Firmware for amazon kindle fire phone. Firmware for Amazon Kindle Fire tablet

Today I want to present you with instructions for installing official firmware on your tablet. Amazon Kindle Fire using a USB cable. Why is this necessary? - you ask. After all, the tablet receives updates “over the air” via Wi-Fi, and there is no need to flash it in this not very convenient way.

It turns out that not everything is so simple. Recently, many messages from owners of the Amazon Kindle Fire tablet have begun to appear on the Internet about problems with the operation of its Wi-Fi module. And some of them managed to solve the problem by flashing the tablet with the latest, most recent version of the software. How to flash a tablet if the Wi-Fi module is not working? This is what I will tell you about in the next instructions.

Instructions for flashing Amazon Kindle Fire firmware via USB cable.

As you probably already guessed, we first of all need a USB to connect the tablet to the computer.

Next, we need to download the latest firmware for Amazon Kindle Fire. You can find it on the official Amazon website at this address. On the page that opens, select your tablet to go to the firmware download page.

Attention! Before flashing the firmware, fully charge the battery of your Kindle Fire.

Now that we have everything we need, let's start flashing the tablet's firmware:

1. Check the firmware version available on the tablet: Click on the " Quick Settings» -> « More» -> « Device" Here you will see the version number of your software, for example: Current Version: 6.2_xxxxx_xxxxxxxx. If the tablet firmware version is lower than the firmware version you downloaded, you can update the tablet using the new firmware.

2. Copy the firmware to the tablet: Turn on your tablet and unlock its screen. Connect your tablet to your computer via a USB cable. Drag the firmware file from your computer to the kindleupdates folder on your tablet and wait until it is completely copied.

3. Disconnect the tablet from the computer: Once you are sure that the firmware file has been completely copied to your tablet, click on the “Disconnect” button on the tablet screen to safely disconnect it from the computer. After this, disconnect the USB cable.

4. Start updating the tablet firmware: Click " Quick Settings» -> « More» -> « Device» -> « Update Your Kindle" (This option will not be available if the firmware file has not been completely copied to the tablet or you already have the latest firmware version installed). The installation of the new firmware will begin.

The tablet must reboot twice during the firmware process. After the first reboot, you will see the Kindle Fire logo on the tablet screen, and after the firmware is completed, the message " Current Version: X.X", where X.X is the version number of the software you just installed on your tablet.

Yesterday a friend brought me a Kindle Fire - a budget tablet from Amazon. In the states it costs only two hundred dollars. By default, the device has a modified build of Android 2.3 installed and does not have the familiar Android Market, Gmail, Google Maps, Google Talk and other Google applications. But there is an Amazon Store. It contains some useful applications, but not all. For example, there is no Skype. The changes also affected the standard Android interface, which has been redesigned and now resembles a bookcase.

After admiring the delights of the new tablet, I decided to install the recently released Android 4.0.3 firmware on it. After searching the Internet, I found several detailed instructions on how to do this. Here is the main article that was useful to me. Everything is described in sufficient detail, so I will not repeat it. Literally two words. Installation is performed using the Kindle Fire Utility v0.9.2, which runs on the computer and downloads the flashing application to the mobile device. The current version of the utility has one drawback - it does not work for updating Kindle Fire 6.2.2.

After spending some time studying math. partly I found out the reason. The problem was that it was not possible to root the device. To do this, the Kindle Fire utility uses the BurritoRoot application. Apparently the developers of Kindle Fire Utility have not yet managed to add the latest version of this application, which supports Kindle Fire 6.2.2.
Therefore, all I had to do was install BurritoRoot3 manually. To do this, you need to download the latest version.apk and run several commands:

Adb shell chmod 777 /data/local/tmp adb install BurritoRoot3.apk adb shell /data/local/tmp/BurritoRoot3.bin --root
After which Kindle Fire Utility will determine that the device is indeed rooted:

I completed the remaining installation steps strictly following the instructions and within 15 minutes I was able to admire the updated interface of Android 4.0.3 (CyanogenMod 9)

Despite the development of technology and their widespread introduction into our daily lives, reading until recently remained on the sidelines of progress. Various e-readers on phones from any manufacturer are convenient in terms of compactness, but not very pleasing to the eye. And the autonomy of such a solution is questionable - almost all smartphones need daily charging. This is tolerable at home, but can lead to a lack of communication on the road - finding an outlet, for example, on a train is problematic. The first signs of changes in the reading process, which in the future could put an end to traditional book publishing, were specialized devices for viewing text files. elink technology, electronic ink, was a breakthrough. Concern for the preservation of vision has found visible embodiment. The advantages of electronic ink are undeniable - from a week to two months without recharging, the screen is close to regular paper (in the latest, high-contrast elink). The disadvantages include extreme fragility - just one fall or pressing too hard on the screen is enough - and that’s all, functionality is restored only in the service, by replacing the burst part. The fact is that almost all existing e-readers are produced on a glass substrate, where the elink screen lies. It is notorious for its inimitable fragility, and replacement costs approach 50% of the price of the device. Which, by the way, is not encouraging with low numbers. The disease of fragility was overcome by replacing glass with flexible plastic and optimizing the design, but the price increased even more. Cheap e-readers on elink were an unattainable dream until the monster of online trading, Amazon, paid attention to this market. Its series of reading devices, collectively called Kindle, has lowered price tags to pleasant levels. For example, a very easy-to-use e-reader with a 6-inch screen from one of the latest generations, the Kindle 4, sells for $69, with worldwide shipping. Customers are expected to spend their money in the built-in online store buying books. In the post-Soviet space, this undoubtedly useful opportunity is not available. And the majority of our fellow citizens, let’s face it, consider it beneath their dignity to pay for virtual goods. Like, why pay for something that is on thousands of sites, just two clicks away? Leaving aside the legality of using collections in online libraries (the topic of copyright is vast and multifaceted), let's talk about something else.

Attention! All instructions apply to non-touchscreen readers and Kindle 4 only!

Having unpacked the small box, our fellow citizen is faced with a surprise - the number of formats is limited to mobi, txt, pdf. Not a lot, considering that on “these Internets of yours” the fb2 format is more familiar to a Russian-speaking user. And converting each book separately is still a pleasure. Of course, with the help of built-in Wi-Fi and a special email address where the file is sent, you can get the book back in mobi format and download it directly to your device. But, unfortunately, open access to the network is not available everywhere. You can pre-edit all the texts in one fell swoop with the excellent Caliber program. In our opinion, these are half measures. It is much more interesting to teach Kindle 4 to understand all formats (including fb2), teach it Russian and slightly modify the built-in software. It's not so easy to do all this, but just once.

Kindle 4 update

Those who want to reflash their Kindle without any risk can take it out, placing it closer to the computer - we are starting our show. Press the Home button, go to the menu, go to Settings. Scrolling down will show you the software version. If the numbers are identical to 4.1.0, that's good, one step is eliminated. If the numbers are smaller, you need to update first. Connect your device to your computer and upload the file ( to the reader without creating any folders. Feel free to disconnect your Kindle, and after going through the confusing menu along the path Home -Menu -Settings - Menu -Update Your Kindle, select the last item. Don't be alarmed by reboots, everything is ok. When the device calms down, look at Settings and see if the version numbers have been updated.

Hack the Kindle 4 reader

The reader has received the latest firmware version, but that's not all. Now we have to force the Kindle to accept programs that were not originally intended for it. Otherwise, Russification and reading fb2 will not take place. In order for the device to gain full functionality, you need to play the role of a hacker for a couple of minutes and hack the device. Let's do that. Download the archive ( . Unpack it anywhere. From there we need to take the data.tar.gz archive, the ENABLE_DIAGS file, and the diagnostic_logs folder. Copy them to your Kindle memory without making folders on the device. Disconnect the cable and reboot the device (menu-settings-menu-restart). The reader will reboot into the text menu. Use the joystick to navigate to point D) Exit, Reboot or Disable Diags. Select it (joystick left or right). In the submenu you will see the logical items reboot system; after selecting it, the device will ask if it understood you correctly. Choose to continue. Kindle will finally agree with you by going into reboot. For a few seconds, the Jailbreak text, familiar to all iPhone owners, will appear on the screen. The reader will again display a text menu on the screen. It is clear that in diagnostic mode it is impossible to use even a jailbroken device, so we force the Kindle to go into the standard state. Go to Exit, Reboot or Disable Diags, disable diagnostics, confirm to the distrustful device that you know what you are doing (to continue). We remind you that selecting and moving through items is done with the joystick. The reader will playfully wink at the screen and reboot. In the list of books you should see the new book You are Jailbroken. This is a kind of humorous test of the correctness of hacking.

Adding Russian language to Kindle 4 after hacking

Let's add Russian to the list of supported languages. Download this archive if you have a gray device ( or this (, if black. In both the first and second options, move update_ru_RU_4.07_k4b/w_install.bin and russian.keyb to the hardware. Update through the item in Home -Menu -Settings -Menu - Update Your Kindle. Now the Russian language will appear in the settings (in Device Language). The reader will restart, showing us the Russian-language menu and virtual keyboard.

Connect the reader to Wi-Fi

The firmware was updated, hacked, Russified, but what about the goals set for us? Don’t worry, the time has come for the cynical introduction into the device of features that the excellent company Amazon did not invest in it. If you have not yet registered your device on the company's website, do so. We hope that there is an open Wi-Fi hotspot near you; fortunately, there are plenty of them after the free distribution of routers by many providers around. Connect your Kindle to Wi-Fi. There is a Turn Wireless item in the menu. Select On and see if there is a connection. Since this way the device connects only to access points that supply IP to connected devices, not all points will be accessible. Connection failed or do you need to enter a password? Go to Home-Menu - Settings -Wi-Fi Networks (view). There, scan for available access points again, select the one you need and click connect. You can enter the network name manually and set a password in the enter other Wi-Fi networks section there. You can check if there is internet in your browser at Home > Menu > Experimental > (launch browser).

Register your Kindle with Amazon and install an alternative reader in fb2 format

The network is available, let's proceed to registration. It is located in Menu-settings-registration. Have you passed? Install the Cool Reader program, which can read fb2 and pleases with a wealth of settings. Download it from here (, put it on the memory card, unpacking everything into the device memory without changes. Do not forget that after any archive we have abandoned, you must disconnect your Kindle from your computer. Update the device with the update item, as you did just above. After restarting, the Cool Reader program will appear in the menu. We'll probably update that too. Get the archive from here (, transfer it to the reader and the cr3 folder (it is already there), replacing the files. All that remains is to customize the fully functional program to your liking. Launch CR3 Runner, go to menu-settings. By manipulating the joystick, get to the language settings (press down, center button, confirm switching to Russian). Now we go back through home-menu-close. By re-launching the program, you will see that everything has become clearer and more pleasant - we are greeted by a Russian-language menu. Going to the same menu, press the joystick to the right, there is a “Page” and “Styles” tab. Adjust the font size and line spacing as you like. All settings are made using the joystick, which is not surprising, since there is no touch screen. You can apply the changes made if the cursor is not on the numbers in the windows. Just click Home.

The last thing we do today would upset Amazon. All e-readers costing $69 come with advertising, which, however, does not bother you, acting as a screen saver. Since, as already mentioned, our countries are not included in the number of full-fledged clients of the online store, advertising does not help the company sell, nor help us buy. Let's eliminate this oversight in the most cynical way by turning off advertisements completely. Download ( and extract update_noads_0.5_k4x_install.bin from the archive. Having turned off your conscience, move the file to the device’s memory, remembering to then disconnect it from the computer. Update your Kindle using the tried and tested Update Your Kindle option in Settings. The next time you reboot, you won't see the latest ads.

So, by tinkering with Kindle 4, we made it more interesting for people who speak Russian. Nothing stops us from enjoying reading anymore. Indeed, contrary to the opinion of the older generation, young people read a lot. Not particularly keen to return to the old image of paper books. In addition, the price of a dozen such works printed on plain paper will more than pay for the purchase of the device, and then you will only save money. Looks like it's time for publishers and stores to start thinking about pricing and moving online before they're forced into retirement by companies like Amazon.

In front of you detailed step-by-step instructions on how to flash an Amazon Kindle Fire tablet. Our editors have chosen the most suitable method for flashing the firmware for this Amazon model. If this instruction does not give any results try flashing using another method: TWRP Recovery, ROM Manager, Fastboot or classic OTA.

Warning! After flashing the device, all your data from the internal memory will be erased, so to save your contacts, settings and applications, first save all data from the tablet.

Installing the system using CWM Recovery 1. Charge the flashed tablet at least 80%. 2. We save all data that cannot be lost from a flash drive, SIM card and tablet memory. The SIM card (if any) can be removed. 3. We place the necessary firmware in the tablet’s memory. The firmware file must be in archive format zip. You can select and download the firmware. 4. All Amazon tablets have Recovery from the manufacturer, so we change it to ClockWorkMod Recovery. We do this according to the following instructions: Install the application from Google Play on your tablet. Launch it and grant Root rights. If there are no root rights on the tablet, we get them using . In the list of options, select “CWM Recovery”. Then the application will show a list of available Recovery. In the example, Rashr showed 2 options: ClockworkMod with support for taps on the screen and the classic version (controlled by the volume and power buttons). You will be prompted to download. Click Yes. Then the CWM Recovery image for the tablet will begin downloading. A notification will appear that the firmware was successful and you now have a modified recovery installed. We immediately go into it, to do this, click “Yes”. Ready. If you have already installed ClockworkMod Recovery, then simply enter it by pressing for 3-5 seconds any of the combinations: - Volume up + power button - Volume down + power button - Volume up/down + power button + "Home" - Volume up + volume down + power button 5. Movement in the Recovery menu is carried out using the volume buttons, and confirmation of the choice with the power button. Before installing the firmware, you must first do a factory reset. Therefore, select the item in the menu wipe data/factory reset.
6. Next, simply confirm that you agree to reset: Yes – Wipe all user data.
7. Now in the main menu of Recovery select install zip.
8. After that select Choose zip from /sdcard.
9. Navigate to the folder where you saved the firmware zip file and select it.
10. A confirmation message will appear. Select Yes – Install....
11. The firmware installation process will begin and at the end the message will appear Install from sdcard complete. The firmware is finished. We return to the main menu of CWM Recovery and reboot the tablet. For this we choose reboot system now.
12. Ready. The tablet will start loading from the already installed firmware. Other materials