Work with documents “small purchase. Working with “small purchase” documents Working with “small purchase” documents


Keysystems LLC

A. A. Matrosov

"___" ______________ 2016

User guide

Approval sheet

R.KS. 01130 03 34 00 LU

Signature and date

Deputy General Director

Keysystems LLC

O. S. Semenov

"___" ______________ 2016

Inv.N duplicate


Head of DIRIGZ
_________________ V. G. Dimitriev

"___" ______________ 2016

Signature and date

Inv.N vile


Letter A

Software package"web - Torg-ks"

version 13.3.0 build 2320

User guide

Administration of the software package

R.KS. 01130 03 34 00 LU

Sheets 120

Signature and date

Inv.N duplicate


Signature and date

Inv.N vile


Letter A

This document is part of the user manual for the WEB-Torgi-KS software package version 16.04.00 and contains a description of operations for administering the software package.
The manual consists of two sections:

  • Description of operations.

  • Non-standard situations.

Chapter "DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS" contains a description of all performed functions, tasks, description of operations technological process processing the data necessary for their implementation.
Chapter «» contains a description possible difficulties and ways to solve them during setup of the complex.


1.1. Setting up System 6 correspondents

1.1.1. Creating a new correspondent 7

1.1.2. Create a user group 8

1.1.3. Group Administrator 10

1.1.4. Carrying out the reorganization procedure in case of changing the name of the organization 14

1.1.5. Synchronizing customer information 15

1.2. Setting up workplaces 16

1.2.1. Differentiation of user access rights to tasks and functions 18 Access settings 18 Assigning access rights to System 20 documents Creating Users 22 Batch creation of users 24 Correcting user accounts after restoring the database 27

1.2.2. Differentiation of user access rights to System data 28 Including users in selections 28 Limiting the list of directory entries 29

1.2.3. Arms 30

1.2.4. System and user filters 33 Filtering a list of documents by list field values ​​36

1.3. Setting up the software package 42

1.3.1. Automatic operation with digital signature 42

1.3.2. Electronic signature 44 Key server 45

1.3.3. Setting up documents 46

1.4. Formation of a working database 48

1.4.1. Transferring the database to another server 49

1.4.2. Transition to working with the program from the middle of the year 50

1.5. Database maintenance using software package 50

1.5.1. Main menu “Settings” 50 Settings 50 Options 51 User connection pool 53

1.5.1. Main menu “Service” 53 Task Scheduler 53 Installing and starting the task scheduler service 59 Document processing period 69 Event log 70 Template Manager 70 Server tasks 71 Database management 74 Error log 77 Generating settings files 77

1.5.2. Main menu “Processing” 78

1.5.3. Service modes 79

1.5.4. Working with primary documents 79 Installation and configuration of the service primary documents 79

1.6. Setting up alerts and notifications to customers using the service mail messages 83

1.6.1. Deploying the mail message service database 83

1.6.2. The “Mail” tab in the Explorer group 85

1.6.3. The task of checking mail messages in the scheduler 87

1.6.4. Re-creating the mail message service database 88

1.6.5. Settings for sending messages to external mail 89

1.7. Directories "Government Order" 90

1.7.1. Directory of descriptions of published files 90

1.7.2. Documentation Templates Reference 92

1.7.3. Directory of standard draft contracts with EIS 97

1.8. Description of settings for root documents “GOSZAKAZ” 99

1.8.1. Description of the settings for the conditions for restricting foreign suppliers in the document “Purchase Request” 99

1.8.2. Automatic completion of the “Additional information” field 102

1.8.3. Creation and configuration of the functionality “Requirements for approval by the supervising authority” 106 Creating a new user and organization as an approval body 106 Working with requirements for approval by the supervising body 108

1.8.4. "Help" button in the list of documents 110

1.8.5. Document search form 111

1.9. Description of asynchronous service settings (BOTA) 114

1.9.1. Receipt xml files according to the document sent to EIS 114


1.10. Improving operational reliability 119

1.11. Client installation problems 119

1.12. Startup and operation problems 119

1.13. Problems with registration of complex 120

1.14. Problems with visualizing the Navigator window 120

1.15. Problems when working with reports 120




This user manual contains information about working in the WEB-Torgi-KS software package (hereinafter referred to as the “System”), which is designed to automate state and municipal procurement management systems and is designed to ensure effective control over the expenditure of budget funds at all stages of planning, placement state (municipal) order, execution of contracts through integration with the All-Russian Official Website (hereinafter referred to as the OOS) for posting information about placing orders.

A set of administration tasks is intended for a user performing administrator functions in the System.

Program administration includes performing the actions necessary to organize the work of users with the system at their workplaces, as well as a description of the procedures that the administrator performs in the process of maintaining the program. Administration of employee workplaces consists of controlling access to the system and functions performed by departments of the financial authority.


The document uses the following symbols:


Important information about the impact of current user actions on the performance of other functions and tasks of the software package.


Important information about possible negative consequences of user actions.


Critically important information, neglect of which can lead to errors.


Useful additional information, tips, well-known facts and conclusions.


Functional on-screen buttons.

Keyboard keys.


Names of user interface elements.

Windows => Navigator

Navigation through menu items and modes.

clause 2.1.1


Links to structural elements, pictures, tables of the current document, links to other documents.

System administration is performed by a user with administrator rights. The administrator can be:

  • only by the administrator of the complex;

  • only by system administrator;

  • complex administrator and system administrator at the same time.
Functions system administrator– creating, deleting users and user groups and changing their attributes.

The functions of the complex administrator are assigning access rights for users and user groups to complex objects and executing modes and settings that are not available to other users.
1.1.Setting up System correspondents

At the stage of PC implementation " WEB-Torgi-KS» produced in the region automatic download directory of correspondents who plan their future work in the System. The full directory of correspondents is available in the directory “Correspondents (all)” along the path (Figure 1)

Software package “web – Torgi-ks”

User guide

Formation and work with documents” Small purchase

Sheets 10

  1. Working with “small purchase” documents

    1. Accounting for small volume purchases

Small volume purchases- this is the placement of an order (orders) without carrying out procedures in accordance with clauses 4 and clause 5 of part 1 of article 93 of Federal Law No. 44-FZ, if the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services for state and municipal needs is carried out in an amount not exceeding one hundred thousand rubles (clause 4, part 1, article 93 44-FZ) or not exceeding four hundred thousand rubles (clause 5, part 1, article 93 44-FZ).

Before starting to create small volume purchases, it is assumed that the customer has created and published "Plan - schedule"(the document plan schedule is in the filter "Published").

For accounting in the Small Volume Procurement System, the institution generates a document "Small purchase" The procurement indicates the composition of the purchased products, work performed, services provided in the context of budget classification codes by selecting items from the agreed procurement schedule plan.

To generate a document in the System "Small purchase",you need to go to the list of documents "Small purchase" - "In progress"(Picture 1) and press the button [Create].

Figure 1. Go to “Small purchase” documents

In the form that opens, enter in the document header (Figure 2): “Subject of purchase”, “Type of purchase”.

Figure 2. Document “Small purchase”

On the tab “Goods\work\services” To add a purchase item you need to click on the button [Add line]. In a cell "KBK from the plan" select the required BCC, in accordance with the lot "Plan-graphics".

After selecting the desired KBK, all fields will be automatically filled in, except:

    “Unit. measurements";




    "PBS Account" - These fields must be filled in manually.

The purchase price is automatically calculated by adding the fields "Price».

On the tab "Provider" you should indicate the correspondent with whom an agreement will be concluded by selecting from the directory of Correspondents in the cell "INN" (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Selecting a supplier by TIN column

To the document "Small purchase" You should attach a copy of the agreement (if available). To work with attached files, click the [ button Attached file].

After successful document generation "Small purchase" transferred to "Register of small procurement" at the touch of a button [Submit to Small Procurement Register](Figure 4).

Figure 4.Sending small purchases to the Register

The document will go into the filter "Small purchase" - "Register of small purchases"

From "Register of small purchases" documents must be submitted to "PC Budget-Smart" to form a budget commitment . For this you need highlight the entries and press the button (Figure 5). PC "Budget-Smart" in documents:

Figure 5. Formation of BO in BCS

You can track the status of documents using the “Analytical Features” field ( Figure 6)

Figure 6. Analytical features

    1. Returning a document to work from the “Register of Small Procurements”

To make changes to "Small purchase", which was transferred to the Register of Small Procurements or for which a budget obligation has already been formed in PC "Budget-Smart" you need to select the entries and press the button [Return to work]. The document will go into the filter "In progress" and will be available for editing and working with attached files ( Figure 7).

Figure 7. Return to work

After changes are made, the document is again transferred to the Small Procurement Register.

If a budget obligation was formed according to the document in PC "Budget-Smart", then this budget commitment must be removed from PC "Budget-Smart" .

In the “WEB - Bidding” PC, click on the button [Form BO in BKS (55-n)] - retransmit to PC "Budget-Smart" budget commitment.

    1. Making changes to the “Small purchase” document

To make changes to a small purchase, you should select entries in the document "Register of small purchases" and press the button [Create a change for a small purchase](Figure 8).

Figure 8. Generate changes

The system will create a new version document "Small purchase". This version will be displayed in the filter "In progress" With "Change number" and will be available for editing and working with attached files ( Figure 9).

Figure 9. Versions of the document Small-purchase

After changes are made, the document is sent again to "Register of small purchases".

From "Register of small purchases" documents are transferred to "PC Budget-Smart" to form a budget commitment . For this you need highlight the entries and press the button [Form BO in BKS (55-n)]. The transferred budget commitment can be seen in PC "Budget-Smart" in the document: Draft - Information about the adopted budget commitment.

    1. Directory "Service Providers"

Directory "Service Providers" is intended for accounting of organizations that are service providers, and is used when maintaining records of government orders and budget obligations : Navigator - "Directories" - "Service Providers" (Figure 10). To create a new supplier, click the button [Create].

Figure 10. Create a supplier

When registering service providers, fill out the header of the document:

    TINan identification number taxpayer.

    Date of registration with the tax authority – required to fill out

    Abbreviated name– short name of the organization

    Name- name of company.

On the " Basic details" are introduced ( Figure 11):

    Locationlegal address organizations.

    Mailing addressmailing address organizations.

    Legal form– organizational and legal form of the organization, the value is selected from the directory "Organizational and legal forms of organization."

    Code of territorial municipal formation (OKTMO).


    Fax machine.

    Contact email.

    Organization's Internet address– address of the organization’s website.

    The contact person.

    OKPO code - organization code according to the All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations .

    Type of individual/legal entity - selection from dropdown list

Figure 11. Supplier data entry window

On the " KPP/OKATO" indicated ( Figure 12):

    checkpoint– code of the reason for registration.

    OKATO code– territory code according to the all-Russian classifier of objects of administrative-territorial division, selected from the directory "OKATO".

Figure 12. “Checkpoint/OKATO” tab

On the " State order" the following details are indicated ( Figure 13):

    Registration date– date of registration of the supplier.

    OKSM code– code and name of the supplier’s country of location, selected from the directory "OKSM.

    Status– supplier status, selected from the directory "State support status".

    Additional Information– a field for registering arbitrary additional information about the supplier.

Figure 13. Tab “Government Order”

Change registration sheet

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  • Discipline: “Intelligent CAD subsystems” (Shkaberin V. A.)


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  • 423450 Russia, Republic of Tatarstan, Almetyevsk, Lenina 75 The information contained in this quarterly report is subject to disclosure in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on securities


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  • Version number


    Full name of the performer

    Initial version

    Likhach E.V.

    Added clause 1.2 and clause 1.3

    Likhach E.V.



    "___" ______________ 2011

    User guide


    "___" ______________ 2011

    Inv. N double

    In return. inv. N

    Head of UTViS

    _________________ yonov

    "___" ______________ 2011

    Project Manager


    "___" ______________ 2011

    Signature and date

    Inv. N mean

    Software package “web – Torgi-ks”

    User guide

    Management of the administration of municipalities of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

    R. KS.01130‑01 34 01 (Republic of Sakha (Yakutia))

    Signature and date

    Inv. N double

    In return. inv. N

    Signature and date

    Inv. N mean


    This document is a user manual for the software package « WEB-Torgi-KS" and contains a description of the work procedure of the Administration of municipalities of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

    The manual consists of two sections:

    Preparing for work.

    Description of operations.

    Chapter " Preparing for work» contains information about the composition and contents of the distribution media, the procedure for installing the software package, as well as its subsequent launch and performance testing.

    Chapter " Description of operations"contains a description of all functions and tasks performed when working with the software package.

    Introduction... 4

    1. Preparation for work... 5

    1.1. Setting up a workplace... 5

    1.2. General principles of interface organization... 7

    1.2.1. General principles of the user interface. 7

    1.2.2. Description of standard list toolbar buttons. eleven

    1.2.3. Description of standard buttons on the editing toolbar. 13

    2. Description of operations.. 14

    2.1. Login.. 14

    2.2. Setting up user registration data for OOS in the System.. 15

    2.3. Procurement planning.. 16

    2.3.1. Working with the document “Forecast assessment of implementation”. 16

    2.3.2. Formation of the document “Forecast procurement plan”. 17

    2.3.3. Formation of the document “List of State Needs”. 19

    2.4. Working with plans and schedules for placing municipal orders.. 22

    2.4.1. Formation of the document “Order placement schedule”. 22

    2.4.2. Approval of the document “Order placement schedule”. 23

    2.4.3. Formation of preliminary purchase requests. 25

    2.4.4. Formation of purchase requests. 26

    2.4.5. Sending purchase requests to clarify the amount. thirty

    2.4.6. Coordination of purchase requests. thirty

    2.5. Working with attached files... 32

    2.6. Accounting for small volume purchases.. 34

    2.7. Placing an order by requesting a quote... 34

    2.8. Holding an open competition.. 40

    2.9. Conducting an open auction in electronic form.. 45

    2.10. Generating information on municipal contracts and monitoring their implementation.. 48

    2.10.1. Formation of the contract. 48

    2.10.2. Sending information under the contract for registration at the CAB.. 51

    2.10.3. Amendments to the contract. 53

    2.10.4. Working with documents “Execution of the contract”. 53

    2.11. Glossary.. 56

    Change registration sheet.. 58


    The automated information system of public procurement of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) (hereinafter referred to as the System) provides municipal customers with wide functionality in terms of planning, formation of government orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services, as well as the formation of government contracts and monitoring their implementation.

    Application area

    Software package « WEB – Torgi-KS" allows you to automate the processes of placing municipal orders, coordinating procurement, control in the field of placing orders, and also include them in a single information space of planning and budget execution processes through close integration with the software package "Budget-KS".


    The software package is designed to perform the following tasks:

    Formation of documents on order planning;

    Formation of documents on placing orders;

    Confirmation of funding limits from the budget planning and execution system “Budget-KS”;

    Automation of open auction processes;

    Automation of the processes of preliminary selection and procurement from a single supplier;

    Automation of summaries based on the results of reviewing documents of procurement participants;

    Accounting for contract execution information;

    Automation of maintaining a register of contracts;

    Generating analytical reports.


    The following conventions are used throughout this document:


    Functional on-screen buttons.

    Keyboard keys.

    Names of processing objects (modes).

    Names of user interface elements.

    Figure 5

    1. Preparing for work

    1.1. Workplace setup

    To work in the closed part of the System, you must have an Internet browser Internet Explorer version 6.0 and higher.

    You need to add the Portal address to the list "Trusted nodes" to ensure successful operation of the functions used in the complex ( Picture 1).

    Figure 1. Adding the Portal address to the list of trusted sites

    Pop-up windows must be allowed. Why open the Internet Options of your Internet browser and go to the tab Confidentiality (Drawing2 ) and click on the button [Options]. In this case, we proceed to setting the parameters of pop-up windows ( Drawing 3).

    Figure 2. Privacy tab

    Figure 3. Configuring pop-up window settings

    You must add the Portal address to the list of websites that have permission to use pop-up windows. You also need to enable ActiveX controls and Internet Explorer 6.0 plugins; to do this, go to the tab Safety forms "Internet Options" press the button [Another] and in the form that appears "Security Settings" find ActiveX controls and select "Allow" for all ActiveX controls (Figure 4).

    Figure 4. Setting web browser permissions

    1.2. General principles of interface organization

    1.2.1. General principles of the user interface

    Table 1. Terms and descriptions of user interface elements.


    A tree-like list of documents, reference books, and reports available to the user.

    The navigator opens after successful user authorization.

    List of documents

    A screen form that displays a list of documents of some type.

    In the list of documents, you can sort and filter the contents of the list.

    A toolbar appears at the top of the document list. Kit available tools depends on the document type and the user’s role in the system.

    Edit mode

    A screen form in which controls are available for entering the details of the document being edited.

    A toolbar appears at the top of the editing window. The set of available tools depends on the type of document and the user’s role in the system.

    Directory control

    In the editing forms of many documents there is a control element of the “Directory” type:

    Typically, free input into such a control element is allowed - in this case, if the element loses input focus, the entered value will be searched in the corresponding directory.

    In any case, by clicking on the button on the right side of the element, or by pressing Enter (with input focus), a directory window is called up, in which the desired value is selected.

    If, based on the entered filter value, or in accordance with the access settings, only one lookup value is available to the user, it will be selected automatically and the selection window will be closed.

    In the lookup window, filtering by the values ​​of the displayed columns is available.

    Grid control ( tabular part)

    In the editing forms of many documents, there is a control element of the “Grid” type:

    Buttons for adding and deleting grid rows (shown in the figure) are located at the top, in the toolbar of the editing window.

    The cells of the tabular part can be one of 4 types: an arbitrary text value, a date, a number, or a text cell for reference values.

    Date and number cells accept only numbers and appropriate delimiters.

    The reference cell behaves similarly to the “Directory” control: when focus is lost, the corresponding reference book is called, filtered by the entered value, and the directory is also called by double click on such a cell.

    Other controls

    Editing forms also contain controls for entering arbitrary text values, dates, amounts, and values ​​using an input mask.

    When you hover your mouse over a control, a tooltip will appear in most cases.

    Control when saving

    When saving documents from the editing form, the completeness of the required details is checked.

    Control elements with such details are highlighted with a green frame.

    In case of successful completion of this control, the correctness of filling in the details is monitored (for example, compliance with the current legislation on deadlines or required ratios of amounts).

    1.2.2. Description of standard list toolbar buttons

    Figure 5. List toolbar, standard buttons

    Table 2. Description of standard list toolbar buttons



    Calls up a window for editing a new document.


    Calls up a window for editing a document located in the selected (not ticked, but simply active) line of the list of documents.


    Deletes the selected (if there are no marked) or marked documents.


    Normal sorting is done by clicking on the header of the desired column.


    Allows you to configure filtering of the list by arbitrary values.


    Causes the list of documents to be updated from the database.

    Complex sorting and filtering settings are saved.

    “Settings” Calls up a window for working with files attached to a specific document.

    “To first page”, “To previous page”, “To next page", "To the last page"

    Used to switch between pages of long multi-page lists.