Five types of crafting systems in games. Crafting Enterprise Critical crafting and flawless equipment

Split systems occupy a fairly important place in creating an ideal indoor microclimate. Many manufacturers offer the market units with different purposes and functionality. Agree, it is quite difficult to choose a device that fully meets your needs, and its price does not go beyond your budget.

One of such solutions could be the Kraft split system - the Chinese brand offers products at an affordable price with good functionality, sufficient performance and efficiency.

Let’s look at the features of budget splits and outline the characteristics of the company’s best models. In addition, we have prepared practical recommendations that will help you choose the best air conditioner for your home or apartment.

Kraft is a European-level manufacturer of household appliances. Among the manufactured products, air conditioners are especially distinguished, the choice of which consists of 6 series.

It is also convenient that there is an on/off timer. Thanks to it, the device will start automatically and you will come, for example, from work to an apartment in which a pleasant microclimate has already been created.

Main technical parameters:

  • area of ​​serviced premises cannot exceed 20-25 sq. m.;
  • performance during cooling/heating – 2.28/2.25 kW;
  • maximum noise level– 38 dB;
  • electricity consumption when operating in both modes, it varies from 700 to 760 W;
  • case dimensions the internal block reaches 745*250*195 mm;
  • additional useful features– adjustment of the direction of air flow, as well as auto-memorization of settings.

Among the disadvantages of the model, only the lack of supply ventilation and fine filters should be highlighted. But these shortcomings are completely offset by functionality, power, and an affordable price for everyone.

1st place – Kraft 9000 Btu/eF-25GW

At the same time, everyone Kraft 9000Btu/eF-25GW attracts hundreds of buyers with an affordable price. For a simply huge range of functions and advantages, you will have to pay only 17,000-18,000 rubles.

An important advantage of the model presented above is air exchange. Kraft 9000Btu/eF-25GW can completely renew the air in a small apartment in just a few minutes.

Be sure to find out all the nuances and then your choice will be as successful as possible!

Conclusions and useful video

Video tips for choosing the optimal climate control equipment for domestic use:

Split systems of the Kraft brand stand out among their competitors - the manufacturer's climate control equipment is worth the money. It boasts a wide range of operating modes, impressive power and energy efficiency. By ordering it, you can count on a comfortable microclimate in your home.

Do you have experience using Kraft air conditioner? Please tell readers about the installation and operation features of this brand’s split systems. Comment on the post and participate in discussions. The feedback block is located below.

CRAFT is an advanced enterprise management system that automates all key business processes. The system is intended for small and medium-sized enterprises of various industries (trade, services, manufacturing, catering, etc.).

CRAFT is a fully functional network system that allows you to automate accounting, basic trade and cash processes and warehouse accounting, the production cycle, maintaining information on suppliers and customers, contract accounting, payroll and personnel records, document flow with the ability to transfer data to popular office programs, work with bank documents and information.

The system is distinguished by a wealth of functionality, convenience and simplicity, as well as the openness of the platform. The free Firebird database is used. There is a module for setting up the configuration of application modules, and a built-in language for development.

CRAFT uses modern technologies:
- Network multi-user system (client-server)
- Powerful free SQL database server - Firebird
- Patented Sybase data processing technologies
- XML ​​support, integration with office applications

The main advantages of the CRAFT system:
- Low cost of system ownership
- Rich functionality
- Easy to install and use, intuitive user interface
- High readiness of the basic system configuration for business automation, openness and flexibility of the system
- Customization for specific business requirements without developer participation, using the metadata configurator
- Low requirements for server software and hardware, use of open source products
- Support for geographically distributed databases (multi-branch system)
- High speed, reliable data storage, system scalability, multi-level data protection system
- Ease of system administration

Main modules:
It is a workstation for a sales manager and allows you to track contacts with clients or the completion of tasks.
Main features of the CRM module:
- maintaining a list of contact persons (personnel) in counterparties;
- entering and maintaining a list of planned contacts by counterparties;
- automatic notification of the manager about approaching contacts;
- tracking contact status (planned, completed, canceled, expired);
- entering and maintaining a list of tasks for managers;
- automatic notification of the performer about the completion time of the task;
- automatic maintenance of a complete history of a task;
- managing projects as a set of related tasks;
- contact management functions are also integrated into the Trade module.

The module is designed for maintaining personnel records and calculating wages for company employees.
Main functions of the Personnel module:
- maintaining standard personal records of employees;
- issuing orders for the hiring, transfer and dismissal of employees;
- maintaining a time sheet for each employee;
- setting various methods for calculating accruals and deductions using the calculation algorithm editor;
- maintaining the employee’s personal account with accruals and deductions;
- calculation of advance or salary for an employee or department as a whole;
- salary calculation for various forms of payment (time-based and piece-rate);
- generation of cumulative data on the calculation of income tax and contributions to the pension fund;
- printing of settlement and payment statements and cash settlements;
- printing of various statements by types of accruals and deductions;
- printing of income tax withholding statements.

CRAFT Trade.
This is a comprehensive and universal solution for various types of trading enterprises (retail chains, shops, supermarkets, department stores, wholesale warehouses, warehouse stores and other types of wholesale and retail trade). The system is distinguished by quick payback, powerful functionality, ease of settings, ease of use, and quick training of personnel.
Main functions of the Trade module:
- sales management, including automation of wholesale and retail trade, warehouse store;
- inventory management;
- procurement and supply logistics management;
- price analysis and pricing policy management;
- cash management;
- customer relationship management (CRM);
- maintaining a balance of mutual settlements with counterparties;
- monitoring and analysis of the effectiveness of trading activities.
Additional features:
- ordering goods by partners and customers via the Internet
- data exchange between departments and offices;
- work with various client-bank systems;
- support for barcodes, label printing;
- connection of trade and cash register equipment (scanners, fiscal recorders, scales, etc.);
- integration with front office systems;
- work in remote access mode.

It is a universal solution that allows you to effectively solve production management problems at enterprises in various industries. The system automates the full production life cycle, from the client’s application for production to the release and shipment of finished products. The system is distinguished by high flexibility and the ability to quickly adapt to changes in business conditions.
Tasks solved by the Production module:
- order management and execution control;
- maintaining product specifications and manufacturing technologies;
- production planning, formation of a production program;
- calculation of the provision of material and labor resources;
- logistics management;
- accounting in production;
- monitoring of the production process;
- cost control and calculation of product costs;
- assessment of the planned and actual results;
- control of enterprise profitability.

The module is a multi-currency accounting department that performs the central accounting functions in the system.
Main features of the Accounting module:
- maintaining account balances in the context of up to 3 types of analytics simultaneously;
- unlimited number of nesting levels for each type of analytics;
- flexible setup of analytical accounting, connection of any directory to analytics;
- control of balances on accounts and analytical objects when making transactions;
- automatic recalculation of account balances when making retroactive postings;
- maintaining ruble-covered foreign currency accounts, calculating exchange rate differences;
- “carrying out” and “postponing” accounting operations individually or in a list;
- a directory of standard operations, complex postings, formulas in postings;
- automatic import of documents from other modules (Bank, Cash Desk, Material Accounting) with standard postings;
- maintaining records of fixed assets, low-value materials;
- a set of standard reports, extended reports, the ability to connect additional reports;
- the ability to generate reports with data consolidation for several accounting sections;
- simultaneous storage of data for different accounting periods.

Master service.
The module allows you to fully manage the configuration and customize the business logic of any system module. The CRAFT system has all the necessary software development tools that allow you to independently develop and customize the system to the changing needs of the company. The tools available in the CRAFT system significantly speed up the programming process and impose minimum requirements on the qualifications of the customer’s programmers. Development tools available in the Master Service module include:
- Configuration editor, which allows you to enter new or modify business objects, such as directories, documents, etc.
- Editor of business procedures in the built-in language of the system
- Built-in editor for data entry forms for business objects and reports
- User and role management
- Custom module menu editor

The item creation system in Tree of Savior is probably one of the simplest of all existing MMORPGs. Simplicity, logic and, most importantly, the lack of a crafting level makes it accessible to any player. The main thing is to acquire a recipe for the item being made and the required amount of resources.


The cornerstone of any craft is a recipe, which in Tree of Savior is also a consumable ingredient. Fortunately, you can get them not only through exhausting grinding, but also by simply purchasing them at an auction.

Each recipe gives a detailed idea of ​​what and in what quantities you should have to begin the crafting process.

Important: After each crafting, the recipe disappears from the inventory, as do the consumable ingredients.

Item crafting and crafting journal

After you have collected all the necessary ingredients, you can start crafting, for which you sit your character on the ground (the “Insert” key) and use the “S” key to call up the crafting journal, where all the fun actually happens. To make it easier to find what you can currently craft, check the box “display recipes available for production” in the lower left part of the screen.

Ingredients can be dragged into the corresponding cells from the inventory with the mouse, or you can simply left-click on each cell and the system itself will put the required amount of resource there. If you want to somehow distinguish the item you created from many others, you can give it a unique name (the “Name” field), as well as make some notes (the “Memo” field). There is some limitation on the characters entered. So the item name should not exceed 10 characters.

The crafting process will be visible to everyone around, as well as what item you are currently producing.

Every time you create an item in Tree of Savior for the first time, information about the recipe (the amount of resources required) is recorded in the crafting log.

In Guild Wars 2, players will have eight crafting disciplines to choose from:
Weaponsmith. Gunsmiths create melee weapons, for example, swords, axes, and hammers.
Hunter (Huntsman). Hunters create ranged weapons - bows, pistols, as well as torches and war horns.
Mechanic (Artificier). Mechanics create magical weapons such as staves and scepters
Armorsmith. Armorers create heavy armor.
Leatherworker. Leatherworkers create medium armor.
Tailor. Tailors create light armor.
Jeweler (Jewelcrafter). Jewelers create jewelry - rings, earrings and necklaces.
Cook. Cooks prepare food that, when consumed, gives the character temporary combat buffs.

In addition, most crafters will be able to create upgrades for equipment of their type. For example, a gunsmith can create a hilt that can be attached to a melee weapon, giving it a chance to poison an enemy.

Characters can master two disciplines at the same time. We feel that this will allow players to have a good variety of items they can craft, but at the same time force players to communicate and trade items with each other. It will also allow you to focus more on the specifics of what you can create, especially given the depth and size of each crafting profession.

Although characters can only study two disciplines at a time, they can always change them by visiting NPC masters who can be found in all major cities. If you choose to restore a profession you previously learned, you will be able to restore your skill level and the recipes you knew, however the cost of restoration increases depending on the level of the profession.


Before you can create new items, you will need to collect the raw materials needed for crafting. The basic materials needed for crafting depend on the chosen profession, but there are three ways to get them:
Disassembly tool– Sold by merchants, salvaging kits allow you to obtain materials from old or unwanted items.
Looting– You have a chance to find materials such as skins or trophies when you loot killed enemies.
Collection– all over the world you can find ore veins, plants and trees from which you can get the materials you need.

Characters can collect all types of materials, and material collection points do not become personal or "used" once a player has collected them. If you've played other MMOs, you've probably felt a little angry while searching for crafting materials. You run around the map trying to find a point, only to see that it has already been collected by another player. Or a situation where another player is collecting your resource while you are fighting the enemy. In Guild Wars 2, every spot can be used by every player, so if you see a rare ingredient close to you, you won't have to drop everything you're doing and run to it to get there before other players.

We decided to make the collection available to all players for a couple of main reasons. First, we wanted resource gathering to be popular with all players, so that people playing on the same team wouldn't feel uncomfortable making the group wait for them to collect the resource they need. Secondly, mining professions are often used for economic gain by selling materials to other players, and we don't want artisans sacrificing their money to craft needed items for themselves and their friends.


You can find crafting spots in cities and large settlements around the world. The sawmill is used to create wooden items, and the sword can be forged at the anvil. When you interact with a crafting location, you will see a special window where you can combine up to four types of materials. When the materials required for crafting are added to the window, you will be able to create the corresponding item.

If you have never created this item before, you will see a recipe with which you can repeat the combination. Characters know some basic recipes from the very beginning, but in order to craft other items, the player must learn the recipe. Some recipes can be obtained exclusively from the master or dropped from mobs.

We decided to implement a discovery system when learning recipes because it allows artisans to distinguish themselves. When there is a static list of recipes learned from a master, all characters with that profession become the same. However, with the discovery system, players who have put time and effort into their profession can set themselves apart from the rest.

Mastery level is based on an experience system - each item created gives you experience. Each profession has 400 skill points, and crafting an item will give you several experience points at once. Our goal is to make sure you don't have to create things you think are unnecessary just to level up your skill.

CRAFT ERP is a comprehensive enterprise management system that helps companies make their business more efficient. CRAFT ERP includes a ready-made set of modules that provide automation of the most important business processes of an enterprise: CRM, Accounting, Trade, Production, Logistics, Personnel and more...

KRAFT ERP is a replicable system with open business logic. This means that CRAFT ERP is not just an enterprise management system, but first of all an effective platform for the rapid creation and implementation of business applications and information systems. The CRAFT ERP software platform provides a set of flexible and effective tools that reduce the time and cost of developing, implementing and maintaining business applications.

The system is distinguished by a wealth of functionality, convenience and simplicity, as well as the openness of the platform. The system has a modern interface in the style of Microsoft Office, allowing you to use all functions as efficiently and conveniently as possible. The free Firebird database is used. There is a module for setting up the configuration of application modules, and a built-in language for development.

KRAFT ERP uses modern technologies:

  • Network multi-user system (client-server)
  • Powerful free SQL database server - Firebird
  • Support for commercial DBMS - Microsoft SQL, Oracle
  • SAP patented data processing technologies
  • XML support, integration with office applications

The main advantages of the CRAFT ERP system:

  • Rich functionality
  • Convenient and intuitive interface
  • Possibility of maintaining parallel records (different legal entities) in one database
  • Support for geographically distributed databases (multi-branch system)
  • High speed of data processing and report execution
  • Multi-level data protection and access control system
  • Low requirements for hardware and system software
  • Ease of installation, administration and system configuration
  • Open platform, scalable
  • Low cost of system ownership

KRAFT ERP is an open source system:

  • CRAFT ERP is built on the CRAFT development platform, which is based on an event-driven embedded programming language with SQL support
  • The CRAFT platform has all the necessary development tools that allow you to create complex business applications and then effectively develop them to meet changing business needs
  • The use of well-debugged components of the CRAFT platform execution environment guarantees high reliability of business applications
  • All application business logic is open source, which can be changed in the module metadata (configuration)
  • Using the capabilities of the CRAFT development platform, programmers can refine the functionality of ready-made business modules of the system to meet the company’s business needs
  • The openness of the system makes it easy to integrate it into the enterprise information environment
  • maintaining a list of contact persons (personnel) in counterparties;
  • entering and maintaining a list of planned contacts by counterparties;
  • automatic notification of the manager about approaching contacts;
  • tracking contact status (scheduled, completed, cancelled, overdue);
  • entering and maintaining a list of tasks for managers;
  • automatic notification of the performer about the completion time of the task;
  • automatic maintenance of a complete history of a task;
  • managing projects as a set of related tasks;
  • Contact management functions are also integrated into the Trade module.


The module is designed for maintaining personnel records and calculating wages for company employees. Main functions of the Personnel module:

  • Maintaining personal cards of employees with all personal data;
  • Registration of orders for the hiring, transfer and dismissal of employees with automatic reflection in the personal card;
  • Maintaining time sheets;
  • Maintaining personal accounts of employees, where permanent data (salary, advance payment, etc.), initial data on accruals and deductions, as well as calculated accruals and deductions for the reporting period (month) are recorded;
  • Setting various methods for calculating accruals and deductions using the calculation algorithm editor;
  • Calculation of wages for various forms of payment (time-based and piece-rate);
  • Formation of cumulative data on the calculation of income tax and contributions to the pension fund;
  • Printing of payroll and cash registers.


It is a universal solution that allows you to effectively solve production management problems at enterprises in various industries. The system automates the full production life cycle, from the client’s application for production to the release and shipment of finished products. The system is distinguished by high flexibility and the ability to quickly adapt to changes in business conditions. Tasks solved by the Production module:

  • order management and execution control;
  • maintaining product specifications and manufacturing technologies;
  • production planning, formation of a production program;
  • calculation of the provision of material and labor resources;
  • logistics management;
  • keeping records in production;
  • production process monitoring;
  • cost control and calculation of product costs;
  • assessment of planned and actual results;
  • control of enterprise profitability.

CRAFT Trade.

CRAFT-Trade is a comprehensive and universal solution that allows you to automate trade and warehouse processes at various types of enterprises. The system is distinguished by quick payback, powerful functionality, ease of settings, ease of use, and quick training of personnel. Main functions of the Trade module:

  • sales management, including automation of wholesale and retail trade, warehouse store;
  • inventory management;
  • procurement and supply logistics management;
  • price analysis and pricing policy management;
  • cash management;
  • customer relationship management (CRM);
  • maintaining a balance of mutual settlements with counterparties;
  • monitoring and analysis of the effectiveness of trading activities.
  • ordering goods by partners and customers via the Internet
  • data exchange between departments and offices;
  • work with various client-bank systems;
  • barcode support, label printing;
  • connection of trade and cash register equipment (scanners, fiscal recorders, scales, etc.);
  • integration with front office systems;
  • work in remote access mode.


KRAFT-Logistics is a universal solution for freight forwarding companies carrying out local or international cargo transportation. The system allows you to record, plan and manage the process of transporting any type of cargo by various vehicles. The system can also be used by divisions of manufacturing and trading companies that track the movement of their own cargo. Main functions of the Logistics module:

  • maintaining a database of counterparties;
  • accepting orders for cargo transportation;
  • registration of goods accepted for processing;
  • maintaining a database of cargo handling places (settlements);
  • maintaining a database of standard cargo transportation routes and prices;
  • calculations of the cost of cargo transportation (quotes) in several options;
  • registration of operations performed on cargo during processing;
  • tracking the condition of cargo at any stage of cargo transportation;
  • registration of mutual settlements with counterparties, maintaining history of relationships (CRM);
  • registration of financial transactions using various currencies;
  • documentation support for the cargo transportation process.

Special abilities:

  • built-in HS reference book;
  • groupage cargo handling;
  • generation of several quote options for one order;
  • consolidation of cargo from different orders at any stage of processing;
  • formula calculation of cost based on cargo parameters;
  • support for multimodal transportation;
  • opportunity to work in a multi-branch structure;
  • multi-currency accounting.


The module is a multi-currency accounting department that performs the central accounting functions in the system. The main features of the Accounting module:

  • maintaining account balances for up to 3 types of analytics simultaneously;
  • unlimited number of nesting levels for each type of analytics;
  • flexible setup of analytical accounting, connection of any directory to analytics;
  • control of account balances and analytical objects when performing postings;
  • automatic recalculation of account balances when making retroactive postings;
  • maintaining ruble-covered foreign currency accounts, calculating exchange rate differences;
  • “carrying out” and “postponing” accounting operations individually or in a list;
  • reference book of standard operations, complex postings, formulas in postings;
  • automatic import of documents from other modules (Bank, Cash desk, Material accounting) with standard postings;
  • maintaining records of fixed assets and low-value materials;
  • a set of standard reports, extended reports, the ability to connect additional reports;
  • the ability to generate reports with data consolidation for several accounting sections;
  • simultaneous storage of data for different accounting periods.

CRAFT Fitness.

This is a unique software package for fitness clubs that allows you to automate the activities of not only fitness clubs, but also SPA salons and other enterprises that provide services to clients on a club basis. The CRAFT-Fitness program for fitness clubs can be used in conjunction with the CRAFT-Trade module to maintain full inventory accounting and automate the work of a bar or restaurant located on the territory of a fitness club. Main features of the CRAFT-Fitness module:

  • maintaining a personal client base;
  • maintaining a price list for card types and additional services;
  • work with customer contracts (including corporate clients);
  • maintaining personal contracts with individual conditions;
  • Maintaining client balances separately by agreement, by bar, and by additional services;
  • cash transactions (payment for contracts and services, replenishment of personal account);
  • registration of clients at the reception using a card (interface with access control equipment);
  • bar automation, including sales registration and warehouse management;
  • rental and reservation of resources;
  • monitoring and reporting system.

Special features of the program for fitness clubs CRAFT-Fitness:

  • customizable server for communication with access control equipment;
  • flexible configuration of access to various areas, flexible visiting schedule;
  • displaying real-time information about the occupancy of lockers in the locker room;
  • printing a cash receipt on several fiscal registrars with division by legal entities;
  • formation of personal contracts based on predefined templates;
  • work with corporate clients, support for non-cash payments;
  • flexible mechanism for providing discounts, possibility of payment in installments;
  • division of services and goods into different legal entities.

CRAFT Designer.

The module allows you to fully manage the configuration and customize the business logic of any system module. The CRAFT development platform has all the necessary software development tools that allow you to independently develop and customize the system to the changing needs of the company. The tools available in the CRAFT-Designer system significantly speed up the programming process and impose minimum requirements on the qualifications of the customer’s programmers. Development tools available in the CRAFT Designer module include:

  • A configuration editor that allows you to enter new or modify business objects, such as directories, documents, etc.
  • Editor of business procedures in the built-in language of the system
  • Built-in editor for data entry forms for business objects and reports
  • User and role management
  • Module custom menu editor