script

Disable Update Assistant via Task Scheduler

First, you need to open the Task Scheduler. Open the Run window ( Win+R ) and enter the command Taskschd.ms c or right-click the Start button (or Win+X ) and select Computer Management and then Task Scheduler.

Follow the path Task Scheduler Library\ Microsoft\ Windows\ UpdateOrchestrator

Disable all tasks that are in this folder. The tasks responsible for launching and installing the Assistant are called Update Assistant and Update Assistant CalendarRun, but to be sure, it’s better to disable everything.

With these manipulations, we disabled the launch of the update assistant, but to be sure, we will delete the remaining traces.

Uninstalling Update Assistant and cleaning up folders

To completely disable the Update Assistant and remove its traces, we need to follow these steps:

  • Uninstall Windows 10 Update Assistant
  • Cleaning up folders
  • Uninstalling an update KB4023057

To get started, go to Programs and Features (Win+R - appwiz.cpl), find Windows 10 Update Assistant in the list and uninstall it.

Then, delete the folder in the root of drive C - Windows10Upgrade.

Or run the command in the command prompt window:

rmdir /s /q C:\Windows10Upgrade

Then you will need to uninstall the update KB4023057, which the Upgrade Assistant brings to all “old” systems.

To do this, open the Programs and Features window again and select View installed updates .

Then, in the search, find the update KB4023057 and remove it. Or run the command:

wusa.exe /uninstall /kb:4023057 /quiet

Well, the last option is to execute the script.

Executing the script

To do this, open Notepad ( Win+R - notepad ) and copy the following text there:

@echo off:Loop taskkill /im Windows10UpgraderApp.exe /f 2>nul taskkill /im SetupHost.exe /f 2>nul PING localhost -n 30 >nul goto Loop

Save the file in the root of your C:\ drive and name it WU.bat (where *bat is the file type).

This script will terminate the Windows 10 Update Assistant process every 30 seconds. But if you close the Command Prompt window, the script will stop executing.

For automation, let's create the following VBS script. Open Notepad and copy the following text.

Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") WshShell.RUN "cmd /c c:\WU.bat", 0

Save this file with any name, but in * format vbs, For example, script. vbs . Then, place this file in the Startup folder. To open it, run the command shell:startup in the Run window ( Win+R ).

Now, after the system boots, a script to disable the Update Assistant will be executed automatically in the background.

Learn more about the new version of Windows 10 Redstone 4 (or Spring Creators Update).

Many users have already encountered Microsoft's aggressive policy regarding OS updates. A developer from Redmond decided that he knew better what the user needed and activated the receipt of forced system updates constantly, regardless of the user’s wishes. Owners of PCs and laptops did not like this attitude. Moreover, after such a forced update, the OS often turned out to be incapacitated. Therefore, a question arose among users: how to disable Windows 10 Update Assistant? For he is the root of all troubles.

What is Update Assistant?

Windows 10 Update Assistant is a kind of “assistant” in installing updates in Windows 10. It can install both permanent security updates and global “updates” that completely change the distribution version and operating system options. Everything would be fine, but this “assistant” does it all without asking. Often a reboot is required while working with important documents, for example. And it’s far from a fact that after these very updates the OS will start. System crashes are common. Therefore, it is not surprising that users are en masse looking for an answer to the question of how to remove or get rid of Windows 10 Update Assistant.

Method 1: Disable Update Center

The main problem is that even if you uninstall the Update Assistant program, after several reboots of the device, it will still spontaneously download and install using Windows Update. This means you need to disable updates.

Open the Start menu, go to the System Tools - Windows directory and click on Control Panel.

In the control panel, select “Administration”.

Next, click “Services”.

We look for “Windows Update” in the list. It's somewhere down there. Click on it twice.

Now in the “Startup type” line, change the status to “Disabled”, click “Stop”, then “Apply” and “OK”.

All. The automatic update service is disabled. Now you can safely disable Update Assistant and be sure that it will no longer appear on the user’s computer.

Method 2. Disabling the assistant through the scheduler

But what if the user still needs updates? How to disable Windows 10 Update Assistant without interfering with system services? You can try to do this using such a useful option as a scheduler.

In the Windows search bar, enter the word “Scheduler” and click on the text “Task Scheduler” in the search results.

In the scheduler window, look for the “Microsoft” folder. Then - “Windows”. In this directory you need to find the “UpdateOrchestrator” folder and view all processes.

Now we find the tasks “Update Assistant”, “UpdateAssistantCalendarRun” and “UpdateAssistantWakeupRun”. We disable them by right-clicking on the task and selecting the appropriate item in the menu.

Now you can safely uninstall Windows 10 Update Assistant in the standard way: using the Control Panel and the “Programs and Features” item.

Method 3: Block using a firewall

There is an option that many users will find much easier. You can use Windows Firewall and simply block or prevent Update Assistant from accessing the Internet. This way you can save traffic.

In the Control Panel, click on “Windows Defender Firewall”.

Then click “Advanced options”.

In the left panel, select “Rules for incoming connections”, and in the right panel, click on the “Create rule” item.

In the first window of the connection creation wizard, select “For program” and click “Next”.

Now we select the application for which we create the rule. Through “Browse”, select the “Windows10Update” directory. There, select the first file “BOOTSECT” and click “Next”.

Now select “Block connection” and click “Next”.

In the next dialog box we do not touch anything. Just click “Next”.

The final stage. Come up with a name for the rule (any name is possible) and click “Finish”.

It is necessary to repeat this procedure for all executable files that are located in the “Windows10Update” directory, and also block them by creating outgoing connection rules. After this, no OS update assistant will be installed again due to the next update. All that remains is to remove the program itself in the familiar way.

Method 4: Completely uninstalling the Update Assistant

If previous methods talked about how to disable Windows 10 Update Assistant or pause its operation, this one provides information on how to “cut out” the assistant from the operating system completely. Including all its folders and updates. The process can be divided into several stages.

Stage 1. Uninstalling the program itself:

The removal process will occur in “quiet” mode. The operating system will do everything itself.

Stage 2. Removing the program's working directory:

Typically, the “Windows10Upgrade” folder is located in the root of the “C” drive and is automatically deleted along with the program of the same name. But if this does not happen, then the directory can be easily deleted using Windows Explorer and the Del key. The folder is absolutely not protected from deletion.

Step 3: Uninstall Windows Update Assistant-related updates:

The next appearances of the Remote Update Assistant are responsible for such update packages as KB4023814 and KB4023057. To prevent the assistant from appearing in the future, you need to uninstall these updates. It's very easy to do.

Open the “Start” menu, select the “System Tools – Windows” directory, right-click on the command line and run it as administrator. Read also: .

Next, in the command input window, enter the following text: “wmic qfe list brief /format:table”. This action will show a list of all installed updates. If it does not contain the above updates, then nothing else needs to be done.

But if they are, then you need to enter a command like “wusa /uninstall /kb:X”. Where “X” is the update number (without “KB”). This command will start the uninstall process. The same should be done with the second update package. After this, you will have to restart your PC or laptop.

So, now it’s clear what Windows 10 Update Assistant is. The thing, of course, is harmful, but now everything is known about how to turn off and remove Windows 10 Update Assistant forever. There is nothing complicated about this. You just need to strictly follow the instructions - and everything will work out.