A working scheme for withdrawing money from Sberbank credit cards through Beeline. Fraud (1 photo)

By the way, this also affected me, further from the author:
I encountered an unpleasant situation this week. My wife's credit card was stolen. I figured out how to do it. I am writing to warn you about holes in Sberbank and Beeline. Whether these holes are random for diverting clients’ money or not, it’s up to you to decide.

So, the fraud scheme that still works:

1. Fraudsters collect advertisements on Avito with Beeline numbers (why specifically Beeline will be written later). Then they send a massive SMS to the victims with a text where they address them by the name taken on Avito and the words “I offer an exchange with an additional payment. Here is the photo: netint.ru/ru3.” Among users smart smartphones, there are a lot of not smart users at all, so a lot of people will click on the link without blinking. Of course, he posted an ad on Avito, and someone knows his name and is offering an exchange. After which the screen goes blank and a virus program is installed on the phone, which gains access to secret SMS sending and hides SMS from certain numbers, in particular from Sberbank and Beeline. You do not need to have the Mobile Banking program on your phone. That's it, the victim's phone is charged. Now comes the stage of settings in your Sberbank personal account.

2.Mobile banking is a connected service of Sberbank, which allows clients to make settings in their personal account. For example, such as: connecting automatic payment to mobile phone, money transfer, telephone payment, etc. Attention, to do this, scammers do not need “mobile banking” installed on your phone. You don't need to know your login, password, or temporary codes. None of this is needed! The Green Bank has already taken care of this. Moreover, the client may not even activate this service and may not even know about its existence! It is connected to a credit card by default. He may even write a statement to disable the “mobile banking” service from the card. Sberbank, having disconnected the service from a debit card, will leave the “mobile banking” service connected to a credit card (not a debit card, for example, a salary card, but a personal credit card, with a set limit for a certain amount that it can borrow and spend). All that remains is to send an SMS with the text “AUTO 1000” to Sberbank number 900 from the infected phone. After which, in the account for a credit card (namely, a credit card, not a debit card), Autopayment will be installed on cell number, with the setting, top up your phone balance by 1000 rubles, when the balance drops below 600 rubles. That's it, the bank is charged. In turn, the bank will then respond to the client, we received an SMS command from you, we executed it. Moreover, the scammers may be lucky, and the automatic payment will debit money from the card in excess of the established limit for several days in a row. Well, you can get by with a limit of 3,000 rubles (proof http://data.sberbank.ru/bashkortostan/ru/p...ank/?base=beta). and withdraw money until the loshok goes away. Security guards will not see anything suspicious with credit card transactions. Even if the amount written off will attract criminal charges under Article 158.

3. The third stage is the simplest. SMS messages are sent from a Beeline phone to short numbers free8464, 7878, 3116, etc. In detail they are referred to as “Payment for services mobile commerce" This is actually a paradise for scammers. You can get up to 15,000 rubles per day. conduct. Then the client will also be told: “Well, you are a loser, scammers stole your money!” A few years ago you activated the service “banning sending SMS to short numbers”, well, you’re a loser, this service has not been working for a long time.”

4. The application to the Ministry of Internal Affairs is accepted, but, according to them, the case is closed after 30 days. Profit! Although no. I doubt that this will work for those who want to repeat this scheme by dissecting the viral apk file, changing the settings to gain access to the virus themselves, for one simple reason. It is unlikely that the professional security service of Sberbank will not notice suspicious movements on the card and will not react in any way, and the system settings will be so favorable to them that they will allow them to exceed the established daily limits for auto payments. Also, the Beeline security service will immediately detect new figures in its clearing.

Why is this scheme applicable specifically to the Sberbank-Beeline link: “The ability to connect automatic payment for an invoice issued by a telecom operator requires the presence of appropriate conditions in the agreement between the client and the telecom operator. Currently, activation of auto payment under the postpaid scheme is available only to Beeline subscribers.” proof: http://sberbank.ru/common/img/uploaded/fil...df/mob_ruk2.pdf In the same place: “After some time, a message from the telecom operator will be sent to the subscriber number being connected. If the application from the Bank to connect the service is successfully processed, an SMS message will be sent from the operator that the service has been successfully connected (Beeline, Tele2 and NSS); or a notification that the service will be connected after the refusal waiting period has expired (MTS, Megafon, BaikalWestcom)." This Sberbank-Beeline connection even runs a promotion "Bonus for auto payment" (proof http://www.sberbank.ru/common/img/uploaded. ..zh_Beeline.pdf). Well, isn't it cynicism?

More details. The virus hides incoming SMS from Beeline and Sberbank. But what’s interesting is that Beeline does not reflect incoming SMS from Sberbank about card transactions in detail. Although the Bank makes such SMS mandatory when debiting from a credit (not debit) card. In Beeline details, incoming SMS with a virus is not reflected.

This scheme has been operating successfully since at least last fall. According to information from friends who work at the bank, no one got their money back.

Well, I warned you. Now protect your wallets and phones as best you can.

Now the details of my case.

My wife is on maternity leave and has no money on her card, which is why she doesn’t check her balance. I went to Sberbank online to pay for my mobile phone and saw that it was from a credit card with a limit of 40 thousand rubles. a significant amount has disappeared. The money was withdrawn over 4 days. Stopped when antivirus was installed on the phone. An application has been submitted to the police department. Sberbank too. A response came from Sberbank in which it reports that on the first day 2946 rubles were written off to the account cell phone and automatic payment is enabled. And that in a period of four days, a total of 10,000 rubles were written off for auto payment. In fact, on the first day, 7,946 rubles were written off. on the second day 4000 rub. (with the official limit on transactions being 3,000 rubles. Thus, in the first two days there were debits from the card that exceeded the daily limits. In total, in 4 days, 16,946.00 rubles were written off (about which we have a card statement signed by Sberbank), and not 12946 rubles as written in Sberbank's response. That is, in its official response, with the assigned number, signature and blue seal, Sberbank is already deceiving with the numbers. We have an application in hand that was completed in the fall at the Sberbank office to disable the Mobile Bank service , where the phone number and debit salary card number linked to the contract are indicated.But as I wrote above, the “mobile bank by default” is forced to be linked to a credit card.

On Wednesday, February 24, I’m going to contact the Prosecutor’s Office, because where you get into the bank is where you get off. Need advice and assistance in drawing up an application to the Prosecutor's Office. How can I return funds from Sberbank and Beeline. What actions can you take? Maybe someone also suffered from scammers. It's not so much about money, but about principle. As long as you can bypass the traps set, everywhere they try to bite off and snatch a piece. I want to break the system, even just a little bit.

A few years ago, when I was still studying, my phone rang early in the morning on the subway. A cheerful male voice cheerfully introduced himself as a Beeline employee and said that my SIM card would be blocked. Previously a sleepy fly, I woke up abruptly and sent him under the surprised glances of passing passengers. I came to the university, then home and told everyone how to respond to such “threats.” Who would have known...

Today my mom got a call from a scammer. This *** introduced himself as a Beeline employee (and introduced himself to them deliberately several times during the entire conversation). His first name and patronymic are unlikely to be real, but he named it methodically, taking into account, as it turned out from a search in Yandex, his previous experience of divorce.
Mom talked to him for about 3 minutes. From the conversation in fits and starts, I realized that my mother had been connected to the Beeline Mobile Bank service and she wanted to turn it off (which Beeline, by the way, is even too guilty of). Since she was busy, she called me (“I’ll call my daughter now” - which again killed my vigilance). But I understood this, sitting across 2 walls and reading a book, from snippets of her conversation. She often asks to do something “technical” for her and not very well, citing the fact that she doesn’t understand anything about it, in fact she just doesn’t want to. At my amazed look and the question: “What is happening?” she just waved her hand (“she has no time, figure it out”), handed me the phone and asked me to bring my phone.
At this moment I hear on the other end: “Well, did you press?” I think: aha, he doesn’t want to “poke buttons” again.
This ***, having understood the situation, sent an SMS, as it turned out, with a number to pay for services on RURU.RU - Payment World, and said to send it to number 7878 with confirmation to 8464 - Beeline mobile payment.
I only use my phone to call/send SMS and therefore didn’t notice the catch. I once already turned off services with the help of an operator (though at that time I called Beeline myself), she also asked me to send some numbers to some short numbers.
And here’s the result - the minus is not critical, but a good amount that I personally would spend a year or two.
In the end, it turned out that they were not going to disconnect my mother’s service, but to re-register the SIM card, which they were going to (ha ha) BLOCK, which I pulled out of her when the policeman had already arrived. Get this bastard...
Both Beeline and Ruru.ru refused to help and sent me to write a statement. We wrote a statement to the police, we sit and hope for a miracle. The hope that this creature will not withdraw money from the account until Monday tends to zero, but I hope that someone, before following the lead of this ***, will go online and try these 2 lucky numbers.
And Ruru.ru CJSC National Service Company should take care of the safety of its activities. Self-respecting companies require confirmation of the mobile number, at least, and link it to the account of a specific user. And especially not you social network, but you work directly with money and its transfers!

Our valiant police called back only a month and a half later to... ask us for proof that our numbers belong to us. They were waiting a month and a half. I withdrew the application because... They obviously won’t find the money anymore, and it’s not convenient for me to run away from work.

I went to the Beeline website, registered, entered my account, turned off mobile payment and a couple of other services for the whole family. Which is what I recommend to everyone.
I made a tutorial on how this is done.

Into the stump mobile payments, screw Ruru.ru, screw the rest of the participants in these frauds. Some steal from technically not very literate old people, others eat lunch during reception hours, others “can’t help you in anything” if you didn’t come to give your money, but for the help you need because of their careless and incompetent work.

Update 2
Fraudsters are closer to us than ever. .

Today it is impossible to imagine a single person without mobile communications. Moreover, the phone is used not only for its intended purpose, as it has various functions. And it would be a sin not to use them when you have such a powerful modern device, which contains various options. You can perform any actions with it without leaving your home, for example, money transfers using the tiny four-digit number 7878.

7878 what is this number?

Several years ago, 2 companies began active cooperation in the provision of mobile transfer services Money. If the first company is the long-known Beeline, then the second is not so widespread. This is the company RURU. Engaged in money transfers in cash and in electronic format to bank cards and online wallets.

It has been on the market for quite a long time, so it can be considered a reliable service that has earned trust among users. Since Beeline clients had a growing need to transfer funds using that tiny but powerful mobile device, this led to the unification and further development of the 7878 mobile service.

This four-digit number 7878 was chosen because it is fairly easy to remember. This code is valid in the Russian Federation. This code also has a long number: 8-800-700-4848. Maintains communication around the clock.

To cash out funds, the UNISTREAM and CONTACT systems are used.

Service available mobile transfer from this number only for Beeline users.

It should be immediately clarified that the method of translation depends on its purpose.

How to get cash from UNISTREAM?

You should send an SMS to the short number 7878 with the text:

uni – space – sender – space – passport number – space – recipient – ​​space – amount.

After the SMS has reached the recipient, you must wait for confirmation, which will be sent in the form of individual code numbers. These numbers must be shown to the bank employee when receiving money.

It should be mentioned that the holder of the mobile device has a Beeline SIM card. You can transfer funds from your number to your Visa and Master Card.

The message is also sent to the short four-digit number 7878 with a slightly different text:

Master (Visa) – space – card number – amount.

How to transfer funds from your number to another number?

Today you can top up another subscriber’s account from your phone different ways. It is not necessary to look for terminals or go to a sales showroom. One of these methods is to top up your balance using 7878; you need to send the following message:

bee – space – subscriber’s phone number – space – transfer amount

Using the same method, you can make transfers not only from Beeline to Beeline, but also to accounts of other operators. To do this, you only need to change the first three letters in the message. Namely:

  • for megaphone number: mgf;
  • for Tele 2 – tele2;
  • for MTS – mts.

How to transfer funds using 7878 to an electronic card?

Through the official website of the company. To do this, select:

  1. “Payment for services from a Beeline account” – “Money transfers”.
  2. Then select the transaction type and enter the number, wallet number and amount.
  3. Next, it remains to confirm this operation.

Is there any charge for the mobile transfer service?

Yes, the service is paid. Collection takes place at automatic mode in the form of a few percent of the transfer amount. It is advisable to check the size of the commission on the company’s website. There is also a certain limit on the number of funds sent.

Number 7878: what are these: fraudulent or official transfers?

If you use this number for its intended purpose and send everything correctly, then there is no deception here. Although the site is protected, you should not let your guard down in any case. Especially when it comes to monetary transactions. In this regard, you need to be careful and not send money to scammers involved in dubious transactions.

When transferring funds to number 7878, the system ALWAYS sends a confirmation code. This means that the client himself confirms his transfer with a personal code. After sending the confirmation code, information with official transfer parameters is received.

Thus, we can assume that today the achievements of science and technology do not stand still, and you can try to use any opportunities offered, keeping up with progress. It is recommended to follow the company’s new offers, as this may provide new profitable opportunities and bonuses, interesting promotions may be held and other services may be provided.

In order to save money on his account or balance, the client simply needs to view offers from time to time through Personal Area or application "". How to do this and what benefits does it provide?

First method: through your Personal Account

To do this, you need to go to the official website of the company my.beeline.ru. This system tool, in which you have access to your account. In order to be on your page, you must indicate your number or password, that is, log in to the service. Next, the system redirects to the user’s individual page. Information about current tariff, balance, service package, phone number will be displayed immediately on the main page.

After the user has entered his account, he has the opportunity to independently change the tariff, connect profitable services, disable unnecessary subscriptions and use other system resources.

Second method: through the My Beeline application

Given mobile app allows you to quickly find out information about tariff options and other services similar to the “Personal Account”, as well as clarify data from phones and tablets on iOS base, android. That is, there is a similar interface as on the Beeline website. It is also possible to find out information about the current tariff, balance, service package, phone number, which will be displayed in this application.

The user can independently and absolutely free change the tariff, connect profitable services, disable unnecessary subscriptions and use other system resources at his own discretion.

The Beeline operator, like other operators providing communication services, wanting to present options to its subscribers with the highest quality, every year produces the absolutely newest, most favorable rates and options and updates existing ones. While some subscribers, due to frequently changing their phone number to a new one, are simply not able to remember the name of the currently available tariff option, others forget it within a few years.

For them this task is especially relevant. It should be noted that the costs of mobile communications directly depend on the tariff used. The Beeline operator has a large number of interesting offers, among which each subscriber can choose for himself what suits him to the maximum. In addition, the operator regularly offers new, more favorable tariffs. But in order to decide whether this or that service is suitable, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with them in detail on the official website.

Modern mobile operators offer a wide range of services, which can be accessed in a few clicks or by sending special SMS. But to understand the quantity that exists now service numbers much more complicated than it initially seems. Thus, not many subscribers know what number 7878 is. Meanwhile, it allows you to use a very useful service that can be useful to users at any time. That is why it is worth understanding in advance what it is and how it will be useful to clients telephone company.

Modern mobile operators provide not only telephone but also financial services, and a short service combination of the above numbers allows you to withdraw funds from a SIM card. That is, a correctly sent command debits money and allows you to receive it in almost any way convenient for the subscriber. At the same time, SMS makes it possible not only to cash out your phone balance, but also to transfer funds to other subscribers. The main thing is to know the right combinations and commands to manage financial services.

"7878" Beeline money transfer

The process of transferring or withdrawing funds is extremely simple and will require:

  • writing a service SMS;
  • receiving a special code;
  • use code to complete the operation.

In this case, the text of the message should be written:

  1. for withdrawal through Beeline terminals “RUB amount”;
  2. to a friend’s phone “phone amount” (phone number is indicated after 7);
  3. on bank card“card type (Visa, Maestro, Mastercard) card number amount”;
  4. to the bank account “bank code (listed on the website) account number amount”;
  5. on WebMoney “wm wallet number without R amount”;
  6. money and postal transfers "code payment system country code sender's full name sender's passport recipient's full name amount" (details on the website).

It is important to remember that the short number 7878 is a transfer of money to a card to another subscriber, so you should use it carefully so as not to become a victim of fraud.

The message is not sent to number 7878 – reasons and what to do?

Despite the importance of financial services, even such services may not be available. At the same time, if the SMS message is not sent, remittance it is impossible to carry out on the card. The only way out of this situation will be to search for the reasons for what happened and then correct the detected error or malfunction.

In most cases, subscribers are able to cope with difficulties on their own.


Among the most common causes of difficulties are:

  • typos in the recipient's details;
  • errors in country codes and payment systems;
  • absence or insufficient funds on the SIM card, due to which the operation remained unpaid;
  • self-disabling the service in the past;
  • system malfunctions;
  • smartphone problems.

There are other sources possible problems. So, sometimes difficulties with sending are associated with the inability to send any SMS in general, and not with the financial option in particular.

What to do?

There are several ways to deal with difficulties and restore proper operation of the system:

  1. check whether the specified details belong to the recipient and make sure there are no typos or errors;
  2. take an alternative approach and transfer finances using a special website monetary transactions Beeline;
  3. contact the contact center operators and ask them to understand what happened, and at the same time check the status of the operation.

Each of these methods has its own advantages, so the final choice of the optimal approach depends on the user's desires.

How to disable the 7878 service on Beeline?

Those wishing to disable the 7878 service on Beeline should try:

  • visit your personal account and deactivate the option by finding it in the list of applications;
  • contact operators hotline and ask them to help with deactivation;
  • visit the nearest communication store and seek support from the managers working there.

Sometimes a much larger amount is debited from the balance on your phone than you expect, and then you realize that you don’t regularly use all the services connected to the number, and it’s time to turn off some content that is unnecessary. That's why you should spend money on a quiz that your child installed on your number during a boring trip or book, because there is a similar application on your laptop or tablet. So what to do: how to disable paid services on Beeline? We'll figure it out now.

Options for disabling unnecessary options on your phone

Attention! This article serves only as a hint and should not be taken as a call to action. Before you do anything, be sure to analyze the importance of the service you want to cancel.

All options and subscriptions in Beeline are very easy to block and remove from the number.

There are several ways to refuse them, and which one is more suitable is of course up to you to decide:

  • Contacting technical support Beeline will give you the opportunity to find out directly from the operator what connected services are included in the tariffs of your homer on your phone and how much they cost. They will immediately help you disable services or unsubscribe from unnecessary subscriptions. You can do this by calling a short number 0611 . The only downside is this method this is something that, like any other technical support, can be difficult to get through to. In this case, prohibit “Surprise for Erudite” or daily newsletter“Horoscope” will be available using the voice menu.

  • Second way, no less popular is changing the options in your personal account on the portal my.beeline.ru. Here you can not only place an order to cancel information and entertainment services, but also vice versa - establish a connection to additional services that you need (for example, English lessons or an economizer). Here you can disable subscription to the Videoworld 18+ channel. Your personal account will also lift the curtain on what funds you spend on everything, including subscriptions.

  • Another easy way: dial *111# and call button– You will be taken to the service control center. After dialing this number, a list of all services (paid and free), as well as information on how to add or remove them from the phone, will appear on the screen.

  • The same can be done using SMS dialogue and SIM menu or the application "My Bilan"

  • For users who are accustomed to solving such issues on their own, Beeline has introduced special short numbers for each of the existing services that it provides, but before that, dial the number: *110*09# and call

It will be useful to view:

And now we will share with you the commands with which you can configure the most popular services that Beeline offers.

Basic commands that are useful when disconnecting/connecting paid Beeline services

Reference. All the commands presented are designed to remove some of the popular options and subscriptions; information regarding the rest (there are more than 90 of them at the moment) can be found on the company’s website.

Stay in touch*110*400#
Stay informed+*110*1062#
Voice mail*110*010#
Number Identifier*110*070#
Internet notifications*110*1470#
"Hello" service67409770
Balance on screen*110*900#
Disable Autoresponder or Autoresponder+*110*010#
Acquaintance*111*4*4*5*2 #

What other services can they withdraw funds from and how to prevent this?

Some users often have the question “Number 5555, what is it and what does it offer me?” In addition to official Beeline services, there are also additional mailings from content providers who usually interact with subscribers using short numbers.

Order details in LC

In order to order content from these comrades, you just need to write a message to the offered number (the text can be anything - everything except the word STOP or STOP). But to disconnect - you should just write STOP or STOP in the message.

Here are some examples of short numbers that can cause losses on your phone balance:

  • 5555 – Quiz for scholars;
  • 7878 – Beeline Money;
  • 6275 – Online English lessons;
  • 2838 – Subscription to Kinokhod;
  • 6305 – Beeline Music;
  • 7906 – Automobile fines;
  • 6442 – Radio portal.

Attention! Basically, calls within the network are made free of charge, but some services have their own tariffs, so we advise you to familiarize yourself with them before editing the number options via the phone.

What's the result?

Now you know that operators have in their arsenal not only free services connected to your tariff, but also those for which you have to pay, and sometimes the amounts are not small. In order to save money on your room, we advise you to use our tips and edit the list of services provided.