Automation software for tour operators and travel agencies. Software package "Master Agent"


Introduction 3
1. Information technology in tourism 5
2. Characteristics of the Master Tour software package 8
3. Description of the functioning of the Master-Tour software package 12
Conclusion 15
List of used literature 17


Over the past few years, Internet-based technological solutions have made it possible to create a very special service infrastructure in the hotel business. Software products have appeared that make it possible to book seats on airliners and hotels via the Internet. All operations involving contact between a hotel and its potential client are performed by computers connected to each other by high-speed communication lines. The connection and data transfer process takes seconds. The cheaper and more efficient communication between hotels and their clientele via the Internet has been appreciated by both parties. And now the technologies that made such communication possible are developing in accordance with the wishes of the largest corporations.
Perhaps today you can’t find a tourist office that doesn’t have at least one computer. But few people think about the fact that this rather expensive equipment is used in most cases only as an ordinary typewriter. The product of the Megatek company, the MASTER-TOUR software package, is an attempt to change this situation.
“MASTER-TOUR” is a software package that transforms the work of a tourist office employee of any rank into creativity: you always have at your fingertips any information about each tour, each client, each partner and mutual settlements; accuracy in performing tour calculations; instant filling of any standard document forms: questionnaires, reservation sheets, vouchers, rooming sheets, travel vouchers, and so on.
The philosophy of the program is based on the concept of not a tour, but a service - a small “brick”, which, together with other services, makes up the program of any tour. Moreover, any other tour or package (a set of services provided by the host tour operator) can become such a “brick” (functional element) if they are included in the program of another, more complex tour. This composition allows the manager, while working with a client, to add, or if permitted by the senior tour manager, to remove any service, even from the standard tour program.

1. Information technology in tourism

Currently, information technology is considered as a strategic resource for the development of all business activities, as a way to increase the competitiveness of a company. This approach requires an answer to a number of non-technological questions: what is the income from the implementation of information systems (IS), how to measure it, what organizational and personnel changes should be made for the full implementation of the IS project.
The world of modern business has changed so significantly that organizations created to operate in the same stable conditions cannot adapt to the new environment without improving their operating principles and structure. It is in this context that the concept of “business reengineering” should be interpreted, which is defined as “a fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of a business process to achieve fundamental improvements in today's key performance indicators such as cost, quality, service and speed” 1. Information technologies provide real opportunities for reengineering and gaining significant competitive advantages.
Harnessing the potential of technology to change a company's business processes and significantly outperform competitors is not a one-time event. It takes a pragmatic view and creative thinking to see the potential of a technology that may initially seem to have no obvious application to a company's operations, or to see innovative applications of information technology beyond the obvious. If companies want to succeed in an era of constant technological change, then they need to consider the ability to use information technologies as one of the key skills.
The use of information technology requires serious investments, which must be used to achieve strategic goals, be able to evaluate and control costs, and apply proven methods to improve the efficiency of their use. It is impossible to give general recommendations for each specific issue. Another thing is important - to understand the general methodology, the philosophy, which, refracted in a special way in each specific business, will allow us to extract from information technology the unique thing that it gives - leadership in world markets. The technological race is not for everyone, so there are many ways to improve the efficiency of information systems: targeting end users, independent development of application software, transferring your information resources to companies specializing in information processing, etc.
The strategic goal of information technology is to help the organization's management respond to market dynamics, create, maintain and deepen competitive advantage. Completing this task requires building information technology systems that have the following attributes: 2
- maximum accessibility - everyone can access IT resources at any time and from anywhere;
- any information object must be accessible to many at the same time;
- application agility - a transition to a network architecture is required, which leads to serious changes in the organization and work of IT departments.
The tourism industry is one of the largest consumers of telecommunications technology, and has one of the most high levels computer equipment in the business world. Part of this stems from the nature of the information that is used in the travel industry. Firstly, this information is very time sensitive, since various dates - events, schedules, etc. - change very often. Secondly, information about tourism products must be available in a timely manner from various parts of the globe. Third, the tourism product consists of a large number of components - transport, accommodation, entertainment - which also require the rapid delivery of information to coordinate their satisfactory delivery.
The largest and most important information systems in the travel industry are computer systems reservations (RAC). They provide access to travel planning and reservation information for most industry sectors, including accommodation, cruises, transportation, tours, currency exchange and entertainment. Unlike CSR, hotel reservation and car rental systems cannot be used directly by a travel agent, but only indirectly through airline computer reservation systems or by telephone. Videotext, widely used in the UK and France, combines the capabilities of CSR, email, telex, electronic newspapers and others, combining them into a single system. Marketing of travel agency services is provided using a telemarketing system. To handle the operational aspects of business, travel companies use office support systems. Electronic networks, in particular the Internet, currently provide not only the opportunity to obtain certain information about tourism products, but also to make reservations on airlines, hotels, etc.
The spread of information technology in tourism will depend on a number of additional sociocultural, economic and political factors. Information technologies themselves cannot create “new combinations” of tourism services. Only the combination of technologies with a number of social, institutional, sociopolitical and cultural factors will lead to the creation of new combinations of goods and services, methods, markets, etc. The impact of tourism on host countries, increasing pressure on the environment, changes in vacation time, technological competition, globalization, the spread of IT and other factors are influencing the change in the nature of tourism products from a rigidly packaged one to one based on flexibility, segmentation and diagonal integration 3 .
The use of telecommunications networks and increasingly user-friendly interfaces are making computer systems accessible directly to the traveler.
When the system is properly applied, IT provides high quality service, thereby better satisfying customer requirements. However, a certain balance is required between high technology and proper personal attention.

2. Characteristics of the Master Tour software package

The software package consists of several workstations: 4
- formation of a tourist product;
- sale and registration of tour packages;
- work with partners;
- work on the Internet;
- RM cashier (RM - workplace);
- RM of the financial director;
- RM of the database administrator.
- sending faxes;
- sending faxes via the Internet;
- sending messages via E-Mail;
- statistical reports on the database;
We can say that the software package allows you to implement almost all the functions necessary for the functioning of a tourist office.
    create a tourism product
    prepare Special offers with fixed or floating markups discounts NEW
    calculate the expected profit on the tour and the amount of commission to the agent
    calculate bonuses for agencies NEW
    cancel orders with deduction of penalties NEW
    control information about contracts and their completion dates NEW
    message and warning service when working with agencies NEW
    register any number of tourists for any tour in one or more tour packages
    control the processing of documents for a visa and the deadlines for submitting documents to the client and to the consulate NEW
    print the entire package of necessary documents (tour packages, various lists of tourists, vouchers, application forms for embassies, financial reporting forms, etc., all reports are made in MS Word or MS Excel format)
    control the tour
    quickly issue documents using barcodes and a NEW scanner
    control the loading of services with the ability to sort by departure city NEW
    place quotas on any services that make up the tour, which excludes the possibility of resale
    track the progress of payment for the tour and assess the current financial condition of the company
    handle deposit payments NEW
    processing payment at the rate on the date creating an application, payment date or application confirmation date NEW
    numbering rules for each document type NEW
    determine the cost of services in various currencies
    send messages via E-Mail that supports MAPI interface
    display diagram vehicle in places with a seat assigned to the tourist (for example, a bus)
    display the number of rooms by floor for hotels or decks for ships and ferries NEW
    configure access rights to various functional blocks of the program
    English interface for foreign partners NEW
    company data on financial guarantees NEW
Thus, the software package allows you to: create a tourism product, calculate the expected profit on a tour and the amount of commission to the agent, register any number of tourists for any tour in one or more tour packages, print the entire package of necessary documents (tourist packages, various lists of tourists, vouchers, application forms for embassies, financial reporting forms, etc.), control the conduct of the tour. Software package allows you to place quotas on any services that make up the tour, which eliminates the possibility of resale. The software package allows you to track the progress of payment for the tour and assess the current financial condition of the company. The software package implements a multi-currency mode, that is, when describing a tour, you can determine the cost of services in different currencies 5 .
All reports are made in MS Word or MS Excel format, which is very convenient for travel agency staff.
The program implements the following interfaces:
- with programs for sending messages via E-Mail that support MAPI interface;
- with the fax distribution program “Delrina WinFax Pro”.
- with the Global-Fax Internet fax distribution system.
- exchange between Megatech products using XML “MasterML”.
- the main advantage: “Master-Tour” is a really working program. To date, the total number of tourists through the program in different companies approaches the figure of 500,000.
- “Master Tour” is a universal and very flexible program. It allows you to work with both group and individual tours of any complexity. The program developers guarantee that they will be able to create and calculate any tour used by a travel agency.
- “Master-Tour” allows you to quote and track the load of any service that makes up the tour, and not just air travel or hotel accommodation. In fact, the program allows you to control the progress of the tour at the level of any service included in it.
- “Master-Tour” has enough simple interface close to the interface of standard Microsoft products.
- Already today, “Master-Tour” can work in remote access mode in real time (for example, via the Internet).
- Currently, “Master-Tour” is becoming a standard in the automation of travel agencies.
- “Master Tour” is used as the basis for further projects related to automation of the tourism business.

3. Description of the functioning of the Master-Tour software package

The program can be divided into five functional blocks 6.
The first and main block - “Tour Constructor” - is intended for creating packages of services and tour programs that are ready for implementation, calculating their costs, calculating profits, commissions, etc., and each service, for example, the cost of staying at a hotel, can be different and depend on the host tour operator or even the package in which the stay at this hotel is used in combination with these services and transfers. By entering “net” prices for services, changing profit or “gross” prices, the manager is able to calculate the cost assembled block(tour) for different seasons, assess the competitiveness of the tour and, ultimately, formulate the optimal tour. It should be noted that the program has a flexible pricing apparatus that allows you to distinguish between prices for services sold to a client in a package or individually, prices for the same services offered by different partners, as well as the amount of commission given to partners when selling a tour.

Automation software for tour operators and travel agencies

The Master Tour software package is designed to automate the office activities of tour operator companies involved in sending and receiving tourists. The program has been developed and supported since 1995. To date, more than two hundred installations of the Master Tour PC have been made.

Main functions and capabilities of the Master-Tour program:

We can say that the program allows you to implement almost all the functions necessary for the functioning of a tourist office. Master Tour allows you to:

1. create a tourism product

2. calculate the expected profit for the tour and the amount of commission to the agent

3. register any number of tourists for any tour in one or more tour packages

4. print out the entire package of necessary documents (tour packages, various lists of tourists, vouchers, application forms for embassies, financial reporting forms, etc., all reports are made in MS Word or MS Excel format)

5. control the tour

6. place quotas on any services that make up the tour, which excludes the possibility of resale

7. track the progress of payment for the tour and assess the current financial condition of the company

8. determine the cost of services in various currencies

9. send messages via E-Mail that supports MAPI interface

10. configure access rights to various functional blocks of the program

Advantages of the Master Tour program:

1. the program actually works in more than 200 travel companies in Russia

2. universal and very flexible program - allows you to work with both group and individual tours of any complexity

3. allows you to quote and track the load of any service that makes up the tour (not just air travel or hotel accommodation)

4. has a fairly simple interface close to the interface of standard Microsoft products

5. there are opportunities to work with the program in remote access mode in real time (for example via the Internet)

6. all modes of the program are interconnected, for example, during the registration of a tour, the manager can access the partner database and refresh his memory of graphic images of hotels intended to be included in the tour.

7. The program has the ability to remote access agency - operator, allowing the travel agency manager, by connecting to the tour operator’s server, to assess the availability free seats and make a reservation.

8. the program includes about 40 standard types of documents (reports) - these are all kinds of lists, reservation sheets, tourist vouchers, accommodation sheets (rumming sheets), statistical reports, questionnaires for embassies and other reports, appearance which are easy to configure

9. ready-made solutions for communication with the office of the host company "Master-Interlook"

10. ready-made online store based on "Master-Tour" - "Master-Web"

11. relationship with the program for travel agencies "Master Agent"

12. Great opportunities for expanding the program and add-ons (creating new reports, connecting with 1C...)

The Master Tour program is divided into several functional blocks:

"Tour Constructor" - is intended for creating packages of services and tour programs that are ready for implementation, calculating their costs, calculating profits, commissions, etc., and each service, for example the cost of hotel accommodation, may be different and depend on the host tour operator or even a package in which accommodation at this hotel is combined with these services and transfers. By entering “net” prices for services, changing profit or “gross” prices, the manager gets the opportunity to calculate the cost of the assembled block (tour) for different seasons, assess the competitiveness of the tour and, ultimately, create an optimal tour. It should be noted that the program has a flexible pricing apparatus that allows you to distinguish between prices for services sold to a client in a package or individually, prices for the same services offered by different partners, as well as the amount of commission given to partners when selling a tour.

"Sales of tourism products." Having quickly compiled a tour according to the individual wishes of the client, entering the clients’ passport data, the manager is able to generate all the documents necessary for registration (contracts, vouchers, lists of tourists, application forms for the embassy, ​​etc.) automatically. All reports are made in the format of a popular editor Microsoft Word for Windows, which makes it easy to edit them if necessary. In addition, the program has a built-in mode for sending faxes via modem. Any of your documents can, if necessary, be sent to one or more places at a time convenient for you. If you have chosen delayed fax sending, the program will begin sending your faxes to the numbers you need at the specified time.

“Working with partners” - allows you to create a database of your partners, information from which is used by the fax sending wizard; each partner can be assigned certain characteristics, and commissions can be assigned depending on the tour.

“Financial condition” – allows the cashier to print out receipt/expenditure orders, invoices, various financial reporting documents, export data to the 1C accounting program, makes it possible to control mutual settlements with partners and payments for tours by clients, assess the real financial condition of the company at a given point in time .

"Administrator" – organization safe work. You can determine the authority to work in the software package for each employee of the company - from determining which modes the employee can work with, to which tours, countries or individual services he has access to. In this part of the program you have the opportunity to configure templates for output documents (reports).

Help block. In this section you can edit the list of countries, cities and hotels. Your manager can easily add a new category - any other directory.

Network: Any network can be installed in the company's office network support supporting one of the protocols: TCP/IP, NetBios, NetBeui, IPX/SPX (MS Network, Novell, etc.). The basic network is MS Network, as it is more convenient for administration and promising in terms of implementing remote access (access to global networks, such as the Internet).

Server computer: PentiumII-300, 128 MB RAM. The database + software takes up 35 MB of hard drive space.

Client computer: At least Pentium-100, 32 MB RAM. The client part on the hard drive takes up about 40 MB.

Specifications"Master Tour".

The program is written in client-server architecture. Almost any DBMS that supports the SQL interface (Oracle, MS Sql Server, DB2, etc.) can be used as a database server. The base server is the DBMS "SQL Base 7.0.1" from the American company Centura, which, from the point of view of the Master-Tour developers, is optimal in terms of the "Price-Performance" criterion for the tourism subject area (which is important in light of the approaching era of license-free work in Russia ).

The client part is written in MS Windows (Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT, Windows 2000) in SqlWindows 5.04 – 16 bit version and in the environment Centura Team Developer 1.1.2 and Centura Team Developer 2000 - 32-bit version.

Prices PC "Master-Tour" 1 USD = 1 euro

Version Number of workplaces PC "Master-Tour"
Master Tour Light 660 USD 1050 USD 1500 USD not supplied
Master Tour Standard 1200 USD 2010 USD 2960 USD 3 810 USD 4560 USD 6210 USD
The price includes: Master-Tour PC installation kit on CD, including MS server SQL Server 2000 Desktop Edition (up to 10 users), 6 months technical support. For the Standard version 1 year of technical support.
Master Tour Professional - 3510 USD 4460 USD 5310 USD 6060 USD 7710 USD
The price includes: Add-ons (Simplified input, Import of price lists, Master Service), Development of 5 additional reporting forms for the Master-Tour PC, installation kit on CD, including MS SQL Server 2000 Desktop Edition (up to 10 users ), 1 year technical support.

Master-Tour PC update:

Additional modules:

Master-Tour PC add-ons Quick booking Consulate forms and airline ticket printing Simplified input Import of prices
for free 80 USD 500 USD 500 USD
Master Tour Developer Library (SDK) Library Read Access Access to read and make changes *
for free 1,000 USD
* When used, the cost of maintaining and updating the software package increases by 50%. For version 2005.1 Monthly subscription service is required
Reporting forms in PC "Master-Tour" Development and adjustment of an individual reporting form Ready-made reporting forms
When concluding a subscription agreement Without a subscription agreement
from 15 USD/hour 25 USD/hour 50 USD

Additional services:

MASTER-AGENT program designed to automate the activities of a travel agency and has existed since 2000. During this time, dozens of small and large network agencies working in a variety of areas have become our clients, and their number continues to grow.

The program is designed for a user who has basic computer skills, basic operating knowledge Microsoft systems Windows, and basic skills in working with the office suite are also desirable Microsoft Office. No special technical knowledge is required to work with the program.

Main functions of the program:

1. Working with vouchers: creating a voucher, printing the necessary documents, monitoring the status.

2. Work with payments: carrying out mutual settlements with clients and suppliers.

3. Working with the customer database.

4. Interaction with external information retrieval systems.

5. Import of applications from online booking systems of tour operators.

6. Printing documents (trip, “Reservation Sheet”, “Service Agreement”, etc.)

7. Exchange of data during booking with the tour operator.

8. When making a payment, taking into account cross-currency rates, interest on conversion, taking into account the payment office

9. Statistical data processing

Advantages of the program:

1. Ability to work in both single-user (local) and network mode.

2. There is no need to fill out reference books before starting to work with the program.

3. Storage in the program of logins and passwords for online booking systems of tour operators and automatic entry into the online booking system without re-authorization.

4. Possibility of expanding the description of the client and the tour by dynamic creation additional description fields.

5. Access control system at the level of user actions.

6. Possibility of connecting additional reporting forms.

7. Simple, intuitive clear interface in Windows XP style.

8. The program comes with a report generator from 9Rays “Report Sharp Shooter”. Using the report generator allows you to speed up report generation, as well as simplify the process of creating new reports. The program also includes a report designer that allows you to create new and edit existing reports yourself.

Hardware and software requirements:

Microsoft Windows 98, NT 4.0 SP6a, Me, 2000 SP2, XP, Server 2003 or newer.

Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.01 or higher.

Network based on TCP/IP protocol – for working in network mode.

Internet access – for data exchange with the tour operator.


The program is written for Microsoft platforms.NET. The program is built on a three-tier architecture; interaction between the client program and the application server is carried out using Remoting technology. The DBMS used is Microsoft Jet 4.0 (the core of Microsoft Access 2000; installation of MS Access itself is not required) or Microsoft SQL Server 2000. The TourML format is used to exchange data with external systems.

1.u.u. = 1 euro

Included in cost: 6 months of technical support, installation kit on CD.

PC "Master Agent" update:

Databases used:

· For the Light version: Microsoft Jet 4.0 DBMS (Microsoft Access 2000 core; installation of MS Access is not required)

· For the Standard version: MS SQL Server 2000 Desktop Edition.

Master Web.

The "Master-Web" software package was developed for companies working with the "Master-Tour" PC and is intended for publishing on the Company's website current information about prices, tours, available places and conditions for the sale of services. The first version of the program appeared in 1997 and has been refined and improved since then.

Main functions and capabilities of the "Master-Web" program:

Automatic publication of price lists and prices for tour operator services on the website

Search and selection based on tours posted on the website

Publication on the website of information about vacancies and sales stoppages in hotels in real time

Publication of flight schedules and seat availability on the website in real time

Possibility of booking tours from the website to the Master Tour database

The "Master-Web" program is divided into several functional blocks:

“Administration” – is intended for preparing information posted on the site, maintaining a database of registered users, and program settings.

“Reservation” is a set of dynamic screens, depending on the PC version, that display information published for the site:

1. Selecting a city and resort

2. Price list with availability

3. Cart

4. Application screen

5. Order list screen

6. Registration in the reservation system

7. Password recovery

8. Administration system

9. Report "Reservation Sheet"

Advantages of the Master-Web program:

1. selling your tours through the website without installing special ones software in agencies and without additional description of their tours and prices for posting them on the Internet, all necessary information is taken from the Master-Tour database

2. the tour operator automatically receives applications from the booking system (company managers do not need to enter data on applications manually)

3. provision to travel agencies additional service for booking tours, providing up-to-date information on availability

4. easy connection to the site

Requirements for software and hardware "Master-Web":

Server computer

Pentium III 700 MHz or higher

512 MB RAM or more

Windows 2000 Server or Windows 2003 Server with Internet Information Server installed

Microsoft. NET Framework 1.1

Microsoft Data Access Components 2.8 (MDAC 2.8)

Client computer

MS Internet Explorer version 5.5 or higher

Specifications: The program was developed using .net technology from Microsoft.

Software package "Master-Interlook" designed to automate the activities of tour operator companies working at the reception. Developed and supported since 2000 and today operating in Turkey, Greece, Egypt, UAE, Bulgaria and Spain. Among our clients: Turtess Antalya, Polar-Tour Antalya, Riviera Antalya, Travco Travel, Solvex BG, Alma-Tour BG, Terramar-Tour, etc.

Main features:

1. Establishment of net prices for services provided by hotels, transport and transfer companies, excursion bureaus and other service providers in any currency

2. Formation of price offers for tour operators (agents) using the pricing wizard. Prices for a tour operator or tour operator group can be automatically generated based on the net price, taking into account the percentage of profit. In this case, the final prices can be automatically converted into another currency at a given rate with a given rounding rule

3. Formation of special offers for tour operators

4. Transfer of price offers for hotels and transfers to tour operators in automatic mode, if the tour operator uses the Master-Tour PC, or in the form of price lists

5. Entering data on reservations from tour operators automatically, if the tour operator uses the Master-Tour PC, or using the form manual entry data, with the ability to calculate the cost of services in any currency

6. "Hotel Change" mode with subsequent tracking of the cost of additional payments and automatic adjustment of mutual settlements with hotels

7. Sending requests to confirm service bookings to service providers by fax and E-mail

8. Issuing a preliminary invoice (confirmation) to the tour operator for accepted reservations in any currency

9. Issuing a final invoice to the tour operator for the entire stay or for the region by arrival in any currency

10. Tracking of mutual settlements with tour operators (invoices and payments on them) in chronological order in any currency

11. Tracking of mutual settlements with service providers (cost of services provided, invoice amount from the supplier and the amount of actual payment to the supplier) in any currency

12. Transfer planning (airport-hotel, hotel-airport and hotel-hotel)

13. Monitoring hotel occupancy in comparison with existing quotas

14. Flexible access control system

15. Collection and provision of extensive statistical information, including the formation of information sections

16. Search for a reservation or tourist using several parameters

17. Storing the history of work with prices and bookings

18. Season closing mechanism

Function blocks

1. Working with reference books

2. Working with booking requests

3. Working with prices

4. Working with quotas

5. Mutual settlements with partners

6. Transfer planning

7. Planning excursions

8. Statistical block

9. Administrative block

10. Additional modules

Module for automated control of data exchange with the Master-Tour PC

Standard module "Interlook-Client" for data exchange between the Master-Tour PC and the Master-Interlook PC.

Extended module "Interlook Listener" for data exchange between the Master-Tour PC and the Master-Interlook PC.

Hardware and software requirements

Operating system: MS Windows, version 2000 and higher.

Network: Any network software that supports one of the protocols can be installed in the company's office: TCP/IP, NetBios, NetBeui, IPX/SPX (MS Network, Novell, etc.). The basic network is MS Network, as it is more convenient for administration and promising in terms of implementing remote access (access to global networks, such as the Internet). To exchange data with the Master-Tour PC, you need a dedicated communication channel via the TCP/IP protocol with throughput not lower than 256 kbit/sec. The server computer must have a static IP address with the ability to connect to it from the outside (via the Internet) via certain ports described in the PC configuration.

Server computer: IBM compatible computer at least Pentium IV, 256 MB RAM.

Client computer: IBM compatible computer at least Pentium II, 64 MB RAM.

Monitor and video card: Must support a screen mode of at least 800x600 pixels.

Additional software: for printing reporting forms – MS Office package, version 2000 and higher.


The program is written using client-server architecture. Microsoft SQL Server DBMS version 2000 and higher or Gupta SqlBase Server version 7.0.1 and higher can be used as a database server.

Software package (PC) "Master-Avia" is a comprehensive automation system for travel companies or their departments specializing in the sale of air tickets.

Accounting for the movement of strict reporting forms (SSR).

Receiving BSO from the supplier. BSO can be obtained either directly from the air carrier or from an intermediary partner. When entering data into the system, duplication and overlap of BSO intervals are eliminated. Transfer of BSO to internal sales points or subagents. Implementation of BSO (sale, loss, cancellation). Return of BSO from the subagent to the warehouse. BSO returned from the subagent can be transferred for sale to another subagent or returned to the supplier. Return of BSO to the supplier. The PC user is given the opportunity to receive full information about the status of BSO passing through the Company (dates and numbers of invoices for receipt and issue and return certificates). In this case, BSO can be sorted by date of receipt, invoice number or by their condition (in the warehouse, transferred for sale, returned to the warehouse, returned to the supplier, lost, sold, etc.)

Implementation of BSO.

Master-Avia has the ability to process data on the sale of BSO, which can be sold (for cash, credit cards, cashless payment, etc.), presented for return or exchange, canceled (Void). Sales data is entered into the database by the sales operator using special screen forms. In addition, data entry for group sales of identical tickets (charter) is provided. "Master-Avia" allows you to track the implementation of BSO in the context of both an individual cashier and a point of sale or all points of sale of the Company with the creation of appropriate reports for the operating day or for the period. When entering sales data, it is possible to automatically print invoices for the sale, exchange or return of air tickets, both individual and group. You can view the list of issued invoices, edit or reprint any invoice. The possibility of returning a partially used ticket has been implemented.

Based on the entered data, Master-Avia allows you to get a large number of reports:

BSO traffic reports: Agent’s report to the airline (Aeroflot, TCH, Transaero, etc.) or Subagent’s report to the Agent

Reports on sales to BSO suppliers (registers of sale, exchange, return, settlement letters) with the ability to configure report parameters (in all directions or one at a time, including charters or not, print data only for verified BSO or for all, for currency tickets or for ruble, etc.).

Reports from the cashier, head of the point of sale or general manager of the Company on the sale of tickets for the day or for any period.

Report on the history of each ticket. For each individual ticket you can get full story its “life”, when it was received, when and to whom it was transferred for sale, when and by whom it was sold (exchanged, returned, cancelled), account number, etc.

Printing of invoices, invoices, return statements, etc.

Access control.

The Master-Avia PC has a built-in access control system that makes it easy to connect new users with individual access rights to information to the system. The PC can be used by users connected both locally and remotely via the Internet. Access to the database by remote points of sale or Subagents is possible using dedicated communication lines.

Program "Master-Center Payment" is designed to automate the exchange of information on payments between the Master-Tour PC and external systems:

accounting systems (1C:Enterprise, Parus)

management accounting (MBS Navision)

"client-bank" systems

Main functions and capabilities of the program:

transfer information about paid vouchers to 1C:Enterprise

pay for tours to the Master-Tour PC without leaving the 1C:Enterprise interface

if there is a Client-Bank system in 1C:Enterprise, transfer payments to the Master-Tour PC

Advantages of the program:

the program allows you to avoid double entry of payment information into 1C:Enterprise or the Master-Tour PC due to the automatic exchange of information between programs. Ultimately, the possibility of errors when entering information is reduced and the efficiency of managers or accountants is increased

open source 1C configuration, allowing you to customize the program to your needs as much as possible

independence from the specific 1C configuration used

the system is open for use not only from 1C:Enterprise, but also from any program that supports COM technology or allows you to work with web services, for example MBS Navision

Software and hardware requirements:

on the server computer – Microsoft Windows 2000 and Internet Information Server version 5.0 or higher

on the client computer – Microsoft Windows 98 or higher, 1C:Enterprise 7.7

Specifications: the program is a web service that interacts with the Master-Tour PC base, and a client component that is installed on each client computer with "1C:Enterprise". A component for accessing the system from 1C:Enterprise, as well as a configuration example, are included in the standard delivery. Components for access from other programs can be developed according to your order. The system is implemented using Microsoft technologies.NET Framework.

Software package "Master Agent"

The Master-Agent software package is designed to automate the activities of a travel agency. Since the release of the first version in 2002, more than 500 agencies and agent networks working in a variety of areas have become potential clients, and their number continues to grow.

The program is designed for users who have basic computer skills and basic knowledge operating system Microsoft Windows office suite Microsoft Office. No special technical knowledge is required to work with the program.

Advantages of the program:

* Ability to work in both single-user (local) and network mode.

* There is no need to fill out reference books before starting to work with the program.

* Data exchange between the Master-Agent PC and online booking systems from tour operator sites

* Storing in the program logins and passwords for online booking systems of tour operators and automatic login to the online booking system without re-authorization.

* Ability to expand client and travel descriptions by dynamically creating additional description fields.

* Access control system at the level of user actions.

* Ability to connect additional reporting forms.

* Ability to edit existing reports yourself.

Main features:

1. Booking and import. All data when booking on the operator’s website is transferred to the agent’s working database. All you have to do is print out the documents to hand over to the tourist.

2. Automatic change control. There is no need to call and find out information about changes to the application. There is a mechanism that allows you to quickly receive changes: by status, service, cost.

3. Linking files. The function of linking files to a specific trip. Linking files allows you to store and easily find correspondence, photographs, questionnaires and other documents related to the application.

4. Direct connection with the reservation system. Quickly go to your application in the tour operator’s online booking system.

5. Reminder and task system. Function for assigning tasks and control with the ability to attach a request.

Main functions of the program:

* Working with vouchers: creating a voucher, controlling changes, working with statuses;

* Mechanism for creating and storing applications. A voucher may contain one or more applications from one or different operators;

* Import of previously booked applications from tour operator websites.

* Checking changes made by the operator: in statuses, in services, in costs.

* Linking files to a specific trip

* Import of currency rates: central bank, internal operator rates. Uploading information on financial guarantees of operators.

* Ability to upload payments upon application from the online booking system to the Master Agent

* Work with payments: carrying out mutual settlements with clients and suppliers. Possibility of making advance payments and linking several vouchers to the payment made;

* Working with a client database: editing information about clients (passport, personal data, addresses, telephone numbers, etc.);

* Entering the client into the database of regular tourists without being tied to a voucher. Signs of a tourist, the main tourist and the payer for the package;

* The mechanism for warning and notifying agency managers when working with clients allows you to ban working with a particular client or inform them about the peculiarities;

* Working with a partner database. Entering, storing and editing information about partners. Linking tour operators to countries;

* Work with contracts. Storage of information in accordance with the requirements of the law on financial guarantees. Storing information about the interest on conversion under the agreement, notification upon expiration of the agreement;

* A warning and notification mechanism for agency managers when working with partners informs about the peculiarities of working with a partner, allows you to put a ban on working with a particular partner;

* Ability to create an agency organizational structure and link users to departments.

* Possibility of taking into account cross-currency rates and interest on conversion when making a payment, taking into account the payment office;

* Printing documents (“Tour package”, “Booking sheet”, “Service agreement”, etc.);

* Statistical data processing;

* Interaction with external information retrieval systems.

* Possibility of exporting data to 1C: Enterprise using the Master Payment Center program;

Hardware and software requirements

· Pentium III 300 MHz, 128 MB RAM.

· Microsoft Windows 98, NT 4.0 SP6a, Me, 2000 SP2, XP, Vista, Server 2003 or newer.

· Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.01 or higher.

· Network based on TCP/IP protocol - for working in network mode.

· Internet access - for data exchange with the tour operator.


The program is written for the Microsoft .NET platform. The program is built on a three-tier architecture; interaction between the client program and the application server is carried out using Remoting technology. Microsoft SQL Server 2000 is used as a DBMS. TourML format is used to exchange data with external systems.

Program prices

Table 3 shows prices for software Master Agent version 2009.2.

Table 3. Price list of the MASTER-AGENT program 2009. 2

The price includes: 6 months of technical support, installation kit on CD.

Additionally ordered and paid for:

· training in working with a PC in the Contractor's office - 695 UAH for 2 hours; training in working with a PC in the Customer's office (in Kiev) - 1,040 UAH for 2 hours;

· PC installation and initial PC consultation at the Customer’s office (in Kiev) - 1,040 UAH for 2 hours.

Table 4. Cost of subscription services for PC “Master Agent”

The Master-Tour software package covers all the main aspects of the activities of a travel company - from creating a price list and catalogs to selling tourism products, from calculating actual costs to maintaining mutual settlements with suppliers, from operational accounting to management.

PC "Master-Tour" turns the work of an employee of a travel agency of any rank into creativity. When working with him, all the necessary information about the client, about each partner and mutual settlements with him is always at hand.

The peculiarity and uniqueness of the Master-Tour PC is its flexibility in settings, which allows the work of both multidisciplinary tour operators in different directions, as well as operators working with individual tourists, companies engaged in cruises and bus tours, small hotels and boarding houses.

The program has been developed and supported since 1995. To date, the Master Tour PC has been installed in more than 350 companies in Russia and the CIS countries.

The ongoing development of PC "Master-Tour" guarantees continuous adaptation to the changing needs of the tourism market

Main functions and capabilities of the Master-Tour program:

We can say that the program allows you to implement almost all the functions necessary for the functioning of a tourist office. Master Tour allows you to:

Advantages of the Master Tour program:

    the program actually works in more than 350 travel companies in Russia

    universal and very flexible program - allows you to work with both group and individual tours of any complexity

    allows you to quote and track the load of any service that makes up the tour (not just air travel or hotel accommodation)

    has a fairly simple interface close to the interface of standard Microsoft products

    there are opportunities to work with the program remotely in real time (for example via the Internet)

    all modes of the program are interconnected, for example, during the registration of a tour, the manager can access the partner database and refresh his memory of graphic images of hotels intended to be included in the tour.

    The program implements the possibility of remote agency-operator access, allowing the travel agency manager, by connecting to the tour operator’s server, to assess the availability of available seats and make a reservation.

    The program includes about 40 standard types of documents (reports) - these are all kinds of lists, reservation sheets, tourist vouchers, accommodation sheets (roaming sheets), statistical reports, questionnaires for embassies and other reports, the appearance of which is easily customizable

    ready-made solutions for communication with the host company's office" Master Interlook"

    ready-made online store based on "Master-Tour" - " Master Web"

    connection with the program for travel agencies "Master Agent"

    Great opportunities for expanding the program and add-ons (creating new reports, connection with 1C...)

The Master Tour program is divided into several functional blocks:

Tour designer Designed for creating service packages and tour programs ready for implementation, calculating their cost, calculating profits, commissions, etc., and each service, for example, the cost of hotel accommodation, may be different and depend on the host tour operator or even the package, in in which accommodation at this hotel is used in combination with these services and transfers. By entering “net” prices for services, changing profit or “gross” prices, the manager gets the opportunity to calculate the cost of the assembled block (tour) for different seasons, assess the competitiveness of the tour and, ultimately, create an optimal tour. It should be noted that the program has a flexible pricing apparatus that allows you to distinguish between prices for services sold to a client in a package or individually, prices for the same services offered by different partners, as well as the amount of commission given to partners when selling a tour.

Sales of tourism products Having quickly compiled a tour according to the individual wishes of the client, entering the clients’ passport data, the manager is able to generate all the documents necessary for registration (contracts, vouchers, lists of tourists, application forms for the embassy, ​​etc.) automatically. All reports are made in the format report generator "Report Sharp-Shooter", making it easy to edit them if necessary. Any of your documents can, if necessary, be sent to one or more places at a time convenient for you. Working with partners Allows you to create a database of partners. You can assign certain characteristics to each partner, assign commissions, and track the duration of the contract. Take into account the work of agency managers, as well as transfer an agency employee from one agency to another if he moves to a new job. Financial condition Allows the cashier to print receipt/expenditure orders, invoices, various financial reporting documents, and export data using PC "Master Payment Center", in the 1C program makes it possible to control mutual settlements with partners and payments by clients for tours, to assess the real financial condition of the company at a given point in time.

Administrator Organization of safe work. You can determine the authority to work in the software package for each employee of the company - from determining which modes the employee can work with, to which tours, countries or individual services he has access to. In this part of the program you have the opportunity to configure templates for output documents (reports). Help block In this section you can edit the list of countries, cities and hotels. Your manager can easily add a new category - any other directory. Requirements for software and hardware of the Master-Tour program:

Net Any network software that supports the TCP/IP protocol can be installed in the company's office open port 1433. The base network is MS Network, as it is more convenient for administration and promising in terms of implementing remote access (access to global networks, for example the Internet). Server computer Pentium iV / 1024 OP. The database + software takes up 80 MB on your hard drive. Client computer At least Pentium-II, 128 MB RAM. The client part on the hard drive takes up about 40 MB. Monitor and video card Must support a screen mode of at least 800x600 pixels.

Technical characteristics of the Master Tour program.

The program is written in client-server architecture. MS SQL Server 2000 is used as the database server. C# and Centura Team Developer 2000 are used to develop the client part.

You can download the demo version of "Master Tour" on the website


The software package consists of several workstations:

Formation of a tourist product;
- sale and registration of tour packages;
- work with partners;
- work on the Internet;
- Cashier's RM (WM - workplace);
- RM of the financial director;
- RM of the database administrator.
- sending faxes;
- sending faxes via the Internet;
- sending messages via E-Mail;
- statistical reports on the database;

We can say that the software package allows you to implement almost all the functions necessary for the functioning of a tourist office. The software package allows you to: create a tourism product, calculate the expected profit on a tour and the amount of commission to the agent, register any number of tourists for any tour in one or more tour packages, print the entire package of necessary documents (tourist packages, various lists of tourists, vouchers, application forms for embassies, financial reporting forms, etc.), control the conduct of the tour. The software package allows you to set quotas for any services that make up the tour, which eliminates the possibility of resale. The software package allows you to track the progress of payment for the tour and assess the current financial condition of the company. The software package implements a multi-currency mode, that is, when describing a tour, you can determine the cost of services in different currencies.
All reports are made in MS Word or MS Excel format, which is very convenient for travel agency staff.

The program implements the following interfaces:

With programs for sending messages via E-Mail that support MAPI interface;
- with the fax sending program "Delrina WinFax Pro".
- with the Internet fax distribution system "Global-Fax".
- exchange between Megatech products using XML "MasterML".


- main advantage : "Master Tour" is a really working program. To date, the total number of tourists through the program in different companies approaches the figure of 500,000.

- "Master Tour" is a universal and very flexible program. It allows you to work with both group and individual tours of any complexity. The program developers guarantee that they will be able to create and calculate any tour used by a travel agency.

- “Master-Tour” allows you to quote and track the load of any service that makes up the tour, and not just air travel or hotel accommodation. In fact, the program allows you to control the progress of the tour at the level of any service included in it.

- "Master-Tour" has a fairly simple interface close to the interface of standard Microsoft products.

Already today, "Master-Tour" can work in remote access mode in real time (for example, via the Internet).

Currently, "Master-Tour" is becoming a standard in the automation of travel agencies.

- “Master-Tour” is used as a basis for further projects related to automation of the tourism business.

Short description.

Perhaps today you can’t find a tourist office that doesn’t have at least one computer. But few people think about the fact that this rather expensive equipment is used in most cases only as an ordinary typewriter. The product of the Megatek company, the MASTER-TOUR software package, is an attempt to change this situation.

"MASTER-TOUR" is a software package that transforms the work of a tourist office employee of any rank into creativity: you always have at your fingertips any information about each tour, each client, each partner and mutual settlements; accuracy in performing tour calculations; instant filling of any standard document forms: questionnaires, reservation sheets, vouchers, rooming sheets, travel vouchers, and so on.

The philosophy of the program is based on the concept of not a tour, but a service - a small “brick”, which, together with other services, makes up the program of any tour. Moreover, any other tour or package (a set of services provided by the host tour operator) can become such a “brick” (functional element) if they are included in the program of another, more complex tour. This composition allows the manager, while working with a client, to add, or if permitted by the senior tour manager, to remove any service, even from the standard tour program.

The program can be divided into five functional blocks.

The first and main block - "Tour Constructor" - is intended for creating packages of services and tour programs that are ready for implementation, calculating their costs, calculating profits, commissions, etc., and each service, for example the cost of hotel accommodation, may be different and depend on the host tour operator or even the package in which the stay at this hotel is used in combination with these services and transfers. By entering “net” prices for services, changing profit or “gross” prices, the manager gets the opportunity to calculate the cost of the assembled block (tour) for different seasons, assess the competitiveness of the tour and, ultimately, create an optimal tour. It should be noted that the program has a flexible pricing apparatus that allows you to distinguish between prices for services sold to a client in a package or individually, prices for the same services offered by different partners, as well as the amount of commission given to partners when selling a tour.

The second block of the software package is “Sales of tourism products”. By quickly compiling a tour according to the client’s individual wishes or calling up a standard tour program (in this case, when selling a tour to the client, you can show a graphical view of any service included in the tour - a view of the hotel, hotel room or attractions included in the tour program). By entering the clients' passport data, the manager is able to generate all the documents necessary for registration (contracts, vouchers, lists of tourists, application forms for the embassy, ​​etc.) automatically. All reports are made in the format of the popular Microsoft Word for Windows editor, which makes it easy to edit them if necessary. In addition, the program has a built-in mode for sending faxes via modem. Any of your documents can, if necessary, be sent to one or more places at a time convenient for you. If you have chosen delayed fax sending, the program will begin sending your faxes to the numbers you need at the specified time.

The third block “Working with partners” - allows you to create a database of your partners, information from which is used by the fax mailing wizard, each partner can be assigned certain characteristics, and commissions can be assigned depending on the tour.

The fourth block of the software package is “Financial Condition”. The program allows the cashier to print out receipt/expenditure orders, invoices, various financial reporting documents, export data to the 1C Accounting program, makes it possible to control mutual settlements with partners and payments for tours by clients, and assess the real financial condition of the company at a given point in time.

The fifth block of the software package is “Administrator”. This block of the program should help your company organize safe work. You can determine the authority to work in the software package for each employee of the company - from determining which modes the employee can work with, to which tours, countries or individual services he has access to. In this part of the program you have the opportunity to configure templates for output documents (reports).

The sixth block of the software package is reference. In this section, countries, cities and hotels are formed. Your manager can easily add a new category - any other directory.

The program has, in our opinion, a pleasant graphical interface, where all modes are interconnected. For example, during the registration of a tour, a manager can access the partner database and refresh his memory of graphic images of hotels intended to be included in the tour.

Inside the program, the possibility of remote agency-operator access is implemented, allowing the travel agency manager, by connecting to the tour operator’s server, to assess the availability of available seats and make a reservation.

The structure of the program allows it to become a universal automation tool for any tourist office - from a travel agency to the largest tour operator.

The cost of the program includes about 40 standard types of documents (reports) - these are all kinds of lists, reservation sheets, tourist vouchers, accommodation sheets (rumming sheets), statistical reports, questionnaires for embassies and other reports that are easily customized for a specific company.