After installing Realtek there is no sound. No sound after installing drivers on the video card

Sometimes it happens that updating drivers can lead to hardware failure. This may be due to a variety of factors. But most often this happens after updating sound drivers using Windows 10. This OS has long been noted for its inadequate work with updates. If there is no sound in Windows 10 after updating drivers, then this is definitely an incompatibility issue. What to do in this case? We will look at the most popular and effective options for solving the problem.

Why does this happen?

The fact is that Windows 10 downloads updated versions of drivers from official Microsoft servers. And no one can vouch for their compatibility with this or that equipment. And if you also consider that usually Windows’ own servers contain mostly outdated versions of drivers, then it is not surprising that after updating the latest ones, the sound disappeared. However, it’s not only the “top ten” that suffers from incorrect driver versions when updating. And such cases are far from isolated.

But it also happens that the operating system has nothing to do with it. Often manufacturers themselves release drivers with errors. And in this case, there is only one way out: roll back to the previous version. But sometimes this can be problematic. We will consider all options for solving the problem if, after updating the drivers, the sound on your computer or laptop suddenly disappears.

It's worth starting with the simplest solutions. Complex ones are not for everyone. So, how to solve the sound problem in modern operating systems? Very simple.

Fixing bugs in the Windows 10 update

So, if there is no sound on your laptop after updating the drivers using operating system, you will need them complete reinstallation. However, we will not download them manually from the manufacturer’s website. We use the capabilities of the operating system:

  1. In the list of devices, look for sound devices and select them.
  2. Right-click on the name of the audio device and select “Update Driver” from the menu that appears.
  3. Next, select “Search for drivers on this computer.”
  4. Click "Next" and wait for the installation to complete.
  5. Reboot your PC or laptop.

This option will help if the problem is not global. By reinstalling the drivers in this way, you can count on them to be fully functional after rebooting the machine. However, it also happens that this method does not help. Then you can use a more advanced method.

The same thing, but using the console

Command line Windows is a unique tool. With its help, you can even solve the problem when the sound disappeared after updating the sound driver. And if the previous option may fail, then this method will always help. You just need to know what to do:

  1. Press the Win+R key combination and call system component"Run".
  2. Enter cmd in the line and press Enter or OK.
  3. The console starts. In it you should enter the pnputil/enum-drivers command. It will display a list installed drivers for devices.
  4. Now we select the original name intcaudiobus.inf and remember (or write down) its published name (for example, oemXXX.inf).
  5. Enter the command pnputil/delete-driver oemXXX.inf/uninstall. It will remove the existing driver.
  6. Now open the "Control Panel".
  7. Click "Device Manager".
  8. Choose necessary equipment and click "Update drivers".
  9. After the update, restart the computer.

This method is good because first the problematic driver is completely removed from the operating system. And in its place you can safely install the “correct” software.

Rolling back the driver after updating Windows

Another option that can help if, after updating the drivers, the sound in Windows 7, 8 or 10 disappears. A rollback can really help, since instead of a new driver, its previous version is installed, which was definitely functional. The best thing about this method is that even a beginner can handle it. You just need to strictly follow the proposed algorithm, and everything will be fine:

  1. Open the "Control Panel".
  2. Click on the "Device Manager" item.
  3. Select from the list of devices sound card.
  4. Right-click on the device and select "Properties" from the menu that appears.
  5. Click on the "Rollback" button.
  6. The wizard will automatically install the previous version of the driver.
  7. Reboot the computer.
  8. Checking the functionality of the sound.

This method is good because it allows you to install exactly those versions that definitely worked at the time. This helps to avoid possible errors when using newer versions. But, despite the fact that this method very effective, it does not always help. It's good that there are alternative options.

If the sound is not completely gone

It also happens that after updating the sound driver the sound disappears, but not completely. That is, there is sound, but the sound itself is either too quiet, or hisses, or is somehow distorted. In this case, the issue is clearly in the sound driver settings. Apparently, the operating system configured it automatically. And this led to such distortions. There is only one thing you can do here - configure the equipment correctly.

  1. So, open “Playback Devices” by simply clicking on the speaker image in the system tray.
  2. Next, select the device that contains the problem and click on the “Properties” button.
  3. Move to the tab " Additional features".
  4. Check the box "Disable all effects" and click "Apply".
  5. Move to the "Communication" tab.
  6. Check "No action required".
  7. We apply everything that we just configured.
  8. Checking the sound quality.

Now everything should play cleanly, without any interference. If so, then the problem was in the settings. Now everything is all right. If not, then you will have to further figure out why after updating the drivers the sound disappeared or was not of sufficient quality.

If you have VIA Audio

It is laptops based on this chipset that are most susceptible to sound problems. This is largely due to the chipset itself. It is not a very high quality product. And the developers of drivers for this chipset are often not very attentive. As a result, users have to solve the problem themselves when the sound disappears after updating the drivers:

  1. Go to the "Control Panel".
  2. Open "Device Manager" in a familiar way.
  3. We remove the driver in exactly the same way as described above.
  4. Go to the "Sound and gaming devices" section.
  5. We also remove these drivers.
  6. Open the browser and look for the latest drivers from the manufacturer.
  7. Download (necessarily the previous version) and install.
  8. Reboot the computer.

This algorithm of actions should solve the problem on laptops with a VIA chipset. Installation old version The driver should definitely solve the problem in this case. In general, it is better to purchase an external sound card and not suffer with the built-in “bits”. WITH external card there are never any problems. Now there are very interesting and inexpensive models on the market.

If all else fails

If there is no sound on the computer after updating the drivers and none of the above helps, then there is a high probability that this very update did quite a lot of damage system files responsible for sound. The solution to this problem will not be simple. Actually, there are only two options: rolling back the system using a checkpoint or completely reinstalling it.

The first option is only suitable if checkpoints were previously created to restore the operating system. If OS protection was completely turned off (for example, in the case of Windows 10), then rolling back will do nothing.

But again, in the case of the “ten” there is another method that can help if the sound disappears after updating the drivers. We are talking about resetting to factory settings. As a result, the user will receive an absolutely clean operating system with a basic set of drivers. It's worth trying this option. He can really help. If after that everything is bad, then perhaps the sound card has simply failed for some reason.


So, we looked at the question of what to do if, after updating the drivers, the sound on your computer or laptop disappears. All of the above methods can help. If only the sound card itself still works.

The latest version of the operating system from Microsoft has brought a large number of innovations to everyday use PCs with hundreds of millions of users around the world. Optimization and stability have been significantly improved, a built-in antivirus and much more have been added, but many have encountered a very unexpected problem: sometimes there is no sound on a computer with Windows 10. This may be the result of a shortage random access memory, for example (the most common reason), but there are many more types of problems, each of which requires an individual approach.

Sound problems and solutions

Sound problems on Windows 10 are spontaneous and can occur in a variety of conditions. There is no universal recipe for eliminating them, but there are several patterns of system behavior that can help you pinpoint the cause of the problem. For example, quite often users notice that after updating Windows 10, the sound does not work. Also, the sound may not work immediately after Windows installations 10, or not be absent specifically from the games. Each of these problems has its own solution, which is why setting up the sound on a computer with installed Windows 10 became a big problem. But don’t rush to despair and call the specialist.

Banal reasons

I would like to devote this point to human inattention. Even the most meticulous PC user may not remember that he simply turned off the sound or forgot to connect new speakers or headphones. In addition, there are cases when the wire from the device does not fit tightly into the connector; it is also possible that the latter is faulty. To eliminate factors of inattention, we recommend once again double-checking the correct connection, sound volume and Mute mode on the speakers.

Another problem of this kind is cable failure. It can be damaged by pets or simply torn (immediately noticeable), or it can be damaged inside, which is very difficult to determine. To make sure your headphones or speakers are working properly, connect them to another PC or smartphone.

Also immediately check whether you have selected the correct playback source. Left-click on the speaker icon in the lower right corner and check if sound appears on each of the available options.

Outdated or broken drivers

If trivial reasons- not your case, then the first thing you should think about is updating the software. Windows 10 has a system automatic download current versions drivers, which will help in most cases. In the remaining situations, you can download drivers from the official website of the sound card manufacturer. We have placed both instructions below.

Update drivers using standard Windows tools.

If Windows has not updated the drivers, then use the manual download instructions.

  1. Find the official website of your sound card manufacturer. As a rule, these are Realtek, whose website is quite easy to find. If you doubt that you have opened the right resource, then look at the address in the documentation for the sound card.
  2. Download the driver installer.
  3. Launch installation file and follow the instructions.
  4. Reboot your PC.

If the installation fails, then there is a possibility that old driver not only does it not work correctly, but also interferes with the installation of a new one. This happens quite rarely, and can be solved by removing the driver through the device manager and then reinstalling it.

The sound disappeared while the computer was running

If you notice that the sound has disappeared while the device is running, this may be due to a lack of RAM. For example, launching a modern video game or large quantity browser tabs can cause RAM shortage. For unknown reasons, Win10 considers sound a lower priority than 50 tabs in Google Chrome. And the problem is that it is very difficult to turn the audio back on.

The main signs of low RAM:

  • A black screen appears while using a PC.
  • Reload browser tabs when switching to them.
  • Automatically disable any programs.
  • Low memory warning. Since the message does not specify which memory is insufficient, inexperienced users begin to delete files from hard drive, not paying attention to the fact that the system asks you to CLOSE some applications, and not delete them.
  • Browser low memory warning.

  • Reduced loading speed of applications and locations in video games.
  • To solve problems with RAM, you can install an additional memory stick in your PC. For comfortable use of the browser, it is recommended to have at least 8 GB of RAM in the system. If you have lost sound on your laptop, and the problem is in the RAM, then everything is more complicated here, since installing new brackets on laptops is either impossible or problematic, and their cost is much higher than that of analogues for desktop PCs. But you can also follow simple rules RAM savings, which are also relevant for the above-mentioned stationary PCs.

    • Try to close unnecessary browser tabs. You can bookmark the most frequently visited pages.
    • When launching modern video games, close the browser or leave a minimum of tabs.
    • Create a swap file on one of hard drives or SSD.
    • In the tray (up arrow in the lower right corner of the screen) turn off the programs that you want this moment Not needed. Very often, when you click on the cross, you send the program to the tray, rather than closing it completely. Steam, for example, can settle there. If you don’t know what a program is needed for, then you shouldn’t touch it.

    Also, the sound may not disappear, but begin to distort. This often happens with video: the media file slows down and the sound becomes buzzing and unpleasant. This may also be due to insufficient PC power, but this problem can be solved without additional purchases. There are several solutions.

    Disabling exclusive mode.

    If the problem continues to appear, try reinstalling the drivers. Instructions above.

    No sound after installing Windows 10

    Problems with sound in this case may occur due to driver and OS incompatibility (rarely), or due to incorrect installation of the update. Unfortunately, the latter happens more often than you might think. Let's say your sound stops working, and without visible reasons. The only good thing here is that this problem can be fixed by staff Windows tool. Not always, but in many cases. Right-click on the speaker icon in the lower right corner of the screen and select “Troubleshoot audio problems.” Follow the instructions.

    You can also use Driver Version Rollback to restore sound functionality.

    If the sound does not work on a newly installed Windows 10, then download the drivers manually from the sound card manufacturer’s website.

    Sound does not work in headphones

    Surprisingly, the most common reason for no sound from headphones is setting the volume to minimum on the headphones themselves. Often, users do not notice that the volume control on the headset is at its minimum value.

    Once upon a time it's enough common problem there was incompatibility. Some (usually cheap) headphones simply did not work with Windows 10. This problem, although rare, can happen. It is almost impossible to fix it if the headphones do not work on the PC and play, for example, on a phone or device with the previous Windows versions, you will have to change them.

    It is impossible not to mention the banal lack of drivers. The solution is described above. If you purchased headphones that require installing their own drivers (I haven’t personally met them, but among modern gaming headphones there are such), then install them.

    As a rule, the new device turns on automatically, but sometimes you need to do it manually.

  1. Right-click on the speaker icon in the lower right corner of the screen.
  2. Select Sounds.
  3. Playback is in the panel above.
  4. RMB on empty space.
  5. Check the Show disabled devices checkbox.
  6. If your headphones appear, then right-click on them and select Enable.

The same applies to any other sound source; not only headphones, but also the speaker system or speakers built into the screen may not be activated or not selected as a playback source.


Therefore, most problems associated with incorrect work sound appear due to incorrect operation of drivers or simple inattentiveness of users. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to cover the full range of errors, since with each Windows update old ones are fixed, but new ones appear. Universal advice is to use the screening method. Look at the most likely reasons and go down to the least likely ones, while at the same time figuring out on your own how to adjust the sound after the next problematic update. This way you have the highest chance of fixing the problem as quickly as possible.

Sometimes, due to certain life circumstances, it is necessary to install an operating system. Quite often, users discover that the sound has disappeared after reinstalling the system.

The possibility of a situation where the sound disappeared after installing Windows 7, unfortunately, is far from uncommon. Fortunately, it can be solved quite simply if you know exactly the reason.

Possible reasons

There may be several reasons for the sound to disappear. The main ones are hardware errors, that is, a malfunction of the sound card. In this case, you cannot do without specialized help. Or there are problems in the software, and specifically, in the lack of drivers for the sound card.

If the problem is with hardware, then you are unlikely to be able to solve the problem without special equipment and skills. Solving software problems is much simpler and does not require special knowledge and skills. To do this, you just need to confidently use the computer and not be afraid of it.

Solutions options

So, if after installing Windows 7 there is no sound, then the first thing you need to do is check the connection of the audio system to the computer, and also that the audio system you are using is selected in the settings. The check is as follows:

If the audio system is turned on and in use, but there is still no sound, then the most likely reason why the sound may disappear is that after reinstalling Windows 7, the drivers for the sound card or audio device were not installed. This problem is not so terrible and quite easily solved.

Finding and installing drivers

There are several ways to return sound after Windows reinstallation, the easiest way is to install control program distributions from the media that comes with the device; it has everything necessary drivers. But if it happens that there is no disk, you can install drivers using standard means Windows.

So, to convince the OS to reinstall the drivers, follow the path indicated in address bar conductor: " Control Panel» → « system and safety" → "". And select " device Manager».

After completing these steps, the following window will appear:

In the window that appears, select “ Sound, video and gaming devices"and from the list that opens, select the right system by double-clicking on the name. A properties window will appear in which you need to select the “ Driver».

In this window, you need to select the Update... button, and in the window that appears, click on the item “ Automatic search updated drivers " After this, Windows will begin to search for the program on the Internet and update or install it if such a need exists.

Manual installation

If the built-in Windows service tells you something like “The installed software for this device does not need to be updated,” this does not mean that you actually have it installed and do not need to be updated.

If you just installed the system, then there are no audio drivers there. But the system simply failed. Also quite often the service automatic update cannot find the necessary software, in this case the direct path is to manually search and install the necessary programs.

To do this, the first thing you need to do is decide which sound card you have installed. If your card is integrated into motherboard, then most likely it is from Realtek, which means that you need to go to the manufacturer’s website and download the necessary software there. Device Manager identifies built-in cards as High Definition Audio Device.

But since you may have another audio card, it’s better to find out which one in advance. To do this we follow Start, we find " Execute" and write in the search bar " dxdiag" and click OK.

In the window that appears, go to the “ Sound" (sound).

Line " Name"(name) will tell you what card you have installed. After that, feel free to go to the manufacturer’s website and download the latest version of the software for your card.

After installing the software, restart the computer and check for sound.

Using driver packs

If you have already tried everything, but after reinstalling Windows 7 the sound still does not work, then you have two options. The first is to take the computer to a service center or use specialized software to install drivers, for example. It is better to download it from the official website.

After launch, the program will diagnose the system and indicate those drivers that need to be updated. It will also select the software recommended for installation. Among other things, it will contain Avast And Yandex browser, if you don’t need this happiness for nothing, find the button at the bottom of the window Switch to expert mode and manually configure what should be installed.

Feel free to install all the recommended drivers, but here are the software and programs that DRP suggests deleting, better viewing and changing the settings to those that suit you. The program may remove something you need.

Windows 7 Sound Service Problems

Sometimes the drivers are really fine, but problems arise because the audio service does not start. First, try changing the system sound a couple of times:

Hardware problems

If all the previous methods did not bring the desired result, then most likely there are problems with the hardware. An audio card may fail due to the failure of some individual elements, and not the entire board as a whole. But this will not reassure owners of integrated cards at all. The built-in cards are not repairable, so if it fails, you will have to buy a discrete sound card.

Discrete cards, as a rule, can be repaired, but try to fix them yourself this device Without the appropriate skills and equipment, it’s not worth it; most likely, you will only make the situation worse and spend much more money than if you gave the card to professionals.

Reasons for refusal:

  • overheat;
  • burnout;
  • raw contacts;
  • broken conductors;
  • broken plugs;
  • loose soldering;
  • developer error or manufacturing defect.

To extend the life of your computer, clean it several times a year. This will allow the cooling system to perform its function most efficiently and problems such as overheating and damp contacts will most likely not affect you.

However, the lack of sound is not always a consequence of the fact that the audio card has failed. The first step is to check the functionality of the audio system; to do this, simply connect other speakers to the computer.

Also, cords can fail, replacing which is not difficult, this is especially true for headphones.

It is not always possible to determine at home without equipment whether the audio card has really failed or whether there is a problem with another device. Therefore, you should not panic right away; it is best to carry out diagnostics at a service center, and also update your computer software.

Video on the topic

At times, when upgrading to Windows 10 or installing it clean, users encounter problems with the sound system. It malfunctions or stops working completely. It happens that the sound disappears completely, sometimes its volume becomes quieter gradually. In some cases, the headphone output on the front of the computer stops functioning normally. The reason that the sound disappeared after installing Windows 10 may be a combination of several factors. This article is a continuation of how to get rid of it and eliminate the consequences of the failure.

Least effective method- use of the system service for troubleshooting OS audio playback. However, he should also pay attention. To do this, you need to find the speaker shortcut, right-click to open the menu and select “Detect sound problems.” There are no guarantees that it will work, but in this way the most obvious system malfunctions, which involve wear and tear of computer components and their replacement, are eliminated.

Second standard way- using the device manager. When a malfunction occurs during the next OS update, by pressing right button Click on the Start menu to select the user's sound card. Next, right-click to open the menu, find the “Driver” tab and click “Roll Back”. Disabling automatic IT product updates for your sound card can also prevent problems with it in the future.

Negative impact of installing and updating the OS on sound

The cause of the audio playback malfunction is not immediately apparent. Often, when the sound disappears, the speaker shortcut on the taskbar reacts late. It continues to show that everything is normal, the "Device Manager" message remains "The device is working normally", and no OS update is required.

The only hint for an experienced user is the designation of the sound card as “Device supporting High Definition Audio.” This name is a reliable indicator of the lack of necessary IT products. More often, sound chips in Asus and Sony laptops are susceptible to malfunctions. These include Realtek, Conexant SmartAudio HD and VIA HD.

Installing a sound driver in a new OS

There are several effective ways to troubleshoot the problem. The most effective includes the following:

  1. In the “Search” enter the Model_of_your_laptop_support or Model_of_your_motherboard_support. It is better not to look for an IT product on the resource of the chip manufacturer, in particular, Realtek. It is recommended to visit the online platform of the manufacturer of the entire device.
  2. The user support section contains the necessary software for download. IT products for Windows 7 and 8 are compatible with latest version OS. A prerequisite is that the bit depth (x64 or x86) of the driver matches the currently installed system. Information on how to identify them is publicly available.
  3. Next, the drivers are installed.

At first glance, it is simple, but in practice some difficulties arise. Some users report that after completing the procedure, nothing has changed. The reason is that at times the software does not actually load. In this case, the system does not signal a failure. It guides the user through all the steps and completes the procedure, but after looking at the driver properties in Device Manager, the corresponding changes cannot be found.

The described incident is resolved as follows:

The installer runs in compatibility mode with an earlier version of the OS. This measure is the most effective. In particular, Conexant SmartAudio and Via HD are loaded onto a laptop in this way. In this case this method applicable, but does not guarantee success.

In more difficult situations It helps to first remove the sound card (“Sound and game video devices”), as well as components and other software from the “Audio inputs and audio outputs” tab. In Device Manager, right-click the element to select and delete it. Continuing, the installer runs in compatibility mode. When the driver still does not install, in Device Manager, select Action and Update Hardware Configuration. In Realtek, this method works relatively more often.

If it ends up being installed previous driver, you should right-click on the sound card, and then click “Update driver” and “Search for drivers on this computer.” Then you need to check whether a new one has appeared in the list software compatible with the system.

If the official IT component was not found, the above algorithm of removing the sound card in the device manager and updating the hardware configuration is still worth applying.

Troubleshooting audio or microphone problems

The method described below is suitable for many laptops, but is especially popular among Asus owners. The reason is that the Via Audio sound chip more often has problems with playback in Windows 10, and with the use of a microphone.

The following measures must be taken:

  1. “Audio inputs and audio outputs” opens. To do this, right-click “Start” and click “Device Manager”.
  2. Each item in the section that opens is deleted, including the driver, when a corresponding proposal is received from the system.
  3. Next, you need to go to the “Sound and game video devices” section and clean it in the same way (HDMI components must be left).
  4. Then the Via Audio driver from Asus is loaded. It can be found on the official resource. The choice is great, since each laptop model offers a corresponding software product, separately for Windows 7 and 8.1.
  5. Next, the driver installer is launched in compatibility mode for the selected OS. This action is performed as an administrator.

It is worth noting that the choice of the previous driver version is not accidental, since VIA is often more efficient than its modern analogues.

Key parameters of playback devices

Most novice users do not attach due importance to the need to thoroughly check the system. Particular attention should be paid additional parameters audio playback devices in the new OS. This is done as follows:

Right-click to select the speaker shortcut located at the very bottom of the notification area. Click "Playback Devices".

You should then ensure that the correct hardware is installed by default. If not, select what you need and click “Use as default.”

If headphones and speakers are installed by default, as expected, you need to right-click them, click “Properties” and go to the “Advanced Features” or “Enhancements” section. It notes "Disable all sound effects."

After completing the described procedure, you need to make sure that the sound is working.


It happens that the recording is played back, but very quietly, and the volume is randomly reduced. At the same time, the user does not influence the dynamics of these changes in any way. The sound may begin to crackle and the volume may vary uncontrollably.

For this problem, the following action algorithms:

The "Additional Features" or "Enhancements" checkbox says "Disable all sound effects." Next, you need to apply the settings and then return to the list of playback devices.

After this, the “Communication” tab opens and “No action required” is set. The option to reduce the volume or mute the sound should be removed.

  • Through the "Device Manager" select sound card, then “Properties” and “Update driver”,
  • A “non-native” IT product is selected from the list of installed drivers. A prerequisite is compatibility with the OS. The system itself can provide one of them.

It is rare, but it happens that a “non-native” IT product is able to eliminate a malfunction that no longer appears.

In circumstances where the above examples of solving the problem of sound reproduction did not help, it is worth trying one of the currently popular IT products - a driver pack.

Another aspect of the issue is the condition of the microphone, headphones and speakers. It is necessary to check their performance, since they may simply be faulty. Sometimes the problem is not in the operating room Windows system 10, and in them. If a malfunction is detected, it should be referred to one of the appropriate service centers, which are now in abundance both in megacities and in small towns.

Good day to all readers! Not long ago I encountered a problem - the sound on my laptop disappeared.

Moreover, on Windows 7, and precisely after installing the updates, I initially thought that most likely it was just a bug that would be fixed by rebooting, however, rebooting the computer did not help. The problem was solved by rolling back the service pack and reinstalling it. Today I decided to pay special attention to this topic. I'll tell you what to do if after windows updates 7 no sound. The material will be useful and interesting. Go!


First, I would like to advise you not to try to make settings in the BIOS. Many people advise you to immediately go there and look at changes in the macro programs themselves.

  • Firstly, in the vast majority of cases, the problem is solved by simply rolling back the update. Well, or by reinstalling drivers for devices from realtek.
  • Secondly, you can only aggravate the situation, especially if you don’t know where to click or what the BIOS is like.

This is what prompted me to write the article. Hardware problems are solved through BIOS, but in this case the reason is most likely software. This means that the solution must lie in software. Perhaps the service pack was installed crookedly, or the firewood on the sound card was lost, and you carelessly turned off the sound yourself.

There can be a lot of reasons. Therefore, I decided to build from more common solutions to more unlikely ones.

Loading Last Known Good Configuration

The easiest way. Restart your computer, and as soon as it turns on, press F8. A menu will appear in which you need to select loading the last known known good configuration.

This simplest method in most cases it helps solve the problem.

Checkpoint recovery

Another method used on stationary personal computers and on laptops.

In the viewing parameter we set small icons. Then we go to the section recovery.

In the next window, click on the start button system recovery on the right side.

Now you need to click the checkbox, which will display all restore points. You need to select the one whose date is earlier than the one when you installed the update and the sound disappeared.

Once everything is selected, click ready.

A warning sign will appear.

Then click Yes.

The computer will reboot and then boot from an earlier state.

Reinstalling drivers for the sound card

Here I would like to immediately give information from my blog on this topic. Well, now to the instructions. Let's go to control Panel and there we choose uninstalling programs.

We find software called realtek and remove it.

Now let's go to device Manager and looking for sound devices. Then we remove the firewood that stands on them.

Check the box and click OK.

Next, reboot the computer. After downloading the operating system, go to the website There we click on this software.

Put a tick on the next page and click next.

At the next stage, select the second line and click global server. That is, we will load software from the extended storage without speed restrictions by country and geodata

When the file is downloaded, open it. Unpacking will begin immediately.

A minute or two will pass and you will see the realtek software interface. Click Further.

After installation, the software will prompt you to reboot the machine. Which is what you need to choose.

The laptop will reboot, and after turning on, the work of installing drivers will continue. Click Further.

The installation of additional components will begin again and again you will need to restart the computer.

After reboot, the sound should appear. In principle, updating drivers is done in exactly the same way.

Rolling back or uninstalling an update

Since the problem appeared due to an update, it is logical to assume that removing it will help restore the functionality of the sound system. So let's go to control Panel and choose Update centre.

Now select the update and remove it. The delete button is located slightly higher than the list of software itself.

In the warning window, select Yes.

Then we simply restart the computer.

If there is no sound when watching movies

What to do if there is no sound in films?

Most likely the settings of the flash player have gone wrong. Let's go along address. Then we get to the page where we download the installation file itself.

Perhaps a notification line will appear in the browser where you will need to select the activation of the ActiveX element.

In the window that appears, click the install button.

The installation process will start.

The software will download the necessary data from the servers of the development company. This can take from 1 minute to 15. It all depends on the speed of your Internet connection.

Factory reset

To do this, you will need the system image itself. We boot from it, having previously selected the necessary settings in the BIOS. After everything has loaded, we will see the installation screen, but we do not need to install the system, but restore it. Click on the line shown in the figure below.

At the next stage, select the second position. It's called a system recovery block.

Now select the very first restore point. It is created when the operating system is first started. Therefore, all settings will be reset to the starting settings, but the files will be saved. The registry will even be restored, which may require reinstalling some software on the laptop, especially for games and programs for working with graphics.


All these methods will help you solve your sound problem.

By the way, according to established tradition, I am attaching a couple of useful videos