Document size limit docx. Reduce file size in Office for Mac

Have you ever noticed that some Word documents weigh not 15-20 kilobytes, but 30-40 MB? This is mainly due to both the file type and the presence of additional content in the text: tables, images, and so on. And if there is only one such file, there is nothing critical. But what if there are hundreds of Word documents? Let's figure out how to compress a Word file and reduce its size several times.

Effectively compress Word documents: 3 simple steps

  1. Start by removing all unnecessary images from the doc document. Is every image worth its weight in gold and vital? Okay, then try to cut them out anyway, reduce them using graphic editor and paste it back into the document.
  2. You don’t have the source files with pictures at hand, and after CTRL + X (Cut) you can’t save the files? There is one little trick. Open the document with the desired image and take a screenshot (screenshot). To do this, press the Prt Sc key. Then launch Paint and press CTRL + V (Paste). The picture will appear on your screen. All that remains is to crop the background and save it as JPEG.
  3. When a doc document does not contain any images, it is often enough to simply save it in docx format. You must have Microsoft Word 2007 or higher installed on your PC. By clicking “Save As”, enter Word and docx in the Document field. The fact is that all doc files belong to the old office suite 97-2003. They weigh about 4-5 times more.

Why is docx so much smaller than doc? The whole point is that Microsoft company worked carefully office suite. And now the new extension is essentially a ZIP file.

A striking example of effective image compression is the picture in BMP format. The Word document contained several such files. After compressing and saving the images in JPEG format, the size of each image was reduced by 12-15 times. And if you change not only the extension, but also the resolution of the photo to the desired size, it is quite possible to gain up to 80% of the original volume.

How to compress images directly in an Office document

Microsoft Office will compress photos on its own if you follow a few simple steps. To do this you need:

  • Click on the picture.
  • Click "Format" on the ribbon at the top.
  • Select the “Compress Pictures” icon.
Compressing pictures
  • In the window that appears, check the box next to “Apply to this picture.” Leave this option unchecked - the changes will affect all images in the document.
  • Also in the settings you will see the option “Delete cropped areas of pictures”. Useful option when photos in a document are cropped. Please note that once you select this option, you will not be able to undo the cropping.

Cropping pictures

There are several compression options. Let's look at them in more detail.

  • High quality. The original image will remain unchanged.
  • HD. Enough good quality– 330 pixels per 1 inch.
  • Seal. In case the photo needs to be printed on a printer.
  • Web quality. By compressing an image with this parameter, you will get a photo of 150 pixels per 1 inch. In principle, it will be enough for a projector or a web page.
  • Email. A friend asked me to send a photo from my graduation online, but his traffic is charged. Select this setting to produce photos that are 96 pixels per inch.

Once you've finished compressing your pictures, save the document. Just not in doc, but in docx. Check how much an office document now weighs.

In conclusion - very simple and at the same time necessary recommendation. When you just need text and various hyphens, formatting, indentations do not play a cardinal role at all, do not compress original file, do not delete pictures. Just copy the text, open Notepad, paste it there and save it in txt format. Or you can do the same in Microsoft Word by clicking " Plain text" The file size will decrease by several tens of times.

Agree, it was so simple! You've just seen for yourself that large pictures really do affect size. office documents. However, using the built-in compression tool and a few tricks, you can reduce the size of your documents effortlessly. Now you can send them by mail or use them for other purposes. We wish you pleasant use!

Reduce the size of a Word document (video)

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You can reduce file size and save disk space by compressing the pictures in your document. Compression options reduce both the file size and the size of the pictures, depending on how you plan to use the image, such as for viewing on screen or in a message Email. You can compress all pictures in a file or only specially selected ones.

Compressing a drawing to reduce file size changes the amount of detail retained in the original drawing. This means that the drawing may look different after compression.


Do one of the following:

Compress all pictures

    On the menu File click the button Reduce file size.

    If the document is saved in the older DOC format, the Reduce File Size option will not be available in the File menu. To use the Reduce File Size option, save your document in the new DOCX format.

    In the popup menu Drawing quality

    Advice: .

Compress a selected picture

    Advice: If you cropped any of the images, the file size can be further reduced by checking the box Remove cropped areas from drawings.

    Click Only for selected images.

Additional materials


Perform one of the following actions:

Compress all pictures

    On the menu File click the button Reduce file size.

    In the popup menu Drawing quality Perform one of the following actions:

    Advice: If you cropped any of the images, the file size can be further reduced by checking the box Remove cropped areas from drawings.

Compress a selected picture

    Advice: If you cropped any of the images, the file size can be further reduced by checking the box Remove cropped areas from drawings.

    Click Only for selected images.

Few people worry about size Microsoft files Word: Compared to games and videos, they take up virtually no space. But if you publish a document on some website or send it by mail, and even with a slow Internet, then every kilobyte counts. Here are three ways to reduce the size of your Word document.

1. Save as DOCX

Since version 2007, the current Microsoft Word format is DOCX, not DOC. The only reason using the latter requires opening documents in old text editors.

One of the advantages of DOCX is its smaller size. A DOC file of several megabytes in size in DOCX format takes up only a few hundred kilobytes.

To convert a document from the old format to the new one, click File, select Convert, and click OK. After this, save the document as a separate file.

2. Compress pictures

Before inserting an image into a Word file, compress it in a separate . Otherwise, it will end up in the document in its original form and will take up a lot of space.

You shouldn't just copy pictures into a document - it's better to paste them in lightweight JPG format using the "Insert" → "Pictures" function.

While saving your document, you can click Tools next to the Save button and select Compress Pictures. This way you can specify the same quality for all images.

3. Remove embedded fonts

If the Word file has a custom one that is not installed on the computer, then it will not look the way it should. In addition, the document will take up more space.

Get rid of such fonts. Click “File” → “Options” and in the “Save” tab, uncheck “Embed fonts in file.”

Note: This article has served its purpose and will soon be discontinued. To avoid "Page Not Found" errors, we remove links that we know of. If you have created links to this page, please remove them and together we can maintain consistency across the web.

You can reduce file size and save disk space by compressing the pictures in your document. Compression options reduce both the file size and the size of the pictures, depending on how you plan to use the image, such as on screen or in an email message. You can compress all pictures in a file or only specially selected ones.

Compressing a drawing to reduce file size changes the amount of detail retained in the original drawing. This means that the drawing may look different after compression.


Do one of the following:

Compress all pictures

    On the menu File click the button Reduce file size.

    If the document is saved in the older DOC format, the Reduce File Size option will not be available in the File menu. To use the Reduce File Size option, save your document in the new DOCX format.

    In the popup menu Drawing quality

    Advice: .

Compress a selected picture

    Advice: If you cropped any of the images, the file size can be further reduced by checking the box Remove cropped areas from drawings.

    Click Only for selected images.

Additional materials


Perform one of the following actions:

Compress all pictures

    On the menu File click the button Reduce file size.

    In the popup menu Drawing quality Perform one of the following actions:

    Advice: If you cropped any of the images, the file size can be further reduced by checking the box Remove cropped areas from drawings.

Compress a selected picture

    Advice: If you cropped any of the images, the file size can be further reduced by checking the box Remove cropped areas from drawings.

    Click Only for selected images.

Microsoft Word allows you to insert pictures into text.

This is amazing!

However, due to such inserts, the document swells very quickly. The document size grows to megabytes.

And sometimes - when drawings from the camera are inserted - to catastrophic proportions:

The document opens slowly...

Word is slow...

The cursor jumps...

Making edits or even just scrolling through is unpleasant.

To correct the situation, use the picture compression mode.

Good news: Picture compression is also available in PowerPoint.

To reduce the size Word file, open it in the editor and do the following:

  1. Click on the picture. A frame will appear around it, which allows you to change the size of the picture.

  1. In the main menu The "Format" item will appear. Click on this item.
  1. On the tool ribbon, find icon "Compress picture", click on it.
  1. The "Compress Picture" dialog will open. In him specify compression parameters.

The amount of compression depends on what you want to do with the document. If you expect the document to be viewed only on the screen, then choose either 150 pixels or 96 pixels per inch.

If you expect that the document will need to be printed, then 220 pixels per inch.

In the screenshot two items are highlighted gray. This happens when no printer is installed in the system.

  1. Click "OK"
  1. Save the Word document.