Popular hashtags children models. Why are hashtags on Instagram so important? What it is

When hashtags first started making their way from Twitter to television, many thought they would never become fashionable. However, today people (including stars and TV presenters) are happy to use phrases like: “Hashtag I-told-you-so,” “Hashtag Sorry-I-am-not-sorry.” Hashtags have entered speech and become an integral part of platforms such as Twitter and Instagram.

Again, it's helpful to use 3-5 popular hashtags as they tend to be associated with many similar ones. If they are then tagged with the right hashtags, chances are they can also get a lot of comments and comments. You have additional tips about how to get your contributions into the top 9?

Write them in the comments! Today we will see the best hashtags that are used. Almost nothing! The positive part is that they will be the ones who influence us indirectly. We've covered our latest guide, now Hopper wants to take care of your hashtag game. Whether you'll be aiming to gain thousands of followers or simply brainstorm new ideas to optimize your channel, having a key hashtag strategy in place. Here's everything you need to know about it!

And since Instagram is one of the most popular and engaging social networks, it is very important to understand what its hashtags are and how to use them.

In this guide, you'll learn why these elements of social interaction are important, what an Instagram hashtag campaign is, and what tools are available for hashtag research. The guide contains best practices and examples of small companies using them successfully. It will be useful for both experts in working with social networks, as well as companies that do not have an Instagram profile - and everyone who is at intermediate stages.

You probably have a general idea that hashtags are best for the fashion industry, but it might be worth expanding your knowledge and doing a little research. Add them to your list as they may be relevant to your content.

They are data-driven and allow you to target your photos to the right audience and audience. large group of people. Once you've done your research and found interesting hashtags, it's time to experiment! The best idea is to have a healthy mix of several high volume, medium and low volume hashtags; combining both obvious and less obvious keywords will ensure that you get the best of both worlds and reach a wider audience.

Why are hashtags on Instagram so important?

Just like on Twitter, a hashtag on Instagram automatically becomes a link that the user can click to see other public posts tagged with it. Hashtags can be part of or an extension of a conversation, and they can also start a conversation between you and your users, which is extremely valuable: Instagram users are especially open to interacting with small businesses.

Yes, we will wait until you finish jubilantly. Oversized hashtags. They can give you quick results as the photos appear in front of millions of people in the latest posts. Your content really needs to be amazing to stand out in such a fast transition, but stay positive - you don't want to miss out on the chance to be featured in the Top Posts of a popular hashtag!

Should I even add this to the list? High volume hashtag trends. Middle-hechtags. Using a very popular hashtag will give you immediate results, but your photos will soon be lost in the archives of all the images using that tag. Medium hashtag volumes still allow your post to be seen by thousands of people viewing recent posts, but won't disappear too quickly.

People often click on hashtags that interest them or search for posts containing a specific hashtag. Therefore, relevant hashtags in your public posts that meet the interests of users significantly expand your audience reach. Instagram often allows you to connect with potential clients who would otherwise not know about your existence: hashtags are what make this possible.

Simply double-tap the photos you like and details of your completed purchase will be sent to your inbox. Low voltage hashtags. A more specific hashtag, although unusual, will reach an engaged community that is more likely to appreciate your post, which in turn will also stay at the top of the tags page longer. Get our free social trend forecasting newsletter.

📈 Discover the following weeks to discuss topics before they happen. 🔥 The hottest marketing articles from around the Internet. Travel is a very popular photography niche, and the interest in these images extends beyond traditional photography. Think: travel companies, airlines, tour guides, magazines and blogs, for example.

Except for paid Instagram service Ads, hashtags are the most effective method help target audience find you, which is necessary to get regular, engaged followers on this platform.

Every company benefits from having one or two branded hashtags of its own. Most companies use them in every post and encourage users to share them. These hashtags should be as relevant as possible: good examples for small businesses are #ilove9round and #wheredoyoubarre.

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What best way see your own travel images? Tagging your image with a search hashtag allows others to find it by filtering in the search bar. However, if you tag your image with the presentation hashtag, it means you are submitting your work to the features page for your consideration. If you've seen the film adaptation of Jon Krakauer's non-fiction book of the same name, you should be able to imagine the look and feel of the images using this hashtag.

It is worth including the name of the company in your brand hashtag: then it is unlikely to be stolen from you, and people will know how to use it. Do extensive research before deciding on a hashtag, and be wary of typos, mistakes, and ambiguity. In the next section, you'll learn about hashtag research tools.

Solitude, desert, adventure, frugality and a backpack or caravan as a feature of the home are common. There are no egotistical, hard-to-see facial features as the hashtag suggests, the numbers in these images should be dwarfed by the surroundings - and this should ideally be impressive.

Use this tag if you are excited to share your travel discoveries with the world. If you want to keep your destiny a secret, you might be better off avoiding it. Whether you're looking down on a city for a mountain pass, a tall building, or a flying drone, this is a good label to showcase your best cityscapes.

What is a hashtag campaign on Instagram?

These campaigns are used not only to increase brand visibility and awareness, but also to drive engagement and conversion. In number good examples includes hashtags created to generate user-generated content, non-profit hashtags, hashtags for events and branded competitions.

Typically the most common shortcuts are used and also the easiest to find. The mark that will be used when your images are shown goes beyond scratching the surface, but instead to deepen your journey, immerse yourself in a culture, leave a well-worn mark, or learn a local language.

This hashtag is perfect for those who love comfort, boutique hotels, visiting historic castles and drinking a glass of red with an ocean view. It's also a favorite of travelers who want to share the contents of their suitcase with the world or are curious about what others pack.

An advertising campaign on Instagram can attract a lot of attention and bring significant profits. Typically, although not always, such a campaign is not built on the main brand hashtag. Campaign hashtags can serve as calls to action, such as #wearyellowforseth.

Use it to share your scenic panoramas of beautiful places, grainy captures of desert road trips, and city landmarks. Images that inspire others to buy a plane ticket are more likely to be noticed.

Attach this to your travel photos of any place that's stalled. Sometimes nostalgia sets in and you can't help but look back at old photos of your time on the road. If you get any attention, please share it with this hashtag. Photographers must use natural light to magical effect in unique compositions that have the unique ability to transport the viewer to a dream world. Shauna is drawn to imagery that conveys a feeling, although she also admits that nature photography is currently what most likely attracts the community.

To launch a campaign like this, think about what you want to achieve with it and focus on that. Post several posts containing a description and, if necessary, an explanation of why the campaign is important and what you want to achieve. Include a CTA in every post in the form of a hashtag or plain text so that users know what action they need to take.

The photographs featured in this international community of travelers, storytellers and creators encourage viewers to keep exploring. Each image is a window of color in a unique destination, accompanied by a story or personal anecdote to paint a more vivid picture of the place and situation.

Adrenaline sports, intrepid journeys and dizzying heights appear frequently in this typically grainy image. This hashtag is perfect for those who live frugally on the road but know how to live to the fullest. Adventure inspiration for travelers whose idea of ​​fun lives in a cabin in a remote forested mountain valley.

Tools for learning hashtags on Instagram

For those who are about to launch a hashtag campaign or want to find popular hashtags that expand their reach, there are great tools that can greatly speed up the process. Hashtags are just as important as keywords on websites or blog posts: if you don't use them correctly, you won't connect with your target audience, and using them correctly requires research.

“Make sure your presentation has color, we prefer natural colors, and we ensure your images are geo-located, they cannot be secret,” writes Tiny Atlas Quarter founder Emily Nathan. The team looks to photographs of paths less traveled and destinations to come rather than to themselves, which is about small people in big places.

The human presence blends perfectly with the environment. Unusual destinations, flora and fauna are likely to generate interest.

With more than worldwide, it has become a fantastic channel for companies to reach their customers.

Off-the-shelf tools can help with different aspects of research: some, like Hashtagify, are good for creating hashtags, while others, like keyhole, let you determine search volume for certain hashtags.

15 Great Hashtags to Increase Visibility

Trending topics come and go, and there are pros and cons to using certain hashtags, but a few are always good to add to improve your results. Sometimes very general options instantly increase engagement and audience reach. Examples of such hashtags:

This shows that many brands have joined the visual platform to promote their companies and are posting news regularly. More content means lower engagement. They will also use your "relationship with the person and punctuality of the post" to fill your channel. This means you can't just trust the real-time update industry or increase the frequency of posts to appear more in your subscribers' feeds. You should focus more on the preferences of your audience and use innovative methods to attract them.

  • #love
  • #instagood
  • #tbt (Throwback Thursday)
  • #wcw (Woman crush Wednesday)
  • #mcm (Man crush Monday)
  • #photooftheday / #picoftheday
  • #instalike
  • #food (who doesn’t like food?) / #instafood / #foodporn
  • #family
  • #nofilter
  • #blackandwhite
  • #motivation

#love is the most popular hashtag on Instagram: it contains more than 988,000,000 posts.

A powerful user can find at least 30 hashtags in their update, which is the case with the hashtag limit per post. More hashtags means more tans in your photos. So how do you find the appropriate hashtags to post for each post?

This process is similar to doing keyword research. Use relevant hashtags that your competitors and brand supporters use in their updates. Adding popular hashtags will expand the reach of your post, but make sure you only use ones that are relevant to your products and that fit your brand personality.

The visibility of these hashtags is high, but the competition for attention and engagement is also significant. Don't overuse them: add only one or two of them to each post and focus on hashtags that are most relevant to your target audience. Your posts should not give the impression that they were written by a spambot for the sake of likes.

Best practices for working with hashtags on Instagram

Do you want brilliant results? Here are some best practices for this.

Additionally, if you include less popular hashtags in your posts, you will appear at the top of the search feed when people search for them. Look for weak hashtag competitions. Professional advice. Go back to your old posts and add relevant hashtags to the comments. Your post will begin to appear in the search feed for the added hashtags. You will see growth in your engagement as well as new followers.

Take a photo contest to attract followers

Inviting your community and encouraging them to create visual content will strengthen your relationship with them and significantly increase your brand's visibility. So how can you start your first competition? Choose a goal and set metrics to measure the effectiveness of your competition.

  • Use a lot of hashtags. On Twitter this is not possible due to post length restrictions, and on Facebook you simply cannot do this, but posts on Instagram with many hashtags increase engagement: many studies show a relationship between its level and the number of hashtags. Don't limit yourself to just one - use at least 11 if possible, but be sure to put your most important hashtag first.
  • Use local/geographic hashtags. This is especially important for regional businesses and those trying to attract visitors to an event. Using hashtags like #moscow or #obninsk will allow your posts to get noticed by interested locals, and your profile will direct them directly to the store. You can also tag your location in some posts, which is a useful perk.
  • Change hashtags. One of the biggest mistakes is to constantly use the same hashtags without any variety. While your branded hashtag should be present throughout, other tags should be varied to expand your audience.
  • Use your branded hashtag in every post. This increases engagement and user content with your hashtag.
  • Support trendy topics, whenever possible: trending content will be seen by many people. But always do your research on such topics before using relevant hashtags to make sure they don't have controversial connotations (this happens more often than you think).

Examples of small companies successfully using hashtags on Instagram

Most articles on marketing strategies highlight cases of large brands, but they are not the only ones achieving good results on Instagram. Here are some case studies of small and medium-sized companies achieving success using hashtags.

You can conveniently collect relevant posts on a topic by soliciting applications through a specific hashtag for a contest. Then choose a topic that will satisfy your audience and create an experience where they can share it. They provided photos of mustaches on cup holders and asked their customers to share their mustache photos with restaurant tags. They offered trips and gift cards from the restaurant as prizes, which is a great incentive to increase traffic.

As you finalize the details of the contest, take the time to promote it. This language can help you humanize your messages by increasing the level of openness Email, engagement and conversions. So it's stupid to integrate them into your updates so they have expressions. Simply Measured, in its analysis, found that the “heart of love” received the most participation in each post. "Radiance" and "The Artist's Palette" are next on the list for wider participation.

Hawker's makes great food and their hashtags are just as good. All branded hashtags are listed on their profile where they are visible so people remember them better and use them more often.

Hawker’s also choose suitable hashtags for their posts: it’s always a mixture that includes:

brand mention
popular trends, for example #noms and #streetfood
funny hashtags like wishyouwerebeer

In some posts, the company uses #SolveHunger to draw attention to the fact that it is engaged in charity. This great way increase engagement and improve your company's reputation.

Johan Persson is a talented landscape photographer who uses Instagram to promote his work. And it has great hashtags.

Each post contains many hashtags. This is especially good because the photos are self-explanatory. Hashtags usually include:

  • the most common ones, for example #instalove, #picoftheday and #instagood
  • geographical (help local companies find the right audience)
  • more specific hashtags such as #vsco and @tromso

The combination of very specific and very general hashtags allows this photographer to significantly expand his audience while at the same time reaching interested customers who are ready to make a purchase.

Joanna Bayert sells ceramics and uses Instagram to promote them and find new customers. Her project has many engaged subscribers.

All regional businesses should use geotags in the same way as Joanna. Many posts are tagged with hashtags like #schmidtartists and #millcitymarket to communicate her location—and where to buy her creations—to locals. This helps people interested in Instagram posts know what events she appears at and find her there. After all, there's no need for fancy sales tools if you can sell without them.

Promotion on Instagram: why does a business need visual marketing?

Instead of a conclusion

Instagram is an important platform that can help any brand thrive: it has great sales potential and drives engagement. Proper use of hashtags allows you to attract many subscribers and sell them your product or service - that’s why it’s so important to choose the appropriate options.

Fortunately, guided best practices and examples from other companies and using valuable research tools, you can find or create the right hashtags to grow your audience.

Hashtags on Instagram for likes are used to increase the number of visitors, as well as to increase likes. This is one of the most effective methods of profile promotion. If few people know your online account, then the problem is most likely the lack of interesting posts signed with popular hashtags. Correct selection tags allows you to make the post available to a larger number of people, including potential clients and buyers, and an amateur photo will get more comments and likes.

How to use hashtags to get likes?

If you want every post on Instagram to get a lot of likes and the number of subscribers to continuously grow, use tags correctly. Many users neglect this rule. Some people don’t use keywords at all, considering it a useless exercise that has no impact on the number of views. Some people are simply too lazy to select the right tag. After all, you will have to spend a little personal time on this. Others, on the contrary, try to put a maximum of tags under each photo, limiting themselves only to the limits set by the application itself.

Both the first and second options are wrong. It’s better to stick to the golden mean here: you shouldn’t try to include too many tags, but you shouldn’t leave the post without them at all. On average, the number should not exceed 5-7. Overdoing it with tags can play a cruel joke - the post will look “overloaded” and unnatural, like annoying advertising. This especially applies to personal photos, and to a lesser extent to advertised products from online stores. In any case, it will not be possible to write more than 30 individual words on Instagram, since there are standard restrictions.

To get likes on Instagram, not only the number of tags is important, but also their relevance. The word or phrase written after the hash mark (# sign) should serve as a concise description of the product or depicted object. In other words, hashtags on Instagram should be selected according to their meaning: for picturesque landscapes - some, for portraits of people - others, for animals - others. However, there are also universal tags that can be used for a wide variety of posts. They are not tied to any specific event or object and are, in a sense, neutral.

What are the benefits of using different types of hashtags?

A hashtag is a kind of beacon that notices search system when searching and displaying an image to the user. How can other users find your photo? Very simple:

  • by clicking on this keyword placed under someone else’s photo;
  • by entering the word in the search bar.

When publishing a post, you can use words that strictly correspond to the subject of the image or combine popular hashtags of various types. The latter can be classified not only according to meaning. Consider the possibility of writing words in different forms - separated by a space (the “_” sign) or together, in different languages. You can enter words in Russian, but in letters of the Latin alphabet. Sometimes additional characters are used at the end. Most often, words are written in Russian or English languages(relevant for Russian-speaking audiences).

Most popular hashtags

Such tags for Instagram are valid in the short term. The effect they produce is reminiscent of a shot. Immediately after posting a post, below it is typed maximum amount likes. However, after quite a bit of time, clicks on the tag will sharply decrease, or even stop altogether. The point is that it is very a large number of posts are signed with the same tags, which means that if the photo does not make it to the top, it will quickly end up behind the pages of the first pages.

The most popular tags in Russian that can be used for different types photo (universal): #Moscow #life #life is beautiful #sky #insta #instatag #me #smile #selfie #likes #photo #photography #love, etc.

The most popular tags in English: #happy #beautiful #selfie #love #Instagood #picoftheday #like4like #me #smile #likeforlike #bestoftheday #l4l #friends #fun #fashion, etc.

It is best to combine using mixed tags for promotion. This will allow you to attract your audience from several sources at once. For example, you can use tags in Russian and English, combine universal hashtags with those that are strictly related to the chosen topic.

Second place in popularity

To quickly gain likes on Instagram, you should not neglect the tags that are in second place in popularity. They will allow you to keep the post afloat for a longer time, but the number of likes gained in the short term will be less.

These include: #hot #fitness #Instamood #f4f #eyes #night #Instatag #l4l #followforfollow #girls #all_shots #nature #party #life #Instagramanet and others.

Russian-language tags for getting likes: #view #hello #my #best #subscribe #Instagramnet #city #look #follow #we #club #instatag #photography and other popular tags.

Mixed hashtags for likes: #followforfollow #life #subscribe #Instagramanet #Instagramanet #style #Instamood #iphoneonly #hello #my #happiness #followforfollow and others.

Third place in popularity

If you want to maintain the interest of your target audience for as long as possible, increase sales or promote your account, then tags that occupy third place in the ranking will come to your aid. According to them, the number of visitors is smaller, but users will get to your page over a longer period of time. The post will stay in the first positions longer, and perhaps even get to the top.

You can also come up with your own hashtag and sign your photos and posts on Instagram with it. This is exactly what many stars and TV personalities with a large number of subscribers do. However, this is unlikely to allow to the average user without a record number of subscribers, quickly become popular.

When should you use the most popular tags?

What keywords are best to use and what do the most popular tags provide? Let's figure it out. Any tags, even the most frequently used ones, lose their relevance over time. This occurs due to loss of interest in certain topics. For example, if in the summer the words “sea”, “sun”, “beach” are at the peak of popularity, then after six months the number of clicks on them will sharply decrease. But tags related to the New Year and Christmas holidays, winter holidays, fortune telling at Christmas, etc. will “shoot”. You can also specify a specific time of year, event, or even a date in the hashtag. For example, for 2017, tags like: #summer2017, #autumn2017, #newyear2017, etc. are relevant. Choose keyword or a combination of words for Instagram is needed taking into account its relevance.

As for popularity, you need to take into account the following fact: the more popular the tag set, the more visitors it will attract in the short term. That is, the number of views will increase sharply, but not for long. After all, many network users sign photos with this phrase, which means the post will quickly leave the first page. Of course, if you're lucky, you can get to the top and stay there for a long time. However, not all images have a chance to get into the TOP leaders. The content must be of high quality and interesting for customers. Less popular hashtags for Instagram act differently: they do not give a sharp increase in subscribers and likes, but “work” for a long time, bringing visitors. It is also easier to get to the top and maintain positions here.