Program for gaining followers on Instagram. Promotion on Instagram. Program or service, that is the question

Applications for getting likes on Instagram today are presented in large quantities. Internet services such as the AppStore and Google PlayMarket have added many different products that provide the ability to cheat on Instagram. Each application has its own characteristics and is designed for specific tasks. There are also browser extensions that perform the same functions.

The principle of operation of programs that allow you to “get likes” on Instagram

Users who are faced with this question for the first time most often do not know what to increase likes in social network You can do it completely free and legally. Applications for cheating are aimed at making it possible to perform actions not manually, but automatically. Simply put, such a program will automatically click like, subscribe to other accounts and comment, in accordance with the settings that were previously set by the user.

The operating principle is simple. The application automatically subscribes to any account. The owner of this account sees that he has been subscribed to and goes to your profile. All actions can be implemented based on three main criteria:

  1. Hashtags.
  2. Geolocation tags.
  3. Followers matching your target audience.

For example, if you need to find subscribers from a certain locality, then you need to enter certain hashtags that are entered by users from your city.

What programs are there to get likes on Instagram?

As already noted, there are many of them. However, not everyone can boast of functionality and operational efficiency. This material provides information only about the best programs for cheating, the use of which gives a good return.

By going to Google PlayMarket, where applications for Android are presented, you can see many programs that allow you to “promote” your account. One of the most common is “Instagram Likes + Followers”. It operates on the principle of mutual PR actions. Simply put, you need to complete tasks assigned by other users. In addition to the main function, others are also offered. For example, it is possible to view the list of guests, as well as users who have unsubscribed. The “disadvantage” of the program is the need to complete tasks in order, everything else is excellent. The application has extensive functionality. No less common for Android is Likes for Instagram. It should be noted that an application refers to programs designed to automate any actions on Android and iOS.

Speaking about programs for operating system iOS, then you should also highlight “Instagram Likes + Followers”. Similar to the Android version, it has an even greater range of capabilities. The operating principle is the same.

There are also browser extensions that allow you to perform similar tasks. One of these is LikeME. The installation and control interface are as simple as possible for every person.

What does “winding up likes” on Instagram give?

80% of users understand an application as a mobile APP. Using such products provides the opportunity to take your business to a new level. When creating projects on the Internet, there is a need for their development. Beginning entrepreneurs most often have a limited budget. That is why such programs not only allow you to save cash, but also to get an effective result, for example, an increase in sales with a minimum amount of time.

But the promotion tools themselves are not a panacea, but only one of the elements of the business system: target audience - product (service-product) - communication channel - offer - traffic - conversion. For success, everything in the chain must work, one thing sags, and... know-know, let everything work for you!

There are many methods for increasing the popularity of your page on Instagram, both official and used for “gray” promotion. Instagram promotion programs will help newly created accounts become widely known, providing an influx of visitors and subscribers. Despite the fact that using such services is not a completely “honest” way of promotion, the reasonable use of this software will allow you to significantly save money and acquire active participants in a short time.

Promotion methods

Promotion can be carried out either free of charge or with some material costs. It all depends on the chosen method of promotion or their use in combination. There are several options for boosting your profile on Instagram.


This method is a preliminary step towards promoting your profile on Instagram. Parser programs are used to collect the necessary data from different accounts(for example, URLs, email addresses, telephone numbers, User IDs). The search takes into account various parameters: geolocation, hashtags, subscribers to competitors’ pages. Next comes filtering and sorting:

  • by page accessibility (closed/open);
  • by activity (date of the last login by the user);
  • stop list (with filtering out all unnecessary words, like “sale”, “online store”, etc.).


Once a suitable public has been selected using parsers, you can begin to use an automatic following program that carries out a mass subscription to selected pages and accounts and subsequent unsubscribes, if necessary. Users of pages that you subscribe to may also follow your profile in return. This method good because it saves you from daily routine work and personal time.

However, it is worth remembering that Instagram has certain limits for following and unsubscribing (although programs often take this into account). If you are too active, the risk of blocking and banning the promoted page increases.

Liking and mass commenting

Automatic mass liking programs work on the principle of mass followers, only instead of subscribing to other pages they put likes. Mass commenting can also be used, allowing you to leave reviews in automatic mode. To do this, just come up with a general phrase, for example, “Wonderful photo!”, and leave it in the comments under the photos. This method allows you to draw the attention of your target audience to your profile.

Thanks to following and liking, a daily increase in subscribers of up to two hundred people per day is ensured. There are a lot of similar programs, new ones appear every day. Many services allow you to register free subscription for several days, which makes it possible to evaluate all the advantages of such software. However, you should not forget to be careful; be sure to secure your account. To do this, link it to your phone number and . In this case, you can always restore your profile, even if it is stolen.

Cheating bots

It is advisable to use cheating only for a recently created page, when it is necessary to create the appearance of high popularity of the profile. This method of promotion is carried out by special services that offer to promote a page with the help of “dead” subscribers.

For already established accounts, this method of cheating is useless. Subscribed bots do not show any activity, do not make purchases, and are often blocked by social networks. It is better to make more conscious financial expenditures using programs to collect living, active subscribers.

Delayed posting

None of the above methods will cope with account promotion if the page offered for subscription does not contain interesting and exciting information for users. It is not enough to attract interested parties, you need to retain them.

Therefore, before using the above software products You must first create a page that is periodically updated with relevant and interesting information. Delayed posting services can help with this.

Such software helps to plan the time at which the next post will be published. Despite the fact that Instagram doesn’t really like them, they are very popular. Thanks to them, you can increase the reach of posts and the activity of participants, and get a higher increase in visitors. Accordingly, the number of active subscribers increases.

Programs for promotion on Instagram

Before choosing a program for promoting an account, it is advisable to first decide on the methods of promotion, and only after that select a service that performs the appropriate functions. There are many such software products, among which the ones listed below stand out.


The Tooligam program is one of the most famous and promoted. It contains many flexible settings. One of its undoubted advantages is the ability to set your own IP address for each of the promoted accounts. In this case, even if one of the profiles is blocked, the rest will be able to continue working as usual. Other benefits of the service include:

  • flexibility of subscription, unsubscribe and like settings;
  • auto-posting option;
  • presence of a task scheduler;
  • adding and removing users from the database, presence of ignore lists.

However, this barrel of honey also has its own fly in the ointment - these are the following disadvantages:

  • paid service (from 40 rubles per day);
  • no filters;
  • inability to monitor and respond to comments;
  • there is no division of the database by accounts;
  • forced re-entry of all accounts when restarting the program;
  • you cannot choose the type of subscribers (private or open access);
  • non-cloud nature of the program (you can only enter it from the computer on which it is installed).


The Instaplus program is a fairly powerful service with a number of different capabilities. This great choice for high-quality page promotion. The only pity is that this program for promotion on Instagram can only be used for free for 5 days. True, this time is quite enough to familiarize yourself with all the functionality of the service and make a decision on further paid subscription. The advantages of the software include:

  1. Intuitive and comfortable interface
  2. Cloud web service that allows you to access the program from any device
  3. A wide variety of settings that allow you to set up following and mass liking in the most appropriate way
  4. Availability of reference materials for working with the program, including video tutorials
  5. Compliance with activity limits in, which will avoid account blocking
  6. The ability to operate the service on autopilot, configure current and subsequent program activities using a scheduler, and track page progress via email.

Among the disadvantages of the software:

  • payment;
  • inability to name planned tasks;
  • The program does not give more than one like to other accounts.


The Socialkit service has truly wide capabilities, the number useful options reaches 30, also it has many fine adjustments. This program for promotion on Instagram it can be used for free in the form of a demo version with a minimum of functions, but without any restrictions on the period of use. There is also the option of purchasing a paid version with full functionality starting from 23 rubles daily.


  • promoting an unlimited number of accounts, creating and editing new ones;
  • the ability to link pages to Facebook profiles;
  • database collection (parsing) according to certain criteria;
  • setting up filters and sorting the database of potential users;
  • subscribing using hashtags;
  • mass liking and autocommenting latest entries in selected profiles;
  • delayed posting, setting up geo-positions;
  • easily customizable integration of the service with other programs (for example, with software designed for captcha recognition);
  • prompt technical support, high-quality problem solving, constant updates.


  • a lot of time spent learning all the functionality;
  • while creating new task you should carefully go through all the settings to get the desired output result;
  • payment.

ARC Following

The ARC Following service is an intelligent program used for automatic promotion. It fully automates all technical aspects; when using it, the user can relax and do other things: filling content, holding competitions, maintaining activity, etc.

  • full automation of work;
  • compliance with subscription limits;
  • free consultations from technical support;
  • Promoting new posts with auto-likes.

The only downsides, perhaps, include the fee (from 504 rubles for half a month) and the time spent getting familiar with the full functionality of the program.

And if you want to learn a few more ways to promote your Instagram account, then follow this link, where you can download for free how you can get 2000 subscribers without a budget!


It is better not to use programs for promotion on Instagram for the first month or two after creating an account, otherwise there will be a high probability of blocking the page. Then, in order to give the page the appearance of popularity, you can start using bots – inactive subscribers – while simultaneously scraping the target and interested audience. After selecting a suitable public, mass liking, mass commenting and following are carried out to search for living participants.

The most important thing is to remember that no matter how “wonderful” the program used is, it is important to monitor the content of the promoted page and update it from time to time with fresh news, which is additionally useful. Only in this case, the attracted audience will not unsubscribe from your profile and will increase its popularity, including through word of mouth.

Good luck to you and success in promoting your account!

Welcome, friends, to the pages of the IM blog. In previous publications we raised topics and. Taking a few words from these headings, we decided to make a publication dedicated to how and with the help of what services and programs one can get followers on Instagram.

How does boosting subscribers work?

The point of getting followers on Instagram is that when you subscribe to real people from a commercial account, when they see a new user who has subscribed to them, they will at least go to his page. And if you have it correctly formatted, then the chance that a person will subscribe to you in response or call you increases significantly.

Further, the number of subscriptions increases to 1000 per day, which allows you to cover on average up to 20 thousand live users. If, upon reaching 7,500 subscriptions, you didn’t have to unsubscribe from your account, then you could reach all 30 thousand people per month!

How to get subscribers for free?

The only quality way free promotion followers on Instagram - "handles". That is, you need to log into the account of the profile that you want to promote, then find a profile whose subscribers are interesting to the company and start subscribing to them manually. The advantage of this approach is that you can weed out fake ones or obviously advertising accounts that make no sense to subscribe to. But you will have to spend a lot of time.

As an option, you can consider as a free boost test periods, which most services have and after suffering, wandering from service to service, you will last 1-2 months. But we recommend that you immediately choose a paid program for cheating, because they cost mere pennies compared to the results they can produce.

Another way is to complete tasks in special like exchange services and buy subscribers with the earned points - you don’t pay money here, but you get fake subscribers. At the initial stage, to make your account credible, you can purchase about 1000 bots, but you shouldn’t do this further, since there is no real benefit from bots.

The best programs for increasing followers on Instagram

So now it's time to get to the review. best programs to increase followers on Instagram. Our opinion is subjective and may not coincide with yours, there is nothing wrong with that.

The mass following method (increasing followers on Instagram) is used both for individual accounts of companies, personal blogs, large brands or public organizations, and for an entire network (“grid”) of accounts, thereby generating traffic for the site or selling products through affiliate programs . AND this method is so widespread for a reason - it just really works!

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Despite the presence of paid official advertising on Instagram with detailed targeting, SMM specialists and business owners still promote accounts using “gray” methods.

The reason is the negligible cost, although the audience turns out to be more “blurred”. It is impossible to customize advertising based on demographics and interests with sniper precision; it is difficult to work with the geographic characteristics of the target audience, and so on. The low cost of the method and the fact that it still helps to reach target customers and get leads is captivating.

To collect a base of fans or clients, you need special software for Instagram - programs and online services. Manually subscribing, liking, commenting and writing direct messages is a long and thankless task. It is necessary to use modern automation tools that imitate manual actions. Next, we’ll talk about how to minimize efforts to promote a page.

Types of programs and services for promotion on Instagram

  1. Cheating bots. Services offer account boosting with “dead” subscribers. Bots are especially often bought for recently created pages to create the appearance of its popularity. However, bots are useless: they do not create activity in the account, do not buy anything, and are periodically deleted by the social network. It is better to spend money on software for collecting a live subscription base.
  2. Parser programs with audience filtering. They collect account data (page URLs, user IDs, phone numbers, e-mail addresses, etc.). Parsing can occur based on a list of hashtags, geolocation, and competitors’ subscribers. Then the collected database is filtered by:
    1. stop list (words like “online store”, “sale”, etc. are eliminated so as not to subscribe to commercial pages);
    2. activity (how long ago the last post, like, comment, etc. was published);
    3. access to the page (open/closed) and so on.
  3. Account checkers. Check pages for validity. Checkers are needed by buyers of stacks of accounts (tens or even hundreds of pieces at a time). It takes a long time to check them for validity manually, so software was invented to automate the routine.
  4. Software for automatic following, liking, unfollowing. After collecting and filtering the database, they begin to subscribe to accounts and give likes. The audience notices such attention to their page and may subscribe in response. Programs and online services are used to automate the routine. If there are many accounts, then in order to avoid a ban, separate proxies are purchased for each of them. They are registered in the program, and each page is subject to auto-liking and automatic subscriptions through its own IP address. Even if one account is blocked, the rest will remain unharmed thanks to separate proxies.
    Typically, software for following and liking needs to be configured manually so as not to exceed the social network limits. This requires experience in “gray” promotion, otherwise there is a high risk of losing the page and all the efforts made. Although there is an intelligent system that itself calculates the limits for the page based on its age. We'll talk about it towards the end of the article.
  5. Programs and services for delayed posting. Instagram does not approve of delayed posting, since the social network was originally conceived as a service for spontaneous photos: took a photo - posted it online - received feedback subscribers. There was a case of mass banning of pages that used the Novapress service to schedule publications. Despite this trouble, delayed posting is still used. Daily publications are important so that people are more likely to subscribe to your account, activity increases, and the reach of posts increases. All this increases the percentage of conversions of subscribers and page visitors into buyers.

The effectiveness of “gray” promotion

The cost of one subscriber in targeted advertising reaches 10 rubles or more. With “gray” promotion through subscriptions and likes, 1000–2000 rubles are spent per month. Slowly, during this period, you can gain about 1,500 live subscribers on one account. That is, the price is several times cheaper.

“Grey” methods have an advantage over unofficial advertising in thematic public pages, in the accounts of stars and popular bloggers. Thus, advertising posts are seen by audiences with different geographies, interests, etc. To promote by purchasing posts, you need to make an offer for the general consumer. Otherwise, investments will be ineffective. With mass liking and following, you can identify only an active and narrow audience (by tags and geolocation), and take customers away from under the nose of a competitor.

ARC Following - a new method of promotion on Instagram

is an intelligent promotion system. There are no analogues to the service that we will now consider. All technical aspects are fully automated, and the client only has to deal with the account: fill it with content, maintain activity, hold competitions, etc.

For comparison:

With regular mass liking and mass following, you need to load your head with limit settings, monitor their implementation, buy proxies and other software. A non-professional may not be able to follow the technical nuances the first time. Account bans and disappointment from wasted time are not uncommon.

How does ARC Following work?

  1. The service analyzes the client’s page and notes which hashtags he uses under the photo.
  2. The system then looks for popular pages that use the same tags.
  3. “Dead” or inactive accounts are eliminated, leaving only high-quality, “live” and most popular pages. They are conventionally called donors.
  4. The program finds active subscribers from donors and gives them likes.
  5. Users go to the profile of the person who liked them (that is, your profile) and make a decision whether to follow or not.

The list of donors can be provided by the client himself. For example, if you need to like subscribers of competitors or other pages where the target audience is concentrated.

There is a widespread belief that mass following works better than auto-liking. Indeed, in the first case there may be more subscriptions, but some of the followers will be useless. Many people subscribe mutually out of politeness, and not out of interest in the page. With auto-liking, subscriptions are conscious, so you get a “concentrate” of the target audience.

For the system to work effectively, a number of conditions must be met:

  1. For the first 1.5 months of the account’s life, engage in posting content and manual methods promotion (subscriptions to other pages, likes, commenting). If the page is younger than 45 days, then there is a high risk of being banned when using the software.
  2. Add hashtags that are interesting to the target audience under each photo/video. It is advisable to place 20 – 30 pieces for one publication.
  3. If you need English-language subscriptions, we put English tags, and for Russian accounts you should sign posts with Russian hashtags (at least 70%).

In addition to the main service, the service offers:

What are the advantages of ARC Following?

  1. Full automation. No manual settings required.
  2. Compliance with limits. In young accounts, activity is limited to minimize the risk of ban.
  3. Natural, effortless growth of a high-quality audience (60 – 100 or more subscriptions daily per account).
  4. They come with a bonus free likes to the photo, if the client buys promotion of new posts with auto-likes.
  5. Support in online chat, on Skype (consultations are free).
  6. Good price (from 504 rubles for 15 days) due to the delivery of services without intermediaries.
  7. 20% discount on order volume from 45 days, 30% - from 180 days.

Where to begin?

Precautions for automatic promotion

When using programs and services for auto-promotion, troubles may await you - from theft of account passwords to a lifetime ban. This can happen if you use free software or trust promotion to dubious services.

Plus, Instagram algorithms are changing, the platform is constantly strengthening its protection against spam and “gray” promotion. Limits that are relevant today may push the page under the filter tomorrow.

However, mass subscriptions and likes work, although their “death” was predicted last year, when the feed ranking algorithm was updated. Therefore, while you have the opportunity, create an active base with minimal investment.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site





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