A program that deletes eset. Uninstalling Eset Smart Security

Many users use it as antivirus utility ESET Smart Security. This reliable antivirus, providing complete protection operating system. But it happens that it is necessary to remove it. This may be affected by updating your antivirus or installing another one.

Removal via Windows OS

There are several ways to uninstall. One of them is to use standard operating system tools. To do this, go to the Start menu and select Control Panel. Then go to the “Add or Remove Programs” section, select an antivirus and click “Uninstall”.

However, this method may not always be successful. Sometimes during the process of uninstalling the antivirus, the system displays errors, and when trying to install another program it says that ESET Smart Security still on the computer.

Possible mistakes

During the uninstallation process, as well as the installation of the antivirus, all sorts of errors may occur. Among them are several of the most popular. One of them is “The installation failed due to the lack of a basic filtering mechanism.” This error mainly occurs on pirated operating systems, in which many services may be disabled due to unnecessary reasons or by malicious elements.

In addition, the computer may display messages that services are not running, the PC did not restart after uninstallation, or an error occurred during startup. If such an error appears, you need to go to the “Control Panel” and select “Administration”. If necessary, you can enable display by category.

After this, you need to select “Services”. In addition, you can view operating system services by using the Win + R combination and selecting “Run”. In the window that appears, enter the command services.msc.

Then you need to find “Basic Filtering Service” and make sure it is working. If it is disabled, right-click on it and select “Properties”. After that, set “Automatic” in the “Startup type” item. Next, you need to save the changes and restart the computer. Then you should try to eliminate the antivirus.

Also, when uninstalling the antivirus, error 2350 may occur. In this case, you need to run the command line as an administrator. To do this, go to “Start” and select “Programs” and then “Accessories”. Then you should right-click on “Command Prompt” and select “Run as administrator”.

Next, you need to enter the command MSIExec /unregister and MSIExec /regserver, and after each press Enter. After this, you need to restart the PC and you can try to uninstall the antivirus program using existing using Windows. These manipulations should help uninstall the program.

In addition, errors during uninstallation may occur if an incorrect uninstallation was performed before. As a rule, novice users simply delete the directory with the antivirus, which is absolutely not allowed. In this case, you must disable all processes and services of the antivirus utility.

To do this, go to the “Control Panel” and use the “Task Manager and Service Management”. You should also remove all antivirus components from automatic download. After this, you can try to remove ESET Smart Security; if the system resists, then you should use the Unlocker program.

In addition, you need to clean the operating system registry of files related to the antivirus using the CCLeaner utility. But even after this, some antivirus files may remain on the system, which can affect the operation of the computer.
In addition, there is another way to eliminate this error. To do this, you need to reinstall this version of the antivirus and try to remove it correctly.

Sometimes, when uninstalling an antivirus, notifications may appear that the required file is located on network resource, which are not available. It may also indicate that the resource with installation data is unavailable, and you need to check its existence.

In this case, go to the Start menu and click on Control Panel. Then you need to select “System”, and then “ Extra options systems" and go to the "Advanced" section. After this, you need to visit “Environment Variables”. Here you need to find the TEMP and TMP files and assign them the value USERPROFILE\AppData\Local\Temp or C:\WINDOWS\TEMP. Then you need to delete all information in these folders, restart the PC and try to remove the antivirus utility.

After completing all these steps, you can easily uninstall ESET Smart Security. In this case, it is necessary to pay attention to the errors that arise in order to make a decision on further removal.

How to uninstall ESET?

How to secure your computer? Actual question V modern world. Many PC users know that various antivirus programs are used to protect their computer from malware. So, you decided to download an antivirus to your computer and started looking for a suitable program. Many users study various thematic forums and read many information articles, choosing for themselves best antivirus. Often these searches lead users to the Eset Smart Security antivirus.

This program is good example excellent, reliable and well-thought-out antivirus software, which, unfortunately, is not without certain drawbacks. One of the most important is problems when uninstalling a program.

Uninstalling an antivirus

You are a user of Eset Smart Security antivirus and have decided to remove this program from your computer. Many users know that removing antivirus software can be accompanied by various problems and difficulties. Is this the case for this antivirus and how can I remove Eset so that there are no problems with it in the future?

Uninstalling a program using standard Windows tools

How to remove Eset Smart Security using standard means? The procedure is very simple:

  1. Click the "Start" button and select "control panel" from the menu that opens.
  2. In Control Panel, find the Add or Remove Programs icon.
  3. In the list that opens, find the Eset Smart Security program and click on it.
  4. In the window that opens, click “uninstall”, select the reason for deletion (if this window opens) and delete the program.
  5. After a few minutes, the program will be completely removed from your computer.

This removal method works in most cases and does not cause any errors. But it is not always possible to remove this antivirus without causing various kinds of problems: the program itself may not be in the list of installed ones at all, or the file responsible for removing the antivirus may be corrupted or missing. It also happens that an antivirus is removed due to operational errors that may appear over time.

Non-standard ways to remove antivirus

As mentioned above, due to various errors, removing Eset Smart Security antivirus can be complicated. If you encounter such a problem, do not despair, as there are special programs and utilities that will help you remove this antivirus.

  1. Download the program to your computer and save it to your desktop (this will make it easier to find). To download the program, use the link above.
  2. To run the program, you must restart your computer and log in using safe mode. For those who are performing this operation for the first time: when booting the computer, you must press the F8 key several times. Going to the menu for selecting the OS boot option, select "Safe Mode" and wait until the operating system loads in safe mode.
  3. When the operating system is fully loaded, run the program ESET Uninstaller. Read the warning that appears when the program starts and press the "Y" key. Carefully read the items from the list that the program displays and select “uninstall Eset Smart Security”. Enter the number of this item and press the "Enter" key. If necessary, confirm the action with the "Y" key.
  4. Removal antivirus program will take some time. After the removal is complete, press any key and the program will close. Restart your computer, the OS will boot into normal operation mode, and the antivirus will be removed.

More information about this method Antivirus removal can be found in the article.

Troubleshooting problems and errors before uninstalling your antivirus

Sometimes it is not possible to remove an antivirus not only using standard methods, but also using the ESET Uninstaller program. The reason is errors during installation of the program or various system errors. Luckily, most of these common mistakes can be fixed quickly.

Installation failed: Basic filtering mechanism is missing

This message appears when errors are present in the system itself. Most often, this error can be observed when trying to remove an antivirus from a pirated copy of the operating system. The problem can be solved very quickly and simply:

  1. Press the Win+R key combination and in the Run window that opens. in the "Open" line, write "services.msc" and press "Enter".
  2. In the list of services that opens, find “basic filtering service.” Check if this service is running. If not, run it. Save the changes and restart your computer.
  3. After reboot, try to remove the antivirus using standard means or using ESET Uninstaller.

Error 2350

  1. To resolve this error, you must run Command Prompt as a computer administrator. You can do this in the “Start” menu, then click on the “Run” button and in the window that opens, enter “cmd.exe” in the “Open” line.
  2. At the command line, enter the following commands: MSIExec/unregister, MSIExec/regserver.
  3. Restart your computer and remove the antivirus using standard system tools.

An error occurred while uninstalling the program. The deletion may have already been completed

  1. This message can be seen if the program was uninstalled incorrectly, for example, you simply deleted the folder with the program. If this happens, do not despair, you can still remove the antivirus.
  2. Download CCleaner and install it. Before using the program, through the task manager and “Manage services”, disable all services and processes associated with Eset Smart Security. The task manager can be opened using the key combination Ctrl+Alt+Del. "Service Management" opens through the "Control Panel" and is located in the "Administration" section.
  3. Using CCleaner program, remove the antivirus from startup and registry.

Although nod32 antivirus program is one of the best antivirus programs and effectively protects your computer from various virus threats, users still decide to remove nod32 from their computer for personal reasons. This may be due to installing a new version of the program, replacing it with another antivirus program, etc... There can be a lot of reasons for this. Before you start reading the article in which you will learn how to remove eset smart security from your computer, I will say right away. That we will go from the easiest to the more complex (or one might say to a longer process). If one option doesn't help, then move on to the next one. I hope that in any case there will be a positive result.

I also note that after removing nod 32 antivirus from your computer, you need to check for data in these folders:

  • %ProgramFiles%ESET
  • %AllUsersProfile%Application Data/ESET
  • %AppData%ESET

If you find these folders, be sure to delete them from your computer.

Removing nod32 antivirus

1 Method. To remove nod32, open the “Control Panel”, then select “Programs and Features” - find and select the antivirus, click “Uninstall”. You can also via: “Start” - “All Programs” - “Eset” - “Uninstall”.

Restart your computer, check the list installed programs, is there ESET there?

If the program is not uninstalled or an error message appears when uninstalling ESET, you need to use another method.

2 Method. Download the NOD32 removal tool. Download link . You need to login in safe mode. To do this, during the system reboot (boot), you need to press the “F8” key, select “Safe Mode” in the menu and press the “Enter” key.

To see more clearly how to get there, follow the link given in the first method.

Important! This utility may reset network settings. Write them down just in case.

Now run the downloaded utility. After starting, wait 5-10 seconds, a warning will appear - press the “Y” key to confirm.

Then the uninstaller will scan the system for the presence of Nod32 antivirus, and a numbered list will appear. You need to select ESET from the list, to do this, enter the number and press ENTER. In a standard situation, you need to press “1” and then “Enter”.

If you are sure that you have chosen correctly, press “Y” to confirm.

Then press any key after removing the antivirus. Restart your computer.

3. There is another option on how to remove eset smart security. To do this, download new version node and trying to install it on your computer. Why are we doing this, you ask? When installing an antivirus, the installation file should show a window where you can choose to remove the antivirus. In a situation where you do not have such a window, but the antivirus is installed, you can use the program.

4. Method. Log in as administrator. Are you in this account? Great.

Click “Start” and select “Run”. Type "msconfig" and press Enter.

Check the “Services” and “Startup” tabs for lines that relate to this antivirus. Look carefully! Once you find it, remove the checkboxes. Reboot the computer.

Now go to the task manager, find and end the processes that belong to the node. “Start” - “Run” - type “taskmgr” and press “Enter”.

We go to the registry editor: click “Start” - select “Run” - enter “regedit” and press “Enter”.

We need to find and delete branches and keys that relate to the nod32 antivirus.

Delete until the search results become zero, that is, nothing will be found during the next search. Look in HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareEset - delete.

We go into the computer, drive C - the “Program Files” folder and delete the “ESET” folder. We launch a search in Windows and look for folders and files with the names “eset” or “nod”. We delete all files. Difficulties may arise when data is not deleted. There is a solution - let's use it Unlocker program. How to use it we read: "". The folders that need to be deleted after uninstalling the antivirus are at the very beginning of the article.

After all these steps, reboot the computer.

It seems like such a simple question of how to remove eset smart security antivirus, but such difficulties arise with simple procedures. If the article helped, don’t forget to like it.

That's all for today, bye bye!

It's time to update your antivirus, maybe refresh it with something new or erase it from your PC altogether.

Some installed it and wanted to remove viruses from node 32 at the very end of the scan, scanned it, cleaned the system and it was no longer needed.

In this instruction you will learn: how to remove eset nod32 antivirus completely without leaving the slightest debris and unnecessary files.

We will offer for consideration three 100% proven methods for thoroughly removing an antivirus.

METHOD No. 1: “How to remove eset nod32 antivirus manually”

1) Start - all programs - Eset - ESET Smart Security - Uninstall!

2) Reboot the PC;

3) Open the folders for visibility:

3.1. windows XP, 7, 8:

Let's go to "START" - "Control Panel" - "Folder Options" - "View" - check the box "Show hidden Folders and Folders"

Once the folders are open, remove the following:

METHOD No. 2: “How to remove nod32 - ESET Uninstaller utility”

If it was not possible to completely remove eset smart security versions 4, 5, 6.7 using the first method, then a utility from the Eset developers comes to the rescue.

Download the ESET Uninstaller utility.

ESET Uninstaller windows XP and higher File version: 1.0 File size: 659 kb Language: Russian File type: exe

Take note! After removing node32 from a laptop or computer running Windows 7, 8 using the Eset Uninstaller utility, there is a possibility of resetting the settings network adapter operating system!

In order to remove node 32 from the registry and clear unnecessary “junk folders and files,” we recommend using the ESET Uninstaller utility. Removal process

1. Turn on the computer, frequently pressing the F8 key, go to “Safe Mode”. If you are asked to select a device to boot, click – on hard HDD drive. 2. Turn on ESET Uninstaller by double-clicking on the program. 3. “Cmd” pops up - command line. We are faced with the question: “Do you want to continue working?” Click “Yes” - switch to English on the keyboard. Language “Latin” and press the “Y” button. 4. Then enter the number “1” and “Enter”. 5. For the third time "Y".

6. At the finish line the window will display: “Press any key to exit” - that’s what we’ll do. Reboot windows in normal mode.

METHOD No. 3: How to remove eset smart security 4, 5, 6 7 8 – with Your Uninstaller

Testing this program, we found out empirically that its functions are quite satisfactory in order to remove Eset Smart Security 8 and other products.

This removal method is universal for most programs running on Windows OS. Uninstaller erases all files from your computer, even deep cleans the registry.

It is very simple to use: Download the partble version (without installation) and run the exe file.

We find the antivirus icon and kill it.

Uninstallation is fast, and it’s nice that the user can monitor all the uninstallation processes. In this way, any applications are completely eliminated and nothing unnecessary is left of them.

To view - step by step video how to remove node32 using the utility:

Many complained: “I can’t remove node 32 from my computer!”

We have revealed as many as three ways to clean the system from the NOD 32 antivirus. And who else constantly uses this product - you can update the keys for Nod32 with us!

It's up to you to decide how to destroy nod32. Let us know in the comments how you managed to remove the antivirus, let's discuss!


How to completely remove ESET NOD32 antivirus from your computer in Windows 7?

Hello everyone, today I will show you how to completely remove ESET NOD32 from your computer and how to clear traces after removal. In principle, there is nothing complicated, you just need to do everything carefully and not rush anywhere.

I don’t know what version you have, well, I mean NOD32, but I have SMART SECURITY 9. They make these versions and don’t really explain how they differ, that’s what I don’t like. If you have a simple version, that is, not Smart Security, but just an antivirus, then you can remove it in almost the same way. There doesn't seem to be much difference

There is some not very pleasant information, in short, when SMART SECURITY 9 is installed, then when installing it, software from Yandex, the browser itself, the Browser Manager, and maybe something else are also installed. ESET seems to be a reputable company, but such a joke during installation is a failure

ESET NOD32 - debriefing

By the way, I forgot to write that SMART SECURITY is a type of antivirus and firewall. This screen is a type of firewall, that is, a component that is responsible for control network connection in Windows. Like, if a virus goes onto the network, then this firewall blocks such a connection so that the virus (or rather a Trojan) cannot leak any information into the network, well, there are your passwords and so on... These are the things, I hope you understand

ESET Antivirus sits in the tray under this icon:

And in the manager I personally had such processes as ekrn.exe and egui.exe from it:

As I understand it, the egui.exe process is responsible for the antivirus interface.

In this case, these processes are launched from this folder:

C:\Program Files\ESET\ESET Smart Security

You know what else I thought? So what do you think, does ESET antivirus deliver its service? I'll be honest, I don't know! But it seems that he still does. Now we will check this, I opened the task manager and there, on the Services tab, clicked on the following button:

Here are the services, what do you think? I was right, ESET does indeed provide its own ESET Service:

If you double-click on it, you will see the following window:

That is, you see, there is a process called ekrn.exe, so now it’s clear what kind of process this is, this is the ESET Service process.

By the way, I’m looking at this process ekrn.exe and all the time it seems to me that this process is like a fucking woman, well, from that TV series about truck drivers!

When I tried to disable the service in this window, well, in the Startup Type menu, select Disabled, then, of course, I was denied access to this action:

So these are the things. Well, just for fun, I also looked to see if the antivirus had an entry in the System Configuration window on the Startup tab. To do this, I pressed Win + R and wrote the command there:

And clicked OK:

And look, there is no ESET entry on the Startup tab:

So we can conclude that ESET NOD32 antivirus is loaded using a service that cannot be disabled. This is all done for security purposes so that viruses cannot disable the autorun of the antivirus.

Well, that is, as you can see, the antivirus is well integrated into the system. On the one hand, I don’t really like this, but on the other hand, security requires it. Otherwise, if the virus disables the antivirus, it won’t be very good...

Well, it seems like everything has been sorted out, now it’s time to move on to deleting.

How to completely remove ESET NOD32 antivirus from your computer?

Well, if you want to delete it, then this is what it is, so there is a reason. And it is possible that this reason is that the antivirus is loading the computer, the processes in the manager may be constantly loading the processor. Oh guys, how familiar all this is to me, I went through it all. Only I solved this problem for myself a long time ago, I simply stopped using the antivirus and completely switched to the Outpost firewall. Since then there have been no glitches or jambs. There are also no viruses, but that’s because I don’t go around and download what’s not needed.. Well, you understand

Just a minute gentlemen, attention! To remove heavy software like this antivirus, you can use an uninstaller such as Revo Uninstaller! He will delete the program and all traces that remain in Windows, he will also delete them! In general, my job is to offer, and you can think for yourself...

So, in order to remove ESET NOD32 antivirus, it is first logical to exit it. Well, this is logical, but I clicked on the tray icon, and there in the menu I discovered that there was simply no such item. That is, it’s simply impossible to exit the antivirus, look for yourself, here’s the tray icon menu:

Well, as you can see, this is such a joke. But it seems that some other antiviruses also do not have such an item in the menu. Here they are, modern antiviruses

Okay, then we’ll delete it without leaving the antivirus.

Click the Start menu and select Control Panel there:

If you have Windows 10, then accept my congratulations, but there this item can be found in another menu, so that it appears, hold down Win + X!

So, then we find the Programs and Features icon:

A list of installed software will open, here are all these programs, all of them are on your computer. There is no need to delete everything. Here we find ESET Smart Security, click on it right click and select Edit there:

Guys, I have ESET Smart Security here, because this is the version, but you can just have ESET NOD32 Antivirus or something like that! It’s just that the antivirus and this security are a little different, the first one simply doesn’t have a firewall, well, I already wrote about that!

Then the installation wizard will appear, click Next:

Then you will need to select that you want to remove the antivirus, that is, select this item:

Then the delete button will appear, click it:

That's it, then the deletion started:

Yes, it may take some time, after all, the program is quite big..

The deletion took me about two minutes... But everything was deleted without any glitches, everything was clear, there were no errors:

But then you need to reboot:

Cleaning your computer from remnants of ESET NOD32 antivirus

By the way, after removal, my computer actually began to work a little faster, so ESET still slowed down the computer a little. But I don’t know, it’s possible that this is simply because he checked the computer for viruses in background. He runs this check himself, I really didn’t look at the schedule.

This additional cleaning of traces is not necessary, it’s already like that, well, you can say my jokes! I just make sure that Windows is clean, I like that there is no garbage in it, or at least the bare minimum, something that I can’t remove at all! If you are the same, then you might find it useful to learn how to remove ESET remnants from Windows!

So, you uninstalled the ESET antivirus, I hope that you have some kind of backup antivirus there, because it’s kind of scary to sit without it. I’m already used to it, I know how to behave so that there are no viruses, but you better have an antivirus! Do not misunderstand me

So, to find all the remnants of the antivirus, this is what I did first. I opened the system disk and there in the search field, well, which is in the right corner, I wrote the word eset - but to my surprise nothing was found there. Well that is on system disk ESET antivirus left no traces. Well what can I say here, this is commendable

Now let’s look at the registry, in general, I didn’t find anything there either, I don’t even know why. Is ESET NOD32 really such a cool antivirus that it doesn’t even litter..?

Just in case, I’ll show you how to look for garbage in the registry, in case you still have something there. It’s just that everything is somehow suspicious with me, you must admit...

So, look, hold down Win + R and write a command like this:

Well, click OK:

Exactly this phrase, because if you simply enter the word eset, you will also find something that does not relate to antivirus at all, this is very important point! Well, I think you understand!

So you clicked the Find Next button, then there will be a search. If something is found, the search will stop and the result, that is, what is found, will be highlighted. Both keys and folders can be found, if you have them, you can delete them. But make sure that it is definitely related to ESET antivirus, usually this is immediately visible in the name!

So again, if something is found, it will be highlighted. That’s why you right-click and select Delete from the menu there. To continue the search, press F3 and so on until there is a message that the search is over! Here is the message:

How do I remove the ESET folder from Program Files?

It happens that some users have such a problem that they cannot delete a folder from Program Files, well, it sits there and does not want to be deleted from there!

I just warn you that you should under no circumstances remove the antivirus in this way, this is nonsense and nonsense again! If you have already removed the antivirus, and then you see that the folder in Program Files remains, then yes, there is a problem, which I will show you how to fix. But under no circumstances should you uninstall your antivirus this way. The funny thing is that ESET antivirus is a powerful program, it not only has some processes in the manager, it also has some kind of driver! And it can only be removed if you uninstall ESET correctly, using the wizard! Well, that's it, I hope you guys understood everything!

So here is this folder in Program Files:

To remove it, the Unlocker utility will help us here, it’s just a wizard for deleting undeletable folders!

It’s easy to install, then you just right-click on the folder and select Unlocker there:

It may be that there will be a window with some processes, this is what I mean in Unlocker. In this case, you can try to unlock them - well, there is an Unblock all button, and then right-click on the ESET folder again, select Unlocker and then delete!

Well guys, I hope that I have more or less described everything to you here normally and that everything was clear to you. Do everything carefully and don’t sit without an antivirus, otherwise you never know what could happen or you might catch a virus.

Good luck to you and Have a good mood, all the best

To home! ESET antivirus 08/12/2016


How to completely remove ESET NOD32 antivirus from your computer?

This instruction will help you remove ESET NOD32 Antivirus or ESET Smart Security antivirus programs from your computer and laptop.

Method number 1:

1. Click “Start → All Programs → ESET → ESET Smart Security / ESET NOD32 Antivirus → Uninstall.”

2. Restart your computer.

3. After reboot, confirm that you can see hidden files and folders.

3.1. Windows XP:

Click “Start → Control Panel → Folder Options → View” and select the “Show hidden files, folders, and drives” option.

3.2. windows Vista, windows 7:

Click “Start → Control Panel → Folder Options → View” and select the “Show hidden files, folders, and drives” option.

Move the mouse pointer to the lower right corner of the screen, in the panel that opens, click on the button “Settings → Control Panel → Folder Options → View” and select the “Show hiding files, folders and drives” option.

Note: If you can't find Folder Options in Control Panel, in the View bar, select Small Icons.

4. Find and delete the following folders:

4.1. Windows XP:

C:\Program Files\ESET

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\ESET

C:\Documents and Settings\%USER%\Application Data\ESET

4.2. windows Vista, windows 7, windows 8:

C:\Program Files\ESET


Note: The uninstaller may automatically remove the above folders. If you cannot find the folders after enabling the “Show hidden files, folders and drives” option, the removal is complete.

Method number 2:

In some cases, it is impossible to completely remove ESET NOD32 using standard means. What to do? There is a solution!

Attention! When uninstalling an antivirus using the ESET Uninstaller utility, a reset is possible network settings windows.

1. To completely remove ESET NOD32 you need to download and save it to your desktop special program NOD 32 removal utility - ESET Uninstaller. You can download it from the link: http://download.eset.com/special/ESETUninstaller.exe.

2. Next, restart the computer, press the “F8” key at intervals of one second and select “Safe Mode” to boot. You may need to select a device to boot ( Boot Device). Choose one HDD, on which the bootable operating system is located, press the “Enter” key, then “F8”, and then select the “Safe Mode” line.

3. Launch ESET Uninstaller by double-clicking on the utility icon.

5. For the next request, press the “1” key and then “Enter”.

6. For the third request, also enter “Y”.

7. As a result, a line will appear in the window: English language“Press any key to exit”, which is what you should do, after which we reboot the operating system, this time in normal mode.


Complete removal of ESET NOD32 antivirus from your computer

ESET NOD32 Antivirus is the best product in your class. It is easy to use and, of course, protects well against numerous threats to the security of your computer.

Sometimes cases arise when an antivirus needs to be removed (for example, to install other software), in which many users encounter a number of specific problems.

Software developers protect not only your PC, but also their product from virus threats, because modern virus programs can remove antivirus from a computer without the user’s knowledge. To avoid this, the developers have provided the ability to remove the program only when using specific methods.

Standard OS Methods

Many people are wondering how to remove eset nod32 antivirus from their computer.

You can try to do this using the standard operating room method. windows systems:

After completing the steps, the uninstaller will appear on the screen. The user must follow the instructions to remove the program. If errors occur during uninstallation of the product, you must remove the software using other methods.

Possible errors and how to solve them

During the removal of the ESET NOD32 antivirus, various errors may occur, which leads to the failure of the software removal.

Common errors when uninstalling ESET NOD32 antivirus:

  • action rollback, basic filtering mechanism missing;
  • error code 2350;
  • installation files are not available;
  • the removal was already complete.

This is the most common mistakes that occur when uninstalling “ESET NOD32”.

Video: removing antivirus

Action rollback, basic filtering mechanism missing

This error occurs most often in situations where the computer is running a pirated version of the Windows 7 and Windows 8 operating system. The fact is that pirated versions The OS may have some services disabled.

Also, the user can see not only the error “Action rollback, basic filtering mechanism is missing,” but also others:

  • the computer did not restart after removing the program;
  • some services are not running;
  • error when starting services.

To get rid of this error, you must do the following:

  • then you need to restart the computer and uninstall “ESET NOD32” again.

Code 2350

This type Error “Code 2350” can occur in two cases: when installing a program and when uninstalling it.

In order to get rid of the “Code 2350” error, you need to do the following:

Installation file not available

To get rid of the error " Installation file is unavailable" you must take the following steps to resolve it:

  • First, go to the “Control Panel”;
  • then go to “System and Security”;
  • then select “System”;

  • then select “Advanced system settings”;

  • in the “System Properties” window that appears, select the “Advanced” tab;
  • At the bottom, select the “Environment Variables” tab;

  • then in the “Environment Variables” window you need to select two variables “TEMP” and “TMP” and set the following value for them “%USERPROFILE%AppDataLocalTemp”;

  • then you need to clear the contents of these folders and try to uninstall again.
  • The program may have been removed

    The error “An error occurred while uninstalling the program” most often occurs when the user uninstalled the software incorrectly, that is, he simply deleted only the folder with the program.

    In this situation, there are still antivirus files in the registry, and to get rid of this error you must perform the following steps:

    How to remove NOD32 antivirus using ESET Uninstaller utility

    In order to remove the antivirus, you can use the specially developed ESET Uninstaller utility. It will also help you remove NOD32 if you have forgotten your password.

    In order to remove “NOD32” using the “ESET Uninstaller” utility you must:

    For windows users 8 you can start the OS in safe mode as follows:

    Built-in ESET uninstaller

    You can remove “NOD32” using the built-in uninstaller.

    You can do this in the following way:

    Important! It is recommended to remove ESET NOD32 antivirus using the built-in uninstaller. If you uninstall a program using standard means Windows operating system “Remove programs”, then completely removing the antivirus in this way will not work.

    Important! In some cases, software files may simply not be deleted. To remove them you can use free utility"Unlocker"

    This article discussed ways to remove ESET NOD32 antivirus, which allow you to completely clear the program from your computer.


    How to completely remove eset nod32 antivirus from your computer?

    How to completely remove ESET Nod32 antivirus from your computer? Here is another question that comes to us by email. The reasons why you need to remove an antivirus from your computer can be different: you are tired, your license has expired and there is no money to renew it, you, your computer and this antivirus are incompatible, etc. That's not even the point. The most important thing is to properly remove Nod32 antivirus, just like any other program. The antivirus developers made sure that when deleting trial version the antivirus could not be installed again. Therefore, today we will look at several ways to completely remove this antivirus from your computer.

    Preparing to completely remove Nod32 antivirus from your computer

    Before starting the uninstallation, you must disable your antivirus so that the uninstallation is successful.

    Right-click on the antivirus icon in the tray and select disable antivirus in the window that appears. Your system will immediately start showing you notifications that the system is under threat. Sometimes when you uninstall an antivirus, an unpleasant thing happens - your Internet connection settings are lost. Therefore, we write down all our parameters on a piece of paper: gateway, IP address, subnet mask. When removed using standard methods and without using third-party utilities, the Internet connection settings will remain unchanged. But when you need to use the ESET Uninstaller utility (if suddenly during uninstallation you forgot the password for the ESET Nod32 antivirus), then the settings may be reset and you will need to reinstall them again.

    1. Completely remove Nod32 antivirus from your computer using the standard method

    1. Click on the "Start" button, which is located in the lower left corner.

    2. Go to the “Control Panel” and click on the “Programs and Features” item.

    Of course there is a simpler one alternative way standard removal antivirus: click on “Start”, go to the “All programs” directory, find the “nod32” program, click on it and select “Uninstall”.

    After all these simple manipulations, we reboot your computer.

    The same removal procedure can be carried out in safe mode. This will make it possible to permanently delete files and components without causing any problems.

    IMPORTANT: after we have removed the Nod32 antivirus and restarted the computer, we check for the presence of files in the following folders:

    • %AllUsersProfile%Application Data/ESET
    • %ProgramFiles%ESET
    • %AppData%ESET

    2. Completely remove Nod32 antivirus from your computer using the official ESET Uninstaller utility

    Using this utility is advisable in the case when you have forgotten the password for the Nod32 antivirus.

    1. Download the free ESET Uninstaller utility from the official website to your desktop.

    2. Reboot the computer in safe mode. To do this, restart the computer and press the F8 key, use the arrow keys to select “Boot in Safe Mode” and press Enter.

    3. Left-click on ESET Uninstaller twice to start the uninstallation process.

    4. When a request appears as shown in the picture below, press the “Y” key (remembering to switch to the English layout).

    5. When the request appears, as shown in the picture below, click on “1” and then press “Enter”.

    How to share a folder in Windows 7 over a local network

    Removing programs is a simple matter. Difficulties may arise if the program being removed is Eset Smart Security 7 antivirus. If you decide to remove this antivirus from your computer, then before you begin, read my article and then you will avoid many mistakes and problems.

    The developers of Eset Smart Security 7 have thought of everything for you, releasing a special program designed to remove the antivirus from your computer, and along with it, erase all traces that it could leave behind.

    Removing Eset Smart Security 7 antivirus takes place in several small steps:

    2. Now you need to restart your computer in safe mode. To do this, click the Start menu, select the arrow next to the Shut down button, and then click Restart. As soon as the reboot begins, press the F8 key, but before the Windows logo appears. If you did everything correctly, a menu for selecting boot types will open in front of you. Select "Safe Mode" and press Enter. If the Windows logo appears, perform the reboot manipulation again.

    3. After Windows boot in safe mode, open double click left mouse button the downloaded ESET Uninstaller utility.

    4. A window will open containing a warning that the utility operates in a non-standard way, so you need to save your data first so that if the system is damaged, it will not be lost (you don’t have to save it). After finishing the utility, network connection will be interrupted, so the computer will need to be restarted normally. If you agree, then enter a command containing the English letter “ to continue y" without quotes and press Enter.

    5. Next, information about the current system and the installed antivirus program will be displayed. Enter the number from the list with the name of the antivirus program and press Enter.

    6. Finally, the system will ask the question: “Are you sure to uninstall ESS/EAV/EMSX from this OS?” . To confirm, enter the command again “ y" without quotes and press the Enter key.

    The antivirus removal process will begin, which will take about one minute. After the removal is complete, close the utility and restart the computer in normal mode.