Program to change the screen brightness of windows mobile 10. Setting using standard means

The most basic way to change the screen brightness on a PC is to use the control buttons located on the monitor. However, it also happens that such an opportunity is absent. Users using laptops do not have it at all. For this reason, adjustment is also provided using Windows 7, 8, 10, or third-party utilities. Let's take a closer look at these options.

Using power settings

This method will be useful only to owners laptops.

Video card driver settings

This method is suitable for all users. In order to make the settings, you need to open the control panel video card.

  1. On the left side of the menu you need to click on the item “ Display»
  2. Click on the item " Adjusting Color Settings..." Here you can change the screen brightness and more.

Changing brightness in Windows XP

Because in Windows XP no possibility adjust the brightness using the OS, you have to use the capabilities of the monitor for rough adjustment or use special application , which is provided in the driver package for the PC video card, and the utility Adobe Gamma, which is available in many graphics programs of this company. In addition, it can be found directly on the official website. Let's take a closer look at these two methods.

Using Adobe Gamma

In field " Load» It is possible to load an existing settings profile. Field " Brightness and Contrast» provides the right to set the required values. In field " Phosphors"it's better to leave" Trinitron».

In field " Gamma» You can adjust the brightness and contrast by moving the slider until the square in the middle is almost indistinguishable.

Intel Built-in Utility

  • Go to the " Options».
  • In the bottom corner there is a button " Additionally", click on it - the program interface will open.

On the left side of the interface, find “ Color correction».
Adjust the values ​​as needed.

How to set up adaptive brightness in Windows 10

In Windows 10, brightness is adjusted differently than in previous operating systems. This is due to such an innovation as adaptive brightness, which only works on laptops.

This latest technology Automatic screen brightness adjustment often causes users more problems than benefits. For example, in Windows 10 you can no longer manually change brightness, which is extremely inconvenient. What is this innovation?

Auto-adjustment is made possible thanks to built-in into the laptop to light sensors. Based on the data received and its processing, Windows 10 itself adjusts the screen brightness depending on how much light hits the sensor. How can I disable this feature?

Laptop users constantly adjust their screen brightness settings according to the type of environment in which they work. For example, if you're outside in direct sunlight, you may need to increase the screen brightness to 90% or even 100% to see your screen properly, and if you're working inside your home, you'll likely need to dim the display to prevent this from happening. will harm your eyes. Additionally, Windows 10 automatically adjusts screen brightness, but most users have turned off adaptive screen brightness settings to manually adjust brightness levels.

Even though you've turned off adaptive screen brightness, Windows may still automatically change it depending on whether you're connected to charger, you are in battery saving mode or how much battery is left, etc. If your screen brightness settings don't match, you may need to update your display driver. Anyway, Windows 10 offers quite a few ways to quickly adjust screen brightness, so without wasting any time, let's see how to adjust screen brightness in Windows 10 using the guide below.

Method 1: Adjust Screen Brightness in Windows 10 Using the Keyboard

Almost all laptops have special buttons on the keyboard to quickly adjust screen brightness levels. For example, on my Acer Predator you can use Fn + Right / Left arrow keys. To learn how to adjust brightness using your keyboard, refer to your keyboard's manual.

Method 2: Adjust screen brightness using Action Center

Method 3: Adjust screen brightness in Windows 10 settings

Method 4: Adjust Screen Brightness from Power Icon

Method 5: Adjust screen brightness using the Power Options Control Panel

That's all, you have successfully learned, how to adjust screen brightness in Windows 10, but if you still have any questions regarding this guide, feel free to ask in the comment section.

Choosing the correct screen brightness level is very important, since it affects not only the quality of the displayed image, but also the strain on the eyes. Too much dark screen will cause your eyes to quickly get tired trying to look at the image, and an overly bright monitor will cause a large number of blinding rays. Therefore, there are several ways to select the optimal brightness level for your conditions.

Changing brightness using the monitor and Windows 10

Most monitor manufacturers provide ways to change the screen brightness without using the operating system. If for some reason such options are not available to you, you can adjust the brightness using the built-in Windows features 10, as well as third-party programs.

Using the monitor buttons

If you're using an external monitor rather than a laptop's built-in screen, look for buttons on the side or back that let you increase or decrease brightness. They will be indicated by special icons or inscriptions (as a rule, this is an icon in the form of a sun).

Using the buttons you can adjust the brightness

Perhaps there will be no such buttons, then instead of them there will be a button that opens the menu. By clicking on it, you will see a list of built-in monitor settings on the screen - use it to change the brightness settings. Navigating through the list and selecting an item is done using the “Up” and “Down” buttons, indicated by filled triangles and located next to the “Menu” button.

You can adjust the brightness through the menu

Using keyboard keys

If you want to change the brightness of your laptop's built-in monitor, learn the F1-F12 keys. On one of them there will be an icon indicating that the button is responsible for adjusting the brightness (the same “sun”). Typically the combination Fn + one of the F keys is used.

We use the keys to adjust the brightness

It is impossible to say which button is intended for this in your case, since each manufacturer sets this action to an arbitrary key.

Using parameters

All the methods described below show how to change the brightness through system settings Windows. First of all, you should use standard application"Options":

  1. Right-click on the Start icon and select Settings. Open computer settings
  2. Expand the “System” block.
    Open the “System” section
  3. Without moving from the first sub-item “Screen”, move the brightness slider to the desired value, and then apply the changes.
    Moving the slider to change brightness

Using the Quick Access Toolbar

There are many small icons in the lower right corner of the monitor that give you quick access to various system settings. If you click on the icon in the form of a battery and a plug (it appears only if the computer has a battery, and if the device operates directly from the network, it will not), you can see a rectangle with a sun. It shows the current brightness level. By clicking on it, you can set a new value.

Setting the brightness through the block with the sun

Using auto-regulation

Many monitors can automatically detect the level of lighting in a room and select the optimal brightness level for it. By default, this function is disabled, since most users do not move their computer from place to place and, accordingly, the lighting level is constant. But if you have to work with the device in different rooms, follow these steps:

  1. Using the system search bar, find the control panel and expand it. Opening the control panel
  2. Using the built-in search bar, find the “Power Options” section.
    Open the “Power Options” section
  3. Proceed to configure the scheme you are using.
    Click on the button “Configure power supply scheme”
  4. A list of settings will expand. Find the “Screen” block, and in it the sub-item “Enable adaptive adjustment”. Set it to "Enable" and save changes made. Enable automatic brightness selection

Using the command

The system can be controlled using standard command line or a newer PowerShell utility.

Using video card settings

Most well-known video card manufacturers provide their users with special programs, allowing you to manage video card settings. You can find out whether such an application is available for your video card on the official website of the manufacturer.

By changing the video card settings, you can set the screen brightness level. For example, let's look at Nvidia applications. In the “Display” block there is a sub-item “Adjusting desktop color settings”, where you can activate the priority of Nvidia settings over other applications and set the appropriate brightness.

Set the brightness to Nvidia program

Using Adobe Gamma

Adobe Gamma is an application from Adobe that allows you to perform detailed monitor calibration manually. Using it, you can change not only the brightness level, but also the contrast parameters, phosphor color, gamma and white point. You should resort to setting up such a series only if you want to achieve best quality displayed images and are willing to spend time on it.

  1. Once you launch the program, select the “Step by Step” option as it will provide all the setup items in the desired order.
    Select the “Step by Step” option
  2. Specify a name for the profile being created. You'll change a lot of settings over the next few steps, and then you might try the calibration process again. After this, you can select one of the created profiles. It is also recommended to download a factory profile containing standard settings so that you can return to it at any time. You can download it from the manufacturer’s official website or from the disk included with the monitor.
    Specify the profile name
  3. Monitor calibration begins. Using the keys on the monitor or the system settings described in the previous paragraphs of the article, set the contrast value to 100% and adjust the brightness so that the white remains white and the gray square located in the middle becomes as dark as possible, but not black.
    Set the maximum contrast and adjust the brightness
  4. Must select correct type glow (luminophore color). It can only be determined from the information provided in the instructions for the monitor. If you don’t have the paper version, find information on the model on the Internet. If you were able to load the factory profile in the second calibration step, then select the “Custom” option from the list. If you manage to find the necessary information about the type of glow, and the factory profile is not loaded, set it to HDTV.
    Specify the type of light used by the monitor
  5. The gamma value for Windows is 2.2 (select the operating system in the list, and the value will be set automatically). Using the slider located under the square, adjust the brightness to the maximum the background and a square in the middle.
    Select the operating system and adjust the slider
  6. Set the white point to the standard daylight value of 6500.
    Set the value to 6500
  7. Confirm that the white point has been selected as a hardware value.
    Specify the option “Hardware value”
  8. The program will offer you two options: before and after the change. By selecting “before”, you will see what the picture looked like on the screen before the changes were made. If you like the result, check the box next to “After changes” and save the changes.
    We indicate whether the changes should be applied

Video: adjusting brightness in Windows 10

There are many ways to change the brightness of the screen: using monitor buttons, keyboard keys, the Settings application, the Quick Access Toolbar, and PowerShell. Windows 10 also has tools that allow the system to adjust brightness automatically based on light level data. Through Adobe program Gamma allows you to make better screen adjustments.

With correctly selected brightness, contrast and other parameters, the user will be able to comfortably spend a long time at the PC. Let's figure out how to increase screen brightness on Windows 10 different ways.

You can adjust the desired brightness level of the image on your computer or laptop screen in the following ways:

  • standard Windows settings 10;
  • third party means;
  • video card settings;
  • via hotkeys;
  • through monitor settings.

Depending on whether you are using a desktop computer or a laptop, you will have access to the adaptive adjustment function, which we will also talk about in more detail.

Setting up using standard tools

Laptop computers provide the use of hot keys, with which you can quickly configure certain parameters. For example, with one click you can completely mute the sound or turn off the built-in microphone. The same goes for brightness adjustment.

By default, Microsoft OS includes an auto-adjustment feature for laptops. Disable automatic brightness adjustment and configure the energy plan as follows:

  1. Open Control Panel.
  1. Next, go to the “Hardware and Sound” subsection.
  1. Now open the “Power Options” subsection.
  1. Opposite the name of the power supply scheme, click on the settings button.
  1. Here you need to go to Extra options nutrition.
  1. In the list, find the item “Screen” - “Enable adaptive brightness control” and set it to the “Off” position, then close the window and save the changes.

Now you need to increase the brightness level for all power plans. Select one of them and click on the button marked in the screenshot:

Drag the slider to the right position for the computer to work when disconnected from the network and do the same with the setting for the laptop to work when connected to a charger. After that, click on “Save Changes”.

Now you know how to turn off adaptive setting and how to change the brightness on a laptop with OS Windows 10 (x32-bit or x64-bit) of any version. Unfortunately, you will not find such parameters on desktop computer, so you will have to use other methods.

Third party program

If operating system Microsoft does not allow you to change the image settings on a desktop PC, then use a third-party utility iBrtightness Tray or Display Tuner. You can find them yourself freely available on the Internet.

Let's look at an application example. After launch, you will see the following window with sliders:

With its help, you can adjust not only the brightness (1), but also all other parameters - contrast (2), colors (3).

The second tab “Geometry” contains settings for changing the position of the image on the monitor.

Also, using the Display Tuner, you can adjust the sound level of audio tracks and video playback.

In the “Profile” tab you can create your profile and save it. After this, the image settings will not change automatically. To enable a profile, you can use hotkeys (they can be changed).

How to adjust settings through the video card driver

Depending on which graphics card you use, you have the following tools available to you to manually increase or decrease brightness:

  • AMD Control Panel for video cards from AMD;
  • "NVIDIA Control Panel" for NVIDIA graphics accelerators;
  • "Options Intel graphics» for integrated Intel video cards.

All presented tools are installed along with the driver and differ little from each other in interface and control. Let's look at the settings using an example of how to work with the NVIDIA Control Panel:

  1. Click right click mouse on the desktop to go to the “NVIDIA Control Panel” through the context menu.
  1. With this tool, you can change the settings separately for video playback in the player and for the entire display. In the Video section, select the first tab (1). Now select "With" NVIDIA settings" to unlock access to the sliders (2). With their help, you can lower or increase brightness, contrast, saturation and hue exclusively for the image in the video player. To return to auto mode, switch the option to “With video player settings” (3).

Now you need to disable automatic selection of parameters for the display itself. To do this you need to do the following:

  1. Open the “Display” tab and go to the marked subsection.
  1. Now select the second option to unlock changing values ​​manually. Brightness, contrast and gamma are also available here. Try decreasing or adding one of the values ​​and watch how the picture on the screen changes. You can also change the presented parameters for an individual color channel (RGB).
  1. To save all changes, click on “Apply” and close the window.

In this way, you can increase or decrease the brightness through the capabilities of the video card and driver. If the parameters change and auto-brightness turns on automatically, then the problem is a driver malfunction. To update it you need:

  1. Open "Device Manager" through search or in any other way.
  1. Next, go to the “Video adapters” subsection and select your video card.
  1. Right-click on it and click on “Update Driver”.
  1. Specify the folder with the driver and click “Next”.
  1. After installation, be sure to restart your computer.

Hot keys on a laptop and buttons on a monitor

All that remains is to disassemble last method decreasing or increasing brightness, which relates more to the hardware method than specifically to Windows 10.

Laptops have separate system keys(in most cases Fn), which in combination with others allow you to make settings to darken or lighten the image on the screen (as well as change the sound level, lock the keyboard, turn off the screen, and so on). You can find the required combination in the documentation for your device or on the official website.

For a desktop PC, you do not need special software or a driver - the brightness will be reduced or increased using mechanical keys on the monitor body. Changing parameters is independent of the OS.

Bottom line

We figured out how to change the low or high level brightness in a variety of ways that differ depending on your device. Each of the methods has been tested in practice. If you are unable to change the display settings using one of the methods, then move on to another.


If you have any difficulties, please read clear instructions in the video. It covers all the methods from this article.

Adjusting the display brightness on laptops running Windows 10 is another Microsoft flaw. It happens that setting this parameter does not work at all when it is needed. The problem with using new laptops lies in the introduction of adaptive screen brightness technology, which many owners of new devices are not even aware of.

Adaptive adjustment

Using advanced technology, the light sensor integrated into the laptop is used to automatically adjust the screen brightness. Based on incoming data and their processing using special, far from perfect algorithms, the “ten” independently changes the screen brightness value depending on the amount of light falling on the sensor’s sensitive element. This technology was introduced, probably at the behest of the “green”, in order to save battery power.

This technology is far from perfect and has not even been perfected by its developers, and taking into account many third-party factors that are impossible to work out all of them, this opportunity sometimes becomes a burden for the user. For example, Windows 10 does not allow you to change brightness manually, relying on algorithms written by the developer. But this feature can be easily disabled in the Power Options applet.

  • Enter “Power Options” in the search bar.
  • Launch the “Change power plan” shortcut or go to “Change power plan” through the “Power Options” applet and click on the link shown in the screenshot next to the active scheme.
  • In the list of options we find “Screen” and expand it.
  • The “Enable adaptive adjustment...” parameter is moved to the “Off” position.

  • We confirm the decision using the “OK” button.

Dozens of bugs

Users, especially those who own laptops, have repeatedly encountered the problem of being unable to change the screen brightness on their device. This feature concerns the final Windows builds 10, running on some devices.

Although, it is most likely not Windows itself that is to blame, but the written drivers or system flaws in the mechanism of interaction with the monitor or the graphics subsystem as a whole. But these are just guesses.

In fact, the way out of the situation is extremely simple - a few clicks and a couple of phrases entered into the search bar. Let's correct this little misunderstanding through Windows registry 10.

  • Enter “regedit” into the search bar or text form of the window that appears as a result of using the Win+R key combination.

  • Press “Ctrl+F” or call the main menu item “Edit”, then select “Find...”.
  • In the search bar we write “EnableBrightnes” and start scanning the registry with the “OK” key.

  • Find the parameter “KMD_EnableBrightnessInterface2” and call its editing window.
  • Replace the key value with 0 and click OK.

  • We continue the search using the “F3” key and replace the values ​​of the remaining keys with the same name.

  • We restart the computer and the option becomes available.

This is easy to do on a laptop using function key or a combination of the “Fn” key and some other key (mainly from the F1-F12 series), a multimedia keyboard should also not raise any questions. For a PC with a regular keyboard, brightness adjustment is carried out using the monitor’s hardware keys, using third-party software or using Windows 10.

Let's look at how to adjust the screen brightness level using the “ten” itself.

  • Press “Win ​​+ I” to open system parameters.
  • Go to the system section.
  • In the first subsection “Screen” we find “Brightness level” and change the value using the slider.
  • Once the setup is complete, click “Apply”.

Everything is extremely simple: you need a little time and knowledge.

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