Rambler mail. Rambler - a search engine that no longer exists (from its heyday to its decline) Rambler browser media portal

). Rambler in 2011 finally became an ordinary ordinary portal(though with a multimillion-dollar audience) and their search is now carried out with the help of their once sworn “friend” Yandex. You can see for yourself that their search results for the same queries are identical.

But nevertheless, I consider the decision to write a short essay about the formation, development and slow death of this very first search engine on the RuNet to be justified (Rambler was born a year earlier than Yandex and Google, when the number of sites in the Russian-language segment of the network was measured in only hundreds).

The Rambler search engine is no longer such

In the summer of 2011, an agreement was concluded between Yandex and our hero, according to which searches on this mega-portal will henceforth be carried out using the RuNet mirror. A little earlier, the option of using Google search was considered, but a compatriot was able to do more profitable proposition(he couldn't lose after losing his partnership with ).

An important aspect of the agreement was the division of zones of influence between the systems and Begun. Initially, there were three main players in the context market in RuNet: Direct, Google Adwords and Begun. Each of them took the bulk of their profits from the results of their search engines.

It was already not easy for the runner, because its donor Rambler was losing its share in the search market with noticeable regularity. Although he had nowhere to go, since the controlling stake in the Context Runner belonged to Rambler.

Well, here, after the arrival of Yandex, he had to tighten his belt even tighter - his blocks contextual advertising moved to the periphery of Rambler's search results (shown on the right), leaving the most profitable places to a competitor represented by Direct:

Of course, in addition to Rambler’s search results, the context from Begun is shown on a number of large portals, as well as in the network of partners, but its market share is steadily falling.

And the quality of advertisers in this system leaves much to be desired, which is why not many webmasters are willing to cooperate with Begun (the earnings are simply ridiculous). Usually they turn to him if the site is denied both (the most profitable option, in my opinion, especially when working through Profit) and .

The owners of Begun expected that with the advent of Yandex, Rambler's share in the Runet search pie would increase slightly, which would allow them to increase their income, but this did not happen and now it is a tiny amount (slightly more than a percent):

Along with the decision to stop working on the search engine, Rambler owners. Firstly, the spelling of the name was changed - Latin letters were replaced by Russian ones, which, in fact, should have been done a long time ago. Secondly, the company logo has also changed, although for such famous brand the logo is no longer decisive:

Gradually, all services included in this mega-portal will change their appearance to match the new image. Will this help Rambler get out of the abyss into which he has driven himself? Time will show.

This portal includes many well-known services (you will even find the Nichrome browser there, and much more), which developed along with the search engine or were purchased by the portal owners over time (more detailed description and the purpose of services you can see in the help):

It seems to me that Rambler is now used mainly by experienced Internet users who got hooked on it and its services (mail, cards, price.ru, ferra.ru, poster, etc.) at a time when it had not yet fallen into the “cool” dive."

Rambler is more alive than dead (for how long)

About a year ago I read a post by a blogger who is also a school teacher. At the beginning of the school year, he surveyed schoolchildren about what search engine they used. What is noteworthy is that none of them named Rambler, and many had never even heard of it. From this we can conclude that for this search engine almost everything is already in the past.

The only service that appeared almost simultaneously with the search engine and has existed until now without any major changes is. I have already written about it several times, including in an article about. In fact, this is a service that provides a free traffic counter and, based on its readings, builds the Top Runet sites, dividing them into appropriate sections.

The appearance of the Rambler Top 100 has not yet been rebranded and, by and large, it looks like nothing. In addition, the monetization method is somewhat striking, when advertising blocks that strongly resemble . are displayed on the top and side of the catalog. I have nothing against them, but many people get the impression that the project is not serious (the next step could be teasers with adult content):

Although there are still blocks of contextual advertising below, but again from a former competitor in the person of Yandex. Initially, the Top 100 rating was intended to simplify the life of advertisers - I chose a category and now they are the leaders at the very top of the list. I don’t know how relevant this is now, but I personally add all my sites to this Rambler service without fail. Why?

The fact is that due to its monstrous age (it was launched in the spring of 1997), the site of this service has a huge trust, and links from its pages are not blocked from being indexed by search engines. Can you guess where I'm going with this? No matter how slow and uninformative the Rambler Top 100 service may be, participating in it will be useful for any project.

There is such a powerful bourgeois service for analyzing sites and their link mass as Ahrefs (Misha Shakin made a video review of it). So, there you can see all the backlinks leading to your resource. Moreover, they can be sorted by the internal rating of this service (AhrefsRank), which indirectly reflects the quality of a given backlink.

In general, the service is useful and, perhaps, after rebranding it will look more humane (well, and its counter will no longer periodically slow down). If we talk about Rambler as a whole, then the decline has been evident for quite some time and the decision to change the search engine was correct, because their own search was long behind the times.

There were probably quite a lot of reasons for the decline and decline in the quality of search in Rambler, but, as I see it, the collapse began ten years ago. The great and terrible Igor Ashmanov, who once stood at the helm of this search engine, writes about this in his book “Life Inside a Bubble.”

When I wrote articles about the history of the creation of Yandex and the history of creation and features of promotion in Google, I mentioned one common point, which, in my opinion, became decisive in the fact that both of these search engines are thriving and are still developing successfully. In both of these companies, the same people (Brin and Page, as well as Volozh and Segalovich) who stood at its origins remained at the helm.

Moreover, in both cases these people were enthusiasts of their business, for whom income was secondary, and the primary thing was the development and movement forward of their brainchildren. This is exactly what I did not find in the history of Rambler's development. As Igor Ashmanov wrote, the split occurred about ten years ago and those who worked on the search system initially were thrown out of the picture. Well, as it were, the result was not slow to tell.

The sad story of the search engine Rambler

In general, the history of the creation of the Rambler company is quite interesting. It began in one of the scientific towns of Pushchino near Moscow. If you remember, then you know that this system was first focused on the military needs of the states, and then for quite a long time served as a means of communication for America’s scientific communities (institutions).

The science city of Pushchino in the early nineties of the last century was notable for the fact that it became the first city in the Moscow region to have a dedicated line connected to the Internet through Moscow. It was precisely the interest in exchanging data on the latest research in the scientific world that spurred activists to lay a cable to Moscow almost on their own.

In 1991, the Internet had just begun its victorious march across the planet and practically did not yet exist (only in 1989 was it invented The World Wide Web WWW was used to create modern websites). Enthusiasts from Pushchino themselves set up mail and Ftp servers for their needs, and even within the entire Internet they were a significant unit.

Well, the logical conclusion of the complete internetization of the city’s scientific community on its own was writing a search engine. Within a few months, programmer Dmitry Kryukov successfully completed this task. In the fall of 1996, the domain rambler.ru was acquired, and on October 8, the site with the search engine became available to Internet users.

Rambler means tramp in English. He did not have any special competitors in RuNet and therefore, until Yandex appeared on the horizon (autumn 1997), he became the sole and absolute leader in search. True, at that time there were only about a hundred sites on the RuNet.

Six months later (spring 1997), the Rambler Top 100 rating, which is still successfully existing to this day, appeared, which we already discussed a little higher in the text.

The further history of the development of the search system is not as clear and straightforward as we could see with Yandex and Google. I don’t want to go into the details of the change of leadership and structural changes in the company, but now those who were at its origins no longer work in it. The creator of Rambler himself, Dmitry Kryukov, died in 2009 from a stroke. Igor Ashmanov created his own brand on the other side of the barricades - he went over to the side of SEO specialists ().

Although until a certain point (2006-2007) Rambler was well known and it seemed that the prospects for its further development were very favorable. New services were opened or acquired, traffic and company profits grew.

For example, in 2006, Rambler was in second place in the Runet search market with a very significant percentage:

He was even seriously ahead of Google, which now seems somewhat fantastic. But gradually the management’s flaws and reluctance to seriously work on the search engine took their toll. Over the next few years (2007-2009), the share of Rambler searches decreased several times:

When it seemed that it couldn’t get any worse (about 5% of the total market), it proved that it was possible, and its share decreased several times over the following years (2009-2011):

Well, now, when the search on rambler.ru is carried out using the Yandex engine (by the way, my situation is exactly the same), objective reasons there is no decline in its popularity due to poor search quality. It is possible that a market share of approximately one percent is the current benchmark for this once popular search engine, now a mega-portal.

In general, it’s not so bad, in any case, I’m ready to change places with Rambler, but I’m afraid that its owners will be against it. Now it makes no sense to talk about features for Rambler due to the use of someone else's engine.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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You may have noticed that recently several search giants have released their own web browsers, for example, Google Chrome and Yandex Browser. The well-known Russian search engine Rambler did not pass by either; it created a navigator called Rambler-Browser, which, like the above products, is based on the Chromium engine, therefore it combines high loading speed of web pages and flexible options for expanding functionality due to the huge number of additions for every taste.

Rambler Nichrom (this is its second name) is very similar to Google Chrome, but differs from the latter in that it displays the latest local and world news on a new tab in the form of tiles, and this is not surprising, because Rambler owns the most popular news publication in Russia, Lenta. In addition, if you use mail from Rambler, then the browser will provide you with a useful widget that will display the number of new letters, this is a very convenient function, you can safely surf the Internet and not be afraid of missing an important letter.

Of course, Rambler Browser has its own search engine built-in, but this does not limit the user in any way, so you can choose Yandex, Google or any other you like as a search engine. By the way, if you read articles on Rambler partner sites, the application will begin to offer you materials that will be of interest specifically to you. In addition, it is very convenient that the browser displays information about the weather in your region directly on the panel, so you will be aware of what is “going on” outside your window.

Plus, Rambler Browser allows you to create a page with your favorite sites to get quick access to them. The navigator is also equipped with powerful protection against various network threats and by default contains web addresses of the best media in bookmarks. It should also be noted that it is possible to enter search query right in address bar, this function is very convenient solution, because you don't have to waste time loading the search engine page, instead you get a search results page almost immediately.

If you use Rambler services, then you should download Rambler Browser in Russian. The program has a simple and clear interface, can download files from the network, installs quickly and works very stably.

In addition to this web browser, you can download Mozilla Firefox for free, this browser is time-tested.

"Rambler"– formerly the domestic postal service search system, which has turned into a media and service login portal that is popular among Russian users. Among its services there is also a free postal service, which today provides various useful features and providing reliable protection of information from hacking.

Rambler mail entrance

In order to take advantage of the capabilities of the service, you need to enter the Rambler mail to register, i.e. create account, For what:
  • In the search bar of your browser (web browser), type the address and press Enter;
  • On the page that opens, carefully fill in all the fields with the data required for registration (first and last name, year of birth, login and password, mobile phone number, addresses, etc.);
  • After entering all the data, the user is taken to the mail page with standard settings, which each user can change;

Rambler mail password recovery

Set up a method to restore access if lost Rambler mail login/password, for which you need to select one of the security questions and answer it. The second method is to receive a code to the specified mobile phone number and enter it. There is also a “Delete mailbox” button, which you can use to stop working on this service. After logging into their page, the user will be prompted to upload a photo or avatar. This completes registration. To log into the service, you must enter the login and password assigned during registration, and in order for subsequent logins to occur automatically, you must activate the “Remember” button by checking the box. Login is also possible through popular social media, if they have an account. It is recommended to avoid this possibility, preferring a more reliable and proven method using a personal login and password.

Mail registration rambler

If this data is lost, then in order to register your mail on Rambler and restore access, you should perform the following steps (after a message about incorrect login/password entry appears):
  1. Click the “Restore” button, after which you will go to next page;
  2. In the appropriate windows, enter the name of the personal mailbox and a captcha (computer test, code), then click the “Next” button;
  3. On mobile phone, the number of which was specified during registration, you will receive an SMS message with a code that must be entered in the appropriate field;
  4. Next, you will be asked to create and confirm a new password;
If a phone number was not specified during registration, then to restore the data you will need to answer the security question specified during registration. After these steps, you will be prompted to log in to the user page using a new password, which will allow you to work with incoming letters and respond to them. If the service was not initially configured accordingly, the user’s attention will be distracted by “unobtrusive” advertising. To block it, you should install a filter. Smartphones and tablets are suitable for using mail, thanks to the presence mobile version service. To configure it, you need to go to a separate section and act in accordance with the information available there.

Rambler (Rambler, translated from English as wanderer, tramp) - search engine of the Internet holding Rambler Media Group.

The search engine takes into account the morphology of Russian, Ukrainian and English languages, and also when searching, it goes through all forms of queries and produces results based on the degree of compliance with the query.

Rambler, one of the very first search engines on the Internet market, played a huge role in the development of the Runet. With a small number (no more than 5%), the search engine ranks 3rd after Yandex and Google.

The Rambler search audience is basically represented by people who have been using the system almost since its inception.

The advantages of Rambler include a thematic rating of sites, a news service, an Internet messenger, an online payment service, free mail and contextual advertising service Begun, etc.

Chronicle of events

In 1991, a group of scientists, namely Sergei Lysakov, Yuri Ershov, Dmitry Kryukov, Viktor Voronkov and Vladimir Samoilov, from the Institute of Biochemistry and Physiology of Microorganisms of the Russian Academy of Sciences, set out to develop a local network for the exchange of scientific and technical information in Pushchino. Soon the network was connected to Moscow, and then to the Internet. The project quickly started working and began to actively develop.

The official year of birth of the search engine is considered to be 1996, when Dmitry Kryukov created a search service called Rambler. In 1996, other search engines had already been created and were operating, but, unlike Rambler, they were not popular.

In 1997, Dmitry Kryukov introduced a certain scale, the Rambler’s Top100 classifier, which is responsible for determining the authority of sites depending on the frequency of their visits.

In 1999, the position of director of development and research, and then the position of executive director, was taken by Igor Ashmanov, who left the company in 2001. He described his work at Rambler in the book “Life Inside a Bubble,” where he described in detail the company’s activities for 1999-2001, as well as why Rambler lost its 1st place in the domestic Internet market.

In 2004, Rambler's Top 100 was issued an ISO 9001 quality certificate.

In 2007, Mark Opzumer took over as CEO. In 2009, vertical search was added based on eXtended AGgregator technology. On December 31, 2009, the entire top management quit Rambler, along with general director Mark Opzumer and in the same year the search engine received the “Runet Prize” in the “Culture and Mass Communications” category.

Since April 2009 Olga Turishcheva, who worked at Vympel as director of venture business development, runs Rambler.

At the end of June 2011, Rambler switched to Yandex search technology. Along with its advantages, the search engine also has disadvantages, especially compared to Yandex or Google. In Rambler search, algorithms are rarely updated, there are practically no filters to control the quality of Internet sources for low-frequency or mid-frequency queries, which increases the number of spam sites, and the algorithm for determining the relevance of sites is also poorly rated. In this regard, Rambler's share among search engines decreased from 20 to 5%.

What can Rambler offer?

Rambler provides not only numerous entertainment projects, but also the following sections:

  1. “Maps” - contains detailed maps of major cities. Users can find out the addresses they are interested in, get any routes and be aware of traffic jams.
  2. In “Price.ru” you can find any product catalogs, information about discounts, reviews of new products, planned events, etc.
  3. “Finance” will always provide the necessary information about currency quotes, the situation on the modern market, stock prices, etc.
  4. In “Ferra.ru” you can find reviews of new digital equipment: cameras, phones, computers, etc.