Rating of smart watches with GPS. Children's watch GPS tracker with good battery life and splash protection

A GPS watch is a useful accessory that can protect your child. It is important for parents to know where their children are, what they do after school and where they go for walks. The GPS module in children's watches determines the child's location. If he leaves the watch area, for example, a school after hours, parents will receive a message. If the child turns off or removes the watch, parents will be notified via SMS. And if something out of the ordinary happens to a child, such watches always have an alarm button, from which parents will also receive a signal.

Main functions

Through a mobile application on a smartphone or tablet, you can track your child’s location on a map in real time. In addition, you can call your child on the watch - it is equipped with a microphone and speaker, and some models also have a camera. The child can only call several specified numbers, which are indicated by the parents. Additionally, you can exchange short voice messages, as in popular instant messengers, and in case of danger, give a signal with the SOS button.

The gadget allows parents to listen to the sound from the watch's microphone. Some models can count the number of steps taken and calories burned. There are moisture-resistant and shock-resistant models. On one charge, the watch can work for up to two days.

Coverage area

Like mobile phone, the watch operates within the coverage area of ​​the operator that issued the SIM card. New watch models are equipped with a touch screen and a GPS/GSM module with precise positioning via Wi-Fi. This allows you to find children in places with poor GPS reception.

In addition to determining location, the watch has an “electronic fence” function: when a child leaves a pre-defined zone, the watch sends an alert to parents.

Advantages over smartphones

A watch-phone with a GPS tracker is light and small. In addition, they differ favorably from a smartphone, with which you can also determine the location of a child, in that they cannot be left somewhere, lost or turned off - in the settings you can disable the power button on the watch. You can use your phone to listen to music, play games, and surf the Internet, which can interfere with your studies. There are no games, music player or Internet browser on the watch.

A reference article based on the author's expertise.

Parental worries about children, maternal and paternal fears... all this is absolutely natural. As one famous TV presenter would say - “THIS IS THE NORM!” Well, how could it be otherwise: every week TV shows us a parade of pedophiles and perverts, newspapers talk about the crimes of kidnappers and emergency situations involving too hooligan boys and girls. The fear for children does not go away even when they turn from mischievous little ones into independent teenagers. The first motorcycle, a trip to the mountains, friendship with dangerous guys... Sometimes you really want to follow up and make sure: is your son or daughter not risking their health?

Technologies satellite tracking and the development of mobile applications have given this opportunity to parents around the world. Over the past 10-15 years, hardware developers have developed a wide variety of GPS balls and people tracking devices. The irony of fate: it all started with devices designed to control prisoners and suspects ordered by US courts... and ended with an extensive system of gadgets for children, the elderly and subordinates.

At one time, we talked about special devices for tracking people, cars and animals. But today we are interested in the specifics of kid-trackers - children's trackers. Are they safe? How can they be useful for parents and how do they work?

Are trackers legal for children? Are GPS balls legal?

Any reasonable person, before starting to follow someone, should think about the legality of his action. Moreover, many countries are actively fighting against all spy technologies (including those related to GPS). The solution to this issue must be sought based on three factors. On the one hand, from the human right to freedom of personality and movement, written in ALL world constitutions. On the other hand, you need to remember about the feasibility factor of tracking and judicial precedents. Let us explain what we are talking about.

If someone decides to spy on an adult with whom he is not related, this will be a significant reason for legal proceedings. There have already been cases in the world when the court sentenced individuals to large fines for installing GPS beacons on vehicles their friends. This action is contrary to a person's right to personal freedom and pursues the interests of another person. A well-known portal gives an example: one of the American employers monitored the movements of subordinates without their knowledge... and ended up in the dock. I forgot that his employees are individuals too!

However, this rule does not apply in cases where " big Brother“carries out tracking with the permission of the “victim.” Thus, owners of large transport companies often ask truckers to sign consent to install “beacons” in their cars. After this, it will be difficult for lawyers to find fault with such “espionage.”

But what to do when it comes to the control of minors? Shouldn't we sign contracts with them? Here we need to look for another expediency. For example, geolocation becomes relevant when it comes to state control over deviant individuals. The IBLS legal portal provides an example of an interesting trial. In one of the US states, a 16-year-old teenager was required to carry a GPS tracker with him: he often misbehaved and got into trouble. And the police decided to force him to go to school. The teenager went to court for infringement of personal rights... and lost. The judge ruled that both society and the boy himself benefit from this surveillance.

The second case of expedient surveillance concerns tracking that ensures the safety of the life of a minor. Until the age of legal capacity, parents are responsible for the health, safety and actions of their children. This means that it will be very difficult for the court to prove their guilt in spying on their own daughter or son. And what? They decided so for them - they have the right!

To justify such actions, the child’s verbal consent or weighty arguments about the danger existing in his life will be sufficient. In any case, so far there have been no judicial precedents in the world refuting this fact. Even if you imagine that some rowdy boy or girl gets offended and decides to sue his own mom and dad... it will be very difficult for him to convict them. Indirect proof of the legality of “children’s GPS tracking” is the free sale of specialized gadgets throughout the world. If the authorities were against it, they would suffer the fate of FM beacons and spy cameras. which we have already talked about in ours.

True, one caveat needs to be made here too. When purchasing child tracking devices, check to see if they have a built-in camera or voice recorder. In this case, the gadget is already classified as a prohibited spy device. There are a lot of such gadgets on various Chinese online markets. So, be careful.

Classification of children's trackers. How do child tracking gadgets work?

The vast majority of tracking devices operate GPS technology. As a rule, it is supported by GSM antennas, but their presence is not essential. Less often you can find search beacons that “contact” with GLONASS satellites. But such models can already be found in Russia, China and Eastern Europe. Although, let's be honest, they will not be included in our review.

This does not mean that there are no alternatives in the world. The universe of gadgets knows examples of use GSM frequencies and radio waves to track people. And today we will tell you about a couple of such devices. But still, satellite technologies will be at the center of the material.

U All GPS gadgets have distinctive features: they are compact, have an autonomous and relatively powerful power supply system, and are also supplied with at least the simplest thematic software from the developer. Usually these are very primitive programs with a weak interface.

All devices created to monitor children have two key abilities: they can:

  • determine the child’s current location online or upon request (you receive his coordinates with a minimum time delay);
  • control the child’s movement in permitted and prohibited zones, which parents program independently.

What kind of zones are these? Let's explain at simple example. you literally divide the whole city into locations: “yard”, “school”, “neighbor’s yard”, “dangerous forest full of pedophiles”, “ditch”, etc. And, as soon as the baby enters one of the designated zones, the corresponding message is sent to your PC or smartphone notification.

Then the differences between kid trackers begin. They relate to the form, software and functions of gadgets. ABOUT additional features We will tell you about such devices below, but for now let’s pay attention to the more noticeable differences.

Form. Most often, child tracking devices come in three versions. In the first case, we are talking about the form factor of a wearable gadget: either bracelet, or watch or even pendant for girls. Usually these are bright and cool models, however, made from the most simple materials like plastic and rubber. Such a device will always be next to the child (literally - on him). But here’s the problem: a fashionista girl can quickly get tired of a bright bracelet, and some idiot will give it to her friend. You can’t escape the connection to style and fashion with this thing.

Second option - miniature GPS beacons. Such boring boxes or pencil cases that you can put in your son’s backpack or daughter’s jacket pocket. In some cases, they are also painted or even disguised as objects familiar to children. But the point of these devices is their miniature size. They hide conveniently, no one knows about them... in general, almost a spy gadget. Unlike their wearable counterparts, they are less likely to break, get scratched, or get lost. Although no one guarantees that your child will not forget his backpack or jacket anywhere.

Well, they stand apart from the other two options... smartphones! Mobile phones can also perfectly function as a GPS beacon (if they have a geolocation function). You just need to run special application. The child will certainly not get tired of this toy, and he will be afraid of losing his smartphone. If desired, you can even achieve complete secrecy of tracking: install the service without the knowledge of the little “owner” of the phone. And he will already work “underground”. Although we will leave this opportunity to your discretion and your conscience.

Accuracy. The model description must indicate the approximate accuracy of the object definition. The coolest trackers find the child’s coordinates with an error of 3-5 meters; less effective models are not so accurate - they can be off by 10, 30 or even 100 meters. However, in practice this difference is often leveled out. Moreover, the quality of coordinate determination is directly affected by the number of satellites that the tracker “sees” at that moment.

Carrier age. Everything is simple here. For kids up to 4-5 years old Manufacturers offer bright, cheerful wearable devices with high detection accuracy. They can be used to install an “alarm zone” several meters in size. That is, the child moved from one room to another (for example, to the kitchen - where there are a lot of sharp objects and the oven is working), and his parents have already received a notification about this. Older children do not need such precision.

Schoolchildren You can already trust a smartphone with a GPS application, a wearable gadget, and classic “boxes”. Manufacturers often add various social and interactive functions here: like the ability to chat with your favorite child or “family monitoring.” With its help, the child can already see on the map of the city where in this moment his parents are there.

Older guys, college students and high school graduates are a different story. They get behind the wheel of a motorcycle, and sometimes a car. GPS gadgets with speed level detection have been developed especially for such “children.” As soon as your child exceeds the required speed threshold, you will know about it! Well, of course, plastic watches with Mickey Mouse will not suit older brothers and sisters at all. You can also purchase a GPS bracelet or smart watch for them. This is now fashionable among young people. Fortunately, tracking functions are also provided there.

Panic button for children and other useful functions of children's trackers

In addition to the main functions, a kids tracker should have all sorts of nice bonuses. One of the most popular features of children's trackers is "alarm button". When the owner of the gadget gets into some kind of trouble, the “alarm” calls his parents for help. Or sends an SMS with the exact coordinates of the “trouble”, or connects their phones with a direct call signal.

A less important but very common service is movement log. In it you can see directly on the city map all the routes of movement of the tracker’s owner during the day. With the help of the journal, parents check whether they missed any dangerous actions of the child during the day, whether he always did what he was supposed to do, etc. This memory is not dimensionless: as a rule, the “history of walks” is enough for a couple of weeks . For the best models, this period is extended to 2-3 months.

About determining the speed of an object we already wrote. With the help of an electronic speedometer you can find out not only whether the traffic your young cyclist, but also how well a school bus driver can drive. Well, or the neighbor whom you asked to take your child home.

Some very advanced devices, looking on the map... for sex offenders. In the USA and a number of countries there are electronic databases of pedophiles and child abductors. These bases “remember” the criminal’s place of residence, as well as the areas of his work and habitat. So, for a fee, any US or UK citizen can set an “alarm alert” to their tracker. It will be sent to the parents’ phone, even if the son or daughter simply walks past the old pedophile’s house.

Of course, the interactive 21st century has not left customers kids trackers without communication. Their software can connect geolocation data with similar social networking services. Kids love checking in on maps on Facebook and Twitter! Why not do this with a tracking app? And they feel fashionable, and their parents take care of their peace. For the most friendly families, children's trackers provide chats, dialers and the exchange of short text messages.

Which models combine all these delights, and which have only a minimum of useful functions? Let's try to figure it out in a review of specific family trackers.

Monitoring children without GPS

We promised to introduce you to models that do not rely on the GPS standard in their work? Please! Manufacturers of baby trackers regularly turn to old radio wave technology for help.

Parents of the smallest children are best familiar with such devices. It is clear that radio waves are not capable of controlling the movement of a person over long distances. But they can keep track of a child in one house or even a small yard. AND best example in this domain - Guardian Angel. This is a real bestseller and a favorite of caring mothers.

The creators of this device worked for a long time with statistics on child accidents and disappearances. And they found out that babies very often get into trouble in close proximity to their parents. In their opinion, either parental attention or their “Guardian Angel” can prevent loss. GA monitors the site from a distance from 10 to 50 meters from parents, who still have the remote control key fob in their hands (in new versions - up to 160 meters). And a baby with a cute pendant toy can calmly crawl around them. But as soon as he gets out of the permitted zone, the parents will hear a corresponding signal. If they do not see the child at this moment, then the light indicator will show them which direction to move. Like a game of hot and cold, it will only glow when they are on the right path. This device costs about 40-50 dollars.

It’s interesting that the developers also took care of large families. At a bargain price you can purchase a set with 4 beacons for kids at once.

Another example of how a children's tracker works without GPS - project LociLoci. The program works on a principle known to iPhone users using the “Find My iPhone” service as an example. This application can be installed on absolutely any smartphone for a small amount (in Britain - 5 pounds). At the same time, the phone may not have the notorious GPS sensor. The program will still calculate the location of the object: this principle will be effective only if the child begins to carry the gadget with him! Well, the second condition is that you must have the same program. After all, this is an online service, and to search for a daughter or son, parents will have to go online. Everything seems simple, but there is also a significant drawback: unlike many classic sensors, LociLoci will be completely useless if you have a negative Internet account on your mobile phone.

The best children's GPS trackers

It's time to tackle the most popular segment of children's trackers: GPS gadgets.

Let's start with the price segment "up to 100 bucks". For this price it’s possible to find even a very decent model. Moreover, there are devices on the market for 20-30 dollars.

For example, Lemonbest® Portable Mini GMS GPS GPRS Tracker. The simplest sensor available for $20. This is one of the many Chinese fantasies on the theme of a children's tracker. It only works in conjunction with SIM card: SIM card is needed for implementation feedback with parent clients. The device is not able to transmit data about the location of an object constantly. He only sends them when you... call him. At this moment, Lemonbest will send you an SMS with the child’s coordinates.

It looks like a simple black box, not the smallest - but it fits in the palm of your hand. It should be placed in the child’s pocket or backpack, from where the device will “broadcast.” True, there is one thing: Lemonbest does not use the strongest UBLOX Chip sensor. And too thick walls can kill its signal 100%. So manufacturers recommend using the sensor only outdoors. For example, while walking.

We agree, the device is rather weak. But it has “panic button” and the function of determining “home” and “foreign” zones, normal water protection. And the accuracy is not the worst - 5 meters. True, he can spend up to 45 seconds determining the location... and this is no good.

Among similar Chinese “inventions” there are models that are 5-10-15 bucks more expensive. They all have similar characteristics. Perhaps someone has learned to “break through” walls and send messages via e-mail. But still, buying them is risky. After all, they can break at any moment. They also don’t have their own “battery”; you need to insert replaceable batteries several times a day... - a huge drawback for modern devices.

More expensive option - ATian GPS Tracker Mini for 44 dollars. At least this is a gadget with a design... The round coral-colored device can be used as a pendant for girls and even girls. And guys... guys, they can just keep it in their pocket or backpack.

We have before us a clearly more modern device, which is even compatible with the Android OS and Google service Maps. It is also waterproof and has an S.O.S button. and key emergency call. Such a baby definitely won’t take up much space: its diameter is 4 centimeters with a slight thickness of a few millimeters. It's funny, but this neatness attracted not only young parents to the gadget. In various reviews you can find gratitude from the owners of cars, drones, quadcopters who equipped them with ATian. They say: “light, compact and works well - thank you for that.” It also works well with third-party navigation software for parents. In general, the best for your money.

Still not impressive? Let's take a look at another price category for trackers - $100 and up. Here, for the borderline sum of $119, we find one of the most popular tracking gadgets: Pocket Finder. The secret to the success of this device lies in its simplicity and minimalism. The sensor itself is given to the child in the form of a miniature keychain without a screen or even LEDs. Even an experienced thief wouldn’t notice it if something happened: well, there’s a plastic thing hanging there, it doesn’t look like a gadget at all. Such a device is very difficult to lose, it does not bother the “keeper”, and does not attract unnecessary attention. There’s not even anything to break: the device has no wires or buttons.

In fact, this thing is not so simple. It conveys enough information to parents that the company's Pocket Finder software can turn it into useful infographics. We are talking about very extensive data: this is constant tracking of a child’s movements on a map with a decent memory, a report on how much and where he went, recognition of “walking”, driving and public transport... The gadget pays attention to the time a person is idle in one place, the beginning and end of its movement... All this is done on the screen of a smartphone under Apple OS or Android. With Pocket Finder you can view the tracking log for 60 days, and charging the gadget lasts for about a week.

There is one BUT: Most gadgets from $100 and above require more than just a one-time investment when purchasing the device. You have to pay for them every month, like a mobile phone. We are not talking about the largest amounts ($13 per month in our case). They are used to provide branded service. By the way, both the website and the software for this thing are really beautiful. Here you can actually enlarge the city map to maximum size: you will see on it the place where the “object” is located from a height of 10-12 meters! You can also control at least your entire family in one application: the main thing is to buy a “key fob” for everyone

There are a lot of gadgets of this type on the market: but the Pocket Finder has a very advantageous shape, and people somehow fell in love with it.

Children's trackers for smartphones, tracking applications

Finally, here are a couple of popular examples: mobile systems tracking children. Their main advantage is relatively low price and the availability of new special features linked to your smartphones and your child’s phone. There are two types of mobile trackers: they are either provided by your mobile operator or by independent application developers. “Friendship” option with the operator cellular communication seems more tempting to us. Although such applications do not have an “average price,” they can already be found in almost all countries of the world. In this review, we would not like to advertise to any of the giants of the communications market, so we will simply tell you how the “operator tracking” system works.

Typically, such applications work at the intersection of GPS and GSM standards, and at the same time are supplemented with some kind of internal mobile statistics. Geolocation here is quite standard: the customer receives the same coordinates, the same warnings about dangerous areas as on the “classic”. But this case is framed quite interestingly. So, the operator can tell you about the child’s calls, his activity on the Internet and SMS correspondence. You will know even from a distance whether the battery of his phone is low, whether the mobile phone is turned off or working, whether there is money in the account. Are you finished? The same application will help parents to throw a “dollar or two” into the student’s account. He definitely won't mind.

The advantage of such programs is the wide variety of types of notifications: from old SMS to fashionable pop-up messages on the mobile phone screen, visible even in sleep mode. As with Pocket Finder, you will have to pay monthly subscription fee. But you won’t have to buy any separate sensors, and this is already a certain saving.

Do you want independence from large corporations and don’t plan to monitor your child’s SMS correspondence? Then take a closer look at the free ones mobile applications like Life360, Canary, Children Tracker. In America, for example, there are dozens of similar services. Yes, not all of them reached Russia, but experts predict the appearance of analogues on the Russian market ( Locator-tracker, Tracker-plus- have already appeared). Fortunately, you don’t need to invent anything: these programs work on the same geolocation principle and are similar, like twin brothers. You also have to pay for them, but an order of magnitude less than for mobile operators. And a little less - than for the developers of advanced trackers from the previous part of our text.

What are the disadvantages, you ask? They are also available: firstly, phones discharge much faster than special GPS devices. And they don’t “catch satellites” so well: in big cities they can glitch. But it was these programs that went the furthest in matters of interactivity: each service turned into a small social network, where the whole family and the child’s friends can communicate. And what? More fun together!


Most often, parents of primary schoolchildren and teenagers think about buying children's trackers. These are the people - the target audience most tracking device manufacturers. And for them we can recommend, first of all, separate GPS devices. When we talk about child safety, we mean the maximum reliability of technology. But a mobile phone and inexpensive applications cannot always give us this. Another thing is gadgets like Pocket Finder. Yes, you will have to spend 100, or even 200 dollars + a regular subscription fee. But it was the developers of these devices who thought through all the details that can calm an overly excited and even the most worried parent!

Well, for parents of little ones who want to rely on a radio transmitter, let us remind you once again that at a very early age the best tracker still there will be... their own attention!

The independence of children brings great joy to parents, but this joy borders on anxiety and worry. Moms and dads, letting their child go alone to school, for a walk, or for a class, can come up with very scary things. Such fears for the life of a loved one lead to the desire to always know where the child is and whether everything is okay with him. Since you won’t be physically nearby all the time, with the help of gadgets you can provide reliable control, and the baby won’t even guess. Let's try to find the best smart watches with a GPS tracker for children on the modern market, let's look at their functionality, features of choice and advantages over smartphones.

Children's smart watches with a GPS tracker are a real find for caring parents. The set of functions may differ slightly depending on different models, but basically everything the watch allows you to:

Why is a smartwatch better than a smartphone?

Any phone handles calls perfectly, but most cheap smartphone has a built-in GPS module, so turning the gadget into a tracker takes 5 minutes. So why buy another device? Than the clock withGPSa tracker is better regular smartphone? Let us note a number of advantages:

  • The watch is more difficult to lose, since it is firmly held on the hand. It’s easy to drop a phone out of a pocket or backpack, and many parents are well aware of the unpleasant feelings when a child reports that they accidentally lost a brand new gadget;
  • A smartphone is much more convenient for conversations than a watch - we won’t deny it, but sometimes a child will put it at the bottom of his backpack, and all your calls will go unanswered. There are few pleasant things, but a lot of worries;
  • not on the watch gaming applications, which means the child will spend less time in the online world;
  • The watch holds a charge much longer than a smartphone. They will have to be charged once every 4-5 days.

Of course, all this does not mean that smart watches completely replace the phone, just for a younger child school age it will be quite enough just a watch or a watch paired with the most a simple phone(for guarantee).

How do watches with a GPS tracker work?

These gadgets work very simply. The miniature watch case houses a battery for power, a board and the GPS module itself, which is responsible for determining the location by communicating with GPS satellites. However, there are models that also pick up signals from GLONASS satellites, and some can clarify the location using data from towers mobile communications and by Wi-Fi networks. The watch is equipped with its own SIM card, which is responsible for transferring all information to the parents’ smartphone or computer.

A GPS tracker for a child can take the form of more than just a watch. They are produced in the form of keychains, pendants, bracelets and other form factors.

When choosing, you need to pay attention to the following parameters:

  • coordinate determination accuracy. Everything is clear here: the more precise, the better. The most advanced trackers can determine the location with an accuracy of 3-5 m; a little simpler ones show the child’s location with an accuracy of 10-15 m. There are also devices with an error of 30-50 and even 100 m, but the accuracy of the determination is greatly influenced by how much satellites are detected by the tracker;
  • quality of satellite signal reception– no less important parameter. Houses and trees can cause a shielding effect and block the satellite signal, so you may lose contact with your child. The manufacturer, naturally, will not say about this, so it is better to study the reviews of the owners before purchasing. Our rating of children's watches with a GPS tracker includes only high-quality models;
  • many watches have it alarm buttonSOS. When pressed, the parents’ phone either receives a message with the exact coordinates of the child’s location, or receives a call from the child;
  • most models can record the child's route in the “journal of walks”. This useful feature, since you can always see if you missed something during the day;
  • determination of driving speed a sensor is not always necessary, but in some cases this function can become indispensable;
  • most children's smart watch equipped microphone and speaker(some also with a camera) for making calls to predetermined and strictly limited numbers;
  • moisture resistance and impact resistance hours will be a significant advantage;
  • The battery capacity differs in different models: the higher it is, the less often it will be necessary to charge the device.

The market for children's watches with a GPS tracker is quite wide, but the models basically have similar functionality, differing only in advanced functions and brand promotion. Let's go through the most popular and interesting models.

The best watches with a GPS tracker for children


This watch has become absolute leader in sales, and they even began to be counterfeited en masse, so it’s better to buy them in the official store. The model is available in a variety of color options, is made of plastic, weighs only 40 g, and is equipped with a telephone function. Parents will be able to call their baby on the watch (even though it sounds strange), and he will be able to accept the call and talk on speakerphone.

There are several buttons on the side of the watch. One of them SOS, allows you to urgently dial a number entered in advance (a whole group of numbers is entered and calls are made one by one). On the other side there is a button for receiving an incoming call and two buttons for dialing pre-entered numbers. It is possible to discreetly call your child and listen to what is happening to him.

The watch is equipped sensor for removing them from your hand and be sure to notify parents about this. In addition, the model is equipped pedometer, alarm clock, tracks sleep phases, records movement history and will notify if the child has crossed the boundaries of the permitted zones.

The watch has a monochrome backlit screen with a diagonal of 0.96 inches, a 400 mAh battery allows for 100 hours of standby time. Control is carried out through an application on the parents’ smartphone or using SMS commands. Price about $30. Parents complain about not very capacious battery, note difficulties in setting up, but praise the watch for its good design. The main disadvantage is the presence of a lot of low-quality fakes.

Life button K911

These watches will cost a little more (about $40-50), but, according to user reviews, there are practically no complaints, and fakes are rare. The model looks stylish, so the child may not want to take the watch off his hand - let him wear it for health, because the strap is made of soft silicone and will not chafe the skin. There is a decent variety of colors.

The model received protection from moisture. The manufacturer also talks about impact resistance, but the screen is not covered with Gorilla Glass, but simply with plastic. The device weighs 35 g, it is easy to carry on your hand, the screen diagonal is 0.96 inches. The device sends notifications if the watch has been removed from your hand, equipped buttonSOS, when pressed, a 15-second recording of what is happening around is made and sent to the specified subscribers. At this time, the watch goes into answering mode for all calls. There are two buttons for dialing pre-specified numbers.

Parents praise the device for its build quality, design, ease of use and stable performance. The battery lasts for 3-4 days, the device reports a low charge level, but the manufacturer was lying about moisture protection - it’s just splash protection, so you should not swim in such a watch. In addition, glass gets scratched relatively quickly. In terms of price/quality ratio, this is the best smart watch with a GPS tracker for children.


An even more advanced version of the watch. They are equipped in color touch display , can make not only voice but also video calls, it is possible configure safe zones and send notifications when a child crosses their borders. Another feature of the model is the thoughtful fitness app, which allows parents to monitor their child’s physical fitness. The watch is suitable for children aged approximately 7-12 years, it is actually a simplified version of adult smartwatches, since it has a lot additional functions. A call is made by searching for the desired contact in the phone book using the touch screen. The price is appropriate - about $180.

Smart Baby Watch Q80

The model received color touch screen 1.22-inch diagonal, which simplifies watch management and improves appearance devices. The device allows you to receive and make calls, equipped with a button SOS, has a built-in alarm clock and reward function. In addition, the device allows you to receive and send messages. Parents can secretly listen to what is happening to the child, because there is a function that allows you to turn on the microphone built into the watch unnoticed by the baby. The watch has a sensor for removing it from your hand, it is equipped with an anti-loss function, it allows you to view the history of the child’s movement (stored for 1 month) and send alerts when the baby has left the area you have defined.

There are no complaints about the quality of the watch, the device also works quickly and quite accurately, but the sound quality is not very high, and the battery life could be better. They cost about $45-50. Not a bad option for your money.

Life button K917

Externally, the model resembles an adult smartwatch, and its focus on children is only revealed by its bright strap. Actually here there is nothing superfluous, and everything that exists is implemented at its best. The gadget received a 1-inch backlit screen, an alarm clock, protection against water and shock, the ability to receive and make calls, SOS button. Parents can monitor remotely, view movement history, find out when the watch was taken off your hand or when the child left the safe zone. Added for convenience watch search function using a smartphone, this is in case the child loses the watch or forgets where he put it.

Users cite the advantages of ease of control, loud speaker, built-in Wi-Fi, signal stability, and durable body. You can add only 10 contacts to the phone book and 2 for quick calls. The only thing you can complain about here is the price (about $85), but if you want to buy a really high-quality item for your child and always keep in touch, then it’s better not to save.

LG GizmoPal 2

Your vision of children's smart GPS The Korean technology giant also presented the watch. The company relied on appearance and, it seems, was right. The watch is for children, but looks like an adult, while maintaining a bright, attractive design for kids. The device was received touch color display, all settings are carried out using the application, it is not difficult to understand all the details. Standard functions are supported, such as calls, recording movement history and sending a message if the child leaves the boundaries of the designated zone.

Among non-standard functions the ability to voice the time and the function of converting any voice message - it will be pronounced in funny voices, which children like so much. A child will never take such a watch off his hand. Cost about $80.


The first thing that catches your eye is there is no dial here, so it’s a stretch to classify this device as a watch, but the interesting form factor of the device didn’t let us pass it by. Minimalism and ease of use make this gadget ideal for children 3-5 years old. The watch is controlled by voice, and its main element is a large button. By pressing it, the child only needs to say the name of the contact he wants to call, and then press again to make the call. Parents will always know the whereabouts of the child - the information comes in the form of a mark on the map. The device received protection against moisture and dust as standardIP57 .

Smart GPS Watch T58

This watch looks like it wouldn’t even be called a children’s watch. Perfect for both teenagers and seniors. The device allows you to make and receive calls, send and receive voice messages, learn exact location child. You can only call pre-registered numbers. None unnecessary functions There are no complicating controls here. Cost about $70.

  • USB cable with light
  • Charger
  • Screwdriver
  • Spare back cover
  • Two protective films to the screen
  • Instructions
  • Guarantee


  • Case color options – yellow, blue, purple, green, pink, black
  • Dimensions – 30x40x12.5 mm, weight – 42 grams
  • OLED screen, 0.94 inches, a couple of lines of information
  • microSIM (linked to Beeline, but there are also models for any operator)
  • GSM 900/1800
  • IP65 water protection
  • Li-Ion battery 350 mAh, standby time – up to 72 hours
  • Companion program for Android/iOS

The idea of ​​​​creating a children's watch-phone is not at all new; such devices have been appearing on the market for many years, but each time they lack something to succeed. Sometimes the reason for failure is an unusual, childish design that young users do not like, sometimes the high cost of the device and the difficulty of setting it up. Therefore, when I was offered to try the Gator Caref Watch, I did not expect anything special from this watch; sales of analogues in Russia have always been very low, almost unnoticeable. The difference between these watches is that Beeline supported the company and distributes the watches along with tariff plan, which could theoretically create more demand. In practice this, of course, did not happen.

In this kind of devices, for me there are always a few points that I pay attention to even before testing. For example, the desire to make watches inexpensive leads to people abandoning modern chipsets and installing inexpensive 2G modules. In the case of Beeline, this becomes especially poignant, since the company is gradually reducing 2G coverage in many cities, old equipment is breaking down, and new equipment is already working in 3G. It turns out that the device will not be guaranteed to be used throughout the entire country; it will have blind spots, which initially calls into question the whole concept. Another point with the GSM 900/1800 module is that it emits more than 3G/4G communication modules; this is an outdated standard from all points of view. If for ordinary phones this is nothing critical, then for children's watches I would still like to see 3G as more safe standard communications. After all, the child wears the device on his arm for several hours; it transmits coordinates.

Another technical point that was clear even before my children started using the watch is how GPS works. It is impossible to place a high-quality antenna in a miniature and inexpensive device; this is a basic version of GPS, in which the emphasis is not on accuracy, because there is no navigation task here, but rather on approximate coordinates. If in a phone an error of ten meters is critical for the same navigation, then in a children's watch it is completely acceptable and acceptable. Having looked through all the specifications, I did not find support for A-GPS, which seems logical; the old chipset, small battery and other limitations do not allow it to be implemented. GPS does not work indoors, which results in LBS and cell tower positioning starting to turn on. This, in turn, gives an error of hundreds of meters. In my case, this was clearly visible in the way the children entered school. The coordinates changed after a short period of time, and it seemed as if the children had made a leap in space of half a kilometer. If you expected to know exactly where your children are, in the schoolyard or in the school building, then you can forget about it with such accuracy. You need to configure zones with a maximum radius, otherwise there will be a lot of false positives.

But let's focus on how to set up the clock and what you can do with it.

Setting the clock, operating time and other functions

In order for the watch to work, you will need a microSIM with SMS enabled, they are used to exchange data with the parent smartphone. A screwdriver is included; an adult must unscrew the back and install the card. This should be done carefully, as if you shake it vigorously for hours, you can break the wires leading to the battery. The assembly is typical for the Chinese, and when you open the box, you inhale that familiar smell of plastic from China. This can be safely written down as a disadvantage; for a children's device you would expect to see materials of a different quality. They are not bad at all, but they cannot be called good either.

The main part of the case is made of hard plastic, but the strap is soft. At the same time, if children fool around and pull the strap or the watch, the fastenings will come off and the watch will fall.

A variety of body color options is a big plus; you can choose the one that your child likes. But only the black watches are calm, all the others are acidic and quite bright. My children's comment was that they look too toy-like for little ones. And here we come to who is the target group of such a watch-phone. It is possible that these are children aged 4 to 8 years old; older children already want something different in terms of design. Of course, all children are unique, and everything is individual, but this kind of watch-phone is interesting only for little ones.

There is a barcode on the back cover, with its help the watch is registered in the program on the parent’s smartphone (iOS/Android). Before me, the watch was tested by someone else, so it turned out that it cannot be re-registered, it remains tied to the old one account, you need to contact the company so that they can reset all settings remotely. For a new watch, registration is simple, you enter your parents' phones, assign them to the side volume buttons, and also enter the main SOS phone, this mode is activated by the right side button, you need to hold it for three seconds.

For children, the buttons turned out to be tight, they are small, and even pressing them on purpose is a whole lot of work. My children coped with this, but they needed effort; it was impossible to do it unnoticed.

Since the watch allows you to make calls, the child can dial you using two numbers; it is impossible to enter any other numbers, just as the watch does not accept calls from numbers that are unknown to it (the same goes for SMS). During a conversation, the connection is more like a walkie-talkie, it is impossible to speak at the same time, the child speaks first, then you. If you try to talk together, you won’t hear anything. The quality of speech transmission is a C with a minus. The location of the speaker and the microphone also affects it. But in principle, it is possible to figure out what the child wants.

In normal mode, you can display the time on the screen (digital or analog clock), you can send SMS, they will be displayed on the display, this function seemed completely useless to me. The IP65 protection standard allows you to wash your hands in the watch, but it will not work under water.

The manufacturer claims that the watch operates in standby mode for 70-72 hours. I have never achieved such results in Moscow, and this despite the fact that all the settings were gentle. Typically the watch would run until the evening before needing to be charged (the cable lights up and the kids love it!). Charging time for the watch is less than two hours from a PC. In winter, the battery can freeze, and then the operating time is sharply reduced.

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Short conclusion

A watch-phone for a child is a complex product in every sense. The child needs to like them and want to use them. This did not happen with the Gator Caref Watch; my children quickly lost interest, if not instantly. The youngest even hid them under her shirt, as they were “not very fashionable.” But this could be survived if they gave parents a sense of security, and not false, but real security. But this does not happen, since in the absence of A-GPS, they determine indoor coordinates with an error of up to a kilometer! In reality, I got an error of 500 meters, but this is enough to say that the main function works, to put it mildly, uncertainly.

What can this children's watch-phone compare to? Probably with any “adult” inexpensive smartphone. You can go to the operator's store and buy for 2-3 thousand rubles modern smartphone on Android, where you can easily install software for parental controls, game restrictions and the like. The presence of a full-fledged GPS/A-GPS makes tracking the device a nonsense; the operating time will be noticeably longer than that of a watch. But the main thing is that the child will have an adult phone and will not feel that they are trying to give him something special, something that he does not see from other children.

The price of Gator Caref Watch is 6,990 rubles, which seems to me to be too high a price for this product. In the absence of competitors, it is probably justified, and the niche is very small. But there is simply no point in such a watch; this idea does not stand up to the test of practice. It’s a pity, but the device was designed more for parents who care about the safety of their children, but do not go into details of how it will be ensured and whether it will be.

Sons and daughters are growing up. The time comes when they go to school on their own, for a walk in the yard, and begin to travel without adults on public transport. Children's smart watches Smart Baby Watch with GPS - a real godsend for caring parents. They connect to mom or dad's smartphone.

High tech electronic device There are many models on the market. The site’s specialists have selected the most worthy samples that combine stylish design and extensive functionality. And at the same time they are quite inexpensive!

Main advantages

  • Location determination. GPS trackers indicate exact coordinates, transmitting them to parents. The history of movements can be stored for a long time.
  • Fast communication. You can call or send a message; the child only needs to press 1 button on the body. The "SOS" function allows you to quickly contact an adult in case of an emergency.
  • Hand-held indicator. Sensor Anti-Lost will help you find your watch, it will never get lost.
  • Sound monitoring. It's easy to listen to what's going on around you, even without the owner of the device knowing.
  • Athlete's assistant. In some samples of children's smart watch Baby Watch has a pedometer and calorie counter. There is also a speed meter, which is extremely convenient for monitoring teenagers who ride mopeds and motorcycles.

Sleep monitoring, impact-resistant glass and case are very nice additions! Depending on the sample, some features may not be available. We are ready to promptly advise on each modification presented in the catalog and help with choosing a bright and useful gift for a preschooler or a demanding teenager!

Why should you order now?

The Smart Baby Watch store offers direct deliveries from manufacturers. Therefore, our prices are 1.5-2 times lower than on other sites. By ordering from us, you avoid large markups and a chain of intermediaries. Modern boys and girls are the same as they were 20-30 years ago. They don’t want to return home from a walk, they don’t like to keep track of time.

But it is innovative electronic watches that allow you to avoid quarrels due to being late. You can always track your child’s movement, install an “electronic fence” upon arrival alarm signal when crossing it. And the products themselves are interesting to the children.

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