Program for controlling the touchpad on an asus laptop. way to disable the touchpad

Currently, laptops have become so popular that many users are buying them either as an addition to their computer or instead of a desktop device. And, of course, every laptop has a touchpad or Touchpad– an input device designed to control the cursor and issue commands electronic device. In simple words, touching the touchpad simulates pressing mouse buttons or keyboard keys.

Let's look at the easiest way first

On some laptop models, there is a button near the touchpad that will help you turn it off and, if necessary, turn it on again. On HP laptops you can try double tap on the left top corner touchpad, or hold the upper left corner of the touchpad for 5 seconds.

If your laptop does not have such a shutdown button, then you can use the Fn function key in combination with the top row keys: F1, F2, ..., F12. For different models laptop keyboard shortcuts will be different. I have ASUS, so to disable the touchpad I press Fn+F9. In general, at the top we look for the key with the crossed out touchpad on it, and press it.

Below are various key combinations that will help you disable the touchpad, depending on your laptop model:

  • Lenovo - Fn + F5 or Fn + F8;
  • ASUS - Fn + F9;
  • ASER - Fn + F7;
  • Toshiba - Fn + F5;
  • Samsung - Fn + F5;
  • Sony Vaio - Fn + F1.

Second way

If the keyboard shortcuts do not work, it means that you do not have installed necessary drivers. In this case, disable the touchpad through the Control Panel. To do this you need to follow these steps:

“Start” – “Control Panel” – “Mouse” – “ELAN” tab- put a tick "Disconnection when connecting an external USB mouse"– click “OK”.

Now we can work with the touchpad until a mouse is connected to the USB port. That is, when it is connected, the touchpad is automatically disabled. Using this method, you can choose what you want to work with: a touchpad or a mouse.

Another way is to disable the touchpad through the BIOS

To do this, you need to restart the laptop and go into BIOS. In order to get into it, we restart the computer and start pressing the F2 or Del button hard immediately after the laptop screen lights up. We move to the BIOS using the arrows. Go to the “Advanced” tab, select “Internal Pointing Device”, press “Enter” and select “Disabled”. Now you need to save - press F10. To exit the BIOS press ESC.

I hope one of the methods described in this article suited you, and now you will never have a question - .

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I am 100% sure that it is small and free computer program Touchpad Blocker Laptop owners will really like it. This manyunya allows disable the touchpad... while typing!

As you can guess, I quite often type text on the laptop keyboard and, of course, sometimes I hit the touchpad with my brush (like everyone else) - the cursor jumps to another line (and this is at best), which is very annoying.

Of course, you can easily disable the touchpad using special keys on the keyboard, but... sometimes you still need it. Either the batteries in the wireless mouse ran out at the most inopportune moment, or I completely forgot it at work. But some people don’t carry a mouse with a laptop at all.

What comes to the rescue is... no, not Chip and Dale or the film magazine “I Want to Know Everything,” but a small program called Touchpad Blocker, which can disable the touchpad temporarily. She will see that you have started typing text or playing a game and will turn it off, and a second after the keyboard activity ends, turn it back on.

Touchpad Blocker is just what the doctor ordered! This is an indispensable computer program for laptop owners.

So, let's download this magical program and see how it works...

Download Touchpad Blocker

Remove all unnecessary and unnecessary files With hard drive, prepare as much as possible free space for the program... its size is as much as 457 kb (952 kb in installed form)!

Installation takes a few seconds - there is no point in describing it.

Setting up Touchpad Blocker

Immediately after installation, the program will launch and hide in the tray (near the clock). Click on the touchpad blocker icon in the tray right click mouse and go to Settings...

These are my settings. Let me write it down point by point. The first checkbox forces the program to start along with the operating system. The second, if you uncheck the box, will disable the display of any messages (notifications) from the tray.

The third point is the most important - if the checkbox is unchecked, then there is no point in this program. It turns off the touchpad when you start typing. You can select the blocking interval - the time for which the touchpad will turn off after pressing any keyboard button.

This parameter can be set depending on whether you are a fast writer or a slow one.

The next paragraph is literally translated as follows: “Also block the movement and events of the wheel.” Which wheel? Maybe the scrolling function on the touchpad (if it has one) is blocked? More likely. I look forward to your opinion in the comments.

The “Beep...” item (with the checkbox unchecked) disables sound signal when the touchpad is locked or counting the number of operations. In any case, this is a completely useless setting item.

The penultimate setting allows you to configure “hot keys” to activate/deactivate the program without closing it temporarily.

The last, lowest point - by unchecking the checkbox you will disable the program's tracking of your updates and all sorts of unnecessary pings (signals to the network). Do you need it?

That's all for a “short” description of the wonderful Touchpad Blocker program, which will allow you to disable the touchpad on your laptop while typing.

Most laptop owners and those who occasionally have to deal with portable computers have come across such a control device as touchpad. Some people completely abandon the classic mouse for the sake of mobility, some use the touchpad only in extreme cases, and some don’t recognize it at all. this equipment and finds it absolutely inconvenient.

Be that as it may, many laptop and netbook users sometimes need disable touchpad completely. In this article we will look at several options, how to turn off the touchpad on a laptop .

Disabling the touchpad with the Fn key

The standard way to disable the touchpad is to use hotkeys laptop.

Hotkeys- a combination of two or more keys, when pressed simultaneously, an action or function is performed that is not assigned by default to any of the original keys

In order to disable the touchpad using hot keys, you must first find the function key on your keyboard, designated Fn.

Fn key(from English " function") is a function key that, when pressed, influences the functions of some other keys, which most often have an additional designation. Used to operate combinations of various hot keys

Fn key location may vary slightly depending on the device manufacturer and its model, but, most often, the Fn key is located in the lower left corner of the keyboard to the right or left of the Ctrl key. Below are some examples in the photographs:

Next, you need to find the key that is responsible for activating and, accordingly, deactivating the operation of the touch panel. There may also be variations here, but in the vast majority of cases, this function assigned to one of the top row keys F1-F12. The manufacturer must have an image of a touchpad (or a crossed out touchpad) on the key we need. The image can be either on the top surface of the button or on its bottom side edge.

Now all that remains is to hold down the Fn key and, without releasing it, press the key that is responsible for activating/deactivating the touchpad. The touchpad should stop responding to touches and clicks. If this does not happen, the computer probably does not have what it needs to work. function keys software. More on this below.

Program for working the Fn key

If you are on a laptop Function key combinations Fn and F1-F12 do not work(and others), then the most likely reason is the lack of proprietary software for the function keys.

Of course, the reason for the Fn button not working can be caused by the lack of drivers for the chipset or video card, or mechanical damage to the keyboard, or even viral infection of the system, but, nevertheless, the main reason lies precisely in the software component of the function key.

So, for the operation of the keys for turning off the touchpad, adjusting screen brightness, activating Wi-Fi, switching to sleep mode and some others different manufacturers laptops are answered by different utilities. Today, even devices of different models from the same company may require different programs.

Let's look at an approximate list of software required for the Fn key to work, depending on the laptop manufacturer.

Programs required for hotkeys to work in combination with Fn
Required program
ATK hotkey tool
Acer Acer LaunchManager Application
Acer ePower Management Application
Dell Dell Quickset Application
HP HP Quick Launch buttons
HP HotkeyMonitor
Lenovo Energy Management
ATK Hotkey Driver
MSI System Control Manager (SCM)
Samsung Samsung Easy Display Manager
Sony Sony HotKey Utility
TOSHIBA TOSHIBA Value Added Package

Any of these programs, if necessary, can be downloaded from the company’s official website, or, in the absence of full Internet access, from the disk supplied with the computer. In the second case, it is necessary to understand that The program version may already be outdated.

Disabling the touchpad when connecting a USB mouse

This method will be convenient for those who use a laptop using either a conventional USB mouse or a standard machine touchpad.

The essence of the method is that while it is not connected to the computer alternative device input of the pointing plan, that is, the mouse, touchpad will be in the active state. As soon as we insert the USB mouse connector into the socket on the laptop body, all control passes to it, and the touchpad stops responding to any actions.

To achieve this, you first need to open the proprietary touchpad driver utility. Most often, this can be done by going to Control panels to section Equipment and sound and selecting there in the section Devices and Printers item Mouse.

In the window that opens, go to the tab ELAN(or an alternative name for the management utility) and look for the item there " Disable when connecting an external USB mouse". If there is such an item, then put a checkbox in front of it and apply the changes made.

Now When connecting a mouse to a laptop, the touchpad will stop working.

If your laptop is enough" old", then when working on new version operating system, that is, on Windows 10, standard software may not work correctly. Even with the checkbox selected to disable the touchpad when connecting a mouse, the touchpad may continue to work.
In this case, you can click on the button in the same window Stop device. Don't let the fact that the device is displayed scare you PS/2, it is likely that the system, due to compatibility problems, perceives the touchpad this way. The touchpad will be completely disabled.

Disabling the touchpad in Device Manager

Let's increase the degree of intrusion into the system and now consider How to disable the Touchpad through Device Manager.

In fact, it is not as scary as it might seem at first glance. Even if we inadvertently remove one of the standard devices, be it a touchpad or a mouse, after restarting the computer, with a high degree of probability, the drivers will be restored to automatic mode. If we disable both the touchpad and the mouse, then we can easily reactivate them using only the keyboard

First, let's open device Manager, following the path:

Control Panel\System and Security\System

We find a section there Mice and other pointing devices(the name of the section may differ slightly). Under this section there will be 2-3 devices, among which should be our touchpad. Right-click on the desired entry and, if provided for by the equipment configuration, click on the item Disable device. After this, the touchpad should be completely turned off.

Disabling the touchpad in BIOS

A more radical option for deactivating the Touchpad in a laptop is disable touchpad in BIOS.
This method can be roughly called low-level.

If we disable the touchpad in the BIOS, then it will no longer be possible to activate it through the system; this should be kept in mind when setting up the computer

To start enter the laptop BIOS. To do this, when turning on, press the key programmed for a specific device model. There can be many options: Del, F2, Esc, F6 and so on. You can simply guess the desired key by selecting it, or you can find the desired option by laptop model on the Internet.

In the BIOS we need to find the hardware settings; they can be located, for example, on a tab that has the word Advanced, this is the most common option.

We are interested in the item that will be called Internal Pointing Device(from English " Internal pointing device"), Touch Pad Mouse or similar.
All we need to do is translate the parameter state from Enabled(Included) in Disabled(Disabled) and save the changes made when exiting the BIOS (using the F10 key or another programmed in a specific motherboard).
After the system starts, the touchpad will be inactive.

Physically disconnecting the touchpad cable

AND last method disabling the touchpad, which is worth mentioning within this publication, is disconnecting the Touchpad contacts from the connector on the motherboard.
Most often there is no need to resort to this option, but if there is nothing else left, then it is quite possible to use it.

Pros of physically disabling the touchpad:

  • 100% method. The touchpad will not work either in normal mode or in safe mode. Naturally, the shutdown will affect all users/accounts;
  • can be used when limited rights user;
  • You can disable the touchpad in this way regardless of the installed OS.

Of course, the method is not without its drawbacks.

Disadvantages of physically disabling the touchpad:

  • the method is quite labor intensive. You need to either remove the laptop keyboard or even disassemble it;
  • If you need to turn on the touchpad again, you will have to remove the keyboard again or disassemble the laptop.

To disconnect the laptop touchpad cable, you need to determine its location. It is better to do this in advance so as not to perform unnecessary manipulations. You can look at the laptop device online among many manuals.
In many models, access to the laptop cable connector can be obtained by removing the keyboard. To do this, you need to along the upper perimeter of the keyboard move the retaining clips to the side of the screen and neatly pry off the keyboard itself. First you need to turn off the computer and disconnect the charger.

If you have problems with removal, you should also refer to the instructions for disassembling the device of your model.

Now we proceed directly to disconnecting the touchpad cable. There are two main types of cable connectors:

  • Connector with flip-up latch.
  • Socket with retractable latch.

Open the connector lock and remove the cable from it.
We recommend insulating the loose cable connector. In order not to stain the connector with glue from the electrical tape, for these purposes it is advisable to use, for example, a small piece of heat-shrink tubing, just do not overheat it.
We put the cable in its previous state, without inserting the connector into the socket, and put the keyboard in place.

We looked at the main ways to disable touchpad on laptop. Now we won't be bothered by accidental touches on the touchpad when working with a laptop keyboard.

In this article, I will tell you how to disable the touchpad on a laptop using several methods available to anyone.

Today, it is almost impossible to do without a mouse, so it is not surprising that the laptop design includes additional controls that could replace it. Previously, you could find a small “pimp” in the center of the keyboard, with which you could move the cursor and even click the mouse.

However, this method turned out to be very inconvenient, so you can hardly find it in current laptops. Most often they resort to using a touchpad, which is much easier to operate. But, as they say, each method has its pros and cons. Therefore, if you have an ordinary normal mouse, the touchpad can only get in the way. They accidentally touched it, pressed a button, and stuff like that. Therefore, next I will look at several methods on how to turn off this touchpad on a laptop.

Disabling the touchpad using the touch button

In terms of its shape and design, the touchpad does not differ much from laptop to laptop, however, to increase comfort and convenience, manufacturers add some additional controls to it. One of these is the button quick shutdown touchpad.

Most often, the button is located in the upper left corner of the touchpad and is either a small notch or a faintly glowing dot. This is usually found in laptops from HP (Hewlett Packard). The essence of this button is simple. If you double-click on it, the panel will turn off. If you press it two more times, the panel will turn on.

Note: The number of presses may vary.

Convenient functionality, but, unfortunately, it also has its drawbacks, so you can’t find it everywhere. The most commonly supported method is the following.

Special combinations with Fn to disable the touchpad on a laptop

Since the laptop is intended for use without power sources, as well as for constant movement, many manufacturers support special combinations with the “Fn” key to quickly disable certain features in order to save energy (for example, turning off Bluetooth) and convenience (for example , mute).

Therefore, it is not surprising that a number of manufacturers have also included the ability to quickly disable the touchpad on a laptop. However, the combinations themselves may differ from one manufacturer to another, so if among the F1-12 buttons you haven’t found the one that has a touchpad image, you can try turning them on and off one by one. I advise you to do everything slowly and carefully, as this may also disable other features (for example, turn off Wi-Fi).

Here is a little information about well-known manufacturers:

  • Asus - Fn + F9
  • Dell - Fn+F5
  • Acer - Fn + F7
  • Lenovo - Fn + F8

However, it is always useful to know alternative methods, so move on.

Disabling the touchpad from the Windows Control Panel

The next fastest thing is to disable the touchpad from the panel Windows management. I note that this method not always immediately available. In some cases, to do this you need to go to the manufacturer’s official website and download additional program to manage laptop settings.

And here's what you need to do:

1. Open the Start menu and select "Control Panel"

2. Switch to Large Icons view

3. Click on “Mouse” and a settings window will open

4. Switch to the "Touchpad Enable/Disable" tab

5. If there is a slider, then it must be moved to the “Disable” position. In some cases, instead of a slider, there is simply a checkbox to disable the touchpad when connecting an external mouse via a USB port

Using the BIOS to turn off the touchpad

If everything is earlier these methods did not work, or you want to solve the problem with the touch panel more radically, then you should know that this can be done by turning off the panel in the BIOS. And here's what you need to do.

2. Find the setting "Internal Pointing Device" or "Touch Pad Mouse"

3. Set the state to "Disabled"

4. Save the changes and exit the BIOS

After these steps, the touchpad will no longer be detected by Windows. So it’s worth remembering that as soon as you disconnect the external mouse, the touchpad will not connect back and you will have to go into the BIOS again.

If all else fails

If you have tried everything, but the touchpad still does not turn off or the methods did not work for you, then:

1. Open the official website of the manufacturer or the documentation from the laptop and see if there is any mention there of disabling the touchpad