Platform update procedure 8.3. Platform installation, platform update

One of the most popular accounting programs, 1C: Accounting 8, requires constant updating due to the development of new platform capabilities. We offer detailed instructions for updating the 1C platform, which will help you easily switch to a newer version.

To work, you will need the Internet with access to the 1 C site and 20 minutes of free time. So let's begin.

Make sure the release is correct

Before upgrading the platform, you should ensure that the configuration you are using supports the new version of the platform.

How to find out the release number of the 1C platform and configuration? To do this, open the “Help” section in the main menu and select “About the program”.

A window will appear on the screen where the platform release number will be indicated in the first (top) block, and the configuration release number will be indicated in the “Configurations” section (in the main block).

You can also find out the release number by clicking on the yellow icon with the letter “i” inscribed in it - it is located in the upper right corner of the main program window.

Download the update from the official website

We will not consider updating the 1C platform in user mode, but will perform the installation manually. You need to download the update on the official website using the following link: (authorization required!)

Updating the program version is available only to registered users, so enter the login and password that were issued at the registration stage in the form provided. If you are not registered, do so now.

Attention! If, after downloading and checking the platform version, as described in the first paragraph, the old version is displayed, most likely an incorrect installer option was selected (for example, “thin client”).

Find and run the installer

The developers packaged the updates in a RAR archive, so you will need an archiver program that supports this format. Find the downloaded platform update, unpack it into a separate folder and run the setup.exe file.

Wait while the installation preparations complete. Then, in the installer welcome window, click Next to proceed to select your options.

Select the required components and interface language

Before you update the platform, you must select the components to work with. If you are not a system administrator, leave those that the system offers by default and click the “Next” button.

In the previous paragraph, the system will suggest a folder for installation - by default it is Program Files. If the main program files are located in a different directory, install it using the “Change” button. This is important for the program to work correctly.

On the next window, select the appropriate interface language (Russian is suggested by default) and click the “Next” button.

Start the update installation process

In the new window, click on the “Install” button - after this, the installation of the update files into the system will begin.

The procedure takes several minutes and directly depends on the performance of the computer and the operation of other applications running at that moment.

If the User Account Control window appears during the installation process, agree that you really want to install this software on your computer - click Yes.

After copying is completed and settings are made to the system, the program will prompt you to install the protection driver.

If you are using a USB dongle that provides protection at the hardware level, uncheck the box - the necessary driver is already on your system. Do the same if you have linked the 1C application to a specific computer at the software level - in this case there is also no need for a driver. Go to the next window by clicking the “Next” button.

Attention! If you missed the checkbox and the driver is installed again, this will not affect your further work in any way.

Complete the update installation

At the end of the installation, a window will appear on the screen with a “Finish” button - click it.

We have described in detail how to update the platform through the configurator - if the process was successful, the program will work stably on your computer. To verify this, use its capabilities for several days.

After this, remove previous versions of 1C:Enterprise 8.3 so that they do not take up space on your hard drive. To do this, go to the “Control Panel”, select the appropriate item in the list and click “Delete”.

If you continue to work with configurations created for the version 8.2 platform, do not delete it.

Leave two platforms of different versions on your computer (in our case, 8.2 and 8.3) - they will start automatically when you select the appropriate configuration.

To update the 1C platform, you can contact a specialist, or you can do it yourself, there is nothing complicated. Let's see how to do it yourself in two simple steps.

Due to the constantly changing legislation of Ukraine and regulatory documents, changes and the introduction of new forms of regulated accounting and tax reporting, periodic changes are required in 1C programs. In addition, 1C developers identify possible software errors, refine the calculation mechanisms and user interface to make working with the program more convenient. For all these purposes, 1C develops and releases configuration updates, which in some cases require a different platform.

We are interested in the line " Technology platform 8.3" Click on this link and you will be taken to a page with version numbers:

Naturally, we are interested in the latter, that is, the top one. Click on the link again and here we select the platform for Windows (this section contains platforms for Linux, 1C:Enterprise Server, and much more, it is important not to confuse them!):

Finally we can download the distribution. In the next window, click on the link “ Download distribution" Save the distribution to some folder on the disk. Your browser may automatically start the download if it has a default folder configured.

Now in Explorer we look for the downloaded file. The distribution file is an archive, so it must be unpacked into a separate folder.

2. Installation of the 1C platform

It should be noted that the platform update process is no different from . we looked at earlier. It turns out that in order to do this you need to download the 1C platform distribution kit and install it. By the way, there is no need to delete the previous version of the platform. Different versions of the 1C platform can easily coexist on a PC, and when we launch 1C itself, it will automatically select the desired version of the platform.

Updating the 1C:Accounting 8 edition 3.0 program via the Internet

Update of the program 1C:Accounting 8 edition 3.0through the Internet.

The materials of the article are current as of December 5, 2014.

Reproduction of the article is permitted with the author indicated and a link to the source.

1C programs require constant updating. This is especially true for accounting programs, in particular the 1C: Accounting 8 program. The main reasons are the constantly changing legislation on accounting and tax accounting, the development of program capabilities and the correction of identified errors. For example, updates to the 1C: Accounting 8 edition 3.0 program are released almost every month, and sometimes several program updates are released within a month.

This article describes the procedure for updating the 1C: Accounting 8 edition 3.0 program via the Internet in user mode.

Updating the 1C:Accounting 8 edition 3.0 program consists of 2 stages:

Platform update 1C:Enterprise 8.3

For the 1C:Accounting 8 edition 3.0 configuration to work correctly, it is necessary to install platform 8.3 designed for this configuration.

For example, for the configuration of 1C: Accounting 8 edition 3.0. 37 You need to have the 1C:Enterprise 8.3 platform installed, no lower than 8.3.5. 1231 . On a lower release of the platform, configuration 1C: Accounting 8 edition 3.0. 37 will not even open, about which a message will be displayed when starting the program.

Therefore, before updating, let’s check the installed release of the 1C:Enterprise 8.3 platform.

This can be done by opening the Help menu - About the program or through the corresponding “show information about the program” icon (yellow circle with the letter i), located in the system commands area in the upper right corner (Fig. 1).

In the window that appears, we see that the 1C:Enterprise 8.3 platform release and the 1C:Accounting 8 edition 3.0 platform release are installed (Fig. 2).

It will not be possible to update the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform directly from the 1C program, either in user mode or through the configurator, so you must first download it from the technical support site for 1C:Enterprise 8 programs and install it on your computer.

To download the 1C:Enterprise 8.3 platform, go to the technical support site for 1C:Predariyatie programs, follow the “download update” hyperlink, enter the login and password received when registering the program (if the program has not yet been registered, then go through the registration procedure), in the summary table we find “Technology platform 8.3” and select the latest version of the 1C: Enterprise platform 8.3 ( in this case

From the presented list of possible options for platforms 1C: Enterprise 8.3 version, select “Technological platform 1C: Enterprise for Windows (Fig. 3).

If you have downloaded and installed the required version of the 1C:Enterprise 8.3 platform, but when you launch the program in the “About the program” window you still see the old platform, then most likely you downloaded the wrong version of the platform.

The 1C:Enterprise 8.3 technology platform is supplied as a windows.rar archive file, so after downloading this file you need to unpack it.

After unpacking, you need to find the file (setup.exe) and run it.

After preparing for installation by Windows Installer, the installation window for the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform will appear. Click the “Next” button (Fig. 4).

In the next window, we are asked to select the components of the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform to be installed and the path where the platform will be installed.

In most cases, we leave everything as is and click “Next” (Fig. 5).

In the next window, click the “Install” button to begin installing the 1C:Enterprise 8.3 platform.

The installation process of the 1C:Enterprise 8.3 platform may take several minutes, and the “User Account Control” window may appear in which you must confirm your desire to install this program on your computer (Fig. 6)

After which the installation process of the 1C:Enterprise 8.3 platform will begin, at the end of which you will be asked to install the 1C:Enterprise 8 program security driver.

This checkbox can be unchecked, because if you are using hardware protection of the 1C program (USB key), then this driver was already installed during the initial installation, but if you are using software protection (linked to the computer when installing the 1C program) , then this driver is not needed at all (Fig. 7). Click the “Next” button.

(if you do not uncheck this box, then nothing bad will happen, it will just install (reinstall) the 1C program protection driver)

In the last window, click the “Finish” button and the 1C:Enterprise 8.3 platform is installed on your computer.

A week after installing the new 1C:Enterprise 8.3 platform (after making sure that the program is working normally), previous versions of 1C:Enterprise 8.3 can be removed through the Control Panel (to save space on the computer’s hard drive).

Please note that if you are still using configurations that work on the 8.2 platform (for example, 1C: Accounting edition 2.0, 1C: Salary and Personnel Management edition 2.5, 1C: Trade Management edition 10.3, etc.), then the latest version of the platform is 8.2 cannot be deleted. You must have 2 platforms installed (8.2 and 8.3), which will be selected automatically when you launch the corresponding configuration.

Run configurations 1C:Accounting 8 edition 2.0, 1C:Salaries and Personnel Management edition 2.5, 1C:Trade Management edition 10.3 on platform 8. 3 , is not recommended, since this configuration is not tested by developers on the 8.3 platform and may not work correctly.

Video lesson "Updating the 1C:Enterprise 8.3 platform:

Updating the configuration of 1C:Accounting 8 edition 3.0 via the Internet

After updating the 1C:Enterprise 8.3 platform, you can proceed to updating the 1C:Accounting 8 edition 3.0 configuration.

We launch the working database in user mode.

If the program 1C: Accounting 8 edition 3.0 is set to automatically check for updates when starting the program, then in the lower left corner we will see a pop-up hint about the availability of a configuration update (Fig. 8)

If we click on this tooltip, we will immediately be taken to the Search and install updates processing (Fig. 13).

To configure automatic checking for updates to 1C: Accounting 8 edition 3.0 when starting the program, go to the Administration - Support and Maintenance menu (Fig. 9)

Here, in the “Program version update” group, select “Setting up program updates via the Internet (Fig. 10).

In the window that appears, select Automatic check for updates “When the program starts”, enter the User Code and Password, which we use to log into 1C technical support on the website www.users.v8 and click OK (Fig. 11).

We return to “Support and Maintenance” (Fig. 10).

To install the 1C: Accounting 8 edition 3.0 update, select “Search and install updates” in the “Program version update” group.

A window for choosing how to install the update appears. If the update files for 1C: Accounting 8 edition 3.0 are already installed on the computer, then you can select “Local or network directory” as the source and specify the directory in which the update files are located.

If these files are not yet installed on your computer, then select “Automatic search for updates on the Internet (recommended)” and click the “Next” button (Fig. 12).

The Search and install updates window appears, which shows which version of the 1C:Accounting 8 edition 3.0 configuration is available to us (in this case it is version, the size of the update file (67.5 MB) and we can look at the “New in version” hyperlink what's new in this version. Click the “Next” button (Fig. 13).

After this, the 1C: Accounting 8 edition update files are received via the Internet. If several updates were skipped that require mandatory sequential installation, then several update files will be received. Information about the number of required and downloaded update files will be displayed in the “Update files are being received” field. (Fig. 14)

The process of obtaining update files for 1C: Accounting 8 edition 3.0 may take a long time (from several minutes to several hours, depending on the performance of your computer and the speed of your Internet)

To install updates, the 1C program will ask for a username and password to enter the information database (not to be confused with the username and password for receiving updates via the Internet). You must select a user and specify a password (if one is set), which you specify when logging into the program. This user must have Administrator rights (Fig. 15).

After this, a window will appear in which you can choose how to install the 1C: Accounting 8 edition 3.0 update. You can install the update right now or when you close the program.

If there are other users in the database at the moment, you must ask them to leave this database. This is necessary to create a database backup. Using the hyperlink “View list of active users” you can see which users are currently in this database (Fig. 16).

You can also choose the option of creating a 1C backup. In this case, if an emergency occurs during the update process of 1C: Accounting 8 edition 3.0, the program will automatically roll back to the previous version while saving all data.

I recommend creating backup copies before starting the update by simply copying the folder in which your database is stored through Explorer. But if you make backups using standard 1C program tools, then it is better to first create a “Backups” folder on your computer and specify the path to this folder (Fig. 17)

The process of updating the configuration of 1C: Accounting 8 edition 3.0 is divided into several stages:

    Shutting down users

    Creating a backup copy of the infobase

    Updating the infobase configuration

    Allowing new connections


Information about the progress of the update process can be seen on the splash screen of the 1C: Accounting 8 edition 3.0 program.

After updating the configuration of 1C: Accounting 8 edition 3.0, the program will start in user mode and the update will continue. The progress of the further update process can be seen on the indicator (Fig. 19).

And at the end you will see the information “What’s new in this version”. In which, by following the link to the ITS website, you can read and see an illustrated version of the changes in this version of 1C: Accounting 8 edition 3.0.

To do this, go to the Administration - Support and Maintenance menu and find in the “Program version update” group, select “Update results and additional data processing” (Fig. 20)

All additional data processing procedures must be completed successfully (Fig. 21). Using the hyperlink you can see which procedures were completed successfully and if any procedure was not completed, you will see it. In this case, you need to contact a specialist to fix this problem.

This completes the update of the 1C: Accounting 8.3 edition 3.0 program, you can start working in the program.

I wish you success,

Sergey Golubev

Hello, dear readers of the portal site, today we will consider a very important topic, we will talk about how to correctly perform update 1C platform 8.2, platform version 8.3 is updated in the same way. Some people also call this operation 1C enterprise update, let us agree that in our article these expressions are also synonyms. On our website there is detailed instructions for updating all components of the 1C program, read.

The need and importance of updating the 1C platform

You and I know that the 1C platform is a kind of foundation, without which nothing will work. The platform bears full responsibility for the execution of all the main and most important functions of the program. New versions of the platform usually fix any errors and add new functionality. From all this it follows that 1C platform updates are quite important for the system to function properly, that is why it needs to be updated in a timely manner!

The initial stage of updating the 1C Enterprise platform

First, we need to download the latest version of the platform; this can be done from the ITS disk or through the 1C user support web interface. After you have downloaded archive with 1C platform update, unpack it into any convenient folder for you. Now run the “setup.exe” file. After launch, you will see the window shown below. Click "Next".

On this page you can specify any other path for 1C enterprise updates, but it is not recommended to do this, since by default all versions of the platform are installed in one folder, and it is much more convenient when they are installed in one place than in different ones. There is no need to change any settings in the window; by default, everything is set as needed. Click "Next" on the next page 1C platform 8.2 updates you will be asked to select the system language, the default is “Russian”, click “Next”.

Now click the final “Install” button.

The final stage of updating the 1C 8.2 platform or how to launch a specific version of the 1C platform

At the end of the installation, the installer will inform you that everything was successful. You will have a new 1C shortcut on your desktop, now when you start it, you will automatically launch the latest updated version of the 1C platform on your computer. If you want to launch another version of the platform or see what versions you have installed, then you need to go to the directory where you installed 1C. By default it is "C:\Program Files\1cv82\".


How to update the technology platform 1C:Enterprise 8.3

Get access to the 1C:Fresh cloud for free for 30 days!

This article is intended to help users install the update to the 1C:Enterprise 8.3 technology platform.

  • In this article, we are considering the option of installing a new version of the 1C:Enterprise 8 client platform on a local computer running Windows OS, with a file database without using virtualization technologies.
  • In this article, we do not consider updating the 1C:Enterprise 8.3 client on computers running Linux and MacOS.
  • In this article we do not consider updating the 1C:Enterprise server version 8.3.
  • The procedure for updating the platform for Basic versions of 1C programs is exactly the same as for PROF.
  • Registered users of basic versions of 1C programs can receive all updates to the 1C:Enterprise platform for free; users of PROF versions have the right to install updates only if they have a valid ITS subscription.

You can subscribe to ITS directly from our company, even if you are in another region and purchased the 1C program itself elsewhere. The main condition is that the 1C program must be licensed.

general information

The first thing you need to know about updating the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform is that a platform update is the very process of installing a new version of the 1C:Enterprise technological platform, and there are no special distribution kits for “updating” the platform. Updating the platform consists of a COMPLETE installation of a new version of the platform, exactly the same as during the initial installation of the program. For the Windows operating system, each version of the 1C:Enterprise platform is a separate, full-fledged program. You can easily verify this if you open the list of installed programs in the Windows OS control panel (Programs and Features):

The platform update procedure can be divided into three main stages:

  • Make a backup copy of the infobase
  • Download the 1C:Enterprise platform distribution kit
  • Install a new version of the platform.

How to make an archive copy of an information base?

The simplest option is to copy the entire directory with the information base or one file using Windows tools 1Cv8.1CD from the catalog with the information base.

How to download the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform update?

Registered users of legal programs of the 1C:Enterprise system can download installation distributions of the platform in the “1C: Software Update” section of the 1c portal (

Next, in the “Technology distributions” table, find “Technology platform” (at the time of writing, the working version is “Technology platform 8.3”).

Select the required platform release.

From the list of available distributions, select “1C: Enterprise Technology Platform for Windows” (even if you are using the 64-bit version of Windows, we can recommend the 1C 64-bit client version only for specialists who understand what they are doing and are aware of the possible consequences).

Save the archive with the distribution kit to the local drive of your computer.

Buy the minimum ITS subscription option for 1 month for RUB 4,818.

The installation distribution of the version 8.3 archive is saved as an archive file with the format name windows_8_3_XX_XXXX.rar, where XX_XXXX is the platform version number (in our example, windows_8_3_13_1644.rar).

Unpack the archive and run setup.exe from the folder where you unpacked the archive.
Please note: to install a new version of the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform, a Windows user must have administrator rights.

If you don’t know which item means what, then leave everything as default.

Buy 1C: Accounting 8 PROF + ITS for 3 months. for 13,000 rub.

If the language is not detected correctly in the "Default Interface Language" window, select the language manually.

If all installation settings are correct, click the "Install" button to begin the installation.

Installation may take a few minutes.

After installing the platform, a completion window will open in which you need to click the “Finish” button.

If you check the “Open Readme file” flag, a window with information about the platform will open.

The differences between the new version of the platform and previous versions and details of the transition to the new version can be found in the V8Update.htm file, which is saved in a folder like C:\Program Files (x86)\1cv8\\docs\ru (for version ).

Removing previous versions of the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform

Several versions of the 1C:Enterprise platform can be installed on a computer at once. If you are sure that you no longer need the old version of the platform and need to free up disk space, then you can remove it through the Windows Control Panel in the Programs and Features section. Select the old version you want to remove and click the "Uninstall" button in the toolbar above the list of installed programs.

How to configure the platform version for a separate infobase?

By default, when launching infobases, the 1C program uses the latest version of the technology platform installed on the computer, but sometimes it may be necessary to launch some infobases using an older version of the 1C:Enterprise platform.

To configure, in the window with a list of infobases, select the desired database and click the "Change" button.

In the infobase launch settings window, in the "1C:Enterprise Version" field, specify the version of the platform that needs to be used to launch this infobase. In our example, version 8.3.10 is specified - this means that to launch this infobase, the latest installed platform version 8.3.10.**** will be used. If necessary, you can specify the exact version up to the last character, for example

At the moment, you can simultaneously install the 1C:Enterprise 8.3 client of both x86 and x64 versions on your computer, and in the infobase settings you can specify the client of what “bit” you need to use to run this particular infobase.

Possible problems

When updating the platform, the software license disappeared

If, when starting the program, the message “License not found” appears, then it is possible that 1C has “lost” the installed software license.

If you are sure that the computer parameters have not been changed, then click “Get a license”, indicate the PIN code with which you previously obtained a software license on this computer, and in the window that opens, check the box “I am sure that the key parameters of the computer haven't changed."

The program will compare the current computer parameters with the parameters saved in the 1C licensing center when the license was previously obtained, and if the computer parameters match those recorded, the license will be restored.

If you do not know which PIN code was used to activate the current license on your computer, then write a request to the 1C licensing center [email protected] indicating the registration number and contact details of the organization. In response, you should receive a letter indicating the PIN codes and the computers on which they were activated.

Error: "System integrity violation detected"

If, after updating the platform, when starting the 1C:Enterprise program, the error “A violation of system integrity has been detected” appears.

The problem is that in new versions of the 1C:Enterprise platform, the mechanism for protecting the program from unauthorized use has changed.
This error is issued if means of hacking or bypassing the security system of 1C:Enterprise programs installed on the computer are detected, even if there is a USB hardware key or a software license has been obtained.

If you are using a licensed version of the 1C program, then it is possible that a hacked version was previously installed on your computer. To continue working on this computer, it is necessary to remove means of hacking or bypassing the protection of 1C programs. Unfortunately, there is no universal recipe for removing signs of hacking, because... There were many different options for bypassing the security system. There are several options to solve the problem.

The program simply closes after some time after launch

If, after updating the platform, the program begins to simply close at regular intervals after launch without any messages or errors, then most likely the problem is the same as in the previous case - a hacked version was once installed on this computer and to continue working it must be removed all residual traces of bypassing the 1C program protection system.


  • Option 1: Purchase a licensed version of the 1C software product;
  • Option 2: Go to work in "1C in the cloud".

Purchasing a licensed version of the 1C program

For urgent legalization of software products of the 1C:Enterprise system, we recommend purchasing “Electronic Deliveries”. Electronic delivery is a “boxless” version of the 1C program, which is 100% licensed and is functionally no different from the usual “box”.

You can purchase a licensed version of the 1C program directly from our company. After payment in your personal account of the official 1C Portal (, you will be able to download the program installation distributions, activation codes and documentation in electronic form (in pdf format) as quickly as possible. As a rule, on weekdays, access to distribution kits and activation codes opens within 3-4 hours after payment.
List of electronic supplies of 1C programs (from 3000 rub.)
Instructions How to download and install electronic supplies of 1C:Enterprise system software products.

Work in the 1C cloud (Cloud service 1C:Fresh).
In this case, you upload your database with all accumulated credentials to the 1C:Fresh cloud server (
You do not need to purchase the 1C program and install it on your computers. Work in the program is carried out via the Internet using a regular browser or the 1C Thin Client, which can be legally downloaded from the official 1C website completely free of charge.
Access to the 1C cloud server is provided on a rental basis under the SaaS (Software as a Service) business model. The cost of access to the cloud version of 1C is 500-600 rubles per month per user. The exact cost will depend on the number of users, the number of databases used, the chosen tariff and payment method.

For the first 30 days, access to the cloud is provided free of charge.

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Updating the 1c platform, How to update the 1c platform, 1c updating the platform 8.3, updating the 1c 8.3 platform, updating the 1c 8.3 platform instructions on how to update the 1c platform yourself, Updating the 1c platform on the client’s computer, How to update the 1c 8.3 platform yourself, Updating the 1s 8.3 platform on Windows, How to update the 1c platform through the configurator, How to download an update to the 1c platform, Update the 1c 8.3 platform through the configurator, 1c enterprise platform update, How to update the version of the 1c: enterprise platform, 1c installation of platform updates, Instructions on how to update the 1c platform 8.3, Download 1c updates 8.3 platform, Step-by-step instructions on how to update the 1c 8.3 platform, Updating the 1c technology platform, How to update the version of the 1c 8.3 platform, Updating the 1c platform via the configurator, How to update the 1c 8.3 platform yourself, Updating the 1c 8.3 platform via the configurator, How to update the 1c 8.3 platform on the client Windows, updating the 1s 8.3 platform through the configurator instructions, How to update the 1s 8.3 platform manually, Automatic update of the 1s platform, How to update the release version of the 1s 8.3 platform, 1s platform update error, update the 1s 8.2 platform, update the 1s 8.3 technology platform, 1s 8 update the platform , update platform 1c 8.2, update platform 1c to 8.3.12, update platform 1c 8, update platform 1c to 8.3.13, 1c enterprise 8.3 platform update, update platform 1c to 8.3.14, update platform 1c 8.3.12, update platform 1c to 8.3.15, updating the 1c platform on clients, updating the 1c platform to 8.4, updating the 1c 8.3 platform automatically, 1c enterprise update the platform, updating the platform on the 1c 8.3 client instructions, update 1c technology platform, website 1c 8.3 platform update, 1s 8.3 technology platform update, 1C official website platform update, how to update the 1C Enterprise 8.3 platform yourself, 1C official site update platform 8.3, How to properly update the 1C Enterprise platform, update the 1C platform, how to update the 1C Enterprise platform 8.3, 1C update platform 8.3 .13, how to update the 1s 8.3 technology platform yourself, 1s 8.3 accounting platform update, how to properly update the 1s 8.3 platform, automatic update of the 1s platform on the client, how to properly update the 1s 8.3 platform, automatic updates of the 1s 8.3 platform on clients, how to update the platform version 1s 8. 3 independently, the procedure for updating the 1C platform, update the 1C platform to 8.3.10, Updating the version of the 1C Enterprise 8.3 platform, how to update the 1C basic platform, after updating the 1C platform does not start, 1C 8.3 accounting update the platform, updating 1C 8.2 platform 8.3, how to update server platform 1c 8.3, 1c does not see the license after updating the platform, how to update the platform 1c 8 3, updating the platform 1c 8.3.13, how to update the platform 1s 8 3, updating the platform 1s 8 3, how to update the platform 1s 8.3 12 yourself, after updating 1C 8.3 platform does not start, 1C Enterprise 8 how to update the platform, Error when updating the 1C 8.3 platform, How to update the 1C ZUP platform yourself

Tags: How to update the 1C platform, Updating the 1C platform: Enterprise 8.3, How to update the version of the 1C platform 8.3