Questions you can write to VK. Interesting, funny and cool questions on ask fm. Why is Ask so popular?

Now almost every person (especially girls) has a page on Some are embarrassed to ask for any information “in person”, even virtually, some like to hide behind anonymity, some want to get to know a person better, and some just want to boost their friend’s self-esteem. The problem is that the last two types of curious incognito sometimes do not know at all what question to ask on Ask. Today we will deal with this difficulty.

When was the last time you cried?

Sometimes even the most courageous men become soft. Try to see if you can get an honest answer from him, just make sure he feels safe sharing it with you and won't feel like you'll make fun of him or think he's the lesser of a man.

What's your favorite book?

Everyone has that one book that can barely stick together because they've read it so many times. And these books are our favorites because they resonate with us on a personal level. Find out what his favorite is and why. Oh, the joy of a good question. I am very interested in what questions will interest you.

Why is Ask so popular?

Why do people love this site? What's so special about just asking people something? And the site is popular because it is beneficial to both those who answer and those who ask.

When they receive questions, they are the first to feel that someone needs them. They are pleased that someone is interested in them, because many people like to talk about themselves. And here is such an opportunity - everyone asks you, and all you need to do is answer the questions. Moreover, you can choose and give answers only to anonymous messages that you like.

What do you prefer to call it? What books on the shelf are asking to be read? What do your doodles look like? What do you do if you can't sleep at night? Try getting up and doing something productive? How many days could you last in solitary confinement? You keep the old ones Greeting Cards and letters?

Who is the biggest pack rat you know? When you enter a party, are you aware of your presence? Are you sliding around and looking for someone you know? Do you sneak quietly and find a safe place to rest? If you had to give it away, what would it be?

The latter, in turn, can learn useful/necessary/interesting information from the person. Since people most often ask questions online anonymously, and it is impossible to identify the person asking, this provides a unique opportunity to ask something that has long interested you. Someone cannot ask a girl if she has a boyfriend, so it is easier for him to ask this question incognito, and then try to meet her on another social network, for example. Someone hopes, behind a mask of anonymity, to force their friend to spill the beans. There are many reasons, and they all prove that Ask is a pretty useful site.

How many times a day do you look at yourself in the mirror? What's the weirdest thing you think as a child? What's one guilty pleasure you enjoy too much to pass up? Who performs the most random acts of kindness of anyone you know?

How often do you read the newspaper? Are you more likely to avoid conflict or start it? What was the last compliment you received and savored? Is there something about yourself that you hope will change but probably never will? When was the last time you really pushed yourself to your physical limits?

What to ask a stranger

“Ask” a person you haven’t even talked to? Any! Seriously, even if you don’t know how a new potential acquaintance feels about things that you like/dislike, you can ask anything without worrying about the consequences, because that’s why the person and the stranger are so that the relationship cannot deteriorate.

Do you have many acquaintances or just very close friends? Are you more inclined to “build your own empire” or unleash the potential of others? What strange event have you experienced but never shared with anyone? What do you think about anything else? What surprises you?

Do you prefer people shoot straight with you or temper their words? Where is your favorite place for an out-of-town visitor? What would you rather pay someone than yourself? What is your reaction to people who speak openly about their beliefs? What conditions do you dislike or, conversely, want to talk to?

If you don't know what question to ask on Ask, here are some things to think about:

  • Favorite/beloved/favorite... And then attribute anything you like: a drink, a dish, a musical group, a film, clothes, shoes, etc. Just attach the word “favorite” in the right gender to something, and you get a good question .
  • Tell us about... Here you can also come up with a lot of questions: about a funny incident from childhood, about your fears and where they come from, about what kind of people you like (an option for modest people who doubt their appearance), about pets, about your favorite weather. You can continue endlessly.

What to ask a friend

You know almost everything about them, so you can think not only about what questions you can ask on Ask, but also pretend to be a psychic. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise the person will quickly realize that he is dealing with someone he knows. For example: “I will guess your favorite color in three attempts,” after which you first name the wrong answer, and then the correct one. You can also play a “Guessing Game”: you ask leading questions, and your friend must guess as quickly as possible who is asking him.

How and where do you prefer to study? What position do you sleep in? What is your favorite town or city? What are the three best quality that attract you to someone new? If you could eliminate one weakness or limitation in your life, what would it be?

If you could restore one violation, what would it be? If you had to change your name, what would you change? Do you believe ignorance is bliss? There are many questions you can ask your friend. But what really matters? What should you know about your loved one? We'll give you the most important questions you should ask your partner throughout your relationship.

But let's return to our sheep. So, what questions can you ask your friends on Ask?

  • We can talk about gifts. For example, you don’t know what question to ask on Ask and what to give your friend or girlfriend for his birthday ( New Year, Easter, February 23, etc.), so why not combine business with pleasure? Ask something like “What would you like to receive on March 8th?” or “What thing do you need to be happy?” There are many options, but the point is the same - you will know in the future what to give.
  • Information about plans. This includes not only “What are you doing on the weekend?”, but also other things. For example, you want to skydive, but you don't want to do it alone. Almost no one wants to be rejected, so first you can ask if your friend wants to jump from a height, and only then, if the answer is yes, call with an offer.

What topics are not advisable to raise?

Since you already almost know what question to ask at Ask, then you need to be aware of what is better not to talk about. Politics, religion, personal life and gossip about loved ones/acquaintances are topics that not every person will agree to rant about. There are, of course, exceptions; Moreover, some deliberately demonstrate their sex life or ardent unfounded atheism in order to further provoke the public and receive another round of questions. But there are fewer such people than those who don’t particularly like to talk about who was in his bed yesterday, or answer questions about the situation in Ukraine.

Away from your favorite movie, favorite drink, and favorite music, there are still some significant questions that say a lot about your friend's character. At the beginning of a relationship, it's still quite normal to be overwhelmed with questions. Find out here what different phases most relationships go through and when there are likely to be no secrets left.

Talk to Tachel: You Can Ask These 29 Questions to Your Friend

What can you ask your friend if you have a question? There are many more!, we have already introduced you. But there are many other people who will bring you closer and promote you. Who knows, you might still discover a few similarities or good points to discuss?

Everything is ambiguous with questions about problems. There are people who like to complain about their bitter fate, and to such attention to their troubles/health will seem successful. And there are those who hate talking to strangers, and in front of everyone, about such things. Here everything depends on the person.

The questions are partly general in nature to better understand your loved one's character. They also revolve around him and his life, and not least about you and your relationship. A good mixture that lights it up from all angles. And of course you too, if you also respond to them immediately. Vuila, here are our examples!

Questions you can ask your friend

As you can see, there are several questions you can ask your friend that are a little more in-depth. Perhaps you also want to get to know each other better. We're sure you'll come away with some interesting things about your partner that you may have never realized before. Do you have more ideas about what you can and should ask your friend? Then feel free to share our list in the comments.

Continued questions

We have already figured out what questions to ask our friends and strangers on Ask, we just need to decide what to ask so that we can then continue talking, but not for long. An ordinary pleasant conversation for one evening, on which your decision may depend on whether to continue communicating with the person if you are strangers. So, what questions can you ask on “” with the further prospect of continuing communication:

Questions for the guy you love, all our single readers! Are you looking for an opportunity to clarify your relationship with a guy by fully forming your opinion about your character? This can be done by using well-designed challenging questions for the individual. This article is a sexual harassment of her find because here we have compiled a list of well thought out, more interesting complex questions for boys about finance, work, family, friends and also about love, relationships.

Questions for the guy you like to get their attention

Read these questions in which he shows that boys are different in nature from the girl's questions to the guy you love. They don't flaunt their inner world. Rarely share your personal life with others. So you need a sneaky approach - thoughtful questions that will help the girl get into this type's "heart" and get an idea of ​​her character.

Additional techniques

You can use a little trick: ask some third-party person: “What question of the day would you ask users?”, and then borrow the answer received in order to ask about it from the person who originally wanted to write about it.

Difficult questions are complex and difficult to answer definitively. So kids will have to shake their brains to answer. This will help the girl see her real, genuine character. Such questions can make a conversation with a gay person more interesting than usual.

These questions are taken from observations in life, so ask the type. For example, one of them: will you go on vacation with your mother-in-law and your family? What do you think of this question? Others on the list are also interesting and cool, you can even ask the guy over text. Let's call these complex questions a master class in clarifying knowledge about men.

You can watch the interview. To make it easier and more enjoyable, find a suitable conversation, for example, with your favorite actor. Despite the fact that the celebrity will be asked mainly about his type of activity, while watching you will still definitely find what question to ask on Ask.

Bottom line

Of course, you didn’t receive specific 100 questions for, but from now on you at least have an idea of ​​what you can ask other users about, and what topics it’s better not to raise if you don’t want to cause dissatisfaction or ignorance from the person you’re interested in. Happy dating!

Now let's look at the 25 best questions to ask the guy you love

Are you deceiving others? How often, then? In a relationship, who should have the upper hand - the man or the woman? What would you do if you could be invisible or a woman all day? What one thing is trying to maintain if the house suddenly goes up in flames? Is it easy for you to communicate with girls? Given the opportunity to commit any crime with impunity, what will you do? What is better for a man - to be smart and ugly or dumb but beautiful? Given the ability to lock a person in a mental hospital, who will be locked?

What questions can you ask on ask?

In this article we will try to analyze everything related to ask questions, and most importantly, give examples. A new one is gaining more and more popularity social network This is a platform for question-answer type communication that has absolutely no restrictions. That is, you can ask absolutely any question to the user, either openly, indicating your name, or as an anonymous person.

What is more important to have a girlfriend - attractiveness, intelligence or beauty? What do you prefer? Transform your love life and become the best version myself! Download my free 3 step formula to become successful person and a real seducer.

The equation is very simple: if you manage to complete that first encounter, you won't care. But today this is not our topic. In short, a person may schedule an appointment due to several elements. Either because of himself, when he personally applies pressure, desperately searches for a missed mission, and then turns her into a girlfriend at the first meeting, or fails during the famous phase: interrogation.

But still what questions can you ask on ask?? Below are examples of questions for guys and girls. But it’s worth considering that your imagination can be limitless. And so that everyone can see how smartly and sparklingly you answer questions yourself, you can add likes and subscribers to your page.

Questioning is the stage where the logical side in a woman is triggered and therefore starts bombarding you with questions, testing you and seeing if you will remain congruent with yourself. For example, you are answering a question about style. "Have you ever been married?"

Therefore, you will realize that when a person is in control and leads the dance on a date, he naturally tends to excel at the rules of the art, this is the first meeting. In fact, these questions will allow you to draw a lot of information about the princess. About his personality, his way of thinking, his way of behaving and, most importantly, his vision of romantic relationships.

Questions for guys (note to girls):

  • How are your mood?
  • Where will you spend this evening?
  • Are you drinking? Which spirits do you like best?
  • How do you feel about smoking? Do you smoke yourself?
  • What sport do you like and who do you support?
  • What's your favorite car brand?
  • Have you made love in extreme conditions?
  • How do you feel about one-night stands?

Questions for girls (for boys):

What do you think is the biggest mistake a man makes when he's a couple? Do you think that a person, once a couple, becomes macho or affectionate? What are your expectations from the couple? Have you ever dated a person who was a real challenge for you?

What tricks do you think men don't understand about women? What are you afraid of when you open your heart to a man? Are you used to rushing where it's the other way around? Do you think you've never had a perfect romantic relationship? Why did your last relationship fail?

This style of questioning is called "open-ended questions." Questions that create great conversation, engagement, and most of all, build a general understanding of the miss. But be careful, know that you will get the real answer after you ask him questions related to your first question. If you ask her, for example, don't approach the question directly. But rather, go ahead and read between the lines. Truth is revealed by digging and digging. Then move on to the next question.

  • What were you like as a child? A hooligan or a calm girl?
  • What made you laugh the most over the past week/month?
  • You are a creative person? Why do you think so?
  • What sounds do you like?
  • Do you believe in zodiac signs? Which one is yours?
  • TV series you like to watch?
  • Do you think it would be romantic to make love on the seashore?
  • Will you forgive me if I accidentally cheat on you?

To go even further, open: A Guide to Sexual Techniques

Moreover, these questions show that the person is very interested in a girl who is rather against performance, right? This can also be a good plan because if you miss out on a girl but you're good, they might introduce you to their girlfriends. To achieve this, you can try to insert yourself when they see each other or vice versa. If this is not possible, the idea never forces the girl to make a choice. Spend time with her, and if she keeps seeing another guy at the same time, make sure you're okay: if he takes her to a McDo, take her to a restaurant. If you feel like her friend continues to keep her away from you, the best strategy is to tell her that you understand that she feels closer to her friend, but that you have no plans to be in a relationship with a girl who is too dependent on her. best friend. There it is, it goes or breaks it, but honestly, is it really worth breaking a girl who makes her best friend's doggie? Olivier So, this is typical. This is a girl who doesn't know how to make decisions on her own. When she is with you she agrees with you and after 2 days she agrees with her girlfriend. Olivier Okay, but when I don't have account, the forum does not appear in the list.

  • Very good article Kamal, congratulations.
  • One or two can be resolved subtly during a conversation, but not all together.
  • You have several solutions, don't worry.
  • The simplest thing is to meet a friend and become an ally.
I have a question for you: what do women not understand about men?

TO interesting questions on ask include those that you rarely ask in Everyday life, For example:

  • When was the last time you cried?
  • If you caught a goldfish, what three wishes would you make?
  • What would you like to change about your past and why?
  • Would you be friends with your doppelganger? Why?
  • What question would you like to answer yourself, but you are never asked?)
  • If you could go back 10 years, what would you change in your life?
  • What do you lack the courage to do?
  • They say that in life you have to try everything. Are there things you will never try?

Cool questions for ask

And yet, the most favorite topic is considered to be cool or funny ask questions. It is more interesting for all users to answer precisely such questions. You can laugh and show how you yourself can put something like that in your answer. Undoubtedly, such a question will simply get a ton of likes. Examples cool questions for ask:

  • If I drink fairy, will the fat in me dissolve?
  • How to go to bed early at half past two in the morning?
  • How to tell a cat that he is adopted?
  • Why is Tsoi alive when he is dead, and Guf dead when he is alive?
  • I collected all the penguins from Kinder Surprise, is it worth writing this in the achievements column on your resume?
  • How many Nesquicks should you eat to make a talking rabbit appear?
  • The dog says "woof". The cat says "meow". And the giraffe? Does anyone know how a giraffe speaks?
  • Why, when I'm sad, don't little animals gather around me and sing songs?

Here are some examples of what questions you can ask in an ask. Be sure to come up with something of your own and go for it!