Flash Kenwood radio. Programming walkie-talkies

To program Kenwood TK-3107 or 2107 radios, you must have two programs:

  • Volkov Commander (one of the popular file managers for the DOS operating system, it can be downloaded shareware for free under the Shareware license);
  • KPG55D (a program with which you can configure the walkie-talkie).

First, the KP55D archive needs to be unpacked so that we end up with a file with the extension .exe. Then launch the Volkov Commander program, where a list of files will open. Use the cursor on your keyboard to select the KPG55D.exe file and press Enter.

Press Enter again twice and a list of 16 positions will open to us. It's empty for now.

Now take the walkie-talkie.

WITH right side, without turning on the radio, insert the cable, then connect the COM port to the computer and turn on the radio.

In the program, press Alt and use the right arrow to move the cursor to the Program menu, where Read from radio will be displayed. Press Enter. (If you suddenly get an error, then you need to follow the route Control Panel > System > Hardware > Hardware Manager, find Ports (COM and LPT) in the list that opens, find Prolific USB-to-Serial Comm Port there. COM1 or should be written in brackets COM2. If there is a different value, then click on this port right click mouse, select the menu Properties > Port Settings > Advanced, at the bottom left you can change the position of the port, we need the first or second position. Even if position 1 or 2 is occupied, still place the COM port on one of these positions. Restart your computer, and it will return everything to its place. Click OK.)

Return to the program and press Alt, use the right arrow to move the cursor to the Setup menu, where Communication Port is highlighted, and press Enter. Select the port to which the cable is connected. Press Enter, Alt again, use the left arrow to return to the Program menu and press Enter.

The data will be transferred to the computer, and a list of sixteen positions will be filled with the frequencies that were in the radio. Enter the frequencies you need there.

Press Alt, in the Program menu use the down arrow to select Write to radio and press Enter. The frequencies will begin to be recorded on the radio.

After finishing recording, press Alt, use the left arrow to go to the File menu, then go to the very bottom to Exit. Press Enter. The program will turn off.

Now turn off the radio, then remove the plug from it. Test it: turn it on again and try to communicate with other radios.

It makes sense to make yourself a list of frequencies on a piece of paper and put it in a convenient place: this way you won’t forget which frequency is which.

There are only two possible COM ports in the program, so the properties of the purchased adapter need to be changed. After installing the driver for the adapter cable and connecting the adapter cable itself to the computer, go here: Computer Control Panel > System > Devices > Device Manager > COM and LPT Ports > Prolific USB-to-Serial Comm Port. Go to Properties > Port Settings > Advanced... > COM Port Number, select COM 1 or COM2 and click OK.

That's all the firmware for the Kenwood TK-2107 radio.

If you contact our specialist or the dealer who sold you the device, they will tell you where to find software for programming the Kenwood TK-2107 radio station and a programmer. Perhaps software for Kenwood radios is sold along with programmers for them.

We will be happy to advise you on all issues related to programming radios. Call!

Programming radios from the world's leading manufacturers

We do programming Motorola radios, Kenwood, ICOM, Vertex, Yaesu, Hytera, basic relay equipment, as well as other auxiliary electronic equipment. We program portable, car, stationary radio stations and basic relay complexes, as well as central equipment for both amateur and professional radio purposes.

Programming of walkie-talkies is carried out both at a basic level - programming frequencies, tone codes and control of basic functions, and at a deep level - setting up personal radio calls, organizing multi-level working groups with different levels of access and functionality, both on the basis of the capabilities of the RES, and on the basis of the capabilities of the central equipment of communication systems and dispatch systems.

Programming new radios

If you received new radio stations from your supplier without prior programming, then we will provide you with a service for flashing them, and the new ones Walkie-talkies purchased from our company are programmed without paying for this service.

On-the-go radio programming and maintenance

We also reprogram walkie-talkies that need to change previously programmed parameters, from changing operating frequencies to fine tuning parameters of receivers and transmitters, if over time they have gone beyond the factory settings.

Flashing radio stations on-site without interrupting production

In the case where your enterprise has neither the desire nor the ability to exclude communications from technological process, or it is difficult to assemble equipment from several sites, our employees can perform programming services for radio stations and central equipment directly at your sites.

Programming radios with temporary replacement of equipment

Even if a situation arises when it is impossible to get to your facility due to access restrictions and there is no possibility of excluding radio stations from the technological chain, we will find a way out of the situation - by providing you with our own fleet for the time of reprogramming radio stations or by temporarily equipping you with software and hardware systems and pre-prepared firmware necessary for your independent programming of radio stations.

Setting up and programming basic (relay) equipment

Also, at your request, our employees will fine-tune not only your subscriber equipment, but also the central equipment, changing, if necessary, its power, deviation, frequency drift, sensitivity, etc., as well as carry out adjustment of antenna-feeder devices or their preventive maintenance service.

Programming walkie-talkies - estimated cost of services

The price for programming radio stations is indicated subject to the provision of services on the territory of our technical center in Moscow; the cost of services performed on site should be agreed upon with our company employees.

Types of jobs Price for one
Primary programming and firmware of radios purchased from our company For free
Programming/reprogramming of professional radio stations from 300 rub.
Programming DMR radio stations and radio stations of other digital protocols from 500 rub.
Programming/firmware of amateur radio station from 500 rub.
Programming radio parameters outside of factory settings from 800 rub.
Programming a walkie-talkie according to the provided sample of a RES of another model from 800 rub.
Cloning radio parameters from 150 rub.
On-site programming of walkie-talkies, Moscow from 1500 rub
Firmware for walkie-talkies, specialist visits to the regions Negotiable
Programming central and auxiliary equipment Negotiable

Do-it-yourself setup and programming of walkie-talkies

If you think that programming radio stations in our company is not practical for you and you think that it will be more convenient for you to do it yourself, then below we provide you with information on how to do it yourself, and you can contact us for advice, software, and appropriate cables and programmers.

Preparing the radio station for programming

If, for one reason or another, you are faced with the task of independently programming radio stations (radio firmware) or relay complexes, but you have never had anything to do with this, then you will naturally be interested in the question - How and with what exactly is the programming of walkie-talkies done? First, you must determine how your walkie-talkie model is programmed; if it belongs to the category of amateur radio - equipped with a keyboard and display, then in 95% of cases your walkie-talkie is programmed directly from the keyboard, but it may also turn out that you purchased a professional means of communication with a keyboard and display to access current functions However, it will not be possible to program such a radio station from the keyboard, since this function is blocked in professional radio stations. In the case of amateur radio equipment, strictly follow the instructions from its instructions and programming the radio will be completed by you without difficulty and the use of special equipment. However, if you find out that your radio station does not have controls or they are not intended for programming it, and the documentation for it does not contain direct instructions on how to program your radio station, then most likely the answer to this question will contain two main components you will need:

- programmer and cable for setting up and programming walkie-talkies directly to your model (programmers can be either monoblock or multi-component);
- software (software/program) for programming walkie-talkies, also designed specifically for your model.

We will not consider the option of cloning (copying from one means of communication to another without changing parameters) the settings of both amateur and professional radio stations; you will always find the methodology for carrying out this procedure in the instructions for your walkie-talkie. The only thing, keep in mind that in certain cases you will need a cloning cable, and not a radio programming cable, these are two different types of cables. The radio programming cable is connected to the computer, and the cloning cable transfers the radio settings profile directly, without connecting to intermediate devices.

Actually, as you understand, in order to program and reprogram walkie-talkies with your own hands, you don’t need anything top-secret or inaccessible, but you should be prepared for the fact that if software for programming radio stations is mainly available on the network, then Not all programming cables and cables can be made by yourself, and some of them cost quite a lot of money and it is often much easier to contact a specialized organization like ours to save time and money when solving this problem.

Before you go collecting the elements you need, you should clarify that programming a portable radio station is practically no different from programming car and stationary walkie-talkies, except that you will need to provide power to such a radio station DC 12V of appropriate power, because When turned on, some radio stations undergo a self-test cycle of the power circuits and, if there is no current at the required level in them, they simply do not allow the radio station to turn on.

Preparation and configuration of the software and hardware complex

We have sorted out the selection of equipment for flashing radios, and if you purchased it or borrowed it from someone, now you are faced with the task of connecting your radio and Personal Computer. Here you need to take into account a number of points that may be missed or not entirely obvious on preparatory stage. Necessary:

Please note that does your computer have the appropriate ports USB or COM-Port / RS232;
- emphasize on compatibility of your operating system systems with one or another software, because You may get your hands on a radio station programmed with ancient operating systems or even under DOS.

Today, modern software and hardware systems use USB cable for programming walkie-talkies, and not at every step you come across computers with com ports, so if it suddenly turns out that your computer does not have the necessary COM-Port / RS232, then you embark on the path of searching for special devices that provide COM-Port / RS232 emulation on yours USB ports and select an engineering or old PC with the port and operating system you need. The program for flashing the radio is usually found on the Internet or purchased from the corresponding software supplier. After clarifying the compatibility parameters, you will need to install the software necessary for programming radio stations and, if necessary, the appropriate drivers for your special peripheral devices, which include programmers according to operating systems. If everything went well, then you need to connect the radio station to the computer with the appropriate cord/cable/programmer and turn it on.

Flashing radios, reading, writing, cloning

Connect the radio to the computer with the appropriate cable, turn on your radio and note that programming the radio should only be done when the battery has sufficient charge and during the programming process the radio should not be turned off or disconnected from the computer, in 99% of cases this will lead you straight to service center.

For ham radios and direct frequency entry radios, simply follow the instructions to configure the specific features of your radio. For professional communications equipment, this procedure consists of three main and one auxiliary phases; you will find the following items on the tab of any software:

Reading, also known as copying a profile/image/mask/firmware file, etc. from walkie-talkie to computer
- editing or studying the obtained parameters by the user or engineer
- recording the edited profile back to the radio station, if necessary
- or cloning the received parameters into other radios of the same model

The functions of reading data from the radio, recording it and cloning do not represent anything significant and are performed, as a rule, with one single click of the mouse; in some models they can be confirmed by simple auxiliary menus. However, on a number of models and from a number of manufacturers, you may also encounter a requirement to perform some manipulations with the radio station before reading or writing a profile. However, in 99% of cases you just need to perform the actions prescribed to you, after which the process you are interested in will be completed.
But with data editing, everything is completely different and if in some models you literally cannot change anything significant (radios with fixed communication channels in the LPD/PMR bands), then in others you will be allowed to change the profile data so that you can remove the radio station from working condition. Therefore, we highly recommend that after reading data from a radio station, save its profile on your hard drive; the procedure is similar to saving a file in any of the text, table or graphic editors, and after that start editing and upgrading the current state of the radio. If you have a saved firmware file, even if you suddenly bring the settings to the level of inoperability, you can always write old firmware and continue your experiments moving in the direction you need.

Editing a radio station profile, setting up and programming walkie-talkies

A logical question from a user who has never encountered the firmware of a walkie-talkie is - what can be changed there?

90% of users change only the number of working channels of their radio stations and the frequency ratings on them and that's all you need to do in the vast majority of cases to get your communication tool to just start working. If your radio station came from the factory as a “brick” without pre-programmed channels or the channels programmed into it do not suit you in some way.

The next most requested function is programming subtonal (CTCSS/PL/QT) or digital (DCS/DPL/DQT) codes (delimiters/identifiers) groups, this will allow groups of users to be isolated from each other on the same frequency. This may be necessary when your operating frequency is general purpose and it is assumed that there may be someone else on it besides you, and you do not want to listen to the conversations of other user groups. You should do the same if you are suddenly allocated one frequency, but on it you need to organize radio exchange of several groups with different “interests”. These identifiers will allow the radio to attract your attention and turn on the receiver only when it receives a signal with a marker from your group, and not from anyone within the range of your radio.

The remaining functions of radio stations, as a rule, no one knows or configures, even if they have them, and in most modern means of communication this list can be far from small and reach hundreds of interrelated parameters; only the smallest example of the simplest radio station can contain minimal setting parameters:

Channel bandwidth parameters,
Squelch level
Changing the transmitter power level
Scan channels in various ways
Transmission of various signals and messages
VOX - voice activation of the transmitter
Scrambling - protection from eavesdropping
Reverse burst suppression
Assigning channel names
transmitter operation limitation timer - TOT
Battery Saving Mode
Busy Channel Transmission Barring - CBL
Radio access password
Low battery indication
Assigning dozens of functions to additional buttons
and many others

In amateur radio stations, you will have access to an average of 50 to 150 radio station settings and at least a dozen settings for each channel you use; in premium segment professional communications equipment, the number of functional parameters is in the hundreds. However, as we mentioned above, in order for your radio station to work, it is enough to program into it one single working channel with the correct frequency and identifier working group.
Don’t forget to program (record/clone) your second radio station with the same profile, check the functionality of the communication equipment, and also save the profile to HDD computer with a logical name.

Study the capabilities of your communication device, use the functions that interest you, test and combine their capabilities, and here we conclude the section “Programming a walkie-talkie with your own hands”! Clean broadcast to you!

Below we provide you with a list of programmers, adapter cables and software for programming various brands of radio stations that we use and which you may need when programming certain models of walkie-talkies.

Programming/firmware for Motorola radios

COM-Port (RS232) programmers / cable for programming Motorola radios:

// Universal programmer kit a, used in conjunction with the adapter cables listed below
Adapter for flashing Flash memory of Motorola Waris GM140, GM160, GM340, GM360, GM380, GM640, GM660, GM1280 series radios...
Adapter for flashing Flash memory of Motorola radio stations CM160, CM340, CM360, GM300
+ or - GP140, GP340, GP360, GP380, GP640, GP680, GP1280
+ / or - GM140, GM160, GM340, GM360, GM380, GM640, GM660, GM1280, CM140, CM160, CM340, CM360, GM300, GM350, GM600, GM900, GM950, GM1200E
+ - programming Motorola GM1200 radio stations
+ - programming Motorola CP040, CP140, CP160, CP180, P020, P030 radios
+ - GP344, GP388, GP644, GP688, GP344R, GP366R, GP388R, GP644R, GP666R
+ - GP900, MTX838, HT1000, GP1200, GP1200 CENELEC
- programming radio stations Motorola MagOne MP300, Vertex VZ-9

USB programmer / cable for flashing Motorola digital radios:

,- DP1400, SL1600, SL1600, SL4000e, SL4010e
/ - DP4400, DP4401, DP4600, DP4601, DP4800, DP4801
/ / - DM4400E, DM4401E, DM4600E, DM4601E, DM4400, DM4401, DM4600, DM4601, DM3400, DM3401, DM3600, DM3601, DR3000
/ - DP2400E, DP2600E, DP3441E, DP3661 E,DP2400E, DP2600E, DP3441E, DP3661E
/ - programming Motorola DM1400, DM1600 radio stations
/ / - programming Motorola DM1400, DM1600DM2600 radios

- programming Motorola MTR3000 repeaters
- programming radio stations TETRA MTM800E and CM5000
- programming Motorola radios TETRA

USB cable for flashing license-free Motorola LPD/PMR radios:

Cable for flashing radios XTNi, XTNi HC x, XTNiD
- cable for flashing radios,
- cable for flashing the radio
- cable for flashing radios P160, P165, P180, P185

Software for programming Motorola radios

DP1400, SL1600, SL2600, SL4000E , SL4010E, DP2400E, DP2600E, DP3441E, DP3661 E, DP4400E, DP4401E, DP4600E, DP4601E, DP4800E, DP4801 E, DP3400, DP3401, DP3600, DP3601, DM1400, DM1600 , DM2600, SL4000 SL4010, DP2400, DP2600, DP3441, DP4400, DP4401, DP4600, DP4601, DP4800, DP4801
, - CP/CM Commercial CP040, CP140, CP160, CP180, CM160, CM340, CM360
- Waris GP340, GP360, GP380, GM340, GM360, GM380, GP344, GP388, GP344R, GP366R, GP388R, GM340, GM360, GM380
GP640, GP680, GP1280, GP644, GP688, GP644R, GP666R, GM640, GM660, GM1280
GP140, GM140, GM160
- MagOne MP300
- P160, P165, P180, P185
- Alpha P020, P030

Programming / firmware of Vertex Standard / Motorola radios

COM-Port (RS232) programmers for flashing Vertex / Motorola radios:

Universal COM-Port (RS232) programmer for portable radios Vertex VX-231, VX-261, VX-351, VX-354, VX-414, VX-417, VX-424, VX-427, VX-451, VX- 454, VX-459, etc.
cable for flashing radio VX-821, 824, 829 ATEX/ VX-921, 924, 929, ATEX VX-4000
+ VX-2100, VX-2200, VX-4100, VX-4200, VX-4500, VX-4600
+ cable for flashing radio VX-5500
+ cable for programming radios VX-821, 824, 829/ VX-921, 924, 929
cable for programming radios VX-510, VX-1400 and VXR-7000

USB programmer / cable for flashing Vertex / Motorola radios:

Universal USB programmer for almost any Vertex / Motorola radios, used in conjunction with the adapter cables listed below:

VX-2100, VX-2200, VX-4100, VX-4200, VX-4500, VX-4600, VX-1400, EVX-5300, EVX-5400
+ VX-231, VX-351, VX-354, VX-414, VX-417, VX-424, VX-427, VX-451, VX-454, VX-459
+ cable for flashing radio VX-821, 824, 829 ATEX / VX-921, 924, 929, ATEX VX-4000
+ cable for programming radios VX-5500 cable for programming radios VXD-720
cable for programming radios EVX-R70, VXD-7200

Software/program for programming Vertex Standard radios

Program for flashing radio VX-241 PMR446
CE-VZ-30 Software for VZ-30 radios
CE-150Software for programming radio stations VX-261 / VX-264
CE-115 Software for radio programming VX-451 / VX-454 / VX-459
Program for flashing Vertex VX radios -231
Programming software for radios VX-351/VX-354
Software for radio programming VX-351 PMR446

Program for flashing radios VX-414, VX-417, VX-424, VX-427
Software for radios VX-821, 824, 829 / VX-921, 924, 929, VX-4000
Software for radio programming VX-821, 824, 829 ATEX / VX-921, 924, 929 ATEX
Program for flashing radio VX-510

Software for programming radio stations VX-2100 / VX-2200
CE-142 Software for EVX-5300 / EVX-5400 radios
CE-115 Programming software for VX-4500 / VX-4600 radios
Program for flashing radio VX-1210
Programming software for VX-1400 radios
Software for VX-1700 radios
Program for flashing radio VX-5500

Program for flashing VXR-9000 repeaters
VXR-7000 Repeater Software

Programming/firmware for Kenwood radios

COM-Port (RS232) cable for programming Kenwood radios:

Cable for programming conventional wearable radios Kenwood
Cable for programming Kenwood system portable radios
Programming cable mobile radios and Kenwood repeaters
Cable for programming mobile radios and repeaters Kenwood

USB programming cables for flashing Kenwood radios:

Universal USB programmer for Kenwood car radios

Modern professional, and amateur radio stations, like any electronic equipment, require quality maintenance. In addition, most often walkie-talkies are purchased with certain settings, which are not so easy to change on your own. To set the required frequencies or make other changes, a special programmer is required. Walkie-talkie manufacturers, of course, do not include a free programmer with the radio stations, but offer to buy it for a separate price (and a considerable one).

Programming and reprogramming of radios is setting operating frequencies, power and changing other settings of radio stations to the desired parameters using a computer, programmer and appropriate software. Our service center has in its arsenal only modern, highly professional equipment, which guarantees competent and prompt software configuration for any model of radio station.

Is it worth doing the firmware for the radio yourself?

You can, of course, flash the radio station yourself, but this is fraught with various problems. Firstly, you need the programmer itself, necessary drivers and certain firmware. Also, do not forget that the software for the radio stations is constantly updated. So the firmware you have may already be outdated, and you need to look for a new one on the Internet. It’s not a fact that you will find it, much less download it for free.

Walkie-talkie firmware

Secondly, flashing radio stations by amateurs can lead to serious equipment malfunctions or malfunctions of the radios. There are certain subtleties and nuances that are accessible only to experienced professionals.

And finally, thirdly, installing the firmware on your own will take up a huge amount of your precious time, even if you strictly follow the instructions. Even with the help of software, this work is very tedious and meticulous. Our employees will cope with the assigned tasks very, very quickly. And all because we have a database of frequencies and firmware for each specific radio.

Trust the firmware and

radio station programming for professionals

The service center in Moscow website offers any services for setting up walkie-talkies: reprogramming, both complete (the entire walkie-talkie) and partial (for example, programming just one key), setting the required operating frequencies, setting up the uninterrupted operation of communications, etc. Our specialists can easily reprogram and connect radios with each other. different models and manufacturers, and they will operate at the same frequencies.

If you want your radio stations to work clearly and accurately, like a clock, and the quality of communication to always be at its best, contact the radio-repair.ru service center.