Skype: how to flip an image. What to do if the image on Skype is upside down? On Skype the image is flipped 180 degrees

Hi all!

Yesterday I agreed to talk with my mother and sister on Skype. Mom has now arrived in Moscow to visit my sister Rimma and her husband Kamil.

Rimma gave birth to her first child, a boy, two months ago. They named him Karim.

I have an idea: whoever guesses first why they named him Karim will receive a prize of 50 rubles for a WebMoney wmr wallet.

So. We called yesterday, and my Skype image is upside down!

It was not possible to fix this problem in a couple of minutes, so we decided that we could communicate this way

We talked - everything is great! But I couldn’t just leave it like that and decided to correct this BLOOP. Initially I thought that I would solve this problem in a couple of minutes, but in the end I spent more than an hour fiddling around.

So, in this article I will tell you how to flip the webcam image in Skype.

Basic methods

It was in this sequence that I tried all the methods. Only the last method helped me. But I really didn’t want to use it: I don’t like installing programs on my laptop unless necessary.

Settings in Skype itself

This is the simplest option. Even during a conversation on Skype, I tried to flip the image in exactly this way.

What do we have to do:

You might have better luck. And you, by checking one box, will solve the problem. But I was unlucky.

Experts on the Internet say that it depends on the webcam model or driver.

Installing the driver from the official website

This option is also quite simple, but it requires a little more time and there are several nuances.

You first need to know the Pid for your camera. To find it out:

And one more thing: delete old driver through device manager.


For example, I have an ASUS laptop.

  1. I go to the official website of ASUS.
  2. I indicate my laptop model N50Vc
  3. I indicate the operating system (Windows 7, for some reason Windows 10 is not in the list)
  4. Opening the tab with drivers for the webcam
  5. I am looking for the required driver by Pid identifier (I use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + F to search)
  6. I download it and install it
  7. Rebooting the computer

That's all. This will help someone, but it didn't help me...

Editing the registry (RegEdit)

This method is already more interesting, at least for me, because I don’t like to mess around in the registry and in general I’m not very good at it. But I found the instructions on YouTube, everything is simple and clear there.

You will need the RegEdit application. This standard application. You can run it either through the Run command or through search.

By the way, this is what I like about my Windows 10: through the search next to the “Start” button you can quickly find any application.

Here are the instructions:

  1. Let's go to the RegEdit application.
  2. Go to the Edit menu, then Search
  3. We are looking for the word Flip (we need to find the parameter autoflip, flip_horizontal, flip_vertical or something like that)
  4. Click on the found parameter
  5. Change the value from 1 to 0 or from 0 to 1
  6. Ready

But I could not change this parameter, an error was thrown. I don't know what the reason is. I ran RegEdit as an administrator. It didn’t work out, so let’s move on

Editing a file with the .inf extension in the driver folder

I would call this method a hybrid of the previous two.

Here is his algorithm:

  1. download the driver from the official website
  2. unpack the archive
  3. find a file with the extension .inf in the folder and open it
  4. search for the word “flip”
  5. replace values ​​from 1 to 0 or from 0 to 1
  6. save changes
  7. remove the old driver
  8. We install the new driver
  9. Reboot the computer

But that didn't help me either :-(

I had to contact the last method, which I initially specifically tried to avoid.

ManyCam program

I just downloaded this program on the Internet, I didn’t find any official website.

Readers, I remind you to be careful when downloading anything from the Internet. Required with updated databases.

By the way, my Windows 10 did not trust this ManyCam program, I had to take responsibility and install it anyway.

This method helped me.

Now this miracle program hangs in my tray.


As you may have noticed, there are quite a few ways to flip an image from a webcam, but they do not provide a 100% guarantee of success. Therefore, try and you will definitely succeed.

I hope this article solved your camera problem. I shared my experience. If you liked my experience, then share the article on in social networks with your friends and comrades, perhaps they have the same problem.

Also to update my blog in order to receive my articles by email in the future, which will teach you many of the intricacies of the Internet and, of course, how to make money on the Internet.

Bye everyone and see you soon!

Sincerely! Abdullin Ruslan

Many owners of Asus laptops are faced with the problem of an inverted image of the built-in web camera. And this manifests itself not only in the program, but also in any other application that uses the laptop camera. You will learn why this happens and how to fix this problem in this article.

Reasons for inverted camera images in Asus laptops

The cause of the problem is a missing or incorrect webcam driver. Usually this situation occurs after Windows reinstallation, when the user forgets or simply does not know that the web camera in Asus laptops must be installed with the original driver, and not leave the one installed automatically by the system.

Inverted camera image in Skype

This situation is further aggravated by the fact that the device manager will not contain components with a missing driver.

This fact simply needs to be remembered. Asus laptops require installation of the original webcam driver so that the image from the camera in and other programs that use it is not upside down.

What to do?

As written above, you just need to install the webcam drivers designed for your Asus laptop model.

Algorithm for searching and installing a webcam driver in Asus laptops:

  1. exact laptop model;
  2. Go to Asus laptops and find your laptop model there;
  3. Download and install the driver for the web camera;
  4. Reboot your laptop.

Webcam driver on the asus website

After this, the camera will no longer be upside down in Skype. Asus laptop.

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Have you decided to make another call using Skype, but it turns out that your image on the screen is upside down? Undoubtedly, now you have a question: “How to flip the camera in Skype?” What to do? There are several reasons that can cause such an unusual phenomenon. Let's try to understand each of them and solve the problem.

Causes of the problem

Before correcting the error, it would be a good idea to familiarize yourself with the reasons that caused it:

  • Camera drivers (special “settings” for the operation of program components and devices) do not work correctly and are not suitable for this device, deleted or damaged.
  • The image settings are lost.

When these reasons are considered and adequate actions are taken, the inverted camera will change its position to normal.

Manage Settings

If the camera shows an upside-down image, you can flip the video by adjusting the settings. To adjust settings in the program on a laptop or computer, you need to:

  1. In the main menu of the messenger, go to the “Tools” menu.
  2. Select the “Settings” line. In the settings window that appears, you will see various sections on the left.
  3. Click on the first column - “Basic”.
  4. Next, you will see that the screen shows several types of basic settings. Select Video Settings. You will see an image from the webcam and two buttons for them: “Change avatar” and “Webcam settings”.
  5. Click on "Webcam Settings". Another window will open.
  6. Select the Camera Controls tab. You will see several sliders, some of which you can move back and forth to change the appropriate settings.
  7. Find the slider called "Spread".
  8. If it is active, that is, it has the usual bright, not darkened appearance, try holding it down right click mouse, move right or left. In this case, the picture will rotate. Select the position you need. Also pay attention to the following inscriptions and change these settings if necessary by checking the box (for the version on English language): “Image mirror flip”, “Image vertical flip” is a mirror and vertical display of the “picture” produced by your camera.

If this slider is not active, consider other options for solving the problem.

Working with drivers

Why is the camera turned 180 degrees in Skype? If you have recently reinstalled operating system or updated the drivers on your computer or laptop using special programs, that is, in automatic mode, the problem may be in the wrong drivers. To make sure of this, check which one you have installed. For this:

1.Go to “Device Manager”. This can be done in one of the following ways:

  • Go to “Start” (the image of the Windows logo, which is usually located at the bottom left), find the line “Computer”, hover over it and right-click, select “Properties”, then click on the “Device Manager” link.
  • Go to Start, enter what you are looking for in the search bar (in in this case this is the phrase “Device Manager”), and press Enter. You will see the folder you are looking for in the search results. Go into it by double-clicking on its icon with the mouse.

2.Find your webcam by its name among all installed drivers. Typically, video device drivers are located in the “Image Processing Devices” section. This section may also be called "Sound, Video and Gaming Devices". In any case, you can view everything installed drivers, sequentially clicking on the triangles located next to the section names and viewing the drop-down lists.

3.Click on the camera (more precisely, on its name) with the right mouse button and select “Properties” in the menu that appears. By the way, in the device manager it is also worth looking for the camera rotation parameters “Image vertical flip”, “Image mirror flip”.

4.In the window that opens, go to the “Driver” tab and read the information presented on it. Pay special attention to the supplier and date of development. If the supplier is Microsoft, and the development is old, the problem is precisely this driver.

Now, to fix the image, you need to install the correct driver or fix the previous one.

New driver

If the camera is upside down in Skype, you may need to install new driver.

For each device (laptop, separate webcam) you can and should find a special driver intended only for it. And you should do it like this:

1.Go to the official website of your laptop manufacturer (if you use a native, that is, built-in camera) or the official website of the webcam manufacturer (if you use a computer or laptop with a separate, connected camera). Look in the passport (specifications) for the device for its name or look for it on the product itself. Next, you need to type this name in your Internet browser with the addition “...official website”. For example, “Asus official website” (in this case, the official Russian version of this company that produces laptops is located at this address

If the site does not have a search engine (which is rare), you need to go to the support section (help, Support...) and select a name specific model devices there.

3.Once the driver file is found, click on it to start downloading.

4.When the file downloads, double click on it to install.

5.Restart your computer and check the camera's operation in Skype. Everything should fall into place.

Correcting driver operation

Once you have found the correct driver in Device Manager, to flip the image in Skype, right-click on it and select in context menu"Update drivers." If this does not help, go there and click “Properties” to open the properties window for this driver. Follow the steps described at the beginning of this paragraph. If necessary, download a new driver.

Using special programs

When nothing helps and the inverted image in Skype remains, you can try using special programs designed to work with the camera and the videos created by it. One such program is ManyCam. To use this assistant, you need to do the following:

1.Find in your browser’s search engine a decent source for downloading the program installation file by entering its name.

Advice: do not write in the search “download for free...”, otherwise the search results will come across those resources that require money for downloading the program and sending SMS messages.

2.Download the found program by clicking on its link.

3.Open the downloaded file double click- installation will begin.

4.Go into the program (click on the logo created on the desktop).

5.In the main menu of the program, you need to open the “Video” tab, then go to “Sources”.

6.Now (number 1 in the picture) click on the name of your camera, click on the vertical reflection button (button number 2 in the picture) and close the program temporarily by clicking on the cross (no. 3 in the picture). In this case, the program will simply minimize to tray, but continue its work.

7.Log into Skype and go to the following path: “Tools” – “Settings” – “Video Settings”.

8.Select “ManyCam Virtual WebCam” in the “Select webcam” field.

Please note: when using the free version of this program, a link to the site from which you downloaded will always be visible at the bottom of the broadcast video this software.

So, Skype video may be upside down due to incorrect drivers or incorrect settings. By following a few simple steps described above, you can diagnose the problem and fix it.

Sometimes users encounter the problem of an upside-down picture from the camera during video calls. The problem is quite simple and easy to fix. Let's consider three simple ways her repairs.

Driver Update

An upside-down image may be due to outdated or corrupt webcam drivers. ( How to turn on the camera in Skype?) The obvious solution is to update them. First you need to find out the device model. It's listed on her box. If the original set is not preserved, then you will have to use a more complex solution. You need to start Device Manager. To do this, open “My Computer”, right-click on free space, select “Properties”. In the left top corner there will be a corresponding button. In the window you need to select the last section. The webcam model will be written there.

Knowing this information, it will be easy for the user to find necessary drivers in the Internet. And for laptop owners everything is much simpler. Just go to official page models, download the latest update packages and install them. The image will become normal. This is the easiest way to flip the camera on Skype. ( other ways to set up a camera on Skype).

Camera setup

You can also dig into the camera settings. Usually, a special utility is included with the device driver to manage it. There you can find an image inversion item, most often it is called Flip Vertical or Rotate. There you need to set the value to 0 or 180 degrees.

Advanced settings available for some cameras Skype. Open the program, go to settings, then “Video settings – Webcam settings.”
If tilt and swivel options are available there, then adjust them. The image should return to its original position.

Third party programs

Another option for fixing an inverted picture is to use third party programs, which will return it to its normal position. We recommend using ManyCam. Launch the program, go to “Video – Sources”, and there select the vertical reflection item. Then you need to close it, turn on Skype, go to the video settings and select “ManyCam...” as the source. The image will return to the initial state. The program logo will be displayed at the bottom of the picture, since you are using free version, but it is hardly noticeable.

When working on Skype, sometimes for some reason there may be the image is upside down, which you convey to your interlocutor. In this case, the question naturally arises of returning the image to its original form. In addition, there are situations when the user deliberately wants to turn the camera upside down. Let's figure out how to flip an image to personal computer or laptop when working in Skype.

First of all, let's figure out how to flip an image using standard tools. Skype programs. But let us immediately warn you that this option is not suitable for everyone. First, go to the menu Skype applications, and go to its “Tools” and “Settings” items.

Then, go to the “Video Settings” subsection.

In the window that opens, click on the “Webcam Settings” button.

The settings window opens. At the same time, at various cameras The range of functions available in these settings may differ significantly. Among these parameters there may be a setting called “Spread”, “Display”, and similar names. Now, by experimenting with these settings, you can achieve camera rotation. But, you need to know that changing these parameters will lead not only to changes in the camera settings in Skype, but also to a corresponding change in settings when working in all other programs.

If you were unable to find the corresponding item, or it turned out to be inactive, then you can use the program that came with the installation disk for the camera. With a high probability, we can say that this program should have a camera rotation function, but this function looks and is configured in various devices differently.

Flip camera using third party apps

If you still haven’t found the camera flip function either in the Skype settings or in standard program of this camera, then you can install a special third party application, which has this function. One of best programs This direction is ManyCam. Installation this application will not cause any difficulties for anyone, since it is standard for all similar programs and is intuitive.

After installation, launch the ManyCam application. At the bottom is the Rotate & Flip settings block. The very last button in this settings block is “Flip Vertical”. We click on it. As you can see, the image is upside down.

Now we return to the already familiar video settings in Skype. In the upper part of the window, opposite the inscription “Select a webcam,” select the ManyCam camera.

Now in Skype we have an inverted image.

Driver problems

If you want to flip the image simply because it is upside down, then there is most likely a problem with the drivers. This may happen when upgrading your operating system to Windows 10 when standard drivers This OS replaces the original drivers that came with the camera. To solve this problem, we should remove the installed drivers and replace them with original ones.

To get to Device Manager, type the key combination Win+R on your keyboard. In the “Run” window that appears, enter the expression “devmgmt.msc”. Then click on the “OK” button.

Once in the Device Manager, open the “Sound, video and gaming devices” section. We look for the name of the problematic camera among the presented names, right-click on it, and select “Delete” in the context menu.

After removing the device, install the driver again, either from the original disk that came with the webcam, or from the website of the manufacturer of this webcam.

As you can see, there are several cardinal different ways flip the camera in Skype. Which of these methods you use depends on what you want to achieve. If you want to turn the camera to its normal position because it is upside down, then first of all you need to check the drivers. If you intentionally want to change the camera position, then first try to do this using Skype’s internal tools, and if that fails, use specialized third-party applications.