Transparent folder. How to create an invisible folder on your desktop

We create a transparent folder with files on the desktop of our computer. Thus, we hide it from prying eyes with a simple but effective method. You can open such a folder without additional actions, but other computer users will not know about its existence.

First of all, remove the folder name.

  1. Select a secret folder on the desktop of your computer that you want to hide from strangers.
  2. We right-click on this folder.
  3. From the expanded list, select "Rename".
  4. Hold down the Alt key, the bottom row of keyboard keys at the space bar level.
  5. Holding the Alt key, we write the number 255 using additional number keys, these keys are located on the very right side of the keyboard, to the right of the arrows. You may have often wondered why they were needed there, well, they came in handy.
  6. Release the key and press Enter.

We have created a folder without a name. All that remains is to remove her icon.

  1. On this folder, click the right mouse button. From the expanded list, select “Properties”.
  2. In Properties, open the “Settings” tab by clicking on it. At the bottom there is a button “Change icon”, click on it.
  3. From the list of icons that opens, select an empty icon.
  4. It doesn’t have a picture, it’s not difficult to find it by looking at an empty space in the list, by the way there are three such icons there, and they are located in one column, choose any of the three available.
  5. We confirm our choice with the OK button, then click Apply and again, confirm our intentions with the OK button.

Here it is, this empty icon:

The transparent folder has been created. Drag it away from the main mass of icons, and only you will know about its existence. The main thing is not to forget that you created it and where it is located, otherwise you will try in horror to find the files you need, which you recently placed in it, but of course, if you use the “search”, you will find them without problems.

It opens just like a regular folder. At the same time, in order to open it, you need to know its location on the desktop, because a person who has no idea about its existence would not even think of clicking all over the desktop with the mouse so that they would accidentally stumble upon our secret files, right.

But this method also has its downside: when loading the operating system, at the moment when icons appear on the desktop, our folder can accidentally give itself away, showing for a split second its original appearance in the form of a folder icon.

That's all, good luck with your conspiracy!

Admins of, tell me how to make an invisible folder on the desktop in Windows 10?

Creating an invisible folder on your desktop in OS Windows is very simple. In such a folder you can keep some important files that you would like, for one reason or another, to hide from prying eyes. But I want to make a reservation in advance that the “Invisible Folder” hidden by this method can always be found through Windows Explorer and other file managers.

Confidential files can only be kept in a hidden “Invisible Folder” temporarily. Important files should always be encrypted. We described how to do this using the ArxCrypt program in the article “”.

And if you need even more reliable encryption, I can advise you to hide the encrypted partition of your hard drive. We wrote about this in the article “How to hide and”

So let's get started. Let's create a folder on the desktop. Right-click the mouse to call up the menu “Create” ===> “Folder”. You can also use the command “Ctrl+Shist+N” to create a new folder

Now let's name this folder something. In my case I named the created folder "HideDir"

Right-click on and select “ Save object as" Save the file HideMy.ico on the desktop

Creating an Invisible Folder: New Folder

By right-clicking on our HideDir folder, we will call up a menu in which we go to “Properties” ===> “Settings” ===> “Change icon” ===> “Browse”, select the transparent icon “HideMy” downloaded to the desktop .ico".

Creating an Invisible Folder: Selecting an Icon

As you can see, after these manipulations the folder became completely transparent, i.e. invisible.

Creating an invisible folder: Invisible folder

All you need to do now is completely delete the folder name.

Creating an Invisible Folder: Removing the Name

Instead of the old name, while holding down the “Alt” key, type the combination of numbers 0160 (dialing on the numeric keypad).

Creating an invisible folder

That's it, now you can release the held key “Alt" and press the key "Enter"

Invisible folder on the desktop

How to find an invisible folder?

In order to find the hidden “Invisible Folder” you need to select the elements. This can be done using the key combination “Ctrl+A”.

You should also remember that Windows itself has a built-in function for creating invisible folders and files. We wrote about it in the article “”. It is worth noting that this method works on all versions of Windows.

That's basically it. As you can see, creating an invisible folder is not that difficult, but as I said above, this is far from the most reliable way to store your confidential files.

Sometimes you need to hide a file or folder from prying eyes on your desktop: from children, wife or husband, or bosses. Our instructions have 4 ways to do this in 1 minute.

Method 1: popular

Create a folder

First, create a regular folder. This can be done on your desktop or any other place where it is convenient for you. Right-click in the free area → “New” → “Folder”. You can put any name.

Making the icon transparent

Right-click on the new folder and open Properties.

On the Settings tab, click the Change Icon button.

Find the transparent icon in the list of available icons, select it and click OK. You can also download it separately and specify the path to it.

In the folder properties window, click “Apply”, “OK”.

Now the folder has become transparent, only the name remains.

Hiding the folder name

Right-click on the folder - Rename. While holding down the Alt key on the numeric pad of the keyboard (right), enter the code 0160. This is a non-breaking space character. Release Alt and press Enter. If that doesn’t work, try replacing the code with 255, or holding down the Fn button on the laptop together with Alt.

Some laptop models do not have a numeric keypad. In such cases, type a non-breaking space in Word using the key combination Ctrl + Shift + Space. Copy and paste into the folder name.

Method 2: alternative

On my Windows 10 virtual machine, I didn’t want to install a hidden icon for a folder. It was possible to make it only for a shortcut to a folder, but it was indicated by an arrow in the corner. So I found an additional way to make the folder invisible.

In the folder properties, check the “Hidden” option.

In Explorer, open the “View” tab and check the “Hidden elements” checkbox.

This option can also be changed through the Control Panel:

Open Control Panel. It is located in Pusk. Find it through the search or right-click on the Start icon - Control Panel.

Select Appearance and Personalization.

On the “View” tab, at the very end of the list, select the “Do not show hidden files, folders and drives” option.

Click "Apply" - "OK".

Method 3: simple

If you don’t want to mess around with the OS settings, use the free program Free Hide Folder, which can be downloaded from the official website: It hides the folder completely: it cannot be found even through a search.

After installation and launch, the program will prompt you to enter a password with confirmation. The next step will ask for a registration code; you can skip it with the “Skip” button.

To hide a folder, add it to the program using the “Add” button. A warning will appear about creating a backup copy of data to access the folder in case you uninstall and reinstall the program, so as not to lose access to it - click “Backup”. Click "OK" and the folder will disappear.

To access the folder in the program, click on the Unhide button.

Method 4: genius

Another unusual way to hide a folder is inside a picture. Before you begin, make a copy of your important files so you don't lose them if something goes wrong.

For example, let's take a folder with important data and a photo with a secret cat.

This is a photo with a secret cat.

Make an archive of the secret folder (zip or rar format).

Create a folder, the closer to the root of the disk, the easier it is. For me it is C:\setupik\ . Move the created archive and photo of the cat inside this folder.

Open a command prompt: press Win + R, type cmd and click OK.

Use the cd command to navigate to the created folder. Like this: cd c:\setupik\ .

Enter the command COPY /B kot.jpg + secret.rar secret-img.jpg . Change the file names to your own: the first is a photo of a cat, the second is an archive with a hidden folder, the third is a new file with a secret picture.

After running the command, open the created secret-img.jpg file. You will see the same picture with a cat. But if you open this file using an archiver or change the extension to rar or zip, you will see hidden files. Magic!

How to find a hidden folder

In the first case, a folder with an invisible icon and name will become visible if you select it. This can be done with the key combination Ctrl + A (select all) or manually select the entire desktop area.

In the case of a hidden folder using an attribute, you can find it when you enable the display of hidden files and folders through the control panel. That is, you need to repeat the described steps in reverse order.

You can also access a hidden folder if you write down its path somewhere. For example: C:\Users\Admin\AppData\My hidden folder. Paste this path into Explorer and the desired folder will open.

As you can see, there is a chance that your hidden folder will be accidentally found. Therefore, it is better to remove it from the desktop somewhere away. And the most reliable way is to put a password on the folder. When archiving a folder in WinRar, the options will allow you to set a password and hide file names.

Most often, we place on the desktop those files and folders that we need access to constantly. That is why, during the installation process of each program, you are asked to place its shortcut on the desktop.

Some users place their personal folders and files on the desktop, but make them invisible. Today I will tell you how you can quickly and easily hide a folder on your desktop in the Windows operating system. Sometimes this needs to be done, since often not only you have access to the computer, and the files should not be seen by other users. And it will not just be a hidden folder, but a real invisible folder on the desktop!

There are several ways to hide a folder on your desktop. Some of them are basic and are performed by the operating system itself, but there are also methods that involve the use of additional programs and utilities. The methods I described are suitable for Windows 7, 8 and 10.

I won’t tell you about the simplest method, which absolutely everyone knows about. Due to its popularity, you will not be able to hide the folder from the eyes of other users for long. After all, it will not be difficult for any other user to make it visible again in a similar way.

Making a truly invisible folder on the desktop

In fact, the method I chose is very simple: you just need to assign a transparent icon to the folder. Some people will immediately wonder what to do with the name, it will be visible, but without a name the folder cannot exist. This is true, but there are a couple of tricks that will allow us to do this.

The first step is to create a folder on your desktop. This can be done in the standard way by right-clicking on an empty space on the desktop, pointing to the “create” item in the context menu and selecting “folder”.

There is a faster way to create a folder, press the key combination "CTRL+SHIFT+N".

Now right-click on the folder and select “properties”. You can also open this section using the key combination “ALT+Enter”. In this section you need to find the “settings” tab and select “change icon”.

You need to move the slider to the right until you see a transparent one among the icons (it will be in the form of an empty square). Did you find the icon? Select it and click “Ok”.

There is only one step left to hide the selected folder. You need to quickly click, at intervals of a second, on the folder name. This will give you access to the function of changing the folder name. You can also rename a folder in the context menu item by selecting “rename”.

Now hold down the ALT key and enter the number 0160. Important condition: enter numbers from the keyboard on the right. Release "ALT" and press "Enter". If your keyboard doesn't have additional buttons on the right, then you'll need to open the on-screen keyboard. By entering the numbers located at the top of the keyboard, you will not be able to make the folder name invisible.

It is possible that when you create a folder with a transparent icon, it will actually turn out to be black. This sometimes happens in Windows 7 operating systems. In this case, only another theme on the desktop will help.

Also, do not hide this folder through properties. Since after settings and enabling “show hidden files”, the outline of this folder will be clearly visible.

After you follow all my instructions exactly, the folder on your desktop will become completely invisible. The only thing that can allow you to see its contours is hovering the mouse cursor.

I hope the above method works for you and you can hide the folder on your desktop from prying eyes. Don't forget to subscribe to updates if you liked this article. I also recommend you visit my channel, where you will find many useful videos.