An unknown error occurred while creating apple id. App Store connection failed - how to fix it

Creating an account on the iPhone is one of the most important manipulations for every owner of an Apple smartphone. Only with your own ID will you be able to enjoy the full range of functions of this device. In addition, performing important operations such as setting up security or syncing with iCloud will require verification with an Apple ID. With your Apple ID, you can make purchases, download content, and use the Find My iPhone feature.

Usually, an Apple ID is created on the phone the first time you use the gadget. If you change your model to a newer one, you can bind new iPhone to an existing account. But if you are using gadgets from an American company for the first time, you will need to go through full registration. Before changing your Apple ID to a new one, you need to have mailbox. Best of all, if you need to create an Apple ID account, you will use a separate, newly created address Email.

Data, during the initial authorization on the official website, you need to enter the real ones, so that if necessary you have the opportunity to restore access. In addition, truthful information about you will be required during the subsequent account setup. Therefore, be extremely careful and try not to make mistakes when entering account information.

Create an account using iPhone

Apple company accounts can be created directly from your iPhone. To do this, there are two options - go through a standard registration, in which you must specify information from your bank cards to make payments, or create an Apple ID without a credit card. Up-to-date billing information will be required if you purchase any software from the AppStore. If you do not plan to make purchases and do not want to do it by accident, for example, by mistake. We recommend using the second, more sophisticated, method.

The standard procedure is as follows: you need to open the iTunes Store tab, App Store and find the item "Create a new Apple ID" there.

If you want to register an Apple ID without payment cards and for free, proceed as follows:

  • Go to the App Store.
  • Select a game or application that is offered for free.
  • Download and wait for it to install on your iPhone.
  • The next step is to enter an existing account or start a completely new one. When prompted, select "create a new ID".

After that, the steps are similar in both options:

  • If you do not want to link a card, for one reason or another, it is better to set Russia as a country, even if you live in another state - this will give a wider choice of applications, programs and other things.
  • After that, you need to carefully read and accept the standard user agreement.
  • Then personal data is entered. When specifying an existing email address and password, be careful - for security reasons, the password must consist of at least eight characters, have letters in both cases.
  • When specifying an age, please note that you cannot enter less than 13 years, and if you enter less than 18, access to the content will be restricted.
  • The answers you will enter to security questions are best saved in text file or write down on paper and hide. This is done in order to quickly and safely restore access to your account if necessary.
  • If you are registering in the first way, then you will need to enter payment information.
  • Procedure completed.

After that, you need to go to the mailbox that was used to create the account. It should receive a letter from technical support, with confirmation of Apple ID creation. For the first registration of apple id to be quick and correct, just click on the highlighted link with the text of the letter.

iTunes to the rescue

Alternatively, an account for an iPhone or iPad can be issued using the official iTunes program. In this scenario, you will be able to choose whether to indicate information about your cards or not. Before you change the ID, you need to go to the menu and find the iTunes Store item there. If you want to learn how to create an Apple ID without payment information, as in the first case, you need to download any free app and go to this menu with it.

After this, the actions are standard in both cases:

  • The system will offer to log in to a newly created, existing account or create a new one.
  • After selecting the option to create a new one, enter your details. As stated earlier, they must be true so that you can confirm their authenticity.
  • After that, you will have to answer security questions (it is better to write down the answers) and enter your card details or refuse it if you want to create an Apple ID without a credit card.
  • After completing the registration, be sure to go to the mailbox and immediately confirm the creation in the mail, using the highlighted link in the body of the letter.

If a letter from those. support does not come for a long time, check your spam folders and filtered emails in other categories - often emails arrive there by mistake.

What mistakes can be made?

To learn how to register an ID on an iPhone correctly, how to change an ID on a device, you need to know what mistakes to avoid. Most often, the following difficulties arise in the process:

  • You don't want to make purchases from the App Store. In order not to even accidentally buy any paid content without providing bank card details.
  • It is best to indicate the real age, but only if it is more than 13, and preferably more than 18 years. If you set the age to 12 years or less, the system will simply not let you create your Apple ID. And if you specify an age of less than 18, you will not get access to all content.
  • If you managed to get mail with an address on or, you will have to create an account for iPhone to register new box. These addresses are not suitable for creating accounts.
  • If the name you entered contains invalid characters, please note that there are no Russian letters in the mail address, and there are no extra characters, dots, numbers, etc. in the name and surname.
  • The password must be complex. So too simple password The system will not let you complete the process to the end. Numbers, uppercase and lowercase letters, symbols - the more of them in the password, the better.
  • An obstacle in creating an ID on an iPhone can be a server failure. In this case, it is best to wait and continue in half an hour - an hour when the servers will be up and running.

In general, registering a new Apple ID does not take much time. Even an inexperienced user will be able to carry out this operation if he acts according to the instructions.

We will tell you how to set up and manage your Apple ID in the next article, stay tuned.


You already understood that creating an account for iphone is no more difficult than getting an e-mail. You need to delve into the essence of the process further, mechanically fill in the necessary fields. Registration does not take a lot of time, so in 20 minutes you will be able to use smartphones as a full owner of a smart device capable of many amazing things.

Video instruction

For all Apple services, there is a single account - Apple ID. With it, you can use the following apps: iTunes, iCloud, Apple Music, App Store and some others. Also, with an Apple ID account, you can sync all your devices, use Find My iPhone, and more. useful features. But, when you try to authorize in the system, you may experience an error related to problems with logging in, device verification, or Apple servers.

Possible errors related to Apple ID

There are several types of errors that can occur when working with an Apple ID:

Error connecting to the Apple ID server - may appear when you try to log in to your account via iPhone, iPad, iPod touch or a computer running Mac OS or Windows.

Firstly, it may arise due to the fact that some technical work is really being carried out on Apple servers, but the chance of this is very small. Most likely the reason is the following:

  • In an incorrectly entered login or password;
  • outdated firmware version of the device;
  • an outdated version of the application through which you are trying to log in;
  • inaccurate date and time settings;
  • problems related to the Internet;
  • it is possible that the error may appear after jailbreaking the device's firmware.

Verification failure - this error occurs when using official applications from Apple - iTunes, App Store, Apple Music, iCloud, etc. The reasons for its occurrence are the same as for the previous error.

Sign in failure or error "This Apple ID is not supported" - this problem occurs when you try to authorize in Apple services and means that you can use this application through your Apple account ID is not allowed. That is, there are some accounts that are not supported by the system, perhaps they are outdated or were registered incorrectly.

Error "Apple ID not found" or "Apple ID is not up to date" - can appear if your account is not up to date or blocked. You may not have verified your account through the email that you received after registration was completed.

Unable to sign in to account due to authentication required notification - occurs on computers if you try to sign in to iTunes or iCloud without having administrator rights.

Troubleshooting (including when connecting to the server)

Before proceeding to the individual elimination of each of possible errors one by one, try the following steps.

Device reboot

Perhaps a simple reboot will solve the problem, as all processes and applications will reboot along with the device and start working correctly. That is, this option is suitable if the error occurs due to the application itself.

Login to your account through the official website

This action is performed in order to find out what is the cause of the error - in the account itself or in the application that cannot be entered. Go to the official Apple ID website ( and try to sign in with your unique username and password. If the authorization is successful, then the whole thing is in the application, if some kind of failure occurs, then the problem is with the account.

Checking the Health of Apple Servers

If you get a notification "Error connecting to the Apple ID server", then there is a way with which you can check if the server is really in this moment do not work, or there is a problem with the account. Let's go to this link and in the list that opens we find the service that you cannot access. The data is constantly updated in automatic mode and, if you see a red cube opposite the selected service, it means that it is not available now, you need to wait a while. If everything is in order with the service, the problem lies in the account.

Checking the health of the Internet connection

Try to open any other application that requires an internet connection and make sure that all pages in it will load. Try reconnecting to Wi-Fi or mobile internet.

Setting the date and time

Applications may not work correctly if the device has wrong settings date and time. This is due to the fact that when the Internet is connected between the data stored on the device and the application servers, information is exchanged and security certificates are checked.

  1. Open the Settings app.
  2. Go to the "Date and Time" subsection.
  3. Turn on the “Automatic” function so that the device independently checks and sets the time and date via the Internet.
  4. If there is no constant access to the Internet, then it is better to go to the "Set the date and time" section.
  5. And set the settings in it manually, after finding the exact time on any site with the exact data corresponding to your time zone.


You may need to re-login to your account through the device settings:

  1. Navigate to the "iTunes and App Store" section.
  2. Click on your unique Apple ID.
  3. In the menu that opens, select the "Exit" option.
  4. Reboot your device.
  5. Go back to the "iTunes and App Store" section and log in to your account.

IOS operating system update

An error when trying to authorize may occur if your device has a beta version of the firmware installed. It is not necessary to update to the latest IOS 10, but if you are using, for example, IOS 8.0.1 beta, then you should update the system to the version without the beta prefix.

  1. Open the Settings app.
  2. Connect in advance to any available network WiFi.
  3. Go to the "Basic" section.
  4. Go to the "Software Update" subsection and wait until the end of the process of searching for updates.
  5. Click the "Install" button.
  6. We are waiting for the end of the process of loading and updating the system.

Turn off the firewall on the computer

If an error occurs on the computer and you are sure that the Internet connection is stable, then the antivirus can block the application from accessing the network, and because of this, an authorization error occurs.

  1. Open the antivirus installed on your computer.
  2. Go to the "Tools" section.
  3. Open the Firewall add-on.
  4. In the window that opens, go to the Firewall section.
  5. We remove the icon in the form of fire opposite the application in which an authorization error occurred.

Application update

The iTunes app on your computer doesn't always update automatically, so sometimes you need to update it manually:

Password reset

Perhaps due to failures on Apple servers, the password from your account has become invalid, that is, it should be restored:

How to fix "This Apple ID is not supported" error

If you have this problem, then for some reason your account cannot interact with Apple services. This is most likely not your fault, so the only thing you can do is contact Apple Support.

  1. Go to the Apple Support website and click the "Contact Support" button.
  2. In the "Contact Us" section, click on the "Help" button.
  3. Go to the Apple ID topic.
  4. Go to the item "Other sections about Apple ID ID".
  5. Select the "Theme is not listed" option.
  6. Describe your problem, but most likely the system will not find an answer, so click the "Continue" button.
  7. Select the method by which you will contact support. When describing your problem, try to describe as accurately as possible what happened and what solutions did not help. Have all the necessary data with you: login, mail to which the account is registered, answers to secret questions, a clear wording of the error that has occurred.

Troubleshooting "Device Authentication Required" error

If this error occurs, you need to log in with an account with administrator rights.

On MacOS

On Windows

Troubleshoot "Apple ID not found" error

The error occurs due to the fact that the account was not confirmed via e-mail, so we find the letter that should have arrived after the end of registration, and follow the link contained in it.

How to avoid problems with your Apple ID in the future

  • Always remember the answers to security questions and other additional passwords to restore access to your account. Don't forget to specify in your account settings spare mail so that if you lose access to the main one, you will not lose access to your Apple ID.
  • Make sure that the firmware version of the device and the application through which you are trying to log in are up to date.
  • Do not share your account password with anyone, do not enter it on suspicious sites that require it to work.
  • Before you solve the error that has arisen, find out what exactly is the reason (in the device, application, account, Apple servers or Internet connection), otherwise you can only make things worse.

When using Apple servers, various errors related to a single Apple ID account may occur, but any of them can be resolved on your own. If for some reason the problem could not be fixed, you can always contact the official Apple support service and get the help of qualified specialists.

When upon entering account The Apple system suddenly gives an error, the device automatically turns into a “brick” or simply into a “dialer” in the case of a smartphone. Unable to use branded services: no access to iCloud, AppStore, iTunes, etc. Usually, an access problem occurs after updating the current version of iOS.

Apple ID errors and how to fix them

An Apple ID error usually occurs when a user tries to sign in to their account while installing an app through the AppStore, making an iTunes purchase, or turning on the device after an iOS update. Often this problem manifests itself in iOS versions 9.3.2 and 10 - this is due to Apple's transition to a two-factor authentication system.

First, make sure your Apple ID is valid. Checking this is quite simple: go to the Apple website and enter your account information - it should open. If this does not happen, you either entered the data incorrectly or forgot the password. If the information is lost forever, register a new "account". If everything is in order with the Apple ID, then you need to find out the cause of the error by successively checking the options described below.

Server connection error

Messages like "Error connecting to server", "Connection to Apple ID failed", etc. occur for the following reasons:

  • the time and date settings were incorrectly set, or the device is not tied to the correct time zone. It is corrected by putting down the necessary data (“Settings” - “General” - “Date and time”);

    Date, time and time zone settings are set in the menu "Settings" - "Basic" - "Date and time"

  • the serial number of your device is hidden. “Treatment” is simple: in the “Main” sub-item of the settings menu there is a section “About this device” - the serial number is indicated there. If it is not there, drive it in manually, it is written on the package;

    The serial number of the device should be displayed when going to the item "Settings" - "General" - "About this device"

  • the device has an out-of-date or beta- iOS version. It helps to update to the latest stable firmware. To check the serial number of your operating system, you need to go to the "General" section of the settings menu and select the "Software Update" item. The system will check for new versions and report if they are available;

    The current version of iOS and available updates are checked in the menu "Settings" - "General" - "Software Updates"

  • poor internet connection. Reload wifi router, if it is about home network. Reboot also the device itself, go to settings and select WiFi section. Click on your network and click the "Forget this network" button, then reconnect to it. Sometimes this method helps to solve the problem;

    To fix network problems, restart the device, in the "Settings" - "Wi-Fi" menu, select the name of your network, click "Forget this network" and reconnect to it

  • it happens that the problems are not with you, but on the Apple server itself, for example, due to overload or technical work. The official website of the company has a "System Status" section, which lists all the servers and indicates their operability at the current time - sometimes it is enough to check your problem with the status of the corresponding server and wait a bit;

    On the official Apple website, you can see the status and health of Apple servers at the current moment - sometimes failures occur due to technical work

  • jailbreak on the device. You can get rid of it by restoring the factory settings. Launch iTunes on your computer, connect to it mobile device, wait until the program displays your device, and select it. In the window on the right, click on the "Restore iPhone" or "Restore iPad" button, confirm the action and the system will restore the factory settings without jailbreak.

    To remove the jailbreak, you need to go to iTunes from your PC and select "Restore iPhone" (or iPad)

Access to Apple servers can be blocked by antiviruses and similar programs. Remember that in iOS they are not needed - you can safely turn them off.

There are two more ways to solve the problem with connecting to the Apple server:

Video: What to do if an Apple ID connection error occurs

Failed to Sign in to Apple ID

Failure to log into the account sometimes occurs due to software problems on the server - then you need to wait for the technical work to be completed. How to check this is described above, but if the problem is not on Apple's side, then you should go through the activation through the iTunes program. To do this, you need to run it on your PC and follow these steps:

  1. Sign out of your account iTunes records: at the top left, click on the store icon or the inscription "Account", call the "Authorization" menu and click "Deauthorize account ...", then reboot and log in to the store again.
  2. If authorization does not work after that, go to the settings window in your account and click "Set up as a new iPhone", in the next window click "Skip this step" and then follow the activation instructions. You will have access to the device.

    3. In the "Shop" menu on the left upper corner pass authorization.

Invalid Apple ID

The signal that you entered an invalid Apple ID, along with a message that it cannot be used to unlock the device, appears for two reasons:

  1. Initially, the device was activated with a different Apple ID - this happens when you are not the first owner of the device. If the previous owner cannot be contacted, but the receipt has been preserved, you can contact Apple technical support and state the problem in as much detail as possible. If there are no purchase documents, you need to go to the specialists at the service center.
  2. Apple error - especially common after updating iOS to version 9. Update iTunes to latest version and try entering the data again. If it doesn't work, call technical support or go to a service center.

Apple ID not found

This error appears when you log into your account, and its reason is simple - you forgot the exact login or password. In this situation, you can take the following actions:

  • try everything as login email addresses, owned by you - usually the identifier matches the user's email;
  • On the Apple website, you can request a password if you are sure that your ID is correct. To do this, go to the section with Apple ID and click on the link to restore information there - you will need to enter your first name with last name and email;

    You can recover your Apple ID password on the official Apple website

  • to remember the account, iTunes running on your PC, click on any of the purchased applications. For example, select Info from the Edit menu in the Library and navigate to the File tab. There, in the “Purchased” sub-item, the Apple ID from which the purchase was made will be indicated;

    To view the ID in iTunes, view the details of any previously purchased app

  • if you have others iOS devices and they're signed in with an Apple ID, the Settings menu on that device will show their username on the top line. In addition, it can be viewed in the iTunes Store and AppStore or iCloud (in iOS 10.2 and earlier), as well as in FaceTime.

    To find out your Apple ID, just go to the settings: it is listed in the iTunes Store and AppStore section

Remember that it's best to use one Apple ID - this simplifies access to all applications and avoids confusion.

Failed to create an Apple ID

When creating an Apple ID, the system can also give errors - this usually happens due to the user's inattention. Here are a few reasons why ID creation might fail:

  • without entering credit card information, even if you plan to use only free content, you will not be able to get an Apple ID. You should also not enter non-existent data - the system will definitely check the card;
  • there are age restrictions to create an Apple ID: the user must be at least 13 years old, and minors create an account only with the consent of their parents. A full account is given from the age of 18. If initially during registration an age of less than 13 years was indicated, then later, by changing the date of birth, it will no longer be possible to deceive the system. Here you will need to use a PC to create a new ID;
  • addresses on the and servers are not allowed as a login;
  • The username must not contain prohibited characters, such as Russian letters. The name and surname should not contain dots and numbers;
  • all password requirements must be met. They are listed next to the input field.

Video: how to create an Apple ID without errors

Sometimes the system displays a message that the maximum possible number of free Apple IDs have already been activated on this device - this happens when you are not the first owner of the device (it is impossible to activate more than three accounts on one device). If you have a computer with MacOS, then you can activate your account from it. Otherwise, find an iOS device from friends or acquaintances on which to activate your Apple ID.

This Apple ID is valid but not an iCloud account

This rather rare problem manifests itself in two cases:

To prevent your account from being hacked, it is advisable to enable two-factor authentication.

If you get the message "Your Apple ID has been disabled", it's annoying, but not fatal. Most likely, you violated some rules for using an identifier. Apple disables the account for several reasons:

The easiest way is to create a new Apple ID, but if too much data was attached to the old ID, then it must be restored. To do this, you will have to contact Apple technical support. You need to find out the exact reason for deactivating the account, fix it and reactivate the Apple ID.

Russian-speaking support can be contacted from 9 am to 9 pm by phone numbers listed on the official website of the company. There you can also order a callback by filling out a special form and start a chat with a specialist. If you own English language- write a letter to the e-mail address indicated on the site and state your problem.

On the official Apple website, you can order a call from a technical support specialist if you do not want to call there yourself

Technical support will tell you the real reason for the disconnection and offer ways to cancel it. In the worst case scenario, you will be informed that the Apple ID is permanently blocked - then you will have to create a new identifier.

Unfortunately, problems with Apple ID do not allow you to freely use the applications installed on your iOS device, and in general bring a lot of inconvenience. Remember that a hard reset with data reset is an extreme way out of the situation, most often errors with an Apple account can be solved in other ways. And, of course, be careful!

“Create a single identifier for all Apple products, because I had a vision that it is very convenient and will win us an audience,” said the great prophet Steve Jobs at one of the meetings of the Board of Directors of Apple Corporation. Maybe the text was a little different, but the meaning is conveyed accurately. Apple ID is one of the most comprehensive identifiers in the world.

What is an Apple ID for?

So, Apple ID is your identifier in the environment of all services that Apple represents. Moreover, this identifier allows you to activate devices bought in special stores. Your device will not be able to function at its full "power" if you do not activate it using your own or someone else's account. Apple records ID. Despite the initial opinion about the inconvenience of such work of technology, "apple" gadgets are leaders in the sales of smart devices. First of all, because of the degree of security that Apple products guarantee. Of course, nothing will save you from a pickpocket or a group of athletic-looking people with rebars in their hands. But Apple's gadget protection system allows you to turn your beautiful and functional phones into a useless pile of plastic if they fall into the wrong hands. And no one but yourself will be able to force the tablet to show movies again, and the phone to call and send messages. Statistics state that the theft of i-devices is the lowest among all gadgets. Largely thanks to Apple ID - it guarantees you the convenience and security of all "apple" devices.

How to register, create an Apple ID in the App Store

Given that the identifier is used in many services, it can also be registered in different services. This frees you from having to use one application that may not be used anymore.

One of the most popular ways to register an Apple ID is through an iPhone or iPad.

  1. Finding and opening app store. Opening the App Store app
  2. Scrolling to the very end of the application page, we find the star icon with the caption "Selection". Click the icon and in the drop-down menu click on the "Login" button.
    The "Login" button opens the identification menu
  3. In the next menu, click on the "Create Apple ID" item.
    Through the "Create Apple ID" button, we begin registering an Apple ID
  4. Now we enter our data, first you need to select a country and click "Next".
    After selecting the country of residence, click "Next"
  5. We accept the user agreement with the corresponding button.
    We agree with user agreement Apple
  6. Next, we enter information from the list of requested data:
    • the email address to which the confirmation email will be sent;
    • a password that must contain letters (both uppercase and lowercase) and numbers - at least 8 characters in total;
    • control questions (and answers for them). This is necessary so that if you lose your password, you can restore your account;
    • Date of Birth.
  7. We agree or refuse a subscription in the form of advertising and promotions from the App Store and click "Next".
    Agree or refuse advertising and promotions of the App Store and click "Next"
  8. The next step is to enter your home address and phone number.
    Enter your home address and contact number and click "Next"
  9. Next, enter the payment method for goods and services provided by the Apple store. It could be credit card(then you need to enter its number, the security code on the back, as well as the date until which this card is suitable for work).
  10. And at the last step, we confirm the email address. To do this, go to the e-mail, open the letter from Apple and follow the link indicated in the letter.

Voila! You've created your own Apple ID that you can use to make purchases and use all of Apple's services.

How to create an Apple ID using the iTunes app

iTunes is required to create an Apple ID on a Mac or PC.

Video: How to create an Apple ID using iTunes

How to create an Apple ID without a credit card

In most cases, when creating an Apple ID account, data is immediately required bank card or a telephone account from which funds will be withdrawn for purchases made. But you can bypass this moment if you only need an identifier.

Other possible ways to create an Apple ID

Carry out registration new Apple ID can be done in a couple of ways:

  • using the “Setup Assistant” during the first turn on of the device and its activation;
  • through the settings of an already activated gadget.

The Setup Assistant will prompt you to create a new ID. Follow the tips of the assistant and the instructions above, and registration will be completed as quickly as possible.

If you activated your device but did not create an Apple ID during activation (due to technical or personal reasons), you can create an ID without any additional applications.

Problems when registering and creating an Apple ID and how to solve them

There are not many such problems, the main one is the lack of communication with the server. But there can be several reasons why this problem occurs.

When issuing a similar error on the gadget, you should check:

  • an active Internet connection, is it working;
  • provider settings, to the extent possible (there is a possibility that the provider is blocking access to one or more Apple servers);
  • the novelty of your device. If the phone is taken from hand, then it is better to roll back to the factory settings. Old host settings could lead to the blocking of the Internet or its individual segments.

If such an error occurs on a computer, there are not much more options:

  • check your internet connection, everything is working;
  • update the iTunes app to the latest version;
  • check your computer for viruses and, oddly enough, for antiviruses. Some protection programs have been caught blocking access to completely safe and trusted sites;
  • check your VPN and proxy settings.

If you don't receive an email, check your Spam or similar folder (depending on your service provider). Also make sure you enter the correct email address.

In the end, do not forget that Apple servers are not iron (albeit iron) and may well be overloaded or technical work may be carried out on them.

It is easy to create a universal identifier, as well as benefit and benefit from its use. One account can be used on all your Apple devices and in all departments and stores of the corporation.

Sometimes, after updating the operating system of an iOS device, when trying to log in with their ID account, users encounter an unknown error. The device reports that the sign-in is not possible due to verification failures, and that there was an error connecting to the Apple ID server. The most annoying thing is that as a result, the device becomes a regular “dialer”, since services from the “apple” company become unavailable. You can't sign in to the AppStore, iCloud, and the like.

When such a trouble occurs, the first thing to do is to check the ID for correctness and validity, that is, to find out if it is currently functioning. For this purpose, you need to make a transition to the company's resource on the network and drive in your account information. If it doesn't open, create a new one. If everything is fine, we are looking for other causes of failures.

Already at the activation stage, connecting to Apple servers can be difficult. Here you can take only 2 types of solutions:

  • Activate via PC/Laptop using iTunes. Although this program also often has problems.
  • Skip ID generation and perform this operation later, after starting the device.

Skip creating an Apple ID

In a situation where it is not possible to log in to your ID on a running OS or, on the contrary, the user is logged in, but the AppStore and other services do not function due to failures, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • Is everything okay with the servers of the "apple" company? It happens that they function intermittently.
  • Check that the time and date are set correctly. If this does not work automatically, install manually.
  • Make sure the current version of the operating system is "fresh". Also, this is not a beta version. In the latter case, the user deliberately installs an incomplete software, therefore, various kinds of errors are possible.
  • Check the stability of the network connection, and all methods. Sometimes the reason lies in Wi-Fi, for example, the module is faulty, although the signal is excellent. This is why the ID connection fails.
  • Try to log out of ID. To do this, go to the settings, then to the AppStore, then click on the logout item. Reboot your iOS device and log in with your ID again.
  • Do a hard reset (erase everything). This method is the most cardinal and is performed in the most difficult situations when other methods have not helped. Be sure to create a backup before starting the operation.

Often the source of problems is a "jailbroken" device. Therefore, if no recommendations have corrected the situation, you will have to get rid of the Jail. This can be done correctly only through the recovery procedure.

If an error occurs while using iTunes

In quite rare situations, server connection errors can be triggered by iTunes. However, eliminating them is simple, for this you will need:

  • Check network stability.
  • Disable antivirus software for a while.
  • Check iTunes for "freshness".
  • If an account was previously used on a PC / laptop, you need to try to “unhook” it from iTunes. For this purpose, iTunes is opened, and in the upper left corner, click on the store icon and the item to deauthorize this PC. Restart your PC and log in again. Deauthorize PC.

This completes the list of available actions for self-solving the problem. If your iOS device has an error connecting to the Apple ID server, try each of them. As a rule, at one of the stages the connection succeeds.

I can't sign in to the iTunes Store: reasons

As a rule, this happens when a user installs a software update on a phone or downloads a completely new program. As a result, an error pops up, which is a consequence of problems that appeared long before.

The following might occur:

  • Incorrect date value. Maybe there is no binding to a specific time zone.
  • Hiding serial number, due to which difficulties arise quite often, and the connection to the AppStore fails. However, the solution here is simple. You need to go to the settings item, select the section about the device and make sure that the necessary parameters are present there.
  • Another common problem that causes informational errors to pop up is the lack of a normal connection. AppStore developers have repeatedly stated that a stable functioning of the store requires high-quality Internet. Therefore, if there are problems with Wi-Fi, there is a possibility of repeated recurrence of the error.
  • If there are invalid (expired) certificates, there may also be barriers to communication. But this is corrected in an elementary way. It is required to delete 2 elements from the certificates folder - “ocspcache.db”, “crlcache.db”, then reboot the device and re-enter the store.

First steps when an error pops up

All the recommendations that were given above are followed in the presence of serious problems. Or in critical situations. And the very first step, if you cannot connect to the Apple ID servers, will be the following.

Before proceeding to self-elimination problems or contact a repair shop, conduct a thorough diagnosis of the modem. If the network is stable, the speed is high, and there are no failures or disconnections, try entering the ID from another device.

It is also a good idea to resort to the procedure for rebooting the tablet or phone. Sometimes such a simple step eliminates the error 100%. After completing the operation, you should immediately try to log into your account.

Sometimes it happens that the simplest procedure for logging out of the account and re-entering the required data helped to remove the error forever. Moreover, this is the easiest solution that does not require much time.

Which method of eliminating the error to choose - decide for yourself in a particular situation. If you can’t cope with the trouble for a long time and none of the recommendations given in the article helps, contact the developer directly.