Rating of popular board games. Rating of board games. Review of board games. Board games for adults

Long gone are the days when companies gathered for some reason spent time at dull feasts, and the only entertainment was eating festive dishes. Of course, why be bored? After all, you can have a lot of fun. However, as for active actions, they are unlikely to appeal to all guests. This is where board games for adults come to the rescue. This is a great alternative active recreation, giving no less fun and enthusiasm. What will you need for this?

Just take one of your favorite board games from the shelf, and, laying out a cardboard board, hand out colored cards to your guests. All you have to do is start, and, without any doubt, everyone at the table will be happily engaged in this process.

Board games For adults it's a fun pastime. In addition, it is very interesting to look at already successful people who find out which of them made money large quantity crystals, or argue about how many points there will be for a particular move.

A little history

Board games have been around for a very long time. The most ancient of them, according to some scientists, were invented more than three thousand years ago. We no longer know anything about the rules of many games, since they were simply lost. However, some of these entertainments have withstood the serious test of time and have safely survived to this day. Among them are chess, renju and go.

In the twentieth century, new board games began to appear in huge numbers. Some of them were simply entertaining, others developed intelligence and mathematical thinking, and the basis of others was laid on the modeling of various situations.

At the end of the twentieth century there arose computer games. And for some time they simply forgot about board games, considering them some kind of anachronism. However, it soon became clear that no gadget could replace live communication, just as cinema could not completely replace the theater.

On this moment humanity is experiencing another surge in interest in board games. Of course, today these are completely different entertainments, but they give jokes and lively laughter from people who are nearby.

The meaning of board games

This entertainment is a wonderful hobby. Moreover, it is suitable not only for a group of friends, but also for family leisure. After all, throwing dice, moving chips and drawing cards with funny tasks written on them will certainly lift your spirits and leave pleasant memories.

So why do we need board games? Reviews from those who often spend their leisure time with them explain their interest for several reasons:

Possibility to choose any genre of entertainment;
- you don’t have to sit at a table to play these games; you can spend time with them while traveling;
- such entertainment makes you rejoice and worry, and also evokes a lot of emotions;
- helps in the development of communication skills and logical thinking;
- brings people together.

In order to choose the right entertainment for yourself, you should carefully study the review of board games. After all, today there are quite a lot of them. This is a wide range from the familiar cardboard games to the most intricate strategies. Moreover, they can be intended for leisure activities of both two players and an entire company.

Game selection

What to offer your guests? For noisy parties, board games that have simple conditions. These can be reaction games. If they get together - Good friends, then in this case more complex entertainment will come in handy. For example, role-playing games. Their main idea is to simulate interesting situations or the intricacies of various professions. In such cases, players are forced to use their intelligence. But it is worth keeping in mind that the rules of such games should be studied in detail beforehand, since they are not simple. Therefore, it is worth taking them on only when experienced players are present at the table. For beginners, it is better to choose something less complicated.

Family games will also be good for relaxation. Many consider them primitive. However, such games provide various tactical maneuvers, as well as paths to victory. Thanks to this, each game becomes unusual, which increases interest in this pastime.

What makes modern board games different for adults? A fascinating process and a clear scheme of actions, as well as relatively short games. That is why such entertainment becomes a suitable option for people of different ages gathered at one table. But in order for all guests, without exception, to have fun, it is worth first deciding on the genre of the game. After all, those who prefer economic strategies are unlikely to like military themes.

Anyone seeking a more complex process should not be intimidated by the rules laid out on several pages. Indeed, in this case, the game will contain a large number of various elements.

What if you're not in a hurry? For such a company, games are suitable whose games can last from 3 to 5 hours. This kind of leisure has its own advantages. It gives complete immersion in the proposed atmosphere and much more emotions.
What to choose for your company? Below is an overview of board games. After getting to know him, you can make your final choice.


The rating of games (board games) begins this entertainment, which will appeal to real strategists. The game got its name from the castle of the same name, located in the south of France. The inventor of the entertainment was a music teacher from Germany, Klaus-Jürgen-Rehde. He was so captivated by this area that he created a real masterpiece. The first edition of his works was published in 2000. Already in 2001, Carcassonne received the prestigious Game of the Year award in Germany, awarded by a professional jury. This entertainment almost immediately became popular. And this is confirmed by the number of copies sold, which amounted to more than six million.

At first glance, the game may seem somewhat complicated. However, this is not at all true. Everyone can play it, even children who are already eight years old.

How to travel to sunny summer France? To do this, it is enough to collect good company from 3 to 6 people and purchase a box with the game.
The rules are so simple that ten minutes is enough to learn them. Players are invited to become medieval feudal lords. Their task includes the gradual formation of a map of the area from squares, the construction of monasteries, roads and cities. In other words, they do everything that a real ruler should do. The winner must collect a larger number of mils - multi-colored tokens of subjects, when placed on the ground, opponents cannot develop their vigorous activity.

Mastering this game is not difficult. Each of her games will be a real discovery for those who have temporarily turned into a medieval feudal lord. After all, you will have to constantly create a new state with a unique landscape and cities. For those for whom the basic version of this game is not enough, you can offer to purchase an add-on. This is an application containing towers and dragons. There will also be princesses in it.

Carcassonne is a true classic among the huge number of board games. This is interesting and dynamic, as well as perfectly balanced entertainment. Before deciding on a move, the player should think carefully, which is an excellent exercise for the brain.


The rating of games (board games) continues this entertainment, the history of which begins in the USSR, around the 70s of the last century. It is believed that the inventors of this tabletop are MSU students. Today it is difficult to say whether this is true or fiction. But, without any doubt, the board game "Jackal" was very common in those years among students.

The plot of this entertainment takes us to a tropical island. It is up to the players to explore it. After all, there are so many treasures on the island that even in a dream old man Flint could not imagine.

However, the board game "Jackal" is not a simple excavation in search of gold. After all, there are also opponents who will not give up treasures so easily. In one turn, you can only pick up one coin, which you need to drag to the ship waiting off the coast. The enemies are not asleep. It is easier for them to plunder an already collected treasure than to search for it, risking ending up in the clutches of a cannibal.

The Jackal playing field is assembled from squares, offering different options each time. Thanks to this, each batch is different from the previous one, and no one knows what awaits him in the yet unexplored area.


Our rating of board games continues with entertainment created by Klaus Thyberg in 1995. Just a year after its release, “Colonizers” won all the most prestigious awards in the world. At the same time, the game was translated into 30 languages, which made it possible to sell more than a million copies.

"Colonizers" is a board game that invites participants to drop anchor off the coast of an island that is not on any map. Stepping onto its soil, you can immediately make two discoveries. The first of these is that the island has rich natural resources. The second discovery is the fact that there are several colonizers on it. This is where the expansion of the island, called Catan, begins.

"Colonizers" is a board game that is quite easy to master. But unlocking its potential may take quite a long time. Party members compete with each other. They constantly interact in their quest to conquer the island. This activity turns out to be very exciting for 3-4, and if you buy the expansion, for 5-6 players.


The board game "Mafia" exists in more than one form. Today, many different options are offered, the number of which can be compared with the card “Fool” or preference. Every self-respecting mafia company has its own rules of the game. But as for the classic version, the Mafia board game begins with its participants sitting around the table and appointing a leader. His responsibilities include distributing cards and conducting the entire party process. The presenter is not a player and cannot give hints.

The game's plot takes place in Rome. Honest citizens (players who received red cards) learn that a mafia has started in their hometown. They gather in the square to eradicate evil. However, among them are members of the mafia (players who received black cards). The villains' task is to skillfully disguise themselves as honest citizens and gradually get rid of them.


This game, whose name means “one” in Italian, continues our ranking of the most popular entertainment. The board game Uno was invented back in the 70s of the last century and is known to many. Participants are offered a deck of cards. It contains 106 sheets, which are divided by numbers (from 0 to 9), as well as by colors. In addition, the Uno board game contains other cards. With their help, the color offered by the game and the direction of the moves themselves change. Additional cards allow you to exchange decks with any of the participants. The player's main task is to get rid of cards. When he only has one of them left in his hands, he can shout "Uno". After this, the remaining participants count their points. The loser is the one who scored the minimum number of them. He is out of the game.


This rather simple, but at the same time exciting entertainment also deserves the right to be in our rating. The board game "Imaginarium" invites its participants to come up with associations for various images that are in the box. Moreover, the pictures are drawn quite unusually. They belong to the brushes of artists, quite possibly having some deviations.

The associations that the Imaginarium board game offers can be easy to understand. This is, for example, “summer” or “friendship”. However, there are also unpredictable ones among them, such as “Where to laugh?”, “Run faster,” etc.


This word game is known all over the world. Using it, people have a great time and with great interest in any company. The board game Scrabble has many versions. Some of them allow you to play on the go.

This entertainment is reminiscent of a crossword puzzle. But unlike the latter, participants are not required to guess, but to form words. Each correctly guessed letter is awarded points. The one who composes the most words becomes the winner.


This game is for those who dream of getting rich quickly. Its participants turn into gnomes who, in the shortest possible time, are able to find gold-bearing veins and dig up gems. Players are asked to split into two teams. One of them is bearded workers, and the second is malicious pests. The task of the former is to build a tunnel that will lead to treasure. The latter seek to hinder the hard workers and get the nuggets without making any effort.

Surely everyone has at least one favorite board game. Be it Elias, Rummy or classic Monopoly. Board games not only allow you to have fun with family or friends, but also enjoy live communication, which is so lacking in this era social networks and ubiquitous gadgets. However, in order for children to join the games, they must be accessible and understandable to our children. We've selected 10 great board games that both adults and children will enjoy.

For 2-5 players.

Carcassonne is loved all over the world. Players build medieval castles, monasteries, and roads. All this is in the form of tokens that are laid out on the playing field. It should be noted that entire world-class championships are held in Carcassonne. In addition, this game is one of the best for beginners, because more than one guru of the most complex strategic board games grew up on it.

For 2-5 players.

In this game we are building a zoo. The task is to select and deliver animals, organize enclosures for them, and attract visitors. Moreover, you need to try hard to make your zoo better than those of your competitors - other players. The rules are easy to explain and play is fun, but these characteristics are the most important in board games for children.

For 2-8 players.

(Spot It) has long been one of the favorites among children. The attention game consists of 55 cards with pictures on which you need to find matching objects. The one who discovered them first takes the card for himself. And the game ends when there are no cards left in the deck.

For 2-5 players.

Or Ribbit. In this game, we use cards to control turtles as they run to the finish line along a path of 10 bricks. The trick is that until crossing the finish line, none of the players knows which turtle belongs to which player except their own. The chips move back and forth, dragging those who climbed on top of them, or they themselves “fall on someone’s tail.” The rules of the game are very easy to understand even for children, and the process is very exciting and not stupid.

For 2 players.

A card game where players take on the role of adventurers. On the playing field there are 5 exotic places with various artifacts hidden there. On their turn, players place cards with values ​​from 2 to 10 on any of these zones. But there is one limitation - the value of each new card The one you post should be higher than the previous one. The game is on for glasses, and requires the ability to count and think logically.

For 2-4 players.

During the game, players need to plant seeds, collect fruits, feed pets and sell their farm products at the market. With the money you earn, you need to buy new seeds, and so on until you raise the most well-fed and happiest animals. Children and their parents will definitely be pleased with the design and the feeling of competition in pursuit of the title of the best farmer.


For 1-4 players or can be played alone, like solitaire.

Blokus is an abstract board game where you place colored pieces on a board. Your figures and your opponents' figures should touch each other at the corners. Very simple rules, Truth? However, the game process is quite exciting and challenging.

Unlimited number of players.

This game is somewhat reminiscent of Dominoes. Players place tiles on the field depicting figures from six possible colors and receive points for the longest lines of the same color laid out. The one with the most points in the worst color wins. Care and strategy are very important in this game.

For 2-5 players.

Or . This board game can rightfully be called a family game, because it will be interesting to both children and grandparents. The players' task is to get directions from different cities by typing maximum amount points. What's distinctive is that there are practically no words on the components of this game, but only colored cards from which the cars are assembled. But even so, due to the variety of routes and small additions, the game retains its interest.


For 2 players.

Hive or Hive is a game in which each player receives 11 hexagonal insect shapes, each of which has special properties. The task is to surround the enemy's insect queen and protect your own.

Live human communication is becoming a rare skill in our time. How to take children out of the virtual world and show them the real world? With the help of good family traditions: hikes and picnics, bicycles and roller skates, guests and family gatherings with good board games. What games can teach a child to communicate, listen and understand another person?

Let's start with communication games for preschoolers. It makes sense to develop communication abilities when speech is well formed and the child has learned to clearly express his thoughts, from about 6 years old. And at school it will be much easier for sociable children to adapt.

Communication games for children 6-7 years old

good game with your favorite characters, which greatly unites players. Because we need to act together here, and this is the only way to win. Players work together to help Ellie and her friends get to the Emerald City, quickly completing various fun tasks and not forgetting that Bastinda is on their heels.

is a game of communication and imagination. Players come up with associations for their pictures, try to understand the associations of other players, understand each other’s way of thinking, which means this game greatly improves communication skills and mutual understanding.

Games that promote communication, children 8-10 years old

Gather a group of schoolchildren and do something? With Danetki this will be easy. There is an unusual, mysterious incident and we need to unravel it. There will be no evidence, no, but you can ask questions, yes and no. Here even the silent ones will not be able to resist and will take part in the general discussion! Moreover, “Danetki” can be chosen for every taste: real-life cases, detective stories, rich and famous, horror stories. There will be no indifferent people!

Famous is also a game that promotes communication well. Show the “full moon” with gestures and facial expressions? Easily. Explain the word “prejudice” without a single word? That's possible too! What if you hide your hands behind your back? Yes, in addition to task cards, the authors have prepared even more difficult cards to make the game more interesting. A cheerful, friendly atmosphere is established by the 8th minute of “Crocodile”.

It is simply created for quiet family or friendly gatherings. Everyone receives a piece of colored plasticine and a task that must be depicted in this plasticine. For example, "lawnmower". And then the players ask each other questions, trying to understand what they have created. The game puts you in a positive mood and is very relaxing.

Communication games for ages 12 and up

Now let's discuss games for teenagers. , a gaming hit for many years, is suitable for a company of any size, from 3 to 16 people. Each round, the team chooses one person who will explain the task word to them. Explanations in “Activity” come in three types: synonyms, pantomime, drawing. The game is simple, so even beginners can immediately start playing and enjoy it.

An adrenaline rush, a lot of laughter and +100 to mutual understanding - this is a game. Participants are divided into teams of 2 people and then this begins: team members explain to each other different characters (historical figures, book heroes, world stars). In the first round, the explanation occurs through description, in words, that is, in the second - with gestures, in the third - with just one word. In all rounds, the same set of words is played and it is unknown which team will get what, so everyone is watching the progress of the game intently and carefully.