The VPN icon appears. What is VPN on iPhone, how to set it up, enable or disable it

VPN (full name – Virtual Private Network) is a way of organizing virtual computer networks over real ones. Why is it needed? VPNs are used to solve a variety of problems. For example, to bypass blocking access to certain sites that are prohibited in a particular territory. This communication technology is also used to increase confidentiality. WITH using VPN easy to encrypt the connection. As a result, those requesting an IP will not receive your individual number, which records where you access the network from, but another one, tied to a location or a specific country.

So we invite you to figure out with us how to set up a VPN on iPhone. At the same time, we promise that the information below will be relevant for almost all models - 4, 4s, 5, 5s, 6, 7, etc.

Instructions for setting up a VPN for iOS

You can enable VPN on iPhone different ways. Although this is usually done through the device's built-in settings or using third-party applications.

Let's first take a closer look at the first option. That is, we will set up a VPN on the phone itself without installing special software from the Internet.

For reference! VPN is a kind of link between your mobile device and the Internet. Its main function is to give a false IP address in order to disguise the user’s real location. Although today many of us use VPNs to remove blocks to various prohibited sites.

How to connect a VPN on iPhone using an app?

There are many programs that provide VPN connection on iPhone. To be more precise, each VPN provider has its own application. So you can just go to App Store, download and install it.

Although we recommend paying attention to the program Betternet . This is one of the most convenient similar applications. To connect and disconnect a VPN, you only need to tap one button. However, the time you can use VPN is not limited. However, with the first launch you will have to configure the profile. Once you log into the application, you won’t have to do this anymore.

Also, you will not need to create accounts or use any other additional services. Just go to Betternet, press “connect” to connect and “disconnect” to disconnect. This application also does not have any advertising, registration, etc. It even works in China (there are a lot of restrictions on various resources there), where the same popular VPN Master turns out to be useless.

Ask how the person lives free VPN-service without any financial support? It's simple. If desired, each user can become a volunteer and help the project by promoting and installing applications from the App Store. Quite interesting and easy.

For reference! What other programs for working with VPN can you recommend? These are Tunnel Bear, OpenVPN connect and Cloak. If you have not only an iPhone, but also an Android smartphone, then it is better to use the Turbo VPN program on it.

How to remove VPN on iPhone?

To do this you need to go to “Settings”. Then select the “Basic” section. Then click on “Profiles”. Find your VPN, tap on it and then press the red “Delete” button.

Possible problems

If the iPhone is connected to the network via VPN, then this is indicated by the corresponding icon in the top notification bar (usually it does not blink, but is simply displayed). It also happens that he suddenly disappears unexpectedly. This means that the VPN connection is not working. As a rule, there are two reasons for the problem:

  • unstable internet connection;
  • failures on the server providing VPN services.

Therefore, if there are any problems:

  1. To begin, manually reconnect to the VPN using one of the methods described above.
  2. Then check if your connection to the mobile Internet or Wi-Fi network is stable.
  3. Please ensure that the specified settings are correct.
  4. If you used the application, then simply install another service. It's likely that the program you downloaded and downloaded earlier has a VPN connection blocked in that area.
  5. You can also try rebooting the device and disabling antivirus software.

Let's sum it up

Today, many people believe that VPN is an area that only hackers and computer “gurus” would need. But this is a mistaken opinion. Any user, if his favorite Internet resource is blocked, will want to bypass the blocking and restore access to it. And this can be done using a VPN. At the same time, we described in detail how to “crank it all out” in this article.

This article will be useful to anyone who wants to visit some blocked sites, or encrypt the data that we browse on the Internet. There is such a thing as a VPN. Most likely, you have already heard about it, but probably like me, you don’t really understand what it is. Of course, before writing the article, I was not lazy and read a little on this topic. Let's first understand what a VPN is and why it is needed at all.

VPN(Virtual Private Network) – translated as a virtual private network. If in simple language, then a VPN allows us to gain anonymous access to various resources, and do it as if from another country. That is, for example, some site is blocked in our country, and we need to visit it. We turn on the VPN and can access this site as if we were in another country. You can replace our Internet location and IP address. In addition, all information via VPN is encrypted.

Just like that, by running a VPN, we can browse any sites, simulate access to the Internet from some redistributed country, and at the same time our connection will be secure and anonymous.

Few people use this, since it is not very clear how it works, how to configure it, and all that. But, since some authorities are now actively blocking access to various sites, it seems to me that the popularity of VPN connections will only grow. And then such a popular browser as Opera has a built-in VPN function. Moreover, this is completely free feature, and the traffic there is unlimited.

There are just a lot of services and applications that provide VPN for a fee. As a rule, all services are good and working, and they are not expensive. But not everyone is ready to pay. And if you have a secure connection and need access to blocked sites from your computer, and even then not always, then why not use free VPNs in the Opera browser itself. There is no need to install or configure anything special. Just check one box in the settings. I understand that not everyone uses the Opera browser. But I haven’t heard about this feature in other browsers yet. Alternatively, you can use your favorite browser and keep Opera for visiting some blocked sites or other tasks.

How to enable VPN in Opera

If the Opera browser is not yet installed on your computer, then you can download and install it in just a few clicks from the official website And if it’s already installed, and you don’t find VPN in the settings, then see if you have the most installed a new version.

And so, open Opera and go to settings. This is done like this:

Go to the "Security" tab and put a checkmark next to the line "Enable VPN".

We have enabled the VPN connection.

Setting up Opera's built-in VPN feature

You will see an icon appear next to the address input line and search queries. If it is blue, it means that everything is fine, and Opera itself has selected the optimal virtual location for you. And you are already working through a secure connection, and as if from another country.

Click on the icon and you will see information on the amount of data transferred per month, and also a pleasant inscription that you have unlimited VPN traffic. This is very cool.

If the icon is orange, then simply select your country from the list. In any case, you can change the country of your virtual location on the Internet. But if it is not important to you from which country you will access sites, then it is better to leave “Optimal location”.

Also, your current IP address will be displayed below. And you can turn it off very easily VPN connection, and turn it back on when necessary.

As you already understand, in this way we replace not just the location, but also our IP address. And also, as I wrote above, this is a secure connection, since all traffic is encrypted.

Disadvantages of connecting via VPN

The only negative that I know about is the drop in Internet connection speed. This is understandable, after turning on the VPN, we no longer connect directly to the site, but through a proxy server, and from another country. So the ping may increase slightly, but the Internet connection speed will decrease. Depending on the selected server, the speed may drop differently.

You can do it with or without VPN enabled. And then, select another country in the settings and check the speed again.

Why VPN doesn't work in Opera

Article update (05/22/2017). Users have begun to complain that recently the free VPN built into the Opera browser has stopped working, works intermittently, or is very buggy. There is such a problem, I encountered it myself. Most often, after switching on is in progress permanent "Connection..." with the server, and the VPN icon itself is orange (it should be blue).

It is hardly possible to solve this problem somehow. The fact is that after the popular sites VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Yandex were blocked in Ukraine, everyone actively began to use VPN. And Opera's servers simply can't handle the load. Hence the problems at work.

Perhaps in the near future Opera will solve this problem by increasing the number of servers or their power. Or maybe they will close them altogether, or make them paid. Although, this is unlikely. They will lose a lot of users.


Well, Opera really did a cool thing. Unlimited VPN, and free too. And the very fact that you don’t need to register anywhere, install anything and configure it all is, of course, pleasing. Everything is set up very quickly and easily. Even a child can figure it out. Although, children now understand these matters better than adults :)

VPN is a feature available on iPhone, iPad and iPod touch, which allows you to change the device’s IP address when accessing the Internet. There are several ways to use it.

Why do you need a VPN?

Using a VPN leads to the fact that when you access the Internet, all sites and other objects requesting your IP will receive not your individual number, which records from which location you are accessing the network, but another one, tied to another location or another country .

This function can be useful in cases where you need to access a site that is blocked in your country, or log into any resource blocked by the settings of the Wi-Fi network through which the connection is made. VPN provides anonymity, that is, no one will know that it was from your device that you entered a particular Internet resource.

That is, if you are, for example, in Russia, then with the help of a VPN you can set an IP for your connection, thanks to which it will be displayed everywhere that you are, for example, in Italy.

The use of VPN is officially prohibited in Russia.

How to use a VPN

On iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch, there are two ways to use VPN services: through the device's built-in settings or through a third-party application.

Using VPN through built-in settings

To use this method, you will have to find a site that provides VPN services in advance and create an account on it.

  1. Expand device settings. Open your Apple device settings
  2. Go to main settings. Opening Apple's main settings
  3. Select "Network". Go to the “Network” section
  4. Select the VPN sub-item. Select the VPN subsection in the “Network” tab
  5. Start creating a new configuration. Click on the “Add configuration” button
  6. Please indicate that you want to use the PPTP protocol. Fill in all the fields: “Server” - the site that you found in advance, “Description” - can be obtained on the site, “Account” - the name of your account, RSA - leave the factory value, “Password” - the code for the account, if you have one , “Encryption” - absent. After filling in all the cells, save the entered data. Fill in empty cells configurations
  7. Make sure the settings you create are selected as default. Setting the default configuration
  8. Return to general settings and activate the use of VPN. If you want to interrupt the connection via VPN, then click on the slider again so that the function becomes inactive. Enable VPN in device settings

Video: setting up a VPN using the system

Using a VPN through a third-party app

There are many programs that provide a VPN connection. One of the best is Betternet, which can be installed for free from the App Store. To connect and disconnect a VPN you only need to press one button, and the time you can use the VPN is not limited. That is, you don’t have to manually enter settings, create accounts or use any other additional services. Just install the application, go into it and press the Connect button to connect and Disconnect to disconnect.

Connecting or disconnecting from a VPN via Betternet

You can also choose which country the VPN will link you to.

Choosing a VPN server via Betternet

Video: Setting up a VPN with Betternet

What to do if the VPN icon disappears

If the device is connected to the network via VPN, an icon will indicate this in the top notification bar. The disappearance of this icon means that you are still connected to the Internet, but redirection via the VPN has ended. That is, the VPN connection is interrupted; it may deactivate on its own due to an unstable Internet connection or problems with the server providing VPN services. In this case, you must manually reconnect to the VPN using one of the methods described above. You may need to reboot your device first before reconnecting.

VPN icon in notification bar

What to do if VPN doesn't work

A VPN connection may not work for two reasons: an unstable Internet connection or a problem with the server that provides VPN services. First, check if your mobile internet connection is stable or Wi-Fi networks. Secondly, check the correctness of the entered settings if you used the first method described above, or install any other application other than the one described above in the second method, if you used it.

The best way to get rid of the VPN connection problem is to choose a different service or application. The main thing is to choose a VPN that will work in your area.

A VPN allows you to use services that are blocked in your area. You can use it through the settings of your Apple device or a third-party application.

In order to use Opera’s built-in ad blocker, the feature must first be enabled in the browser. To enable Opera’s ad blocker, or to turn off ad blocker:

  1. Open Opera and go to.
  2. Under Block ads, click the switch. This will enable ad blocker.

The blue ad blocker badge on the right side of the combined address and search bar shows that the feature is enabled. The badge has no color when ad blocker is disabled.

Click the ad blocker icon to open the ad blocker pop-up window. In this window you can disable ad blocker for the current website and find a link to the settings page for ad blocker.

Whitelist a website in Opera’s ad blocker

Some websites request that you disable ad blocker so you can visit and fully enjoy their webpage. Instead of having to completely turn off Opera’s ad blocker to visit one site, you can whitelist the requesting website.

To do this, open the ad blocker pop-up window in the combined address and search bar and click the Turn off for this site button. This will stop ad blocker on that site.

Opera’s ad blocker pauses when you visit a whitelisted website and resumes when you navigate to another website, allowing for an uninterrupted browsing experience.

The whitelisted website’s domain is added to your ad blocking exceptions list. Read below to learn how to manage exceptions for Opera’s ad blocker.

Managing filter lists for Opera's ad blocker

You can choose which filter lists Opera’s ad blocker uses when the feature is enabled. EasyList and NoCoin are enabled by default. To manage lists in Opera’s ad blocker:

  1. Go to Settings.
  2. Under Block ads, click Manage lists.
  3. Check the boxes next to the lists you want enabled for ad blocker.

Opera updates your selected lists automatically. You can update the lists manually by clicking the Update button at the top of the page.

These lists, also known as filter lists, contain rules that tell ad blockers which content is likely to be an ad. The most popular and commonly used list for removing ads on international websites is EasyList. Opera includes additional lists, such as EasyPrivacy, NoCoin, and lists for multiple languages, in order to remove ads.

NoCoin is a cryptocurrency mining protection filter list which stops crytpojacking scripts from running on your computer. Read more about Opera’s cryptocurrency mining protection.


Normally, your browser connects directly to websites, allowing websites to identify your IP address and approximate location. With VPN, you connect to websites via a VPN (virtual private network) server. As a result, your apparent location changes to the location of the server. To enable VPN:

  1. Go to Settings.
  2. Click Advanced Features.
  3. Under VPN, turn on Enable VPN.

When you enable VPN, it starts automatically, and a VPN badge appears in the combined address and search bar. Click on the badge, and you will see an on/off switch, information about the amount of data transferred, the virtual location, and the virtual IP address.

From the point of view of websites, your browser is now located in the region given by the virtual location. To change your virtual location, select a region from the list. If you do not choose a region, you are automatically assigned an optimal location. To turn off VPN, flip the switch in the badge.

Because the connection from your browser to the VPN server is encrypted, even if the local network is not, VPN enhances your privacy on the local network. You can hide your browsing activities from other users of that network.

To enhance your privacy with regard to websites, making it more difficult for them to track you, you need a combination of features. The issue is cookies. Even if you disguise your location, websites can still identify you if they have set a cookie. Notice, however, that by blocking ads you block the source of many tracking cookies. At the end of a private browsing session, when you close the browser, all cookies from that session are deleted.

VPN is a free service, and the amount of data you are allowed to transfer is unlimited.

Private window

Private ensure browsings that your internet history and activity data is removed as soon as you close all private windows.

When you close all private windows, Opera will clear the following associated data:

  • Browsing history
  • Items in cache
  • Cookies

After being closed, a private tab or window cannot be recovered from the Recently Closed list in the tab menu.

While private windows do not leave any record of the websites you visit, if you deliberately save data – for example, if you save an item to your Speed ​​Dial, save a password, or download a file – it will still be visible after the window is closed.

Clear data browsing

By default, Opera stores certain browsing data to help speed up connections, load common page elements, and improve your interaction with the sites you visit. You may wish to remove traces of your browsing habits by clearing your browsing data. To clear browsing data:

  1. Go to Settings.
  2. Click Advanced in the left sidebar, and click Privacy & security.
  3. Under Privacy and security, click Clear data browsing.
  4. Select a time range and the types of data you wish to clear, and click Clear data.

Browsing history– A list of sites you have visited.

Download history– A record of the files you’ve downloaded. Clearing this will not delete the file you downloaded, only the record of where and when.

News usage data– Information on the frequency and the length of time you spend on a news article from the personal news page, which is used to customize what news you see.

Cookies and other site data– Data from websites you visit which is stored on your computer, such as site preferences and login status.

Cached images and files– Data stored on your computer by applications or websites to make processes and site loading faster. Should be cleared periodically.

Passwords and other sign-in data– Data related to logging into websites and applications. Allows you to be signed-in automatically.

Autofill form data– Information like credit-card numbers, names and phone numbers, which you can choose to store on your computer in order to have forms filled in automatically.

Site settings– Permission data for websites, such as whether they can access your microphone or send you cookies.

Hosted app data– Data stored by extensions you have installed in your browser. Clearing this data will reset the extension to its default.

Clearing your browsing history will delete any stored location information about the pages you have viewed and the times you accessed them.

Clearing download history will empty Opera’s record of the files you’ve downloaded through the browser. This will not delete the file from your local machine, only the record of when and where you downloaded it.

Deleting cookies and other site data will remove any tracked site data. .

Emptying your browser’s cache will delete any temporarily stored data from websites. The cache is used to briefly store page elements such as images or search queries. Cached data also helps reduce loading times when you wish to access a recently visited site. Emptying cache will clear up space on you local disk.

Clearing data from hosted apps will delete any data stored by extensions you have installed in the browser. For example, if you installed a weather extension on Speed ​​Dial and set your location in its settings, clearing this data will reset the extension to its default and you will have to tell the extension your location again. Note: Take care not to erase useful data inadvertently. If you are not already familiar with it, try private browsing. The data for private browsing is automatically cleared when you close all private windows.

Managing how Opera stores private data may be useful, as an alternative to clearing all private data. Read more about setting web preferences.

Security badges

Opera warns you about suspicious pages by checking the page you request against a database of known phishing and malware websites. To protect yourself when entering sensitive information, always look for the lock in the security badge to the left of the combined address and search bar.

Badges indicate details about the page you are viewing. When a badge appears in your combined address and search bar, click it to see more information, including security certificates and more.

Icon Indicates…
Compressed connection
Ads are blocked
Camera access
Fraud or malware warning
Local file
Location access
Microphone access
Opera page
Secure connection
Unprotected connection
MIDI access
VPN is on

When the connection is secure, a lock is displayed in the security badge, implying that no one else can read the information that passes between you and the site. Opera uses certificates to verify the identity of the site owners. A lock means there is good encryption between you and the recipient, and the recipient’s identity has been verified.

If a website is blacklisted, you will be presented with a warning page, and you can decide whether to visit the website or to go back safely to the previous page. Fraud and malware protection does not cause any delay in the opening of pages.

Unblock and allow insecure content

If you are browsing on an encrypted connection (https://), Opera will check to ensure that all parts of the site are encrypted. If Opera detects that any live elements of the page, for example scripts, plugins, or frames, are being served by an open connection (http://), it will block the insecure content. This means parts of the page may not display properly.

Opera advises against allowing insecure content to load into an encrypted connection. The best way to protect your sensitive information is to interact only with secure content. When Opera detects insecure content and blocks it, a warning will appear on the right side of the combined address and search bar.

If you do not care about the security of your connection with the site, you can click the warning to show an Unblock button. This button will allow the blocked content to be loaded onto the page, and the security badge will change to show an open padlock, reminding you that you’ve allowed insecure content to display on an encrypted connection.

Manage security certificates

HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) is a widely used technology that provides encrypted communication and identity assurance on the Internet. Security certificates are used to verify the ownership of Internet domains. If you see a green padlock security badge in your combined address and search bar, then according to your operating system’s configuration, you are securely connected to the website. However, it is still your responsibility to make sure that the address is correct. When in doubt, type the address by hand.

If you’d like more information about a site’s security certificate, click on the security badge and click the Certificate (Valid) link. Opera will provide the certificate’s issuer, the type of certificate, and whether the issuer is publicly-known and valid.

Publicly-known issuers and their certificates are validated against a number of security and identity checks. Opera will warn you if some part of a publicly-known issuer’s certificate is questionable. You may choose to proceed but Opera cannot guarantee your security.

To see which HTTPS/TLS certificates are used by your Opera browser and how Opera handles them:

  1. Go to Settings.
  2. Click Advanced in the left sidebar, and click Privacy & security.
  3. Under Privacy and security, click Manage certificates.

A note about local certificate issuers

Some connections can be certified by certificates from local issuers, either from apps on your machine or other non-public sources (such as a local intranet). These issuers can be used to verify secured connections in the browser. Most of these connections are valid. For example, debugging applications, third-party security scanning, and parental filters may rely on locally-issued certificates.

Connections certified by certificates from local issuers aren’t screened by the same security standards as publicly-known issuers and certificates. Such screening is too strict and may not allow connections to work as intended. Malware or viruses may use these certificates to view encrypted information or inject ads.

If you wish, you can configure Opera to warn you about public sites that use certificates from local issuers. If you continue to browse on these connections, be aware that some security measures, such as certificate pinning and Certificate Transparency, will be disabled for all such connections during your browsing session.

Invalid certificate warnings in Opera

If Opera cannot verify the identity of the server for a website you wish to visit, you will see this pop-up. Click Show certificate to review the certificate yourself. When reviewing the certificate, check that the certificate’s validity date is current and that the issuer of the certificate is trusted.

Click Continue anyway to proceed to the website.

If you do not trust the server or the certificate and you wish to not proceed to the website, click Cancel.

A note about Extended Validation (EV) certificates

The best guarantee of a website’s identity is provided by Extended Validation (EV) certificates. Extended Validation means that the details of the organization buying the certificate have been audited by an accountable, third-party entity, who can therefore verify that the certificate owner is who it claims to be. EV websites are indicated by a green with a padlock in the address field.

Extended Validation certificates are designed to endorse a company’s validity as a reliable, rather than transient, business. For example, to obtain a certificate, a company must provide three years of tax records and other financial information to the Certificate Authority. This certification provides peace of mind and security for Internet shoppers.

Opera has already implemented procedures and processes for EV certification and is at the forefront of complying with standards. We have built-in procedures to automatically verify that everything in a certificate for a website is correct when someone visits a page on the site and that the certificate has not been revoked.

Tell sites to not track your activity

Most sites track your behavior while you visit them. If you do not like this idea, Opera can send an additional header with every request: “DNT: 1”. This is a flag to websites that the user does not want to be tracked. Some countries have DNT legislation that will legally protect your request and most well-behaved websites will respect this additional header.

You can set Opera to tell sites you prefer to opt-out of online behavioral tracking. To set this:

  1. Go to Settings.
  2. Click Advanced in the left sidebar, and click Privacy & security.
  3. Under Privacy and security, turn on Send a “Do Not Track” request with your browsing traffic.

A note about phishing and malware

Opera’s fraud and malware Protection warns you about suspicious web pages and is enabled by default. It checks the requested page against several databases of known phishing and malware websites, called blacklists. Although it is not possible to eliminate completely the risk of encountering an unidentified phishing or malware website, the risk is minimized.

Note that checking against the database does not delay the opening of web pages.


The growth of Internet commerce has given online criminals an opportunity to steal your passwords, your credit card numbers, and other personal information by impersonating authority figures from your bank or other institutions you frequent. This is known as phishing.

You will be encouraged to log in and “verify” your customer information: in other words, to reveal your password, credit card number, or other private data. The best defense against this threat is to be aware of the problem and to be alert when transacting business online.


For the same reason that you have anti-virus software installed, you may want protection from websites that distribute viruses or other malicious software, collectively known as malware. The concept of malware encompasses not just viruses, but also scripts that may run automatically when you load a web page.

This instruction demonstrates how to connect to the VPN Gate relay server using the OpenVPN client on Windows XP, 7, 8, 10, Server 2003, 2008, 2012.

1. Install the OpenVPN client application for your operating system. Run installation file. The installation wizard will open. Follow the on-screen prompts to install the application.

2. Download and upload the OpenVPN connection configuration file (.ovpn file). This procedure is only required when initial setup connections.

You can download the configuration file (OpenVPN Config file) on the open VPN list page free servers relays Select the VPN server you want to connect to and click on the corresponding *.ovpn file to download it to your desktop or download folder.

After saving the file on your computer, it will appear as the OpenVPN icon. However, you will not be able to establish a connection by simply double-clicking on the file.

You need to move the *.ovpn file to the “config” folder of the main OpenVPN installation directory.

Open the C:\Program Files\OpenVPN\config folder and copy the *.ovpn file into it.

Click right click Click on the “OpenVPN GUI” icon on the desktop and select the “Run as administrator” option. Otherwise, you will not be able to establish a VPN connection.

The OpenVPN GUI icon will appear in the taskbar notification area (system tray). In some cases the icon may be hidden, click on the arrow icon to show all hidden icons.

Right-click on the OpenVPN GUI icon and click “Connect”.

The VPN connection will start. The connection status will be displayed on the screen. If you see a dialog box asking for username and password. Enter “vpn” in both fields. This window appears very rarely.

If the VPN connection is successfully established, a pop-up message will appear as in the screenshot.

4. Internet without restrictions

Once the VPN connection is established, Windows system a virtual one is created network adapter TAP-Windows Adapter V9. This adapter will receive an IP address that starts with “ 10.211 " The virtual adapter will receive the default gateway address.

You will be able to check your network configuration by running the ipconfig /all command in command line Windows.

Once the connection is established, all network traffic will go through the VPN server. You can verify this using the tracert command in the Windows command line.

As shown in the screenshot above, if packets pass through "", then your connection is relayed through one of VPN servers Gate. You can also go to the main VPN Gate page to view the global IP address.

You will be able to see a location visible from the network that will be different from your actual location.

Setting up OpenVPN for MacOS

This tutorial demonstrates how to connect to a VPN Gate relay server using the Tunnelblick app. Tunnelblick is a graphical version of the OpenVPN client. for MacOS systems.

1. Install the Tunnelblick app

Download and install latest version Tunnelblick applications. Instructions will appear on the screen during installation.

Once the installation is complete, the following screen will appear. Select the “I have configuration files” option.

The screen will show instructions for adding the configuration to Tunnelblick.

Click OK to close the window.

2. Download and upload the OpenVPN connection configuration file (.ovpn file). This procedure is required only when setting up the connection for the first time.

A configuration file in *.ovpn format is needed to connect to the VPN Gate relay server via the OpenVPN protocol.

You can download the configuration file (OpenVPN Config file) on the list page of open free relay servers Select the VPN server you want to connect to and click on the corresponding *.ovpn file to download it to your Downloads folder.

To install a *.ovpn configuration file, drag it onto the Tunnelblick icon in the menu bar, or onto the list of configurations in the Configurations tab of the VPN Details window. If you need to install several at once configuration files- select them all and then drag them.

When adding, you will need to enter the username and password for your MacOS account.

Click the Tunnelblick icon on the top toolbar of MacOS and select the “Connect [configuration name]” option. The VPN connection will start.

The VPN connection status will appear as shown in the screenshot. Once the connection has been successfully established, the Tunnelblick main window will show the “Connected” status.

4. Internet without restrictions

Once the connection is established, all network traffic will go through the VPN server. You can also go to the main VPN Gate page to view the global IP address. You will be able to see a location visible from the network that will be different from your actual location.

When connected to a VPN, you will be able to visit blocked websites and play blocked games.