Keyword program. Services and databases for selecting keywords

Let's talk about the collection keywords paid and free methods. I'll show you which ones online tools can be used and I will reveal their main differences.

Let's start talking about collecting keywords for free. There are many methods to do this. The most common thing is brainstorming. Here you need to think for yourself what keywords will be able to bring users from search engines.

I will say that the method is quite primitive. Now it has lost its relevance because we have a whole bunch of free and paid tools in our arsenal.

  • Yandex Wordstat
  • Search tips
  • Link aggregators (megaindex,,
  • Open competitor counters (Liveinternet)
  • Ready word databases (

How to use Yandex Wordstat? First, select the region of interest to us that we want to look at search queries and their frequency.

In general, select the region, insert it and click “Select”. Next we get full list broad match keywords.

Of course, this method is quite chaotic because we receive a huge number of words, many of which may not suit us. Therefore, in this case, it is better to use certain operators.

Search operators Yandex Wordstat

In order to optimize work with this tool, the search engine invented the so-called Yandex Wordstat search operators.

What are these operators and how to use them?

Eliminating negative keywords: "-" operator

We can eliminate unnecessary words. For example, we are interested in the query “computer”. But we are not interested in words where users want to download something to their computer.

Therefore, we enter the word “computer” in the same form and additionally the negative word “download” with a suitable operator.

Minus operator

Search by multiple keywords: operator "Ι"

We entered words with the search operator “or” where a broad match search is performed for two keywords at once.

Search with word grouping: operator "()"

For example, if the first part of the request matches, then it is not necessary to repeat it again.

Grouping operator

Keys are not restricted within parentheses. Here we can enter at least the entire range of countries for which we want to get keywords in conjunction with the main key “tours”.

: operator """"

In the left screenshot, as a result we received a set of keys. On the right is only the keyword that interests us.

The double quote operator helps us with this.

: operator "!"

For example, we want to get keywords in which the word price is used in the case in which we enter.

Exact occurrence operator Yandex Wordstat

In the screenshot on the left we see that by entering “turkey tour price” we find words with the word “prices”. In the figure on the right we see that by adding an exclamation mark before the word “price”, the search engine offers us an exact match.

Therefore, by adding an exclamation mark before the request, we can get the keys exactly in the form in which we entered them.

Also, all these operators can be combined with each other.

You can take keywords from both exclamation point, and in quotation marks, inside parentheses or with the search operator “or”.

This combination allows us to immediately obtain a filtered list using the required parameters with one request.

Popularity by region in Wordstat

In Yandex Wordstat you can see impressions and popularity by region. For example, if we enter the query “sell an apartment” and look at the popularity by region, we will see that in Krasnoyarsk it is 3 times more than in Moscow.

That is, in this city there is some kind of pronounced demand.

In general, this function can help those who are looking for the most profitable region to invest their funds.

Query history helps us track seasonality. You can see in which periods there was high request activity and in which periods there was low.

Thus, we can plan in advance an advertising campaign on the Internet.

This will also be useful in SEO optimization.

For example, a few weeks before the start of the season, you can publish posts on the necessary queries so that you can then receive additional traffic. This also helps in creating a content plan for publishing posts on the site.

Google Keyword Planner

In addition to Wordstat, I also recommend using Google Keyword Planner. Typically, we have two main search engines. This is Google and Yandex. Therefore, when collecting keywords, I definitely recommend taking statistics from these two systems.

Google Keyword Planner

In the planner, you can collect keywords by phrase, site or category. There are additional tools for search parameters and . As is the case with Wordstat, here you can also filter out unnecessary queries.

When collecting statistics, you are shown suitable keywords, the level of competition and the recommended bid.

Statistics in Google planner

Also shows the number of requests per month.

Unfortunately, Google currently only shows the average range of queries. More accurate results are only available on accounts with already running paid ads. And then, not for everyone!

But nevertheless, this planner is very good for collecting keywords for free. It has many useful features that may come in handy.

For example, if you have a ready-made list of keywords, then you can use the “Get query statistics and trends” option to quickly process the data. This will save a lot of time.

In the planner, you can even directly create combinations of keywords to obtain statistics. To do this, use the “Select keywords based on existing lists” option.

Search tips

You can also use search tips for free online collection keywords. You need to enter the part in the line and wait for the system to offer a drop-down list with tips.

Search tips

If you sell laptops, then using search tips you can get additional keys.

If you write informational articles to the site, then with the help of tips you can get additional ideas.

From the screenshot on the right, we see that users are interested in excess weight, loneliness, excessive sweating, and so on.

Also, if we have some kind of news resource, we can see current trends. Then you can take advantage of these trends and write articles based on them.

Link aggregators

Can be used free features link aggregators. Let's take for example. After registering in this system and adding your website, you will see an inconspicuous “Select” button. By clicking on it, the link aggregator will offer us keywords that we can use to promote.

In principle, the keywords are quite adequate and indeed suit the desired site. From the advantages it is clear that we are already shown some positions in which our site ranks. Frequency is also visible. It also offers us a page where we can send these requests.

In general, there are auxiliary functions that are free and useful for us.

Collecting keywords using paid methods

Let's get started with paid methods of collecting keywords. Of course, here you will have to fork out a little. However, in this case, you will have special benefits.

Here are the paid tools:

  • Competitor analysis (, serpstat
  • Software for collecting keywords (
  • Ready word databases (,
  • Convenient and fast online parsers (Mutagen)

I will not consider each service in detail. They are all good and worth your attention. But as an example, let’s focus on one of them. It will be .

By entering the site in the line of this service, we get a table with keywords for which the project occupies certain positions.

Collecting keywords through Spywords

That is, we can select a semantic core based on those keys for which the site is already somehow ranked in the search. Accordingly, this moment alone can make much less effort to achieve collection and top.

We see columns such as “Traffic Share”. That is, what proportion does this keyword occupy from the total list of words that I considered? this system within this site.

There is also the number of impressions per month, position and , which is issued when the site is found for a given keyword.

There is also a domain comparison function in organic results.

Domain comparison function in search results

For example, there are two websites on the same topic. Each of them is promoted using its own set of keywords. The system suggests looking at the intersection of these two sets.

That is, we can collect a list of keywords for which both sites are promoted. This is very useful feature during SEO analysis of those competitors we want to target.

It also highlights the number of similar words. You can separately look at the non-overlapping parts of the sets. Everything is available for both Google and Yandex.

Also in the Spywords service you can use the smart collection of keywords for the site. He selects keywords based on his database and based on those sites (their semantic cores) that got there.

Smart keyword collection

The service also shows the number of requests per month. It also shows what bids are made in paid ads on Google and Yandex. That is, you can assess the level of competition for a keyword.

Comparison of paid and free methods

Let's find out the difference between paid and free way collecting keywords. What are the advantages and what is better to use.

Free tools Suitable for small sites and volumes. If the site has 20 - 30 pages, then you can easily get by with Wordstat, hints and a keyword planner from Google.

Free methods are suitable for beginners. Since all paid tools require some kind of immersion, the free ones are quite simple. It will be easier for beginners to understand here.

It is worth saying that free tools are very convenient. They are truly made for a large audience. That is, for those who are still poorly versed in collecting keywords. That is why such systems were specifically made to be user-friendly.

What are the advantages paid tools?

Such tools significantly speed up the collection process. semantic core. This is useful when you need to select tens of thousands of keywords. Through Yandex, Wordstat will take a long time to select them.

Paid methods are suitable for large volumes.

If we have a large online store, then it will be very difficult to select a huge number of keys using free tools. Therefore, Key Collector, Pastukhov’s database and other paid solutions are useful here.

Also, paid tools allow you to collect those keys that free ones may not notice. In the same Wordstat, we cannot get all the keywords that are asked by users.


Collecting keywords is not as difficult as many people make it out to be. Small quantities are very easy to collect. Therefore, everyone can do this!

Don't look at the overall frequency. You must always specify the phrase exactly. Then you can see the real picture of how many requests for this keyword are made per month.

Search operators simplify assembly work. To do this, I have given you examples that simplify the search and reduce the number of steps to collect keys.

Don't forget that competitors can be in plain sight. And you can be in full view when you rise to the top. There is no need to be afraid of this! It just needs to be taken for granted.

Hello, friends! Today you will be presented with the online keyword selection program Mutagen, or rather, it is a service that works on the same principle as the program. The article will give a brief description of service will show you how to select keywords based on competition and frequency.

The Importance of Keyword Competitiveness in Blog Articles

This article is addressed to young bloggers who are starting to write their first articles, and the information presented here will help to ensure that your articles are placed in the Top of the Yandex search engine. The article will also help experienced bloggers whose blog traffic is not growing, and most articles cannot reach the Top.

Most bloggers know that before writing articles they need to select keywords (phrases) for low-frequency queries. The selection of keywords (phrases) for a site (semantic core, for articles) is quite simple. To do this, use the Yandex Wordstat service - a program for selecting keywords online, or programs for selecting keywords KeyCollector and SlovoEB. You can read about how to select keywords for articles and the semantic core in articles on the blog; although they were written a long time ago, they are still relevant today:

It is conventionally considered that low-frequency queries include keywords or phrases with a frequency of no higher than 800-1000. But if you use such queries in articles, then they will definitely not get into the Yandex Top, this is experience. But many bloggers use key phrases (words) with a frequency of at least 300. Let me remind you that by frequency we mean how many times per month people were interested in a key query.

For example, when teaching students, I recommend using a keyword frequency of no more than 50-100, but people believe that this is an extremely low frequency, few readers will see their article, and use keywords (phrases) with a frequency of 300-500. As a result, such an article does not make it to the Top and no amount of site article optimization will help here.

Looking ahead, I will say that you can take a keyword (phrase) with a frequency of only 10, and still not be able to reach the top. The reason for this is another indicator – the competitiveness of keywords. Despite the fact that there are few requests for your chosen keyword, other sites (blogs) also use it. But their sites (blogs) are already advanced in search engines and, given equal conditions, their sites will be higher than yours. That is, even with a request frequency of 10 per month, there is no guarantee that your article will reach the Top.

How to ensure that your articles are guaranteed to reach the Top? It’s quite simple - when selecting key phrases (words), you need to take into account the competitiveness of the selected keywords. For this there is online service, which will show you with high accuracy the competitiveness of selected keywords (phrases) online. For convenience, in this article we will call the service a keyword selection program. Now that we have understood the importance of taking into account competition, let's move on to the selection of words in Mutagen.

So, now we know how important the competitiveness of keywords (phrases) is. We need to select such keywords and, when optimizing a site article, insert them into the text. If this work is done correctly, then we can safely expect that our article will get into the Yandex Top. And if there are several dozen articles in the Top, then your site will also have high performance, which means there will be an increase in traffic.

As mentioned above, you need to use the service. You can type the specified site address, or type the word “Mutagen” in a Yandex or Google search. Next, you need to register on the service; without registration you will not be able to work. Registration is simple and is shown on the screenshot.

The program for selecting keywords online is shareware, you can select 10 keywords daily for free, if more, you need to pay. Lately, it hasn’t been possible to work completely for free; the service asks you to deposit at least a ruble to get started. You can top up your balance by 100 rubles, the money is small, but you will continue to work calmly. Moreover, you will select 10 keywords for free. For example, before writing an article, we went in and selected the necessary phrases.

The program for selecting keywords for a website works very simply. You insert the desired keyword phrase into the field and click the “Next” button, or press the Enter button. After a few seconds, you are given information about the competition and frequency of the request. The video below shows the entire key selection process in detail.

The program for selecting keywords online gives you a competitiveness indicator that varies from 1 to 25. Of course, this is all conditional because where it is above 25, in reality it can be 100 or even 1000 - this is how the program is designed for ease of use. You need to choose a competitiveness level no higher than 5, then the articles will definitely be in the Top. But you need to understand that you should choose keywords and maximize the number of views. The more requests there are, the more people will be able to read your article.

For example, in this article I used the key phrase “program for selecting keywords online”, as you can see, it is written in the title of the article. So, the competitiveness of this phrase is only 5, and the number of requests per month is 271 - not bad! You can check this yourself in Mutagen. By the way, Mutagen gives a hint in the form of similar keywords, you need to use them. How the online keyword selection program Mutagen works is shown in the attached video:

Over time, you will be able to increase the competitiveness threshold to 7, later to 10 and higher. For example, my article “”, with a competitive level of 18, is on the first page of Yandex (in 9th position). There are articles that use keywords with a competitiveness higher than 25, and the article is in the Top 20. This is because my blog has been running for several years and it already has merit in search engines.


Of course, many factors influence how articles get into the Yandex Top, ranging from spelling errors in articles to gross errors on the site itself. But as for the articles themselves, bringing it to the top is not very difficult - it is important to choose the right keywords (phrases), correctly label the images in the articles, and optimize it correctly. If it is still difficult for you to do this on your own, you can use my paid one, or download the desktop one.

Why is this article only about bringing articles to the Yandex Top? The fact is that Google has a slightly different promotion system; if you promote an article on Google, you need to use other tools. Experience shows that if an article is in the Top in Yandex, then in Gul it will also be in fairly high positions. For example, in Yandex an article is in the Top 1, then in Google it will be in the Top 10 (Top 20).

Take into account the competitiveness of keywords in your articles, and you will always be in the Top! Good luck to you!

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To run a successful business, you need to properly promote your company on the Internet. Therefore, SEO optimization specialists are in demand now more than ever. However, processing and sorting keys requires a lot of time.

Despite high level development computer technology, a powerful semantic core cannot be created by pressing a couple of buttons. Since this involves processing and sorting a huge number of search keys, this operation cannot be performed manually. Therefore, webmasters come to the aid of various programs and services that help them successfully cope with this task.

To make life easier for other users, I suggest reading my review of the most famous tools for processing the semantic core and sorting keys. The tools I reviewed for SEO optimization have various capabilities, some of them are universal, the rest serve only for auxiliary operations.

Key Collector

In my opinion, this is one of the famous and most frequently used programs for selecting semantics. Using Key Collector, you can simplify the process of automatically processing and sorting keys to obtain the necessary data from Wordstat, AdWords. Also useful (especially for beginners), in my opinion, will be search suggestions and a built-in Web analytics function.

With this tool, I can quickly determine frequency, filter and group them, and then remove duplicate words. You can also take pictures of positions and evaluate them according to many different criteria.

However, I want to warn you that when you first get acquainted with such a semantic “combine” as Key Collector, it will be difficult for beginners to understand all the variety of its built-in functions.

Also, among the undoubted advantages, I would like to note that the developers of this tool constantly monitor changes to the connected services. Thanks to this, Key Collector is regularly updated after a few days.

In addition to the expanded set of functions, an important advantage of the Key Collector package is its low price, currently it can be purchased for only 1,700 rubles.

The main purpose of this tool is to automate and simplify the process of processing and sorting keywords.

When working with the semantic core, the data for parsing also serves as information obtained via Wordstat. Search suggestions are also selected and the entire set of queries that have a common topic are divided into separate groups in order to promote landing pages.

main feature What sets Rush Analytics apart from Key Collector and similar programs is that it is not tied to a specific computer.

The system is organized in such a way that the semantic core is processed on the server. Therefore, when analyzing large quantity keywords, you can get by with a medium-power computer. At the same time, the results of the work will be available regardless of your location; you will be able to view them not only at home, but also at work or in general anywhere where there is Internet.

I like using Rush Analytics for the following reasons:

  • amazing word processing speed (when working with Wordstat - up to 100 keys / s), as a result, in just 10 minutes the system will give you about 200 search tips and clusters about 10 thousand keys;
  • you don’t have to use proxy servers, and you don’t have to constantly enter captchas;
  • the built-in “stop word” function helps to quickly filter out unnecessary information requests directly during the work process;
  • when searching for hints, you can set any sampling depth;
  • When clustering, the program uses an advanced algorithm that quickly divides the array of requests into separate groups, while simultaneously selecting landing pages according to automatic mode;
  • In addition, the system has many other useful functions.

However, all services of this program are paid, although at first glance the prices seem completely ridiculous. Thus, selecting words using Wordstat will cost only 0.03 rubles per word, determining the frequency will cost 0.01 rubles. for each phrase from the tips, key clustering 0.5 rub./word.

With a large amount of work, you can end up getting a substantial amount. Therefore, the developers of Rush Analytics plan in the future to organize access to the service through subscriptions for regular customers.

It is popular among those who value their time and do not want to parse queries from scratch. The developers of Bukvarix took care of this.

I usually use this tool when compiling samples, since Bukvarix contains the minimum filters necessary for fully processing queries. Therefore, I recommend using this system as a final processing tool in conjunction with Rush Analytics and Key Collector, which we discussed earlier.

The obtained sampling results are saved in file formats. txt and. csv.

Many SEOs choose Bukvarix because it is absolutely free to use. And, most importantly, its developers do not plan to introduce a board in the near future.

Pastukhov Base

The most known system in Runet, which is convenient to work with for users of any level, from beginner freelancers to experienced webmasters. The Pastukhov database includes three sections:

  1. Russian keyword database – 1.57 billion;
  2. English keyword database – 1.3 billion;
  3. Russian database of hints – 3 billion requests (including connections between them).

However, Pastukhov's database is updated irregularly (1-2 times a year), while one of his main competitors (Bukvariks) updates the database every month.

I would also like to note the following advantage: the latest versions of the program have access to online databases. As a result, you will be able to use the system from anyone, even not very powerful computer with any operating system(Windows, MacOS, Linux).

For the average freelancer, this pleasure is not cheap at all. For a complete set of databases you will now have to pay about 200 USD. Therefore, I would like to ask: “Isn’t it better to use free Bukvarix instead of Pastukhov’s database?”

Of course, everyone chooses what suits them best, depending on the tasks to be solved and financial capabilities. But for those who are engaged in large projects or large-scale semantic analysis, I advise working with Pastukhov’s database.

To successfully promote your website on the Internet, you need to write content for specific purposes. This is clear to everyone. It’s very good when the content of your site is interesting to readers, but in addition to everything, search engines should also like it. This is exactly why you need to choose the right keywords for promotion.

Now there are quite a lot various programs, databases and services for selecting keywords, which greatly simplify the work in this matter. Let's briefly get acquainted with the most interesting and popular databases and collection services key queries.

Search engine services

At the initial stage of work, the foundation of the site’s semantics can be laid using publicly available and free services from search engines:

  • Yandex. Wordstat. Service from the Yandex search engine for analysis, statistics and selection of keywords. You can specify the region of interest and analyze which queries in the selected area had a higher frequency. For ease of working with the service, we have written a convenient one.
  • Keyword Planner. Well-known tool from Google,in which you can set up a search for queries both from organic results and from the popular video hosting YouTube.
  • Google Trends. Helps in search for trending (increasingly popular) queries and shows the dynamics of their popularity in different regions and countries.
  • Google Correlate. Another service from a well-known corporation with which you can select words that correlate (often entered) with the given ones. The operation of the service is based on the behavioral characteristics of users.
  • Statistics of requests from Queries from Mile's search, which also show demographic statistics. Gives a clear idea of ​​high-frequency or low-frequency requests.
  • Rambler query statistics with the ability to select a period and check the seasonality of queries.

Keyword databases

Pastukhov Base

The author of this popular keyword database is Maxim Pastukhov, a famous Internet entrepreneur and blogger.This huge database of keywords in the hands of a competent optimizer can easily turn into quite powerful tool to select keywords for the site and promote it.

Currently, the Russian keyword database contains more than 1.5 billion search queries with Yandex Wordstat and Yandex Direct data.

In addition to Russian, there is also an English database of keywords, as well as Italian, Spanish, German and French databases. They may be useful to those who plan to promote websites abroad.The databases themselves are quite large, so to work with them you should stock up on a disk of at least 1 terabyte. I will not describe in detail the entire process of working with this database. You can watch and study all this on the author’s website.

Let's look at the positive and negative points.

  • The main advantage is, of course, the number of keywords, as well as a huge number of low-frequency queries that you will not find in Wordstat.
  • A convenient program for working with keys, the so-called shell, which allows you to work with keys quickly and without unnecessary headaches.
  • It is possible to work from any computer that has the databases themselves; for this you only need a shell.
  • All the work you do in the program is duplicated on the server, which provides additional protection for your work if your computer suddenly breaks down.


  • For me, the main disadvantage of this program is that it does not show the frequency of many collected phrases.
  • The size of the database, or rather the space it occupies on the disk. This is about 300 GB of disk space.
  • This database only works under OS Windows.

The price of a new Russian database for 1.5 billion requests is about $300.But if you don’t have the opportunity to purchase it now, then you can try to search Pastukhov’s previous keyword databases on torrent services.


A popular database of keywords collected using various sources such as Adwords, Live TV, etc.Today UP-base in latest version contains 3.25 billion Russian keywords as of June 2016.

There is also an English base.


  • Comes with special program with the help of which key phrases are created, and also in it you can remove implicit duplicates and filter phrases by stop words.
  • Ability to parse up to 4 topics simultaneously and save the results in different folders.


  • It only binds to a specific computer.
  • You need a constant Internet connection to communicate with the server.
  • Sampling restrictions have been set. No more than 100 million KES per day.
  • Paid updates.

Price: $120 for Russian base.


Simply a colossal database, which was obtained by parsing all open Yandex counters. Metrics.Stands for "Mother of All Bases". Quite consistent with the content.

To date, the database contains more than 3.2 billion keywords.


  • This is, of course, the size. These are indeed very large amounts of information, about 650 GB.
  • Large tails of medium and low-frequency queries, for which sometimes there is no competition at all.
  • You can order a test sample or product demonstration before purchasing.
  • The program is quite fast and the sampling speed is very pleasing.

You can export the received data to CSV and TXT formats.A special sampling program is supplied with the database.


A program that shows queries that people parsed from Wordstat using the Magadan service.There are almost 70 million keywords in the database.Access to the database is integrated into the Magadan keywords.

To use the KeyBooster database, just download the Magadan program. Contains information:

  • About statistical data on request for the month.
  • About connections between keywords.
  • About seasonal trends, etc.


An impressive database of keywords.

  • Russian keyword database (1.48 billion).
  • Database of English keywords (445 million).

According to the author, the databases are collected from various sources, both accessible and private.After purchasing the database, you will also receive a program for creating keyword samples, Amazing Keywords, completely free.

You can buy this keyword database for 1,350 rubles.Updates are free.

An interesting database of keywords from the Rookee service, with which you can quicklyselect and analyze search queries using the API.The number of queries in the database today is about 230 million.

The database has extensive functionality and with its help you can:

  • choose an effective semantic core for any website, any topic;
  • for a single key phrase, select all possible queries in all word forms;
  • determine for yourself the most effective and interesting queries for promotion;
  • integrate the Roostat database into your programs.

There are monthly updates.

The price depends on the chosen tariff.

Online Services

An online service for analyzing queries, selecting keywords, positions, traffic and competitor budgets.

A very effective and functionally rich tool. Allows you to collect and analyze queries that your competitors are using. You will just need to make the content a little better, optimize it and format it properly.


  • Very easy to use thanks to the simple, clear and intuitive interface.
  • The speed of the service is pleasing.
  • The resulting data can be sorted in ascending/descending order.
  • Download reports in the popular SCV format for further analysis.

The only drawback of this service is that statistics for the past month are shown and there is no way to see the situation online.

There are two tariff plans:Pro - 1950 rubles per month,Unlim - 4950 rubles per month.


The service allows you to identify your main competitors in Google, evaluate their positions in organic results, and find out the queries for which they are in the TOP.Uses a database of 106 million of the most popular keywords and these keywords are distributed across 26 regional Google databases.This service is perfect for collecting keywords for website promotion abroad.

You can use it for free, or you can purchase paid access to advanced functionality.There are tariffs from $70 to $550 per month.


An online service designed to collect and analyze keyword statistics. Shows competition, views and tails. Tails help to assess how deep the topic of a request is. If there are a lot of them, then there is a high probability of finding “tasty” keys.


  • does not require installation of any program, works online;
  • clear interface;
  • You can upload the results to Excel.


  • minor errors and inaccuracies in the analysis results;
  • Bulk keyword checking requires a fee;
  • not very accurate statistics on competition (up to 25 are shown).

The service is used to search for the necessary keywords, analyze the business niche, and plan promotion work.The keyword database contains almost 200 million queries.

Its capabilities:

  • Cleans up duplicates and inaccurate phrases.
  • You can receive a report not by domain, but by individual page.
  • You can view all competitor sites.
  • In less than a minute, a full report on a competitor’s domain is created with information on the number of keywords, the number of pages in the search results, the number of queries in the TOP and other useful information.

Starting tariff - 1500 rub.Basic tariff - 4800 rub.

Rush Analytics

The arsenal includes such a tool as “Collecting Hints” from Yandex and Google.

Its features:

  1. You can select a region.
  2. Method of collecting the database.
  3. Parsing depth.
  4. Use the geoquery filter.
  5. Add stop words by topic.
  6. It works very quickly.

After the collection is completed, a notification is sent by email.Available for download in XLSX format.There is a frequency collection function for collected keys.

Price: 1 kopeck for 1 request for 1 depth.When registering, you receive a free 200 rubles into your account. TIt is also possible to discuss an individual tariff.


A service that helps analyze key phrases and competitors both in Serpa (organic search results) and in contextual advertising.Quite a young service, so far it has a base only for two regions: Moscow and St. Petersburg.Works with queries for which the selected domains were found in the TOP-20 search results.

The resulting data can be downloaded as a CSV file.

The query database is updated once a month.

The paid service costs from 980 rubles per month subscription.


This service offers its users an absolutely unique tool for collecting keywords.To collect semantics, Topvisor uses 4 main sources:

  1. Yandex.Wordstat
  2. Google. Adwords
  3. Webmaster Bing
  4. Webmaster Mail

It is possible to select a region and the exact occurrence of a phrase.You can check the frequency of queries, sort as you wish, export in csv or txt formats


Key Collector

One of the most frequently used programs by SEOs.It allows you to conveniently select keys for promoting your site, phelps determine their competitiveness and other data.

What can Key Collector do:

  • Pick up key phrases from a huge number of services (Wordstat, Adstat, Adwords, Search suggestions, etc.).
  • Determine the value of phrases and their cost.
  • Analyze geo-independence of queries.
  • Show all frequency options (base, in quotes, and exact occurrence).
  • Show the competition of keywords.
  • Determine the most relevant pages.
  • Provide recommendations for linking.

You can export data to Excel.

Price 1700 rub. In my opinion, quite acceptable price, based on the capabilities of this program.

Word fucker

If you don't have the funds to buyKey Collector, then at first you can try to get by with this program, but in terms of functionality it is much inferior to its older brother.

  1. The program can only parse left column Yandex Wordstat.
  2. It is possible to use a proxy and export the results obtained.
  3. However, the program lacks technical support and very infrequent updates.


This program helps you work with keywords and with its help you can easily organize your work on compiling semantics.The program collects statistics from Wordstat and from the keyword databaseand, using flexible filter settings, makes convenient selections of keys.You can set a threshold for processing conditions.For example, if you lower it to the level of 100 or 50 queries per month, you can find low-frequency and very interesting queries.

There are two tariff plans:Light - limited in its functionality and capabilities. Pro- 1500 rub.

This is just a godsend for those who want to quickly and effectively select keywords for their website.At this momentthere are 461 million queries in the database.

Current database sources:

  1. Yandex Wordstat
  2. Google and Yandex search suggestions
  3. Yandex "Live broadcast"

Collected samples can be exported to csv and txt formats.


    • Speed ​​of work. A list of 1 thousand phrases is processed in about 40 seconds.
    • There is an additional option - Morphology module. When using this module, the program can display words in other word forms, in a different case, etc.
    • 80 regions supported

Just recently, the guys got second base. The new one already has 1 billion 438 million keywords, but there are no regions (but the frequencies are fresh). Both databases are free, and a full list of differences can be seen.

I hope my selection helped you and you found something optimal for yourself. Good luck!

We have already told you more than once how you can create a semantic core for a website yourself and even wrote a book (by the way, you can download it completely free). Before trying to collect keywords using the services discussed in this article, I recommend reading the book to understand the basics.

The process of collecting semantics is very labor-intensive, requiring a lot of time, especially for beginners.

There are many specialized services and programs for compiling a semantic core. The most popular: Yandex.Wordstat and Google KeywordPlanner, Key Collector, Slovoeb,, SEMRush, Just Magic, Topvisor and others.

Many of these products are paid, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Below we will look in detail at 2 assistants for collecting site semantics - one is paid, the other is free.

  1. Rush Analytics - an online service for creating a semantic core

    Allows you to automate all routine processes when collecting semantics: from key selection to clustering.


    • No software installation required.
    • Clear and simple interface.
    • Availability of guidelines for using the service and tips at each stage.
    • Clustering reports have a lot of useful data that you can use to create content.
    • You can expand the semantic core using the Search Suggestions tool.


    The downside is that this is a completely paid service. Only upon registration you will receive a bonus of 200 rubles. If you have a large amount of work, it will cost you a lot. For example, clustering one key query costs 50 kopecks.

    Collecting keywords

    After a simple registration, 4 tools will be available for working with keywords: “Wordstat”, “Hint Collection”, “Clustering” and “Keyword Checker”.

    Now you can start collecting keywords; to do this you need to create a new project:

    In the tab that opens, indicate the project name and region:

    The next step is Collection Settings. Here you need to choose how the words will be collected:

    For work, we will choose the first option: collecting keywords from the left column of Wordstat.

    Third step – Keywords and price. We indicate the base keywords of the site either in a list or upload a file.

    For example, we have a website about renting special equipment. We enter the main keys “special equipment rental”, “crane rental”, “crane services”. This will be enough to collect semantics.

    We also indicate stop words. They will help you filter your list and save time and money. There is a convenient function “Stop words by topic”.

    For our site we will add the stop words “agreement”, “work”.

    After some time our project will be ready:

    Now you can download the file in xlsx format:

    We received a fairly large list of keywords (1084 words). Some of them are unnecessary, so it is better to go through the list and remove unnecessary words.

    Determination of frequency

    To do this, create a new project (specify the name and region), in the second tab select “Frequency collection”, check the first three options:

    Once the frequency collection is completed, you can download the file. Let's see what happened. We have already written about how to predict traffic by keywords; if you haven’t read it yet, be sure to read it.

    I will only say that I do not recommend using dummy queries for promotion, i.e. words for which the frequency with the “!Key” operators is equal to zero.

    Keyword Clustering

    Clustering is the division of keywords into groups from a logical point of view and based on search engine results. After distributing requests into groups, you will essentially receive a ready-made site structure.

    To do this, click on “Clustering” and create a new project:

    We call the project “Special equipment3” (any name of your choice), select search engine(we chose Yandex), we also indicate the region:

    The next step is setting up the collection. First you need to select the type of clustering algorithm. These algorithms work on the same principle (comparing search engine TOPs), but are designed to solve different problems:

    • Wordstat – suitable for creating a website structure.
    • Manual markers - suitable if you already have a ready-made site structure and you need keywords by which to promote existing site pages.
    • Combined (manual markers + Wordstat) – suitable for the task of simultaneously selecting keywords for the existing site structure and expanding it.

    Here we indicate the minimum frequency that we use and the clustering accuracy:

    The greater the clustering accuracy, the large quantity keys will fall into one group. For blogs and portals, accuracy is not so important (you can put 3 or 4). But for sites with competitive topics, it is better to choose a higher grouping accuracy.

    As you can see from the screenshot, we have selected all acceptable grouping accuracies. This does not affect the cost of clustering, but we will be able to determine which group is more suitable for us.

    Let's proceed to the next stage - downloading a file with keywords:

    The result of clustering in xlsx format looks like this:

    Based on this file, you can create a Relevance Map and form technical specifications for copywriters.

  2. Slovoeb program

    One of the best free programs to compile a semantic core. Many people call it “Key Collector’s little brother.”


    • The program is absolutely free.
    • Availability of tips, description of the program and its tools.
    • Clear interface.


    • Requires installation on a computer.
    • There is no automatic query clustering.
    • No program updates.

    Setting up the program

    You can order the development of SYS and maps (look in the “Optimization and technical support” section).