Opportunities of cloud technologies. What is "cloud technology"? Clouds. General terms

The definition of cloud computing is at first glance very confusing: it is a model for providing ubiquitous and convenient network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (such as servers, applications, networks, storage, and services) that can be quickly provisioned and released with minimal management effort and provider interaction.

In addition, the entrepreneur has the opportunity to quickly update the system after a failure. 35. What is characteristic of him? Cloud computing is an Internet model for development and use computer technology. Remote access to computers is one of the oldest services remote access to mainframes. The first remote terminals used terminal emulation as one of the computer network services currently in use.

Extremely strong access security mobile network. This is the mobile solution it uses. What services will be provided over the network? Quality enterprise deployment tools at an affordable price. Always updated office, email, document sharing, video conferencing. Applied software Application software Programs from various computer applications. Today there are hundreds of programs, and for each type there are often dozens of specific programs, more or less.

In order to better imagine what cloud computing is, we can give a simple example: previously, to access email, a user resorted to certain software (messengers and programs) installed on his PC, but now he simply goes to the website of the company whose services Email he likes, directly through the browser, without the use of intermediaries.

Risk of online access Hidden costs on the school side How to reduce risks and costs? Enterprise Mobility Management Quantity various types and the total number of mobile devices through which company data is available is constantly growing. This, on the one hand, increases the efficiency of employees.

What do they say about infrastructure managers? Companies are forced to solve a number of problems with them. Server virtualization is a connection to growing. Agenda Agenda How did it start? Cloud Definitions Cloud Services Models Cloud Deployment Models. Possibility of involving various mobile devices in corporate information systems.

But this example is more suitable for private clouds. We are interested in these technologies in business. Modern implementation began in 2006. Then Amazon introduced its web services infrastructure, which not only provides hosting, but also provides remote computing power to the client.

Three models of "clouds"

Recall that there are three cloud computing service models:

Capacitive storage that shifts your productivity to innovation. The product is aimed at creating. Information and communication technologies 2 Operating systems, applications Area of ​​study: Social work Year of study: 1 Programs in computer science.

Without the necessary investment in new ones. This is a mobile solution that uses two factories. Agenda Demon Definitions Individual Approach Technology Comparison Limitations Deployment Requirements Disclosures 2 Concepts. Employees can work in the cloud where they need to, rather than where technology allows them to. Work mobility and data exchange are becoming a standard and a prerequisite for business development, rather than a privilege for the rich.

Software as a service (SaaS, Software as a Servise). The consumer is provided software— provider applications running on cloud infrastructure.

Platform as a service (PaaS, Platform as a Service). The consumer is provided with the means to deploy consumer-created or purchased applications on the cloud infrastructure, developed using the provider's supported tools and programming languages.

We presented a vision of a completely cloud-based company. We've explained what the cloud actually means, what migration options a company has, and what benefits or limitations the cloud provides—whether from a process or cost perspective. At the end of our cloud series, we offer ten tips for companies that have migrated to the cloud. These are tips that make work easier and faster and demonstrate the true power of the cloud, efficiency and online collaboration that weren't possible with legacy solutions.

Infrastructure as a service (IaaS, Infrastructure as a Service). The consumer is provided with data processing, storage, networking, and other underlying computing resources on which the consumer can deploy and run arbitrary software, including operating systems and applications.

Benefits of cloud services

Last year, the total volume of the global market in the field of cloud technologies was about $40 billion. Some experts predict that by 2020 this figure will reach $240 billion. Russia ranks 34th in the introduction of cloud computing into business with an indicator of $250 million.

Shorten long URLs in your domain

You can use the same truncation principle in your own subdomain. You can shorten long addresses in online documents or on a map. However, the links are always relevant to your domain and help build trust in your brand.

Email Read Confirmation in Online Mail

Do you want to know if a person has read an email you sent?

Don't send files - share them

Sending files comes with many challenges. The recipient may have their own mailbox, or their provider has a limited attachment size, and therefore the message is returned as invalid. In addition, these files take up greatest number mailboxes, especially when sharing many versions of the same files. The possibility of replaying back is practically zero - for example, if you remember the necessary changes after sending, then the file must be re-submitted.

There are several advantages associated with the use of cloud technologies.

Availability. Anyone with a computer, tablet, or any mobile device connected to the Internet. The following advantage follows from this.

Mobility. The user is not permanently tied to one workplace. Managers can receive reports from anywhere in the world, and managers can monitor production.

Schedule meetings for more people

From uploading files to sharing, from separate files to collections. Every new file is provided to all requested persons. Consistently planning your time and sharing calendars can save you time and others.

Creating an intranet or knowledge base

Individual members then vote on a public page to see which works best for them. You'll miss a central location in your business where you can store important information internally, such as employee records, testimonials, marketing materials, manuals, or photographs? In addition to ready-made solutions, you can add additional gadgets from the gallery or create your own gadgets to display almost any data.

Economical. One of the important advantages is reduced cost. The user does not need to buy expensive computers and software with large computing power, and he is also freed from the need to hire a specialist to maintain local IT technologies.

Rent. The user receives the necessary package of services only at the moment when he needs it, and pays, in fact, only for the number of purchased functions.

Unified Communications in the Cloud

The email client is gradually becoming a communication hub, providing the concept of unified communication. One service combines emails with text or web video chat with classic calling. The main emphasis is on using technology to different situations. You don't need to reply to the same channel again in incoming message, but chat could be faster. To remind you of an important task, you don't need to pick up your phone, but you can just call your mobile phone or landline directly from your web browser.

Flexibility. All necessary resources are provided automatically by the provider.

High technology. Large computing power that is placed at the user's disposal, which can be used for storing, analyzing and processing data.

Reliability. Some experts argue that the reliability provided by modern cloud computing is much higher than the reliability of local resources, arguing that few businesses can afford to purchase and maintain a full-fledged data center.

Cloud data from office applications

Simply called from a regular line browser. If you still don't want to have web applications, there is an alternative for you to plug-ins into classic office applications. They are expanding their functionality to allow more people to collaborate on the same document without sending emails. Data is stored in the cloud and distributed among participants.

However, this is due to the impossibility of editing the same document in the online editor. These two plugins complement their functionality, but it is not recommended to use both at the same time. There's nothing stopping you from trying them both. After selecting the required questions and identifying possible answers, simply select a graphic template from the available catalog and send it to respondents using an online link or directly in the body of the email. All results are stored in an online table that you can classically manipulate or use summary answers, including graphical interpretation.

Google Apps for Business highlights these same benefits, but adds that the company protects the environment by using its cloud computing, explaining that Apps services run on data centers. Google data, characterized by ultra-low power consumption, so the carbon intensity and energy costs of their use will be significantly lower when using local servers.

Adding web apps to your desktop

You can access web services more easily if you create a shortcut on your computer, as you are used to, from regular programs. The most common changes to custom graphics are sufficient for their functionality on the web. It allows you to work in layers using brushes and applying filters.

The web business vision is closer than ever before

Professional programs are still not being completely replaced by online alternatives, but there are enough of them that regular users could do the main job.

How much does all this cost?

The cost of Google Apps for business, according to the company, is $5 per user per month, with free storage space. cloud drive 5 GB (if desired, you can purchase another 20 GB to 16 TB at prices ranging from $4 to $1430 per month, respectively).

The user can also purchase Google Apps with Safe for $10 per month, which includes the standard package of services plus archiving of important business data, data collection for forensic purposes, search and export of any corporate data. Providing domains is available at an additional cost. It is worth noting that a user is considered to have one email account.

Cloudiness speaks of its ubiquity, ease and often free use. If a company does not have sufficient internal resources, a specialized company can also use the cloud. There are several options on the market, just choose and take the first step. And how do you see the cloud? We are interested in the extent to which the articles in the series were useful to you and what topics you want to learn more about. There are many benefits to using cloud-based software, but it's worth taking the time to ensure data security.

Microsoft is also fighting for its share of cloud computing. They are based on Office 365. It focuses on a comprehensive CRM solution, arguing that Microsoft Dinamics CRM includes marketing, sales, and customer service management units. That is, with the help of this function it is possible to solve a range of relationship management problems, from attracting customers to cross-selling.

Functionality is understood here as a service offered by the software and the necessary infrastructure. This means eliminating the need to purchase licenses or install and administer software. A consumer pays to use a specific service, such as the ability to use a spreadsheet.

There is no need to purchase hardware or software. The cloud itself is available in public versions, where you can access the software anywhere in the world, or in a private version, where access is only possible from certain physical locations.

“Smart” analysis, role-based interface and high mobility also stand out.

There are several options for purchasing Office 365: Office Professional Plus 2010 tariff - 555 rubles. per month per user. Subsequent tariffs cost 250, 300, 525 and 750 rubles. per month for each user, respectively. By the way, you can try Office 365 for free.

A private cloud is the transfer of hardware and software infrastructure outside of a business location. Sage. Cloud computing is available in three main models. In this case, the client leases the software from the service provider. The supplier provides both hardware and software, takes care of its updates, etc. the user "rents" the software by paying to use it.

In this model, you usually cannot customize your software because it is shared by many users. The user must take care of purchasing and installing the software, licensing and updating it. The software itself can be purchased in the form of either licenses or subscriptions and is often no different from standard solutions.

Despite all the positive reviews, there is also some criticism of cloud technologies.

The main criticism is that when using virtual software, information automatically falls into the hands of the developer of this software. So says Richard Stallman, founder of the free software movement.

The cloud service provider is responsible for Hardware and operating system. "This model is similar to a car rental service - it's cheaper than a taxi, it may require a lot of upfront effort, but it's cheaper and more flexible in terms of distance," says Sage. In this case, using the cloud comes down to renting equipment. Operating system and business programming are provided and maintained by the purchaser. The buyer must take care of licenses, settings and updates.

The advantage of this model is greater flexibility - the client is limited only by the equipment. This is also the cheapest model for purchasing the same cloud access service, but it requires a lot of effort - purchasing the operating system and software.

The problem of data integration with both internal corporate and cloud services of other providers is highlighted.

Experts point to the problem of uncontrolled data: information left by the user will be stored for years without his knowledge or he will not be able to change any part of it. For example, on Google services the user is not able to delete services and even individual groups of data that he has not used.

The latter's licensing model is optional - it can be either a permanent license or a subscription. “This access model can be compared to car rentals, where the cost per mile is minimal, but you have to take care of tires, insurance, etc.” As usual, where a phenomenon, on the one hand, has many advantages, and, on the other hand, there are no restrictions, proposals are divided.

Entrepreneurs have been using cloud technologies in their organizations for several years now, whether they are managing their own internal processes or going beyond the corporate environment in their business partnerships. - says Aneta Janeczko. It also facilitates access to modern and increasingly used technologies, including mobile solutions, by many companies as a strategic focus. However, these are solutions that are being developed a lot and will be increasingly used and used in the near future, says the speaker.

Despite this, most experts are of the opinion that the advantages of this technology outweigh its disadvantages.

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  • Introduction
  • 1.Cloud technologies in business processes
  • 2.SaaS technologies
  • 3.Practice of using cloud technologies.
  • Conclusion
  • Introduction

The essence of the cloud technology concept is to provide end users with remote, dynamic access to services, computing resources and applications (including operating systems and infrastructure) via the Internet. The development of the hosting industry was driven by the emerging need for software and digital services, which could be controlled internally, but which would be more economical and efficient due to economies of scale.

Most service providers offer cloud computing in the form of VPS hosting, shared hosting, and software-as-a-service (SaaS). Cloud services have long been provided in the form of SaaS, such as Microsoft Hosted Exchange and SharePoint.

It must be admitted that cloud computing technologies have enormous potential, because all modern computer products are constantly increasing their requirements for the technical equipment of the user’s computer, which inevitably leads to significant upgrade costs. Particularly demanding system resources the gaming industry is becoming. So this technology allows you to solve the problem of excessive application demands on end user resources.

1.Cloud technologies in business processes

Computing clouds consist of thousands of servers located in data centers, running tens of thousands of applications that are used simultaneously by millions of users. A prerequisite for the effective management of such large-scale infrastructure is as complete automation as possible. In addition, to provide various types of users - cloud operators, service providers, intermediaries, IT administrators, application users - with secure access to computing resources, the cloud infrastructure must provide the ability to self-manage and delegate authority.

The concept of cloud computing has significantly changed the traditional approach to application delivery, management and integration. Compared to the traditional approach, cloud computing allows you to manage larger infrastructures, serve different groups of users within a single cloud, and also mean complete dependence on the cloud service provider. However, this dependence is such only in theory, because if the provider company allows even one precedent of information theft, this will be a colossal blow to the entire industry of providing remote capacity.

Cloud computing is an effective tool for increasing profits and expanding sales channels for independent software vendors (ISVs), telecom operators and VARs (in the form of SaaS). This approach makes it possible to organize dynamic provision of services, when users can pay as they go and adjust the volume of their resources depending on real needs without long-term commitments Bulusov A. IT managers are currently avoiding cloud technologies. //CNews April 21, 2010.

For hosts, cloud computing offers enormous growth potential. The cloud computing industry is growing rapidly and, according to analysts, by 2012 it will account for 9% of all IT spending. In addition, the industry's focus is increasingly shifting from hosting to cloud computing and SaaS, and your customers will likely expect you to move in that direction.

The main advantage of using clouds is that the end user does not need to have a powerful system, which clearly leads to a significant reduction in costs for the user. The second advantage is the impossibility of using pirated content, because all incoming traffic will come from certified providers. In this way, one of the most global problems of computer modernity can be solved - piracy.

According to Parallels, in the next 5-10 years, the majority of IT will move to five different types of clouds. There will be proprietary platform clouds providing various platform services - Google (type 1), Microsoft (type 2) and other large IT players (type 3) such as IBM, Apple, HP and Amazon.

There will be service clouds (type 4), where thousands of cloud providers are expected to emerge offering a wide range of services. Examples include web and application hosting, vertically integrated entities (government, healthcare, etc.), ISVs (strategic business development, customer support systems, etc.), telecommunications services ( voice mail, VOIP). Finally, there will be clouds managed by enterprise IT (Type 5), which will provide services for internal use and for use by employees and partners.

Platform clouds

* Type1: Google Cloud

* Type2: Microsoft Cloud

* Type3: Other clouds (for example, IBM and Apple -- Amazon, Facebook, Adobe and others)

Service clouds

* Type4: Cloud service providers - telecom operators, web hosts, ISV, SaaS

* Type5: Internal clouds of large companies (Fortune 1000)

With today's level of competition in the IT market, the key to success is the transition to the fifth type of cloud or the involvement of third-party resources for the transition to the fourth type. To solve this problem, Parallels creates solutions, ecosystems and establishes partnerships with service providers and companies to build an effective infrastructure for providing cloud services. In addition, Parallels continues to develop the SaaS direction to provide independent software manufacturers and service providers with the opportunity to provide SaaS applications that meet modern industry standards Makarov S.V. Socio-economic aspects of cloud computing // Monograph - M.: CEMI RAS, 2010.

2.SaaS technologies

SaaS (Software as a Service) is a model for using business applications as Internet services.

SaaS applications run on the SaaS provider's server, and users access them through an Internet browser. The user does not buy a SaaS application, but rents it - pays a certain amount per month for its use. In this way, an economic effect is achieved, which is considered one of the main advantages of SaaS.

The SaaS provider takes care of the functionality of the application and carries out technical support users, installs updates independently. Thus, the user thinks less about the technical side of the issue and focuses on his business goals.

The main advantages of SaaS over traditional software:

· lower cost of ownership.

· shorter implementation times.

· low entry threshold (you can test it quickly and for free).

· the tasks of maintaining and updating the system fall entirely on the shoulders of the SaaS provider.

· full user mobility, limited only by “Internet coverage”.

· support for geographically distributed companies and remote employees.

· low power requirements for the user's computer.

· Cross-platform.

The disadvantages of SaaS are considered to be the insecurity of transferring commercial data to a third-party provider, low performance and unreliable access due to interruptions in the Internet Chernyak L. Integration is the basis of the cloud. // Open systems. DBMS September 16, 2011.

Alternative technologies to SaaS have emerged. They represent intermediate options for the transition from traditional software to SaaS, and are likely to disappear soon.

· S+S - This is an alternative brand promoted by Microsoft, which differs from SaaS in that the user’s computer does not use a browser, but a software client.

· Rental (hosting) of applications. This option differs from SaaS only in the architecture of the server part and is not noticeable to the user. Therefore, application hosts often call their services SaaS services. The difference is that classic SaaS services have a multitenant architecture, i.e. one application serves many clients, and application hosting involves installing a separate copy for each client. The second option gives more customization options, but at the same time, it is more complex to administer and update, and therefore costs more.

3.Practice of using cloud technologies

In 2011, WINDOWS AZURE was announced as a commercial system. Like a traditional OS, WINDOWS AZURE allows you to run applications and store data, but this does not happen on the user’s computer, but in computing clouds.

The WINDOWS AZURE operating system is part of the Windows Azure Platform, a group of cloud technologies for software development that includes the following elements:

WINDOWS AZURE provides a Windows environment for running the application and storing data in Microsoft data centers

· SQL Azure provides work with relational databases based on SQL server. Data can be stored both in the cloud and within the walls of the enterprise, however, interacting with WINDOWS applications AZURE

· Windows Azure Platform AppFabric connects applications running in both cloud and traditional environments, enabling secure data transfer.

Despite the similarity of names, the concepts fabric and AppFabric are not at all the same thing. The first refers to the connection of physical machines within a cloud OS, the second refers to the connection of applications running in different environments.

Directly operating system WINDOWS AZURE also consists of several interconnected parts: Compute Service, Storage Service and Fabric.

Compute Service is responsible for computing. The main purpose of a cloud platform is to provide support for an application running by a huge number of users at the same time. WINDOWS AZURE supports multiple copies of the same code on different physical servers. In turn, the application can work in several versions at once on several virtual machines, each of which is provided by a hypervisor based on Hyper-V, modified for use in the clouds.

There are two types of worker versions of a cloud application: Web role and Worker role. The first one can process HTTP or HTTPS requests, and its virtual machine (VM) runs the Internet Information Services (IIS) server. The programmer has the opportunity to create a version of the web role using ASP.NET or Windows Communication Foundation (WCF), as well as use any other .NET technology that works with IIS. The application can be created in any programming language Makarov S.V. For “Cloud Computing” // Creative Economy. - M:, No. 8, 2010.

In contrast, the worker role does not involve running IIS. She performs tasks in background. For example, a web role could be used to receive a request from a user. But its processing will be started later using the worker role version.

Storage Service provides data storage. WINDOWS AZURE OS supports three ways to work with data. The simplest of them is a BLOB containing binary data with a simple hierarchy. This type of information organization is designed to store images, audio and video, i.e. for large volume use. When it is necessary to structure data of the same type, they resort to tables, where for each unit of information there is a row number and a column number. A table in Storage Service is not relational. Her simple organization allows you to access data through ADO.NET methods. In this form, the cloud OS distributes data storage across several physical computers, which is more efficient than using a relational database.

The considered methods provide data storage and access to it, and to communicate them, a third method, called a “queue,” is required. The principle of organizing data into a queue is based on the following: “First in, first out.” This method helps different versions applications exchange messages with each other. This links the web role and the worker role, since synchronization in the cloud is not possible. Let's say a user calls a task through a web interface that requires significant computing power. The web role writes the received request to a queue. The worker role, accessing this queue, accepts the request and executes it. The execution results (response) are transmitted according to the same principle, through a queue. Regardless of the method of data organization, information in WINDOWS AZURE Storage is replicated 3 times, which ensures system stability: data loss in one of the copies is not fatal. In addition, there are archived copies stored in another Microsoft data center. This means that even if the entire data center is destroyed, information will be retrieved and restored from the archives of another center.

The last component of the OS - Fabric - allows you to organize a set of computers on which applications and WINDOWS data AZURE. This “computer fabric” is controlled by software called a fabric controller. Fabric monitors all running applications, manages interaction with the OS on different VMs, and selects physical server to run the application, thereby optimizing hardware usage. Applications are managed using configuration files, containing an XML description of everything the application needs, such as the required number of virtual machines with web roles and worker roles. Fabric controller creates these virtual machines and monitors the status of each of them in order, if necessary, to replace the failed one or run it on another physical server.

WINDOWS AZURE components allow you to build applications different types. Thus, to create a scalable Internet application, a programmer only needs to use the required number of web roles, storing data in tables. And for a parallel computing application, you will need a web role, a queue to store requests, the required number of worker roles, and tables (or BLOBs) to store data. In turn, SQL Azure and AppFabric make it possible to connect WINDOWS solutions AZURE with programs and databases operating within local network or with cloud systems of other providers Makarov S.V. Loading effect // Creative Economy. - M:, No. 9, 2010.

Applications built on WINDOWS AZURE are provided as a service to individuals, corporate users, or both. Here are pricing examples for some Microsoft cloud services:

· computing power - $0.12/hour

· data storage per month - $0.15/GB

· data transactions - $0.01/10 KB

· data download - $0.15/GB

WITH using WINDOWS AZURE an independent software developer can create applications for business users using software-as-a-service principles.

An example is the solution developed by the American company Alinean, Inc. Its area of ​​activity is providing on-demand analytical tools in the field of sales and marketing analysis. Alinean systems allow you to assess the needs and opportunities of a business in the future, propose a solution for increasing capacity and calculate when investments will begin to pay off. Alinean users are corporate clients located in different parts of the world. Among them are IBM, HP, Microsoft, Intel, AT&T, VMware, Oracle, Siemens, Symantec, etc. In the Alinean data center, located in Orlando (Florida, USA), on-demand service was provided by 20 servers operating 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The volume of business grew, and there was not enough capacity, and the maintenance of an internal data center became more and more expensive.

Therefore, it was decided to transfer the previously developed software under the roof of WINDOWS AZURE. As a result, it took 28 virtual servers with Azure and 20 SQL Azure (10 GB each). By paying as you go, Alinean has achieved a 60% reduction in maintenance costs compared to the previous traditional model. In addition, management estimates the ratio of average increase in profit to investment (ROI - Return On Investment) in WINDOWS AZURE at 160?% compared to investments in the previous configuration (100?%).

Thanks to its scalability, WINDOWS AZURE allows you to keep track of a huge number of users. By creating a cloud solution, the development company can count not only on corporations, but also on individuals. Such an application was made by the New Zealand company TicketDirect International, which, operating online, carries out 45?% of all ticket sales for cultural and sporting events in New Zealand. Previous, traditional ticketing system, operating on Microsoft SQL Server 7 and SQL Server 2000, was written in Visual Basic 6. The application handled several hundred sales within an hour without any problems. But on sales days, when a discount was announced for attending a popular event, thousands of people tried to “reach out” to the system at the same time. It is not surprising that the ticket seller’s computer park could not withstand such an influx of users.

WINDOWS AZURE has provided TicketDirect with scalable infrastructure as a service with pay-as-you-go capabilities. As a result, during sales, the application begins to use additional capacity. Now TicketDirect will no longer need to purchase equipment just to cover temporary surges in activity. There are practically no restrictions. In the clouds, the company is able to cater to several popular events that start their sales at the same minute. WINDOWS AZURE will provide as much power as your business needs.

IN WINDOWS environment AZURE can be created internal applications, the users of which are employees of this enterprise. In this case, scalability is perhaps not so important. But bursts of activity also occur within the company - then it is difficult to overestimate the advantages of cloud computing even within the walls of the enterprise. As an example, let's take the Microsoft company, or rather, her department information technologies, where WINDOWS AZURE found its application. As part of its annual giving campaign, IT is holding an online auction to benefit the United Way. Previously, the hardware and software for it were supported all year round, while the event was held for one month only once a year. In addition, at the very end of the auction, there was usually another problem that the technicians faced. Each time at this time there was a surge in activity, and the system became overloaded.

The IT department decided to migrate to cloud computing. WINDOWS AZURE and Microsoft SQL Azure were used for data storage. Now, in the last days of the auction, the IT team programs the system to use more resources to service the increasing flow of requests. When the auction ends, capacity is reduced according to load. The cloud model is ready to serve as many users as needed. Within the huge company that is Microsoft, the system now allows people to raise more money for charity.

The examples given speak about creating systems on demand. But in order to work in the WINDOWS AZURE environment, it is not necessary to program your own application. Now each of us will be able to test the Microsoft cloud OS in action. Based on WINDOWS AZURE as part of a “live”, running system Windows Live Office applications available upon request. Windows Live lets you create documents in Word formats, Excel and PowerPoint and store them on virtual disk, in the clouds. Interestingly, the system makes it possible to open an online document on a PC using traditional Microsoft software. In the future, WINDOWS AZURE will go beyond the data centers of its developer and will be installed within the walls of other corporations. Microsoft has announced upcoming collaborations with companies such as Dell, HP and eBay. The latter plans to use a cloud solution based on WINDOWS AZURE, thanks to which subscribers will be able to participate in the usual eBay auction using an iPad.


cloud technology application request

On this moment Cloud computing technology is being actively developed and improved. But we are talking about development, not use. At the moment, many are afraid of the very fact that information will be stored by third parties. And although the almost impossibility of data loss or theft has already been proven, few are willing to trust such services. The quality, stability and speed of Internet connections are also insufficient for this period of time, which creates significant difficulties for developers.

When using cloud computing, information technology consumers can significantly reduce capital costs - for the construction of data processing centers, the purchase of server and network equipment, hardware and software solutions to ensure continuity and availability - as these costs are absorbed by the cloud service provider. In addition, the long construction and commissioning time of large information technology infrastructure facilities and their high initial cost limit the ability of consumers to flexibly respond to market demands, while cloud technologies provide the ability to respond almost instantly to increased demand for computing power.

When using cloud computing, consumer costs are shifted towards operational ones - this is how the costs of paying for the services of cloud providers are classified.

However, despite these significant disadvantages, the advantages of introducing this technology are clear to everyone. After all, this means savings for consumers, the fight against piracy for developers, minimizing IT costs for businesses, and unifying network standards for all users.

List of used literature

2. Makarov S.V. For “Cloud Computing” // Creative Economy. - M:, No. 8, 2010

3. Makarov S.V. Socio-economic aspects of cloud computing //Monograph - M.: CEMI RAS, 2010

4. Makarov S.V. Loading effect // Creative Economy. - M:, No. 9, 2010

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