Correct installation of 1C:Enterprise. Installing the platform, updating the platform Installation 1s 8.3 instructions

To install the 1C 8.3 or 8.2 program it is not necessary to have any special skills. Concepts such as 1C platform and configuration (for example 1C Accounting) should be distinguished. The 1C platform itself does not store data. It provides access to them and controls the operation of the configuration. The data itself is stored in the information base. There can be several of them, and the configuration of each contains the structure and rules for processing this data.

You can install 1C 8.3 without a license, even at home. That's enough for this.

The installation folder contains many files, but you only need to run “setup.exe”.

On all tabs except the Custom Installation tab, click Next. It is advisable to select the first three components and the “Interfaces in various languages” component if necessary.

Our team provides consulting, configuration and implementation services for 1C.
You can contact us by phone +7 499 350 29 00 .
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We will be happy to help you!

At the end of the installation, the program will install the protection driver by default (this flag can be cleared). It is recommended not to remove it, then all drivers will be installed automatically.

How to install 1C configuration

To install the configuration, run the “setup.exe” file from the corresponding archive. Additional settings no need to enter. Click Next until the configuration is installed. If the template catalog does not have enough mass, choose another one.

Adding a new infobase

After you have successfully installed the 1C platform and the required configuration, you can begin adding a new information base. Launch the “1C Enterprise” shortcut on your desktop.

Your list of infobases will be displayed in the window that opens. Click on the "Add" button.

If you add a new information base, as in our example, select “Create a new information base”. In the case where the information base was previously created, select another item.

The database can be created either from a template or empty. Due to the fact that we have already installed the configuration, the database will be created from the template. Select the appropriate template and click Next.

If the information base already exists, then in the settings you will only need to indicate its name and location.

One more visual instructions watch in the video:

If you decide to start studying the 1C program, then good option 1C will be studied using video lessons. But at the same time, you cannot do without 1C installed on your computer. At the end of the article there is a visual video lesson ““. IN general process 1C installations can be divided into two stages:

  1. Installation of the 1C Enterprise platform
  2. Installation of 1C configuration (standard solution, e.g. Accounting for Ukraine, Trade for Ukraine, etc.)

Let's look at how to install 1C Enterprise (platform)

To install 1C (platform) on your computer, you will need the distribution kit of the platform itself. There are at least three options where you can get the platform distribution:

  1. On the disks that are included with the 1C program
  2. On ITS disks (information technology support)
  3. If you have a subscription to ITS, then you can download these files from the website

We will consider installing 1C using platform version 8.3 as an example. Installing version 1C platform 8.2 is no different from 8.3, so this instruction suitable for her too.

The distribution installation files look something like this:

To start the installation, open the setup.exe file and click “Next” in the window that appears:

In the next window we can select the platform components and the installation folder. In most cases, the composition of the components does not need to be changed; it is also recommended to install 1C in the default folder. Click “Next”:

In the next window, select the installation language and click “Next”:

Almost everything, finally click “Install”:

We are waiting for the installation to complete:

Next, we are asked to install the protection driver. Driver installation is only necessary if you are using hardware protection, i.e. USB key. If you have a software license i.e. without a USB HASP protection key, then uncheck the box.

The installation program is complete. Click “Finish”:

The installation of the 1C Enterprise platform is complete. In the next lesson we will look at the topic: ““.

And here is the promised video:

Today we will walk you through the process in detail. 1c configuration settings. We will install "Enterprise Accounting". There are absolutely no difficult moments in this process, and now we will make sure of this.

Downloading configuration installation files

In order to set configuration we need its distribution ( setup files). Download necessary files You can from the ITS disk, or from the 1C user support site ( After you have downloaded the archive with the configuration, you need to unpack it. Open the folder where you unpacked the archive. It should look something like the figure shown below. Run the file configuration setup (setup.exe)

Start installing the 1c configuration template

In the window that appears, you need to specify the folder where the installer will unpack all the necessary files for installing the configuration (template). The path in our picture differs from the standard one. It is recommended to use the standard path. Click "Next".

The installer will inform us that the installation of files into the specified directory has been successfully completed. If you do not want to read the delivery file then uncheck this box. Click "Finish".

The initial stage of installing 1C configuration

Now we have access to the following in our database manager: the configuration we installed. To start working with the database, we first need to create it from the template that we installed. We said that installed the 1c configuration, in fact, we installed a template from which we will now deploy the configuration we need. So let's launch the 1c shortcut. We will see the 1c database manager, click the “Add” button.

Select the "Create a new infobase" option. Click "Next".

This page shows all the templates that are installed in the system, we have several templates installed, this can be seen in the figure. Since we installed “Enterprise Accounting”, we select it accordingly double click, or click on the side “+”. After this, you will have access to two templates for 1c configuration settings these are “Enterprise Accounting” and “Demo Enterprise Accounting”. The first configuration is installed empty (without data); in the second case, the database will already contain test data (they are created so that you can immediately evaluate the performance of all the necessary functions of the program). After all, without data, you will not be able to see how this or that report, document, or reference book is filled out. Therefore, if you want to see how this configuration works and how some data is filled in, then select the Demo option, otherwise another option. Click "Next".

Now you need to set the name of your infobase, let's set it. Leave the item "On this computer or on a local machine", click "Next".

Hello dear blog readers. In this article I would like to consider in detail the issue of independent installing 1C software products on your computer using the example of the 1C ZUP configuration. Most regional 1C representatives, when selling software products to clients, promise free installation, which will be included in the price of the purchased program. However, recently, purchasing 1C programs via the Internet with delivery to your region has become widespread. At the same time, the savings are significant. For example, one famous internet the store offers to purchase basic versions 1C ZUP for only 2,550 rubles. (versus 4,600 rubles from regional representatives of 1C – saving 45%) and 1C BUKH for only 2,599 rubles. (vs. 3,300 rub. – savings more than 20%). The only thing that may cause difficulty in this regard is installing the program. However, I assure you, and you will soon see this, that in installing the 1C program there is nothing supernatural and everyone can implement it on their own.

Installation of any software product 1C can be divided into three stages:

  • Installation of the 1C platform- the platform is the foundation on which they build various programs 1C, be it salary, accounting, trade and others;
  • Setting up 1C configuration– the actual installation of the program itself or the configuration, as it is called in the documentation for 1C (ZUP, ACCOUNTING, Commerce, etc.);
  • Database creation– if you start 1C, the first thing that will open is a window for selecting a database from the list. There may be more than one database in this list if you use 1C ZUP and ACCOUNTING, or keep records of several organizations in different information databases, and if you are a programmer or 1C consultant, then this list, as a rule, is a complete mess and chaos.

1C comes in the form of a box, which is why 1C is called a boxed product. This box contains an installation disk, an ITS (Information Technology Support) disk, and 1C books (usually 1 book about the configuration itself and several for 1C administration). To install the platform, you need to place the installation disk in the computer drive, and a window will open where you need to select the installation of the platform. If the disk does not spin itself up and the window does not appear, then open “My Computer”, find the disk shortcut and go into it. On the disk you need to find either the autostart.exe file - to start the disk, or setup.exe - to start the installation. A welcome window will open, where you need to click “Next”.

Click “Install”. After this, the installation process will begin, after which you will be prompted to install the security driver.

After the installation of the platform is complete, a 1C shortcut should appear on the desktop, launching which we will see an empty list of infobases.

Setting up 1C configuration

Seminar “Lifehacks for 1C ZUP 3.1”
Analysis of 15 life hacks for accounting in 1C ZUP 3.1:

CHECKLIST for checking payroll calculations in 1C ZUP 3.1
VIDEO - monthly self-check of accounting:

Payroll calculation in 1C ZUP 3.1
Step-by-step instruction for beginners:

Installing a configuration means installing 1C configuration templates, from which it will then be possible to create information bases for accounting. So, in order to do this, you need to reactivate the initial window that opens during promotion installation disk. In this window you must select a configuration setting. A welcome window will open, where we click “Next”.

Click the “Add” button. In the window that opens, select “Create a new information base” and click “Next”.

In the next window, enter the name of the database to be created. For example, Alpha ZUP LLC. Click “Next”.

The next window is final. It has a lot of settings, but it's better to leave everything as default. Click “Finish”.

Now you can launch the infobase. However, if you software protection 1C (currently in the vast majority of cases), then when you first start the program you will have to obtain a license. To do this, your computer must have an Internet connection. Of course, there are ways to activate the program without the Internet, but this is not very fast or convenient. Select “Get a license”.

You must enter the “Set number” and “PIN code”. This data is in one of the envelopes that can be found in the box.

Actually, after entering this data, you can open the created information base and start keeping records.

That's all for today! I will be glad to see you again on my blog. New interesting materials will be coming soon.

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