Popular on social media. Best social networks

The American rating agency Ebizmba has presented a list of the fifteen most advanced social networks in the world in terms of monthly traffic, spectacular business rate and rating according to Alexa Global Traffic Rank. Here's what happened.

1. Facebook - 900.000.000
2. Twitter - 310.000.000
3. LinkedIn - 255.000.000
4. Pinterest - 250.000.000
5. Google Plus - 120.000.000
6. Tumblr - 110.000.000
7. Instagram - 100.000.000
8. VKontakte - 80.000.000
9. Flickr - 65.000.000
10. Vine - 42.000.000
11. Meetup - 40.000.000
12. Tagged - 38.000.000
13. Ask.fm - 37.000.000
14.MeetMe - 15.500.000
15. ClassMates - 15.000.000

The figures are such that it seems that the whole world does nothing but spend the passing time of its only life on social networks. Indeed, if you calculate the time spent by the average user on social networks, the periods are impressive and make you wonder if all this time was worth spending on more beneficial activities for the soul and body.

There's nothing to be done, the world in the twenty-first century has changed so dramatically that today science fiction novels about the future of mankind, popular in the middle of the last century, cause a smile with their naivety and even some scarcity of the authors' imagination. Reality, as always, is much more fantastic than any fiction.

VKontakte - the eighth position in the global ranking of social networks

It was extremely pleasant to find our social platform VKontakte in the ranking of the best of the best. After all, we can, when we want! VKontakte is popular not only in our country, but also in dozens of other countries of the world. There are interfaces in national languages. By the way, the Telegram messenger, another project of Pavel Durov, has been rapidly breaking into the top ten on a global scale in the past two years.

Part of the social platforms from the list of leaders in our country is unknown and their names do not say anything to Runet users. According to philosophers, if you do not know about something, then this phenomenon, as it were, does not exist in the field of your perception, and therefore there is no point in discussing social media, unpopular in Runet.

Other social media known only by brand and do not have a particularly large number of users from Runet. There are world leaders who have really gained popularity, literally piercing space and time. Here they are of the greatest interest.

Social networks without borders and nationalities

Particularly international popularity refers to the so-called photo hosting, which somehow smoothly turned into full-fledged social platforms for communication, competing with the recognized world leaders Facebook and Twitter.

We are talking, of course, about such social networks as Instagram, Pinterest and Flickr. In the twenty-first century, which positions itself as the era of the information revolution, it is surprising to observe a consistent return to primitive methods of communication - the transfer of thoughts and feelings through images has literally captured all of humanity.

It turned out to be much more convenient and attractive for people to report their impressions not in text form, but by sharing the appropriate picture, expressing the right emotion for the moment. The influence of graphic content on the beautiful half of humanity turned out to be especially strong - about 80% of the regular users of Pinterest and Instagram are women.

So after all, on Facebook, the share of text content is steadily declining. And on Google Plus, news feeds are 90% full of photos, with text sharing limited to two sentences per image comment. And after the news spread around the media that German Chancellor Angela Merkel registered an Instagram account, we can assume that the social network with the exchange of thoughts through drawings and photographs is recognized at the official level. Perhaps the lady politician is trying to avoid NSA surveillance in this way.

During its relatively short time of existence, the social network VKontakte has gone through a serious path of development and has changed almost beyond recognition. From a kind of help desk for finding lost friends, VKontakte has transformed into a full-fledged multimedia service.

Updated in 2016 the design of the site VKontakte

And exactly multimedia capabilities just attract Internet users on VKontakte in our time. The search for school friends today does not surprise anyone. It has become a routine service that is used without even thinking that less than a decade ago, finding a roommate in the third grade was something of a miracle in reality.

The more differences, the more similarities

In an effort to keep up with the competition for the user, the largest social platforms shamelessly copy all the most successful finds from each other and, as a result, gradually turn into almost twins. The difference between Facebook, Google+ and VKontakte is about the same as between Pepsi and Coca-Cola. There are some national features and nothing more.

In contact with

This week the founder of the world's largest social Facebook networks Mark Zuckerberg, who has already hinted at his desire to lure the best specialists in the Russian IT industry to the United States.

Indeed, working in a social network looks tempting, because such projects can be safely considered one of the most popular areas in the development of Internet technologies. Hundreds of millions, what's there, billions of people are eager to exchange daily useful information, arrange meetings, share fresh impressions from your life. The world of social networks is an entire industry where the fittest survive. Where is it worth leaving your mark, and what projects will not be able to shine in front of the public?


Of course, the social network Facebook has every right to be considered the most common today around the globe. Moreover, the number of users continues to grow steadily, striving for the volume of all users of mobile devices in the world. At the same time, FB itself is being improved: new tools appear, the network speeds up, and integration with smartphones is developing.


The Foursquare project is a social network that offers the possibility of registering users at specific locations on the map. Today, about 20 million people participate in it, each of which strives to become a champion in the "check-in". The practical use of the network is as follows: you can track the movements of friends and acquaintances on the map and intersect with them if possible.


The Google+ social network allows you to keep in touch through an existing Google account. In other words, having your own mail, you can easily get yourself a page on Google+. The project is developing very rapidly, and its extensive capabilities are in many ways not inferior to Facebook. By the way, it has recently become possible to video chat with several people, up to ten friends.


If the main goal of the user is to exchange messages with friends, then Imo.im - great choice. This application offers instant messaging and is easy to install on most smartphones. Thanks to Imo.im, the user can freely send text messages friends from different social networks.


The social network Instagram, bought by Facebook, although no longer formally an independent project, looks quite independent. With the help of Instagram, you can quickly post photos processed with all sorts of filters. This application is easy to use, convenient and widely popular.


The social network of professionals - this is how LinkedIn positions itself. With this program, you can easily find your work colleagues, make appointments, and share experiences. Over 175 million people use LinkedIn worldwide.

Twitter App/TweetDeck

Twitter remains the leader in short messaging today. He is extremely popular among all segments of the population, including show business stars and politicians of the first magnitude. On Twitter, you can upload and share photos, videos, and links to websites.



The Pinterest app allows you to share photos with friends and family. You can find on the web those things that are of interest to the user, and then post them on your page. Other users can repost these items, as well as comment on the tagged items. More recently, Pinterest has released apps for mobile operating system Android, as well as for the iPad tablet.


Social networks began to gain popularity in 1995, when the Classmates.ru website appeared on the Internet platform. Such a project was to the liking of users, and like a mushroom rain, more and more new projects fell down. The main “BOOM” came in 2003-2004, when social networks such as Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn, etc. were invented. Most people can hardly imagine their life without social networks. With the help of such simple and simple applications people have limitless possibilities. Every day, more than a million photos are posted on social networks, more than a billion messages are written, videos are shot, blogs and discussions are maintained. Sometimes it seems that the social network is the whole life. Given the fact that users voluntarily publish their data on social networks, marketers can easily determine the market for a particular product, but some unscrupulous people can use this information for their own bad purposes. Also in history there are cases of dependence on social networks, and cases of mental disorders from dissatisfaction with the sensations of one's own demand.

Social media rating for 2016

10th place. myspace

The site was created in 2003 by Chris DeWulf. About 42 million people use this social network.

9th place. In contact with

Pavel Durov created this social network with the aim that students and graduates could communicate with each other. But later the site was recognized as “The fastest and most convenient”. This social network has about 70 million registered users.

8th place. Classmates

About 44 million users visit this site per day, and in general about 100 million are registered. It was created by Albert Popkov, and initially it was just a hobby of the creator, but when the site began to gain popularity, it became a job.

7th place. Instagram

This social network is very popular with many Internet users. Millions of photos and “selfies” from all over the world pour into it every day. This site was created by a couple of Mike Krieger and Kevin Systr. The number of registered is about 110 million people.

6th place. Tumblr

Invented this network in 2007 by David Karp. More than 110 million people visit the site every month. Unfortunately, this site is not very popular among the post-Soviet countries.

5th place. Google Plus+

4th place. LinkedIn

The network was created in 2002, it is very popular in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. Its creator is Rudy Hoffman, and the site traffic is about 225 million people per month.

3rd place. pinterest

This network has been gaining popularity since 2010, when it was invented by Ben Zilberman. On this moment attendance of the social network Pinerest about 250 million people a month.

2nd place. Twitter

Despite the fact that this social network is considered quite young, created in 2006, it is proudly ranked second, as the site's monthly traffic reaches 350 million people. The invention was made by Biz Stone and Jack Dorsey. The purpose of creating this network was to post news and action.

1 place. Facebook

To date, more than 900 million people have registered on the social network Facebook. She rightfully comes first. The web was invented by Mark Zuckerberg in 2004. Initially, the site was available only to Harvard students, which was Mark himself. Since 2006, access to the network has been opened to the whole world.

In Russia, the rating of social networks is slightly different from the world. The reason is that Russians have their own vision of this world, and individual ways of perceiving the world around them. The population of the Russian Federation prefers the Vkontakte website to the Pinterest website, the Odnoklassniki website to the Tumblr website. This is how the ranking of Russian social networks in 2016 looks like:

  1. Tumblr
  2. pinterest
  3. Google Plus+
  4. myspace
  5. LinkedIn
  6. Classmates
  7. Instagram
  8. Twitter
  9. Facebook

Today, people communicate more and more in the virtual space. Internet and mobile devices allow you to do it almost anywhere. The most popular social networks play the role of a kind of bridge between vast distances and at the same time a small state, each of which has its own rules.

Today people are more and more connected in social networks.

In itself, the concept of a social network has already become quite vague, since many of those virtual sites that are called by this name are instant messengers, video streamers, video hosting, photo hosting. Nevertheless, all these communities are recognized as social networks.

List of the most popular Russian social networks. networks differs from the similar global one. Mainly on the first two lines:

  1. In contact with
  2. Facebook
  3. Skype
  4. Google+
  5. Viber
  6. facebook messenger

This is the list we have for 2016.


VK has traditionally been the leader among all other social networks in Russia and many CIS countries for many years. In October last year, the contact turned ten years old, and it remains a virtual monopoly in the field of online communication between Russians. The average daily audience is about 64 million visitors.

Every year and mobile app, and the web version get new features that are present in other social networks. One of these was the emergence of "Stories", with the help of which you can tell your friends and subscribers about your life on video or photos. In addition, there appeared Money transfers and well-known voice messages.

OK.ru is the fifth most popular Russian site. Odnoklassniki all the time step on the heels of Contact: 51 million users per day - but nevertheless they can never catch up with him.

This year in social networks appeared broadcasts from groups, money transfers, the OK Video application. Odnoklassniki also try to provide users maximum amount communication opportunities. It is worth noting that both sites: both VK and Odnoklassniki belong to the Mail.Ru Group.


Facebook was in third place largely due to the existence of the Russian counterpart - VKontakte. Since it is more convenient for us to use the brainchild of Pavel Durov, and many have many more friends there, 6 million Russians visit Facebook every day.


Skype cannot be called a full-fledged social network. network, as it is still deprived of many of the functions inherent in the same VK. The main feature of Skype has been and will be video calls. Yes, there are chats and the ability to add personal information, but most people use Skype for video or audio calls.

Despite the emergence of programs such as Viber, WhatsApp, FaceTime, Skype does not lose its popularity. Perhaps because many are not yet sufficiently accustomed to new substitutes for the old reliable program.


Google+ is Google's failed attempt to create its own social media. net. Unfortunate because the popularity of Google + is declining every year. When users there will not remain at all - a matter of time.

The most interesting thing is that Google + takes the fifth place in our country. In other countries, it is already, in general, practically not listed due to low popularity.

A popular application is taking over the world with rapid steps. Today, WhatsApp is used by hundreds of millions of people around the world: the monthly audience is 1 billion. It is also quite popular among Russian users.


An analogue of WhatsApp with similar functionality. However, it is more often used to make calls than to exchange messages.

Viber is already starting to lose ground after the appearance of such popular means of communication or social. networks like whatsapp.

Instagram is in eighth place, but in the world it is constantly in the lead and is in the top five. This is the network used a large number of youth. It became finally considered social after Direct appeared on Instagram - a chat with users.

Instagram is gradually starting to outpace Twitter. At Insta everything is built on the exchange of photos, on Twitter - on short messages.

Twitter has gained a foothold in the post-Soviet space, but is beginning to lose popularity to Instagram, which is gaining new users. The monthly audience is 7.7 million people.

On Twitter, the main feature is the little notes about their lives that users share with each other. Naturally, the creators did not stop there and added many more different features: chat, the ability to post videos and photos, likes and reposts - making Twitter a full-fledged social network. network.

facebook messenger

Facebook messenger cannot be considered as a separate social network either. This is an application that allows you to chat with your friends.

However, despite this, Facebook Messenger was in the top ten most popular networks. The messenger has an arsenal of features similar to Viber and WhatsApp.

How are things abroad?

  1. Facebook
  2. facebook messenger
  3. WeChat
  4. QZONE

YouTube is also well known to the Russian user, but in the world it is ranked second, and as one of the most popular social networks. networks. Billions of videos are watched daily on the site, and the number of accounts is 1.3 billion.

Well, perhaps in a few years YouTube will become as popular with us. The service currently mainly acts as a server for a huge number of videos, allowing users to create their own channels, comment on each other, put “likes” or “dislikes”.

Tumblr appeared in Russia relatively recently and is just beginning to gain its popularity. While in the rest of the world it is already in the top ten. Its monthly audience is 555 million people.

Social networks with the largest number users

  • Created: October, 2010
  • Founders: Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger (later joined by others)
  • Number of accounts: 200,000,000

Short description: It is said that some normal people use this application to share their photos and videos with friends. However, the protracted guys with an overestimated sense of their own importance were even more delighted with the new lure, which allowed them to share with the whole world the look of their lunch, dinner, carpet, toilet bowl and slippers.

9th place. Classmates

  • Created: March, 2006
  • Founders: Albert Popkov
  • Number of accounts: 205,000,000

Brief description: Odnoklassniki is said to rank first among domestic social networks in terms of the number of downloaded pornography. Also, Odnoklassniki was remembered for paid registration from 2008 to 2010 (only a stripped-down demo version of the account could be opened for free). Average age of users: about 30 years old.

8th place. Tumblr

  • Created: 2007
  • Founders: David Karp
  • Number of accounts: 210,000,000

Short description: social network for bloggers. You write a blog, post pictures and reveal your amazing inner world to others. Your friends do the same. To cheer each other up in this not a simple matter, you can like and comment on individual elements of revealing individuality.

7th place. Badoo

  • Created: November, 2006
  • Founders: Andrey Andreev
  • Number of accounts: 220,000,000

Short description: perhaps the most popular international dating site, which includes all the elements of a social network.

6th place. LinkedIn

  • Created: May, 2003
  • Founders: Reed Hoffman
  • Number of accounts: 225,000,000

Short description: business social business network. The site interface is available in 20 languages. Representatives of about 200 different countries are registered in the network. Users have the opportunity to leave a resume, find a job, publish lists of available vacancies, search for information about various enterprises, establish business contacts, share information about upcoming conferences, business meetings, visits, etc. In a word: boredom. And no Frenzy Farm.

5th place. In contact with

2nd place. Google+

Number of accounts: 540,000,000

Short description: the funny thing is that many of these social media opponents of yours have become involved in the Google+ sect. And it all started harmlessly: by arranging a tempting mailbox from google. Its temptation is as follows: firstly, it ends with kosher all over the world.com, and secondly, as a nice bonus, each user receives virtual storage on Google Drive.

And so you use your mail, upload a couple of photos, put +1 on the publications of your friends and quietly laugh at the losers who have been sucked into social networks.

What is interesting: one of the main principles of its work, Google called privacy (already ridiculous). At the same time, the info that the user posts, sends / receives by mail, directly affects the result. search queries. Google says it's personalization George Orwell says that big Brother watching you O.O

1 place. Facebook

Short description: intrigue with the first place, of course, did not work out. Facebook is the bedrock and alma mater of modern social media as we know it. It was the FaceBook that gave humanity such a concept as "Like" (the richest spiritual heritage, what else). And your favorite century in its current form, without Facebook, would not exist either. Therefore, we congratulate the great creation of an American Jew on the predicted victory in our ranking.