Program for recovery via computer. Restoring IMEI through the engineering menu

Sometimes owners of Chinese smartphones encounter a reset problem IMEI. This mainly happens when applying "Reset to Factory Settings". If not IMEI- The phone loses the GSM signal, it does not receive calls or make outgoing calls. The operator and communication signal may even be displayed: MTS, Kyivstar, Life, etc., but it will not receive or make calls. Some models will display "IMEI is incorrect" or "IMEI is missing" for both SIM cards.

You can confidently determine whether you have an IMEI by typing *#06# in the call dialing menu . The screen will appear IMEI: "15-digit code" or not. (sometimes you need to enter *#06# and press call).

It seems like a big problem, especially when the service charges quite a bit of money. However, the procedure itself to restore IMEI on a phone is simple and quick.

Below are ways to restore IMEI on Chinese smartphones. If you plan to use them, understand that the phones and firmware are different, the examples described may not be suitable for your phone, and an independent incorrect change in the engineering settings can lead to incorrect operation, debugging the device and removing it from warranty service, act at your own peril and risk. The author is not responsible for the use of this instruction.

Initially, you need to check the IMEI by dialing *#06# call

Method 1

There is no IMEI, you need to do the following to restore it:

1. Turn off and remove SIM cards. Rewrite the 15 IMEI digits, they are indicated on the back of the phone under the battery, if the phone is non-separable, like a copy of the iPhone 5, look on the warranty card or on the box. Turn on your phone.

If nothing happens, try the following codes to enter the engineering menu.

  • *#*#54298#*#* or *#*#3646633#*#* - MTK processor
  • *#*#8255#*#*, *#*#4636#*#* - replacement for Samsung
  • *#*#3424#*#*, *#*#4636#*#*, *#*#8255#*#* - replacement for HTC
  • *#*#7378423#*#* - replacement for Sony
  • *#*#4634#*#* - replacement for iPhone 5C Android
  • *#*#3646633#*#* - replacement with Philips, Fly, Alcatel
  • *#*#2846579#*#* - replacement for Huawei

3. Menu item d: CDS Information > Radio Information > Phone 1

4.Place the cursor after AT+ and enter EGMR=1.7,"", using the English alphabet. The system will offer the option EGMR=1.7,"" select it, or enter the characters yourself.

5. Place the cursor in quotation marks and enter the IMEI code, i.e. 15 digits. You should get the following inscription: AT+EGMR=1.7,"123456789101112", Where 123456789101112 - 15 digit IMEI.

7. If the phone has 2 SIM cards, to restore the second IMEI, repeat steps 5 and 6 with only the code AT+EGMR=1.10,"123456789101112", where 123456789101112 is the 15 digits of the IMEI of the second SIM card.

8. Exit the engineering menu and reboot the phone.

9. Check the IMEI code - *#06#. The entered codes should appear on the screen.

10. Turn off and insert SIM cards into the phone. Try making calls, the phone will work.

If you couldn’t restore IMEI, it means either something was done with an error, or this method is not suitable for your device. Do not change other settings unless you are sure what will happen. This may lead to incorrect operation or failure of your device.

Method 2

1. Download the archive or the MTK65xx.apk file

2. Extract the application from the archive

3. Remove SIM cards from the phone

4. Install the application on your smartphone

5. When you first launch the application, you will notify about the type of your Android device, after familiarizing yourself with it, press the button ok

6. The application reads the IMEI if it didn’t count, press the read button

7. Uncheck “same IMEI” and enter new IMEI.

8. Click the “exit” button. Restart Android device

Method 3

Owners of Chinese Google phones based on MTK6515 may encounter the problem of losing IMEI as a result of flashing or resetting to factory settings. As it turns out, the problem is typical for firmwares where the file "MPOB_001", with IMEI in encrypted form, located in /data/nvram/md/NVRAM/NVD_IMEI, which is rewritten about reflashing. In modern firmware, this file is placed in /nvram/md/NVRAM/NVD_IMEI, here he no longer disappears.

If you are not sure about the firmware, before updating / resetting, we recommend saving this file on a flash card. This can be done using a terminal emulator, for example: Android Terminal Emulator (available on the play market), or Better Terminal Emulator Pro. Run it after installation and enter the code on the command line:

su, and agree to the provision of root rights.

Now the actual procedure for registering IMEI:

echo "AT+EGMR=1,7,"IMEI_1"" > /dev/pttycmd1
echo "AT+EGMR=1,10,"IMEI_2"" > /dev/pttycmd1

Where IMEI_1 and IMEI_2 are 15 digits of the 1st and 2nd IMEI, respectively.

Method 4

If IMEI is not in the firmware, but in EEPROM. Then changing it is very simple using the supplied data cable (not the firmware one) and the HyperTerminal program, which is included in any Windows.
Instructions for changing IMEI via Hyperterminal:
1) connect the phone in com-port mode to the computer via a USB cable. If you are using Windows: call hyperterminal -> select the virtual port on which the phone is connected, after connecting, dial AT - you should receive OK as a response in the window, i.e. connected via comport;
2) then type a test command (determines whether changing IMEI is supported):
if supported (OK) - drive in a new one
(instead of IMEI - real imei numbers).

If it is a dual-symbol, the second imei is changed with the command AT+EGMR=1.10,"IMEI"
(instead of IMEI - real imei numbers).

By the way, the first parameter of the command is zero-read, one-write.
+EGMR: "135790246811220" - view the first IMEI

+EGMR: "135790246811220" - view the second IMEI

If they differ, then both are displayed by *#06# on the device’s keyboard; if they coincide, only one is displayed.

Sometimes when reinstalling the operating system on a smartphone, changing the firmware or disrupting its operation, the user may encounter a problem - incorrect IMEI. How to fix this is described in this article.

IMEI check

To find out if the IMEI has been removed or changed:

  1. Open the Phone (or Call) app.
  2. Dial *#06# on your phone.

After entering the last character, a window will load showing the IMEI code for the SIM cards on the phone. Compare them with the values ​​written on the gadgets' packaging boxes. If they do not match, then you need to fix it manually.

To fix IMEI, you must use one of the methods below.

Restoring IMEI through the engineering menu

The developers have made an engineering menu on the smartphone, in which it is possible to change many parameters, including IMEI.

To open it, in “Phone” enter the code corresponding to your gadget.

*#*#54298#*#* or *#*#3646633#*#*Processor MTK
*#*#8255#*#*, *#*#4636#*#* Samsung
*#*#3424#*#*, *#*#4636#*#*, *#*#8255#*#* HTC
*#*#7378423#*#* Sony
*#*#3646633#*#* Philips, Fly, Alcatel
*#*#2846579#*#* Huawei

After this, correct the number using one of the steps described below.

Note! Depending on the device, the appearance or arrangement of elements may differ.

CDS Information

Check the codes using the method described above and make a call to check the functionality.


If your engineering menu does not include CDS Information, use this method.

  1. Go to the “Telephony” → “GPRS” tab.
  2. Select SIM1 and SIM2 in turn.
  3. Enter the appropriate codes → click “WRITE IMEI”.
  4. Reboot your device.

How to repair IMEI using terminal

You can also change the number using a terminal emulator like Termux.

After reinstalling the basic software (operating system) on an Android smartphone, the user of this device may have one problem - erased IMEI. This can happen if the firmware procedure was seriously violated, or if third-party (custom) firmware was installed, the developer of which was too lazy to implement the proper functionality in his product. If you received an incorrect IMEI after flashing the firmware, you don’t know what to do now, then read the text below.

It is very easy to find out that the IMEI has been changed or deleted. To do this, you will need to open the dialer and enter the command into it: *#06# . After the last character (hash) is entered, a window will appear in which the IMEI code for each SIM card is indicated. Check it (if there are several SIM cards, then these) with the code indicated on the device box. If they diverge, then indeed, after the firmware the IMEI was changed and must be specified manually.

How to restore an incorrect IMEI after flashing an Android smartphone

There are several ways to change an incorrect IMEI to a correct one in Android. The first of them is somewhat complicated, but guaranteed to work on all phones, consists of entering the IMEI in the phone’s engineering menu. You can do this in the following way:

  1. Open the dialer and enter the code to open the engineering menu, for example: *#3646633# or *#*#3646633#*#* (if these codes do not work, find the combination for your phone model on the Internet);
  2. Then you will need to go to the following points: CDS Information – Radio Information – Phone 1;
  3. Having done this, you will see the AT+ item at the top, and in the field located below it, indicate: EGMR = 1,7, "";
  4. After that, place the cursor between the quotes and enter your IMEI (indicated on the device box);
  5. Click on the “SEND AT COMMAND” button to apply your changes.

On some phones, after pressing the specified button, the following error message may pop up: “This command is not allowed in UserBuilld.” Nothing wrong with that. Just in the line you entered, place the cursor after the “+” symbol, add a space and apply the settings.

To restore the IMEI for the second SIM card (if you have one), you will need to close the engineering menu, repeat all the above steps, but instead of EGMR=1.7 you need to enter EGMR=1.10, and in quotes you will need to indicate the IMEI for the second SIM- cards.

After completing these steps, you will need to reboot your phone. When the smartphone turns on, the IMEI will be sewn in, and, therefore, the GSM module should work normally.

Chamelephon - a program to change IMEI on Android

Correcting incorrect IMEI after flashing using ROOT rights

The other option is much simpler, but it requires ROOT rights and installation of a special application. The application is called Chamelephon, and can be downloaded from Google Play Market.

Having Ruth and the application, you will need to go to the latter (while giving all the permissions it asks for) and indicate IMEI in special fields. If for some reason you are unable to find out your IMEI, you can generate a new one. After this, restart your phone. After this, the incorrect IMEI will change to correct after flashing.

In contact with

Reflashing a smartphone is a very serious matter. You need to take into account many features of a particular gadget model and, at the same time, keep in mind complete step-by-step instructions for installing the firmware. Otherwise, you can completely kill your device in a matter of seconds. For the most part, the process ends successfully. But there is a special category of smartphones (gadgets from the Middle Kingdom based on processors from MTK) that begin to “strange” after updating the firmware. Specifically, the IMEI of the phone is lost. How to restore IMEI on Android after flashing? This will be discussed in our article.

What is IMEI?

IMEI is a special identification number that is assigned to the communication module of a smartphone. It is this that allows the device to “catch the network” and transmit data. This serial number can also be used to identify a stolen smartphone. When flashing using the appropriate hardware, you can change or “overwrite” the IMEI, but it is impossible to completely get rid of it. Just dig a little deeper and it will appear. Therefore, under no circumstances should you purchase gadgets without documents or with a strange IMEI - they may be stolen.

Usually, when flashing a device, the IMEI remains in its place, unless, of course, we have a smartphone from a well-known brand. For Chinese gadgets (especially on the MTK platform), the disappearance of the serial number of the communication module after flashing is a common occurrence. The good thing is that you can restore it (in most cases) without interfering with the firmware. The main thing is to have the number written down in some documents. So, how to restore IMEI on Android after flashing? Let's look at specific examples.

Using the Engineer Menu

This method does not work on all devices. But no one is stopping you from trying. You need to enter the engineering menu using the command (typed on the keyboard) *#3646633# or *#*#3646633#*#*. Before doing this, do not forget to remove the SIM card from the smartphone. Next, go to the CDS item, then to RADIO INFORMATION - and there select the PHONE 1 item. After the AT+ inscription, enter the line EGMR = 1,7,"". The quotation marks are intended for entering the IMEI indicated on the sticker under the battery (for example AT+EGMR=1.7,"123456789123456"). Then you need to click on the SEND AT COMMAND tab. The process is complete.

After completing all operations, you should reboot the gadget and return the SIM card back. If the mobile connection works, then this method is suitable for your device. We answered the question of how to restore IMEI on Android after flashing the firmware without root rights. There is really no need to root the device to carry out this procedure. However, this method is not suitable for everyone. For those for whom it did not work, the next part of the material will help. Let's move on to it.

Firmware tampering

If the first option did not help, then you will have to correct the firmware files. Here you will already need superuser rights. You can get them through Framaroot or KingoRoot. The question of how to restore IMEI on Android after flashing it through the engineering menu, it turns out, disappears by itself. To return the communication module number, you need to correct one file of the gadget’s operating system. It is called MP0B_OO1 and is located here: /DATA/NVRAM/MD/NCRAM/NVD_IMEI.

Open the above directory (via Root Explorer) in some text editor and enter the correct IMEI in it. Most likely, the file will be completely empty. So there shouldn't be any problems with this. This method works on all devices. We figured out how to restore IMEI on Android after flashing Lenovo or some other smartphone from the Middle Kingdom. Even beginners should not have any problems.

Using special applications

There are some devices that do not allow you to delve into firmware files or engineering menus (Samsung smartphones are especially guilty of this). How to restore IMEI on Android after flashing such a device? There is a way. It consists of using a special application. But for this you will need to obtain superuser rights. Then you need to download the Chamelephon program from Google Play and install it on the device.

Then everything is very simple. The application will immediately display two windows in which serial numbers must be entered. You can generate new ones or use existing ones. It will be enough to click on the Apply New IMEIs button. After the operation is completed successfully, the application will ask you to restart the device. Let's do it. After this all networks should work. Now you know how to restore IMEI on Android after flashing Samsung or other devices of the same type.

Precautionary measures

Remember: no one can give you a guarantee that all the methods described above will work adequately on your device. Therefore, experts recommend making a backup copy of the device’s operating system and all data before carrying out any work. This is especially true for those who decide to use the method of editing system files. This method is very dangerous, as it can lead to fatal errors and complete inoperability of the device.

All other IMEI repair methods are safe for the most part. But it still won't hurt to make a backup copy. What if something goes wrong? Then nothing will stop you from returning a working version of the OS and continuing to do scientific research.


The question of how to restore IMEI on Android after flashing the firmware (via the engineering menu too) has many answers. It is not a fact that the methods described above will suit you. But they help most people. The main thing is to do everything as described above, and, of course, make a backup copy. Then your device is in no danger. But don't forget about precautions. We hope that everything will work out for you, and that your gadget will live a long and happy life, delighting you with its performance. Just follow the instructions carefully - and everything will be fine!

Trouble came from an unexpected place. And although this cannot be called a disaster, it still caused some inconvenience at first. The reason for this situation came from the desire to format the phone memory with the program SPFlash Tool due to a decrease in its volume after the firmware. But in order to do this correctly, we first had to collect the necessary information. But I was in a hurry and I paid for it.

Having raked through heaps of different information in Networks and having quickly tried several methods to no avail, I remembered that I had a program installed on my computer MtkDroidTools, whose functions include restoration IMEI-ev. The only thing is on the OS " seven"It was terribly slow and I had to switch to the good old XP(fortunately, in addition to “ sevens"There are still three operating systems on the PC), where this program simply flew.

Easy to install. You just need to unpack the archive. I installed the folder in the root directory. Launched the program. It is highly desirable to have root access on your phone, and although the program MtkDroidTools It may give a temporary root, but I have never had this happen. To connect the phone I used a standard USB cable. IN Settings gadget on the tab - For developers activated the line - O debugging via USB. After some time, this request appeared (smartphone Explay Fresh- Android 4.42, but on Android 4.2.2 such a request does not appear). Confirmed.

After some time, a message appeared that the changes will take effect after rebooting the phone. In the program window I clicked - Reboot.

After rebooting, I first made a USSD request, but the mobile network was unavailable. You just need to wait about 5 minutes and the network signal indicator (in the upper right corner) began to show that there is a connection. A test call confirmed this.


Download program MtkDroidTools you can follow this link -