After rebooting, the phone does not connect to the Internet. Android phone does not turn on beyond the logo (does not want to boot)

It’s strange to start the instructions with this, but if you already have mobile Internet, then there is no need to get into the jungle of your smartphone’s settings and tweak anything there. This text is for those for whom, suddenly, something went wrong.

If your smartphone is connected to the MTS network (you see MTS at the top of the smartphone screen), but you cannot load the page in the browser, or mobile app reports that there is no Internet access, let's look for a solution. Just in case, first of all, make sure that you have connected the “Mobile Internet” service, which provides access to... mobile Internet. If your tariff includes a certain mobile Internet package, make sure that the amount of traffic allocated to you is not exhausted - this can be done in personal account on the MTS website or using a free SMS to the number 5340 . You can also try going to the page from your smartphone and see everything there. If the packages are in place, or something just didn’t work out for you, let’s play some magic with the settings of your gadget.

Why do we need any settings at all?

The set of certain parameters that a smartphone “remembers” to access the Internet is akin to a set of keys to your apartment. Let's say your front door has two locks. In order to get inside, you need to have two keys, one is not enough, and any third is superfluous. You, all your household members, and also your kind neighbor Baba Zoya, who kindly waters the flowers when you go on vacation, have the necessary set.

It's about the same with the Internet. The first required key to access the network is the SIM card of a specific operator, which is installed in your smartphone. In addition, you also need a suitable set of setting keys.

Is it really true that in the 21st century they didn’t come up with anything so that the subscriber didn’t have to think about the settings?

They came up with it, of course. Firstly, once you change your phone by installing the SIM card in new device, necessary settings will come to you in the form of messages that you only need to save. Secondly, there is a free “Access without settings” service, which allows you to use the mobile Internet even if the gadget is for some reason not configured or configured incorrectly.

But I don’t have such a service!

If the services " Access without settings“you don’t have it, you can connect it yourself - dial the command on your phone in dialing mode *111*2156# and press the call button. This same service, by the way, is also responsible for the correct transmission of MMS.

No, I want to have correct settings and understand what and how.

You can “order” automatic settings in two ways. Fastest: send a blank free SMS to a special number 1234 (what happens next is a little lower). Another way to request settings is through the MTS website, which will have to be discussed in more detail. We remember that the Internet does not work on your smartphone, so use a desktop computer.

Click the "Submit" button.

Regardless of the method in which you requested the settings, two special messages will arrive on your smartphone very soon.

This is what the first one looks like for setting up mobile Internet:

This is the second one, for MMS:

By clicking “Ok” on each of them, you will automatically configure everything as it should. That's all.

Well, let's not languish. On smartphones different manufacturers everything is arranged differently, and therefore a very small digression. If your gadget runs on Android, then find the “Settings” item in the menu, in it - the section “ Wireless network": usually it's at the very top. In this section we need the “Mobile networks” item (if you don’t see it, click on “More”). Inside, we make sure that data transfer is turned on at the very top. And after that, go to the “Access Point (APN)” item.

If you have an Apple gadget, go to “Settings” in the “ cellular" On the tab that opens, make sure that the “Cellular Data” option is turned on at the top. If you need to manually select between 3G, 4G and GSM networks, go to “Data Settings”, and then to “Voice and Data”.

Window for manual settings Network settings are hidden in the “Cellular data network” item. Here is the full path to the window where this item is: “Settings” - “Cellular” - “Data Settings”.

We'll describe what follows using Android as an example. For Apple gadgets, the setup is the same (remember about different, but identical sets of keys).

So, if you go to the “Access Point (APN)” item and inside you have nothing except the “New access point” line, that’s where you go. If there are access points there, but there is no point called MTS Internet, too.

If you already have an access point called MTS Internet, go there and check if everything is configured there as in the screenshot below. When creating a new access point, fill in all fields according to the same screenshot. In the password field you need to enter mts, that is, the login and password are the same.

If you use MMS, then for this service to work correctly you need another access point, in the same place where we just set up the mobile Internet. If it doesn't exist, create it. You need to configure it as shown in the screenshot:

Honestly, we don't know why you had to configure everything manually, but since you managed to do it, we're really proud of you. It's time to start using the mobile Internet. Check if anything interesting has appeared on VKontakte - with a sense of accomplishment.

What to do if the phone does not turn on? Agree, for any modern person this is a real disaster. It’s important to stop panicking - with emotions you can do much worse and completely break your favorite gadget. It’s better to think, find out what the cause of the breakdown is, and then act based on this information.

Step 1: Check your battery level

Even if, according to your calculations, just a few hours ago the charge level was high, and your phone should have worked for at least a day, the reason may lie in the fact that as a result of too high a load, the phone was completely discharged. This is especially true when it comes to new smartphones. Their functionality has now reached such a level that they have actually become real mini-computers. But this does not have the best effect on the life of the device: for example, constantly turned on Bluetooth or Wi-Fi very quickly “kills” the battery, because the phone is constantly looking for a connection in order to inform the owner about it. Therefore, do not forget to disable these options or train yourself to use them only when necessary.

What to do if the phone does not turn on for this reason? First, make sure that you are not mistaken: when you turn on the gadget, you will most likely see the screen “come to life” for a moment, and then immediately turn off again and will no longer respond to any of your actions. It is also worth mentioning that you may need to buy new battery: On average, the battery life does not exceed 2-2.5 years, after which you will have to replace it.

Step 2: Check your charger

So, your phone won't turn on. You put it on charge, thinking that the battery was simply dead, but several minutes, half an hour, an hour pass, and your device still does not show any signs of life. We advise you to carefully examine yourself Charger. There is always a possibility that the contact is loose or the wire is damaged. Also, the root of the problem may lie in the socket of the smartphone itself - it can easily break or become unusable due to too frequent use. Especially considering that modern smartphones use the same connector for all functions (charging, connecting to a PC, listening to music through headphones, etc.). How to check this? First of all, try to find universal battery type "frog" and try to charge the battery. If the phone starts working normally, you can safely go to the store and buy a new charger.

In some cases, you can see the following picture: the phone is already connected to the network, but the charging indicator continues to blink. Experts say there may be two reasons for this. The first one is severe overheating, as a result of which the battery simply does not receive energy. The second is the use of a “foreign” device to recharge the gadget, especially if we are talking about cheap, low-quality models.

Step 3: Check the On/Off Button

There is another reason: If you just bought new equipment and did not use it, the fault lies 100% with the manufacturer - most likely, you are faced with a manufacturing defect. Additionally, this situation can happen if you drop your phone or accidentally spill water on it. What to do if the phone does not turn on for this reason? Depending on the situation, the technician at the service center can completely replace the keyboard controller, restore the wiring, or carry out a complete cleaning of the device and eliminate any moisture that has gotten inside. Unfortunately, you cannot do this without the help of a specialist. And as practice shows, in 20% of all cases of contacting service centers, the problem lies precisely in the “on/off” button.

Step 4. Beware of software glitches!

Finally, let's look at what to do if the phone does not turn on after installing updates or flashing the firmware. This is where you are most likely dealing with glitches software and system damage. In some cases, you just need to wait: “realizing” that something has gone wrong, the device will reset itself and return to its normal operating state. If this does not happen, you will still have to carry it to service center so that the technician can find out the exact cause of the breakdown and fix it.

And remember: the most important thing is not to panic, even if the phone does not turn on. You already know what to do. This means you won’t get confused in a difficult situation. 95% of problems can be fixed at the nearest service center in less than a day, and the cost of repairs will not be too high, so your favorite gadget will very soon return to you safe and sound and will continue to serve faithfully.

27.03.2018 16:00:00

A modern person is a user of a powerful and productive touch phone. Calls, SMS, search for information in the open spaces World Wide Web, navigation, photography and video shooting, games, reading books - in any of these cases you need a mobile gadget that will instantly respond to the task.

However, it is worth considering that modern smartphone- complex and often capricious technical device, which can fail at any time.

Before you rush headlong into a mobile device repair shop, you should figure out what caused the breakdown. After all, very often the user himself is able to revive his phone without resorting to the help of a specialist.

In our article, we will analyze in detail why the phone does not turn on, and we will also tell you how to restart your Android mobile device.

Dead battery

The most common reason why an Android phone refuses to turn on is a depleted battery. A common reason why an Android phone won't turn on is a completely discharged battery. The solution here is simple - connect your smartphone to the charger. Please note that if the battery is empty, the phone may take a few minutes to start charging. In addition, the charger itself may not have enough power to fill the battery capacity.

Solution: Frog or Power-bank

If the design of the phone allows, you can remove the battery and install it in a special “frog” charger. A device with a non-removable battery is connected to a power bank.

A suddenly dead battery is a problem that even the owner of a recently purchased mobile device. In 9 cases out of 10, the problem here is related to improper charging of the gadget. If you want your mobile phone to last as long as possible, read our recommendations in the article How to charge your phone correctly

Faulty charger

What should you do if your phone doesn’t turn on even when it’s charging? Here the problem may lie in the charger itself, namely in its breakdown or damage.

Solution: Second charger

To check whether the charger is in working condition, connect the mobile phone to another charger. If charging has started, you can safely throw away the first charger - it is definitely broken.

Battery fault

On average, the battery in phones is designed to last 2.5 years. If your phone was purchased more than 3 years ago, the battery life may have expired.

Solution: Replace the battery

With a removable battery, everything is simple - go to the nearest mobile electronics store and buy a new battery. But with a non-removable battery you will have to go to a service center.

Problems with charging contacts

Another common reason why the phone does not turn on is broken contacts, which means that even a working battery will not accumulate charge.

Solution: Diagnose and fix contacts

Check the contacts that connect to the battery - they may have moved a little. In this case, take thin tweezers and bend the contact antennae slightly. If you have a special screwdriver for electricians, its indicator will show whether there is voltage in the charger connector. Although in an amicable way, it is better to contact a professional technician with this problem.

Influence of external temperature

Winter and summer become a real test for anyone touch phone. The fact is that mobile devices do not tolerate high and low temperatures. For example, if you charge your smartphone to 100% and then ride with it on a hot and stuffy bus around the city, you will find that the battery has drained to almost zero.

Solution: Warm or cool the phone

Never charge an overheated or hypothermic phone. First you need to wait until the temperature of the mobile phone is balanced, and only then put it on charge.

Power button failure

A broken start key is also the reason why the phone stopped turning on. Between the button itself and the contact there is a thin rubber or silicone membrane. Due to constant pressure, it eventually wears out and bursts. This can also happen after the smartphone falls onto a hard surface.

Solution: Repair

Fault at the memory card level

The phone may refuse to turn on due to the SD card, especially if it was taken by hand or at an unreliable retail outlet. In this case, there is a high probability that there is a virus on the card that prevents the phone from turning on. On the other hand, a functioning but overcrowded card can cause problems for the user.

Solution: Delete or format

It is better to throw away a defective card immediately, regardless of what is on it. And a card that is packed to capacity should be formatted.

Sometimes users download updates for the operating system from unreliable sources. Such actions can lead to the fact that the mobile device turns into a useless piece of metal.

Solution: Reset to factory settings

The most obvious way to deal with incorrect firmware is to roll back the phone to its original factory settings. You can do this in three ways:

  1. Through the gadget menu;
  2. Using service commands;
  3. In the Recovery menu.

Method 1

  1. Go to your phone settings
  2. Click on the "Backup and Reset" section.
  3. Select “Reset settings”.
  4. Click on the button at the bottom of the screen.

After a few seconds, the system will roll back its settings and then reboot the smartphone.

Method 2

Service commands are a specific code that must be typed on the smartphone keyboard. Here are the three main combinations:

  • *2767*3855#
  • *#*#7378423#*#*
  • *#*#7780#*#

Method 3

To enter Recovery Mode, follow these steps:

  1. Turn off your phone.
  2. Hold down the Power and Volume keys.
  3. Select the wipe data/factory reset command from the list of options.
  4. Click Yes.
  5. Wait for the reset to complete and click Reboot System.

If you want to know thoroughly what is happening inside your mobile device, you can use special free applications. You can read about how to use such utilities in our article Smartphone diagnostics.

Excessive applet updates

Almost all applications installed on the phone, especially those whose work is connected to the Internet, constantly download and install large update packages. Such updates very often overload the phone.

Solution: Uninstall updates

A broken gadget screen is an obvious reason why the phone won’t turn on if there are no problems with the firmware and updates. As a rule, the display does not fail immediately. Pay attention to the moments that precede this:

  • From time to time, stripes appear and disappear on the screen;
  • The brightness sharply decreases and increases, within a few seconds the screen flickers and is restored again;
  • The screen on the phone could suddenly show “strips” or start flickering during operation.

Solution: service repair

If you encounter such troubles, either the display itself is broken on the phone, or the causes of the problems lie in the cable that connects the screen to the board. Of course, you can try to carry out the repair yourself, but without certain technical knowledge, this can lead to complete breakdown of the phone.


Now you know what to do if your phone doesn't turn on. We will also give a few recommendations that will help extend the life of your gadget:

  • Do not repair serious damage with your own hands
  • Try not to drop your phone.
  • Do not install applications from unverified and unreliable sources

The most common reason why mobile Internet on a phone does not work is that the funds in the account have run out. Subscribers who do not have automatic mobile phone replenishment enabled often forget to timely track the availability of money on their balance. As a result, funds run out and access to the mobile Internet is terminated. The user tries to go online, but not a single page of the mobile browser opens. In this case, first of all, it is recommended to send a request about the balance status to the short number of the mobile operator. If in response to the request it is confirmed that there is no money in the account or there is a debt, then you need to top up the account or pay off the debt, and access to the mobile Internet will be restored.

To cope with such forgetfulness, you can either set up regular automatic write-offs Money from the card to the account of the mobile operator, or train yourself to regularly check the balance on your phone.

The subscriber is outside the network coverage area

Another common reason for the lack of mobile Internet is being outside the network coverage area. To make sure you don't have this problem, check the icons at the top of your phone or smartphone screen. If there is no icon with the signal strength from MGTS mobile towers or its effect is indicated as weak, try to look for a place where the signal will be picked up or its effect will become stronger. If you are on the road, wait for the point where the signal will be received again and check your Internet access. If the network presence indicator is weak, then the mobile Internet may work very slowly, despite its actual presence.

Data transfer disabled

Have you checked it mobile balance and made sure it was positive. Have you checked the network signal from mobile operator towers and made sure of the presence and quality of this signal, but there is still no Internet? The next step to resolve the Internet connection error is to check your smartphone settings. It is possible that your cellular data transmission was disabled intentionally or accidentally. Go to the appropriate settings section mobile gadget and check the connection. If the corresponding slider is disabled, activate it and go to the mobile Internet.

If activating your cellular data connection doesn't work, try restarting your device.

Problems with access point settings

Another one possible reason interruptions in the operation of the mobile Internet - problems with the access point settings. Check the appropriate section in the settings of your mobile device.

  • To set up Internet access on a device with operating system Android in settings mobile network you must select “Point APN access» → “Create a new access point.” In the window that appears with the parameters of the access point, you must enter the following values:

Name: MTS internet

Access point (APN):

Username: mts

Password: mts

In the access point menu, you must select “Save access point” and set it to default. After this procedure, you must enable data transfer in the previous menu.

  • To set up Internet access on a device with the iOS operating system, you must select “Cellular Data Connection” in the cellular settings. In the “Cellular Data” section you must enter the following values:

Username: mts

Password: mts

After this procedure, you must enable cellular data in the previous menu.

  • To set up Internet access on a device running Windows system Phone in the data transfer settings, you must select “Add an Internet access point”. In the window that appears with the parameters of the access point, you must enter the following values:

Access point: internet

After making the settings and enabling data transfer, we recommend rebooting your device (turn it off and on).

If you don't know how to do this yourself, contact MGTS support service. Our specialists will help you resolve connection problems.

Problems with the mobile operator

Sometimes at work mobile operator interruptions may occur. This happens extremely rarely, but a force majeure situation may arise. Most often, such problems or interruptions in operation occur in places with large crowds of people, when a lot of users try to access the mobile Internet at once, resulting in line overload.

Air travel mode enabled

Have you checked all the most obvious reasons for lack of network access, but the Internet still hasn’t appeared? Check another setting on your mobile device - airplane mode. If you were actually on a flight, you could simply forget to turn off this setting. Or turn it on randomly. Activating air travel access mode quick settings many devices, so accidentally turning it on is not that uncommon. Set the corresponding slider to inactive and use the Internet.

Problems with the SIM card

If all of the above steps did not help, it is recommended to check the operation of the SIM card of your mobile device. It is possible that the SIM card was damaged or stopped working correctly because it was purchased a long time ago. In order for the mobile Internet to work again, an outdated or damaged SIM card must be replaced. To do this, contact any MGTS Sales and Service Center or call the MGTS Unified Contact Center:

  • 0636 – short number for free calls from mobile phones MGTS phones and MTS;
  • 8 495 636-06-36 – for free calls from Moscow landlines;
  • 8 800 250-00-50 – for free calls from phones in the Moscow region.

Every year the mobile Internet becomes better and faster. However, the technology is becoming more complex, as a result of which the likelihood of failures and malfunctions is growing. Therefore, we want to tell you what to do if the mobile Internet does not work on your Android device.

There are many reasons why your phone cannot connect to the Internet on the operator’s network: it may simply not be configured, or you may have encountered a hardware malfunction of the network module. Let's look at the causes and methods of eliminating the problem in order.

Reason 1: Insufficient funds in the account

The most common reason for cellular Internet not working is simply not enough money in the account. Perhaps you simply didn’t pay attention to it and didn’t replenish it on time. Check the amount of funds with a USSD request from your operator:

  • Russian Federation: MTS, Megafon - *100#; Beeline - *102#; Tele2 - *105#;
  • Ukraine: Kyivstar, Lifecell - *111#; MTS, Vodafone - *101#;
  • Republic of Belarus: Velcom, MTS, life;) — *100#;
  • The Republic of Kazakhstan: Kcell - *100#; Beeline - *102# or *111#; Tele2 - *111#.

If you find that there is not enough money in your account, simply top up your balance using any available method.

Reason 2: No coverage or device is not registered on the network

The second reason for the lack of Internet is that you are outside the network coverage area. You can check this by looking at the indicator in the status bar: if you see a cross icon on the indicator, then you most likely will not be able to connect to the Internet, or make calls.

The solution to this problem is obvious - go to a place where the network catches better. If you are at a point with reliable reception, but the no network icon does not disappear, most likely your device is not recognized cell tower. This is usually a random single failure that can be easily fixed by rebooting the device.

There may also be problems with the SIM card, the main problems of which and how to resolve them are described in the article below.

Reason 3: Airplane mode is on

Almost from the moment it appeared mobile phones they have a special mode designed for use on airplanes. When activated this mode all types of data transmission (Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, connection to a cellular network) are disabled. It's very easy to check - look at the status bar. If you see an icon with an image of an airplane instead of the network indicator, then your device has active offline mode. It turns off very easily.

After completing these steps, check if the mobile Internet is working. Most likely, it should turn on and function normally.

Reason 4: Data transfer disabled

Another very simple reason for lack of connection to mobile internet. You can check this as follows.

You can also turn on mobile data with a switch in the status bar, if it is present on your phone.

We also note that in some cases, data transmission may be disrupted by malware. If you cannot turn on the Internet using the method described above, then it makes sense to install a suitable antivirus on your phone and check the device for infection.

Reason 5: Incorrect access point settings

As a rule, when you turn on your smartphone for the first time with a SIM card inserted, you receive a configuration message with settings for the mobile Internet access point. However, in some cases this may not happen, especially if you are using a rare or uncertified device for your country.