Windows 10 boot files are damaged. Formatting a hidden volume

Windows 10, like previous versions this operating system is not completely protected from failures, impacts computer viruses, equipment failure and other problems. Therefore, if you have problems operating or loading the OS, you can use the built-in tools to return the operating system to a working state.

There are several ways to restore Windows 10.

If the computer boots:

  1. Using a restore point.
  2. File history.

If your computer won't boot:

  1. Using a recovery disk.
  2. By using installation disk.

Now let's look at these recovery options in more detail.

Method 1 – Using a System Restore Point

Windows periodically stores information about programs, system settings, drivers, the registry, and drivers in system restore points. This occurs before significant changes to the OS, such as installing programs, drivers, or system updates. You can also create a restore point manually. You can read how to do this in.

It is worth noting that after recovery, your data will remain intact, and drivers, programs and updates installed after creating the restore point will be deleted.

1. Launch the system properties window (keyboard shortcut Windows + Pause) and open the item "".

2. Click the button Restore", and then "Next". In the list of available recovery points, select the desired item and click “Next” again.

3. Check the selected parameters again, click the " Ready" and then "Yes" in the warning window. The recovery process will begin and the computer will restart.

Method 2 - Reset to factory settings

In Windows 10, it is possible to return system settings to the initial state. In this case, you can do full reset or saving user files. The advantage of this method is that if you want to reinstall the system you do not need to Windows installation from scratch, just do a reset.

To use this function, you need to go to the following section: “ Computer Settings -> Update and Security -> Recovery -> Restore your computer to its original state" and click the "Start" button.

We discussed the factory reset process in more detail in this article:

Method 3 – File History

This method is not directly related to system recovery, but in combination with other methods it can also be useful.

"File History" allows you to do backups your files automatically and manually. You just need to activate this function and specify which folders you want to save. The system will automatically backup your documents at a frequency that can be configured. If necessary, you can easily restore files to the version you need.

You can read how to enable, configure and use this tool in this article:

Method 4 – Using a recovery disk

If Windows 10 won't boot, you can try resuscitating the system using a recovery disc, which will allow you to access additional startup options.

If you don't have a recovery disk yet, use these instructions:

After booting from the USB recovery drive, go to the " Diagnostics -> Extra options ».

Here you can use several options for resuscitating your computer:

  1. Restoring Windows using a restore point. We have already discussed this option above. Its meaning is the same, only it is launched in a different way.
  2. Restoring the system image. This method has been known since Windows 7. If you previously created a system image in Windows, you can easily restore it using a recovery disk. How to create a system image in Windows 10 can be read here:
  3. Using the following point, you can try to automatically fix boot errors.
  4. For more advanced users it is possible to run command line for system recovery or other purposes.
  5. Well, the last option is to return Windows to the previous build.

It should also be noted that if, when creating a system repair disk, you burned system files to the disk, then you will have the opportunity to reinstall Windows from this disk. But if you bought a computer with Window 8 (8.1) pre-installed with a hidden recovery partition, then the version of the system that originally came with the computer will be restored.

Method 5 – Using the installation disk

If Windows won't boot and you don't have a recovery disk, you can use the installation disk to resuscitate your computer.

You can burn the installation disc to a USB drive or DVD using the media creation tool that you can download.

After booting from the installation media, you will see a window in which you need to select language options and click the “Next” button.

  1. Restore the computer to its original state. A factory reset will be performed with or without saving user files. We have already discussed this tool above (method 2).
  2. Extra options. Just like on the system repair disk, a list of tools will open that can help you restore Windows functionality using restore points, a system image, etc.

We looked at the main ways Windows recovery 10. Usually they are quite enough to return the system to a working state. It was also possible to add a clean installation of Windows here, but this is already an extreme measure and is indirectly related to system recovery.

There are very frequent cases when the system does not boot, that is, you pressed the power button, a few seconds passed and you see not the usual Windows logo, but a black screen with a description of some error. An example of such an error is shown in the screenshot below.

In short, such problems can only mean one thing - bootloader recovery is necessary. Of course, I already talked about that, but here the situation is almost no different, except that the guide is intended for Windows 10.

I would like to note that you do not need to pay attention to what mode you are in or how you converted HDD– in MBR or GPT. Recovery can be applied to any of these cases and not only them.

And the last thing I want to say before you start restoring: errors and the inability to boot the system does not mean that the bootloader is damaged, it is possible that the problem is caused by another case, for example, some kind of device is inserted. There are such critical cases when reinstallation is indispensable, but I hope it won’t come to that.

How to automatically restore the bootloader?

This method is sometimes sufficient because it works very well. In other words, Windows 10 Recovery Environment has everything you need to get the job done quickly.

In order to get into the recovery environment, you need to find a disk with Windows 10. If this is not there, you can download Windows 10 and create a bootable USB flash drive, and then boot from it.

Instead of clicking on the install button, you need to click on the button on the bottom left − "System Restore".

A window will appear with a choice of actions. Select an option "Troubleshooting".

Now select the item "Startup Repair" and wait for the process to finish.

Bootloader recovery will either be successful and you will boot into the system as usual, or a message will appear indicating that the recovery failed. Most often this method works, but if not, move on to the next option.

How to restore Windows 10 bootloader manually?

Boot from the installation disk or flash drive in the same way. Sometimes users have a problem that it is not possible to create a bootable USB flash drive, since there is no second computer, then you will have to find good friend or a friend to lend you a PC for a while.

Once the installation window appears, click the button "Install", then press keyboard shortcuts Shift+F10, so we will open the command line.

If it doesn’t work, you’ll have to go to the recovery partition and click on option "Diagnostics", Then "Extra options" and select the item there "Command line".

Once we have launched the CMD window, enter the following commands there in order:

diskpart– launch disk utility

list volume– displays hard disk partitions

So, we see in the command line all the volumes that are on the computer, all thanks to the list volume command. You need to understand which partition is the system partition, usually it has the letter (C:). Remember this letter.

To restore the bootloader, in most cases you can only run this command:

bcdboot C:\windows

Where C:- this is the system drive letter that you need to remember, perhaps yours is different.

Let's say that you have several operating systems on your computer, what should you do then? It's simple, you identify all the disks on which these systems are located and write this command for each disk.

After performing this operation, restart the computer and check the system's functionality; there may be some delay when loading the system, but do not worry, as disks and other operations are being checked.

Now let's move on to another one effective way recovery Windows boot loader 10.

Restoring the Windows 10 bootloader - method two

What should we do if, even in manual mode, we could not restore the bootloader? Now we will try to figure this out using the following method. Go.

Re-enter the command from the previous method:


list volume

When the mode is set and installed system On a GPT partition, you can notice a hidden partition with a very small weight, usually 100-300 MB and the FAT32 file system. If there was a simple BIOS with an MBR disk, then such a partition would weigh about 500 MB.

So, you need to remember the volume number of this section, for example, if it says Volume 3, then remember the number 3.

Now let's start entering the following commands, after which it is possible to restore the bootloader.

select volume M– (M – number hidden section)

format fs=fat32– formatting in FAT32 (instead of FAT32 you can write ntfs)

assign letter=X– call the new section of letters X

exit- exit

Now we run this command:

bcdboot C:\Windows /s X: /f ALL

Let's start entering these commands using the Diskpart utility:


list volume

select volume M– number of the hidden section.

remove letter=X– hidden partitions should not be displayed in the system, so we will remove the partition letter.


Now close the command prompt and restart your PC. You must boot into working system with a restored bootloader.

Third way

A very fast and easy way. You can enter a simple command on the command line to fix it:

bootrec.exe /fixboot

I really hope this article helps you. You can write in the comments about the difficulties you have encountered, and I will help as best I can. If the boot cannot be restored at all, then you will only have to reinstall the system.

If you cannot boot Windows 7, read the article about this operating system.

Hello admin, how to restore the Windows 10 bootloader? The operating system does not load at all on a new laptop with a UEFI BIOS.

How it all started. Updated on new one Windows laptop 8.1 before Windows 10, I used the new operating system for two months and everything was fine, but yesterday when I shut down the computer, the system displayed the window " Installation in progress updates. Don’t turn off the computer...", but I was very tired and simply turned off the laptop using the Power button, then went to bed, and this morning the laptop booted with the error - File:\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\BCD.

Booted the laptop from the installation Windows disk 10 and went to Advanced options, selected the “Startup Repair” tool, but it did not help, the error “Startup Repair could not restore the computer” came up. I looked for information on the Internet, everyone says restore the Windows 10 bootloader! Where is this bootloader even located and can I restore it myself? I would also like to know why this all happened.

Hello friends! Reasons why files Windows boot 10 can become inoperative quite a lot. This is work malware, file system errors, bad blocks on the hard drive, installing operating systems in the wrong order, that is, first , not the least in this list will be incorrect user actions when working at the computer - it is not recommended to interrupt the installation Windows updates. But what happened, happened and the question now is different - how will we restore the system bootloader.

Let's start the bootloader recovery process by first showing you where it is located.

If you read our article: -, then you know that Windows 10 boot files are located on a hidden encrypted (EFI) system partition formatted in file system FAT32, size 200-300 MB.

Computer disk management

This partition does not have a letter and to view the files located on it you need to run the command line as an administrator and enter the commands:


lis vol (we list all partitions on the hard drive).

sel vol 5 (using this command we select Volume 5, since it is hidden encrypted (EFI)system partition FAT32, size 260 MB).

assign (this command assigns a letter to the partition)

exit (exit diskpart)

Open Explorer and see that the hidden partition is assigned a letter(I:) .

You still won’t be able to enter it, but you can view the contents like this:

Launch the command line and enter the command:

dir I :\efi\microsoft\boot\(where I:, the letter assigned to the hidden partition),

folder contents open EFI\Microsoft\Boot, we see Windows 10 boot loader files in it, including file Boot Configuration Data (BCD). It is with this file that our reader has problems, judging by his error.

You can view Windows 10 bootloader files not only in the command line, but also using a file manager Total Commander. Launch it and open it Configuration-->Settings,

then in the window Panel Contents, tick the itemsShow hidden files And Show system files , click Apply and OK.

Select the drive letter of the hidden partition, in our case (I:) and you will see all the Windows 10 boot loader files in a graphical display.

You can even view the contents of the boot configuration data (BCD) file by simply entering bcdedit at a command prompt running as an administrator.

How to restore Windows 10 bootloader

Method No. 1

If you have a laptop with Windows 10, then we boot from . In the initial system installation window, press the keyboard shortcut “Shift+F10”,

A command prompt window opens.

Enter the commands:


list vol (we list all existing hard disk partitions, m You can notice that the partition with the Windows 10 operating system is assigned the letter C:)

exit (exit diskpart)

bcdboot.exe C:\Windows (with this command we restore Windows 10 download store contents. Carefully! You may have a different letter instead of C:, see the letter of the partition with the operating system files).

  • Note: Friends, it is with this command, using bcdboot utilities, Windows 10 installer creates the EFI\Microsoft\Boot folder during system installation, then copies boot files into it and creates a boot configuration (BCD).

Win 10 download files successfully restored!

In some cases, you may receive an error when entering last command, then you need to do it differently, just take and format the hidden encrypted (EFI) system partition, then use a certain command to write Windows 10 download files onto it again, this is described in detail in method No. 2.

Method No. 2

Booting again from bootable flash drive Win 10, in the initial system installation window, press “Shift+F10”. On the command line enter:


list vol (lists all available volumes)

sel vol 5 (select Volume 5 (FAT32 file system, size 260 MB) encrypted (EFI) system partition containing all Windows 10 boot loader files

format fs=FAT32 (we format the selected volume into the FAT32 file system)

exit (exit the command line).

We create new download files for Windows 10 using the command.

bcdboot.exe C:\Windows (Caution! You may have a different letter instead of C:, see the letter of the partition with the operating system files).

The download files have been successfully created!

Method No. 3
Friends, under certain circumstances, when you enter the last command bcdboot.exe C:\Windows, where (C:) is the partition with the Windows 10 operating system installed, you may receive the error “Failure to copy boot files”

Quite unexpectedly, the user may find that the operating system cannot be loaded. Instead of the welcome screen, a warning is shown that the download did not occur. Most likely, the problem is with the Windows 10 bootloader. There are several reasons that cause this problem. The article will describe all available options for resolving the problem.

To restore the bootloader you will need care and a little experience working with "Command line". Mainly the reasons why download error occurs is because bad sectors hard drive, harmful software, installation of the older Windows versions on top of the younger one. The problem may also occur due to a sudden interruption of work, especially if this happened during the installation of updates.

  • A conflict between flash drives, disks and other peripherals can also provoke this error. Remove all unnecessary devices from the computer and check the functionality of the bootloader.
  • In addition to all of the above, it is worth checking the display of the hard drive in the BIOS. If the HDD is not in the list, then you need to solve the problem with it.

To fix the problem you will need boot disk or a flash drive with Windows 10 of the exact edition and bit size that you currently have installed. If you don't have this, burn the OS image using another computer.

Method 1: Automatic fix

In Windows 10, developers have improved the automatic fix feature system errors. This method is not always effective, but it is worth trying at least because of its simplicity.

Method 2: Create download files

If the first option doesn't work, you can use DiskPart. For this method you will also need a boot disk with an OS image, a flash drive or a recovery disk.

Method 3: Overwriting the bootloader

If the previous options did not work at all, then you can try to rewrite the bootloader.

If you have more than one version of Windows installed, you need to repeat this procedure with other partitions. Log back into Diskpart and open the list of volumes.

  1. Select the number of the hidden volume that was recently assigned a letter
  2. Now we remove the display of the letter in the system
  3. Exit using the command
  4. After all the manipulations, restart your computer.

Method 4: LiveCD

Using LiveCD, you can also restore the Windows 10 bootloader if its assembly contains programs such as EasyBCD, MultiBoot or FixBootFull. This method requires some experience, because often such assemblies are English language and have many professional programs.

You can find the image on thematic websites and forums on the Internet. Typically, authors write what programs are built into the assembly.
With LiveCD you need to do the same thing as with Windows way. Once you boot into the shell, you will need to find and launch the recovery program, and then follow its instructions.

This article listed working methods for restoring the Windows 10 bootloader. If nothing worked for you or you are not sure that you can do everything yourself, then you should seek help from specialists.

It is reliably known that he does not want to stand next to the top ten Linux Ubuntu. The most unpleasant thing is that the reason is unclear. Before this, there was a failure when copying download files at a certain stage of the installation, and when a dozen settled on the hard drive, Linux was completely offended. Now the Linux boot package warns in advance that it will not stand next to Billy Gates' brainchild. We decided to find out what’s going on here, and at the same time we’ll describe how to restore the Windows 10 OS bootloader.

If your PC does not want to boot, do not rush to restore the system. Practice shows that this occurs when someone forgot the SD card from the camera in the Card-Reader. There's just a black screen and that's it. The BIOS boot loader takes this media as a disk with the system and gives control to it. As if there was an installation flash drive. No system restore is required. Turn off the PC, remove removable media, restart.

Via bootable media

If you know for sure that the boot is coming from the desired Windows system media, but something goes wrong, obviously, you still have to tinker.

Damaged hard drive

Not long ago, a virus appeared, undetectable in the standard way, which erases the system area. It overwrites files over and over again until it completely erases everything. This leads to the formation of poorly readable sectors. The access period for which is from 1500 ms and above. As a result, the boot time of Windows 10 increases greatly and can reach half an hour. It's almost useless to fight. Such cases are described on forums. Attempts are made to move the system partition, but they lead nowhere.

The worst thing is when the same situation is observed when exiting hibernation. Because some were saved by this particular mode (the difference in loading speed is up to 10 times). Noteworthy is the fact that the “five rotating points” of the window can slow down or behave normally. In both cases it takes a long time to load. So, there is only one way out - to use the hard drive only for storing information.

Bootable media

Windows OS has a built-in boot file control tool. It’s logical to start bootloader recovery from here. The next section will show you how to enter the command line, but for now we assume that readers can do it themselves:

If the first method does not help, then the system partition (500 MB) is formatted, then the copying procedure is performed again (find details of working with Diskpart below). IN in this case you already need to explicitly specify the drive letter using the key. The screenshot shows an example from the official Microsoft website (, writing all data to section S.

We don't really need the /l parameter to set the language, and we can throw that part out. The partition is formatted for reasons that the system could be damaged by a virus. After all the manipulations have been completed, the ten usually starts to load.

How to open the recovery tool

In the top ten, the developers devoted a lot of effort to creating a recovery environment. In this case, you will have to launch from the media (although Microsoft TP writes that the same can be done with the help of three consecutive emergency power outages). But in our case it is assumed that the hard drive is completely useless. Therefore, we are looking for a flash drive or DVD to start operations. To transfer control to the desired media at the very beginning (immediately after turning on the PC), patiently press F12. From the menu that appears, select the desired line.

Please note that USB drives often fall into the hard drives. Start loading and wait for the first meaningful window to appear. Here you will be asked to select a language, leave the default Russian. We are interested in the recovery tool.

How to label a volume

You have seen that it is very difficult to find the partition with the operating system through the command line in order to perform a boot restore. The process looks much easier when the volume has a label. Meanwhile, creating it takes a matter of seconds. To do this, go to Explorer and click right click according to the required section. In Properties there is the required field.

Fill it out and click apply. After that system disk from the Diskpart utility you can find it without problems.

Working with Diskpart

The Diskpart utility is part of Windows, and in this case it is the only way to find out more about our hard drive.

The shrink command reduces the size, and create creates a new partition in this place. In our case, we should not delete the old one, allocated by the regular wizard, so as not to inadvertently create a new one in the same place.

How to create a new boot partition

We decided to reveal a little example of creating a new boot partition. Unneeded has been removed logical drive, after which the process started. See what it looks like.

All! You can get overloaded. In addition, we erased C as unnecessary. Ten managed to load a little faster. This disk is erased by a virus and cannot be used as a working disk. But it was the easiest place to demonstrate bootloader recovery in the operating room. Windows system 10. Everything works. The system booted successfully.