Step-by-step instruction. How to reinstall Windows on an Asus laptop? Step-by-step instructions Step-by-step instructions for creating a bootable USB flash drive

Although the title of the article is how to install Windows 7 from a flash drive on a laptop, the same method is used to install Windows 8, Vista or XP.

Why did I decide to write about this, since there are plenty of materials on this topic on the Internet? The thing is that I have never tried to install with windows flash drives on a laptop (netbook) - there was no need.

And just recently, an acquaintance approached me with a request, or rather for advice, why Windows 7 was not installed on his laptop.

The reason turned out to be drive failure. I decided to help him and install from a flash drive. I turned to the search engine for information, but according to the instructions written there, I could not install the operating system via a flash drive.

I had to experiment. That’s why I decided to describe the installation process; I think I’m not the only one who had problems.

I should immediately note that the laptop was old (more than 10 years), but the installation was successful. True, in some “antediluvian” it may not work out ( motherboard this option may not be supported).

I’ll also say right away that I’ve come across a statement online that if the flash drive is 3.0 and usb 2.0, then the laptop won’t see it during installation. This is not true, I just installed with 3.0, on an old laptop with usb 2.0.

So, what do you need to install windows from a flash drive (memory card)

  1. Flash drive of at least 4 GB (memory card).
  2. Operating system image in ISO format.
  3. WinSetupFromUSB program.

Program for installing Windows 7 on a laptop via USB flash drive

First, you will need to burn the Windows 7 image to a USB flash drive. The network offers to use special programs or in a standard way. Last method For inexperienced computer owners, it can be dangerous.

After my experiments, I settled on the “WinSetupFromUSB” program. It is free and the old versions are translated into Russian.

I used the latest (English - everything is clear without words) version and I recommend it to you. Where and how to download/install the program - what is written below is a little outdated (meaning downloading from the official website).

Now, after downloading, you need to install it. There will be two: for 32-bit laptops and 64. Run the one that matches the bitness of your operating system.

After launch, the program will immediately determine which flash drives you have enabled and display them at the very top. You will need to check two boxes (the first one, if the flash drive is formatted, is not necessary; the second checkbox is opposite the one you are installing Windows versions).

Then (when the checkbox is checked), with right side on the contrary, an icon will become active, by clicking on which you can tell the program where the Windows image in ISO format is located.

When you’ve done everything, calmly click on the “GO” option at the very bottom - the program will do everything on its own (format the flash drive and write a disk image). See fig.

Setting up a laptop's BIOS to install Windows 7 or 8 from a flash drive

This is where the most crucial moment begins. I can’t even describe it exactly, because there are so many models of laptops or netbooks: ASUS, HP, Acer, MSI, Toshiba, Dell, Samsung, Lenovo, Sony, eMachines, Fujitsu, Apple, Notebook, LG, IBM, Compaq, Intel , BenQ, DEPO, Medion, Clevo, NEC, Gigabyte, Gericom, Packard Bell, Gateway, Matsushita (each of them has a unique installation from a flash drive).

Bios is also not the only one. This could be American Megatrends (AMI), Award Software or Phoenix Technologies. First of all, you need to enter it, although not always (you can try to start installing Windows immediately after burning the image to a flash drive, just read the article to the end).

Nobody can tell you exactly how to enter your laptop’s BIOS and configure it to boot from a flash drive. Even if you have, for example, two Acer laptops with the same BIOS versions, but different motherboards, the settings may differ significantly.

Only experiments with your laptop will help you choose the right solution. You won't have any problems logging into its BIOS. Usually, immediately after turning on, diligently press the key: F1, Esc, F2, F10, Del or the combination Alt + F1, F10 = Setup. If that fails, experiment with the very top row of keyboard keys.

Not everything is simple here either. It would be good if there was a USB HDD item, as in the picture below.

But this doesn’t always happen – I didn’t have it. Other lines may also be responsible for loading from a flash drive, I had “remowable device”, but it could even turn out to be “innostop” and who knows what else.

Don't look at the floppy, it's a different drive. In a word, experiment here again. When you find it, click on it (press enter) and put it first in the list.

Then press F10 and enter. The laptop will begin to reboot. In theory, the download would start from the flash drive, but this did not happen for me (perhaps it will be different for you).

To start installing Windows from a flash drive, I had to press the “ESC” key immediately after turning it on. Then a window appeared asking you to choose where the computer should start booting from.

I pointed to the flash drive. Then another window appeared as in the figure below.

If you have the same thing, then click on the first one and it will immediately start on your laptop from a flash drive (by following the link, you will find out what to do next).

TIP: if something doesn’t work for you with the BIOS settings, write to Google search engine“BIOS pictures” and when you find a picture like the one in your BIOS, follow this image to the site.

Most likely you will find it there detailed description, if not, describe the problem in the comments - we will find a solution together.

That's all. No one will describe it to you exactly step by step, just look at the pictures and press the appropriate keys.

Each laptop has its own configuration, and without your own experiments, you are unlikely to be able to install Windows from a flash drive. Good luck!

Now it's time to talk about installing the operating system windows 7 to a laptop. When I say laptop, I mean models such as asus, acer, lenovo, samsung, etc. Let’s start installing windows 7 on a laptop, but first you need to prepare everything.

1. Preparing to install Windows 7

Before installing Windows 7 on a laptop, you need to do a little preparation. First of all, copy everything important files from the partition on which you will install the system. Typically this is the C:\ drive. During installation, this partition will be formatted. Don't forget to view your desktop as it will be formatted too.
All important information you can copy to drive D:\, CD, DVD disc.
After you have copied important information to another drive D:\, CD, DVD, you can proceed to the next steps.

2. Boot from DVD through laptop BIOS

We need the information from the DVD to be read first. To enable booting from DVD, you must first go to BIOS and will put the DVD first. You can see how to enter the BIOS and set the settings.

After setting up the BIOS, you can begin installing Windows 7. When loading windows 7 from the disk, a screen like the one in the picture below should appear:

Press any key on the keyboard. If you don’t see such a picture, it means you haven’t configured the BIOS correctly or Windows 7 is not bootable.

Select the system language, then click “next”.

To install Windows 7, click "Install".

Accept the license terms that we never read

Select an item from the menu "Full installation":

Let's select the partition on which we will install Windows 7. In the example below, we chose for Windows installations 7 disk with 25.2 GB.
So, 25.2 GB is a Windows 7 drive.
122.0GB is a disk for storing personal files (music, movies, photos, pictures, etc.)

If you see on the screen not two disks but three, as in the example below, then in in this case select 100GB.
So, 100MB is the Windows 7 system itself creates this partition to encrypt the system partition.
100GB is a disk for Windows 7
500GB is a disk for storing personal files (music, movies, photos, pictures, etc.)

Click on below "Disk Settings" and click on "Format".

We will see a warning on the screen that all data from the partition you are formatting will be deleted. Click "OK" and pray that everything necessary files did not appear on the "C:\" drive and on the "desktop".

After formatting the partition, click "next".

When the system is installed, proceed with the settings. I think there is no need to explain further, since you can enter the username and laptop name and set the time zone without my examples.

That's all !!!

If something is not clear or you can’t do it install windows 7 on laptop, write in the comments, I will try to answer your questions, if not me, then the readers of my blog.

Almost all modern laptop computers (except Apple) use an operating system from Microsoft. Sometimes a situation arises in which it is necessary to reinstall the OS, so it would be useful to know how to reinstall Windows 7 on a laptop or netbook. You can use several options for launching the program.

How to reinstall Windows 7 on a laptop using built-in tools

A situation arises when there is a need to reinstall Windows 7, but there is neither a licensed DVD nor a flash drive on hand to which you can copy the system files. On all laptops, be it Acer, Asus or Lenovo, you can run a recovery or OS installation using a disk image. It can be created in advance or found on the Internet, but it must be stored on the computer, and the laptop itself must be turned on.

Reinstalling windows 7 on a laptop requires special programs that are capable of recognizing images, these include:

  • Diamond tools;
  • UltraISO.

To do this, mount the image into this program and run the file with the .exe extension. If windows is simply archived, then there is no need to unpack it. Open the vault with winrar programs or winzip, find the same again executable file with the ending .exe. After clicking on it it will start standard process reinstalling the operating system.

How to reinstall Windows 7 from a flash drive or disk

In cases where the laptop cannot boot the OS on its own, you should use another computer to create the installation media. Before installing Windows on a laptop from a flash drive, you need to find an image and prepare the drive for writing files. If you have a licensed DVD, the process is much simpler, but there is an option that allows you to create it yourself.

Preliminary preparation of software for OS installation

To make bootable media from a DVD or flash drive, it is not enough to simply copy files or an image onto it. To do this, you should prepare the necessary version of Windows itself, using utilities to make an installation CD or flash drive. For the whole process you will need:

  1. Herself Windows program 7.
  2. DVD or flash drive minimum 4 GB.
  3. ImgBurn utility or Windows 7 USB-DVD Download Tool.

Creating a bootable USB flash drive or disk

If you have a DVD-rom, reinstalling Windows 7 on your laptop can be done through it. You will need a Windows image and the ImgBurn utility, which can be easily found on the Internet. The creation process is as follows:

  1. Insert a blank DVD.
  2. Launch the ImgBurn program.
  3. In the window, select “Browse” and specify the path to the OS image.
  4. Do not put it maximum speed for recording, it is better to choose the minimum one.
  5. After recording, a window will appear, you need to click “Ok” and the finished disc will jump out of the device.

Many models of modern laptop computers and netbooks no longer use CD-ROM, so it is useful to be able to reinstall Windows 7 on a laptop with using usb flash drives. The process for creating installation media is as follows:

  1. Insert the drive.
  2. Run Windows program 7 USB-DVD Download Tool.
  3. In the window, select the path to the system image file.
  4. Next, the program will prompt you to select from the menu what you need to create: DVD or USB Device. Choose the second one.
  5. Specify the path to the drive.
  6. The utility will warn you that all data from the media will be lost. Agree and the creation of the installation flash drive will start.

BIOS setup

To restore or reinstall Windows 7 on a laptop, you need to change some settings in the BIOS. To begin, restart your computer to home screen load, press “del” (works for most models, but sometimes F8 works). The mouse does not work in this system, so all actions must be performed using the arrow keys on the keyboard. When going into BIOS, do the following:

  1. In the "Boot" section, find the "Boot Device Priority" section. This setting will indicate where to start the system from.
  2. In the menu, make sure that USB DEVICE is first in the list in order if you are using a flash drive or your CD-Rom if it is a disk.
  3. Press F10 and confirm that you want to save the changes.

Installing Windows 7

After all the steps described above, the installation will begin. The developers tried to make sure that the user does not experience any inconvenience and the whole process occurs as automatically as possible. The person will be offered several parameters that he must determine independently, but there are no difficulties with them. The entire installation, search for drivers for the motherboard, processor will be performed independently by the system, they are built into the OS and will be immediately installed with it on HDD. When reinstalling, the laptop must be connected to power.

Installing Windows 7 from a disk or removable storage device has one algorithm. The user will need to follow these steps:

  1. Wait until the program copies all the necessary files. How long this will take depends on your PC configuration.
  2. Next, a license agreement will appear; you must confirm it.
  3. In the next window you will be offered a choice of restoring the system or performing complete reinstallation. It is worth choosing the second option.
  4. At the next stage, you need to select a partition on which the OS will be installed. As a rule, select section C; all personal data from it will be deleted.
  5. Confirm your choice, and then the system reinstallation process will begin.
  6. During the reinstallation, the computer will reboot several times; after the first time, you will need to remove the bootable media and then reinsert it.
  7. At the end there will be several parameters that need to be set: time zone, if desired, set a password for account, enter license key.
  8. The utility will carry out all other actions independently.

OS setup

All further windows settings 7 is that you need to install additional drivers; as a rule, they are included with the computer. Please note that all programs that were previously installed will not work. When reinstalling, you can leave all drives untouched except drive C, this will allow you to save some of the data, but if you wish, you can format the entire hard drive. This is relevant if the cause of the problem is viruses, malware, which could not be found and deleted.

Video instruction: how to install Windows 7 on a laptop

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Despite all the efforts of the developers software At Microsoft, they have not yet been able to come up with something better than the simple and functional Windows 7. Yes, with a clear conscience we can say that those who have at least once managed to work on a laptop with this operating system, are unlikely to want to return to their old Windows XP or even the brand new Windows 8. But what to do if you couldn’t get such an OS as a reward for your ASUS laptop? What? Yes, install it on your PC and forget about the problem; installing OS Windows 7 on an ASUS laptop is not difficult!

Step No. 1: Prepare the PC for OS installation

Where does one begin to reinstall any operating system on a laptop? Right! With appropriate preparation for it. Note that in order to reinstall Windows, you should initially take care of performing two extremely important actions:

  1. prepare drivers for an ASUS laptop;
  2. copy valuable data from hard drive.

In principle, each task is clear as daylight. In particular, in order to prepare drivers for an ASUS laptop, just download them from the official website ( of the manufacturer and write them to a disk or flash drive:

At the same time, no matter how wonderful the Windows 7 system is, it would be stupid to sacrifice your thesis / annual report / family archive and other valuable documents stored on the C drive in your laptop for the sake of it. In this case, when planning to reinstall the operating system, you should first copy the data from the hard drive to a flash drive or DVD. To do this, just use Windows Explorer and the notorious combination of Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V buttons on the keyboard.

However, if you part with, for example, a licensed operating Windows system 8 you don’t really want, you can even install it on an SSD. You can read about this “difficult” process in detail.

Step No. 2: Burn a bootable USB flash drive

Note that you can install, as in principle reinstall, Windows 7 on an Asus laptop not only from a flash drive, but also from a disk. There will be virtually no difference in installation (reinstallation) from this. However, based on the fact that many modern models ASUS laptops have no drives, even with licensed disk with Windows 7, it will not be easy to use it directly. At the same time, a USB connector is available on absolutely all PCs. So, as you can see, the option with a flash drive will be universal.

What are we doing? First, download the original one Windows image 7 from the Internet or copy it from the installation disk to your computer. Then install the UltraISO program and run it in testing mode (“Trial period”). In it, through the menu “File” - “Open ...” we add for recording virtual image Windows 7:

Now we insert the USB flash drive into the computer on which the Windows 7 image will be installed, open the “Boot” section in the UltraISO program and click the “Burn image...” item. Next, select USB-HDD as the recording method in the new window and click “Format”:

The next step is to give permission to the program to format the flash drive, and then select “Burn” in the new window:

Did you encounter any difficulties with this? Still want to reinstall Windows? Then we move on to the next step of installing our beloved Windows 7 on an Asus laptop.

Step No. 3: Perform BIOS settings

In order to install Windows 7 on an ASUS laptop without any problems, you will need to make a number of settings in the BIOS. First, of course, you need to enter it. How to do it? When the computer boots, press Del / F2 / Tab+F2 / Shift+F2 on the keyboard.

In the same tab, find the Launch CSM item and select the Enabled option instead of Disabled for this option. Next we go to the one next to Boot Security section and deactivate the option Secure Boot Control using the Disabled parameter. Press F10, save the settings (YES) and exit the BIOS. Now all that remains is to directly install (reinstall) the OS on the ASUS laptop.

Step No. 4: Install the operating system

So, after all the preparatory steps have been completed, all that remains is to install the prepared Windows 7 image on the laptop. In principle, this process will begin the very minute the computer exits the BIOS. A window will appear on the screen, which will notify you that you need to press any key to load the flash drive. What are we doing? Click, of course, and immediately go to setting up Windows. First of all, select the language, click “Next”, and then “Install”:

After this, we read and agree to the license terms, and then select “Full installation” as an option for installing (reinstalling) Windows 7 on a laptop in a new window:

Now we decide on the disk on which we want to reinstall Windows 7, click on it with the mouse, click “Disk Setup”, and then “Format”:

Note that at this stage Windows 7 may ask you to install drivers. No problem? Of course not, we worried about them at the very beginning. Now we just download them ourselves, using the prompts on the screen:

Step #5: Select custom settings and complete the installation

In principle, in order to reinstall Windows 7 on an Asus laptop, there is only a little work left to do. What will you need? Just select the parameters we need to work on the laptop. You will have to act in this order:

In principle, with the last step the process of installing (reinstalling) Windows 7 on a laptop from ASUS will be completed. Just? What did you think? In principle, there is nothing complicated about reinstalling Windows on a computer! Enjoy your work with Windows 7!

As sad as it sounds, today there is a misconception that the problem of how to install Windows laptop 7 is quite complex and practically unsolvable for the average user. This is partly true, but often such myths have no basis.

Windows 7: first acquaintance

Windows 7 OS is one of the most popular and in-demand systems among computer users. Very often it is installed not so much on stationary computer terminals as on laptops.

Among the versions available for installation, you can find several main assemblies: initial, home basic, home extended, professional and maximum. Actually, which version the user chooses to install depends only on him. In any case, the problem of how to install Windows 7 from a disk to a laptop has a common solution for almost all models of any manufacturer. The same applies to installing operating systems from USB devices, popularly called flash drives.

General concepts about installing Windows 7 on laptops

As for the answer to the question of how to install Windows 7 from a disk to a laptop, usually there are no special problems here. This is understandable, because laptops, as a rule, are always equipped with optical CD/DVD-ROM drives. So to install the system, it is enough to have the original disk or a copy of it.

In the future, of course, some specific situations may arise, but the same problems, say, how to install Windows 7 on an HP laptop or on a model from another manufacturer, generally appear only at the final stages of the installation process and most often come down to the correct installation of device drivers. This will be discussed a little later.

Installing Windows 7 on netbooks

It's another matter when a user tries to install an operating system on a netbook. This is where the problems begin in most cases. This is due to the fact that netbooks do not have optical drives, and the system must be installed from a flash drive. However, here too, as practice shows, the problem is how to install Windows 7 on Lenovo laptop or some other model, also has a general solution.

Here, the fundamental element in the installation process will be the correct recording of the image installation distribution to a removable USB drive, and this must be done in such a way that the flash drive is bootable, and the launch must be carried out before the start of the existing system, if there is one on board.

Pre-preparation of the disk

Now let's look at some preliminary steps, without which the question of how to install Windows 7 on a laptop cannot be resolved. It's good if the user has the original disk with specific version operating systems. But what to do when he is missing?

In this case, you need to either make a copy of it or write it down installation disk from a pre-created image. You can create such an image using any program like UltraISO or Daemon Tools. In addition, you can use standard means OS itself and create a boot disk.

The first option looks preferable, since this is how you can create an exact copy of the distribution, which will be practically no different from the original. I think there is no need to explain exactly how this is done, since the process of writing an image to disk is very similar in all programs. Sometimes only the menus and corresponding commands differ. This comes down to using the image burning functions, after which a blank optical media is inserted into the drive, and then the path to a pre-created image file is specified. The image itself is created using the same programs using the appropriate function and saving the image file on the hard drive or in a logical partition.

Creating a bootable USB flash drive

In some cases, for example, the answer to the question of how to install Windows 7 on an Asus laptop (or any other) may directly depend on the device model itself. As is already clear, we are talking about netbooks, although they are classified as laptops. Here you will initially need to create bootable flash drive.

This is done using the above software packages with the only difference being that the image is written not to an optical disk, but to a removable USB drive. The pre-imaging remains unchanged. Below we will show you how to install Windows 7 from a flash drive on an Asus laptop. Moreover, this does not concern any specific model or manufacturer.

Required BIOS settings

In the preparatory process, it is important to understand how to install Windows 7 on a laptop via BIOS. The point is that when using BIOS settings By default, an already installed OS (for example, Windows XP) will simply ignore the media with the Seven distribution kit. Here you need to take a responsible approach to setting the priority order of boot devices.

To enter the BIOS, depending on the laptop model and the manufacturer of the BIOS itself, the keys Del, F2, F12, etc. can be used. Now you need to find the Boot section (Boot Sequence) or something similar, where the Boot Device Priority line will be indicated . By default, the first device is the HDD.

If you plan to install the system from an optical disk, the first device you need to specify is the CD/DVD drive. If the question is being resolved, say, about how to install Windows 7 from BIOS on a laptop when using a flash drive, naturally, it is this that needs to be specified as the first priority device. However, sometimes problems may arise in that the USB drive may not be displayed in the settings. The main reason why this happens is only that the flash drive must be inserted into the appropriate USB port before turning on the laptop (netbook) and calling up the BIOS settings.

After all the settings have been made, you must save the changes before exiting (Save and Exit Setup), after which a reboot will occur. If everything is done correctly, the installation of Windows 7 should start from the selected media.

Start installation and format partitions

So, the start has been made. Don't rush to rejoice. Of course, the installation process is automated. First, as usual, you need to select the system language, time and date format, and then specify the keyboard layout. Let us immediately note that entering the activation key and license is postponed until the end of the process. The fact is that “seven” can work in normal mode for up to 30 days as a regular shareware program.

Now, in the question of how to install Windows 7 on an HP laptop (or on other models), you should correctly choose which version of Windows 7 OS should be installed. This is due to the fact that the license key is designed specifically for a specific assembly and, after installing any other, will not lead to activation of the system simply because of its inconsistency.

Now all that remains is to accept the terms of the installation and use agreement. Next, a window will appear in which there are two types of installation: update and full installation. Almost all experts and users recommend producing full installation from scratch (before starting the process, you need to copy the files and folders necessary for the user, since formatting will destroy the data). Another advantage of this installation is the fact that new system will not “pick up” from the old one system errors or, worse, viruses.

Problems arising at the initial stage of installation

The installation wizard will prompt you to select the partition into which the new OS will be installed. It will need to be formatted. And as it turns out, it is at this stage that the question of how to install Windows 7 from a flash drive to a laptop (or from an optical disk) may seem insoluble, since the system flatly refuses to perform the formatting operation, and sometimes also indicates that formatting requires hard drive driver.

Let us say right away that you should not be afraid of such messages. In fact, everything is connected only with the fact that some hard disks may contain incorrect boot records MBR or disk layout errors. In some cases, the problem may be due to the presence of different file systems on the disks and their partitions.

You can get out of this problematic situation by running command line directly during the installation process. To do this, use the key combination Shift + F10. In the window that appears, you must enter the command bootrec /fixmbr, which allows you to restore the bootloader.

Sometimes, in solving the problem of how to install Windows 7 on a Lenovo (or some other) laptop, re-entering the BIOS can help, where in the SATA controller settings you need to change the hard drive access mode from AHCI to IDE.

After this you need to return to the installation. In this case, the problem of how to install Windows 7 on an Asus laptop (as an example) when the error described above occurs should disappear, and you can proceed to directly formatting the disk or partition (you need to click on the “Format” hyperlink below). All you have to do is wait for the process to complete, after which a window will appear indicating the main steps that will be applied during the installation process.

Initial system settings

Once the installation process is complete, the user will be required to enter the laptop name, username (if prompted), and then serial number product.

After the steps described above, the same answer to the question of how to install Windows 7 from a flash drive on an Asus laptop or an Acer netbook (or even from a disk on other device models) comes down to setting the time zone, time and date. Then, if desired, you can configure the network. If there is no clear certainty in choosing the type of network, you can postpone this process until later.

When everything is done, the system will start for the first time, after which the familiar “Desktop” will appear.

Installing device drivers

But that's not all. You need to understand that some versions of the 7 (especially unofficial ones) are supplied without the necessary driver package. For example, the problem is how to install Windows 7 on Acer laptop with a full set of drivers, the solution is quite simple if, when purchasing the device itself, there was a special disk with drivers among the additional software. This applies to any laptop model.

As a rule, this issue is resolved quite simply. True, the drivers will have to be installed manually if there is no special “Wizard” on the disk, which, upon startup, will install absolutely all device drivers that are present in the laptop itself as components. As you can see, the problem of how to install Windows 7 on a laptop is not as terrible as some users tend to describe it. Yes, of course, you will have to pay attention to some specific settings and problem solving during the installation of the “seven”, but a user of any level of training can solve this. As they say, there would be desire and a little patience.

Installing additional utilities

As for additional software, the problem of how to install Windows 7 on a laptop with all the capabilities of the system can also be solved quite simply. You will need to additionally install an antivirus, archiver, codecs, office programs, etc. However, if all this is on the original disk, there is nothing to think about; you should install applications from such a disk (usually Acronis is present as the shell).

It goes without saying that during the installation of the system itself or after finishing the “Wizard”, you can split the hard drive into logical partitions. Utilities for this today can be found very a large number of. Even some disks have their own tools like Partition Magic, etc.

Windows 8 compatibility issues

Finally, one more problem. Let's say we need to solve the question of how to install Windows 7 from a flash drive on an Asus laptop with G8 preinstalled. Version 7 and 8 systems have different file systems. Although it is believed that the “seven” supports the “eight” file systems, in fact this is a conditional statement. In practice, this causes a lot of confusion. A way out of this situation may be to enable Legacy compatibility mode in the BIOS and then convert the G8 partitions from GPT or UEFI to the standard G7 MBR format.


Probably, many have already noticed that the question of how to install Windows 7 on a laptop, although it has several specific points that you will have to pay special attention to, is nevertheless not too difficult. Depending on the laptop model, you may sometimes have to tinker. But if all the settings are made correctly, and the original CD with drivers is included in the kit, there is no need to strain too much.